After walking past the security checkpoint to board the train above and detonating the explosives, take out the enemy in front of you with a melee attack to exit the car through the open doorway in the corner and drop to the streets below on the left.
Proceed through the alley to spot the group of enemies in the area below and drop to the left of red metal panel directly beneath you to land on the ground, then move left again to eliminate the next hostile from behind and order the OWL to clear out the other ones directly ahead.
Shoot the enemies behind the wooden stands on your right to clear the other side of the area and hack the computer located there as well, then look back towards the orange energy fields to take out the more heavily-armored hostiles that approach and pass through these neon barriers to reach the top of the next escalator.
Take out the enemies beneath the orange neon sign below to descend into this area safely and scan the environment to anticipate oncoming threats, then climb the rear set of steps on the right to hack the next computer and return to the previous area to move through the front left corner ahead in the direction of the current objective marker.
Transfer between the next two ventilation grates below to rendezvous with Zeus and collect the supplies around you before returning to the previous area, then head towards the right in the direction of the two objective markers to enter another duct in the nearby corner and climb the steps on the other side to proceed forward at the top.
Continue in the direction of the objective markers to pick off the men coming out of the doorway ahead and wait until all re-enforcements have been dealt with before passing into it, then climb the staircase on the opposite side of the room to hack the computer in the area above and drop through the opening in the floor to enter the duct below.
Exit the duct to open fire on the turret until it explodes and pass through the orange energy barriers on the left to climb the steps ahead on the right, then locate the blue neon sign around the corner at the top to enter the nearby ventilation shaft and proceed into the next corridor on the other side to scan the environment for threats.
Mow down the enemies as they walk by in front of you and send the OWL around the right corner to clear out that area as well, then proceed onto the exterior metal walkway to hack the next computer and head in the opposite direction of the escalators to approach the current objective marker.
Shoot the camera in the upper right corner of the ceiling to reach the next open doorway ahead safely and use the control pads to proceed forward through hall, then melee the enemy on the other end from behind and fire around both sides of the elevator to clear the area.
Use the elevator to descend to the next floor and follow the walkway behind you on the left to make a right at the end, then look down towards the neighboring rooftop below to reach it with the zip line and proceed forward to repeat the same action at the opposite edge of the building.
Cross the red bridge in the corner to enter the building and push past the frightened civilians to open another door ahead, then continue moving in the direction of the current red objective marker to chase after the figure that flees in front of you and fight your way down the next stairwell to reach the area at the bottom.
Perform an environmental scan to start clearing the area and proceed towards the current objective marker by zooming in on the various catwalks ahead with a scoped-rifle to pick off any occupying threats, then send the OWL down the first available left turn to eliminate the enemies behind cover on the other side and continue following the walkways forward to enter the elevator at the end.
Descend to the next floor to slide down the ladder at the end of the adjacent catwalk and make your way over the series of steps behind you to drop into the red-lit area in the right corner on the other side, then pick off the enemy below on the left with a headshot and target the others in the distance behind him by tracing their laser-sights back to the source.
Proceed forward across the catwalk below by sending the OWL in ahead of you and by shooting the snipers in the distance that have given away their position with the red laser sights, then make a right to continue fighting your way around the maze of platforms and take the last available left turn to enter the tram.
Ride the tram forward to get off at the crane arm and cross it to access the panel in the control both on the other side, then exit through the previous door to walk to the end of one of the rear arms and fire the zipline to reach the next piece of machinery below.
Access the panel in the next control booth ahead to shift the crane sideways and exit the room to approach the rear right-side arm, then fire the zip line towards the objective marker on the balcony below and send the OWL after the enemies nearby as soon as you land.
Stay on the catwalks ahead that lead around towards the left and fight your way across them with the help of OWL to ascend the next ladder, then open the door at the top to hack the computer inside the room and climb the ladder on the right to ambush the enemy above.
Following the death of Tyran, make your way around the current catwalk to drop onto the next one below and cross the narrow pipeline between the gap in front of you to proceed forward.
Drop onto the next pipeline below and crawl forward beneath the walkway to emerge on the other side, then cross the series of gaps ahead by moving slowly across the available metal girders in between them and descend onto another catwalk at the end.
Proceed towards the red lights on the left to climb the next set of steps and fall prey to the enemy ambush at the top to complete this chapter.
Chapter 6: The Agent
Approach the open doorway to jump on top of the shipping container that slides forward below and make your way across the rest of the ones that extend beside you to transfer to the walkway on the left, then descend the staircase to reach the platform at the bottom and continue over the next row of containers ahead.
Move to the back of the last container in the row to drop into the next area and head left to cross through the amber-lit opening on the right, then enter the first room below to hide from the approaching enemy and wait for the signal before tailing him out onto the catwalk.
Follow the guard closely without being seen to enter the next room ahead on the left and wait for him to walk out in front of you again before sneaking behind his back, then climb up the stack of containers that are partially obstructing the catwalk to proceed forward and drop into the area below on the other side.
Head left to climb the staircase and destroy the security camera around the corner at the top to safely reach the catwalk beneath it, then make an immediate right through the open shipping container to track the movements of the next guard below and retreat back into the enclosure when he approaches.
Wait inside the shipping container until the guard leaves and follow behind him to make the next right turn down the catwalk, then climb the first set of steps on your left to proceed to the left again at the top and climb up the crate stack at the end to proceed through the opening between the walls ahead on the right.
Drop to the furthest point in the next two areas below to proceed towards the left and climb over the crate stack ahead to join your ally, then follow her onto the platform that lowers to take a ride and look up at vent beside the red neon sign above to mark it.
Hack the spider-mine to take control of it and approach the control panel ahead on the left to overcharge it, then enter the room at the top of the steps to hack the next maintenance bot crawling near the back left corner and drop it to the floor to pass through the hole in the wall.
Turn right to overcharge the fusebox on the outside wall and proceed forward to acquire the pistol, then descend the nearby steps to move beneath the blue tarps behind you and eliminate the first enemy with a silent melee kill.
Shoot the next group of enemies that walks by in front of you to approach the red objective marker on the right and tag it for sniper elimination before fighting your way onto the stairs located behind this target, then approach the gap in the bridge above to hack the maintenance bot on the other side and head left to overcharge another control panel.
Cross the bridge to shoot the next camera on the right and move through the door it was protecting to ambush the enemies from behind in the room above, then climb on top of the room that’s opened to follow the walkway around into the tunnel lit with orange flares and drop into the corridor at the end.
Proceed onto the outside balcony to head right across it and mark the first enemy on the left for Echo to snipe, then descend the next staircase to mark the enemies patrolling around the corner below and look towards the right to tag the hostile on the catwalk above.
Move through the next open doorway on the right to descend another set of steps and approach the white objective marker at the bottom to collect additional supplies, then proceed forward up two more staircases and mark the enemies at the top for Echo to snipe.
Turn the left corner ahead to approach the yellow blanket hanging from the wall and climb up onto the ledge above to enter the building through the open window, then toss a grenade towards the top of the steps on your right and ascend them to finish clearing the next room before accessing the control pad inside.
Look down through the front windows to target the enemies directly beneath you and fire through the barbwire to pick them off, then enter the corridor behind their bodies to access another control panel and proceed into the next area ahead to climb the stairs in the back left corner.
Intervene with the suicide attempt in the next open area before climbing another three staircases and enter the corridor at the top to drop into the room below on the right, then exit the building to melee the enemy on the left and access the control panel to jostle the shipping container hanging across from you.
Open fire on the enemies below on the shipping container and enter the nearby ventilation duct to proceed forward out the other end, then descend into the area below on the right to mark the container hanging in the distance across from you for a sniper shot and turn around to approach the back left corner of the platform.
Follow the walkway leading towards the wall to cross the bridge on the left and collect the EMP grenades ahead on the other side, then proceed forward in the same direction the disable the heavily-armored robot you encounter with these new weapons and return to the previous supply crate whenever necessary to resupply them.
Hit the robot with automatic gunfire whenever it becomes stalled until the enemy is destroyed, then proceed down towards the left to open the elevator on the right and retreat back into cover before the men on the other side of the door can spot you.
Toss EMP grenades into the elevator to stun the men inside and mow them down with an automatic weapon before riding safely on the platform to the next floor above, then head towards the current objective marker to access another control pad on the right and drop into the area below to hack the maintenance bot at the top of the nearby steps.
Overcharge the panel behind you to pass beneath the shutter that opens and move left across the next outside balcony above to acquire the sniper rifle from Echo at the end, then shoot the spotlight in the opposite corner and track your ally’s movements on the ground below to anticipate the next necessary tactic.
Zoom in on the orange-lit Checkpoint area below on your right to snipe the indicated target and shoot the man within the green-lit window above the previous body, then shift the crosshairs directly towards the right to pick off another hostile on a balcony and look up to the left at the crane’s control booth to score another kill.
Point the sniper rifle towards the green-lit windows across the furthest building to the right and ride the shipping container forward to descend the ladder on the other side, then fire through the barred door to hit the pair of enemies in the tower above to the right and climb back up the ladder to snipe the guards on both balconies ahead.
Ride the shipping container forward with Echo to return the rifle to her at the next station, then approach the current red objective marker ahead from the right to shoot out the cameras and mark the enemies you see in the distance for sniper elimination.
Look for flashlight beams to locate and mark the surrounding threats for Echo to snipe, then proceed forward to ascend the incline at the end and turn left at the top to stun the incoming reinforcements with EMP grenades.
Make your way up the next incline to eliminate the enemies at the top and on the catwalk above to the right, then ascend the steps that lead to the open room above to hide inside of it and fire on the hostiles that pass by outside.
Exit the enclosure to climb the staircase beside you and eliminate the enemies in the control room at the top to safely remove the capacitor from the wall on the left, then make your way back down the previous steps to insert it into the antenna tower on the right and scan the environment to locate the next wave of hostiles below.
Return to the top of the previous staircase to open fire on the approaching enemies from an advantageous elevated position and toss EMP grenades at the heavily-armored walkers to slow their overall advance, then back all the way up to the control room’s locked entrance as a means of taking cover and throw regular grenades at the hostiles clustered together in tight groups.
Continue firing on the enemies from a safe distance above or marking them as targets for the ATAC and pick up a sniper rifle if possible to finish defending the area with a better sense of accuracy, then return to the control room to exit through the door across from you and regroup with Echo on the catwalk below to ride the drone to the next destination.
Sprint towards the current objective marker by navigating around the walkers ahead without engaging them and proceed forward through the front entrance of the base above to exit out the back, then approach the aircraft that lands to complete this chapter.
Chapter 7: The Handler
Propel yourself upwards in the direction of the current red objective marker as it flies by to breach the small hatch as a means of entering the space station and fire the zip line to reach the bridge below on the left, then climb on top of the white crate to jump over the railing and land on the L-shaped pipeline beneath you to hack the computer on the other side.
Proceed forward into the doorway that opens to jump off the opposite end of the catwalk and navigate around the obstacles below as you free fall, then push yourself in the same direction as each wheel’s rotation to slip through the gaps in between the spokes and land on the ramp at the bottom to enter the shaft ahead from its right side.
Shoot the enemies that appear as single red lights zipping around inside the shaft and destroy the generator below on the left to cut them off at the source, then fire a zip line to reach the ground floor and disable the second generator in the corner nearby to safely access the next control pad across from it.
Mow down the enemy behind the door that opens to take cover inside the next room and scan the environment to fend off the surrounding hostiles without being ambushed, then hack the computer ahead to proceed forward and descend to the halfway point go the stairs on the left to eliminate the guard directly beneath you.
Send the OWL into the area at the bottom of the staircase to remove the remaining threats and open the door on the right to shoot the first enemy under the skylight ahead, then approach the railing at the edge of the rooftop to pick off the hostiles in the distance below and drop into the next room directly beneath you to destroy the creature generators behind both of available exits.
Descend the inside staircase to fire through the open doorway in the area below and eliminate as many enemies outside as you can, then return to the room above to approach the broken doors behind the exit closest to the steps and send the OWL through the wall to hack the controls on the other side.
Proceed through the room that opens to destroy the creature generator on the opposite balcony outside and follow the series of catwalks all the way to the right to access the next door in the corner above, then order the OWL to clear the area on the other side and look back in the direction you came to fend off any approaching enemies.
Enter the next room to access the control pad on the orange glass and exit through the door on the right to destroy the camera directly above, then pick off any hostiles in the distance across from you to reach the bridge ahead on the left safely and drop over the railing to rappel straight down to the bottom of the blue-lit shaft.
Destroy the drone that appears above you while the nearby computer is being hacked and enter the next area ahead to proceed towards the right, then access the control panel on the left to cross the bridge that extends and order the OWL to attack the men in the room on the other side.
Fight your way across the bridge to enter a blue-lit room with a single laser beam glowing at its center and descend the stairs on the right to stop halfway down, then turn around to eliminate the enemies in the distance below by sending in the OWL and fire at the hostiles on the balcony across from them to help clear the area.
Follow the walkway around at the bottom of the stairs to reach the opposite side of the room and fire down over the railing to eliminate the enemies on the ground floor, then proceed through the next entrance at the top of the steps to mow down the hostiles behind it and continue fighting your way forward across the corridor ahead to open the door at the end of the darkness.
Pick off the enemies in front of you to descend to the floor below and hack the computer inside the compartment on your left at the bottom of the stairs to reach the next room ahead, then wait for the scientist to flee before turning around to shoot the hostiles in the corner above and approach the current objective marker to blow open the indicated window.
Jump out the window to float in place until the next shipping container slides out beneath you and fly forward above it to destroy the enemy swarms on either side of the cargo, then position yourself against the front of the container to destroy any obstacles that block the track and continue escorting the crate by watching the area below for oncoming threats as well.
Stay close to your shipping container at all times to keep the cargo intact as it disables the orange energy barriers in the station ahead and land on the metal platform to access the control panel nearby, then climb the next ladder to tail the scientist at the top and approach the current objective marker to regroup with the team in the lab room.
Follow your allies to the catwalk above to acquire a sniper rifle from the cache and point it towards the current objective marker to start picking off the enemies taking cover in the open area below, then snipe every remaining threat you can and send in the OWL to help finish the job.
Throw laser mines towards the bottom of the area below to impede the progress of enemies that manage to close in on your current location and continue sniping to break through the blue energy shields utilized by the approaching hostiles, then maintain control over the battle until the airship arrives in the distance ahead and acquire the bomber’s cannon at the top of the staircase on your right.
Look back towards the battlefield to zoom in on the dropship and spray it with the bomber cannon’s high-damage rounds until the aircraft retreats, then focus the weapon on the ground enemies to cut through them with ease and re-engage the dropship as soon as it appears again.
Continue exterminating the enemies from a safe distance until you eventually drive the opposing force into retreating to complete this chapter.
Chapter 8: The Dead
Rise above the meteors and look for the drop ship indicated by its pair of thin vapor trails to position yourself behind it, then regain altitude as you descend through the crumbling city below by dipping and quickly pulling back up repeatedly.
Follow the trail of blue flares by soaring above or between the collapsing structures and steer yourself towards the blue targeting squares that appears next on the right, then maintain a consistent course through each of the indicated icons until you land on top of the building at the end.
Drop over the ledge in front of you to climb over the rubble on the right and continue descending through openings in the floor to reach the next area below, then exit the building to approach the red objective marker on the left and turn around to pick up the Petrusite Capacitor.
Move forward past your ally to insert the capacitor in the generator above and return to her location to shoot the canister from the safe distance, then enter the blue light beam to ascend onto the floor of the building above and exit out the back to head towards the right.
Approach the blue flare in the back corner of the next building to climb up onto the floor above and ascend the staircase to turn around at the top, then jump towards the computer desk to reach the adjacent street and look up towards the left to shoot down the blue-lit Capacitor.
Insert the capacitor into the nearby generator to shoot it from a safe distance and ascend through the large hole in the wall above to land inside the demolished building, then fire the zipline at the next floor beneath you on the right to cross the gap and turn left to reach the ground below using the same tactic.
Head left to exit the structure and sprint towards the generator across the street to hide in the nearby corner before you’re spotted by the nearby targeting laser, then wait for a drone to fly through area and shoot the next capacitor to have it released.
Quickly sprint out onto the street to collect the capacitor and return to your hiding spot before taking any damage, then insert it into the nearby generator to destroy it as you did with the others and wait for the arrival of the larger red-lit drones to shoot them out of the air with a high-powered rifle.
Sprint towards the tank down the street to maneuver around behind it at close range and avoid its many red targeting lasers by doing so, then continue moving forward to quickly pick up the capacitor by the next blue-lit hole in the ground on the right and insert it into nearby the generator.
Destroy the generator to eliminate the tank and climb the metal staircase beside it to drop onto the railroad tracks at the top, then step into the first alcove on the right to avoid the oncoming train and pick off the next group of bots ahead to proceed through the next window on the left.
Make a right to open the next door and watch the building collapse on the other side, then look down over the ledge in front of you to fire the zip-line and land on the ground below behind the first row of ruins.
Scan the area to locate the surrounding threats and approach the closest one ahead on your right to have the OWL move in for the kill, then proceed forward past it to collect another capacitor and destroy the nearby generator with it to reach the next ledge above.
Move through the open window on the left to eliminate the threat around the next corner with your OWL and collect the Purger from the room beside it, then exit the same way to make another left into the building and head right to reach an open outside area occupied with multiple enemies.
Take out the nearest threat with your OWL and quickly duck into nearby cover to avoid the red targeting lasers, then use the Purger to open fire on the source of the beams until the device is temporarily disabled and sprint over to the wall beside the steps directly in front of it to reach safety before the weapon comes back online.
Remain against this wall to avoid the laser beams around and shoot down the capacitor you see being transported through the courtyard, then run towards the device to pick it up without breaking stride and climb the steps in the corner to make the last available right in the direction of another generator.
Head towards the current red objective marker to enter the next building and destroy the nearby spider-bot before collecting any of the supplies inside, then drop to the bottom of the adjacent elevator shaft to find your way outside again by climbing over the wall in the room you reach at the end and sprint downhill to hide behind the first sewer pipe below on the left.
Move around the left side of the pipe as the approaching enemy walker passes by to suddenly stand up beside it before using grenades and your OWL to help you destroy this mechanical threat safely from behind cover, then proceed downhill to pick up the capacitor by the next shipping container below and hug the furthest wall on the right to continue forward unseen.
Destroy the next generator you encounter to retreat in the previous direction from the walker that comes to investigate and attack it from behind the first shipping container on your right with the same tactics as before, then hide inside of it to remain protected while shooting down the next drone that appears from above and finish clearing the area.
Return to the shipping container where you collected the previous capacitor to find a second one nearby and destroy the other air drone that arrives before picking it up, then sprint back towards the tank to destroy the first generator in front of it on the left and proceed forward into the next blue beam of light to join your ally on the ledge above.
Follow your teammate through the area below to experience the tremor and proceed forward in the direction of the next red objective marker directly ahead to complete this chapter.
Chapter 9: The Destroyer
Follow the path in front of you forward to look down into the chasm at the end and fire the zipline to reach the next rock ledge below, then duck through the debris on the left to ride the zipline across another gap and enter the cave tunnel ahead to climb up the rocky incline on the other side.
Melee the enemy at the top of the incline from behind to collect the nearby sniper rifle and aim it at the closest building below to pick off the guard patrolling the upper balcony, then shift your sights down towards the bridge on the right to remove another pair of hostiles and move left to zipline across the next gap ahead.
Take cover behind the nearby rock walls and look up to open fire on the drones that eventually fly by, then move all the way towards the left to look down on the area below again and take out the remaining guards that approach with a grenade or your rifle.
Continue clearing the area from an elevated position until you can safely approach the building below on the right and take out the surrounding security cameras by tracing the orange laser beams they emit back to the source, then enter the structure to hack the computer inside and resupply at the available weapons cache.
Climb the stairs to reach the second floor balcony and look down over the railing on your left to start picking off the enemies on the walkways below with the help of the OWL, then duck down into cover between each round of ammo you expend to finish clearing the area safely and toss grenades at the hostiles grouped closer together or at the turret on the far right.
Jump over the railing to land on the ground and head left to descend onto the system walkways you were previously attacking, then make a right in front of the platform that the auto-gun with red targeting lasers sits upon and enter the next available enclosure below to plant C4.
Stay close to the auto-gun to make your way around it unharmed and approach the opposite side of the catwalk area to destroy the turret on the right by first distracting it with the OWL, then plant C4 in the room beneath it before time expires.
Move back towards the larger building to eliminate the next wave of enemies with the help of the OWL and move along the right side of the structure to enter through the first door on the left, then collect the Purger before exiting the room to mow down the remaining guards in the area.
Climb the nearby yellow ladder to approach the next objective marker on the right by moving beneath the shutters behind the auto-gun after they rise, then wait for your teammate to arrive to open the larger door inside using the two control panels simultaneously and scan the train station on the other side for hostiles.
Approach the guard at the bottom of the steps on the left to take him out with a quick headshot and draw in the other surrounding enemies to this location, then duck behind the railing at the top of the stairs to open fire on each threat that comes into view through the metal bars and finish clearing the area to descend to the next level below.
Step onto the container shuttle that arrives to ride it to the next destination and disembark to melee the first enemy below on the left, then descend another set of steps to destroy the security camera ahead and snipe the guard patrolling closest to you.
Equip the sniper rifle and send in the OWL to help you clear out the threats ahead and in the area below, then proceed forward to take out the turret above with grenades and stay behind cover to avoid incoming RPGs.
Cross the next bridge by first sniping the enemies on the other side and collect the rocket launcher for yourself to remove the guards below on the left, then descend the staircase on the lower level to take out another pair of threats beneath you and continue fighting across the walkways to eliminate the last wave of hostiles at the end by using the surrounding cover while constantly scanning the area.
Melee the first guard inside the control room and use grenades or a scoped rifle to eliminate the ones on the second floor, then climb the staircases to reach the outside balcony and look down over the right-side railing to take out an enemy wave with your RPG.
Vault over the railing to return to the control room’s second floor and pick off the enemies coming up the stairs, then rearm yourself using the surrounding supplies and collect laser trip mines for the battle to come.
Return to the outside balcony to toss laser mines onto the walkway below on the right and fight off any hostiles approaching from this direction as well with the help of OWL, then drop down a level to attack the enemies at a closer distance and use a scoped rifle to score headshots on the guards carrying shields.
Continue throw laser trip mines and grenades into the door that continuously opens to hold back the enemy wave, then send the OWL to hack the orange-lit monitor beside it to seal this entry point and resupply on whatever ammo you can before returning to the control room.
Spread laser trip mines across the lower level of the control room and return to the outside balcony to shoot down the drone that appears above you, then approach the top of the nearby ladder and fire down over it to start eliminating the next wave of enemies approaching from below.
Send in the OWL to hold off the enemies below and take cover against the outer walls of the control room to eliminate the next drone that appears above, then re-enter the building to descend the previous staircase and exit out the door on the right to continue defending the area.
Fight your way down the next staircase on the other side of the door and send in the OWL to hack the orange-lit monitor on the left, then finish clearing the area until your partner completes her objective and use the ID pad she approaches next to encounter the boss.
Equip a scoped rifle and move between the surrounding cover points while constantly scanning the area to keep track of the boss’ location, then shoot down the drones that hover above him and send in the OWL to help.
Find a safe angle to fire at the boss while he occupies the upper walkway that provides decent cover and hit him constantly with charged shots from your scoped rifle, then use the rocket launcher to fight the enemy back whenever he charges towards you and continue working using the OWL as a distraction.
Defeat the boss to activate the next cut scene and follow your partner to clear out the level below with the RPG, then enter the indicated dropship to travel through the war zone and fall into the gravitational beam.
Look straight up as you ascend within the graviton beam to navigate around the red targeting lasers that eventually appear and weave between them to avoid any oncoming missiles, then boost yourself towards the top of the machine above and circle around its right side.
Fly into the next opening on the left to ascend towards the red objective marker above and open fire on the walkways below to reach the indicated ledge safely, then proceed right to enter the another open area and continue clearing out the hostiles ahead of you to use the ID pad on the second catwalk.
Make a left down the next corridor to crawl through the ventilation duct on the right and follow the walkway around to climb the ladder at the end, then drop down into the open hatch at the top to proceed forward into the armory and use the ID pad to activate the elevator.
Enter the next room in front of you to open fire on the enemies by the left-side staircase with your RPG and back away from the entrance to take cover whenever necessary, then send in the OWL to finish clearing the area and proceed forward to climb to the top of the steps.
Collect whatever ammo you can before proceeding through the next door and eliminate the enemies on the other side with your RPG, then proceed forward to finish clearing the room in this manner with the help of the OWL and by remaining safely in one cover position for each conflict.
Once your RPGs have been depleted, equip the mini-gun to continue clearing the area with maximum efficiency and deploy the OWL whenever possible to pick up the slack.
Move through the doorway that opens at the back of the room to ascend on an elevator platform and climb the steps at the top, then enter the holographic globe to complete this chapter.
Chapter 10: The Savior
After the credits glitch, melee the enemy in the room below and shoot out the security camera ahead to crawl through the next orange-lit opening on the right.
Activate stealth to quietly open the next vent cover on the left and shoot out the camera above, then melee the nearest guard from behind to climb the steps beside you and eliminate the two enemies at the top with quick headshots.
Shoot out the security camera in the corner room with glass walls to access the adjacent ventilation shaft and eliminate another camera at the top of the next staircase, then use stealth to melee the enemy in the guard room on the right and open the door beside it to proceed forward down the corridor.
Exit the building to look over the railing in front of you and drop down the rocks, while using stealth, to reach the lowermost wooden walkways below, then move forward between the areas of vegetation to climb the last staircase ahead on the left without being detected and proceed towards the right at the top to enter the circular lobby.
Climb the stairs on the left side of the lobby to turn around at the top and ascend another set of steps to reach the circular room at the top, then wait for the nearby pair of guards to separate before opening the ventilation duct behind them and collect the weapon inside.
Descend the two previous sets of steps to return to the circular lobby’s ground floor and head left to pass in front of the nearby guard, then vault over the next guard rail beside you to access the keypad on the other side and exit the this area the way you came by crossing through the right-side pool of water to avoid the cameras.
Drop down towards the statue below the water pools to enter the secret corridor behind the vegetation across from it and access the next ID pad to enter the silver duct beside you, then approach the first opening on the right to wait for the coast outside to be clear and sprint into the ventilation system on the opposite side of the tunnel to reach the current objective marker.
Use the scope to zoom in on the building across from and shift your gaze towards the left to target the man at the blue holographic podium, then aim at his head and pull the trigger to complete the game.