10 League of Legends Champions to Get You Out of Bronze


Generally speaking Top champions are tanky, with some exceptions.


Garen, League of Legends

Price: 260 RP – 450 IP

Garen is a tanky top laner with a surprising amount of damage and is often considered a ‘noob’ champion at earlier levels. Who is strong against champions such as Riven, Akali, Jax, and Nasus. He is bad against Teemo, Pantheon, Darius, and Elise. He is iconic for the saying “Spin to win!”

Passive – Out of battle, he will generate health faster.

Q – Speed steroid and increased damage on next hit.

W – Passive armor bonus and active shield.

E – Centered AOE that does damage to nearby enemy champions and minions.

R – Short range single target attack that does more damage the more health an enemy champion is missing.

You can find out more on how to play this champion to perfection with the following resources,

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide –  League of Legends Wiki Page



Teemo, League of Legends

Price: 585 RP – 1350 IP

Teemo is an adorably squishy, high damage, annoying, tight-arsed bastard of a top laner. This bloody fur ball is the bane of many League of Legends players, and that is why you should play him. He is good against Tryndamere, Nasus, Singed, and Garen. He is bad against Yorick, Pantheon, Akali and Rumble.

Passive – Teemo goes invisible if stood still long enough, after breaking the invisibility he gets 40% more attack speed.

Q – He shoots a projectile which blinds the enemy.

W – Passive: Speed steroid, Active: NOS (A.K.A faster speed steroid)

E – Passive: Increased auto attack damage and they now inflict poison.

R – Teemo generates mushrooms which he can place like land mines that explode when an enemy stands on them, they are invisible.

You can find the ins and outs of this champion with the following resources:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page


Mid champions will have high ability power.


Lux, League of Legends

Price: 790 RP – 3150 IP

Lux deals high magic damage and is very squishy. It is very easy to pick up a lot of kills with her once you know how she works. The basic gist is stun > slow > ultimate. She has very high burst damage and low cool downs. She is good against Ryze, Heimerdinger, Karthus, and Brand. She is bad against Talon, Gragas, Zed, and Orianna.

Passive – Damaging spells stack on enemies and auto attacks or her ultimate will consume those stacks to do more damage.

Q – A skill shot root. The difference between a root and stun is with a root you can still use abilities.

W – Self and ally shield. Throw it into the team fights.

E – Target area AOE and slow. Delayed detonation unless used twice.

R – Long range, high damage skill shot. You will pick up a lot of kills with this.

To stalk Lux and find out how to play her, use these resources:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page


Katarina, League of Legends

Price: 790 RP – 3150 IP

Katarina is a very high damage, mid lane, assassin. She has high mobility and scary for us Bronzies to fight against. Play her, and play her well, and you will win games until the cows come home. Katarina kicks ass against Karthus, Vel’Koz, Nidalee, and Zyra. She sucks ass against Diana, Shittlesticks… I mean Fiddlesticks, Lulu, and Malzahar.

Passive – Kills or assists reduces the cool down of her abilities by 15 seconds.

Q – Short ranged attack where she throws a dagger.

W – Centered AOE ability that deals damage to all nearby enemies.

E – Katarina teleports to the target and deals damage if they are an enemy.

R – High damage centered AOE. Very deadly.

As per usual you may find more help in these resources below:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page


It is the Jungler’s job to farm in the jungle and ‘gank’ lanes. Always blame your Jungler people.

Master Yi

League of Legends Master Yi Splash

Price: 260 RP – 450 IP

Master Yi is an assassin like Katarina except he has very high mobility. He is a katana wielding bad ass, what more do I need to say about him? Oh, his whole village got destroyed by Singed so keep them away from each other. He is strong against Aatrox, Elise, Warwick, Shaco. He is bad against Rammus, Vi, Lee Sin, Udyr.

Passive – Every fourth consecutive auto attack hits twice.

Q – He becomes ‘untargetable’ and strikes up to four enemies based on their distance apart.

W – He heals himself. He fricken heals himself, tell me that is not over powered?

E – Passive: He gains increased attack damage. Active: Auto attacks deal true damage.

R – Passive: Kills and assists reduce the cool down of abilities by 70%. Active: He gets increased movement speed and attack speed for 10 seconds.

To learn how to be a Master Yi master, use these resources:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page



Warwick, League of Legends

Price: 260 RP – 450 IP

Warwick is a tank and fighter. He excels at crowd control and that is what makes him useful. In a team fight he can lock down an enemy champion easily. He is good against Shaco, Master Yi, Amumu, and Lee Sin. He is bad against Lee Sin, Jax, Skarner, and Udyr.

Passive – His basic attacks deal increased damage and heals him.

Q – A short ranged attack with increased damage. It also heals him for 80% of damage done.

W – He increases his attack speed and that of his allies around him.

E – Reveals enemy champions within range with less than 50% health. When they are revealed he has increased movement speed.

R – Warwick jumps to his target and stuns them for awhile whilst doing damage.

You can use these resources to help you perfect your play style:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page


Attack damage carry is a part of the double team in bot lane. The idea is that the ADC will stack a lot of attack damage and wreck the enemies in the late game by last hitting the creep (though this should be done in all lanes, at lower levels the ADC gets scolded for low creep score in League of Legends).


Caitlyn, League of Legends

Price: 880 RP – 4800 IP

Caitlyn is one of the easier ADC’s to use in League of Legends as she has a wicked long auto attack range, making it easier to stay at a distance and not over extend. She is good against Vayne, Corki, Twitch, and Graves. She is bad against Sivir, Varus, Jinx, and Tristana.

Passive – Auto attacks grant a stack of ‘Headshot’ and at enough stacks her next auto attack will do bonus damage.

Q – Long ranged skill shot that will pass through enemies, dealing progressively less damage.

W – She places a trap which will root enemies who stand on it.

E – She fires a net which shoots her backwards and slows any enemy the net hits.

R – Caitlyn locks on to an enemy champion, from a unfairly long distance, and fires a projectile that will damage the first champion it hits.

If you feel this sassy British shooter is for you then use these resources to learn how to play her:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page



Sivir, League of Legends

Price: 260 RP – 450 IP

Sivir is also a very easy ADC to play in League of Legends because one of the biggest parts of this role, last hitting, is made easier with her Ricochet ability. She is good against Caitlyn, Jinx, Blitzcrank, and Graves. She is bad against Vayne, Twitch, Kog’Maw, and Tristana.

Passive – Hitting enemies with auto attacks grants bonus movement speed for a short duration.

Q – A moderate damage skill shot that will pass through enemies twice, once going forward and then again returning.

W – Her auto attacks will bounce among enemies causing increased damage

E – She will shield her self from the next ability based attack and gain mana for it.

R – Passive: Sivir gains attack speed when using Ricochet. Active: Sivir increases her movement speed and that of her allies around her.

To find more in-depth guides, look here:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page


Support is the other half of the bot lane double team. It is the support’s job to protect the ADC and try and set up kills on the enemy bot lane.


Leona, League of Legends

Price: 880 RP – 4800 IP

Leona is one of the most versatile supports out when it comes to engaging the enemy. She has the utility to lock down the enemy team, not just a single target. She is good against Blitzcrank, Sona, Braum, and Draven. She is bad against Morgana, Alistar, Lulu, and Janna.

Passive – Leona’s spells debuff enemy champions and allow her allies to do more damage.

Q – Her next auto attack will deal increased damage and stun her target.

W – She shields herself, gaining armor and magic resist, after a few seconds the shield explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

E – Skill shot based root in which Leona latches onto an enemy and jumps toward them, dealing damage.

R – Target location AOE that stuns enemies in the centre and slows those on the outer rim. This also deals damage.

If this sun goddess sounds like your type of thing then look no further for more material:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page



Taric, League of Legends

Price: 585 RP – 1350 IP

Some of you may think Taric has fell by the way side but you know damn well gems never go out of fashion. He is a tanky support with a lot of love to give. He is good against Blitzcrank, Miss Fortune, Vayne, and Draven. He is bad against (besides greedy dragons) Sivir, Lulu, Morgana, and Nami.

Passive – After using an ability his next basic attack does increased damaged based off of 20% of his armor.

Q – Taric heals a targeted allied unit also healing himself.

W – Passive: A flat rate increase to armor and a percentage increase to his armor and his allies around him. Active: Taric deals damage to nearby enemies and reduces their armor.

E – Taric stuns the target and does a small amount of damage.

R – Centered AOE damage that also buffs him and allies near him.

If you would like to find more on this fancy ass gem soldier then look no further:

Lolcounter – Solomid Guide – League of Legends Wiki Page