Comparing Kara With Her Female Counterparts

#13 Kara - Final Fantasy XIII-2

Quantic Dream, better known as the makers of Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy, unveiled a new game engine featuring a character named "Kara". 

While they stopped short from announcing a new game altogether, they said that the Kara tech demo would be the backbone of their next game, which has yet to be revealed.

In this feature, we take a look at Kara and compare her with female characters from other new videogames to see how she stacks up against her competition. 

Games like Crysis 2, Skyrim, RAGE, and the upcoming Tomb Raider are among the games we've chosen to look at. 

#12 Kara - Resident Evil 6

#11 Kara - Bioshock Infinite

#10 Kara - Gears of War 3

#9 Kara - Tomb Raider

#8 Kara - Uncharted 3 

#7 Kara - Mass Effect 3

#6 Kara - Witcher 2

#5 Kara - Skyrim

#4 Kara - Crysis 2

#3 Kara - RAGE

#2 Kara - Portal 2

#1 Kara - Last of us