Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Walkthrough

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Ready for more Dark Souls? The hardcore action-RPG dungeon crawler is back with all new areas, enemies, and bosses with the “Artorias of the Abyss” DLC pack. Here, we’ll cover all the new content that’ll maim, smash, slice, melt, and murder you and try to get you through the game safely. It’ll take a whole lot of patience, but take it slow and use our tips — you might make it through to the end.

Looking for secrets? Check out everything we’ve got on the Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition cheats page.

There’s more! If you’re interested in our massive video walkthrough for regular Dark Souls (Minus the new DLC content!) check out the full thing on Youtube here, or read our full text walkthrough here. First time playing Dark Souls, ever? Take a trip to our vanilla Dark Souls cheats page while you’re at it for lots of secret strategies.

More to come!