Top 10 Exotic weapons in Destiny and how to use them part 2

Destiny has a very complex weapons system which consists of weapon types, archetpyes and mods, as well as the weapon class. Since we've found out every exotic item and it's special abilities, we've been scouring the net far and wide, in order to find out which exotic weapons are the effective and we've managed to compile our findings into this top ten list! Hopefully this list will once and for all end the eternal "what is the best gun in destiny?" debate... (Hint: It's not the Truth)

7. Bad Juju - STRING OF CURSES - This weapon reloads instantly and increases damage for a short time after each kill.

Number 7 is a controversial choice as many people think it’s not strong enough to even be considered a good weapon let alone one of the top ten exotic weapons. We reckon people just don’t know how to use the weapon if we are honest. This weapon is a Hip-firer’s dream! Not only does it reload instantly but each kill actually makes the weapon stronger. When you add this to the fact that it has increased balance upgrades (extremely low recoil), armor piercing rounds and hip fire accuracy bonuses… its hard to see why people wouldn’t just hold down their trigger and run around racking up kills.

Most effective in:

Enclosed areas such as tunnels, corridors and rooms with one exit. Use the hipfire bonus to out maneuver your opponents and also remember that you will be able to use your radar whilst you shoot in hip fire mode… your opponents wont.

In Game Description:

"If you believe your weapon wants to murder all existence, then so it will." - Toland the Shattered


6. Vex Mythoclast - TIMELESS MYTHOCLAST - This weapon has no charge time. It fires a single bolt with each trigger pull.

Where to start? This weapon is pretty much amazing, not only is it a fusion rifle. But it’s also a primary weapon which means that if you equip it you can actually run around with two fusion rifles, or even better yet you can recharge your weapon with primary ammo! Add this to the stability bonus that you receive every time you do damage and it’s easy to see how this weapon gets into our top ten. It can become increasingly more effective the more efficiently it is used in battle. 

Most effective in:

PVP! You already know how effective fusion rifles are at destroying people by popping around corners but now imagine one that doesn’t take any time to charge at all? Perfect!

In Game Description:

“...a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…”

5. Truth
- PROTOTYPE TRUESEEKER - Rounds fired from this weapon seek their target aggressively.

Coming in at number 5 is the Truth. This rocket launcher is probably the best in the entire game with the only other one to come close being the Gjallarhorn launcher. This weapon is incredible with its upgrades as it cannot be escaped and will explode next to the guardian you fired it at instead of exploding when it hits the first object in it’s path.

Most effective in:

Long distance fighting situations. Think sniper rifle range but with a guarantee on the kill. These weapons will explode close to the guardian you aim at so no more pesky moments when your rocket just flies past the guardian as if they weren’t even there to start with.

In Game Description:

" where you seek it." --Lomar

Our top 4 entries are in the next page.

Which exotic weapons do you think should make our top 4? Let us know in the comments below!

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