So you’ve been playing Dragon Ball XenoVerse and you’re having a bit of trouble getting to where you want to be. If only there was some way you could just wish for whatever it is that you want, right? Well, it turns out that there is, all you have to do is collect these seven extremely rare items that everyone in the universe is fighting for. No problem. Luckily, there is a much easier way that will have you demanding wishes from the powerful dragon, Shenron, so quick he won’t know what hit him. All you have to do is follow a few simple instructions.
This quest will put you on the path to Dragon Ball heaven.
Early on in Dragon Ball XenoVerse you will have the ability to participate in Parallel Quests. These are missions that give you a chance to unlock skills and clothing. The best part is that you have the option to replay them to your heart’s content. This one small fact is what makes this method so easy. The Parallel Quest “Prepare for the Attack of Saiyans!” is one of the first of these missions you will unlock and it isn’t a particularly difficult one.
What you want to do is be around level 10 and trigger this quest. Choose whoever you want to accompany you, it really doesn’t matter so you might as well go with whoever you want to stare at for the next few minutes. You’ll be put against Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. what you need to do is use all that you’ve learned so far in Dragon Ball XenoVerse to defeat these three as fast as you can in order to trigger the gate to the next area.
These guys may be your friends, but you’re going to have to beat them senseless if you want these dragon balls.
When you finally trigger the gate you want to make sure NOT to go through it. Instead, look around and if luck is on your side there should be a time patroller standing under one of the awnings in the center of the stage. If not, then immediately pause the game and restart the quest. Once you get the hang of the combat it shouldn’t take much longer than one minute to defeat all three of your challengers so not too much time will be wasted between retries. If the time patroller does appear then it’s time for the next step.
It’s time to open up a can of whoop ass on the time patroller.
If all has gone your way the time patroller will have appeared and you can now accept his/her challenge to a quick match. Use your scouter to check the patroller’s level. These guys are computer controlled characters that are created by real people, so there is a chance that you will be fighting someone at a different level than you are. You don’t want to rush in against someone much stronger than you, use your companions to your advantage and flank the patroller if need be.
Do whatever it takes and take this fighter down. For some reason they tend to use ultimate attacks more often than other fighters in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. With that in mind, make sure to keep your guard up. After you’ve done your thing and have defeated the patroller, you will receive a notification on the bottom of your screen informing you of some items. There are usually two messages, but it’s the second one that will be the one you need to pay attention to. You’re looking for it to say, “You got Key Item!”
These are the magic words you should be looking for.
Things in Dragon Ball XenoVerse don’t always work as intended, so if for some reason the magic message at the bottom of the screen doesn’t say Key Item, you need to once again restart the quest. There is no need to stick around and waste any time if you don’t get what you came for. Once you do manage to make the message pop up, continue the mission.
You’re going to need to repeat the quest a few more times in order to collect all 7 dragon balls.
If you’ve gotten the Key Item message to pop up, then it’s time to go through the gate and finish the quest. Your challengers here will be Gohan and Piccolo. For those who defeat them before 5 minutes have passed on the mission clock (it starts at 15 minutes), you will also have to deal with Goku. Take him out for some extra XP and a chance at better items and you’ll be good to go.
Dragon Ball XenoVerse presents you with the items you’ve acquired after your score is all tallied up. Here is where you’ll see your shiny new Dragon Ball and any other items you may have won. Now all that’s left to do is complete the process in order to collect the other 6.
Once you’ve done that it’s time to…
Present your dragon balls and ask for what you desire from Shenron.
You now have all seven Dragon Balls, it is time to present them to Shenron and make your wish. Dragon Ball XenoVerse presents many options to you ranging from riches to new, powerful characters. Whatever you choose, you can be sure that you’ll get something great. If after all is said and done you still want more, feel free to repeat the process and get some more wishes.
What makes this method so great is that the mission is really easy and you can usually get a Dragon Ball within 10 minutes. That means you can earn a wish in around an hour. Considering the rarity of this item, that is not too bad at all. So now that you know how to get these elusive items, what will you wish for? Feel free to share below.
For more information on Dragon Ball XenoVerse check out the game’s official site. Also be sure to check out our review.