Where to Find Perk Magazine Locations in Fallout 4

There are many collectibles in Fallout 4 and Perk Magazines are one of them. Once you collect these perks you can unlock various unique upgrades for your perks which are normal, not accessible in the game. This Fallout 4 guide will provide you details on where to find perk magazines in Fallout 4.

Fallout 4

Just like Fallout 3 these Magazines used to improve your skills for a limited time, they will work the same way in Fallout 4 but with some additional features. Let's Check out the Types of Different Perks magazines and What effect do they cause:

Astoundingly Awesome Tales
This Magazine Perk provides you +5 Action Points or +5% damage against Ghouls, Mirelurks, Super Mutants or +5% Heal the Radiation Damage.

Covert Operations Manual
20% Harder to detect while sneaking

Grognak the Barbarian
The Barbarian Perk can be unlocked with this Grognak the Barbarian comic book. This Perk Increase your melee attacks by 5% and can take critical hits when unarmed.

Guns and Bullets
Increases the Ballistic Weapon damage by 5%

Live & Love
Every Issue that influences companions give you a unique perk. Provides you bonuses when you have companions.

Massachusetts Surgical Journal
Increases +2% Limb damage 

RobCo Fun
If you notice carefully than each issue have a holodisk with a Holotape Game Copy.

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
Bargaining with Vendors is now easy

Tesla Science Magazine
Book with several issues with each has the power to increase 5% energy weapon damage.

Total Hack
Allows you to hack Advanced terminals turrets and lights

Tumblers Today
Every time you collect this unique perk it makes your lockpicking easier.

Wasteland Survival Guide
Increase your collecting meta animal kills 

Stay Tuned... This guide will be updated soon with more Unique Perk Magazines.

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