Which Super Ability is the Best in Destiny? - Titan & Warlock

Fist of Havoc
The default Super Ability that Titan players have falls under the Striker subclass. Fist of Havoc absolutely lives up to it’s intimidating name, allowing Guardians to leap into the air, and having dived towards a group of enemies, punch the ground to release a field of energy that travels through an area around you, killing any enemies caught in its radius.
Again, there are a few mods that change the way this one works. Aftermath, which makes Fist of Havoc leave aftershocks for a short time, damaging any enemies who wander too close, Death from Above, which will let you aim Fist of Havoc at enemies below you after jumping, and Shockwave which causes a wave of energy to travel through the ground, catching any enemies who otherwise might just be out of reach.
Ward of Dawn
The defender subclass Super Ability is a little different from the others, Ward of Dawn will actually help to protect players, forming a sphere of Void light which protects those within it from damage, safe within the indestructible shield it provides.
Some mods can help you give a boost to your allies too, Armor of Light gives your allies much stronger damage resistance while inside the Ward of Dawn, Blessing of Light grants allies a temporary shield for just passing through, and Weapons of Light gives your allies an increase to weapon damage for a short time.

Nova Bomb
As a Voidwalker, you get to use the powerful, and incredibly frustrating to be on the receiving end of, Nova Bomb. This Super Ability lets Warlocks harness the Traveler’s power and form a ball of energy, which can then be launched towards our target, exploding to deal heavy damage to anyone caught up in the blast.
Mods for Nova Bomb include Vortex, which traps enemies and deals damage to them for several seconds, Shatter, which splits your Nova Bomb into three projectiles, covering a larger area, and Lance, which causes the Ability to travel further and faster.
Used by the Sunsinger subclass, Radience is a support Super Ability, which when active drastically reduces the cooldown of allies grenade and melee abilities, as well as reviving fallen Guardians. When used in combination with proper teamwork it can be devastating to the enemy.
Mods such as Song of Flame reduces all cooldowns for nearby allies, Radiant Skin reduces the damage users will receive, and Fireborn allows Radiance to be activated even after death, meaning that you can revive yourself!


Which Super Ability do you think is the most powerful? Let us know in the comments below!

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