The Last of Us: Remastered Training Manual Collection Walkthrough

Together with Ellie, you have to make your way through the dangerous city full of infested. That’s no easy task and it becomes a lot more serious than your character first expects it to be. But that’s Naughty Dog’s world of The Last of Us and if you’re looking into it’s remastered version, you’re likely to only know the start of it. Take your PlayStation remote in hand and get ready, this epic game hasn’t won over 200 awards for nothing! But before you do that, flick through this guiding list of the Training Manual locations. There are some important lessons contained in these manuals, so make sure you don’t forget any.

1. Shiv Sharpening

The Last of Us Remastered starts easy when it comes to gathering your Training Manuals. At the start of the Bill’s Town – Safehouse section, check the bar’s counter for the first manual.

2. Health Splinting

You’ll come across a garage on the street corner towards the start of Pittsburgh – Alone and Forsaken, make your way to the second floor of the garage. There you should find the Training Manual on a shelf in a room where hunters used to rest.

3. Shiv Reinforcement

Having traversed through one of the flooded main streets of the city in Pittsburgh – Hotel Lobby, head down to a hotel lobby and search for a safe behind the counter. You will need a code to crack the safe, but that’s easily found. Locate the ladder and scale up the stairs, you’ll have to get across the ruined part but then you’ll have the code for the safe and the Training Manual.

4. Melee Knots

Reuniting with Ellie may be heartwarming in Melee - Knots, but you need to keep focused, there is a Training Manual to find once you’ve made your way through the restaurant. Head to the floor below and you’ll find the Training Manual on a table across the hall.

5. Molotov Construction

In Pittsburgh – Escape the City you meet Henry and Sam in an apartment, make sure you check the kitchen there for the Training Manual on the counter.

6. Bomb Containment

Don’t be alarmed when you activate a sound trap in The Suburbs – Suburbs by going through a door. Instead, walk to the corner and collect the Training Manual from the shelves there.

7. Melee Techniques

As you pass from the first to the second street in The Suburbs – Suburbs, enter a house on the left and make your way to the top of the house. Help Ellie up into the loft of the house and you can add this Training Manual to your collection.

8. Smoke Chemistry

Just before Tommy leads you to the generator room of the complex in Tommy’s Dam – Hydroelectric Dam, nip into the control where two men are peering at a map on the table. Never mind them, the Training Manual you’re looking for in by the control panels in the corner.

9. Health Sterilization

In the game section The University – Go Big Horns, you will come to a large square featuring a statue in the center. Approach the statue, then turn right and head up the stairs. You’ll have to climb through a window to move across the roof and access the room containing the Training Manual.

10. Molotov Deployment

There will be a locked door in the science building during the The University – Science Building section of the game, open the door with your shiv and there will be a Training Manual waiting for you in the room behind.

11. Smoke Shaping

Once you regain control of Joel towards the end of Lakeside Resort – Cabin Resort, make your way through the snow-covered streets towards the house with a pickup nearby. There is a locked shack down the alley, which you can unlock with a shiv and get to the Training Manual.

12. Bomb Shrapnel

The final Training Manual in The Last of Us Remastered is collected in the Bus Depot – Underground Tunnel section of the game. You come into contact with the infected, so be careful. Make your way past the two Clickers after the first group of foes, then climb on top of the long truck in the tunnel to access the Training Manual on top.

What do you expect from this revised version of The Last of Us for PS4? Let us know in the comments below!

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