Destiny has been created with a heirachy of weapons and Armor that lets Exotic Items shine above all others as the most sought after objects in the game. The game already boasts a complex weapons system which consists of weapon types and archetypes as well as mods and weapon classes. As we've done before in our Top 10 Exotic weapons for destiny guide, we've scoured the net far and wide again but this time in search of the most effective exotic armor and we've put our research together into this top ten list! This should once and for all answer the question "What is the best armor in destiny?"

Look below to see entries number 4 to 1 of our list:

4. Light Beyond Nemesis – Keeper of the Pack - You revive fallen teammates faster, and they revive you faster. Your Super also spawns additional orbs for teammates.

Class: Warlock

Now this little beauty is very interesting to look at. The winged helmet reminds us of ancient times and the fully black visor is a great aesthetic choice. This exotic helmet also has some great upgrades such as the “Snap Discharge” ability, which increases the speed of the warlock’s melee attack, but its real use comes from it’s ability to replenish health everytime an orb of light is picked up and the ability to generate more orbs of light than any other class when using your special ability.

Most effective in:

Team based PVP modes or fireteam strikes and raids. This class is best used as a support class and will be essential to completing heroic raids and nightfall strikes. The other exotics might make you stronger, but this little beauty lets you fight for longer.

In Game Description:
These are the wings of pratiya-samutpada, the truth of interconnectedness. The everywhere Light.

3. Helm of Inmost Light – Recklessness - Provides Death from Above and Headstrong for Fist of Havoc.

Class: Titan

This is probably the most offensively effective armor item in the entire game. Its ability far surpasses the abilities of most other exotic armors by adding not one, but TWO additional upgrades to your Fist of Havoc Super ability. It adds the “Death from Above” ability which lets you use your ability in mid air and can be used as an aiming feature, as well as the “Fist of Havoc” ability which makes you invincible for a period of time after using your super. If that’s not enough for you to consider this one of the top 3 exotic armors in the game then the “Rain Blows” upgrade should help, as it increases the speed of one of the most powerful attacks in the game, namely the Titan Melee.

Most effective in: 

Any offensive situation, you can just let rip and forget entirely about conserving ammo. Both of the automatic super ability upgrades are very powerful and either one could clear out a room of enemies with minimal effort.

In Game Description:
"The light shines brightest in those it consumes." 

2. Sunbreakers –Helium Cycle - Increases the duration of your Solar Grenade..

Class: Warlock

These are probably the best looking pieces of armor in the entire game. I love the way it looks like you have an entire star on your arm and not content with looking good alone, this weapon has the upgrades to justify it’s high position in our top ten. It has the ability to speed up all special weapon reloads, which can be a very practical ability. The “Serpent’s Tail” upgrade is a very interesting one as it makes your melee attacks reduce the cooldown of your grenades. This can be used to alternate between close and long ranged combat with ease but the real power is in the ability to increase the duration of those solar grenades which can easily be argued as the best grenade in the game.

Most effective in:

PVP, use it to destroy groups with your solar grenades as well as ensuring you melee the living hell out of anyone that survives.

In Game Description:

"When one can wield the fire of stars, what use is flesh and bone?"

1. Heart of the Praxic Fire – Praise the Sun - Further decreases all ability cooldowns while Radiance is active.

Class: Warlock

Ah yes, we have finally reached our number one! And what a beauty we have here. This armor piece is modeled on something that resembles a knight of the round table with a coat of arms in the middle. It’s very good looking and has the most well rounded upgrades. Lots of armor pieces had great individual upgrades but this piece’s upgrades work together in perfect harmony. Firstly it increases the amount of fusion rifle and heavy ammo you can hold at any time. The “Praise the Sun” upgrade is the real gem as it reduces the cooldowns even further whilst the Radiance super ability is active. That means you can literally throw grenades non-stop until your super ability runs out! Perfect!

Most effective in:

Battle against large groups or overpowered enemies. This is another essential armor piece for the heroic raids and harder elements of the destiny experience. Having this equipped whilst using the radiance super ability can be the difference between killing 1 enemy or 10.

In Game Description:
"In that last moment she seemed as wholly luminescent as the Sun, and I wished to be so brave."

Do you have any advice for players who want Exotic Armor? Let us know in the comments below!

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