DmC: Devil May Cry Walkthrough

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Welcome to the walkthrough for DMC: Devil May Cry, where we’ll take you step-by-step through every hellish mission of Capcom’s rebooted action game.

Dante is reborn as a punk action-hero, missing his distinctive white hair but keeping his flair for impossible demon-fighting feats. Take up your sword, or any combination of special demonic weaponry, and let us guide you through these punishingly difficult stages. Get our strategies for how to take down the tough enemies, massive bosses, and complete DmC in style.

Hidden away in the corners of DmC are collectibles like like Lost Souls, Keys, and Secret Missions. Find our locations for these hidden items, and more, on our DmC: Devil May Cry cheats. If you’re looking for a list of challenges, don’t forget about DmC’s achievements and trophies.

Text Walkthrough