So you’ve taken our advice and managed to collect seven Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. But now you have to decide on what to ask the great and powerful Wizard of O… Shenron. You have 10 options to choose from, but there is really no way of knowing exactly what you’ll get. Until now, that is. Here are the 10 wishes and their fruits, as well as whether you should even waste your time with them.
I Want Money– This wish is probably the most useless one in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. Making this wish grants you half a million zeni. While that seems great, currency isn’t exactly hard to come by in the game, making this a wish to only use if you’ve already gotten everything else you want.
I Want A Rare Item– This wish grants you the Power Pole accessory which can only be obtained this way. You can wish for this as many times as you want, although there is really no point in doing so. It is, after all, nothing more than a rare cosmetic item.
I Want To Dress Up- Using your Dragon Balls for this wish will grant you all of the pieces to a new costume in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. The Saiyuki costume greatly improves your Health and Ki Supers stats. It looks stylish enough and will set you apart from everyone else in Toki-Toki City (provided that they didn’t also wish for this costume).
Some wishes (such as the one for more power) will grant you items rather than skills.
I Want To Get Stronger- This wish will provide you with Soul Resonance Apparatus x5 and Soul Spreading Synthetic Device x3. These mixing items can be used to craft extremely useful Z-Souls which can then be equipped to your created character. The only issue is that some of the require Z-Souls for the recipes are very rare.
I Want To Grow- This is one of the most straight forward and useful wishes in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. Using your seven Dragon Balls to make this wish will grant you the required experience to hit the next level. It’s best to save this for when you’re trying to hit higher levels and to make sure that you’re not already close to the next level in order to truly maximize the benefits.
I Want A New Ultimate Attack- This wish is useable twice. The first time it is granted, you will receive Blitz Hell. The second time will grant you access to Minus Energy Ball ultimate attack. Not too shabby for 14 Dragon Balls.
Some of the best fighters in the game can only be obtained through wishes.
I Want A New Super Attack- This wish can also be used twice. Each time you will be granted a set of skills that can be utilized by your created character in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. The first set includes: Flash Bomber, Drain Field, Lightning Ruin and Air Consumption. The second set will net you: Castrol Lightning Dragon Bullets, God Speed Light Bullets, Whirlwind Spin, and the Sleepy Boy Box. All are pretty useful and well worth your time if you’ve grown tired of all the other Supers granted to you in Dragon Ball XenoVerse.
I Want More Useable Characters- In order to take full advantage of this wish you will want to request it three times. Doing so will unlock Super Saiyan 4 Gojeta, Super 17, and Omega Shenron in that order. These are some of the strongest characters available in Dragon Ball XenoVerse so you may want to go for this wish on your first few runs.
I Want A Second Chance At Life- Only request this wish if you want to respec your created character. In case you don’t know what that means, you’ll be able to reassign every skill point you’ve earned to change your character build.
I Want To Be Drop Dead Gorgeous- This wish is purely cosmetic. It allows you to change the appearance of your created character in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. It probably isn’t the best use of your hard earned Dragon Balls, but if you happen to be tired of staring at your creation then you’re more than welcome to change anything.
Now that you know all of the goodies you can get what are you going to wish for first? Feel free to share below.
For more information on Dragon Ball XenoVerse check out the game’s official site. Also check out Twinfinite’s review of the game.