Top 10 Exotic weapons in Destiny and how to use them

Destiny has a very complex weapons system which consists of weapon types, archetpyes and mods, as well as the weapon class. Since we've found out every exotic item and it's special abilities, we've been scouring the net far and wide, in order to find out which exotic weapons are the effective and we've managed to compile our findings into this top ten list! Hopefully this list will once and for all end the eternal "what is the best gun in destiny?" debate... (Hint: It's not the Thorn) 


Look below to see entries number 10 to 8 of our list:

10. The Last Word - FAN FIRE - This weapon can be fired quickly and continuously.

LAST WORD - Bonus damage and stability. Extra precision damage when firing from the hip.

Starting our list by narrowly coming in at number 10 is the Last Word, this weapon is essentially a twin copy of the hand cannon which hunters pull out of nowhere when they use their golden gun super ability, which immediately gives this gun cool points! This weapon is also a powerful exotic hand cannon which can not only be fired from the hip with extra precision damage but also performs a gunspin taunt everytime the player uses a melee attack! Awesome. This handcannon uses a Single action, as opposed to many other hand cannons in the game which use double action… (I had to google what this was to write this article, I’m sure you can too.)


Most effective in:

One on one battles in PVP, this weapon provides a distinct advantage over most hand cannons with its extra stability and precision from the hip. In a one on one battle it is easy to out maneuver opponents without losing any precision or firepower advantage at all. Try to back away and strafe as you fire to maximize the ability to dodge your opponents attacks.

In Game Description:

Easy to handle and quick on the draw, Last Word is a throwback to a long-forgotten time. With a legend as powerful as it is deadly, it is believed that the Guardian who wields the Last Word will one day bring light to the darkest corners of our galaxy.

9. Thorn
- MARK OF THE DEVOURER - Rounds pierce targets and cause lingering damage over time.

The exotic thorn hand cannon gets the slight edge in effectiveness over the Last word simply because of its devastating effectiveness when it comes to disposing of an enemy entirely. The thorn is slightly more powerful than the last word and also a bit slower but it makes up for this with its special ability, which is essentially like poisoning your opponent. The gun fires a thorn which gets stuck in its enemy and does more damage as time goes on.

Most effective in:

Battles against groups of enemies, you only have to hit each target once and the thorn will do the rest. This is the perfect weapon for those with an evasive style, who can use this weapon to get a shot in before they hide and recharge their shields. The thorns continuing damage wont allow your opponent to heal fully which should give you enough time to pull out your plan c?

In Game Description:

"To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects--hollow of spirit and meaning." -13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow

8. Super Good Advice - SUPER GOOD ADVICE - Almost all shots that miss their target will return to your magazine.

In at number 8 is the super good advice heavy machinegun. Not only can it be obtained farily easily through an Exotic bounty called “A Voice in the Wilderness” after obtaining the Vanguard Mentor Missive, but it is also an extremely competent weapon. The significant factor in this weapons desirability is the reduced recoil and fact that missed shots will return to your mag and give you a chance to fire again.

Most Effective In:

Clearing out bunches of enemies! Just put your hand on the trigger and run towards your enemies. Don’t worry about missing as your ammo will return to your magazine! Just concentrate on not being hit and making sure that your ammo advantage counts.

In Game Description:
“This weapon is full of it” 


Which exotic weapons do you think should make our top 7? Let us know in the comments below!

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