Want to find all 175 Lorestones in Kingdoms of Amalur without investing all your hard-earned XP into the nerdy “Detect Hidden” skill? Use our massive map guide and start hunting right now!
You can find details on the Lorestones in the status section of the pause menu. There are 5 Lorestones in each set, with the exception of the seasonal stones (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), which have 10 per set. The seasonal stones are spread all across the Faelands’ overworld and dungeons. As such, they will receive their own section of the guide, though they will be marked in other sections too so that you can find them during your search for other Lorestones.
Plains of Erathell
Seasonal Stones
Gallows End (The Legend of Dead Kel DLC)
Dalentarth is the part of the Faelands where you begin your quest and includes Allestar Glade, Ettinmere, Odarath, Webwood, Glendara, Lorca-Rane, The Sidhe, Yolvan, and Haxhi. It also contains several sub-areas and dungeons, some of which contain their own Lorestones. Those areas are Summer’s End, Castle Windemere, Castle Yolvan, and Gorguath.
The following map shows all of the Lorestones in the Dalentarth overworld. If some Lorestones are in sub-areas or dungeons, they will be marked appropriately, and you can find their exact location on the smaller, sub-area maps below.
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The following maps are for Gorguath, Summer’s End, and Windemere. Castle Yolvan is not included, since the Lorestones there will be displayed on your map regardless of skill during the side quest called “Cutting the Threads.” Also, there are no maps for the two Dalentarth Lorestones found in Caer Nyarlim and the Gardens if Ysa, since their locations are obvious once you are in these uncomplicated areas.
Gorguath is a cavernous underground area entered via a massive tree trunk. You can find it in Odarath, just southeast of the House of Ballads.
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There is a hidden door directly west of the Lorestone seen in the circular room at the north end of the dungeon. Open it and follow the path to get to the Lorestone, which overlooks the circular room.
All but one of the Summer’s End stones are in Summer’s End. To gain access, you’ll need to reach the fifth of the House of Ballads Faction Quests, the one called “The Champion.”
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To gain access to Castle Windemere, you’ll need to reach the final quest in the House of Ballads questline.
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The Plains of Erathell lie east of Dalentarth and include the following areas: The Cradle of Summer, The Forsaken Plain, The Wolds, Tala-Rane, Galafor, and Kandria.
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Detrye is the desert land that covers the southern portion of the Faelands. It includes the following areas: The Red Marches, Alserund, The Hollowlands, Menetyre, and Apotyre.
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Klurikon is across the water on the eastern side of the Faelands. To reach it, you’ll need to progress the main questline until the opportunity arises. This area includes: Cursewood, The Midden, Drowned Forest, The Keening, and Caeled Coast.
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Alabastra is south of Klurikon, and the home of the Tuatha. It includes the following areas: High Fulgen, Shadow Pass, Twilight Pass, and Amaura.
Bhaile is first accessed during the “Taking Vengeance” main quest, just before the game’s final battle. The entrance is inside the House of Vengeance.
There are 3 Spring Lorestones found in Dalentarth, 5 in the Plains of Erathell, and 2 in Detyre. See maps of those areas for exact locations.
There are 3 Summer Lorestones found in Dalentarth, 5 in the Plains of Erathell, and 2 in Detyre. See maps of those areas for exact locations.
9 of the 10 Winter Lorestones are spread across Klurikon and Alabastra. See those maps for exact locations. The final Winter Lorestone is in Bhaile. See the Bhaile map in the previous section for the exact location.
All 10 of the Fall Lorestones are found inside dungeons.
(2 Lorestones): This dungeon lies just east of Gohart.
(2 Lorestones): This dungeon is at the north end of the west side of the Forsaken Plain.
(1 Lorestone): This dungeon is on the easternmost edge of the Tywili Coast.
(1 Lorestone): This dungeon is in the middle of the Caeled Coast.
(1 Lorestone): This dungeon is found along the path between Cursewood and The Midden. You can enter directly, or through the back way via Shattertier Mine in the northern part of Cursewood.
(1 Lorestone): This dungeon is on the western edge of Shadow Pass.
(2 Lorestones): This is the southernmost dungeon in Alabastra.
Gallows End
is the island on which the Legend of Dead Kel DLC adventures takes place. There
are 10 Lorestones total (five “Gallows End” and five “Gravehal”). Four Gravehal
Lorestones and one Gallows End Lorestone can be found throughout the overworld.
The remaining Lorestones are found in sub-areas (see the sub-areas section
* This
Lorestone is not accessible until you have finished the “Gravehal Tunnels”
faction quest.
The following maps are for Cliffbreak Fasting, Undersea Fasting, Mudhold Fasting, and Souldeep Fasting. There is one Lorestone in each of these areas.
This area is available immediately upon arriving at Gallows End.
This area is available immediately upon arriving at Gallows End.
This area is available immediately upon arriving at Gallows End. You’ll need to open one of two hidden doors to reach the Lorestone.
You cannot reach this Lorestone until taking on the “Until Death” main quest. Only then can you open the fate doors that stand in your way.
After completing the main questline, return to Cape Solace and accept the “The Invaders” quest. You’ll then have access to the Brigand’s Hideaway
There are 10
more Lorestones in this second Kingdoms of Amalur DLC chapter. The five Teeth
of Naros Lorestones can be found and immediately accessed on the overworld soon
as you arrive at The Teeth of Naros. The five Nyxaros Lorestones, however, cannot.
See the Nyxaros section for details.
Four of the
Five Nyxaros Lorestones cannot be reached until the hidden passage of Nyxaros
opens up during the “Perpetual Desolations” main quest.