Fallout Shelter (iPhone/ iPad) Equipment / Legendary Dwellers

Fallout Shelter (iPhone/ iPad) Equipment / Legendary Dwellers

Equipment of the legendary Dwellers
The particular residents in your Vault come with special equipment. Among them has any (with few exceptions) a weapon with legendary stage, as well as individual clothing.
Below you will find the equipment for the legendary inhabitants:
Name Weapon Clothing Abraham Washington Lincoln's Repeater Professor outfit Allistair Tenpenny Victory Rifle Tenpenny's Suit Amata Lone Wanderer Vault Suit Bittercup - Bittercup's Outfit Butch Lone Wanderer Tunnel Snakes' outfit Colonel Autumn Smuggler's End Autumn's Uniform Confessor Cromwell - Confessor Cromwell's Rags Dr. Li - Expert Lab Coat Elder Lyons Smuggler's End Elder Robe Eulogy Jones Black Hawk Eulogy Jones' Suit Harkness Infiltrator Heavy Battle Armor James Wild Bill's sidearm Expert Lab Suit Jericho Infiltrator Heavy Leather Armor Three Dog - Three Dog's Outfit Lucas Simms Infiltrator Sheriff's Duster Moira Brown - Expert Jumpsuit Mr. Burke Wild Bill's sidearm Lucky Formal Wear Preston Garvey Laser Musket Minuteman Uniform Star Paladin Cross Smuggler's End T-51F Power Armor Sarah Lyons Wazer Wifle T-51F Power Armor Reginald Rothchild Lone Wanderer Scribe Rothchild's Robe

Legendary Dwellers

NameLevelStrengthPerceptionPerseveranceCharismaIntelligenceMobility Happiness Abraham Washington342866846 Allistair Tenpenny372929729 Amata254658476 Bittercup305479555 Butch35576956 2 Colonel Autumn364659556 Confessor Cromwell307478635 Dr. Li294667944 Elder Lyons32433993 9 Eulogy Jones38565854 7 Harkness298585563 James
584794 3 Jericho31868237 6 Three Dog33446955 7 Lucas Simms25598556 2 Moira Brown25483875 5 Mr. Burke
474692 8 Preston Garvey
398656 3 Star Paladin Cross44784846 3 Sarah Lyons20868655 2 Reginald Rothchild30656945 5
All legendary residents (excluding Bittercup, Confessor Cromwell, Dr. Li and Moira) come with legendary firearms in your Vault.