Fallout 4: Things To Do to Pass The Time Until Release

Fallout 4 will be out in just a matter of hours, and there's a number of things you can do to pass the time to make sure the next 12-24 hours (depending on where you're located) will breeze by as quickly as possible so you can immerse yourself in the radioactive wasteland of retro-future Boston. 

Here are a few ideas. Just don't attempt the things in this other list to unlock the game early. 

Get drunk

Drink yourself into a stupor, or even hold an overnight/day-long binge with a few good friends to make sure you're in just the right mood to play Fallout 4 when it becomes available. You might have to nurse a hangover later on, though, but at least you'll have the game to keep you company. 


You could just go to sleep. Pop an ambien, hop in bed and try not to stay awake by resisting the urge to flip through reddit. The last thing you want to do is meet the Ambien walrus before the game comes out. 

Camp outside GameStop

If hardcore Apple fans can set up camp for weeks outside of the Apple Store ahead of the release of every new iPhone, there's no reason why a Fallout fan can't do the same. You've waited a lot longer. 

Stare at the countdown timer

You could stare at the countdown timer on the game's Steam store page as the hours and minutes and seconds tick down to the release. I don't recommend doing this on Ambien. 

Work through your backlog

Finish your second playthrough of The Witcher 3. Work through the entire Uncharted trilogy. You've probably got a thousand games in your Steam backlog, so it wouldn't hurt to play at least one of them while you wait. 

Build your character

Come up with all the ways (and write it down in a document, so you remember) you plan to play your first character. Do you plan on punching people to death, or shooting them? Sneaky or guns blazing? Chatty and charismatic, or silent and solemn? Whether you design your character ahead of schedule or plan on figuring things out as you go, you know you're going to have a great time. 


Did you like this article? Here's a list of things you shouldn't do to get the game to unlock early.