Killzone Shadow fall Dossier Locations

There are 19 dossiers in Killzone Shadow Fall, spread throughout chapters 2-10. Some of these dossiers are well hidden, so it can be tricky to ensure that you pick them all up throughout the course of the game, but if you’ve missed one or you simply need an easy guide to finding them all, you’re in the right place!

There are no dossiers in Chapter 1, so let's head straight on to Chapter 2...

Chapter 2

Dossier 1
This is found in the room with the knife-throwing tutorial. After you have dropped down, turn to the right and look for a dimly-lit area containing various machinery. The dossier is atop one of the machine’s consoles.
(See 1:09 in the video below)

Dossier 2
This one is rather well hidden. You’ll need to be looking for it while climbing the cliffs: after you jump over the gap and climb the subsequent two ledges, you’ll come to a section of the path that looks like stone steps. After this, on the right of the path you will see a flat, square rock. Going straight ahead, jump off the rock and bear round to the right of the area below. The dossier is found in the shrubbery here.
(See 4:26 in the video below)

Chapter 3

Dossier 3
When you reach the foggy bridge, take an immediate left and head down the stairs. The dossier is on the floor, to the right as you reach the foot of the stairs.
(See 6:44 in the video below)

Dossier 4
As you enter the big multi-levelled room, take an immediate left and follow the walkway around to the first set of stairs. Once you are up the stairs, check the consoles on your left hand side: the dossier is on the second one you walk past.
(See 9:05 in the video below)

Chapter 4

Dossier 5
Entering the office area, you will see a small circular area with some chairs and a concave screen. Move through here (circling around to the right), and enter on the circular walkway. Exit left through the first door and head over to the plants over to your right: the dossier is resting upon the bench there, opposite the window.
(See 1:30 in the video below)

Dossier 6
After you rappel down through the skylight, look to the right for a door next to a staircase. Go through the door and head straight ahead through the next room. In the room beyond, there will be a large container with the dossier sitting on top of it.
(See 2:49 in the video below)

Chapter 5

Dossier 7

After you pass the security checkpoint, head down the stairs, bearing to the right at the bottom. There is a shelter ahead: go to the right of it and continue on up the steps, heading right again at the top. The dossier is on the bed.
(See 0:55 in the video below)

Dossier 8
After you pass through the narrow hallway containing civilians, you turn left out onto a walkway. Look to the right for an open door leading into a small room: the dossier is right ahead in there.
(See 3:56 in the video below)

Dossier 9
Near the end of the level, look for the reflective chrome plated security office. You will have to climb some stairs and a small ladder to reach it. Open the door and you will find the dossier on the left hand side of the desk.
(See 6:37 in the video below)

Chapter 6
Dossier 10

At the beginning of the mission, after reaching the catwalk, follow it round to the right up the ramp and then left into the cargo container, where you will find the dossier on the floor.
(See 0:11 in the video below)

Dossier 11

Found in a stealth area with two patrolling Helghast. Take care of the cameras up ahead before dropping down and circling to the right. Take the stairs down to the left, and you will see a door with a light above it, and the dossier to the left of that, next to a crate.
(See 0:26 in the video below)

Dossier 12

When you come to the Helghan office covered in red propaganda, take care of the soldiers then continue up the steps and through into the office. The dossier is located on the right hand side on the floor as you enter.
(See 2:26 in the video below)

Chapter 7

Dossier 13
Another tricky one which is found during the “Bring Me Massar” section of the level. While exploring the white rooms, there’s an area along one of the catwalks with a locked door. Around the corner from the door, there is an open section in the wall through which you can deploy your O.W.L to hack the door and let you in. The dossier is inside.
(See 1:37 in the video below)

Dossier 14
In the laboratory, look on the table to your right in the “It’s waiting for you” section.
(See 2:51 in the video below)

Chapter 8

Dossier 15
Once you reach the partially destroyed building leaning on its side, move into the open area and turn right immediately. Go up the ramp, taking a right into the building at the top, then another right into a very small, darkened room. You will see the dossier on the floor in this small room.
(See 1:02 in the video below)

Dossier 16
This one is hidden in the rubbly section near where the fifth audio log is found. Head down the ‘ramp’ with rubble and destroyed buildings in the distance, looking for a path on the right. As you turn down the path, to your left just before the building will be two ledges to climb up. After the second one, turn left and the dossier will be on the floor in a dark corner.
(See 2:50 in the video below)

Chapter 9

Dossier 17
After the vehicle is destroyed and you regroup with your Helghan ally, move through the door he opens for you and go to the left. Look for two trolleys in the darkened area and you will find the dossier on the nearest one.
(See 0:44 in the video below)

Dossier 18
In the command center, follow the walkway around to the left and exit through the doors at the end. You will emerge onto a landing platform with a flyer parked at the end, and the dossier on the floor in front of you.
(See 2:31 in the video below)

Chapter 10

Dossier 19
After you emerge from the vents before going outside, destroy the camera and look head and to the right. There is a side office with an ISA soldier inside. He will be facing towards the entrance, and behind him on the desk is the final dossier.
(See 0:42 in the video below)

Congratulations! If you’ve followed this guide then you now have all 19 dossiers in the game. Check back soon for more collectibles guides to help you attain 100% completion in Killzone Shadow Fall.