How to Recover Gamertag on Xbox 360

Gamertag works as a identifier for owners of Xbox 360 on Xbox Live service when they make use of online feature such as playing multiplayer games or downloading content. The gametag that Xbox 360 owner select is stored on console's memory unit, but in some cases for example lost of memory unit, gamers need to recover the Gamertag inorder to access Xbox Live identity again.

Xbox 360

Xbox 360 consist of an inbuilt utility which gamers can make use for recovering Gamertag. Given below is the step by step procedure on How you can recover your Gamertag on Xbox 360:

Step 1:
Press Xbox 360 "Guide" button and then press "X" button on controller. Choose "Yes, Sign Out" option inorder to sign out of account, currently signed in.

Step 2: Now Press Xbox 360 "Guide" button again, after that select "Recover Gamertag" on Xbox 360 Home Menu and press "A" button.

Step 3:
Press "A" button again to confirm  that you want to recover your Gamertag. Feed the information asked for verification and recover your Gamertag.