It’s rare that you get something for nothing in a Souls game, but lo and behold that in Dark Souls 2 it does happen if you pay close attention and listen attentively to the NPCs… or simply read this guide!
SPOILER ALERT: minor spoilers ahead; continue reading at your own discretion.
Although he may appear to be somewhat useless, having left the trail of a steadily failing business behind him, Maughlin the Armorer is in fact something of a dark horse in Dark Souls 2. He is in fact an extremely talented blacksmith who just needs to get a few more souls coming in to sustain his business. That’s where you come in.
Now, although this guide will show you how you can get a free armour set from our friend Maughlin, the catch is that you have to spend a fair amount of souls with him beforehand. Far from being all bad, however, spending souls on Maughlin’s wares actually helps to unlock further high-tier armour at his shop, helping you out even more in the game.
Items that you can unlock in Maughlin's shop...The first unlock comes once you’ve spent 1,000 souls with him, after which he will start selling the Elite Knight Armour set and the Royal Soldier Armour set.
Once you’ve spent 16,000 souls with him, he will start getting a little big-headed about how you’ve made him rich, and will subsequently sell you the Alva armour set: a lightweight medium armour that boasts a very high defence.
After you have defeated the Old Sinner, Maughlin will sell her armour: the mask serves to increase maximum equip load and the shackles boost pyromancy damage.
After you have defeated the Smelter Demon, Maughlin will sell his armour.
After you have defeated the Looking Glass Knight, Maughlin will sell his armour, which features increased defence against lightning attacks.
The free armour set...
After you have unlocked the Alva armour, if you return to Maughlin with zero souls, he will take pity on you and offer you a free set of armour. The free armour set is called the Aurous armour: a unique set that appears transparent. Additionally, each piece that you wear increases your maximum equipment load. Not bad for a free set of armour, though of course you need to spend the 17,000 souls with him beforehand.
Bear in mind that, like Maughlin, other merchants in Majula will have unlockable items. The Merchant Hag Melentia, for example, will give you some free items (including an upgraded +1 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring) once you spend enough money with her and exhaust all of her dialogue options. Listen closely when talking to NPCs and remember that while they may hint at something, they won't give you hints and tips as freely as we will!
Stay tuned for more Dark Souls 2 hints, tips and guides coming soon!
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