Top 10 Exotic weapons in Destiny and how to use them part 3

Destiny has a very complex weapons system which consists of weapon types, archetpyes and mods, as well as the weapon class. Since we've found out every exotic item and it's special abilities, we've been scouring the net far and wide, in order to find out which exotic weapons are the effective and we've managed to compile our findings into this top ten list! Hopefully this list will once and for all end the eternal "what is the best gun in destiny?" debate... (Hint: It's not the Truth)

4. Gjallarhorn - WOLFPACK ROUNDS - Rounds fired from this weapon split into tracking cluster missiles upon detonation.

Number 4 is the mythical weapon Gjallarhorn and oh boy is it a beauty! This exotic rocket launcher fires rockets, which will turn into secondary explosives upon their initial impact. These bombs will devastate anyone that wasn’t hit with the initial impact and thus creates a kind of cluster bomb/rocket launcher type weapon of mass destruction (if that doesn’t exist yet I hereby claim the patent).Not only do these missiles explode again into cluster missiles but both the original missile and the resulting clusters will both track down opponents and get you a more effective hit.

Most effective in:

Group battle situations. No guardians or fireteams will be able to stand against you whilst you have this weapon equipped. At the first hint of teamwork against you simply pull it out and aim at the largest group you see and the affectionately nicknamed “Wolfpack rounds” will track down your opponents for you.

In Game Description:

"If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?" - Feizel Crux

3. Universal Remote - UNIVERSAL REMOTE - Range and precision damage increases greatly while aiming down the sight.

The first and only shotgun in our top ten list of exotic weapons is the Universal Remote! This weapon is amazing, not only is it a shotgun which counts as a primary weapon but it also boasts a range which is comparable to a scout rifle. Add this to the fact that it has less recoil than most shotguns and also has range, precision and speed bonuses as well as bonus damage after every kill and you are easily looking at one of the most all round effective weapons in the entire game.
Most effective in:
Any PVP or Crucible situation, if I had to choose one in particular I would say control. Everybody already knows how effective the Shotgun and Melee combo is but imagine how powerful a double shotgun combo with long-range tendencies could be? 

In Game Description:
To the untrained eye, this beast is a Junker. To the trained eye however, this Junker... is a beast.

2. Red Death - RED DEATH - Each kill heals you and speeds up reloads.

The Red Death looks the part! It’s an exotic pulse rifle with an attitude problem and a hugely profitable set of perks. The most important of these perks is that every single time you kill an enemy your gun will heal you and speed up your reloads! What more could you want from a weapon like this? Well how about the fact that the more body shots you land, the more damage your precision shots will do? Is that not enough? Well the spinmetal and colony rounds will increase both your max capacity and enhance your impact.

Most effective in:
The Rumble game mode in the crucible. Forget about teammates and battling fireteams. This weapon is designed with one thing in mind… utter carnage. This gun just screams “Us against the world” and you will dominate pretty much any PVP game mode you enter. 

In Game Description:
Vanguard policy urges Guardians to destroy this weapon on sight. It is a Guardian killer.

Patience and Time - PATIENCE AND TIME - You gain active camouflage while aiming down the sights.

And now we have our number 1, numero uno, Patience and Time! Can we have a round of applause please? This weapon is an exotic sniper rifle and boasts some of the most unique abilities available in the game. The first of which is the active camouflage, which is pretty much just a nice way of saying you will be granted invisibility. Its important to remember that the invisibility takes 3 seconds to activate and lasts until you unzoom from your scope or ten seconds has passed, whichever comes first. Add this to the third and most important ability, “Third Eye”, which turns your scope into a radar whilst you are aiming. No one will be able to sneak up on you and lets be honest even if they do… you’re invisible! Whats the worst they could do?

Most effective in:
Long range combat situations. This weapon has all of the necessary attributes to make long range combat in destiny effective. You will no longer have to worry about the usual weaknesses associated with a sniper rifle as this one pretty much negates all of them. Infact it’s perfectly capable of being effective in short term combat too.

In Game Description:
If you've got it, they'll never see it coming.

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