Destiny: The Spinmetal material guide

Along your many travels on the Earth in Destiny, you may come across a silver coloured plant like substance, known in game as ‘Spinmetal’. According to Destiny legend, it is "A filigree of bubbled metal grown by wild colonies of Golden Age cytocontractors".

So, what use is it to you as a player? Spinmetal is used as a material for upgrading various weapons and pieces of armour and harvesting the spinmetal leaves from their branches will store the material in your inventory for you to use however you please. You can also find a number of spinmetal in any chest you find on Earth.


There are a number of spinmetal uses, so it is more than worth your time to go out of your way to find it. The Vanguard and Crucible quartermaster robots in the Tower offer a spinmetal material exchange service, where you can exchange 50 spinmetal leaves in return for a reputation gain for your chosen faction as well as a nice amount of glimmer. The crucible vanguard can be found down the stairs in the middle of the tower to your left as your enter, whilst the vanguard quartermaster will require you to visit the hanger and go to his stall (the first stall on the right before the stairs). Also, if you are wearing an independent faction’s class armour, the reputation gained from trading your spinmetal in will be applied to your reputation for that faction. This can be a great timesaver if you find yourself with a plethora of material, as instead of playing crucible games or doing various strikes for vanguard/crucible reputation, you can simply trade in as much as you possibly can for guaranteed reputation gain.

As you upgrade your guns and armour, you’ll find that in addition to such things as weapon parts and sapphire wire, some of your items will need spinmetal to upgrade it; thus making it crucial for you to obtain. Some weapons also carry an unlockable upgrade called spinmetal rounds that allow you to carry more ammo for that weapon once unlocked. The upgrade itself will oddly not cost you any spinmetal material, but a paltry 250 glimmer.

Spinmetal is native to Earth and is the only place you will be able to find it. Spinmetal locations are difficult to pin down as once you harvest a branch it will disappear and will not have a chance to respawn in the same place you found it unless you find the next spinmetal branch in the area. As mentioned earlier, chests on Earth will contain spinmetal too, so be sure to keep your eyes open for chests and the silver glow of the spinmetal leaves whilst patrolling the Earth.

What do you think is the best way to spend your spinmetal? Let us know in the comments below!

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