Unofficial Tales of Graces F Guide by vhayste for
Dive into our huge unofficial Tales of Graces F Walkthrough and game guide to discover all you need to know to complete this superb JRPG. All the important boss battles are handled with text and videos and the whole game is walked through from start to finish. Note: Future Arc is still being worked on and will be finished shortly - please check back soon. The Artes Menu The Eleth Mixer The Library Menu Dualizing is a way producing a new item from two other in your possession. You can dualize items at any items shop, and it's a good idea to do so whenever possible. Press circle to approach an enemy and attack. If you continue to press the button, you'll perform an attack combo. You can dash and move using L-analog. Asbel is one of the main melee combatants in the party. He's a good all-rounder, having combos and moves that can effectively control multiple enemies and deal multi-hit damage to lone opponents. He's pretty easy to control and use making him a staple member in the majority of battles. Sophie is a powerful, close-range fighter with minimal crowd control abilities but with more powerful attacks that can easily decimate her targets. She has the ability to charge her attacks and deal more devastating damage when released. Sophie can also act as a backup healer since she has recovery and revival artes. Hubert can fight in all ranges since his artes allow him to attack enemies up close, in mid-range or long-range. He can effectively transition from B-Artes to A-artes and even link their attacks. Hubert can also be a backup healer because of his recovery artes. Cheria is the dedicated healer of the party and is an obvious staple part of any combat group. Her wide array of healing, recovery and support artes increases the effectiveness and survival rate of the party. She can defend herself using long-range attacks with her daggers and she possesses good, crowd-control offensive artes as well. If you're one of those who got fooled by thinking Malik is a melee fighter, well welcome to the club. His signature weapon, the bladerang is a long-range weapon that can be thrown to foes. He's also a potent spellcaster and very effective in controlling hordes of enemies as long as he's in a safe distance. His strength lies in attacking with his bladerang and casting a spell while the weapon is in mid-flight. She's another spellcaster in the group, capable of unleashing very effective offensive spells. Pascal's shotstaff allows her to safely deal physical damage at long range through some of her cryas (A) artes require her to move close to the enemy. Lhant Hill Continue to the right to find another chest. Open it for a Glassphere. Continue along the path to find a savepoint. There's a chest hidden behind a bush to its right containing a Life Bottle. Use the savepoint and continue forth for a scene. You'll get a “Plucked Flower” which is a valuable item. Leave the meadow and save your game. You'll also have the chance to trigger a skit (Rebel without a Cause) in a short while. You can also fight a few battles here to earn exp and sp, as well as familiarizing yourself with the battle system. Once you're ready to proceed, leave the area. North Lhant Highroad Continue along the road and grab another Glassphere inside the chest. That's all you can do for now since you won't be able to head further for now. Backtrack a bit and follow the road east to Lhant. You'll finally see a savepoint along the way and trigger another skit. (Seek the Sparkles) Go a steps down and enter town. Lhant Cross the bridge to the south of the talking children to trigger a skit (Poor Choice of Words) Talk to the guard in the northeastern road after crossing the bridge. He'll give a quiz to you. The answers are Wolf Pup, Wooly Boar and Giant Bee. You'll receive 100 gald for getting the questions right. You can purchase a Manual Manual key item from the item shop for 500g which will enable you to set your battle actions to Manual. When ready, just follow the main road inside the town to reach the manor and trigger a scene. Once you're in control, you can enter the manor and save your game inside. Another skit will be triggered as well. (Family Ties) You can head to the 2nd floor bedroom to rest and trigger another skit (Rash Justice). Examine the unorganized table to the far right to get the Enemy Book. Head out and start talking to the townspeople. They will all mention something about a foreigner staying in a cottage in West Lhant Hill. Backtrack to the bridge you checked earlier and approach the guard whom you took the quiz earlier for a short scene. You'll receive a Discovery Book from him. This book will allow you to record rare and unique locations/spots. Some spots that yield items can be checked out again later to harvest their yield again. For starters, examine the apple tree nearby to receive Apples x3. (No.1 Apple Trees) This will also open another skit. (Fruit of Ignorance) Before leaving, you can also check out the windmill in the town for another discovery (No. 2 Lord Windegarde). You can also buy two new weapons for Asbel and Hubert from the equipment shop. When ready, exit the town. West Lhant Road Continue following the road until you find one of them Turtlez. He will give you a Dualize Book and a tutorial on how to dualize stuff. Just combine an Apple and Gel Seed to create an Apple Gel and complete the tutorial. You can also start dualizing some materials and ingredients to Cook. The possible outcomes for each pair will be shown and discovered products for each pair will turn the color of their names to white, making it easier for you to identify the combinations you haven't tested out yet. Head left a bit and you should be able to spot the cottage and a save point. Before entering, find the chest containing Rice x5 in the far left and a shining object nearby for some random item. Approach the beastmaster in front of the cottage for a scene. After the scene, approach the savepoint to trigger a skit. (Abracadabra) Return to town when ready and head to the manor. Lhant East Lhant Highroad Return to the main road and continue forth for a scene. Defeat the enemy and wait until the scenes end. You don't have anywhere else to go at the moment so head back to the town. Another skit will trigger on your way inside. (A Wild Seed Takes Root). Head back inside and proceed to the manor. Once you're in control, your party formation will change temporarily. You need to make your way to Lhant Hill. Another skit will trigger along the way. (A Wild Seed Bears Fruit). Exit the town and head to Lhant Hill. (Optional: You can take the west road and follow it all the way to the port to find some extra items) West Lhant Port Boss: Bryce
Menu and Gameplay Basics
In the Artes menu, you can view artes learned by your characters, and also turn on and off specifics artes for characters set to Auto. L1 And L2 To which between characters.
B-Artes and shortcuts
The artes menu allow you to set B-artes To L-analog at any time, you can also press a start To set shortcuts R-analog these shortcuts can be used to access your current character's artes, or they can be used to order other party members to use specifics artes of your choosing.
The Items Menu
The item menu is the place to view all of the items in your possession. Items are divided into the following categories:New, Consumables, Food, Materials,Weapons, Armor, Unique Equipments, gems and Valuables. Use L1 and L2 to which between categories.
The Equip Menu
The equip menu is the place to manage weapons, Equipments and tittles. Note that not all character's can equip all type of equipments to switch between character use L1 and L2.
The Status Menu
The status menu is the place to view all character's statistics. Use L-anolog to flip through the various information panels, and use L1 and l2 to switch between character's.
The Option Menu
The Option menu is where you can tweak game option such us volume and massage settings. Battles difficulty
allows you to change how hard the game is; if thing are going poorly. Don't be afraid to lower the difficulty level until you get more comfortable with the overall game mechanics.
The Titles Menu
Skills are learned by Equipping Titles and then collecting SP from battles. Once a skill is learned it's remains in effect even if the affiliated titles is removed. Lower-ranked skills are easier to learned, but higher ones tend to be more useful. Swap titles often to get a good variety of skills. (see the Battle Basics section for more information about titles)
Equipped Effect
Some effect are only active when a certain titles is equipped; these are known as “ equipped Effect.” they differ from skills in that they come into play only when the corresponding titles is equipped. Knowing which titles to equip for their equipped effect can make the difference In a battle against a tough opponent. (see the Battle Basics section for more information about titles)
Learning Artes
Artes can also be learned from titles through arte skills. Up to five different skill can teach the same arte, and you can acquire the arte from any of them. The skill stack. Too, so if you learn them more than once, the artes will become more powerful each time.
Saving Game Data
Those shiny blue and white object found throughout the game world are Save Point. Press Circle while standing on one to save your current game status, To resume a previously-save game, just choose the continue option at the title screen.
skits are short conversations that occur between your party members. To view them, press Select when the skits indicator appears on-screen in certain locations, if you enjoy viewing skits, make sure to walk all over so you can see them all!
Skits and Discoveries
Skits are often triggered when you come across a new discovery. Such skits are usually about said discovery, so it's a good idea to watch them, as you might learn something new about the area.
The World Map
The World map shows all info, including shops, discoveries, and requests in various towns. Be sure to look into these requests, as many of them offer valuable rewards. Press R3 to bring up the World Map at any time.
Shuttle Mode
Once you acquire the shuttle, you can fly from the World Map to towns or dungeon entrance at any time, as long as you're not currently in a dungeon. You can also use R-analog to control the cursor manually. Don't be afraid to explore the map a bit; who knows what secrets you might find?!
Most inns contain requests for help from various townspeople. Once you have the desired item(s), hand them over to receive your reward. You'll also earn SP from requests, making them a great way to develop titles. Note there is no time limits for completing requests, except for some which are tied in some sub-events you manually need to find and trigger.
Stamp Cards
When you purchase, sell or dualize at a shop, you'll sometimes get stamp on the stamp card associated with that town. For every 10 stamp you receive, the town's shops will certain bargain items for purchase. Most of these are uncommon materials, equipment and battle items you won't easily find anywhere else.
Eleth Mixer Basics
The mysterious Eleth can provide you with various benefits whenever you set items in it. As long as you've acquired an item at some point in the past, you can set it to the mixer, even if you don't own the item anymore.
Eleth Mixer Basics
The Eleth Mixer consumes eleth, not items, so the things place inside it will not disappear. You can restore its eleth at shop and inns for a price. By the way, The Eleth Mixer gives Priority to dishes set higher on the list, so keep that in mind.
if you set a dish in the Eleth mixer, its effect will activate either during battle or immediately afterward. Different dishes will cook under different conditions, so dualize a lot of dishes to find your favorites.
Cooking Conditions
If you complete multiple dishes at the same time, the Eleth Mixer will prepare whatever dish is higher on the list. You can only prepare one dish per battle, but there are rumors of an item that can increase that number to two....
Item Production
If you set a consumable items or a material in the Eleth Mixer, it will produce more of that item as you travel around. This may seem like a convenient way to get rare items, but be careful! Rare items consume more eleth, and also have a lower chance of being successfully produced.
Spellbook Effects
If you place a spellbook in the Eleth Mixer, any effect hidden in the book will be activated. Some books provide benefits all on their own, while others require a separate item in the Mixer before they can be utilized.
Eleth Mixer Growth
The maximum amount of eleth the Eleth Mixer can hold increase each time it cooks a dish. You can also increase the number of items that can be set to it by creating consumable items and materials. When you first get your Eleth Mixer, work on creating a few simple, easy-to-create items.
Eleth Mixer Growth Tips
Cooking is essential for increasing the maximum eleth held by the Eleth Mixer. If you want to develop your mixer, set dishes that consume a lot of eleth. Also, aviod dishes that heal KO status in favor of ones that activate when you land multi-hit combos. Such dishes will help the mixer develop faster.
Library Basics
The library menu is where you can view an assortment of gameplay record and collection date. Use Triangle and square to switch between the various books.
The Collector's Book
The collector's Book show the detail of all the items that you have acquired.
The Discovery Book
The Discovery Book shows all of the discovery point you've located; special object and locatios of interest, often where certain items and materials can be gathered. If you gather an items a location and wait a while, you might be able to collect it again if you return.
The User's Guide
The User's Guide will occasionally be updated with useful information above and beyond what can be found in the other books. These new section are added as you progress through the story, so be sure to check it out every now and again.
The Strategy Menu
The Strategy menu lets you specify In detail which action will be performed by characters that are not under your control. If you have multiple healers in the party, you can specify different Recovery strategies for each to allow for more efficient healing of the entire party.
Dualizing Basics
Combining is a form of dualizing where you combine two materials, or one ingredient and a material, to produce a new item. It's also a food way to crank out items that you can sell for quick cash.
cooking is a form of dualizing where you combine two ingredient, or one dish and one ingredient. You can make wide range of dishes with helpful effects, including some that heal your party as you walk around, so bust your knives and get to cooking ASAP.
Enhancing is a form of dualizing where you combine a shard with a piece of equipment that doesn't yet contain a shard, Once you do, any effect the shard has will be transferred to the equipment. If you use that gear enough is battle, it will become tempered, which raises its effectiveness.
Converting is a form of dualizing where you combine a specifics material with a piece of equipment, to make an entirely new piece of equipment. Any enhancement the original gear possessed will be partially carried over to the new piece.
Fusing is a form of dualizing where you combine two gems to make one containing the most powerful effects of the previous two. Depending on the qualities of the gems, the effects carried over may change. And/or the rank of the new gem may increase.
Merging is a form of dualizing where you combine two “charm” items to produce a gem that protects you from or reduces the effects of both physical ailments associated with the charms. Depending on the effect's strength, you may even regain HP when an attack inflicts the relevant physical ailment.
Battle Basics
You can Guard against enemy attacks by holding square. Guarding is a great way to decrease the amount of damage you take from an attack, and it also helps prevent yourself from being staggered. Once you've guarded, look for an opening in your enemy's defenses and such launch a counterattack.
Blue Aura
If you continue to hold the guard button, a blue light will surround your body. When in this blue aura state, your critical gauge will increase. Restore CC by guarding and then use the blue aura to your advantage.
Greed Aura
If you continue to guard while in the blue aura state, a green light will surround your body. If you attack while is this green aura state, enemy attack wont's stagger you when you begin to launch an arte, This effect is known as the Iron stance.
Red Aura
If you continue to guard while in the green aura state, a red light will surround your body. This red aura allows you to break through an enemy's guard and prevent it from evading. This is the last of the three guard auras.
Maintaining Balance
If you spend too much time guarding and not enough time attacking, the enemy will eventually break your guard. Once you achieve red aura status, go on the offensive!
The Battle Menu
Press triangle to open the Battle menu, Where you can use items and change your artes. Battles are paused while this menu is open, so take your time and consider the best strategy.
Changing Targets
If you want to change your current target, you can pause the battle by holding R1 and then use L-analog to select a new target alternatively, if you simply tap R1, you will automatically targets the enemy closest to you.
Changing Characters
Use Arrow To change characters in battle. Your current character is represented by Arrow-Up, while the other party members occupy the other position Press Arrow-Up to pull up the menu and survey everyone's position. En use Arrow to switch to your preferred character. Once you've memorize their positions, jump to them at any time with press Arrow
Changing Artes
Some B-Artes require time to change. If you hold X and use L-analog while casting, you can change the arte's target. If you continue to hold X after casting is complete, you'll activate a blue charge, which lets you choose when the arte is unleashed. And with a certain skill, you can activate a red charge, which adds additional attributes to the arte!
Hold square and use L-analog to quick-step, which allows you to quickly dodge in a circular direction around your enemy. You can also quick-Step by lightly Tapping L-analog Quick-Stepping is an elegant and effective way to dodging and counterattacking, and can even be used in the middle of your own attacks.
Vertical Strikes
Enemy attack involving large downward swings are known as Vertical strikes. If you evade such an attack, you won't be staggered even if you're hit. You might even recover some CC or have something else good happen.
While standard quick-Step are a good way to avoid vertical attacks, back-Steps are a fine way to avoid horizontal ones. You can attack immediately after a back-Steps, making it the perfect chance to turn trouble into an opportunity.
Small enemy projectiles can be quite annoying, if not dangerous. If a foe is pelting you perform a forward-steps to knock their projectiles away! Not all projectile can be deflected by this method, so you'll have to experiment.
Guard Breaks
An attack that can't be guarded against is known as a guard break. You'll see the “!” symbol appear before such an attack, so be on the lookout. Note that while guard-breaker attacks can't be blocked,they can be avoided by simply quick-stepping in any direction.
Chain Capacity
The shinning number to the lower-right of a character's battle portrait indicate his or her Chain Capacity (CC) points. All actions require CC to be performed, and as long as you have some left, you can chain actions together continuously. CC recovers quite quickly, so don't be shy about performing lots of different actions!
Increasing CC
You can recover CC by waiting, moving, or guarding. You can also increase the amount of CC you can use by striking enemies; the more hits you land, the more CC you'll be able to use in the current battle,
Critical Hits
Critical hits are particularly damaging strikes that aren't based on fixed percentages, but rather on when your CC increase ( in other word, when your critical gauge hoes up) but be careful, if you get hit, the gauge will go down.
CC Techniques
The best way to increase your CC is by landing consecutive hits in battle. Successfully guarding and evading attacks, however, will also increase your CC.
The Critical Gauge
You may have noticed a blue gauge to the left of the CC number. Did you also notice hits when this is full? So perhaps letting if fall is not the best idea.
CC Range
Minimum and maximum CC values are determined by your equipped weapon. However, they can be increased with skills and/or equipment with certain effects. Keep en eye out for such gear whenever you visit shops.
Battle Start CC Bonus
Want to go into battle with extra CC? Then you should approach enemies from behind while on the field. This will add 1 to your minimum CC at the start of a battle. Some think is a cowardly way to fight, but better a living coward than a dead hero.
A-Artes 101
Assault Artes, or A-Artes, are your basic attack artes, If you press Circle continually, the A-Artes that you use will increase in both class and CC cost, starting from 1CC and increasing to 2 CC, 3CC, and finally 4CC.
Advanced A-Artes
A-Artes that cost 2 CC or more are learned though skills connected to titles. You can view your newly-learned artes in the Artes Menu. The order in which A-Artes are unleashed in battle is determined by the arte tree shown there; continue attacking with Circle and use L-analog to determine which artes will come next according to the tree.
B-Artes 101
Burst Artes or B-Artes, are now available in battle. At the cost 1CC, Asbel can draw his sword at any time and gain access to a whole new sword and unleash B-Artes, and use Circle when you want to sheathe the weapon.
Linked Artes
You may have noticed that certain artes are grayed out in the artes list. To activate these linked artes, you must hold Circle while moving through the A-Artes paths in battle, It can be tricky when you need to make split-second decisions on whether or not to use a certain arte, but once you master it, you'll be fighting with style!
Titles 101
You can equip one title on the character at a time. After each battle, you'll earn skill points (SP), which are put toward learning the skills associated with that title. These skills remain even when you unquip th title, so it's a good idea to earn as many titles and learn as many skills as you can!
New Title tips
When you earn a new title, pull up the Title menu to take a look at it. Once you equip it, you might just discover a whole new you!
Title Effects
Every title has special Effects that are active only while the title is equipped. If you're unsure which title is best for a certain situation, you can always just pick the one that gives you the best combat boost.
Learning Skills
Each title has five ranks of skills associated with it. The lower the skill's rank, the easier it is to learn, If you;re just looking to amass as many skills as possible, you can always learn the first three skill of a title quickly, then switch to the next one and start again. However, you might miss some useful skills this way.
Learning Artes via Skills
Some arte can be learned from skills. Multiple skills may offer the same arte, and it doesn't matter which you choose. However, if you learn the same arte from more than one skill, its effects will stack, making is more powerful. You may also be able to earn new title by using the same artes repeatedly.
Seeking New Titles
If you fight with great skill, you may be able to acquire even more titles. So always give it your all in battle, even against weaker opponents.
Mastering Titles
Each title has five skills associated with it. However if you keep using a title after learning all of its skills, you'll eventually Master the title, which provides a boost to its effects. However, it's usually a better idea to switch to a new title once you learn all of a title's skills so as not ti waste SP.
Costume Title
Some titles can be used to earn new costumes. First, you must learn the associated title's Costume skill, then open the Status menu and navigate to the Costume screen. There you can select your new outfit.
All About Attributes
Attributes are the attack associated with particular artes. The “Beast” attributes, for example, increases damage to beast-type monster, while the “Slash” attribute is effective against enemies weak to slash attacks.
Know Thy Enemy
If you hold R1 during battle, your current target's info will be displayed, including the attributes it's weak against, otherwise known as its “Weak points,” from there, you can press Circle to bring up even more detailed info.
Effective Attribute Use
Different artes have different attributes. If your enemy is weak against an arte of a certain attribute, be sure to include it in your combos. If you strike an enemy with such an attribute, you attacks will be extra damage and it will temporarily unable to evade.
Exploiting Weak Points
Once you find an attribute that your enemy is weak against, don't get lazy. Many enemies have multiple weak points, and the more of them you hit, the more damage you can do. If you manage to strike every weak point of an enemy, your CC will completely restored. You'll Even restore eleth to the mixer Why, you ask? Ah, that's a secret.....
Utilizing Effects
Some weapons and gems have effects that add attributes to your attacks. Take advantage of the dualize system to ensure your party has attributes for any given situation.
Weak point Timing
If you want to be a true combat master, hit all of an enemy's weak points as quickly as possible. Once you strike one of them, you'll need to strike the next within a limited amount of time in order to keep to keep the combo going.
Tech Bonuses
if you defeat enemies with well-executed techniques, you may earn technical (tech) bonuses. Those include such perks as extra experience and gald.
Tech Bonus Challengers
once you obtain a tech bonus, the next battle will often up a tech bonus challenger with even tougher conditions that before. Each challenge you clear yields better rewards than the one that preceded it.
The Eleth Gauge
During battle, the gauge on the left side of the screen shows the eleth being produce. The blue portion is for your party, and increases when you attack, are attacked, guard, or evade an attack. The red portion so for the enemies, and works in similar manner.
Eleth Burst
Once the blue portion of the Eleth Gauge fills, eleth is released and the battlefield enter the Eleth Burst state, which fills your CC and keeps it there, allowing you to attack with impunity. Some skills grant additional effects during this state, so be sure to use them to gain the upper hand.
Eleth Gauge Tips
if you want to give a boost to your portion of the Eleth gauge, try attacking enemies from behind on the field. Doing so will provide you with extra eleth when the fight begins. However, the same applies to enemies, so stay on your guard when traveling.
Mystics Artes
mystics artes are special artes that can be learned during your journey. If you learn one, a Mystics Arte Gauge will appear on the left side of the screen during an Eleth Burst. If the gauge is at level 1 or higher, you can activate the Mystic arte in the middle of a combo by pressing L1.
The Mystics Artes Gauge
Attack combos are the key to filling ate mystic Arte Gauge. It's best to use a variety of artes, though the gauge will fill faster when you use artes you've used many times in the past. Also, the more you use Mystic Artes over time, the faster the gauge will fill.
Mystics Artes Levels
If you know more than one Mystic Arte, the Mystics Arte Gauge's level will determine which one you can use. Also note that you cab activate a Mystic Arte either by pressing L1, or by pressing Circle and X simutaneously.
Eleth Break
If the enemy's red portion of Eleth Gauge fills, the battlefield will enter an Eleth Break state. This dangerous situation makes you unable to stagger enemies with your attacks, and also grants foes access to certain powerful special attacks.
Dualizing Shards
Sometimes enemies will drop items known as shards. If you dualize these shards with weapons or armor, you can add effects such as added defense or HP restoration to your gear. If you come into possession of such a shard, make for the nearest shop posthaste!
Tempering Gear
If you use equipment that has been dualize with shards it will eventually become tempered. If it's a weapon, its attack power will be increased, but if it's armor , its defense power will rise. The amount of the boost defend on the quality of the gear. Such equipment is displayed in yellow.
Extracting Effects
If you dualize two pieces to tempered equipment, you can extract their effects and produce a gem that anyone in your party can equip. Of course, the dualized gear will no longer carry said effects. But if you decide to dualize them again with new shards....
Dualizing Gems
It's also possible to dualize two gems. This causes them to fuse, leaving behind a very powerful gem. If you have gems with the same effect and rank, dualize them ti raise their rank!
Improving Equipment
When you dualize equipment with a shard, it raise the base stats of the gear in addition to adding the effects from the shard. You can them battle with the equipment until it tempers, dualize again to extract a gem, and then start the process all over again. Continually doing so is a great way to raise the base stats of your gear.
Shards and Qualities
When dualizing equipment with shards, statistical improvement is based on the qualities of the gear. Rarer qualities tend to have higher stat increases, although you can sometimes find qualities with other benefits, such as ones that allow you to sell the dualized piece for a high price.
Quality Control
A keep eye for qualities is essential if you want to produce good gear. But don't get too hung up trying to find the strongest ones possible. There are no qualities that actually weaken gear, so dualize away un til you find something that suits you.
Quality Methodology
looking for specifics on qualities? First, you must learn how to raise the rank of a quality by dualizing. One thing you might notice is that if you dualize two five-letter qualities, for example it usually leads to a six-letterb quality... This is the first hint toward producing better qualitites.
Quality Pairing
When pairing up qualities to dualize, always keep an eye out for effects that are highlighted in yellow. When you see that, it means the effect's rank will go up. Some rare qualities might even influence more than one effect!
Dualize to Raise CC
You can increase a weapon's CC though dualizing, but it will take a number of steps to make it happen, Increases to the maximum CC of a weapon are related to the quality's Tempering Boost %. This rate can be found in the Qualities section of the User's Guide.
Phys. Ailments: Poison
Your HP will diminish rapidly when you're poisoned. You can use a Panacea bottle to cure what ails you, or equip a Poison Charm to prevent infection in the first place.
Phys. Ailments: Paralysis
paralysis is an annoying ailment that has a chance of stunning you each time you perform an action. You can still use items when paralysis, however, so whip out a Panacea bottle to cure yourself, then consider equipping a Paralysis Charm to prevent infection in the first place.
Phys. Ailments: Freeze
the freeze ailment does what it claims: it freezes you in place and renders you unable to perform actions. The ailment will vanish as soon as you're hit, but the strike will be especially painful. You can prevent the condition with a freeze Charms.
Phys. Ailments: Burn
The Burn ailment increases the length of time you are staggered when you take damage, and also prevent your HP from recovering. It's a particularly nasty condition, so consider preventing it wing a Burn Charm.
Phys. Ailments: Petrify
Petrification renders you temporarily unable to move, and unlike freeze, it doesn't end upon an enemy attack. You can keep yourself safe by equipping a Stone Charm.
Phys. Ailments: Slow
The Slow ailment slows both your movement and your CC recovery rate. Stop it from infecting you by equipping a Slow Charm.
Phys. Ailments: Arteseal
Arteseal prevents you from using either A-Artes or B- Artes, essentially making you dead weight for the rest of your team. If you're going into an area where enemies can inflict this status equip a Seal Charm to prevent yourself.
Phys. Ailments: Curse
The Curse ailment seems begins at first, but when you least expect it, you'll be walloped even KO you. Stay by equipping a Curse Charm.
Phys. Ailments: Weak
The Weak ailment decreases all of your stats across the board. It's tempting to ignore the status because it''s not as out-and-out annoying as some of the others, but you should really take care of it as soon as possible. Better yet, equip a Weak Charm and stop the infection before is starts.
Inflicting Ailments
Not every enemy is vulnerable to physical ailment. Poison, for example, will only work on foe weak against that attribute. In other words, try to hit enemies with attributes they're weak against for extra damage. Also keep in mind that weapon-based physical ailments can only be inflicted by the lowest-ranked A-Artes.
Soul Orbs
They say Soul Orbs can be obtained by killing a large number of the same foe. But once you get one, you'll never get receiving an enemy's Soul orb, a star will appear near its name in the Enemy book.
The Nova Barrier
Enemies with the Nova attribute have the ability to create a Nova Barrier that reduces all damage to 1. in such cases, you'll need to respond by using an arte with the Nova attribute to shatter the barrier. Later in the game, you'll be able to obtain a title for everybody which will enable any arte to break Nova barriers.
HP (Hit Points)
HP, or Hit Points represent your health. If you're attacked by an enemy. These will decrease, at which point they can be restored with a recovery arte or an item. If they fall to zero, however, you will be knocked out. In such a case, you must rest at an inn, use a Life Bottle, eat food or touch a save point to recover your HP.
CC (Chain Capacity)
CC, or Chain Capacity points, are what allow you to perform actions. They have minimum and maximum value, and always start at the minimum at the beginning
Skill are abilities which are learned by equipping a title and then winning battles. Each title has five ranks of skills, and once you learn a skill, it'll remain active even if the title is unequipped. Also note that identical effects from skills will stack, so use that knowledge to create a powerful fighting team.
Gald is the currency used at equipment and item shops around the world. It can be acquired by defeating enemies, and also by selling items.
Exp (Experience Point)
Exp. Or experience points, are acquired by winning battles. If you earn enough of them, your level will increase.
Lv (Level)
Your Lv. Or level, is raised by earning experience points in battle. Each time you go up a level, your parameters will increase as well. If you're having trouble with enemies. Try raising your party's level by grinding against slightly weaker foes for a while.
SP ( Skill Points)
SP, or Skill Points, are acquired by winning battles. If you earn enough of them, you'll learn a skill associated with your currently- equipped titles.
The “staggered” condition prevents you from performing most actions. It's caused by getting hit during an attack, and can be shortened or prolonged via various effects.
Irons Stance
The “Iron Stance” state prevent you from being staggered during. Many strong enemies begins fights with this effect in place, in which case you should focus on dodging their attacks and counterattacking when possible. If you keep hitting an enemy while it's casting s spell, you might be able to breaks it out of its Irons Stance.
Critical Stance
Characters enter the critical state when they have 25%or less of their HP remaining. Certain skills and equipment effects only come into play while this condition is active, making it a high-risk, high-reward way to battle.
Changing the difficulty
You can change the game's difficulty level in the Options menu. Enemies are mush stronger on higher difficulty levels, but they also drop more shards. You'll also get larger SP bonuses for big combos at
harder levels. But, of course, if you die, it's all for naught, so choose your difficulty carefully.
Character Combat Strategies
Advanced B-Artes
Asbel's A-Artes are quick, but have a small attack range. If you find yourself surrounded during a combo, tap X to draw your sword, and the resulting wide slash will hit any nearby enemies. B-Artes use Cryas Attack power (C.ATK) to attack, so they can be more effective than A-Artes against foes that possess high Physical Defense (P. DEF).
When To Sheathe
Remember: you're a sitting duck while in the process of sheathing your sword, One option is to sheathe the sword as soon as you defeat an enemy, while another is to back-Step before putting the weapon away. Play around to learn what timing works best for you.
Sword-Drawing Tips
When Asbel draws his sword, it unleashes a hidden power and activates the Iron Stance state. However, he's limited in the number of hits he can absorb in this state. When you see an opportunity to do so, Press Circle to sheathe your sword, then draw ti again to start the counter all over again.
Sword-Sheathing Tips
When Asbel sheathes his sword, he can recover some Hp, depending on how many artes he landed when his sword was drawn and his current Physical Defense rating. Take advantage of the benefits of drawing (Iron Stance) and sheathing ( HP recovery) to make the most out of each and every battle.Sophie
Stick and Move
Sophie is skilled at close-combat attacks. And while her range tends to be shorts, she can land many quick attacks in a short period of time. Using L-analog with artes will sometimes move her around the battlefield, so use those wisely to create powerful attack-and-evade combos.
Charged Artes
Reaper's Toll is a special type of linked arte that Sophie can use which must be charged by holding Circle in the middle of a combo. The best time to use one of those “charged artes” is when an enemy is stunned or knocked down. Once you learn higher level charged artes, try charging the Charge Gauge an extra level (or two) to witness their fury.
Advanced Charged Artes
One of the titles you can get for using Charges artes has a skill that will sometimes restore your CC
completely it's a bit of a gamble, obviously, but if it works out, you'll be in the driver's seat of the battle. Also if your targets has moved away from you, just forward-Steps toward it and continue the combo.Hubert
Hubert's Artes
Hubert can use short-range dualblade artes with circle, and long-range twinshot artes with X. His dualblade's critical gauge fills slowly, though, so balance between the two types of artes is key. Strike fast and hard, and keep the enemy on the defensive.
Hubert's Artes #2
It's possible to chain A-artes into B-Artes. However, if Hubert's trying to build a large combo, it's better to use your 2 CC A-Artes before switching to the B-Artes. Don't panic if the targets slips away. Hubert's strength lies in his ability to attack without pause, even in such situation.
Hubert's Artes #3
Hubert is often vulnerable after using his artes, so if an enemy attacks during that time, it could spell trouble. Try to save some CC after attacking so you can be ready to quick-step if necessary. This will allow you to avoid attacks and attack again immediately.Cheria
Feint and Charge CC
Cheria is a master of wide-range healing artes that increase the survival rate of the party. However, these artes have a high CC cost. Be sure to have her join the fray every now and then with a few dagger tosses to give her a chance to replenish her CC supply.
Recovery Expansion
Cheria can learn Effect expansion skill, which widen the effective area of her recovery artes. Use her artes frequently to gain titles, then use the associated skills to expand, expand, expand!
Support Strategy
Support artes like Insight have the added effect in raising the target character's critical gauge growth rate. After stunning a foe with a critical hit, use those second to attack with low-level A-Artes and restore CC. This is an especially useful strategy for advanced players.Malik
The Long-Ranger
Malik is a master of long-range strikes, tossing his bladerang with his A-artes and casting wide-area spell with B-Artes. However, he's not much good when surrounded by hordes of enemies. Conduct yourself like a man of honor and avoid close confrontation!
Bladerang Basics
To be truly successfully effective with Malik, you must master his positioning while his bladerang is in the air. You may need to cancel a combo or follow an A-Arte with a B-Arte to eliminate openings for the enemy when the bladerang comes back. It's also possible for Malik to follow up a B-Arte with an A-Arte.
Catch and Step
It's possible to attack the moment the weapon returns to Malik's hand. Quick-step to shorten the pause that occurs when he catches the weapon, then press Circle to immediately throw it again.Pascal
High Risk, High Return
With long-distance A-Artes, and B-Artes that form cryas glyphs on the caster, Pascal's artes seem backward. But she wouldn't want it any other way! Her artes are among the most powerful in the game, so throw her out these and pray she hits something.
Swapping in Artes
Once Pascal has learned a particular skill, you can press and hold X while casting an arte to initiate a blue charge. While in this state, press Circle to use a high-rank arte in place of the original one. The casting time for the new arte will be decreased by the amount if time spent casting the old one, so it can be quite useful.
Evading while Attacking
One useful strategy for Pascal is to unleash a long-range shotstaff arte, then forward-Steps toward the enemy and fire off a glyph arte. Keep in mind that quick-stepping during an attack can Increase the amount of time an enemy is staggered (not just for Pascal, but for anyone), so try and make the most of this useful technique.
Childhood Arc
You'll start the game with two kids, Asbel and Hubert as your party. This is just a tutorial stage but you do keep the items you'll find along the way. If you want, you can also check the menu. More of these menus will be explained in the Basics section of this guide.
Move forth and check the chest to the right for Apple Gel x3. Engage the enemy nearby to learn more about the battle basics. Continue along the path and you'll find a well nearby. There's a skit (Wellspring of Deceit) to activate as well. Take note that you can examine the wellspring to recover your HP.
You have to return to Lhant by heading east. You can press L1 to display navigational markers. Though Lhant is just a few steps to the east, head west a bit and check out the shining object on the grass along the road, just past the guards. You'll find similar shining objects along the roads and picking them up yields random items.
After the scene, you can now explore the town before heading to the manor. The areas of interest you can check are listed below. Just hold L1 to see the label of each building and place.
Residence beside the windmill
Talk to the grandmother to get a Pickled Plum.
Talk to the dog to get an Apple Gel.
Examine the closet under the stairs to find Pork x2
As soon as you exit, a skit will become available. (Boys and Boats) Save your game then continue up the road. You'll find a guy staring at some large pumpkins. There's a shining object on the ground to his right; examine it to get an item.
Examine the tree for another discovery (No.4 Gel Seeds) and receive three Gel Seeds. You'll also be able to trigger another skit. (Not for Human Consumption). Open the chest nearby as well for a Glassphere.
After the scene in the manor, enter the scene and find Asbel's father in the study. If you haven't done so yet, examine the family portrait in the middle of the staircase for another Discovery. (03. Family Portrait). Another skit will also trigger after discovering this. (Age is Just a Number) After entering the study, approach Lord Aston for a scene. After this scene, Asbel will earn the “Lord's Heir” title. Save the game if you want then head outside. After the scene, Sophie will earn “Named After a Flower” title. Now exit the town through the East Lhant Highroad.
Save the game if you want. A new skit will trigger shortly as well. (A Cheeky Retort) Walk a bit then take the small road down to the stream to find a chest with Apple Gel x2. Examine the floating crystals in the water for another Discovery (05. Cryas Shards). Another skit will trigger after the discovery. (Little Treasures)
Head to the manor and visit the bedroom for another skit (Chronic Uncertainty). Exit go right of the entrance to trigger a scene. There should be a prompt that will allow you to open the window in the eastern side of the manor. Open it for another scene. Once done, exit the room and head outside for another scene.
Sailor near the entrance – Egg
Traveler by the dock – Fur
Residence, check the cabinets for some egg and rice.
Lhant Hill
Examine the wellspring here to record a new discovery (06. Spring of Healing) in your Discovery Book. Save your game then head to the meadow to continue with the story. You'll be fighting Bryce.
This battle shouldn't be that hard since Sophie has First Aid. Don't just rely on it though; use Apple Gels if you deem them necessary. You don't need to fight him head on; wait for him to attack then counterattack. Keep doing this until he goes down.
Defeating that jerk with a claw
Lhant Hill Cliffs
After the scene, Richard will be joining your party. Move a bit and another skit will trigger. (Face Time) After that, open the chest behind the rock to your right to obtain Pickled Plum x3. Continue up the ramp and avoid running in narrow ledges. (Press circle quickly to regain your balance). Press and hold X to walk slowly to cross these narrow paths.
Cross the narrow ledge to the right to access the chest containing Life Bottle x2. Continue up to find an abandoned nest. Examine it to record a new discovery (07. Abandoned Nest). Another skit will trigger as well. (A Brother's Pride) Continue further up for a savepoint.
Continue to the right and you'll fight two Bear Hellions. These aren't that hard to beat; just gang them up one at a time. After the battle, you can watch another skit. (About Face) Grab the Glassphere from the chest further to the right then use the large root to climb up back up.
Lhant Hill Meadow / Lhant Hill
After the scene, Asbel, Richard and Sophie will each earn the “Pact Maker” title. Head back to the tree to trigger another skit (The Meaning of Friendship). Examine the tree as well for another discovery. (08. Friendship Tree) After the discovery, there's another skit to trigger. (The Facts on Pacts)
Continue to Lhant Hill and approach the spring for another skit. (Fight or Fright). Use the spring to recover your HP then exit to the main road. Make your way back to Lhant.
After the scene, you'll receive Richard's Ring. Once you're in control, leave the room, save the game and leave the manor. You're off to the capital and to reach it, you need to take the East Lhant Highroad.
East Lhant Highroad
Approach the savepoint for another skit. (You Can't Force It) Save the game if you want then continue heading east, past the bridge. Open the chest to the southeast to get a Glassphere. Continue following the road until you reach a cottage. An event will trigger as soon as you reach the open area.
After the scene, approach the savepoint for another skit. (Weird is weird) Save your game if you want, then loot the chest inside the cottage to get 100 gald. Continue forth until you reach some patch of grass downhill. There's a chest there you can loot for 300g.
Take the narrow path downhill to find some cows. Examine the strange colored one for another discovery and receive Milk. (09. Windor Cows) Another skit will trigger after this discovery. (Stick and Moove) Continue along the path until you find a save point. Use it and continue until you reach the Port to Barona.
Port to Barona
You can do the following to receive various ingredients:
Talk to the child beside the tables near the exit to receive Rice.
Talk to the traveler beside the Turtlez transport to get Dried Seaweed.
Check the cabinets inside the residence to get Lettuce x2 and Bread x2.
Once ready, save the game if you want then talk to the Ship Captain and board the ferry.
There's nothing much to do this so just exit the area to reach the city. You'll meet Cheria and she'll accompany you guys for a while. There's limited stuff you can do such as the following:
Talk to the old lady sitting on the bench to receive Feather.
Talk to the soldier at the end of the two stairs to receive a Tomato.
Approach the savepoint inside the inn for a skit (Through the Ringer). Go upstairs, enter the unlocked room there and examine the closet to get Dried Seaweed x3.
Check the cabinets inside the residence on the way to the Royal Sanctuary (Castle District) to get Pie Sheets x2 and Egg x2
Head to the castle entrance and talk to the guard. From the castle entrance, continue to the left and take the next set of stairs to reach the square. Approach the cryas for another scene. After the scene, head back a bit for another discovery (10. Gloandi) and another skit. (Everything Worth Knowing).
You can head north or explore the city a bit. If you head to the inn, you'll be able to activate two skits as soon as you touch the savepoint. (To Be a Knight, Pact Attack )
You can also head to the Knight Academy for a scene with Malik.
When ready, head north and exit the city.
North Barona Road
Save the game then check the off-road path to the left to find a chest containing a Glassphere. Continue along the path to find another chest under the tree to the right. Open it for Beef x2.
Continue to the hill beside the Roadside Cottage to trigger the next event. There's nothing to do inside the cottage so you can just ignore it. Backtrack and return to town.
After returning to town, head to the inn to find Aston and Hubert. After the event, Hubert will earn the Second-Born Son title. Save your game and explore the town more if you want. Otherwise, talk to the innkeeper and rest until nightfall.
You can check out the closet in the next room to find some Rice x3. Go downstairs and head to the Royal Sanctuary. As soon as you approach it, the next story event will take place. Once in control, enter the crack to get inside the Sanctuary.
Once inside, check out the water stream for another discovery (11. Water of Absolution) and skit. (The Boy Who Knew Everything) You'll also receive x3 Water of Absolution. Check out the secret entrance to the left.
Barona Catacombs
Save the game and continue forth. A skit will be available once you reached a stone door along the way. (Revenge Will Be Mine). Open the chest in the broken bridge to receive 500g.
Past the broken bridge is another path going down. Follow it to find a chest in the end of the path containing Apple Gel x3.
Backtrack to the main path and continue forth. You'll find another chest on the wooden ledge containing a Glassphere. Continue along and you'll find two paths to the right. Take the upper one first past the stone door to find another chest containing a Life Bottle.
Backtrack again to the main path and approach the savepoint along the way for another skit (Sticky Situation) Continue forth to the room past the savepoint. You'll be in a boss battle.
Boss: Monarch Bat
You need to take out the minions first before they cause any real problems. Avoid getting sandwiched by the enemies as they can easily take you out. Sophie can take care of the healing but do use Apple Gels to keep your team afloat. Once the minions are down, concentrate your attacks and regularly sidestep/ evade to avoid getting paralyzed and hammered by the Monarch Bat.
Kids vs pesky flying critters
Watch the next scenes. This arc is now complete. A corresponding trophy will be unlocked as well.
Orlen Woods
You'll be thrown in a battle immediately. Just defeat the wolf using your B-Artes. Asbel will also get the Nimble Fang Adept title. Save your game and attempt to move out. Malik will give you the eleth mixer. After the tutorial, Malik will join the party and gain the Time Spender title. Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Walking the Point)
Follow the path until you reach the first fork in the road. Take the one straight ahead to find a chest containing 800 gald. Continue forth until you reach the turn in the road, beside a stream. There's a log to the southeast that you can cross. It will lead you to a chest containing Life Bottle x2.
Continue following the path until you find another chest along the way. Obtain Wood Chunk from it. Move along and you'll find another fork in the road, with a Turtlez merchant nearby. Take the path north first as it leads you to a chest containing an Iron Tunic. Backtrack to the fork and talk to the merchant to recharge your mixer and dualize some items if needed.
Before crossing the bridge, examine the nearby flock of butterflies for a new discovery (12. Morino Flowers) and a new skit (Flower Power). You'll also receive x3 Morino flowers. You can mix it with Water of Absolution to create Holy Water if you want.
Cross the bridge and take the path south first. You'll find a chest to the lower right containing Apple Gel x3, and a boulder you can push to the stream so you can have a shortcut later. Backtrack to the main path then take the eastern path to reach another chest with Chipped Claw. Take the path to the left and follow it. Save your game along the way then proceed to the village.
After the scene, Malik will temporarily leave the party. Head to the left side of the village to hear a noise, then go to the eastern side of the village to find a wolf. Follow it to the western side of the village. You'll have to defeat the beast alone.
Boss: Nova Wolf
At first you'll only deal one damage. Just keep attacking and evading until you'll get the ability to use Lightning Strike. Set this as your arte then keep using it until the beast goes down.
Against the nova wolf
After defeating the Nova Wolf, approach the save point for another skit (Hidden Talents). Save your game and backtrack to the exit.
North Barona Road
Walk a bit to receive the world map from Malik. Follow the road and you'll find a chest containing Pork x2 near a knight. There's also a Turtlez merchant nearby. You'll also learn something about Stamps as well. Also, examine the signpost with some barrels south of the merchant for a new discovery (13. Tea Fields) and trigger a skit. (That Little Something). You'll also receive Tea Leaves.
Follow the road then take the off-road path to the south. This will lead you to a chest with Pasta x2. Return to the main road and continue to the left. A scene will trigger. After that scene, you can trigger another skit (Out of the Clouds). You can also loot x3 Pie Sheets in a chest inside the Roadside Cottage.
Continue down the road and grab the Apple Gel x2 from the chest to the right, under the tree. Continue down the road and there will be another off-road path to the left leading to another chest. Loot its contents then return to town.
After reaching the town, go downstairs and examine the ice pop store to the right for a new discovery. (14. Ice Pops) and a skit (The Win Stick). Enter the residence to the right and talk to the mother to get Pie Sheet x3. Loot the cabinets for some eggs and more pie sheets.
Exit the residence and go further to the Royal Sanctuary. There's a cat here that you can feed fish, if you have any. Next, head to the wind cryas to the left of this district and check hidden chest to the right, beside the barrel to get a Magic Carta No. 30.
Head to the lower district and head inside the inn. Approach the save point for a couple new skits (Final Exam) and (Stamp Collector). You can also talk to the Innkeeper to find new requests. These are optional tasks that will reward you with SP bonuses and items. You can refer to the Inn Requests section for more information about the requests. You can also find Dried Seaweed x3 and Best Princess Stories from the closets of the rooms upstairs.
From the inn, continue east to the Knight Academy. Examine the headmaster's bust for a new discovery (15. Headmaster's Bust). You can also enter the Academy if you want. Talk to the cadet to get Rice Ball. Enter the room to the right find an Ice Pop inside one of the wooden boxes there and a chest which requires a password to open. Enter “treasure” to get an Elixir inside. (If you check the bulletin board besides the bar, Tactics, you'll see this hint.)
You can head to the dock as well and check the heap of crates beside the stairs. Clear the crates so you can access the chest inside. Obtain an Hourglass from it. Continue to the docks and follow the long wooden walkway to find a chest in the end. Open it for Pie Sheet x3.
Finally, head to the bar but before entering, look for a chest to its right side. Open it for a Moji-kun Plushie. Enter the bar once done. After the scene, don't leave yet. Check the lower right corner of the bar to find a shining object. Pick it up to obtain the Royal Knight's Documents. Turn it over to the innkeeper to complete a request and earn a lot of SP. Just make sure to equip low-level titles for your characters to maximize the SP gain. Once ready, head to the knight academy when ready. Watch the following scenes.
Once in control, exit the room and the academy. Head to the port and board the ship back to Lhant.
East Lhant Highroad
After docking, exit the port and make your way back to Lhant. Just follow the road until you reach the open area. An eagle and a couple of goblins will ambush you. This shouldn't be a difficult battle; just avoid getting sandwiched between them and attack them while they're lined up to maximize damage.
After this event, Cheria will join the party and will obtain the Radiant Healer title. Approach the savepoint nearby and trigger a skit (An Unseasonable Chill). Grab the Decaying Fang from the chest beside it and some Bread inside the cottage. Once done, continue forth.
Grab the chest near the bridge for some gald and find an Iron Scabbard inside the chest near the floating cryas near Lhant. Save the game and enter the town.
After arriving in Lhant, you'll receive some bad news. Check out the shops to upgrade Cheria's equipment if you want. You need to head to the Border Fortress. You may want to stop over the mansion and check out the available requests you can complete.
Enter Lord Aston's study and examine the middle bookshelf to receive the Best Princess Stories (valuable item). There's also a password locked chest in the lower left. Enter the password “aston” to obtain an All-Divide.
Exit the manor and check the house beside the Windmill. There's a chest outside containing a Nolo Plushie. Enter the residence and check out the closet for some Pork. Climb up the windmill next to find a chest there. Open it for Magic Carta No.29. Once done, head out to the North Lhant Road.
North Lhant Road
Follow the road until you find a chest containing a Pretty Ribbon. Continue and approach Lhant Hill to trigger a skit. (Frozen in Time). Though the border is in the far left, you can take a detour in Lhant Hill for some extra items and battles. The list of items you can find there are listed below:
180 Eleth (Mixer recharge)
Nameless Seed
Life Bottle x2
Poison Needle
You can also descend to the cliffs.
Poison Charm
Panacea Bottle x2
Pretty Anklet
Eleth Bottle C
Once done, you can continue along the road. Grab the 1000g from the chest before reaching the path uphill. Continue along the path and you'll have to defeat two enemy soldiers.
This battle shouldn't be that hard so there's really no special tactics necessary. Like before, sidestep and evade to avoid getting sandwiched between them and use guard auras to recharge your CC defensively. Concentrate on one enemy at a time.
Backup as arrived!
After the battle, you'll have to run back to the Meadow. Lead the weapon there and avoid any enemies for now. After the scene, you'll be in a battle against the Fendelian weapon with Sophie. Remember to not to be too aggressive up front as this enemy hits hard. It will be more effective attacking this enemy from the rear. Sophie and Cheria can both heal so you don't have to worry about keeping your party's HP up. Just remember to guard/ sidestep/ evade after performing your combos.
Is that a Tachicoma?
After the scene, Sophie will join the party and earn the Dead Ringer title. Exit to Lhant Hill and approach the savepoint for a skit. (Sophie's Sacrifice) Save your game then exit. Make your way back to Lhant.
Upon arriving, Cheria will check out the wounded first and leave the party temporarily. Head to the manor to meet up with your mother and Frederic. After the scene, pick up the Assorted Flowers (sidequest item) from the flower bed to the left. Complete the remaining requests available then head to the 2nd floor bedroom. After that, head to the 1st floor study. After the scene, Cheria will join your party. Make your preparations then head out.
North Lhant Road
Make your way to the fortress and a scene will take place as soon as you reach the fork in the road. Continue to the seaside cavern and grab the Life Bottle x2 from the chest by the shore before entering. There's also turtlez merchant nearby as well.
Seaside Cavern
Open the chest near the entrance to the right to get 1500 gald. Continue along the path and you'll find another chest behind a rock containing Apple Gel x3. Continue forth then jump on to the water. After the scene, another skit will be available. (Diving In)
Before moving forth, take the path to the left and you'll find two chests in the far side of the cavern. Obtain Syrup Bottle x2 and Eleth Bottle C.
Before going up the ramp again, walk to the right side of the path, near the water. Jump in to access another hidden cavern with a chest containing a Steel Scabbard.
After getting the items, continue forth and grab the Life Bottle x3 from behind a rock pillar to the right. Continue to the end of the path and jump in the water again. In the second path, continue along and grab the 1125 gald from the chest. Jump in the water again at the end of the path.
There will be two paths here; one is straight ahead and the second one is to the left. Take the left one first to find two chests and a discovery (16. Glintsoul Colony) A skit will be triggered as well (Remembering the Past)
Open the chests for 210 eleth and Dark Bottle x2.
Backtrack to the main path then continue with the straight path. Before jumping in the water, loot the chest to the left containing Holy Bottle x2. Jump in the water to reach the next path.
By this time, you'll have an amusing skit trigger as soon as you get out of the water. (Enough with the Water) Continue to the open area and loot the submerged chest to the left before using the savepoint. Obtain Mastery Tonic C from it. Next, examine the large aquatic plant nearby for another discovery (No.17 Deathglow Algae). You'll obtain Deathglow Algae x3 as well. Walk a bit to trigger another skit (Just a Bite). Save your game when done then jump in the water again.
Continue forth and you'll be in another boss battle.
Boss: Queen Slime
The Queen Slime will summon a couple of minions from time to time. They can be troublesome if left alone, especially if they keep interrupting your healers and stopping your combos. Take them out first since they can be killed easily anyway before concentrating your combos against the boss.
Weaponized blob
After the battle, clear the area if you want, then continue up. A skit will be available for viewing, along the way. (The Only One) Continue to the exit.
North Lhant Road
You'll finally make it outside. Save the game then check the seashore to the right to find a chest containing 720 gald.Follow the road and continue up to the enemy encampment. After the scene and before returning to Lhant, check the tents to the right first. There should be a new discovery (No. 18 Vestiges of War) and chest with Fur. A skit will be available as well. (A Hopeless Cause) Use the savepoint if you want then make your way back to Lhant.
Grab the Shattered Bone from the chest along the path and take a long trek back to town. When you reach town, an event will trigger. You'll have to defeat a few more riflemen with Hubert. This should be an easy battle so no special tactics are necessary. Watch the following scenes.
In Lhant's Defense
After the scenes, you'll be back in the manor. Talk to the maid and check the available requests. Enter the manor study next. After a short conversation, you'll be fighting Hubert. You don't stand a chance against him so just let him beat you for now. Watch the following scenes.
East Lhant Highroad
Once in control, Sophie will join the party. Save your game then make your way back to Barona. On your way to the open area with the cottage, more scenes will take place. After those, make your way to the port then catch a ferry to Barona.
Continue to the castle and the same guys will stop you. After hearing the news, you'll have to search the town for Richard. You may head to the inn to save and complete some tasks as well. Talk to the knight near the town's wind cryas to receive an Exceed Shard. Once done, head to the Sanctuary and sneak inside. Enter the secret passageway you took before.
Barona Catacombs
A skit will be available as soon as you get in (Where All Was Lost). Save your game and follow the path until you find Richard. Defeat the two enemies to continue with the story. After the conversation, Richard will join the party and earn the Long-Lost Friend and Benevolent Prince titles.
You can backtrack and save or just continue forth. Once you've reached the stone door, a skit will be triggered. (Sweet Revenge). You can't go past the door yet so push it back and continue following the path until you reach a large skeleton along the way. This will record a new discovery in your book (No.19 Massive Skeleton) and a skit (Time and Tide) Continue along the path and until you find the exit.
South Barona Highroad
Open the chest to get a Red Ribbon then save your game. The cottage is located to the left but you can take the road north to Barona to find a new discovery (No.20 Puffpetal Down) by examining the glowing flowers to the left. Like usual, a skit will trigger as well (A Place to Belong). There's also a chest beside the savepoint to the far north of the road. Backtrack to the cottage.
After a short conversation, more enemies will appear. Take them out.
[video = 09_PrinceEscort.avi title=The prince's escort]
Once done, don't leave yet. Check the cottage to trigger a skit (Class Dismissed). There's also a turtlez merchant and a chest beside the cottage containing a Paralysis Charm. You can also find Pasta x3 inside the chest in the cottage. Restock, sell and dualize if you want then take the road to Gralesyde.
Just continue along the road and another scene will trigger. You'll meet Pascal for the first time. Before taking the narrow dirt road, open the chest nearby for a Rusted Nail.
Continue down the path for another scene. Pascal will be joining the party as well. A chest containing some gald is nearby and you can view another skit as well. (Bilateral Alliance) Activate the warp to enter the ruins.
Wallbridge Ruins
After the event, Pascal will earn the Ruins Spelunker title. For now, this is just a straightforward path so just ride the stones until you reach a green stone which leads you down.
Save your game then ride the stone to the right so it bumps the orange stone up. Take the green stone back up then backtrack to the platform where there's an orange stone gap. This should lead you to two chests containing Scarlet Aroma and 255 eleth.
Return to the lower level and save your game. Proceed to the platform to the left and approach the panel for a boss battle.
Boss: Mercurius
This boss can be a bit problematic since it hits hard and can petrify your characters with an AOE attack. You'll know when its ready to release its petrification attack when it starts to charge and an aura appears around it. When this happens, stay away and use Panacea Bottles on your team mates. It will be helpful if you'll switch characters and use ranged attacks. Don't hesitate to use gels and life bottles as necessary.
[video = 10_vsMercurius.avi title=Petrifying reptile]
After the scene, Sophie will earn the In the Flesh title. Examine the panel for a discovery as well. (No. 21 Projection Device) and skit (Takes One to Know One). Once done, you can save the game then continue to the left then ride the stone up.
[For the directions, I'll refer to them based on the in-game compass, located in the upper left-hand corner of your screen.] Ride the stone to the left (south) and open the chest containing a Hyperdense Crystal. Ride the next stone as it hits a purple stone. Backtrack and ride the next stone east.
Ride the stone south as it is stopped by the purple stone you pushed earlier. Continue following the straightforward path, then grab the Floral Anklet from the chest along the way. Ride the stone to the next platform, where you'll find two green stones. Ride the one to the left first (south) In this platform, you'll find the Book of Maintenance from the chest. Return to the previous platform and descend using the stone to the right (north) this time.
Follow the path and you'll be able to reach a chest containing a Steel Tunic. Head to the next platform. You'll find two more blue stones; just ride the one far down (east) so that it bumps to an orange stone. Ride the other stone then use the green ascending stone in the next platform.
In the next platform, open the chest for Life Bottle x3, then continue down (east) the descend. Continue following the path until you encounter a large floating boulder with some pink lights. Examine it for a new discovery. (No. 22 Silent Stone) A skit will be available as well (Gut Archaelogy)
Continue forth until you reach the second save point, then use the platform again to ascend. The next platform should have the warp exiting to Gralesyde Highroad to the left. Before taking that, ride the stone to the right first to explore the area more.
In the next platform, you'll find two stones going up (west) and right (north). Take the stone to the right first then ride the upper right stone. There will be two stones going up (west) Ride the one to the right so it bumps the purple stone along the way. Take the next stone this time and move along so you can reach the platform with the chest on it. Loot the Panacea Bottle x2 from it.
Follow the straightforward path until you reach another platform to the right with a chest containing a Burn Charm. You can now backtrack to the exit to Gralesyde.
Gralesyde Highroad
Continue down the road and save your game. There's also a turtlez merchant nearby so restock/dualize if needed. Continue along the road for a scene. After the scene, continue along the road until you find a patch of potato plants with a signboard. Approach it for a skit (Settling for Number Two) Examine it for a new discovery (No. 23 Potatoes) and skit. (Risk Management) You'll also receive some potatoes as well. There's also a chest nearby with some gald.
Continue heading west until you find a fork in the road. Take the left first to find a chest there. Loot the Moist Crystal from it. Return to the fork and continue up the grassland to the right side of the road. There should be another chest in the far edge of it. Loot the Peach Gel x2 from it. Continue along the main road until you reach the savepoint just outside town. Enter the town to continue with the story.
Enter the storehouse to the left of town to find a Magic Carta No. 31. You can also head to the inn to start / complete some requests. There's also a skit available if you approach the savepoint inside. (Who You Are) There's also a stash in the inn's rear entrance that contains a Best Princess Stories book. If you want, you can actually complete the last two, high-SP yield requests by exiting the town west.
Old Grale Highroad
Continue along the road and grab the chest along the way for 1500 gald. Follow the road as it turns north, then open the chest under the tree to get an Overgrown Crystal. Continue up the road and keep talking to the bandit in the middle of the road to incite a fight. Defeat them all and return to the innkeeper later on for our reward. After the battle, Pascal will earn the Wind Summoner title.
Approach the carrot patch not too far for a new discovery (No.26 Carrots ) and skit (Weird Science) Continue up and you'll find another chest containing Mariner's Musk.
Continue further north to find yet another chest containing a Slow Charm. Continuing further north will lead you back to the East Lhant Highroad, just a short walk away from Lhant. You can't enter it anyway so don't waste your time going there for now.
Once done, check the alley behind the inn for another discovery. (No. 24 Bells of Glory). A skit will be available as well. (That Would Explain a Lot).
Once done, head north of the town to reach the manor. Before going to the manor itself, turn left at the red signpost to find a secret chest containing an Imp Plushie and a young man who will sell you the Book of Dissolution for 3000 gald. (He will originally request for 50000 but just turn him down once to lower the price)
Continue to the manor and watch the following scenes. After the scenes, Asbel will earn the Sword of the King title. Before leaving, you can backtrack to the manor to explore it. Go upstairs and find the password protected chest near the secretary. Enter the number “4” to get the Book of Wealth.
Return to the ground floor and exit using the door to the right. Follow the path and you'll find the Magic Carta Maid looking at the sea. Talk to her to receive the Magic Carta No. 22, 23, 26 and 27.
Continue following the path until you reach the seashore. Examine the floating bottle there for a new discovery and skit. (No. 25 Message in a Bottle) (Jealous Much?) Exit the town and return to the Wallbridge Ruins.
Gralesyde Port
If you can spare some time for a detour, head to the Gralesyde Port first then feed the cat in the eastern side of the port. There's also a chest containing some Pasta beside the lamp post to the right.
Wallbridge Ruins
As soon as you enter the ruins, a skit will be available. (Touching the Head) Ride the blue stone to the right then take the one heading up (west). A skit will be available as well. (Inside the Ruins) Take the green stone to ascend and you should be able to find the portal leading to Wallbridge.
Save your game then head out. Continue to the next room and grab the Elven Cloak there. Use the ladder in the middle to climb up. Ignore the second floor and continue to the third floor. Descend there since the top floor is a dead end. Exit through the northern door first, defeat the guard outside and enter the next tower. Use the stairs to go down to the bottom floor.
Ignore the lever there then exit through the door north again. Enter the next tower (Perimeter Tower NW B1) to find a large barrel. This is a new discovery. (No.27 300 Year-Old Barrel) A skit will be available as well (Windor Rising). Return to the main tower and activate the lever to raise the bridge.
Climb the ladder to the top then enter the Main Tower NE to the east. Continue to the bottom to find a turtlez merchant and 285 units of eleth from the chest. If you continue to the tower north of it (Perimeter Tower NE), you'll find a chest to the left containing a Book of Talent and an alternate mechanism for the north gate. Exit to the top and head to the next tower (Perimeter Tower NW) and loot the Darkshine Crystal from the chest to the right.
Make your way to the Central Tower which is outside Main Tower NE and Main Tower SE. Enter it for scene. After that, Richard will get the Belligerent Prince title. Open the chest beside the stairs to the right to get the Titanium Scabbard. Exit the tower then find the second levers for the southern gate. One should be located in the lowest level of Main Tower SE and the other one is in Perimeter Tower SW. You'll also find a chest in Perimeter Tower SE B1 containing Apple Gel x4.
After raising the bridge on the southern gate, watch the following scenes. Exit the room and you'll encounter Captain Malik. You'll have to defeat him and his knights.
Boss: Malik
He is dangerous especially in Eleth Break mode. You may want to have Sophie assist on healing while keeping your team afloat using consumables. Malik can also cause Burn status ailment so be careful not to keep its effect prolonged. Take out his minions first before concentrating your attacks on him. Once his knights are down, you should be able to close in and prevent him from casting his artes.
[video = 11_vsMalik.avi title=The bladerang master]
After the battle, Malik will leave the team. Save your game then look for Cheria next. Just enter any of the Main Towers and exit through the ground level. You should find Cheria tending to the wounded. Once in control, head to the left of the crowd to find a turtlez merchant and a chest containing some gald. Enter one of the main towers to the east then go to the central tower.
In the central tower, approach the two guards to trigger a skit (The Price of Violence) Head to the rooftop to find Richard. Approach him for more scenes. Cheria will now join your party. Make your way to the northern gate next.
South Barona Highroad
You need to make your way back to Barona. As soon as you hit the road, a skit will become available. (Hard to Justify) Continue following the road and talk to the soldier along the way to receive Peach Gel x3.
Once you reached the cottage, talk to the soldiers again to receive various recovery items. A skit will become available as well. (Going Commando?) After talking to the soldiers, head to the savepoint to trigger a skit (A Seven-Year Blur) Save your game and head to the Barona Catacombs.
Barona Catacombs
Backtrack till you get out of the stone door. Instead of walking back to the Sanctuary entrance, continue forth. The chests you previously opened are all stuffed now so don't forget to grab them. Start by grabbing the Book of Perfection from the chest on the broken bridge. Continue forth and take the lower path to loot Cored Dust and Mysterious Liquid.
Return to the main path and pick up the Panacea Bottle x2 along the way. Continue until you reach another split in the path. Taking the upper path will allow you to open another stone door and find a chest with 240 eleth at the end of the path. The path behind the second stone door leads to the same secret passage to the castle.
Before entering the castle and before reaching the savepoint, there's another stone door to the right. Push it open to find a chest and a new discovery inside. (No. 28 Graves of the Unsung) You can play another skit as well (Burial Plans). Loot the chest for 1800 gald.
Enter the castle when ready.
Barona Castle – Secret Passage
Richard will join the party as a reserve unit. Climb the stairs up north to find Peach Gel x2 in the next room. Backtrack to the starting point then continue to the right. Pull the block away then continue arranging the blocks as you move from floor to floor.
After the scene head to the next floor. Take the stairs north to find a Mastery Tonic C. Go back then head left and you should find a new discovery there. (No. 29 Twin Vases). A skit will trigger as well (Separate Worlds)
Continue further left and you'll find a savepoint. Go south of it first and arrange the blocks for you to cross then go south to find a Wriggler Crystal in the chest there. Go back to the previous room then continue north again. Head left and arrange the blocks so you can cross and open the chest containing a Book of Suppression. Backtrack to the savepoint and enter the castle interior.
Barona Castle – Interior
There's a turtlez merchant so restock/dualize or sell items as necessary. Head to the right then go north up the corridor. At the end, enter the room to the left to find a chest with Life Bottle x3. (The blocked path later will be unlocked. You can check the rooms inside for an Elixer and a considerable amount of gald)
Backtrack and take the bottom right path. Continue to the right until you reach a corridor going down. Head south then take the corridor to the right again to find a Rune Tunic. Proceed to the left this time to find a savepoint.
Examine the painting on the wall north of the savepoint for a new discovery (No. 30 First Flag) A skit will be available as well. Continue to the left and defeat two more enemy groups. Heal up then approach Major Victoria up ahead.
Boss: Victoria
The beautiful knight instructor
This is a bit challenging battle especially that she can perform Mystic Artes and well as initiate eleth breaks frequently. If will be helpful to change Cheria's strategy to heal frequently, as Victoria hits hard and can quickly land fast combos. Her spear also provides her with a wide-reach, capable of hitting multiple characters in front of her. Sophie can provide backup healing but she can be more efficient offensively. Just land hits and perform your own Mystic Artes whenever possible. Using consumables to keep your party afloat is a good, safe strategy as well.
After defeating her, return to the save point and heal up. Go past Victoria and head right to find the same turtlez merchant earlier. After dealing with him, return to the previous corridor then head to the left this time. Continue along the corridor then enter the third room. You'll find a chest inside containing 315 eleth. Continue further to the left and you'll find another save point. Approach it for savepoint for a skit. (Slay the Usurper) Save the game, then continue upstairs.
Boss: Cedric
Battle to reclaim the throne
Cedric also has his own Mystic Artes. His attacks are a combination of fire and lightning, which will occasionally cause paralysis or burn. He prefers close range combat though his attacks have a wide arc and can damage multiple characters at once. Like before, set Cheria to heal as often as possible, preferably as soon as somebody's health goes below 50%. Provide backup healing with Sophie and with some consumables as necessary. He will tend to target Cheria often and interrupt her healing so do your best to attack him and get his attention. Sophie's fast combos and Pascal's damaging long-ranged spells will really help in keeping Cedric's attention off Cheria.
After the scene, you'll have the meet up with Richard. Head to the throne room. After learning your next objective, return to your team members. Captain Malik will also join the party. He will also gain the Prisoner of War and Dismissed Captain titles. To exit the castle, return to the throne room entrance. Approach the save point for a skit (A Touching Moment)
Head to the Inn first to find two new requests. Approach the savepoint for a skit as well. (Eye to Eye) You can now head to the port and travel back to Lhant.
You can't go through the gates so you can just enter through the canal. Head to the manor and talk to the maid to check to check some requests, if you missed any. Once done, you can save your game and head to the study. Head outside after the conversation.
After the scenes, you'll have to fight Richard. He'll have a Nova Barrier so use Asbel's Lightning Strike, Hubert's Scarlet Salvo or Sophie's Sword Assault and Dagger Splash. If you're using Sophie, I suggest changing characters as she's be more effective when used by an AI. Remember to move back after performing a combo against Richard since he can retaliate with multi-hit attacks or a short-range AOE attack. Hubert will do a great job in dealing damage from a safe distance.
Boss: Richard
Be careful when Richard goes on eleth break as he will surely follow up with a devastating Mystic Arte. Keep him away from Sophie as she will do a great job in keeping the party alive, especially if her healing artes are upgraded at this point. Hubert can also provide backup healing as necessary. Don't forget to manually use items as necessary. Richard has a variety of mid-level, AOE attacks so it will be a good idea to evade often and try to attack him from the side or rear.
A possessed king
North Lhant Road
After the scenes, Sophie will acquire the One and the Same title. Make your way back to Lhant Hill. Along the road, you'll find a Watermelon attachment. Equip it in the Status menu. Continue along the road and enter Lhant Hill. Head to the flower meadow for a short conversation. Make your way back to Lhant.
After the scene, head to the manor and talk to Hubert in the study. After the scene, Asbel will earn the Brother's Keeper title. Leave the mansion then head to the plaza to meet up with your other team mates. Next, you'll have to look for Cheria. Cross the bridge south of town to trigger a skit. (A Name to be Feared) Continue to the west road.
West Lhant Road
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (A Name to be Treasured). Continue along the road. Like before the chests you looted before were restocked so head up to the tree and loot the Scale from the chest there.
Continue along the road for a scene with Cheria. Defeat the beasts to rescue her.
After the scene, Cheria get the An Old Friend Returned title while Pascal will get the Adolescent Girl title. Cheria will rejoin the party as well. Before heading back, you can check the cottage for some Rice. Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Like Old Times)
Look for the chest by the seashore to get some gald and another chest containing Peach Gel x2 under a tree south of the cottage. Make your way back to Lhant afterward.
Return to the manor and head to the 1st floor guest chambers. Before leaving, head to the second floor to find a floating star. This will trigger a short scene between Lady Kerri and Hubert. Approach the savepoint for a skit (Lucky You) then save your game.
You need to go to the West Lhant Road but before leaving, you can visit Cheria's home to find another floating star there. Examine it to view a scene between Sophie, Asbel and Cheria. Continue examining it so Sophie can plant the various seeds you have collected so far. From hereon, you need to plant any new seeds you'll find in this flower bed to complete a sub-event.
You can also make a quick detour to the Lhant Hill Meadow. Examine the floating star by the tree to find a letter. This is also part of a request in Lhant so make sure to talk to the maid when you go back to get your rewards. After getting the letter, Cheria will also get the Sympathetic Soul title.
Head to the West Lhant Road when ready.
West Lhant Road
You need to travel all the way to West Lhant Road. A scene will trigger after reaching the seaside. Continue along the road, loot the chest to get a seashell. Enter to the port. Once there, approach the savepoint for a skit. (What Real Women Eat) Board the boat when ready.
Oul Raye
After the conversation, Malik will earn the Erudite Fellow title. Talk to the turtlez tot being bullied and agree to help. You'll receive a Turtlez Tot Note containing some coordinates. (X:366, Y:172). Next, head inside the cottage to find a chest containing some rice, and a pink cat which you can feed with fish.
Continue to the right to find a chest beside the turtlez transport. Open it for Magic Carta No. 32. Continue to the left and talk to the man sitting in front of the inn to receive Onion x3. Approach the savepoint for a skit (Never Surrender) Save your game then talk to the woman in front of the inn. Check out the new requests as well.
Check the password protected chest to the left of the savepoint and enter the password “turtlez”. Obtain the Book of Sustenance from it. C
ontinue downstairs to the left and right before the exit, there should be a new discovery you can record. (No. 31 Stone of Truth). You'll also obtain a Truth Salt from it and play a new skit (The Sweet Taste of Deceit). Exit the town when done.
Strahta Craglands
Approach the savepoint for a skit (What's a Rockgagong?) Keep heading west and don't wander off to the Uncharted Sandstretch as the enemies there will instantly destroy you. Loot some gald from the chest by the cactus, right after your pass the fork in the path.
Continue heading west and you'll spot a group of giant cacti with two NPCs. Examine it for a new discovery. (No.32 Strahtan Cacti) You'll also obtain Strahtan Cacti x3 and play a new skit. (Survival Skills)
Continue to the left and loot a Pretty Scarf from the chest. Talk to the scholar ahead as well to receive the Book of Rare Creatures. The two recent items you have can be turned over to the inn in Oul Raye to complete their respective requests, if you like.
Continue west until you find another chest containing a Soaring Crystal. Move along until you find a cacti with a chest beside it. Open the chest for a Titanium Anklet. Continue forth until you reach the town.
Sable Izolle
Cross the foot bridge and talk to the scholar behind the house with the green roof to get Spice Set x3. You can also talk to the Carter in the middle to have a conversation about Magic Carta. Its really just about remembering the quotes from each character and picking the correct character. It will be worth reviewing the carta cards you have and reading their quotes since they're the ones that will be used in the game. If you win without him scoring, you'll win an item and additional titles. The difficulty will increase as you collect more cards. For now, you can win Asbel's Dark Enforcer title with a flawless victory.
Cross the bridge to the left and you'll find a password-protected chest due north, up the ramp. Enter the password “rockgagong” to obtain the Book of Restraint. Continue up the ramp for a scene. After that approach the savepoint for a skit (The Spice of Life)
Talk to the kid to the right of the savepoint to obtain Magic Carta No. 16 and 19. Check the large book in between the kid and the savepoint for a new discovery as well. (No. 33 Daunting Book) A skit is playable as well. (Handle with Care) You'll get a Torn Page as well. There's also a cat you can feed to the left.
Enter the research tower and examine the star there for a short scene. Pascal will get her Water Summoner title afterward. Check out the machine to the left for a new discovery. (No. 34 Somnosphere). You can play a new skit as well. (The Eye of Snorin') Exit the tower afterward.
Continue to the left and talk to the chef. Bring him a potato, carrot and onion to create a veggie set. Check the ramp to the right of the chef to find a chest containing Magic Carta No. 33. There's also an inn to the left. Check it out for some new requests. Once ready, continue heading west to exit the town.
Strahta Desert East
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Longin' for a Ga-gongin') Continue along the desert until you find a desert cottage. There's a chest inside containing some Cheese and a turtlez merchant outside. From the cottage, head north to find a chest to the right, between a rock and cactus. Open it for Spice Set x2.
Continue heading west of the desert cottage to find another chest behind some cacti, near some ruins. Open it for Eleth Bottle C. Head to the open area for a scene.
Inside the Rockgagong
Start by saving the game. Approach the savepoint for a skit. (All Roads Lead to WHERE?) Be careful when stepping on the violet fluid as it will damage your party. There are a couple of chests to the northeast but you won't be able to access them yet. Continue to the left to fight the first of the Visceral Parasites in this dungeon.
Before heading to the house, use the stones to the left and hop to the other side to find a head of a statue. Examine it to record a new discovery. (No. 35 Golden Smile) Another skit will be triggered if you get near it. (T.M.I)
Return to the previous area then make your way to the swallowed cottage. Don't enter it yet; approach the savepoint for another skit (That House Over There) and a chest with x2 Life Bottles. Go past that chest to find a narrow walkway leading to a chest containing a Fangtear Crystal. Enter the house and check it until you find a flute. After obtaining the Rockgagong Flute, a turtlez merchant will be available and will offer inn services as well.
Use the stones northwest of the house to get to the next dry land. Hop on the stones to the left until you reach a lone chest containing a Book of Preemption.
Backtrack to the main path then continue north. Hop to the west to find one of the parasites. Backtrack then head east this time.
After reaching the area with the second savepoint, head north and defeat another parasite. Approach the savepoint for another skit (The Same Frequency) Hop on the stones to the right to find a giant green ball. Examine it for a new discovery. (No. 36 Enormous Egg) Another skit will be playable. (Egging Her On) Backtrack to the previous land then go down. You'll find another set of stones. Hop on these until another parasite ambushes you.
Hop on the stones to the left then head south. You should be able to cross a shallow path that leads to chest containing a Blue Ribbon. Backtrack a bit then hop on the stones to the left to find another parasite. Defeat it and grab the chest containing 405 units of eleth. Backtrack then hop on the stones going east. You should find a lone chest there containing Peach Gel x3.
Backtrack and you should be able to use some rocks to return to the house. Heal up, restock and save as necessary. Once done, make your way to the second savepoint and you should be able to hop on the stones to reach the next area. You'll have the face the boss next.
Boss: Entrails Parasite
This battle shouldn't be that hard. Just keep attacking, preferably just before the combos of your allies end so you can continuously deal damage. Keep hitting the queen until it divides to five smaller parasites. Concentrate on your current targets and use AOE attacks to get rid of them quickly.
The entrails parasite
After defeating the boss, you'll be back outside. From this area you can summon the Rockgagong to enter the dungeon again or fight it. For now, don't do so; wait until you're a lot more stronger.
Strahta Desert East
Head to the cottage for a new skit (Just a Tourist?) Continue heading west. You should find a chest a beside a cactus containing Veggie Set x2. From there, just head north to find another chest containing Syrup Bottle x2. From there, head left to find another chest with some gald. Backtrack south then continue west.
Grab the Blazing Crystal from the chest behind the Strahtan soldier. Examine the tree beside it for a new discovery. (No.37 Desert Bananas) You can play a new skit as well. (Private Lessons) Continue further and you'll finally reach the capital.
Yu Liberte
Before heading to the palace, there's a lot of stuff to do here. Let me list down what you can do/find so you can check them out in any order you please.
Head to the commercial district and continue upstairs to the left to find a luxurious inn. Check the snowman in the far left of the inn, just across the counter to record a new discovery. (No. 39 No-Sweat Snowman). A skit will be available. (Climate Controlled) You can check out new requests as well.
In the commercial district, there's some stairs between the equipment and item shops. There's a hidden path to the left of the stairs that will lead you to the chest on the side. Open it for a Magic Carta No. 34.
In the residential district, you'll find the Oswell Manor. There's a shining object in the planer so grab it first then enter the manor. Examine the shining object on the table to get the Water Googles attachment.
Enter the White Wine Estate to the left. Obtain Cheese x3 from the drawer and a cat you can feed by the stairs.
Enter the Red Wine Estate and grab Onion x3 from the drawer near the door. Talk to the maid to get some Cheese.
Head north to the governmental district. Head east to reach the north gate. Go right to find a turtlez merchant then south to the small dock. You'll find a chest to the right containing a Ba'ul Plushie.
You can ignore the West Gate so just continue north to the presidential palace. As soon as you pass the water arc, a skit will be available. (Leadership Qualities) Walk a bit until you can examine it as it is a new discovery as well. (No.38 Great Fountain) A skit will be playable, as always. (Fountains of the World, Part I)
Enter the palace and approach the guard. Enter the presidential room once ready. After the audience with the president, check the password-protected chest behind the board and enter the password “duplemar” to his left to get the Book of Restriction. Exit the room to meet up with your teammates.
After the scene, you can view a new skit. (Big Trouble for Little Brother) Exit the palace then continue south for a scene. Continue to the residential district. You'll find some people talking in the middle as you go south. You can also enter the Oswell manor to watch a minor event.
Head to the commercial district this time. You'll find more people talking. Take the boat back to the governmental district and you should find two NPCs talking in the middle. If they're not there, exit to the residential district then come back again. Once they mention something about the west gate, head there for a scene.
After that you'll receive Pascal's Diagram. Head to the presidential office and show it to the president. Before leaving the inn, you can trigger another skit. (Drawn Together) After taking the diagram to the president, you'll receive an ID Card. Exit the room to regroup. Make your preparations then leave through the west gate.
Strahta Desert West
Approach the savepoint for a skit (No Sweat) . The path is pretty straightforward. Just keep hugging the walls north and you'll find a chest to the far left containing some gald. After finding this chest, continue head west while following the wall and you'll find another chest beside the cactus. Loot the Silver Scabbard from it.
Continue along as the path turns south to find a turtlez merchant, an NPC and some weirld looking statues. Examine it for a new discovery. (No. 40 Sand People) Play a skit as well. (No Words) Continue forth until you reach a savepoint. Continue south and you should find a a chest in the middle containing an Orange Ribbon.
Follow the path then once you reach a split, take the upper one. You should find a chest beside a pillar containing a Stone Charm. Head down (southeast) to find another chest near the sand wall. Open it for a Bluster Crystal.
Continue west and some pillars will start sprouting from the ground, blocking your path. Just go along the path. Grab the Upper Quarry Stone from the chest along the way, and find another chose to the south containing a Core Fragment. Move along until you reach a savepoint. Enter the ruins once done saving.
Strahta Desert Ruins
After the short scene, a skit will be available. (Full Steam Ahead) The path is straightforward and you need to defeat a few monsters and solve color puzzles to reach the valkines. Head to the right then up to find the first set of colored blocks you need to solve. Step on the yellow block first, then blue. A skit will be unlocked as well. (Step by Step) Continue past the solved puzzle then go downstairs east.
Grab the Red Scarf from the chest in the upper path, then continue to the east to find another chest containing a Freeze Charm. Go downstairs south next. Take the one to the right as the left one is broken. Grab the chest to the left containing a Possessed Crystal.
Head to the left and you'll find another puzzle. Step on the following blocks: yellow, red and blue. Continue to the left along the torch-lit bridge. Before crossing it, there should be a discovery (No. 41 Ancient Embers) and a new skit (A Serious Matter). You'll also get a Torchflame from it.
Continue to the left to find yet another puzzle. Step on the following blocks to solve it: red, blue, yellow. Open the chest on the other side to get a Battle Tunic. Continue to the left and take the stairs north for now. The chests further left are inaccessible at the moment.
Head north to find the last puzzle. Step on the red, blue, yellow blocks to solve it. Continue to the right and grab the gal from the chest before reaching the savepoint. Approach the savepoint for a skit (Scene Stealer) then save your game. Head to the valkines for a scene and a boss battle shortly afterward.
Boss: Dispater x2
Double trouble
These two enemies are notorious for primarily targeting your spellcasters, especially your healers. For the first part of the battle, concentrate on one target. Setting your strategy to have your teammates attack the leader's target will make it easier for you to focus fire on one target at a time. Later in the battle, they'll be using a very wide AOE attack, as well as some mid-range, medium-sized AOEs. Your healers will be smart enough to move away from danger and they'll be more effective if you'll prioritize keeping them alive using recovery items. If you have upgraded Cheria's healing artes and supported it with healing-boosting gems and equipment, then you won't have that much trouble keeping the team afloat throughout the entire battle.
Since the enemies are flying, it will be a challenge for some of your combos to hit or connect. Compensate by using Attack and Burst artes in tandem, especially if this will stop them on their tracks.
Defeating these enemies within 60 seconds will unlock a corresponding trophy.
After the scene, Sophie will earn the Independent Thinker title. Before leaving, stand in front of the cryas for a new discovery (No. 42 Duplemar) and skit. (Pitch Black)
You can leave by going south directly however don't do so yet. Go back to the underground ruins to the left so you can loot the two chests you can't access before. They contain the Book of Duplication and 435 eleth.
You can take the Turtlez transport back to the capital but before doing so, exit the ruins and approach the savepoint for a skit. (Keeping it Together)
Yu Liberte
Report to the president and Hubert will finally join the party. He will also get the Dutiful Brother title afterward. After getting Hubert, you'll have the chance to make some detours before heading to Fendel. It's also time to check out some new requests. (Check the Requests section of this guide to find the list of requests and how to complete them)
Head to the residential area and find a maid in the left side which an emoticon above her head. Talk to her for a mini-event. This will become an official request afterward. (This can be completed immediately; refer to the requests section for a more detailed guide)
Head to the commercial district and find another person with an emoticon to the left. Talk to Marian to open up another official request. After completion, Marian will now open a gem polishing shop in the commercial district. This will also give Hubert his Steadfast Denier title and a new skit. (Burning Questions)(This can be completed immediately; refer to the requests section for a more detailed guide)
Gem polishing will allow you to leave an unequipped gem to Marian so she can polish it and increase its stats for a fee. You can also make her work faster by giving her different pies.
If you head to the inn to check the new requests, a skit will be playable by approaching the savepoint. (Twenty Minutes)
You're practically free to roam anywhere so you can also visit Gralesyde and Barona to complete some quests. If you missed any discoveries, you can also backtrack and check them out (though some of the skits associated with them won't trigger anymore)
You may check the Requests/Sidequests section for more information.
[Note: This is a missable sidequest; you must complete this before visiting the last dungeon (Ghardia Shaft) for the first time] Head inside Cheria's house and examine the floating start to trigger a sub-event. This will also open a new request in Lhant. (Beloved Handkerchief)
Check one of the rooms in the inn to find Fiery Joe. After this event, Sophie will get her Heavenly Emissary title.
Talk to Duke Dalen inside his manor to enable a request. (Wallbridge Evidence) See the Requests section to know more.
Head to the central tower and talk to the maid there. You can play hide-and-seek with the kids. You can do the following after starting this mini-game.
Head to the roof and buy a corquette from the turtlez merchant.
Perimeter Tower NW: Talk to the soldier searching under the bed. Agree to lend him the money to get Hubert's Major Splurger title. All your money will be taken away but don't worry; you'll get it back later.
Perimeter Tower NE: A kid is hiding behind the ladder, beside the lever.
Make your way to the perimeter tower SE B1 and you'll find a soldier blocking the path. Trade 3 Life Bottles for a Feather Badge and continue south. You'll find a child along the corridor.
Continue inside the perimeter tower SE B1 next and talk to the crouching soldier. This time, you'll get all your money back. Talk to the kid hiding between the beds.
Exit and find another kid behind the turtlez transport
Enter the Main Tower SE and head to the rooftop to find a soldier lying down on the floor. Talk to him and give him the croquettes you bought earlier to remove him out of the way. Continue to the right and you should find another kid beside the crates.
Head to the Main Tower NW and find a kid hiding behind the crates to the left.
From there, exit north and keep talking to the guard until he leaves. Find the child behind him.
Enter the Perimeter Tower NW B1 behind the last child and you should find the last kid behind the large barrel (Discovery No.27 300 Year-Old Barrel)
After finding all the kids, you'll get the Hide and Seek Honcho title for Cheria and a skit as well. (War Games)
After meeting Fiery Joe in the Gralesyde Inn, go the inn and check one of the rooms there to find him and Annie. Talk to them to trigger a sub-event. You'll receive Salisbury Steak x3 afterward.
Oul Raye
After meeting Annie and Joe in the Barona Inn, you'll find them with the third weirdo in front of the inn. Malik will earn the “Winged One” title after this sub-event.
Continue near the Truth Stone to find a floating star. Examine it and watch the scene. Hubert will get his Keeper of Secrets title afterward as well as the Investigation Report, a request item in Sable Izolle.
Sable Izolle
After meeting him, Annie and Kaz in Oul Raye, you'll find Joe and Kaz near the west exit of the town. After this you'll obtain Pork Curry.
Yu Liberte
After the scene with the three weirdos, you can find them inside the inn. You'll obtain a Battle Sword afterward.
When ready, exit using Yu Liberte's north gate.
Strahta Desert North
Check the western side of the desert to find a chest between two cacti containing some gald. Head north to find a well. Examine it for a new discovery. (No.43 Dried-Up Well) and skit (Fight Me, Brother). You can also gather Truth Salts from here.
Take note that activating the skit will pit Asbel against Hubert. You'll get different skits if you win or lose the battle against him. He's not that hard at this point but you still have to be careful with his attacks. After the skits, he'll get his Restorer of Pride and Sophie's Gossip Lover titles.
Check the chest behind the discovery to obtain a Moon Anklet. Continue east and you'll find another chest along the way, along the crevice to the south. Open it for a Silver Frames. Continue east and approach the savepoint for another skit. (Furtive Glances)
North Yu Liberte Port
You'll find White Wine inside the port cottage. Approach the ferry's captain for a scene. You'll get a new skit afterward. (Piercing Glances)
Warrior's Roost
After the scene, check the shining object to the right to get Daphne Seeds and a chest containing Red Wine. There's also a cat you can feed and a sub-event (floating star) to trigger. This event will feature the three weirdos again. You'll also gain x3 Sweet and Sour Eels afterward.
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Observing the Observer) There's a chest north of the savepoint containing Magic Carta No. 35. The inn here will feature new requests as well. There's a new discovery to the right of the stairs. Just examine the torch with the metal emblem. (Discovery No. 44 Annals of Victory) You can also play a new skit afterward. (Knight Moves)
Continue upstairs to the reception area. There's a password-protected chest to the right. Enter “riot peak” to get the Book of Metabolism from it. (Tip: To get the space recognized when inputting the password, enter the blank spaces)
Ready your best team and equipment then challenge Riot Peak. You need to get to the 5th level to continue with the story. You'll have to defeat the same soldiers earlier. This battle shouldn't be that hard so there's really no special tactics required to defeat them. After defeating them, Hubert will earn The Youngest Lieutenant title.
Return to the savepoint and approach it for a skit. (En Guardian) Save the game if you want. If you wish to continue with the story, talk to the spy you rescued.
You can head back to Yu Liberte real quick and visit the Oswell manor to trigger a sub-event (005: Mr. Oswell's Secret 2)
South Velanik Port
You can find x2 Crabs in a chest inside the house. Other than that, there's really nothing else to do here so just exit.
Fendel Borderlands
Grab the Fancy Fur from the chest along the way. Continue ahead and you'll find a large tree. Examine it for a new discovery. (Discovery No. 45 Peach Tree). You'll obtain X3 Peaches and a skit. (Just Peachy)
Continue until you reach the fork in the road. Take the southern path first to find a chest along the way. Open it for a Anonymous Seed. A bit further down and you'll find a chest with Seascale Crystal to the right. If you continue further down, you'll find a Fendel checkpoint. Approach it for a skit. (Border Crossing) You can bribe the black Turtlez to cross the border and just board the ships to return to Fendel.
Return to the fork and head north to find a crater. After the scene, get near it to trigger a skit. (Just another Coinkydink) To the left of the crater is a chest. Open it for some gald. Continue up and you'll find another chest to the left side of the road containing a Green Ribbon. Continue following the road until you reach the town.
Deal with the merchant if needed then continue north. There's a chest behind the kid containing Magic Carta No. 36. You can also loot a Veggie Set from the drawer inside the residence along the way. If you have collected around 5 Strahteme Horns on your way to the village, avoid head east past the turn in the path as this will trigger a scene that will proceed with the story. If you're after some sub-events, head straight to the inn first.
Once inside the inn, you'll find the weird trio again. Talk to them to trigger an event. You'll obtain Battle Knives after this. Next, approach the savepoint for a skit. (Misery Loves Company) You can also view a sub-event by resting in the inn.
Go to the stage and enter the backstage to find a password-protected chest. Enter the password “strahteme” to obain the Book of Deduction. Open the chest beside it to find a Best Princess Stories book. Examine the large book behind the chest for a new discovery (No. 46 Kaigar's Script) and trigger a new skit (Bananas for Bananas). You can also check the shining object to get some Niferum Seeds. The inn will offer new requests as well.
Outside, you can check the nearby residence to find a milk from the drawer. The kid there can create a seafood set for you, and there's another cat you can feed as well. There's a chest inside containing a Bush Baby Plushie.
If you continue to the right, you'll find a kid named Connor. Loot the chest to the far right to get the request item Spoon. Unfortunately, the brat won't allow you to leave without paying him money.
You can find the extorting kid behind the well up north. Talk to him to get your money back. Enter the nearby residence to find Connor inside. Talk to him several times and give him all the amount he asks. This will complete this sub-event and will award Cheria with the Good Samaritan title.
When you're ready, find the two kids in the far right in the middle of town. You'll be surrendering the strahteme horns if you have enough horns. Cheria will get her Kind-Hearted title after this scene. Approach the inn for more scenes.
After the scenes, approach the savepoint for a new skit. (Who-knows-what)
Fendel Mountain Pass
Continue along the path and turn to the right to find two chests. Open them to get Dark Bottle x2 and Platinum Tunic. Head north to find a savepoint and mountain cottage. Approach the savepoint for a skit (The Cold, Hard Truth). Check the mountain cottage to find a chest containing Suspicious Powder.
Continue west then take the southern road to find two chests. Open them for Syrup Bottle x2 and Leafy Balm. Continue along the main road until you find a white tree. Examine it for a new discovery (No. 47 Frozen Tree) and skit (What Lies Ahead) There's also a chest behind the tree containing some gald.
Continue along the road and check the northeast part to find a chest and a shortcut to the mountain cottage. Open the chest for Grape Gel x2. Exit to the highlands to the west next.
Fendel Highlands
Talk to the researcher outside for a scene. This will open a sidequest in Zavhert which will require you to bring back Rockgagong fur. Continue forth and grab the Weak Charm from the chest. Continue ahead and you should find another chest to the east, by the open area. Open it for a Gold Scabbard.
Continue due north and you should find a cabbage patch. Examine it for a new discovery (No. 48 Cabbages) and skit (High-Risk Highlands). You'll also get x3 Cabbages.
Return to the main path then continue forth. You should find another chest due north along the way. Open it for some gald. Continue following the road then approach the savepoint for a skit (False Pretenses) Enter the port next.
Port to Zavhert
Near the port, you'll find a chest behind a tree. Open it for Salmon x3. Approach the savepoint for a scene. If you have cooked Crablettes (Crab Eggs), then you'll be able to view a new skit by the savepoint. (National Crablette Day)
Zavhert Port
Upon arriving, Sophie will earn her Prone to Worry title. Talk to the Elderly Man near the stairs to show him your magic carta cards and earn rewards based on how many you have collected. Showing him more than 20 cards will give Asbel his Carta Collector title. Enter the building past the stairs to find a chest inside containing Pie Sheet x3. Continue following the road until you reach the city.
After arriving, you can explore the city and discover stuff.
Follow the road north and talk to the kid near the stairs to buy a Katz Plushie from her.
Talk to the soldier by the equipment shop to make him leave. It's not open yet so just come back later. Head to the inn. Two skits will become available as soon as you enter. (No More Suffering / A Surprising Theory) You can also check the inn requests available at this moment.
Check the trash bin beside the innkeeper to throw the trash there. These trash are collected randomly by picking up the shining objects along the road. Once you have thrown a total of 15 trash, a sub-event will be completed and Malik will earn his Environmental Minister title.
Enter the room to the far left to find Fiery Joe and a password-protected chest. Enter the password “ironspike” to obtain the Book of Finesse. Talk to Joe next for another sub-event. After this, Hubert will earn his Senior Younger Brother title.
Check one of the upper rooms, to the right and examine the drawer to get Rice x2. Pick up the shining object to get Bloody Rose seeds.
Head west from the inn to reach the other part of the city. Continue following the street until you find a residence near a Turtlez merchant and right before reaching the exit to Mt. Zavhert. Examine the drawer inside the house to get another Best Princess Stories book.
Head outside and go downstairs. Talk to the disgruntled soldier to make him leave. Continue to the right until you find another residence. Go inside to feed the cat. Also, examine the doll on the drawer for a new discovery (No. 50 Doll-Within-A-Doll) and skit afterward (The Dubious Man). You can also find two Crabs inside the gray chest to the left near the door.
Head outside then continue south. Examine the large pipes for another discovery (No. 49 Bottomless Pipe) and skit (Piping Up)
Continue downstairs and you should find a chest by the stairs. Open it for Magic Carta No.37. Keeping heading to the right and you'll finally be back in the city's entrance. Enter the residence there to find a bed-ridden child. Talk to her for a sub-event. You can now bring plushies to Lara. You need 9 plushies but if you're using this walkthrough, you should have six of them already. (See the Pre-Ending Extras to learn more about what these plushies are used for)
After that, return to the inn to find the same soldier outside. Talk to him to continue with the story. After the scene, Pascal will earn her Real Amarcian title. You can head back to the inn real quick to trigger a skit (All in the Timing) Follow the street west then exit the city.
Mt. Zavhert
Continue up the mountain to the west. Look for a chest near the cliff. Open it for x2 Life Bottles. Continue following the path until you reach a fork in the road with a sign.
Go to the left first until you find another split in the road. Take the lower path first until you reach a chest. Examine it to fight it. Defeat it and watch the next scene. Pascal will earn her Fire Summoner title and you'll also get the Raw Materials needed for the request in Zavhert.
Backtrack to the split then continue up this time (west). You should find another discovery along the way (No. 51 Radishes) and play a skit (Dear Diary).
Continue to the left and grab some eleth recharge for your mixer then approach the savepoint for another skit (Gone Astray) There's a turtlez merchant ahead so you can deal with him to replenish your supplies. After that, backtrack all the way to the first split (with the signpost) then continue up the path.
Continue along the road to find a chest containing x2 Grape Gel. Continue until you reach another fork in the road. Take the one to the right then grab the Fine Wood from the chest along the curve. Continue to the right, past the snow goblin to find another chest. Open it to get Hubert's Gold Frames.
Continue to the save point for a skit (Winds of Change) From the savepoint, head left then take the path down until you find a new discovery (No. 52 Pumpkins). You'll also get Pumpkin x1 and a new skit to view. (Short and Sweet)
From the pumpkins, continue to the left to find another chest along the curve. Open it for a Pretty Feather. Continue along the road then take the road up, past the snow goblin to find yet another chest by the bushes. Open it for Pascal's Blue Scarf. Backtrack to the savepoint then continue moving ahead.
When you reach another fork, take the left one first to find a chest with some gald. Continue to the right, next and make sure to heal up since there's a boss battle ahead.
Boss: Bladehorn Boar
Wild beast
This boss is not that hard. After a few seconds in the battle, it will call in reinforcements. Take these minor enemies out first as they can still interrupt your spells and combos at the same time make it harder for your healers to do their job. Keep pummeling it until its life becomes critical. At this stage, it will start to burrow and spring up from the ground. When it burrows, keep your guard up and wait for it to appear beneath you then launch a counterattack. It will also keep charging back and forth while mowing anyone in the way. When it does this, don't chase it; just sidestep then attack it from behind. Keep doing this and you should be able to take it out with minimal damage.
Continue ahead to find a Turtlez merchant and a chest containing a Formless Crystal. Use the warp ahead to enter the Amarcian Enclave.
Amarcian Enclave
Pascal's house is located to the east but before heading there, let's explore the area first.
Head west and talk to the guy staring at the edge to play Shot Cube. This is a mini-game where you need to push the ice blocks to the center. If one of them flies off the square, you'll lose. Practice through three stages to play the actual game. Completing the practice session will award you with a Rune Shortstaff. There's also no time limit so you can take your time. For now you can clear up to LV2. Come back later for higher ranked challenges.
Aside from the various shotstaffs you get from the challenges, Pascal will also get her Puzzle Cracker title.
Practice = Rune Shotstaff
Rank 1 = Battle Shotstaff
Rank 2 = Platinum Shotstaff
You can refer to the videos below for the solution of the puzzles available at the moment.
Rank 1, Stage 5
Rank 1, Stage 6
Rank 2, Stage 7
Rank 2, Stage 8
Rank 2, Stage 9
Continue heading left to reach the inn. Stand on the savepoint for a skit (The Transplanted Land)
Examine the chocolate fountain for a new discovery (No. 53 Chocolate Fountain), skit (The Fountains of the World Pt II) and get some chocolates as well.
You'll find the weirdo siblings again here as well. You'll get a Mandarin Scarf after the scene.
The inn has new requests as well. Return to the main intersection then head north to find the shops in town. Transact with them as necessary.
Head to the eastern part of the town to find Pascal's and Fourier's homes. Enter Fourier's first then examine the password-protected chest to the left. Enter the password “gauss” to obtain Book of Acquisition. Next, examine the drawer in the middle of the room, to the north to get a Drill, a request item.
Head outside then feed the cat near Pascal's house's door. Enter the room for a scene. After that, examine the drawer in the middle for Milk x3, and a chest to the left containing Magic Carta No. 38. Examine the mechanical cat to the right for a new discovery (No.54 Robo-Pet) and a new skit (Anything You Like)
Backtrack to the savepoint for another skit (Whence and Whither) Now return to the platform by the entrance then take the stairs leading to the Overseer's Chamber. After the scene, check the shining object to the right to find Jack-in-the-Pulpit Seeds.
Head to the exit and talk to the man there to trigger a new request. Go back to Pascal's house and examine the floating star there to obtain the request item Research Sample. This will also unlock Cheria's Only Child title. Turn it over to complete the request. Exit the town next.
Mt. Zavhert
Head back to the savepoint down the mountain path to trigger a skit (A Lady's Prerogative). Enter the research laboratory when ready.
Fendel Research Laboratory
As you walk to the entrance, a skit will be playable (Sins of the Brother)
(1F) Head to the left then enter through the second door to find a lone chest inside containing a Working Gear. Continue to the far left then enter the door to reach the switch room. In this room. You have to arrange the four red boxes so they complete the circuit. The first puzzle is a no-brainer. Push the block and activate the switch the open the large gate outside. Go left then take the elevator down.
(B1) Go left then enter the first door there to find a chest containing Grape Gel x3. Enter the second room to find a chest with Panacea Bottle x2. Continue heading left to the next screen.
Continue following the path until you reach another closed gate. Enter the room nearby and arrange the boxes again. Open the gate then take the next elevator down.
(B2) Enter the first room to find a chest containing a Star Anklet. Check out the capsules for a new discovery (No. 55 Eleth Recharger) and trigger a skit (A Fundamental Flaw)
Enter the second room to the right to find a chest containing All-Divide. Head right to the next screen. When the path splits, take the eastern one first to find a Platinum Scabbard inside a monster-infested room. Equip it for a skit (Accessorizing with Asbel)
Backtrack to the main path and continue forth until you reach yet another gate. Arrange the boxes then take the lift down.
(B3) Continue to the right to find another fork. Continue up first to find a room with a single chest. Open it for a Orange Scarf. Return to the split then continue to the right then take the elevator down.
(B4) Enter the switch room then arrange the boxes again to open the next gate. Continue to the right to find multiple paths. Take the middle path up north first to find a chest by a locked door. Open it for a Busted Blade. Take the lower right path next then enter the room beside the elevator. Open the chest for Holy Bottle x2. Take the elevator up.
(B3) From the elevator, enter the room to the right to find a new discovery (No. 56 Profane Creation) and trigger a new skit (The Island of Dr. Fourier) Check the other room to the left of the elevator to find a chest with 525 eleth. Take the elevator down again.
(B4) Take the elevator north this time.
(B5) Continue to the right to find a savepoint. Save the game then enter the next room to fight a boss.
Boss: Veres
Biological weapon on the loose
There's nothing special about this boss, aside from the obvious fact that it hits hard and can perform various close and mid-range attacks that can stun your characters. As always, try to sidestep this guy right before its attack connects so you can freely counterattack. Be careful once it starts to target one of your characters as it will continuously attack him/her, specially if it was able to stun him/her.
It will also occasionally call out for reinforcements which are the normal enemies you have fought in the facility so far. Take out the minions to prevent further annoyance then resume focus-firing at the boss.
After the scene and before taking the elevator, examine the switch to the right to open the gate in the previous corridor. Go through the gate and enter the room to find a couple of chests. Open them for Chocolate-covered Banana and Book of Serendipity.
Return to Fourier's lab then approach the elevator to trigger a skit (Irrelevant Nonsense). Take the elevator after viewing the skit. Exit the laboratory and make your way to Zavhert.
Mt. Zavhert
Two skits will be available in the savepoint out in Zavhert's west gate. (Fatherly Advice / Practice Makes Perfect). This will trigger a friendly battle between Asbel and Sophie. You'll get different skits depending on the battle's outcome. You can also try again should you lose. After defeating Sophie, she'll get the Pact Adherent title.
Head to the inn to trigger a skit. (Plan B) You can also sleep at the inn to trigger a sub-event.
You'll find a floating star beside Lara's residence (the plushie kid), on the way to the east gate. Activate it for a scene.
Talk to the disgruntled townspeople that you find along the way to continue with the story. There's a man on the way to the inn, a couple of civilians in the main plaza and finally a middle-aged woman inside the residence where you found Discovery No. 50 and the hungry cat. After talking to her, head inside to find Fermat. You'll obtain the security pass after this event.
After viewing Malik's flashback in the backalleys of the city, head to the inn to find another floating star. Examine it to view another of Malik's flashback. Head to Fendel Tower next.
Fendel Tower
After the scene, Malik will gain the Youthful Revolutionary title. You can also head back to Zavhert inn to view a skit (Blind Eye) really quick. Return to the tower and grab Peach Gel x3 from the chest. Approach the guards to enter.
(1F) Go to the savepoint for a skit (Convincing Kurt). Save the game if you want then take the elevator under the stairs to the right. Since there's no other choice, select 39F.
(39F) Take the stairs to the left to head to the next floor.
(40F) Defeat the enemies then make your way to the upper platform. Grab the gald from the chest then make your way to the right. Exit to the next room.
Talk to the two hiding soldiers then talk to the officer blocking the next path. Choose whatever option you want to make them leave and clear the path.
(41F) Turn the valves nearby to turn off the steam vents. Ride the platform up and open the chest to get an hourglass. Make your way to the upper platform and turn off the steam again. Before taking the next lift up, a skit should become available. (Panel Discussion )
Take the lift up and defeat the enemies. Operate the valves again to clear your path then take the platform up. Ignore the chest for now as you have no way of reaching it for the meantime. Examine the nest for a new discovery (No. 57 Frozen Nest) and skit (Revisionist History)
(42F) Operate the first and third valves only to enable you to cross the vents. Exit to the next room. A young man will approach you and give you two Apple Gels, one Peach gel and one Grape gel. You then need to give these to each of the high-ranking officers correctly in order to proceed. If you gave an incorrect gel, you'll have to do the whole process again. Take note that their positions will change accordingly every time you try so there's no other way than to memorize their appearances.
Continue to the next room then make your way to the upper platform. Continue to the right and you should find a chest containing Eleth Bottle C past the lift. Take the lift down twice and open the chest in the bottom platform to obtain Life Bottle x3. Return to the middle platform then continue further to the right.
In the next screen, take the lift down to find another chest. Open it to get x2 Grape Gel. Make your way to the other side of the same platform. Examine the pile of junk in the middle for a new discovery (No. 58 Treasure Trove), Common Metal and skit. (High Maintenance)
Descend using the lift then activate another skit by the savepoint. (False Bravado) Save the game then continue to the right. Defeat all the enemies then exit to the next room. Enter Kurt's office next.
Once in control, open the chest to get a Chamomile. Approach the floating star to trigger another flashback. After that talk to everybody then examine the desk again to continue with the story. Return to town after the scene.
Head to the inn to trigger another skit. (Northeast, Ho!) You can also visit Fermat for a sub-event. Prepare your team then head out to the town's east gate.
Glacier Road
In the first fork, go to the left to find a chest containing an Artificial Crystal. Continue following the path until you reach a turtlez merchant and a savepoint. Open the chest south of the merchant to get some gald. Continue to the next area.
Fendel Glacier Ruins
Head inside the glacier and follow the path until you find a chest and an ice block that you can push. Grab the grape gel x2 from the chest then push the ice block down the slope. Once done, go down the slope south to reach a nearby chest containing Syrup Bottle x2.
Push the ice block to the south slope so it hits the ice pillar along the path. This will make a footbridge for you to cross and reach the chest containing Magic for Men. Push the block up and then push it to the other slope. Do the same thing to proceed forth to the next screens.
Continue following the path until you reach another room with ice blocks. Go down the nearby ramp and examine the large, shining ice pillar for a new discovery (No. 59 Rainbow Ice Pillar), an Icicle and skit. (Running Out of Time)
To start off, pull the nearest block up the slope and push it to reach a chest to the left containing a Strong Bone. Push the block again south to reach the next part of the area. Push the second ice block south to reach a chest containing an Elemental Ribbon. Push the block to the next platform and open the nearby chest for a Whirling Seashell. Push the ice block again to create a path then continue to the next screen.
In the next screen, check the path to your left to find a cavern with a chest. Open it for a Book of Valor. Backtrack and go south. Follow the path until you reach a savepoint. You can view a skit as well. (No Lack of Resolve)
In the next cavern, you'll find several blocks and slopes. To start off, head to the center and push the ice block to the lower right slope. (west) This will allow you to reach the chest containing Panacea Bottle x3. Now push the same block up the slope again then insert it to the gap. Now reach the next ice block. If you want to view an easily missable skit, you need to push the ice block down and release it on the lower slope. This will trigger a skit. (Allow Me to Demonstrate) Once done, pull it back to its original position and then push it down the slope north so it hits and breaks the large ice pillar.
Before heading forth, pull the same ice block then push it so it slides down the long slope along the wall to the east. Push it again on the next slope so it knocks down a couple of ice pillars. Grab the Mastery Tonic C from the chest then backtrack to the large ice pillar you knocked down earlier.
Continue down and grab the 585 units of eleth from the chest along the way. Continue forth until you reach a savepoint. Prepare your preferred combat party then head to the next screen to fight the boss.
Boss: Kurt
Part of Malik's past
If you have Malik in your party, a scene will be triggered in the middle of battle.
The problem with this boss is that he has a very wide attack arc which can even damage those who are attacking behind him. It will be a good idea to guard as long as he attacks or time your sidestep between his attacks to get into a favorable attacking position while replenishing some CC. As usual, start by defeating the lesser soldiers as they can cast spells that can interrupt you and more importantly, your healer(s). These soldiers will respawn after a few seconds but while Kurt is alone, wait for him to finish his combos then concentrate your attacks and artes on him.
Defeating Kurt in 60 seconds will reward you with a trophy.
After the battle, check Kurt's body to get a Platinum Bladerang. Check the valkines as well for a new discovery (No. 60 Forbrannir) and a new title for Malik (World Seeker), if you haven't missed any discovery up to this point. After doing those, talk to everyone to continue with the story.
After the scene, approach the valkines for a skit. (Just Ask Gramps) Use the nearby warp to return to the entrance. Exit to the Glacier Road.
Glacier Road
Go to the savepoint for a skit (To the Archive of Wisdom) You can also use the turtlez transport if you're feeling lazy. You'll need to head to the Amarcian Enclave next, but you can also make some detours to complete different available requests if you want.
Enter the inn for a skit (Selective Memory).Use the turtlez transport to reach the enclave.
Amarcian Enclave
Head to the overseer's chamber and enter the archive to continue with the story. Before leaving, head to the savepoint for a skit (Connecting the Dots). Exit the enclave for a scene.
Mt. Zavhert
Instead of taking the transport, head to the savepoint for a skit. (What if He Knows? )
Head to the inn for another skit. (The Missing Pieces) Prepare your party and complete some requests if you want. When ready, head to the port and head to World's Eye.
World's Eye
After arriving, Asbel and Sophie will earn their Friend to the End and Conflicted at Heart titles respectively. Go to the savepoint for a skit. (A Near Miss?) Prepare your best party, save your game then proceed to face Richard.
Boss: Richard
Lambda's possession
Actually, unless you've been lazying about or haven't upgraded your skills and gears before this encounter, you shouldn't find this battle hard at all. He's relatively easy at this point of the game and his attacks shouldn't hurt you that much.
In any case, you'll have to break his nova barrier to be able to deal real damage to him. Once your allies' attack and spell combos connect, join the fray a second later to keep the hits coming and keep him occupied and stunned. He still has his mystic artes and his attacks are still the same. If you're having problems taking his attacks, assist your healers with recovery items as necessary.
After the battle, watch the scenes and you'll be asked to save the game. This chapter has concluded.
Zavhert Port
Head to the inn for now.
Once you reached the inn and spend the night there. Sophie will leave the party for now. Exit the room the head to the savepoint inside the inn to trigger a skit. (She'll Always Be Sophie). Head to the port for a scene. After that, Malik will earn his Pensive Sage title. Sophie will rejoin your party but as a benched member. She'll still earn EXP and SP as you go.
Before leaving the port, you can make a quick detour to the Fendel Research Laboratory to trigger a sub-event that will enable you to a material to create Pascal's comedic weapon and the chance to get a request item for an Amarcian Enclave request. Once ready, talk to the ship captain in Zavhert port to travel to Oul Raye.
Fendel Research Laboratory
Head to the Fendel Research Laboratory and take the elevator near the entrance to B5 (Fourier's room). Exit through the door to the south then go to the right to find a floating star. Examine it to trigger a scene. Defeat the enemy and you'll get Pondslopper.
Examine the barrels behind the chests to get the Gauss's Seal. This is a request item in the Amarcian Enclave inn.
Oul Raye
After arriving, Cheria will earn her Embracer of Truth title. Next, talk to the nearby sailor for a sub-event. While on the ship, you'll have to fight a few enemies. Defeat them all and you'll receive the request item Sunken Cargo which you can turn in the Oul Raye inn. Once you return port, Asbel will earn his Expert Scrubber title.
Head to the savepoint to play a new skit. (Outside the In-Joke). Turn over the Sunken Cargo request as well then use the turtlez transport to Sable Izolle.
Sable Izolle
If you're after yet another skit, do not approach the entrance of the tower as doing so will trigger the story scene and will eliminate the chance to view the following skit. Exit to the east of the city to the Craglands first. Approach the savepoint there to trigger as skit. (Needs More Fiber)
Also, you can challenge the Carter in the eastern part of the town to get new items and titles, as long as you have collected more Magic Carta cards. There is really no shortcut way of winning other than practicing. One effective tip is to remember a unique keyword for each character card you have in your possession and of course, remembering their faces. It may take a few tries but it is doable.
Normal Mode – Race to 200 points
Winning but the opponent has a score (1st time) = Book of Cuisine
Winning flawlessly = Sophie's Great Pirate title
Hard Mode – Race to 300 points
The challenge in this level is that several cards are on top of each other and you have to carefully but quickly select them without accidentally selecting the cards above them. This is a bit frustrating, especially when the opponent AI doesn't make this mistake. Also it pays to hover your cursor to the bottom cards so you can identify it beforehand.
Winning but the opponent has a score (1st time) = Nature's Scarf, Carta Shark title for Pascal, Busybody title for Cheria, skit (A Winning Combination)
Winning flawlessly = Cheria's Magical Bee title
Head to the front of the research tower for a scene. After that, go to the savepoint for a skit (Heightened Senses) Go inside the tower and take the central elevator down. Enter the archive and approach the panel for another scene. After that, head outside.
After the scene, go to the savepoint for a new skit. (The Tenderness of Youth). Use the turtlez transport to go back to Oul Raye.
Oul Raye
Prepare to depart then talk to the president when you're ready.
South Velanik Port
As soon as you disembark, a new skit will become available. (The Other Side of the Sky). You can't use the transport to go anywhere for the meantime so hit the road follow it until you reach the split path. Follow the road south to reach the Border Fortress. Exit there and continue to the Seaside Cavern.
Seaside Cavern
Enter the cavern and jump in the water. Go to the savepoint to view a skit (The Weight of Existence). Examine the strange wall to the east to open a new path. Enter it to find the shuttle. After the scene, exit the room. After the scene again, go to the savepoint for another skit (Brotherly Love). You'll have to leave to Lhant immediately.
After the scene, head to the manor to meet with Lady Kerri and Frederic. Go inside the manor and head to Asbel's room. Head out of room then go to the savepoint for a skit. (Still Falling Short) Head to the study to meet up with Bailey. Return to the bedroom once more then exit the manor again.
You'll obtain different dishes as a parting gift from Lady Kerri. Hubert will also get his Ambivalent Son title. Before leaving, you can trigger a sub-event and a skit. First, head to Lady Kerri's room and talk to her. Exit the manor and head to the bridge for a skit. (A Few of His Favorite Things) Once those are done, you can now talk to the turtlez merchant and use the transport to go to Velanik.
Fendel Mountain Pass
Continue to the mountain cottage and go to the savepoint for a skit. (Treading the Untrodden) You can take the path east now but go to the left path first and continue past the frozen tree to find an NPC. Talk to him to receive a request item Spade. This is actually the very request item posted in the Velanik inn.
If you've been following this walkthrough then you should have acquired the drill earlier from Fourier's room. If not, you'll have to wait a little later since the boat going to Zavhert is currently grounded. If you already have it in your possession, talk to Scoop again to give him the drill and complete this sub-event. Cheria will earn her Dutiful Daughter title afterward.
You can turn over the spade to complete the corresponding request in Velanik then proceed to the eastern mountain path. Obtain the Eleth Bottle C from the chest along the path then exit to the next area.
Untrodden Snowfield
Continue along the snowfield for a scene. After the scene, take the path to the right to find a chest. Open it for Milk x3. Continue to the next forth then open the two chests to the left to get a Green Scarf and Rune Anklet.
Continue following the path until you reach the cannon. After the scene, go to the savepoint to view a skit. (The Will to Persevere). Go to the left to find a chest containing a Sharp Claw and turtlez merchant. Before heading inside the ruins, take the path east. Continue following the long winding path until you reach a fork. Take the path north and you'll find several chests there. Loot them for Veggie Set x3, Seal Charm and 5400 gald.
After looting the chests, go to the right then instead of going north, go south first. You'll find another path going further east which leads to two more chests and a new discovery. (No. 61 Ice Drop Flowers) A skit will be available, like always. (Holding it Together) Loot the chests for a Pointy Fang and Hyper Scabbard.
Return to the previous forth then take the road further north. Grab the x2 Syrup Bottle from the chest along the way. Further along the road is a dead end so return to the savepoint in front of the ruins for now. Enter the ruins once ready.
Snowshroud Ruins
As soon as you enter, a skit will be viewable. (Am Not. Am too!) Enter the small room in the middle to power up the area. Exit the room and you have to turn the devices so they power up the doors. Just keep rotating them until the wires and doors lit up.
Start by powering and entering the door to the left. You should find a chest containing Grape Gel x3 inside. Next, power up and enter the room to the right. Examine the red glyph on the wall for a new discovery (Yearning for Home) and skit (Hometown Hero). Enter the large door in the middle to proceed.
Go left before taking the stairs to find a chest containing Tiger's Essence. Rotate the device so it powers up the door upstairs to the right. Check the room to find a Mythril Tunic from the chest. Return to the previous room and rotate the device so it powers the northern door. Enter it.
Continue past the corridor until you reach a room with two doors. Power up the door to the left first, then power up the next door to the left again. Enter the room to find a Curse Charm. Return to the split path and power up the door to the right this time. Power up another door to the right. Check that room to find a chest containing a Dangerous Liquid.
Return to the previous room and power up the door the upper left this time. Continue past the corridor to reach a room with stairs. Grab the Googles from the chest beside the stairs. Take the stairs to the right. In the next corridor, you'll find two doors again. Grab the 660 units of eleth from the chest to the right then press the switch in the middle to power up both doors.
Enter the door to the left then power up the next door to the left again. Enter the room to find a new discovery. (No. 63 Mechanical Scrapyard). You'll also obtain a Rare Metal and another skit. (Bonus Goal).
Return to the previous room and redirect the power to the upper right door. Enter that door then rotate the device to power the next door north. Follow it again and you'll find a large door. You need to power both sides so redirect the power from the left conduits for now, then backtrack to the split.
Take the door to the right this time and power up the next door until you reach a room with two doors again. Power up the one to the right first and loot the Earthen Pot from the chest. Go back to the previous room and power up the upper left door this time. Do the same and route the power so the other side of the large door gets powered up. Once the door opens, head to the next area.
There will be multiple devices you need to operate in this room. Head to the savepoint first for a skit. (Not Exactly Our Forte) Save your game afterward. Power up the room to the right first so you can loot the Magical Ribbon from the chest. Return to the previous room and find another chest in the lower left corner. Open it for the Book of Growth. Don't power up the room to the left since its empty. Route the power to the main door to open it. Save the game once more if you want, then select your best party. Engage the boss when ready.
Boss: Polycarpus
Mechanical Guardian
This boss isn't that hard. You can't juggle it to the air but its attacks are slow and predictable. Avoid attacking it head on. It is recommended to attack it from the side and rear. It has a few long-ranged attacks and will mostly stick will short and mid-ranged attacks. This will give Malik or Pascal more than enough time to chain devastating artes that will break the boss' guard and make it vulnerable for your own devastating combos. Aside from its long-ranged attacks, it won't give effort to chase and corner your spellcasters so they'll be in a relatively safe distance from its attacks.
You have to defeat it in a minute for a trophy though I'll suggest attempt doing this on New Game where you have the option to purchase damage multiplier upgrades. Use the warp afterward.
Untrodden Snowfield
As soon as you exit, you'll have to fight a few more monsters. Go to the savepoint for a skit. (It's a secret to Everybody)
Before leaving, you may want to enter/exit the dungeon again to gather Rare Metals. It is vital for several new materials, most of them are required for creating request items. You may want to put it also in your mixer, no matter how small the chances are, you'll still have the chance to have it created artificially. Having the Book of Duplication equipped at all times helps as well.
When ready, use the transports to return to the Seaside Cavern. You can turn over some requests in Velanik just in case. Otherwise, you can just use the transport to reach North Lhant Road.
Seaside Cavern
Go to the savepoint for a skit. (Fodrabound) Head to the shuttle. After the scene with Asbel and Cheria, head back to the shuttle again. You'll have to repel the monster attack as well. Exit the launch chamber and check the large cavern north of the savepoint. Defeat them then head back the shuttle.
Watch the following scenes. After this, this chapter is completed.
Exit to the next room. The machine there functions as both the item and equipment shop as well as an inn. The stamp level is the same as well. Exit the shuttle.
Region 13
After the conversation, Pascal will earn her Reverent Sister title. Start by opening the chest nearby for Minced Meat x2. Head back to the shuttle and check the cockpit for a skit. (A Question of Priorities)
Save the game then take the path down south. Open the chest along the way to get a Magical Scarf. Continue further to the right to find a new discovery (No. 69 Secret Fort) however, if you're a religious collector of skits, don't examine it yet since its corresponding skit is still not available. For now, collect the Tofu x2 from the chest beside it and just come back to re-discover it later.
Backtrack to the split then go uphill this time and grab some gald inside the chest there. Backtrack to where the shuttle is then take the path west. Grab the Secret Seed from the chest along the way, then go downhill north. Open the chest hidden behind a rock to your right to get Finest Fur. Backtrack again then continue west.
Follow the path then grab the Holy Bottle x3 from the chest along the way. Continue to the savepoint for a skit. (No End in Sight) Save your game then use the warp.
Telos Astue
You can head to the vending machine in the northwest should you need to restock or dualize. There are new requests here as well. You can also rest in the inn to watch a scene. Go to the savepoint for a skit. (Sticking Together)
Go upstairs north and examine the large mechanism for a new discovery (No. 64 Tempus Aeturnum) and a new skit (Ghost in the Machine).
Continue further east then go upstairs to the storehouse. Examine the large wooden tub for another discovery. (No.66 Giant Tub) This discovery will cough up three different ingredients, one of them is miso. If you have read the Tales of Graces forums regarding the mixer or anything related to it, chances are you're already aware of its importance. The Miso Stew was agreed to be the best dish you can cook and to effectively increase your eleth mixer capacity quickly. Fortunately, you can just keep buying/selling/dualizing from the Telos Astue store until you reach LV8 and you'll be able to purchase Miso for 3800 gald each. For now, trigger the skit that came along with it. (Still Rancid After All These Years)
Go back to the main floor then go to the southeast to find a lift. Operate it and go to 2F. Enter the Records Room to the north to find another discovery (No. 65 Emerald Hope) and skit (A World Without A Pulse)
Now take the lift and go to B1. The person you saw is standing by the stairs in the living quarters to the west. Before going there, go north and examine the shining object right of the stairs to find the Nameless Flower Seeds. Use the warp there to reach the shuttle bay.
In the shuttle bay, you'll find a password-protected chest to the right. Enter the password “ephinea” to obtain Book of Enthusiasm. Return to the previous floor and head to the living quarters and watch the scene.
After the scene, open the chest beside Emeraude's bed to get Magic Carta No. 39. If you head to 2F, you should find a humanoid that sells titles for each of your characters. The prices will go up as you purchase them. These are basically the same titles (Eleth Mod) but with different parameter bonuses. You can also view a skit by going to the savepoint in 1F. (The Knowledge to Save) Once you're ready, leave the city.
Region 13
Return to the intersection then proceed north. Approach the warp for a scene. Go back the savepoint to play a skit. (The “It” Factor)
Humanoid Research Center
(1F) Start by heading to the right. Go past the next warp and continue to the gate to trigger a skit. (The Control Device) Take the warp next then use the control panel to the right to open the partition.
Take the warp back then continue to the right. Enter the first door and grab a charged battery from there. Go back to the corridor and continue going to the right. Ignore the second door and continue until you reach the lift controls. Before checking it, go to the lift for a skit. (What Are We Missing?)
Swap the charged battery there to power the lift. You'll need to do the same process from hereon so expect a lot of backtracking. Before taking the lift, return to the first room and grab the another battery there. Take the lift down.
(B1 South)
Go to the right and enter the first room. You'll find a chest here containing Grape Gel x2. Examine the star for a sub-event. You'll acquire the Drive Unit request item and Hubert's Lover of Lhant title after this. Exit to the corridor and follow the path to the next screen.
From there, you'll find a split. Take the path down as it leads you to a room. Enter the room and loot the chest for the Book of Exchanging.
Return to the split and take the path to the right this time. Continue there until you reach a warp. Use it then go to the left to find a chest. Open it for an Eleth Bottle C. Defeat the enemy to the right this time and activate the panel to remove the partition. Use the warp again and continue to the right to find another unpowered pedestal. Swap the battery to power it up. Use the lift to go back to 1F and grab a new battery. Use the same lift to go to B1 first then to B2 South.
(B2 South)
Go to the right and enter the first room to find a chest. Open it for a Rare Scabbard. Follow the path until you reach a savepoint. From there, follow the path down again to find a room with an All-Divide inside. Backtrack then take the door to the right this time.
After the scene, don't leave yet. Approach the toy blocks on the floor to the right for a new discovery (No. 67 Old Toy Blocks) and skit (Cornell's Legacy). Go right for another scene. Asbel will earn his Host to the Light title after this. Exit to the right this time.
Take the path up and follow the corridor until you reach a room. There's a chest inside containing and Elegant Feather. Backtrack then take the path down this time. Head right again then enter the room along the way. Loot a Golden Bough from the chest there. Continue forth and you'll reach the next lift and its unpowered controls. Swap the battery then ride the lift again to 1F to get the last change of batteries. Use the same lift to go to B2 first before reaching B3 South.
(B3 South)
Go to the right and enter the room to find another chest. Open it for 705 eleth units. Exit then when you reach the split, take the one down first. Loot the Misty Anklet from the chest inside the first room and another discovery in the next room. (No. 68 Tarlow-X) A skit will be available afterward as well. (Merely Old Junk)
Return to the split then head up this time. Use the warp again to remove the partition. Keep moving forth and power up the lift controls. Go to B4 this time.
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (The Origin of Amarcians) Prepare your party then save your game. Enter the next room and watch the following scenes. Examine your party member's visual form, then examine Richard's next to trigger a boss battle.
Boss: Lambda
Lambda Incarnate
His attacks can poison your characters but that shouldn't be a problem. Lambda's attacks can also cause petrification and freezing so pop your Panacea Bottles if needed. Other than that, just keep attacking until it goes down. You'll receive a trophy by defeating the boss within 60 seconds.
Go back to the savepoint to the left for another skit. (The Reason Why) Exit to the right of the room and follow the path to reach the lift. Use it to reach B2. Head to the left to reach the laboratory earlier. Watch the next scene. After that, Sophie will rejoin the party as a combatant and also get her Pact Maker title. You can now use the lift to go back to 1F and leave the dungeon.
Region 13
Go to the savepoint for a skit. (Sophie's Parents) You can head back to the city to complete some requests and dualize some new stuff. Otherwise, return to the intersection in the road then continue east. You can now examine the discovery you found earlier when you landed. (No. 69 Secret Fort) This time, you should be able to trigger a skit. (Traces of Humanity) Backtrack to the main path and continue heading east until you reach Region 66.
Region 66
Head to the savepoint for a skit. (Your Bird Could Not Be Completed). Head to the right a bit then go north. You'll find two chests to the left containing Ancient Cloth and Life Bottle x2. Return to the split and continue east.
Follow the path as it turns north and grab the Elixir from the chest along the way. From there, continue north to find another split then check the left path to find two more chests. Open them for Natto x2 and Amazing Bone x1. Backtrack then check out the northern path this time. You'll find a chest at the end containing Emperor's Claw x1.
Return to the original path and follow the path all the way east and you'll eventually reach a new discovery (No. 70 Unsettling Garden). This will allow you to harvest Lump of Clay, an uncommon material needed for making several new items. Equip it to your mixer now in hopes to reproduce it in the long run. There's also a savepoint and merchant nearby so you can just dualize, save and load to produce various items and keep a good stock of it as well.
You'll be able to trigger a new skit as well. (A World Run Dry) Don't forget to grab the Rice x2 from the nearby chest as well. Backtrack then take the path uphill to the north. Continue heading east until you find a floating star near the savepoint. Examine it for a cutscene. Sophie will earn her Stirred from Detachment title and you'll also get the Broken Brooch request item. Just beside the warp is a humanoid that acts as the Telos Astue shop and a chest containing some gald.
Bathus Citadel
After entering, warp out and approach the savepoint for a skit. (The Ultimate Weapon)
(1F) Head east and enter the next room. Grab the Monocle from the chest. Examine the block there and choose to move it to the right. A skit will be playable afterward. (Intruder Defense) Continue moving both block lines to the right to create a path. Move along and exit to the next room. Keep going right until you reach an elevator.
(2F) Continue east until you reach the second set of blocks. Don't move anything yet; instead, take the lower path to reach a chest containing an Hourglass. Move the blocks to the front to move forward then continue to the right to the next screen. Use the next elevator afterward.
(3F) After reaching the split in the path to the east, take the path south then use the lift to 4F. Just go to the right again and enter the next room to find a chest containing Decaying Sword x1. Backtrack to the split and continue east to the next room.
(3F-4F) Loot the chest to get a Mastery Tonic C. Examine the block and move it twice to the left. You should be able to see the door above open and its corresponding platform move. You'll also get a skit to view. (Simple Enough) Exit to the door to the right and use the lift.
(4F) In this room, move the northern blocks to the right then the west block to the front to open up a path. Take the door to the left this time and examine the new discovery. (No. 71 Military Insignia) A skit can be viewed as well. (My Responsibility) Enter through the door to the north next.
In the next room, open the chest for another very useful item that should always be in your mixer. The Book of Fortune doubles the success rate of generating items in your mixer which should help a lot in getting those rare and uncommon materials.
Move the yellow blocks to the left and blue ones to the right. You should get a message that a door has opened above. Open the nearby chest for Panacea Bottle x3. Exit to the next room then take the lift.
(5F-6F) Open the chest for a Strange Gear. Now move the blocks to the left. Exit to the right first then take the lift to 6F. Continue to the left this time until you find a chest near a savepoint. Open it for Debonaire Dandy. Backtrack to the previous floor.
Go to the left this time and exit to the room south. Open the chest there for some gald. Move the upper blocks to the right and the blue blocks all the way to the left. This should open a door in the upper floor. Use the lift again to reach the upper floor.
Move the block to the left back, then enter the door north. You'll find a chest here containing 750 units of eleth and another discovery (No. 72 Amarcian Key) A skit will be available as well. (It's Gotta Fit Somewhere) Don't forget to pick it up. Move the upper block to the left and the lower one to the right. Now go back to the room to the south and exit east of the path you opened earlier.
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (If Anyone Can Do It). Prepare your preferred battle party and head out to battle.
Boss: Centurioid
Humanoid keepers
This boss is simply a buffed-up version of the humanoids you have faced up to this point. He'll have two minions but you can just deal with them first so your allies can focus-fire on the boss without too much interruption from their long-ranged attacks. The boss doesn't have any problematic attacks that may threaten your party to get wiped out. Just keep Cheria away from him and you should be fine.
After the battle, you'll get a title for everyone:
Asbel – Enlightened Swordsman
Sophie – Protos Heis
Hubert – Enlightened Gunner
Cheria – Enlightened Healer
Malik – Enlightened Bladeranger
Pascal – Enlightened Shotstaffer
Before taking the warp, return to the savepoint for another skit. (Where's My Ring?) Use the warp inside the chamber to exit the dungeon.
Region 66
Approach the savepoint for a new skit. (A New Kind of Terror)
Region 13
Go to the savepoint by the warp leading to Telos Astue for a new combat skit. (Show Me Your Resolve). This time you have to fight Malik. This can be an easy or hard fight, depending on the skills you have equipped. The trick here is to keep close to him and don't let him move away. He will remain on a defensive while you keep attacking and when he starts to run away to gain distance, your CC will recharge as well.
His ability can also inflict Slow on you which can be problematic since he can easily move away and cast his multi-hit spells. Asbel's Plasma Shock works well against Malik since its combination of attacks can stun and juggle him in mid-air. After winning against Malik, he'll earn the Inveterate Teacher title.
Telos Astue
Go to the savepoint for a skit. (Someone Has a Secret) Go down to the basement and head to the shuttle bay. You can now leave to the next dungeon. However, don't leave yet. We have to trigger yet another sub-event before leaving. Besides, you can't leave the next dungeon without completing it. Check out any available requests here as well.
Head to the living quarters and talk to Psi. Exit the room then check the floating star to the right of the stairs leading to the shuttle bay. Next, defeat the humanoid to get its part. Turn it over to the vending machine > inn option to get your reward. You'll also get an Epic Neck material.
Next, head to the right of the savepoint to find another humanoid with an emoticon icon. Talk to it for another sub-event. Next, head to 2F and go inside the Records Room. Examine the floating star there to continue the sub-event you triggered. You'll receive the valuable item Memory Core after this. This item will also allow you to unlock a title for Pascal later on, allowing you to obtain a new, amusing arte for her.
Once you're done, talk to Emeraude to leave the city.
Lambda cocoon
You can use the shuttle's machine to access Telos Astue's item/equipment and inn options (minus the requests). Go to the savepoint for a skit. (A World in Edgewise) Head to the right then down the ramp. Take the path to the right first then stand on the hole to reach the lower floor.
Go down the ramp again until you reach a split. Enter the room to the left. Avoid the airflow in the middle for now as it will suck you in and take you to the previous floor. Exit west instead. Go down the ramp and open the chest to the left in the next split to take Syrup Bottle x2. Enter the room to the right for a scene.
Exit to the right again. Open the chest northeast to get an Arcane Bottle. Enter the room in the southwest. Approach the savepoint for another skit. (Under Observation) Examine the weird looking stone up north for a new discovery (No. 73 Heart of Stone) and skit. (In Its Clutches) You'll also obtain a Legendary Metal. This is another rare materials that you may want to put in your mixer in hopes of reproducing it. Exit to the left then go down the path. Go to the right first to find a chest containing Eleth Bottle C. Head to the next room.
In this room, you'll find colored buds. The red ones will make the transparent vines extend while the blue ones retract them. Solve this puzzle using the steps below then exit west.
Activate the red bud to push the platform to the left. Approach the vine to activate a skit. (Touchy Subject)
Activate the blue bud to the north to retract the vine and open the path.
Next, examine the red bud to the northwest to push the platform again and create a path. This “puzzle” will be considered solved and the buds will die down.
Take the path down first then open the chest to the southeast to get Life Bottle x3. Enter the room to the left for another flower bud puzzle.
Start by activating the blue bud.
Activate the red bud to the southwest
Go to the northwest platform, activate the red bud then the blue one.
Go to the northeast platform, activate the red bud then the blue one.
Exit this room then go north. Enter the left room this time then exit to the left again to find multiple paths. Go north first then grab the gald from the chest in the middle. The two rooms up north will feature two holes leading to the same puzzle room:
Activate the blue bud nearby
Go to the northwest platform then activate red bud
Go to the south platform and activate red bud then activate blue.
Go to the western platform then activate red.
Activate blue again for the buds to die.
Exit east to find a red chest. Open it for Book of Smithery. Use the current to go back up. Once you're back in the upper floor, exit to the left and enter the next room. You should find a chest and a hole there. Loot the Grape Gel x3 from the chest there the jump to the hole.
In this room, examine the chest for 780 units of eleth. Go to the right then take the current up again. Exit to the right then return to the first puzzle. The path should be complete now and you should be able to access the savepoint there. You'll be able to play two skits from the savepoint as well. (No Matter What! / One for the Road) Prepare your best party and check their equipment.
Save your game then enter. Continue following the long path until you reach the central platform where Richard is found.
Boss: Richard
Richard's transformation
Richard is a lot more dangerous now after his transformation. His attacks are even more devastating. The most common attacks he'll do will be the firewheel that will knock your character on the ground while dealing multiple damage. The second is a two-way shockwave that can freeze your characters when hit. Expect a character with full HP to die when he/she is hit up close. It will be your best practice to attack him from the sides or rear, then sidestepping or backstepping after performing your attacks.
Assist your healers by using recovery items and life bottles. As long as you're attacking him, Richard doesn't seem to change his target and attack your healers instead. As much as possible, chain your combos as you'll be able to deal 5-digit damages to him per hit. Be careful of his Mystic Arte as it deals more damage now.
After the battle, change your artes and heal up as you'll be thrown into another battle.
Boss: Emeraude
Emeraude's pretense
Emeraude will defend herself with an aura that will surround her for a few seconds and damage anybody within range, as well as dark orbs that she spreads out or homes in to the target. It may be a challenge to get close to her sometimes but once you catch her off guard, you'll be able to connect with devastating combos.
When she's near death, she'll become immune against stuns and knockbacks making it harder to stop her from completing her spells and her offensive. She'll also teleport from one side of the battlefield to the other, making it more harder for you to catch up and attack her. Once she goes on eleth break, she'll either perform her mystic arte or a devastating spell that covers the entire battlefield and deals continuous damage. Like before, assist your healers by using recovery items.
After the scene, you should be able to go almost anywhere using the shuttle. For now, head to Lhant.
After landing, there's a cat near the stairs. If you've been feeding every single cat you encounter, this particular cat should teleport you to the Katz Korner. Ignore that place for now then head to the manor for a scene. Go to the savepoint for a skit (Mutual Destruction) and save your game.
Head to the study to continue with the story. Once you're controlling Asbel, go to the savepoint for a skit (The Value of a Life) then just exit to continue the scenes. After that the party will be reunited and you'll have to go to Lhant Hill next.
Before leaving, you can examine the floating star in frontyard of Cheria's house for Sophie to plant the new seeds you have found. (You may acquire Magic Carta No. 24 during one of these planting sessions)
North Lhant Road
Approach the entrance of Lhant Hill for a skit. (In Bloom)
Lhant Hill
Head to the meadow for some scenes. Before leaving, head to the tree for another skit. (What Did I Do Now?) Head back to Lhant afterward.
After arriving, Asbel will be alone again. He'll need to find everyone and talk to each of them. First, head to the study to find Hubert. Now exit to the manor's garden to find Sophie. Next, find Malik on the bridge. Go further to the left to find Poisson and Pascal. Continue to the north gate to find Cheria. Watch the next scene. After that, head back to the manor and sleep in your room.
The next morning, everyone will get new titles:
Asbel – Steadfast Young Man
Sophie – Wish Maker
Hubert – Heart of the Lhant
Cheria – Dream Chaser
Malik – Watchful Steward
Pascal – Pride of the Amarcia
Don't leave yet. Go back a little to find Fourier. Talk to her to receive Pascal's Fluffy Muffler. Head to the bridge next for a skit. (Point of No Return) Hubert will also give a hint about the buried vault in Strahta during this skit. Head back to the manor and go to Asbel's room to find a chest containing Jade Vestments.
From hereon, you can now head to the last dungeon of the main story, Ghardia Shaft. You can check the extra locations and sub-events now, and complete some of the pending requests as well.
Most of the extra skits will only become available after getting halfway to the final dungeon so if you don't care about the skits, then you can just finish all available sub-events at this point before heading to Ghardia Shaft. I'll be writing the walkthrough for the first half of the dungeon here. Otherwise, you can just skip it and check the sub-events below.
Ghardia Shaft
Open the chest to the right for a Red Sage. Go to the savepoint for a skit. (All The Way Down) Use the warp in the middle to proceed. Open the chest to the northeast to get some gald. Continue to the green platform and use it to descend.
Head to the upper left to find two lifts. Take the southern one first to find a chest containing an Arithmos Core. Go back up and take the west lift this time. Follow the path then use the blue warp.
Just head to the green lift to the east. In the next area, you'll find some colored panels. You need to step on them in a specific order (red, yellow, blue). If you stepped on an incorrect panel, an enemy will ambush you once and teleport you back to the starting point. Succeeding mistakes will just teleport you to the starting point.
Just follow the color order. Obtain the All-Divide from the chest after the first set and Grape Gel x3 after the second set. You can save the game first after crossing the third color set then step on the blue panel again to start from the beginning. Make your way back to the third set and then go past the blue panel leading to the red chest. Open it to get another Arithmos Core. There's a mini-boss battle next so prepare your party and take the green lift up. Approach the enemy in the middle.
Boss: Dullahan x2
[video13362 title=Headless guardians]
These enemies aren't that hard. You just have to avoid getting sandwiched between their attacks and you'll also have the watch out against their unblockable attacks. (Watch out for the red exclamation point that will appear above their heads) Their attacks are slow and predictable so use sidestepping and backstepping to your advantage. Concentrate in pulling B-arte combos as they are really weak against those attacks. Avoid getting sandwiched between them as their combos can really hurt and take out any character caught between them.
After defeating them, take the next lift down. Follow the path and grab the Hourglass from the chest before the two lifts. There's also another chest containing Life Bottle x2 to the southeast. Take the lift down to the south first.
Follow the path north to find an Abysseon. Examine it and attach an Arithmos Core to bring it to life and fight it.
Boss: Abysseon
Abyssal Golem
It is quite hard to break its guard and open it for a combo so it will be a good idea to bring Pascal and/or Malik in this fight while one melee character keeps it busy. It hits really hard but slow and its attacks doesn't connect that often. Just move away after landing some combos, wait for your spellcasters to break its guard and open it again for another combo. Keep doing this until its down. You'll obtain the Argo Iris from it.
Take the lift back up and descend using the other lift this time. Approach the invisible wall to the left for a short scene. After that, grab some eleth units from the chest along the way then use the warp.
Take the first path south and it will lead you to a chest containing Holy Bottle x3. Continue along the path and take the lift down. Loot the Book of Fortitude from the red chest to the north. Continue east then before reaching the savepoint, take the path south to find another chest containing some gald. Go to the savepoint for a skit (All Smiles). Take the lift up to find another golem. Power it up with another Arithmos Core and fight it.
Boss: Destinion
Revived golem
This boss hits harder than the previous one but its still as slow and predictable as ever. Like before, having spellcasters are good since they can break the enemy guard and open it for combos from your melee fighters. Like before, it will be a good practice to sidestep/ backstep after performing combos to avoid getting pummeled with its counterattack.
After the battle, you'll get Sophie's Omniweapon Fists. Backtrack to the savepoint and take the other lift to the south.
You'll be in larger room with colored panels. The same thing applies with the previous one, except that the correct pattern is red, yellow and blue. Just follow these patterns to reach the chests to the north (Eleth Bottle C), in the middle north (Hourglass), middle (Arithmos Core), south of the chest with Arithmos Core (Red Lavender), west of the chest with Red Lavender (Elixir and Life Bottle x2) and northwest (Red Rosemary). Take the lift down next.
Approach the transparent wall for yet another scene. After that, you'll be able to play a skit. (Glimpses of the Past, Part I) Head north and open the chest for a Mastery Tonic C. Continue further north for a new discovery (No. 74 Gigantic Drill) and a skit. (A Piece of History) Follow the path until you reach the savepoint. A new skit will be playable. (Emeraude's Mistake)
All skits available up to this point will be viewable now. You can take the warp and go back to the first floor to check out all the optional places and complete all optional sub-events. Refer to the separate section in the guide titled “Pre-Ending Extras”. I suggest doing all if not, most of them since this will allow you to earn more titles and stronger equipment.
Approach the transparent wall for another flashback. A skit can be viewed afterward. (Glimpses of the Past, Part II) Go to the savepoint for another skit. (Hypothetically Speaking...) Go to the left then up to find a chest containing a Red Verbena.
Head to the westernmost side of this platform. Approach the green pedestal for a skit. (Give it a Spin) Activate it twice.
Go to the northeast and take the leftmost warp. You should find a red chest in the next platform containing an Arithmos Core.
Continue further to the left to find a green crystal on top of a peach device. Take it. Return to the previous warp then take the warp to the right this time. You should find a green device with an orange crystal in it. Replace the green crystal on top of the pedestal and take the orange crystal with you. Return to the previous platform and spin the green pedestal again so the sphere returns to the northwest (look closely at the sphere in the pedestal itself)
Return to where the green device is, then use the warp twice. In the new platform, you should find a chest containing Panacea Bottle x2. Continue and you'll find an orange device with a peach crystal. Swap the orange crystal you got earlier. However, do not operate the orange pedestal to the left. Instead, go back to the previous platform and operate the green pedestal once again.
Return to the platform where the purple device is and place the purple crystal you acquired earlier. You can now use the warp nearby. In the next platform, you'll find a chest containing a Red Saffron and another golem you can activate using the Arithmos Core you got earlier. Defeat Vesperion and obtain a weapon for Cheria. Since these golems are pretty much the same with each other, there won't be any special strategies necessary to defeat them.
Proceed to the main platform and operate the green pedestal twice. Make your way to the platform where the orange device and pedestal are in but don't operate it yet. You should be able to access the next platform with three chests. Open them for 840 eleth units, Fatal Attraction and Syrup Bottle x2.
Don't take the warp yet; activate the orange pedestal once and go back to the previous floor once. You should be able to go further right and find Rebirtheon. Activate and defeat it to get Hubert's weapon. Now go back to the platform where the orange device is then use the warp in the middle of the three chests.
Head south to find a savepoint and a skit (Getting Closer) There's a chest to the west containing Red Chamomile and Mastery Tonic EX to the east.
It will easier to refer to the warps as a clock's hours so I'll refer to them as such.
7 o'clock = Grab the red crystal from the blue device.
8 = Operate the yellow pedestal once.
10 = Discovery No 75. The Forgotten Ones. A skit will be viewable as well. (Used Tools)
11 = Place red crystal on red device. Get white crystal in return.
4 = Open chest for an Arithmos Core
8 = Activate the yellow pedestal again
5 = Open chest for a Red Savory. Operate blue pedestal once.
1 = Swap white crystal to get purple crystal.
2 = Open chest to get Eleth Bottle EX. Place purple crystal on purple device, get blue crystal.
7 = Place blue crystal on blue device
In the main platform go south of the checkpoint to get black crystal.
1 = Swap the black crystal and white crystal. The black device should activate.
Go back to the white device and place the white crystal there.
Now you should be able to access the two golems to the east and west portions. If you fought the first four golems then you should only have one Arithmos Core in possession. You'll have to choose which one you'll like to fight.
East: Symphonion, drops Uroburos for Pascal
West: Phantasion, drops The Undertaker for Malik
Bosses: Plumsap Treants x2
Ghardian Trees
Head north and fight two Plumsap Treants. These will serve as the bosses in this floor. These are really easy bosses as they're slow and has no long-range attacks. They can summon minions to help them out but as long as your spellcasters spam AoE attacks, you should be able to get rid of them. Just concentrate on one target as possible.
Once done, approach the transparent wall for another flashback and skit. (Glimpses of the Past, Part III) Open the chest behind you to get Life Bottle x3. Use the warp next.
You can now use this warp to return to the exit as well. Take the first warp to reach the next area.
Take the warp to your right (north) to find a red chest containing the last Arithmos Core. You can then backtrack to the Center and defeat the last golem you didn't fight earlier.
Take the lower warp next (south)
In the next platform, take the upper warp (west) since the other warp down (southeast) only has an enemy.
Continue to the left to find a chest containing 870 eleth units. Use the next two warps and you'll find two bosses.
Proserpina x2
The last hurdles
At this point of the game, unless you're pretty underleveled and under-equipped, these two bosses shouldn't be a problem to you. Since they're both flying, some artes, especially the A-artes won't hit them as effectively as normal. Nevertheless, they have a wide variety of attacks that covers a considerable area. Just keep them busy from your spellcasters and healer(s) so their spells break the bosses' guards and open them up for combos.
After this, you'll have to follow the straightforward warps until you reach the savepoint.
Go there for a skit. (What We Fight For) Save your game and make the appropriate preparations. The warp nearby will allow you to visit any floor so restock if needed. Bring your best party and best gear then take the next warp.
Boss: Richard
...also known as the warmup exercise before the real fight
He is pretty much the same one you fought the last time so you may get disappointed, depending on how much you've become stronger since your last encounter. Since its been a while since that, you should see the difference in strength now. For the first part of the battle, he'll be very susceptible to stuns and combos but later in the game as soon as he can raise his nova barrier, he'll be able to execute his wide range of attacks. Some of those moves can easily stun or paralyze your characters so be prepared to assist your healer(s) with recovery items.
After defeating Richard, watch the following scenes. You'll then have to fight the real last boss in the game's main story.
Boss: Lambda Angelus
The Real Fight
Chests Passwords
(Enter these without the quotation marks)
Barona, inside the knight academy – “treasure”
Lhant, inside the Lhant Manor study room – “aston”
Gralesyde, Duke Dalen's office - “4”
Oul Raye, beside the inn - “turtlez”
Sable Izolle, in a ramp past the bridge near the tower - “rockgagong”
Yu Liberte, office of the president, behind the chalkboard - “duplemar”
Warrior's Roost – beside the registration booth “riot peak”
Velanik, backstage of the inn - “strahteme”
Zavhert, inside the far left room of the inn - “ironspike”
Amarcian Enclave, Fourier's house - “gauss”
Telos Astue, in the shuttle bay - “ephinea”
Katz Korner - “foselos”
Turtlez HQ
Check the northern part of the green mountain range east of Velanik to find this location. (X: 334.633, Y:180.499)
Talk to the Turtlez near the entrance. He'll offer Aston's Sword for 120,000G. You can buy it now or just wait until you clear the game for a sub-event when you can get it for free. (You need to talk to Victoria in the Knight Academy first to trigger this event. In that scene, Asbel will mention that he sold his father's sword to a turtlez merchant)
Talk to the turtlez in the middle to get the request item: Businezz Application and Sophie's Gothic Lolita costume title.
Approach the wavin' turtlez to the northz to trigger a skitz. (Sup, Peoplez?)
Seaside Cavern
Continue following the path until you find an unopened chest. Open it to get the request item Tuning Fork.
Continue to the savepoint for a skit. (...And Back Again)
Go to the savepoint in the inn for a skit. (Where Credit is Due)
Turn over the Tuning Fork to the innkeeper for a sub-event. You'll get Cheria's Amber Vestments and Emotive Pianist title after the event.
Head to the Knight Academy and talk to Victoria for a sub-event. (Talk to her if you haven't yet; this is required for a particular turtlez merchant in the Turtlez HQ to sell you Aston's Sword or get it later.)
Enter the residence near the Sanctuary and talk to the man there for another sub-event. You'll obtain the request item Treasured Picture from here. (Don't turn this over yet)
If you head to the valkines, you'll find a floating star. Do not examine it yet since this will bring you to an optional boss fight against Gloandrake. Its a LV82 dragon that's an incarnation of the wind Valkines. And yes, there are two others found in the Water and Fire valkines respectively. You can attempt to fight it and if you're powerful enough to defeat it, you'll obtain Malik's Dragon Tooth weapon and Gloandrake's Cryas.
Dragon of the Wind Cryas
Head to the castle and go to the savepoint for a skit. (Single Entendre)
If you have Aston's Sword, go to the throne room and talk to Duke Dalen. After the conversation, Asbel will earn his LV3 Mystic Arte through the title “Inheritor of Excalibur”
Return to the main hall then keep going right until you reach a corridor going up. Go up then left twice until you reach a corridor with two kids and another hallway going up. Go up then head left to find a new unopened chest. Open it to get the request item: Pearl Windthread
Barona Catacombs
Head to the savepoint leading to the secret passage in Barona Castle to trigger a skit. (It Happens to Everyone)
Head to the next room and check the shining object in the rubble to the left to get the request item: Ship Model.
If you've been collecting seeds and planting them in Cheria's flowerbed whenever you have the chance, they should be fully bloomed now. Otherwise, plant the remaining seeds in your possession and come back after a few sub-events. Once done, examine the floating star again. After this Sophie will gain her Flower Girl title and a skit. (The Mystery Seed)
Turn over the ship model to the maid in the Lhant Manor for Asbel to get his costume title Honorary Knight.
Go to Asbel's room to view a new skit (Model Siblings)
Enter the guest room to find Joe and his siblings again. In this event, you'll receive the Requiem sword and Mabo Curry x10. Talk to them again for another scene.
After a while, look for the floating star to the side of the shops for another event. This won't appear immediately so return after a while to find it. The item vendor will start selling Melons which you can use to make Melon Gels. These nifty item will allow you to increase your characters' max hp. (During the battle only)
North Yu Liberte Port
As part of the Treasured Picture request (this is optional), go to find a sailor beside the savepoint. Talk to him for a scene. Hubert will earn his Hot-Blooded title afterward. Now you can turn the request in to get your rewards.
Check the skit when you go to the savepoint in the inn. (Just Between Us Guys)
Oswell Family Vault
In shuttle mode, scan the narrow valley south of Oul Raye (X: 2.836, Y: -308.583) to find this area. After landing, you'll have to defeat the vault's guardian. It should be a very easy battle at this point so just defeat it with ease. After the scene, Hubert will earn his Scion of Oswell title.
It's time to loot the place. To the west, you'll find chests containing Panacea Bottle x2 and Eleth Bottle EX. Down to the east you'll find Peach Gel x2 and Life Bottle x3. Enter the vault next.
Enter through the eastern door and approach the painting for a skit. (Ill-Gotten Gains) Continue to the left to find several chests for the taking:
White Wine x3
Peach x3
Arcane Bottle
Beef x3
Imperial Crest
Syrup Bottle x2
Sea Blue Vestments
Red Wine x3
Mastery Tonic EX
Bizarre Clump
Drop Bottle
Seablue Statue (Request Item)
Toxic Fluid
Go to the savepoint for a skit (Fire in the Hole)
Check the backstage and talk to the playwright to make a new request available. The locations of the five Best Princess Stories books are found below:
Barona – Inside the closet in one of the rooms upstairs the inn.
Lhant – Inside the bookshelf in the Study Room.
Gralesyde – Inside the chest in Gralesyde Inn's rear exit.
Velanik – Found inside a chest in the backstage of the inn.
Zavhert – Check the residence near the turtlez merchant to the west part of the city. It is inside the drawer
Turn them over for a really amusing play. After that Malik will earn his Best Supporting Actor title. Head back to the backstage to play another skit. (They're So Method)
Check the savepoint inside the inn for a skit (The Smell Test)
You may complete some of the requests here as well. (Check the sidequests section for the complete walkthrough of completing each quests)
You can now create two new plushies for Lara. If you've been following the walkthrough, then you should have given her six before reaching this point. The other plushies location are found below as well:
Moji-kun Plushie – Barona, beside the bar
Nolo Plushie – Lhant, found outside the house beside the windmill
Imp Plushie – Gralsyde, in a chest beside the man who sells the Book of Dissolution. They're both located in the hidden alley on the way to Dalen's manor.
Ba'ul Plushie – Yu Liberte, in a chest by the boat docks in the city's northern exit.
Bush Baby Plushie – Velanik, inside the shack outside the inn
Katz Plushie – Zavhert, buy it from the kid outside Lara's house.
Prince - Lara's Beastie title
Estelle – Final scene, skit (Comprehensive Care), return to Lara's house to get Therapeutic Slicers from the chest.
Check the list below for the list of materials needed to create these dolls. Prince is also required as a request item so you'll have to create two. The core materials for the three of them are Stuffed Dolls.
Stuffed Doll = Puffpetal Down Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth = Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Later in the game, you can also collect this from Sponge Ropers in the Fendel Mountain Pass.
Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad.
Estelle Plushie = Stuffed Doll Imperial Crest
Imperial Crest = Rare Metal Imperial Egg
Rare Metal = Can be harvested in the discovery point in Snowshroud Ruins
Imperial Egg = Clear Core Strange Gear
Clear Core – Uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier RuinsCan be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Strange Gear = Common drops by Sapphire Weapons in Snowshroud Ruins, or uncommon drops by Sensor Helmites and Automatillery in Fendel Tower.
Prince Plushie = Stuffed Doll Bizarre Clump
Bizarre Clump = Lump of Clay Soft Stone
Lump of Clay = Can be harvested from the discovery point in Region 66 in Fodra.
Soft Stone = Dangerous Liquid Earthen Pot
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Earthen Pot = Common drops by Keening Golems in Bathus Citadel, Cackling Golems in Ghardia Shaft
Mizu-chan Plushie = Stuffed Doll Toxic Fluid
Toxic Fluid = Deathglow Algae Cantarella
Deathglow Algae = Can be harvested from the discovery point in the Seaside Cavern (outside the shuttle chamber)
Cantarella = Killer Needle Secret Seed
Killer Needle = Common drops by Sickle Spiders in Fodra (Humanoid Research Lab)
Secret Seed = Secret Seed = Dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
Head to the port to trigger a skit (If the Anklet Fits) This only becomes available if you're able to get the Lost Anklet from the old man.
Talk to the ship captain and select the ????? route. Defeat the monsters as part of the sub-event. You'll also obtain the request item: Strahta Ratchet afterward. Malik will earn his Barmaster Candidate title afterward.
After meeting the barmaster, go back to Barona real quick and go to the bar. Talk to the barmaster and agree to tend the bar for the meantime.
Fendel Tower
Go to the savepoint for a skit (Two Birds)
Use the maintenance elevator to reach B10. Talk to the spy to the left to receive the request item: Evidence of Espionage. Pascal will earn her Patriot of Fendel title. Follow where the spy went.
Activate the first two valves then continue to the right. Make your way down and grab 555 eleth units from the chest along the way. Exit to B11 then go around to the backdoor again.
Grab the Hazardous Liquid from the chest to the right then continue to B12. Open the chest to the left to get a Venomous Needle. There's also a hidden chest to beside that chest. Open it to get the Book of Expansion. From there, you can just take the main elevator to return to the entrance.
Fendel Glacier Ruins
Head to the second savepoint deep inside the dungeon for a skit. (Music Makers)
Continue to the boss room. The floating star there will allow you to challenge the third and strongest of the valkines dragons. Forbrawyvern is a LV121 (moderate) fire dragon with around 495K HP. If you're struggling keeping yourself alive in this battle, it may be a good idea to try challenging it a little later.
Defeating it will award you with Bahamut's Tear and Fybrowyvern's Cryas.
There's an opening to the left. Enter it and find an Arcane Bottle from the chest by taking the right path when you reach the fork. Continue to the left path to find another split in the road. Take the path to the left to find an Elixir. Continue forth for another split. Go to the left to find some gald inside. Continue again until you reach the last chamber with another chest containing Grape Gel x3. Examine the event star for a scene.
After the event, you'll get the request item: Kurt's Pendant and Malik's Unable to Die title. A new chest will appear as well. Open it for Malik's Abyssal Vestments.
Amarcian Enclave
Head to the savepoint for a skit. (Tall Tales)
If you have Aston's Sword and after talking to Dalen in Barona, as well as the Argo Iris dropped by the mini-boss Abysseon in Ghardia Shaft, go to the overseer's chamber and talk to Poisson and the Overseer. Aston's Sword will be repaired and will become Excalibur.
There are new levels in the Shot Cube mini-game. Completing LV3 will award you with a Mythril Shotstaff. Completing the final challenge will award you with a Rare Shotstaff, as well as the request item: Winner's Trophy. The solutions for each puzzles can be found below:
Rank 1, Stage 5
Rank 1, Stage 6
Rank 2, Stage 7
Rank 2, Stage 8
Rank 2, Stage 9
Rank 3, Stage 10
Rank 3, Stage 11
Rank 4, Stage 12
After that, a new skit will be playable. (Puzzle Master)
Beach Resort
You can find this hidden location in these coordinates (X: -367.196, Y: -159.583)
Check the starfish plushies to the right for a discovery (No. 77 Sunscreen Rangers) and skit. (The Beach Brigade) Talk to the receptionist to the left and choose to use the pool. Watch the following scenes. After that, Cheria will earn her Alluring Temptress title.
Enter the resort area using the door to the left. Check the shark floater to the right of the pool to find the request item Shark Fin.
Check the shining object in the middle of the tube floater to the left of the water slide to get the Inner Tube attachment.
Exit back to the lobby and approach the floating star for a sub-event. You'll now have the option to search your character swimsuits over Strahta.
Sable Izolle
View the skit in the savepoint (Midnight Ramblers)
Check the counter behind the item shop to find Cheria's swimsuit. Purchase it for 100,000 gald to recover it. Cheria will acquire her Seaside Angel title.
Also, you can challenge the Carter in the eastern part of the town to get new items and titles, as long as you have collected more Magic Carta cards. There is really no shortcut way of winning other than practicing. One effective tip is to remember a unique keyword for each character card you have in your possession and of course, remembering their faces. It may take a few tries but it is doable.
Normal Mode – Race to 200 points
Winning but the opponent has a score (1st time) = Book of Cuisine
Winning flawlessly = Sophie's Great Pirate title
Hard Mode – Race to 300 points
The challenge in this level is that several cards are on top of each other and you have to carefully but quickly select them without accidentally selecting the cards above them. This is a bit frustrating, especially when the opponent AI doesn't make this mistake. Also it pays to hover your cursor to the bottom cards so you can identify it beforehand.
Winning but the opponent has a score (1st time) = Nature's Scarf, Carta Shark title for Pascal, Busybody title for Cheria, skit (A Winning Combination)
Winning flawlessly = Cheria's Magical Bee title
If you talked to Justin in North Yu Liberte Port, you'll find him near the inn. Talk to him to receive Carbon Rod.
Yu Liberte
Talk to the man near the entrance to retrieve Malik's Swimsuit. He'll get his Lifeguard title
Head to the savepoint for a skit. (What Goes Thump in the Night)
Oul Raye
Head to the savepoint for a skit. (The Troll Still Burns)
Check the vase to the right of the item shop to find Asbel's swimsuit. (Vest-Dressed title)
Inside the Rockgagong
Head to the southeast portion of the dungeon to find a Felonfake enemy. Defeat it to get Hubert's swimsuit (Six-Eyes)
If you haven't done it yet, it will be a good time to attempt and steal the Rockgagong Fur from no other than the Rockgagong itself. You have a 25% chance to steal it. First, you have to prepare. Asbel, Sophie and Pascal have moves that has a chance to steal. I'll suggest using Sophie since you can just spam her B-Arte, Sword Assault. The following titles and books will also help:
Sophie's Pilferator title (Steal probability up) – Mastering it will boost the effects
Book of Finesse (Doubles the odds of stealing items) – Acquired from the password-protected chest in Zavhert
Book of Serendipity (Doubles the odds of gaining items you haven't acquired yet) – Inside a chest in Fendel Research Laboratory
Basically what you want is to steal the fur and run away as fast as you can. Take note that taking a direct hit from the rockgagong's attacks will result to an instant death. When you see it raising its arms, hold your guard and continue attacking. After getting the fur, you have to escape. Do this by running outward the battle area's blue ring until you see the escape gauge.
Steal and Run
Strahta Desert Ruins
Head to the savepoint for a skit (Evenly Matched)
Go to the valkines and check the chest behind it to find the request item: Liquisilk Fabric
There's a floating start in front of the valkines where you can fight an optional boss, the dragon called Duplewyrm. This is a LV104 dragon (moderate) / LV95 (normal) so unless you're near that level, I suggest avoiding fighting this boss for now. If you're able to defeat it in battle, you'll receive Dragonbone Darts for Cheria and Duplewyrm's Cryas.
Dragon of the Water Cryas
Go to the underground ruins and go to the southwest and fight an enemy called Torch Elemental. This looks like an ordinary fire elemental so just engage them and defeat them until you recover Sophie's swimsuit. (Beach Kitty title)
Uncharted Sandstretch
Exit from Oul Raye then take the path to the right to reach this new area. You should be able to handle the enemies now though you should still be careful since they still hit hard. Follow the straight path and you should find a chest to the left. Open it for a Mastery Tonic C. Further along the road, there's another chest containing some gald.
Continue along the path and you'll encounter some Blast Helmites. Defeat two waves of them to obtain the request item: Abandoned Cargo and Pascal's Free Spirit costume title.
Grab the Arcane Bottle from the chest near the turtlez merchant then save your game. Check the green slot on the large entrance then insert the Amarcian Key you acquired earlier in the Balthus Citadel.
Sandshroud Ruins
Go downstairs and enter the first room north. Examine the panel to power the place up. Before entering the room to the right and routing the power, go downstairs to the left and approach the savepoint for a skit. (A Show of Gratitude)
Engage the Pooka Helmet north and defeat it to finally get Pascal's swimsuit title. (Deep Sea Diver) Enter the room north and approach the rotating object ahead for a skit. (That Old Familiar Feeling) Open the chest to get Life Bottle x3.
Backtrack to the stairs and enter the room to the right. There are two doors here so route the power so it reaches both doors to the right. If you route the power to an empty square, it could make an item or enemy appear. In this room, routing the power to the two squares nearest to the doors will reveal two chests containing an Eleth Bottle EX and Crystal Seashell. Enter any doors to the right.
Rotate the switch to route the power to the unpowered conduit and exit to the next door. This time, you'll be in another room with more switches. This “puzzle” is rather very simple so I won't be spoon-feeding you the details. Let's start on the right side of the room. Check the image below to know where the chest is located (the other squares contain enemies) and how it should be routed. Open the chest in the middle for 900 units of eleth.
On the left side, open the chest for Grape Gel x3. Continue south once both powers are routed.
Before taking the stairs, continue to the right to find a chest containing some gald. Go downstairs and follow the path until you reach a door. Exit to the west and you'll be in another large room with a similar setup. The square to the northeast has an enemy while the one in the middle right contains an All-Divide. The chest to the middle left contains a Clear Core and the lower left square contains an Elixir.
Once you have routed the power to two doors, enter the door to the north first. Use the savepoint here if you want, then loot the Hourglass from the chest. For now route the colored lines so that they'll merge and create a purple line. Route the purple line to power up the door.
Enter the corridor then enter any of the doors to the left. Here's you'll find a larger version of the colored panel puzzle you encountered a few moments ago. In this room, you'll have to direct the colored lines so they'll pass through all panels with the corresponding color. If two colors pass through the same node, it will create a new color. All panels must be lit and the door powered up before it can be opened. The puzzle's pretty easy. Still, the solution is provided in the video below. Don't forget to deliberately pass the lines in the empty squares to make the two chests to the northeast and middle left appear. Open them for 1 Gald (Yes, seriously) and the Book of Solitude. Continue to the newly opened door.
First colored puzzle
Examine the artifact in the corner for a new discovery and skit. (No. 76 Heat Ray Cannon B) (Patching the Cracks) You can take the portal to warp to the entrance and restock. Otherwise, just backtrack to the savepoint then back to the large room. Take the door to the south this time.
Enter the next room to the right and you'll find three doors with colored conduits. Enter through any of the rooms to find a larger and intimidating version of the colored puzzle room you encountered earlier.
In this room, you'll have to direct the colored lines so they'll pass through all panels with the corresponding color. If two colors pass through the same node, it will create a new color. In the areas with eleth lines of three colors, a single line can contain two colors maximum. If three colors pass through the same line, all lines will be reset and you'll have to start over. You may check the video below to learn what colored lines should pass to what switch and panel.
Second colored puzzle
After the door opens, defeat the enemy guarding the two chests and loot them for a Mastery Tonic EX and Hero Staff. You can now use the portal to return to the entrance.
Shuttle Crash Site
You'll find this in this coordinates (X: -381.555, Y: 129.488)
Approach the crash site for a skit. (Belated Apologies)
Go to the right of the crash site and you should find a hidden chest in the far end. Open it for Sophie's Silver Vestments.
Equip your best armor and damage reducing titles before checking out the floating star. You have to attack this humanoid until you deplete its HP. Once its HP is drained and it becomes a “?”, brace yourselves and guard against its explosion. If the explosion kills you even when you're guarding, you'll need to come back later when you're a bit stronger or when you have better equipment. Or you can simply set the difficulty to easy mode and guard once it raises its Nova barrier. Take note that it can still kill you if the explosion caught you off guard.
After the battle, you'll obtain the request item: Proof of Another World.
Lambda's Cocoon
The dungeon's layout is now different from before. From the shuttle, go to the right, then enter the room to the southeast to find a red chest. Open it to get a Book of Audacity.
Enter the hole then go left twice. You'll find a chest to the south containing Rare Tunic. Examine the floating star for an event. You'll obtain the request item: Data Recorder. Sophie will gain her Version 6.1 title.
Continue to the left and you should find a savepoint. Open the chest to the northwest to get a Drop Bottle. Other than those changes, the rest of the dungeon is pretty much the same so you can now leave.
Telos Astue
Skit by the savepoint (Target Practice)
Humanoid Research Center
There's a skit in the savepoint outside the laboratory in B4 (Just Between Us Gals).
Continue to B2 and before you reach the laboratory room, there should be a path going up. Take that and follow it as it turns to the right. Enter the room you'll find and you should see the floating star.
This will only become available after getting the memory core during a sub-event in Telos Astue (you can trigger it before leaving using the shuttle for the first time) Now you'll have to collect the necessary materials. You'll need two each of the following:
Soaring Crystal (Pretty Feather Torn Page)
Overgrown Crystal (Anonymous Seed Torn Page)
Formless Crystal (Hazardous Liquid Rare Metal)
Hyperdense Crystal (Dangerous Liquid Lump of Clay)
Artificial Crystal (Working Gear Rare Metal)
Moist Crystal (Water of Absolution Common Metal)
Here's the general list of the base materials needed:
Torn Page = Harvested from Discovery No. 33 Daunting Book in Sable Izolle
Rare Metal = Harvested from Discovery No. 63 Mechanical Scrapyard in Snowshroud Ruins
Lump of Clay = Harvested from Discovery No. 70 Unsettling Garden in Region 66, Fodra
Common Metal = Random pick-up item. Once you got it, you can reproduce it by using the eleth mixer.
Water of Absolution = Discovery No. 11 inside Barona's Sanctuary
Pretty Feather – Drops by Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West, Harpies in Fendel Borderlands
Anonymous Seed = These can be stolen from Filifolia Cacti and rare drops from Mandragora.
Hazardous Liquid = Common drops of Red Slimes and Mega Stars inside the Rockgagong, or rare drops by ropers in the Wallbridge Ruins.
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Examine the floating star again once you have the materials. Mecha-Sophie will be born and Pascal will get her Brainiac title.
Balthus Citadel
Skit at the savepooint near the boss room (A Desolate World)
Enter the boss room and examine the floating star there. You'll get the request item: Drill and Malik's Model Soldier title.
Katz Korner
If you're able to feed all the hungry cats you came across, you'll be able to access this secret place by talking to the last cat that will appear in Lhant before heading for Ghardia Shaft. From hereon, you can access this by talking to any cat you have fed before. In case you lost track, here are the cats' locations:
Barona – outside of the royal sanctuary
Gralesyde Port – found in the eastern side of the port.
Oul Raye – Inside the cottage near the port
Sable Izolle – To the left of the tower's entrance
Yu Liberte – Inside the White Wine Estate in the residential district.
Warrior's Roost – Its by the docks to the right and really hard to miss.
Velanik – Inside the house just outside the inn where you'll find a plushie and a kid who makes seafood sets
Zavhert – Inside the house where you'll find (Discovery No. 50 Doll-Within-A-Doll)
Amarcian Enclave – Outside Pascal's house
Lhant – Found in the plaza, available only after clearing Lambda's Cocoon the first time.
Chests: Magic Carta No. 40
Skit: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Cat Pine Seeds
Password-protected Chest: (foselos) Hourglass
Discovery: No. 78 Catnip, Skit: Raining Cats and Dogs
Cat-Crazy Coot's House
(X:332.000, Y: -392.000)
Head to this location to get the Katz Decoder. In case this location doesn't bring up anything even after scanning it, you need to visit the Katz Korner at least once and talk to the old man there to get the coordinates. This will allow you to communicate with any Katz especially those tending the shops in the Katz Korner. You'll also get a Katz Klothez armor. Loot Milk x3 from the chest before leaving.
Alright, that's all the pre-ending extras you can check at the moment. If you want to view more skits, here are the available ones:
Sandshroud Ruins (Cool Composure)
Snowshroud Ruins (A Mother's Pride)
Orlen Woods savepoint, near the village (Cheria's Awakening)
Wallbridge, perimeter tower SW B1. (Ulterior Motives)
Wallbridge Ruins, second savepoint going to the Gralesyde Highroad exit. (The Abridged Version)
Border Fortress, in the middle. (Kicking Butt, Taking Names)
Lhant Hill, meadows, by the tree. (All Class)
Warrior's Roost
You can already make your way to the top and challenge the champion, Viegue if you want. Defeating him will allow you to get his sword, the Laevatein (Excalibur is much stronger than this) and will open up a new request in the inn.
Riot Peak Guardian
After the battle, you'll also get the Victor's Badge and unlock a new skit as well. (Cry Babies)
The Riot Peak Master Class will become available as well. In this mode, you'll fight without items and players will be swapped per round. When you reach the top floor, you'll be fighting Veigue again but on a one-on-one battle.
This is a continuation of the main story so unless you wanted to continue from your previous save, I'll suggest starting New Game and get the bonuses like double XP, item drops, damage and such. Since you're basically loading the cleared savegame file, all additional data like completed requests, new book entries, earned shards and such will be added to your grade evaluation.
In this mode, you're basically continuing your last saved game so the pending requests, acquired title, level, skills and gold carry over. Take note that the weapon requests given by a particular ???? seems to be unavailable. The shuttle is also available from the start so use it for your convenience. Telos Astue however, won't be available in this mode.
After the scene, Asbel will get his Lord of Lhant title and Sophie will get her costume title Toast of the Town. Before leaving, examine the grave behind you for a new discovery (No. The Lords' Memorial) and skit. (Six Months Later...)
Exit south to the town. Head to the manor for a scene. Before leaving, go to the study and approach the table for a skit. (Cry Harder)
There's also an event star by the cabinets. Examine it for a scene about Asbel's parents. After this, go upstairs to Asbel's room. Approach his table for another skit. (Half-Hearted Proposals) Head to East Lhant Highroad next.
East Lhant Highroad
Use the shuttle to travel there and you should find the monsters in front of you. Engage and defeat them. You'll have to return to Lhant for now but you can visit the Turtlez HQ first for a minor sub-event while you're at it.
Turtlez HQ
There's a sub-event here. Talk to the turtlez near the cottage and give them an apple, banana and peach to complete this sub-event. This will enable the turtlez transports again.
Head to the manor for a scene. Enter the manor for another scenes. The next day, check the guest room in the first floor to check on Sophie. Since she's not there, exit the town to the east.
East Lhant Highroad
Approach the savepoint for another skit (Flying Solo). After viewing it, use the shuttle to fast-travel to Barona.
Head to the castle to meet with Cheria. After this scene, Cheria will earn her Traveling Healer title. Head to the throne room to continue with the story. Hubert, Malik and Richard will join the party afterward. They'll also get their new titles respectively. (Eradication Director, Special Attache and King of Windor)
You can set up Richard since its been a while since you used him. Approach the savepoint outside the throne room for another skit. (The Odd Man Out)
Exit the castle but don't use the shuttle yet. Go to the valkines for another skit. (Brother from Another Mother) You have to go to the Barona Catacombs next but you can stop by Lhant for an optional sub-event.
Go to Cheria's house to find an event star. Examine it for a sub-event. After viewing this, use the shuttle to go to Barona Catacombs directly.
Barona Catacombs
The layout is still the same but there will be new treasures to find. Go past the stone door to find a chest. Open it for an Arcane Bottle. The path down leads to the warp to the monster's nest but go past it for now and continue following the path. Open the chest along the way to find some grape gel. Enter the hidden room where the previous discovery is to find a chest containing All-Divide.
Enter the room where Lambda's relic is to find another chest. Open it for an hourglass.
Return to the path where the soldier is and go down. The chest to the far north contains a Gnome Cloak for Richard. Approach the entrance of the ruins for a skit. (Wise Words) Enter the ruins afterward.
Gustworks Ruins
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Fames Sans Fortune) Save the game and continue forth a boss battle. You'll only able to use Malik, Cheria and Hubert in this fight.
Boss: Plumpsap Treant
This is basically the same boss you fought in Ghardia Shaft: Center before. Malik and Cheria will do a great job in pummeling it with their more powerful offensive attacks while Hubert can keep the combos going. Overall, there shouldn't be a major problem dealing with this boss.
Three is still a party
After the scene, you'll be controlling Asbel and Richard at this point. There's a savepoint and shop to the right (counts as a Telos Astue shop as well). Recharge your mixer and rest if needed. Head to the left for a skit (Gentlemanly Behavior) then save your game.
Continue forth. After riding the stone to the right, take the lower left stone first to reach a Sylph Cloak. Backtrack and head to the open area for a scene.
After the scene, go up and examine the orange device. The control switches over to Cheria's party. Go up then ride the stone to the right. Before going up, ride the stones to the lower left and lower right to reach the chests containing Dangerous Liquid and Lavender respectively. Continue up to the next open area for a scene.
There's a shop nearby and another skit by going to the left. (The Marrying Type)
Ride the stone up, then go to the right. Ride the stone to the upper left so it hits the orange stone, sending it down. Return to the previous platform and continue up. Ignore the switch for now. Instead. Continue to the right, then down and further right to find two orange blocks. Ride the stone to hit it down.
Ride the stone up to reach a platform with a chest. Open it for a Verbena. Backtrack to the orange device and switch to Asbel.
Go to the right then ride the stone up. This should bring you to a platform near an orange stone.
Ride the stone to the right to send the orange stone up then return to your previous platform. Ride the stone to the right this time. You'll find yet another device. Switch parties this time.
As Cheria's party, go right then down again. You should see the orange stone stuck neatly beside the red stone. Ride the stone up to disembark there. Ride the stone to the lower right then go down. You should find a chest containing Magic Carta No. 70. Ride the stone to the left so it hits the orange stone down.
Go up past the orange device again and ride the stone to the right. This should lead you to a platform with a chest containing an Elixir. Backtrack to the device and switch parties again.
As Asbel, the path up should be accessible now. Head to the left first, then down for a new discovery (No. 80 Eloquent Stone) and skit. (Renewing the Past)
Backtrack and continue to the right. You should reach a platform with another switch and a chest. Open it for Needle of Extinction. Continue up then ride the stone to the right so it hits another orange stone up. Ride the stone down to reach a chest containing Suspicious Powder x5. Backtrack to the switch and change parties.
As Cheria, go up then ride the stone to the right so it stops by the red and orange stones. Ride the stone down then left so you hit another orange stone.
Go back then ride the stone to the right. You should reach another switch. Nothing much you can do here so switch parties again.
As Asbel, ride the stone up then the other stone down. Disembark from the orange and red stones, then ride the stone to the right next. Continue up then ride the stone to the right to bump up the orange stone.
Ride the other stone to the right of the device then ride up to find another chest containing a Killer Fang. Backtrack to the switch and change parties.
(Cheria) Continue up, left and up again. Ride the stone to the left to reach a chest containing Magic Carta No. 71. Return to the previous platform to the right then ride the stone to the right again to bump an orange stone down. Take the green stone down and use the device there to change parties.
(Asbel) Ride the stone to the right then up. Follow the path and you'll regroup with the others. Once ready, go to the left for a skit. (The Necessary Motivation)
Go up then take the green stone up. In the upper level, don't take the stone in front but ride the left one instead. In the next screen, continue up for a new discovery (No. 81 Gustworks Core) and skit (The Atmosphere Between Them) You need Pascal to operate this device and reach the chests in the other side so you have to come back later.
Backtrack then take the left stone this time. You should find a chest containing Magic Carta No. 72 from the chest here. The stone down leads back to the entrance so instead of taking that, ride the stone back to the right twice then take the green stone again to descend.
Ride the stones up to reach platform with two more stones. The stone north will lead to a savepoint. Take the south one first to reach a chest containing 1000 units of eleth. The stone south of this will lead you to the shop and another savepoint. Backtrack and proceed to the next savepoint.
Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Growing Old) Save your game, prepare your team and take the green stone down.
Boss: Legendary Wyvern x3
Just fight them normally until the battle ends automatically. After the scene, you'll have to form a party with Asbel as a fixed member. Once done, exit out of the screen and proceed with the real fight.
In this battle, Asbel will be able to use his Accel Mode. He'll also get his Accel Force title.
Accel Mode activate!
Like when you're fighting multiple enemies, avoid staying in between them. Move away and attack outside the group to maximize your damage and lower the chances of you getting pummeled in between. With Asbel's Accel Mode, you should be able to deal more damage, even more when connecting with combos. Just concentrate with one target and evade their attacks. Malik and Richard will do a great job in providing crowd-control spells while Cheria of course should keep the party alive.
After the scene, a skit will be playable. (The Most Dangerous Game) Go to the right to find a chest containing Radiant Howl. It's weaker than the Excalibur but can boost Accel Mode's time. Go back up and save the game. We can now head outside.
From the savepoint, ride the stone south, then east (based on the compass) twice. Take the green stone up next. In the upper level, go left and left again, past the discovery we visited earlier. From hereon, it should be straightforward. Just ride the platforms and you'll eventually reach the exit.
Barona Catacombs
After the scene, Cheria will earn her Reader of Hearts title. As you walk out, a skit will become available. (One More Communicator) Make your way out to the Sanctuary.
As soon as you exit, another skit will be playable. (Sentimental Journey)
Your next destination is the Amarcian Enclave but I'll strongly suggest taking some detours first for some additional titles (which will unlock new artes) for Cheria and Malik.
A skit will become available after using the shuttle. (A Night at the Inn)
Head to the inn to find an event star there. After this event, Cheria will earn her Bluter of Truths title, which will allow her to learn a new mystic arte.
Go to the savepoint in the inn for a skit. (Crisis of Leadership)
There's also an event star by the counter. Examine it for a scene. You need to trigger this event in order to enable the next event in Zavhert, necessary for Malik's new title.
Head to the inn for a skit (Reforming Zavhert)
If you triggered the event in Velanik, an event star should be in the plaza. After this scene, Malik will earn his Retracer of Paths title. Like Cheria's, this will allow him to learn a new mystic arte.
After these, you can proceed to the Amarcian Enclave next.
Amarcian Enclave
A scene will take place as soon as you arrive. You'll have to go to Fendel Glacier Ruins next but go to the savepoint by the inn to trigger a skit. (A Simple Courtesy)
Fendel Glacier Ruins
You need to make your way to the valkines. The layout is still the same but there will be new items to loot. In the first room with an ice block, there's a chest to the southeast that has a Sage. A chest containing a Symphonian Spectre is also found before the exit to the next screen.
There will be new enemies here that can drop new materials so you can farm some of them while you're at it. Continue to the second chamber with ice blocks. To the far left is a chest containing Scars of Eternia. There's also another chest to the east containing a Magic Carta No. 60.
Exit to the next corridor. There should be another chest in the western cavern containing Magic Carta No. 61. Continue forth until you reach the third chamber with ice blocks. Once there, follow the path near the wall to reach a chest containing the Tempest Bringer.
There's also another chest in the middle of the room. Open it for 500 units of eleth. Exit this room and head to the second savepoint. Touch it for a skit. (Half-Cocked)
Go to the valkines for a scene. Select your combat party and engage the boss afterward.
Boss: Titan Beetle x4
This battle should be easy enough, especially when you have accel mode already. The only challenge is that some of your attacks won't connect considering that they're flying. Other than that, this battle is pretty much a straightforward one, without any special tactics necessary.
Rescuing Pascal and Sophie
After the battle and scene, Pascal will get her Same Old, Same Old title. Before leaving, go to the savepoint for a skit (Friends Again) then enter the opening to the left. There should be new items there.
From the first split, go to the right to find an Efreet Cloak. Equip it for a skit. (A Kingly Cloak) In the second split, loot Verbena x2 from the chest. Go further to Kurt's grave to find a Magic Carta No. 62 from the chest. Return to the warp and leave the place. Head to the Amarcian Enclave next.
Amarcian Enclave
Head to the Overseer's Chamber to find Fourier and Poisson. After the event, Pascal will get her Big Sister Type title. A skit will be playable as well. (A Guilty Conscience) Make your way to the exit for another scene. The girls will stay behind. Malik will also get his Leader of Men title after this.
Go back to the plaza for a skit (Untrusted Sources) Note: It seems that this skit will only become available if you walked in front of the crater in Fendel Borderlands. You can just travel there via shuttle, walk in front of it, then fast-travel back to the Enclave to activate this skit.
Yu Liberte
Skit in the main entrance (Jewels in the Sand)
Walk in the middle of the two fountains in the residential district for a new skit. (Catching Up with the Oswells)
Head to the presidential palace for a scene. After this event, Hubert will get his Contrarian title (Accel Mode). A skit will be available as well. (Filial Piety)
After viewing this skit, head to the Residential District and enter the Oswell Manor. Talk to Oswell for a sub-event. Hubert will earn his Legion Commander title after this. (New Mystic Arte)
Go back to the presidential palace and enter it for a scene. After this, Richard gets his Eradication Commander title. (Accel Mode) Head to the Strahta Desert Ruins next.
Strahta Desert Ruins
As soon as you arrive, you'll be thrown in an immediate battle. After defeating the enemies, a skit will be available. (A Girl in Every Port)
There will be new enemies, treasures and you'll need to solve the puzzles again to navigate the ruins. Before moving forth, check the entrance of the ruins for a chest containing Rosemary x2.
Warrior's Roost
Skit at the savepoint. (The Mask of Justice)
... To be continued.
Important Notes!
Check your map
When doing sidequests, always check your map! (Press R3) From there you can view each town's shop inventories, the current requested items and whether you have the required items or not, and even show the enemies in each location, including their normal and rare drops, as well as their stealable loot.
Don't carelessly sell items
Don't carelessly sell items, especially those you got as rewards from different quests. A number of requests are interconnected, meaning the reward you get for completing one can be used to complete another. If you need money, then sell the cashable junk you can create through dualizing.
In addition to the tip above, DO NOT SELL your old equipment. I can't stress that enough. There are quests that will require your old accessories. Most of them are unique so don't just carelessly sell them.
Keep materials at hand
Whenever you get a new material, it's a good idea to keep at least 2 pieces of each left in your inventory. This will ensure that you have an ample amount ready when you need to create a requested item or if the materials themselves are requested.
Books of Duplication and Fortune
Everything you buy, find and create is recorded. In case you're short on uncommon and rare items, use your Eleth mixer. You can collect even more faster once you get the Book of Duplication and Book of Fortune. These invaluable spellbooks will allow the mixer to generate two items instead of one and will increase your chances of generating items. Take note that the mixer's capacity is upgraded whenever there's a new item generated so it will be a good idea to keep a few items with high production probability so you can keep creating them as you walk.
You need to collect stamps in various shops for them to reveal their hidden inventory. You can do this by buying and selling from them, recharging your eleth mixer and dualizing. The more you spend and sell, the faster you'll earn stamps! Take note that as the store's “stamp level”, the amount required to earn stamps will also increase dramatically. Take note that some of the hard-to-find materials, ingredients and equipment are available only as stamp items!
Regarding Qualities
For quests which requires you to surrender weapons with specific qualities, you can just combine them with a shard that will give them the required quality. Take note that some qualities will “mix” and either create a different quality. You don't want that; as much as possible, for these requests, keep looking for a shard in your possession that will give the requested quality. Enemies in moderate mode above tend to drop shards more frequently. For more information about qualities, you may check the helpful links below:
These posts contain the discovered quality combinations so far and the best places to farm them. To increase your chances of acquiring shards, you'll have to equip the Book of Acquisition and cook Fish and Chips, as well as increasing your difficulty.
Farming for shards is very time consuming so you may want to “downgrade” your weapon to a lower quality then combine it to become a different become a different quality. To make it easier to understand, please read the example below.
Request: Third Supernova (Magical)
What you have in your possession is a Third Supernova (Stuffy). Based on the references above, the combinations to get a Magical quality are the following:
Wicked Wicked
Wicked Stuffy
Wicked Solemn
Frosty Solemn
For example, you lack a shard that will give you a Magical result but you do have some Wicked and Solemn shards. You can downgrade your to a 5-letter quality, temper it so you can dualize it again, then combine it to another shard that will give you say, a Wicked Third Supernova. Combine this with your Wicked and Solemn shards to get a Magical Third Supernova.
The same method applies to the other weapons and this will save you a LOT of time, trying to farm for the preferable shard with the correct quality.
Money Tip
The best way to earn money is to dualize and sell cashables. At the start of the game, just rely on cashables made from materials that can be easily acquired. As you progress in the game, you'll have to start making and selling Stuffed Dolls, Feather Badges or Ashen Rings. The list of materials can be found below.
Take note that it will be easier to gather materials and make money by having the Book of Gathering equipped. You can further increase your loot after every battle by buying the “double drops” upgrade from the Grade Shop when starting New Game .
Stuffed Doll (6680G)
Puffpetal Down Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth = Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Venomous Needle = Scorpions in North Strahtan Desert
Hazardous Liquid = Slimes, megastars inside rockgagong or Sponge Ropers in Fendel Mountain Pass
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad. Easily reproduced
via Eleth mixer
Feather Badge (8319)
Combine Collar Frills Balloon Cloth
Combat Frills = (Hard Scale Whirling Seashell)
Balloon Cloth = (Puffpetal Down Caustic)
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Whirling Seashell = can be harvested from Granitoises in Strahta Desert East or Basaltoises in
Fendel Mountain Pass
Hard Scale = can be harvested from Granitoises in Strahta Desert East
Venomous Needle = Scorpions in North Strahtan Desert
Hazardous Liquid = Slimes, megastars inside rockgagong or Sponge Ropers in Fendel Mountain Pass
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad. Easily reproduced
via Eleth mixer
Ashen Ring (10986G)
Black Ring = Dragon Scale Killer Needle
White Ring = Sharp Fang Amazing Bone
Dragon Scale = Rare drop and stealable from Progenitor Wyvern in Region 66 of Fodra, dropped by Brightpetal Lizards in the Center level of Ghardia Shaft
Sharp Fang = Progenitor Lizard in Region 66 in Fodra or Obsidian Wolf, base level of Ghardia Shaft
Killer Needle = Sickle Spider in the Humanoid Research Center
Amazing Bone = from Progenitor Wyvern in Region 66 of Fodra or rare drops by Brawler Bears in Untrodden Snowfield
Barona - Inn
(After returning from Olwen Woods)
Decaying Fang x2
150 SP, Poison Charm
Dropped by No. 118 Wolf Pup
Grilled Chicken Bowl
320 SP, Polished Bronze Scabbard
Cook Rice Chicken
Bronze Scabbard
510 SP, Apple Gel x3
You have one equipped by default so you can just remove it and turn it over to complete the task. Or you can buy an extra one from the equipment shop.
Pork Cutlet Bowl
720SP, Life Bottle x2
Cook Rice Pork
Fishing Rod
950SP, Steel Knives
Fishing Rod is dropped by the Bear Hellion which you'll defeat in Lhant Hill Cliffs. You can also create it by combining Wood Chunk and Chipped Claw
Beef Bowl
1200SP, 2400G
Cook Rice Beef.
Holy Bottle
1470SP, Dark Bottle x3
You can buy these from stores and merchants.
1760SP, Magic Carta No. 65
Hairpin = Feather Decaying Fang
Natural Scent
2070SP, 4140G
Can be bought from the Barona item shop
Poison Fruit
2400SP, 4800G
Combine Nameless Seed and Poison Needle. Open your map and check all locations to know which monsters drop them.
Battle Sword (Formal)
3120SP, Eleth Bottle EX
Battle Sword can be purchased from Gralesyde at Stamp LV5 or from the peddler in Velanik. Combine it with any shard that has this quality and make sure that the requested quality is inherited in the preview screen.
You can also get this free by following a series of mini-events involving Fiery Joe and his weirdo friends. Here's the sequence:
Visit Gralesyde Inn, find him inside one of the rooms there.
Check the room inside Barona Inn.
Find him and company in front of Oul Raye Inn
Find him and Kaz across the Sable Izolle Inn
Find the three of them inside the Yu Liberte Inn to get this item.
Finally, you can also get a Battle Sword by completing a request for a Red Scarf, in Warrior's Roost.
Lovely Ribbon
3920SP, 7840G
You can get this by completing a request in Lhant requiring Animal Glue.
Giant Hammer (Solemn)
4800SP, 9600G
Mythril Shotstaff Formless Crystal
Mythril Shotstaff = Bought from Telos Astue's shop
Formless Crystal = Hazardous Liquid Rare Metal
Hazardous Liquid = Common drops of Red Slimes and Mega Stars inside the Rockgagong, or rare drops by ropers in the Wallbridge Ruins. Later on, you can also farm these from the ropers in Fendel Mountain Pass.
Rare Metal = Can be harvested from the discovery inside Snowshroud Ruins
Carbon Rod
5760SP, 11520G
Strange Gear = Common drops by Sapphire Weapons in Snowshroud Ruins, or uncommon drops by Sensor Helmites and Automatillery in Fendel Tower.
Rare Metal = Can be harvested from the discovery inside Snowshroud Ruins
You can also get this for free as part of a series of sub-events:
Go to Barona and enter the residence near the Sanctuary to get the request item: Treasured Picture
Go to North Yu Liberte Port and talk to the sailor near the savepoint
Go to Sable Izolle and talk to Justin near the inn.
Clear Core x3
6800SP, 13600G
These are uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier Ruins, Can be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Fireproof Cloth
7920SP, Devil's Crescent
Finest Fur Dragon Scale
Finest Fur = These are dropped by the Snowdrift Wolves in the Untrodden Snowfield
Dragon Scale = Dropped by Progenitor Wyverns in Fodra
Royal Knight's Documents
1760SP, Iron Sword
You can find this inside Bar Tactics, in the corner in front of the stairs.
Additional note: After completing this task, there will be a short scene between Victoria and Asbel. Asbel will also earn the Teacher's Pet title.
Sidequest No.18: Victoria's New Orders complete
Windor's Military History
2400SP, 4800g
Go inside the roadside cottage in East Lhant Highroad. Talk to the old man inside to get this. Malike will earn his Silver Hunk title during this event.
Windor Crest
3120SP, 6240G
Head to the Orlen Woods and find Bryce in the village ruins. You'll have to defeat him to get the crest back. Be warned though; he is a rather difficult opponent at the lower levels. It is possible to defeat him in normal mode as soon as Hubert joins the party but you'll need a lot of recovery items and life bottles. You may want to have Sophie, Cheria and Hubert all in your party as their healing artes are invaluable in this battle. If you can't seem to defeat him at this point, you can give up and try again later, after learning more skills and when your level is higher. If you want, you can also lower the difficulty.
After defeating him, you'll get the crest as well as Bryce's Claws – a very good weapon for Sophie at this point.
Tuning Fork
3920SP, Grilled Chicken Bowl
Use the shuttle to head to the Seaside Cavern and follow the path until you come across an unopened chest. Open it to get this request item. You'll get Cheria's Amber Vestments and Emotive Pianist title after the event.
The Peepinator (Fabulous)
13200SP, 26400G
Platinum Bladerang Forktorquer
The forktorquer is a unique material item awarded for completing the request “Wallbridge Evidence”
If you mistakenly upgraded your Peepinator and having problems dualizing it to make it Fabulous, you can win another Peepinator by completing Trial No. 22 (LV130) Gentlemen of Extinction in the Trials of Graces menu. (Accessible via title screen)
For more information about qualities, please see the “Regarding Qualities” section of this guide.
Panacea Bottle
150SP, Paralysis Charm
You can buy this from item shops. If you have two Shattered Bones, you can complete the task below to receive 2 Panacea Bottles which you can use to complete this task as well.
Shattered Bone
320SP, Panacea Bottle x2
You can use the Mixer for a chance to generate this item while traveling. You can also get these from Scuffler Bears
Apple Pie
510SP, 1020G
Cook Pie Sheet Apple
Animal Glue
720SP, Lovely Ribbon
Combine Shattered Bone Fur.
950SP, 1900G
Cook Pie Sheet Egg
Dark Bottle
1200SP, Sage
You can find two of them inside the Seaside Cavern, in the secret area where Discovery No.16 Glintsoul Colony is found. Refer to the walkthrough to know its location. You can also create one by dualizing Water of Absolution and Deathglow Algae
1470SP, 2940G
Cook Milk Egg
Rusted Nail
1760SP, Magic Carta No. 63
You can find this randomly from shining objects or from chests. They are also dropped by Fendelian Foot Soldiers and Forest Goblins
Music Box
2070SP, 4140G
Combine Broken Gear Rusted Nail. You can find rusted nails randomly from shining objects or from chests. They are also dropped by Fendelian Foot Soldiers. Broken Gears are found randomly as well.
Pretty Ribbon
2400SP, Gear Puzzle
Can be purchased from Lhant's equipment shop
Feather Badge
3120SP, 6240G
Combine Collar Frills Balloon Cloth
Combat Frills = (Hard Scale Whirling Seashell)
Balloon Cloth = (Puffpetal Down Caustic)
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
You can also trade 3 Life Bottles to a windor soldier on your way to the perimeter tower SE, during the hide-and-seek mini game to get this.
Fame and Faith (Noble)
3920SP, 7840G
Steel Saber Darkshine Crystal
Steel Saber = Buy from Gralesyde Equipment shop
Darkshine Crystal = Possessed Crystal Torn Page
Possessed Crystal = Core Fragment Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Bizarre Clump
4800SP, Slivers of Dusk
Lump of Clay Soft Stone
Lump of Clay = Can be harvested from the discovery point in Region 66 in Fodra.
Soft Stone = Dangerous Liquid Earthen Pot
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Earthen Pot = Common drops by Keening Golems in Bathus Citadel, Cackling Golems in Ghardia Shaft
You can also win this in Trial No. 15 (LV80) The Fake is a Lie in the Trials of Graces.
Lunar Anklet
5760SP, 11520G
You'll get the anklet as a reward for completing the request “Earring” in the Amarcian Enclave inn.
Soul Orb x5
6800SP, Rare Guard
You can obtain these by defeating the same type of enemies multiple times that they'll register a gold star in their names in your library. You should have more than enough to complete this request at this point.
Double Cheeseburger
7920SP, Red Sage
Double Cheeseburger = Hamburger Cheeseburger
Hamburger = Salisbury Steak Bread
Cheeseburger = Hamburger Cheese
Salisbury Steak = Onion Minced Meat
Onions can be purchased from Oul Raye shops at LV3 stamp. Minced Meat can be made by giving pork and beef to the elderly woman near the turtlez shop in Gralesyde.
Assorted Flowers
1760SP, Iron Gauntlets
You can pick this up from the left flowerbed in front of the manor. This will become available after driving back the Fendelian forces and meeting up with Asbel's mom.
Additional note: After completing this task, there will be a short scene between Bailey and Asbel.
Sidequest No.14: An Offering of Flowers complete
Anonymous Letter
2400SP, 4800G
Head to the Lhant Hill meadow and check out the floating star by the tree. After the scene, you'll get the letter.
Beloved Handkerchief
3120SP, 6240G, Charbroiler
After Hubert joins the group, return to Lhant and go inside Cheria's house to find a floating event star. Examine it to enable this request. Head to Barona and check the floating star in front of the item shop to get the handkerchief. Turn it over to get your reward.
Ship Model
3920SP, 7840G
You'll find this in the ancient chamber of Lambda before reaching Barona Castle's secret passage. Check the shining object in the rubble to the left to get this request item. After turning over this request, Asbel will get his costume title Honorary Knight
Prism Rainers (Perilous)
13200SP, 26400G
Rare Knives Lightshimmer Crystal
Rare Knives = Can be bought from Lhant shops at LV9 stamp level.
Lightshimmer Crystal = Clear Core Legendary Metal
Legendary Metal = Harvested from Discovery No. 73 Heart of Stone in World's Eye.
Clear Core – Uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier RuinsCan be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Shell Chalk
150SP, Burn Charm
Combine Seashell Quarry Stone
Quarry Stones are dropped by water elementals while the Seashells are dropped by Local Stars in Seaside Cavern.
Syrup Bottle x3
320SP, Cute Anklet
Complete the “Pasta Carbonara” quest, given by the same innkeeper to get the Syrup Bottles.
Pasta Carbonara
510SP, Syrup Bottle x3
Cook Pasta Egg
Fine Wood
720SP, 1440g
These are low percentage drops by Treants. Keep fighting one until they drop it.
950SP, 1900G
You'll get this after defeating Victoria in Barona Castle. You can also produce this by combining Fancy Fur and Anonymous Seed.
Life Bottle x2
1200SP, Saffron x1
This is a common item you can buy from stores.
Pasta Vongole
1470SP, 2940G
Cook Clam Pasta
Pretty Anklet
1760SP, Magic Carta No. 66
Can be bought from the equipment shop in Lhant.
Hazardous Liquid x1
2070SP, 4140G
Common drops of Red Slimes and Mega Stars inside the Rockgagong, or rare drops by ropers in the Wallbridge Ruins.
Katana (Cute)
2400SP, 4800G
Combine Iron Sword Moist Crystal
Iron Sword = Equipment shop in Lhant
Moist Crystal = Water of Absolution Common Metal
Horn x1
3120SP, Mastery Tonic C
Decaying Fang Shattered Bone
Knight Armor (Hard)
3920SP, 7840G
Leather Guard Seascale Crystal
Seascale Crystal = Hard Scale Common Metal
Leather Guard = equipment shop in Barona
Hard Scales are rather common drops from a lot of variety of monsters. Common Metal is a random pick-up item. Once you got it, you can reproduce it by using the eleth mixer.
You can also win this item by completing Trial No. 10 (LV15) Dire Wolves in the Trials of Graces menu.
Tuna x2
4800SP, 9600G
Tuna is available in Oul Raye stores after reaching LV6 Stamp Level.
Deicide Blade
5760SP, 11520G
Strange Gear Decaying Sword
Strange Gear - These are rare drops of Sensor Helmite and Automatillery enemies inside the Fendel Tower, as well as Sapphire Weapons in side the Snowshroud Ruins. z
Decaying Sword – Dropped by the Eye of Wrath enemies commonly found in World's Eye
Prince Plushie
6800SP, Red Saffron
Stuffed Doll Bizarre Clump
Stuffed Doll = Puffpetal Down Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth = Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Later in the game, you can also collect this from Sponge Ropers in the Fendel Mountain Pass.
Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad.
Bizarre Clump = Lump of Clay Soft Stone
Lump of Clay = Can be harvested from the discovery point in Region 66 in Fodra.
Soft Stone = Dangerous Liquid Earthen Pot
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Earthen Pot = Common drops by Keening Golems in Bathus Citadel, Cackling Golems in Ghardia Shaft
Neptune's Rod
7920SP, 15840G
Golden Bough Damascus Steel
Damascus Steel = Decaying Sword Dangerous Liquid.
Golden Bough = Dropped by Elder Treants or randomly acquired as a pick-up item in Glacier Road.
Decaying Sword = Also dropped by Ruby Weapons in the Sandshroud Ruins
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Decaying Sword and Dangerous Liquid: Both materials are dropped by the Eye of Wrath enemies found in World's Eye. This is also dropped as a loot by Polycarpus.
Carrot x5
1760SP, 3520G
Return to the carrot patch along the Old Grale Highroad from time to time until you gather enough carrots.
Green Cryas
2400SP, 4800G
Defeat the bandits along the road. They should be pretty obvious and hard to miss.
Wallbridge Evidence
3120SP, Forktorquer
This is unlocked by talking to Duke Dalen in his manor. Head to the Wallbridge Ruins and make your way back to the spot where you fought Mercurius and found a new discovery. Approach the floating star to trigger a battle. Defeat the easy enemies then turn the request over to get your rewards.
Businezz Application
3920SP, 7840G
Check the northern part of the green mountain range east of Velanik to find this location. (X: 334.633, Y:180.499) Talk to the turtlez in the middle to get the request item: Businezz Application and Sophie's Gothic Lolita costume title.
Isleberg (Poignant)
13200SP, 26400G
Rare Sword Reticent Crystal
Rare Sword is available at LV7 or 8 stamp item from any turtlez merchant.
Reticent Crystal = Earthen Pot Legendary Metal
Legendary Metal can be harvested from the discovery point in Lambda's Cocoon.
Earthen Pot = Common drops by Keening Golems in Bathus Citadel, Cackling Golems in Ghardia Shaft
Oul Raye
Salisbury Steak x2
170 SP, Slow Charm
Cook Onion Minced Meat
Minced Meat can be made by giving pork and beef to the elderly woman near the turtlez shop in Gralesyde. Onion can be purchased from the Oul Raye shops at LV3 stamp.
Pretty Scarf
350SP, 700G
You can buy this from the shop in Sable Izolle or loot it from a chest near the scholar and Strahtan Cacti (discovery no. 31) You can find these both along the way.
Hard Scale
560SP, Peach Gel x2
These are high-percentage drops of Granitose and rare drops of Lizards.
Collar Frills
790SP, Beautiful Scarf
Combine Hard Scale Whirling Seashell. These are both dropped by the Granitose found in Strahta Desert. Keep killing them until you get these materials.
Eleth Bottle C
1050SP, Rune Tunic
If you haven't used them, you should have at least 2 by now. There's one found in the chest in Lhant Hill Cliffs (adult arc) and in the Seaside Cavern.
1320SP, Hardened Steel Scabbard
Cook Salisbury Steak Bread.
Salisbury Steak = Onion Minced Meat
Steel Scabbard
1620SP, 3240G
Can be purchased from Gralesyde equipment shop.
Busted Blade x2
1940SP, 3880G
Busted Blades are dropped by Royal Guardsmen in Barona Castle or the Dune Goblins in Strahta Desert West. If you don't have enough, you can have the mixer create it at less than 20% probability.
Necklace x1
2280SP, Magic Carta No. 67
Combine Sharp Claw and Hard Scale.
Sharp Claw - Rare drop by Cave Raptors
Hard Scale – Uncommon drops by Granitose and Wyverns
Drop Bottle
2640SP, 5280G
Can be purchased from the Amarcian Enclave item shop for 1000G at LV2 stamp or by completing the request “Pasta x12” in Velanik.
Stinky Bag
3430SP, 6860G
Glowfruit Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Glowfruit = Core Dust Nameless Seed
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Core dusts are random pick ups as well as common drops by Dusk Shades, Rat Spectres and Bat Spectres inside the Barona Catacombs, while Nameless Seeds are common drops by various types of Mandragoras.
Magical Mirror
4310SP, Magical Tonic EX
Common Metal Theory of Evolution
Common Metal = Common Metal is a random pick-up item. Once you got it, you can reproduce it by using the eleth mixer.
Theory of Evolution = Secret Seed Golden Bough
Secret Seed = Dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
Golden Bough = Dropped by Elder Treants or randomly acquired as a pick-up item in Glacier Road.
Gold Glasses
5280SP, 10560G
You can get this by completing the request “Possessed Crystal” in Zavhert.
Ice Coffin (Sketchy)
6340SP, 12680G
Battle Sword Glacierfall Crystal
Glacierfall Crystal = Rare Metal Icicle
Rare Metal = Can be harvested in the discovery point in Snowshroud Ruins
Icicle = Can be harvested from the discovery point in Fendel Glacier Ruins
Battle Sword can be purchased from Gralesyde at Stamp LV5. Combine it with any shard that has this quality and make sure that the requested quality is inherited in the preview screen.
You can also get this free by following a series of mini-events involving Fiery Joe and his weirdo friends. Here's the sequence:
Visit Gralesyde Inn, find him inside one of the rooms there.
Check the room inside Barona Inn.
Find him and company in front of Oul Raye Inn
Find him and Kaz across the Sable Izolle Inn
Find the three of them inside the Yu Liberte Inn to get this item.
Finally, you can also get a Battle Sword by completing a request for a Red Scarf, in Warrior's Roost.
Hand of Glory
7480SP, 14960G
Amazing Bone Emperor's Claw
Amazing Bone = Dropped by the Bladehorn Boar boss in Mt. Zavhert.
Emperor's Claw = These are rare drops by Thunder Beetles in Fendel Highlands and Fendel Borderlands, as well as Needle Spiders in the Fendel Research Lab. The Bladhorn Boar boss in Mt. Zavhert will also drop one after defeating it.
The Theory of Evolution
8710SP, 17420G
Secret Seed Golden Bough
Secret Seed = Dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
Golden Bough = Dropped by Elder Treants or randomly acquired as a pick-up item in Glacier Road.
Book of Rare Creatures
1940SP, Rune Bladerang
You'll find the scholar along the way to Sable Izolle. Just talk to him to get this item after a short scene.
Trade Permit
2640SP, 5280G
Travel back to the Lhant Manor and visit Lady Kerri in her room. This will trigger a short scene. You'll have to return to Barona Castle next. From the entrance, follow the corridor the right and you'll find him along the way. Talk to him for a short scene. Asbel will get the title Son of a Hero after this sub-event. You'll also get the trade permit which you can deliver to complete the request.
Sunken Cargo
3430SP, 6860G
After arriving in the port from Zavhert, talk to the sailor nearby with an emoticon over his head to start the related sub-event. While on the ship, you'll have to fight a few enemies. Defeat them all and you'll receive the request item Sunken Cargo. Once you return port, Asbel will earn his Expert Scrubber title.
Abandoned Cargo
4310SP, 8620G
Go to the Uncharted Sandstretch and make your way to the Sandshroud Ruins. You'll encounter a number of enemies there. Defeat two waves of them and you'll receive this request item.
Pike Pike (Haughty)
14520SP, Scholar's Monocle
Platinum Dualblade Gillshiner
The gillshiner material is awarded after completing the request “Hand-drawn Map”
You can also win this item by completing Trial No. 21 (LV120) Emergency Surgery in the Trials of Graces menu. This is accessible via the title screen.
Sable Izolle
Floral Anklet
170SP, Stone Charm
This is found inside one of the chests in Wallbridge Ruins. You can also buy this from the equipment shop in Gralesyde.
Anonymous Seed x3
350SP, Fleshblood Ribbon
These can be stolen from Filifolia Cacti and rare drops from Mandragora.
560SP, 1120g
Cook Veggie Set Spice Set. You'll get three Spice Sets by talking to the scholar to the right of the Carter in Sable Izolle while you can get the Veggie set by trading a carrot, potato and onion to the chef near the same town's inn. Veggie Set and Spice Sets will also become available from Turtlez merchants by increasing their stamp level.
Fine File
790SP, Rune Gauntlets
Combine Hazardous Liquid Busted Blade
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern while Busted Blades are dropped by Royal Guardsmen in Barona Castle. There are more enemies that will drop them later on; just pull out your map and check the individual locations.
Whirling Seashell
1050SP, 2100G
Dropped by Granitose in the Strahta Desert or Basaltoise in the Fendel Mountain Pass, or through random pick-ups in the same areas where you can find them.
Pork Curry
1320SP, Fancy Floral Anklet
Create a curry first (see the Curry request above) the cook it with Pork.
Red Ribbon
1620SP, 3240G
Can be purchased from Gralesyde equipment shop.
Spirit Mask
1940SP, 3880G
Combine Pretty Feather Fine Wood
Fine Wood = rare drops by Treants
Pretty Feather – Drops by Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West
Chicken Curry
2280SP, 4560G
Create a curry first (see the Curry request above) the cook it with Chicken.
Fruit Knives (Wicked)
2640SP, 5280G
Steel Knives Overgrown Crystal
Overgrown Crystal = Anonymous Seed Torn Page
Steel Knives = Gralesyde equipment shop.
You can also win this in Trial No. 08 (LV52) in the Trials of Graces menu.
Frying Pan
3430SP, Magic Carta No.68
Common Metal Fireproof Cloth
Fireproof Cloth = Finest Fur Dragon Scale
Common Metal is a random pick-up item. Once you got it, you can reproduce it by using the eleth mixer.
Finest Fur = These are dropped by the Snowdrift Wolves in the Untrodden Snowfield
Dragon Scale = Dropped by Progenitor Wyverns in Fodra
Suspicious Powder
4310SP, 8620G
Animal Glue Shell Chalk
Animal Glue = Shattered Bone Fur
Shell Chalk = Seashell Quarry Stone
Strange Gear x2
5280SP, 10560G
These are rare drops of Sensor Helmite and Automatillery enemies inside the Fendel Tower, as well as Sapphire Weapons in side the Snowshroud Ruins.
Soft Stone
6340SP, 12680G
This is dropped by Veres, the boss in Fendel Research Laboratory
The Illusionist (Fabulous)
7480SP, 14960G
Mythril Bladerang Possessed Cyrstal
Mythril Bladerang = Can be purchased from Telos Astue equipment shop
Possessed Cyrstal = Core Fragment Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Pinafore Dress (Gracious)
8710SP, Hourglass
Mythril Blouse Mighty Crystal
Mighty Crystal = Dragon Scale Rare Metal
Mythril Bouse = Can be bought from the equipment shop in Telos Astue.
Rare Metal = Can be harvested from the discovery inside Snowshroud Ruins
Dragon Scale = Dropped by Progenitor Wyverns in Fodra
Blue Cryas
1940SP, Rune Blouse
You can get this by examining the floating star (event indicator) in the research tower.
Investigation Report
2640SP, Rice Omelette
Visit Oul Raye after Hubert joins the party. There should be a floating start near the Truth Stone. Examine it for a scene. You'll get this item afterward, as well as his title.
Treasured Picture
3430SP, 6860G
Go to Barona and check the residence near the Sanctuary. Talk to the man there to receive this request item. If you want Hubert's title, don' turn this in immediately. After getting the picture, go to North Yu Liberte port and talk to the sailor near the savepoint. You'll also find Justin on your way to Sable Izolle's inn. Talk to him again to receive a Carbon Rod.
Proof of Another World
4310SP, 8620G
You'll find this in this coordinates (X: -381.555, Y: 129.488)
Equip your best armor and damage reducing titles before checking out the floating star. You have to attack this humanoid until you deplete its HP. Once its HP is drained and it becomes a “?”, brace yourselves and guard against its explosion. If the explosion kills you even when you're guarding, you'll need to come back later when you're a bit stronger. Or you can simply set the difficulty to easy mode and guard once it raises its Nova barrier. Take note that it can still kill you if the explosion caught you off guard.
After the battle, you'll obtain the request item: Proof of Another World.
Yu Liberte
Titanium Scabbard
170SP, Ice Pop x5
Available from Oul Raye equipment shop.
White Wine x2
350SP, Rose's Whisper
These are rare drops of Wizards, common enemies in Strahta Desert East (between Oul Raye and Sable Izolle)
Soaring Crystal x1
560SP, 1120
Combine Torn Page Pretty Feather
Pretty Feather – Drops by Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West
Torn Page – Harvested from the large book in Sable Izolle
Cheese x3
790SP, Verbena
These are common commodities you can find in stores. If not, you can get some free Cheese by checking the drawers in the White Wine and Red Wine estates up in the residential district.
Iron Bladerang (Suave)
1050SP, Rune Guard
Rune Bladerang Soaring Crystal
Rune Bladerang = Available from Oul Raye
Soaring Crystal = Pretty Feather Torn Page
Venomous Needle
1320SP, 2640G
These are common drops by Crimson Scorpions in Strahta Desert West
1620SP, Magic Carta No. 83
Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Pretty Feather
1940SP, 3880G
Common drops by Cawkers and Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West
Mastery Tonic C
2280SP, Grape Gel
You'll get a Mastery Tonic C as reward for turning in a Horn for a request in Gralesyde. There's also a Mastery Tonic C in a chest in the Seaside Cavern, unless you used it already.
Scarlet Aroma
2640SP, Fine Titanium Scabbard
Can be purchased from Gralesyde equipment shop
Imperial Egg
3430SP, 6860G
You'll get this as a reward for defeating Cedric. You can also create one by combining Clear Core Strange Gear.
Clear Core – Uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier RuinsCan be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Strange Gear = Common drops by Sapphire Weapons in Snowshroud Ruins, or uncommon drops by Sensor Helmites and Automatillery in Fendel Tower.
Finest Fur x2
4310SP, 8620G
These are dropped by the Snowdrift Wolves in the Untrodden Snowfield
Imperial Crest
5280SP, 10560G
Rare Metal Imperial Egg
Rare Metal = Can be harvested from the discovery inside Snowshroud Ruins
Imperial Egg = Clear Core Strange Gear
Clear Core – Uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier RuinsCan be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Strange Gear = Common drops by Sapphire Weapons in Snowshroud Ruins, or uncommon drops by Sensor Helmites and Automatillery in Fendel Tower.
Miso Stew
6340SP, Felling Wind
Dashi Stew Miso
Dashi Stew = Beef Tofu
Miso – Can be harvested from Discovery No. 66 Giant Tub in Telos Astue. Can be purchased from Telos Astue stores by increasing its stamp level.
Tofu – Can be harvested from Discovery No. 66 Giant Tub in Telos Astue Can be purchased from Telos Astue stores by increasing its stamp level.
Beef – Can be purchased in Barona (increase stamp level)
You can also win this in trial no. 24 (LV150) Put Up Your Cukes in the Trials of Graces menu
Estelle Plushie
7480SP, Red Verbena
Stuffed Doll Imperial Crest
Stuffed Doll = Puffpetal Down Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth = Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Later in the game, you can also collect this from Sponge Ropers in the Fendel Mountain Pass.
Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad.
Imperial Crest = Rare Metal Imperial Egg
Rare Metal = Can be harvested in the discovery point in Snowshroud Ruins
Imperial Egg = Clear Core Strange Gear
Clear Core – Uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier RuinsCan be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Strange Gear = Common drops by Sapphire Weapons in Snowshroud Ruins, or uncommon drops by Sensor Helmites and Automatillery in Fendel Tower.
Arc of the Covenant
8710SP, 17420G
Earthen Pot Crystal Seashell
Crystal Seashell = These are random pick ups in Region 66 in Fodra. Later on, these are dropped by Marbletoises from Ghardia Shaft.
Earthen Pot = Common drops by Keening Golems in Bathus Citadel, Cackling Golems in Ghardia Shaft
Polishing Tools
1940SP, Rune Knives
After Hubert joins the party, talk to Marian in front of the empty store in the commercial district to enable this request. Exit to Strahta Desert East and continue until you find the monster with an emoticon. Defeat it to recover the tools and complete the request. After completion, Marian will now open a gem polishing shop in the commercial district. This will also give Hubert his Steadfast Denier title and a new skit. (Burning Questions)
Gem polishing will allow you to leave an unequipped gem to Marian so she can polish it and increase its stats for a fee. You can also make her work faster by giving her different pies.
Cherished Locket
2640SP, 5280G
After Hubert joins the party, talk to the maid in the left side of the residential district to enable this request. Head to the Strahta Desert West. Head to the ruins and you should find a floating star beside some bones. Examine it to obtain the Cherised Locket. Turn it over to the inn and Sophie will earn her Lucky Girl title.
Hand-drawn Map
3430SP, 6860G
Complete Riot Peak's 20th floor to win this item. After the event, you'll also get the Gillshiner material.
Seablue Statue
4310SP, 8620G
This is found inside a chest in the Oswell Family Vault, accessible only via shuttle. In shuttle mode, scan the narrow valley south of Oul Raye (X: 2.836, Y: -308.583) to find this area.
Voltekka (Dazzling)
Rare Dualblade Bluster Crystal
14520SP, 29040G
Rare Dualblade = Available at LV8 stamp in Yu Liberte
Bluster Crystal = Elegant Feather Lump of Clay
Lump of Clay = Can be harvested from the discovery point in Region 66 in Fodra.
Elegant Feather = Found as random pickup item in Glacier Road. Also dropped by Tempest Harpies in Ghardia Shaft or Auger Beaks in the Uncharted Sandstretch
For more information about qualities, please see the “Regarding Qualities” section of this guide.
Warrior's Roost
Pointy Fang x3
170SP, Freeze Charm
These are common drops by Desert Bats in the Strahta Desert Ruins or rare drops by the lesser variety of bats.
Beef with Red Wine Sauce x2
350SP, 700G
Beef Red Wine
Beef is available as a LV3(?) stamp item from the Barona item shop. These are common item drops by Thieves in Strahta Desert East and Craglands. Red Wine is a rare drop by the same enemies.
Overgrown Crystal
560SP, Hot-blooded Scarf
Anonymous Seed Torn Page
Anonymous Seed can be stolen from Filifolia Cacti and rare drops from Mandragora.
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Red Scarf
790SP, Battle Sword
You can get a Red Scarf from the chest in the Strahta Desert Ruins. Check the walkthrough for its exact location.
Quill Pen
1050SP, 2100G
Pointy Fang Pretty Feather
Upper Quarry Stone x2
1320SP, Plain Glasses
These are dropped by Fire Elementals in the Strahta Desert Ruins
Grape Parfait
1620SP, 3240G
Grapes White Wine
White Wine = These are rare drops of Wizards, common enemies in Strahta Desert East (between Oul Raye and Sable Izolle) or Trappers in Mt. Zavhert or Fendel Highlands.
Grapes = Dropped by Trappers in Mt. Zavhert or Fendel Highlands.
Simple Frames
1940SP, 3880G
Available in Yu Liberte equipment shop.
Grape Gel x3
2280SP, Battle Shotstaff
Garm's Fangs (Frosty)
2640SP, 5280G
Rune Gauntlets Wriggler Crystal
Rune Gauntlets = Can be bought from Sable Izolle's equipment shop
Wriggler Crystal = Venomous Needle Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Venomous Needle = These are common drops by Crimson Scorpions in Strahta Desert West
Bone Key
3430SP, Magic Carta No. 84
Whirling Seashell Strong Bone
Whirling Seashell = Dropped by Granitose in the Strahta Desert or Basaltoise in the Fendel Mountain Pass, or through random pick-ups in the same areas where you can find them.
Strong bones are random pickups in Strahta Desert East.
Mystical Allure
4310SP, 8620G
This can be acquired by completing the request for Moon Anklet in the Amarcian Enclave.
Marbled Radish Steak
5280SP, 10560G
Marbled Steak Radish
Marbled Steak = High-Grade Beef Carrot.
Gear Puzzle
6340SP, 12680G
Working Gear Core Fragment
Working Gear = You can steal these from Braying Golems and Sapphire Weapons inside the Snowshroud Ruins
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Also rewarded from completing the request "Pretty Ribbon" in Lhant
Decisive Dice
7480SP, 14960G
Emperor's Claw Sharp Fang
Emperor's Claw = Terminus Wyvern in World's Eye, Sanctum Raptor in Ghardia Shaft
Sharp Fang = Progenitor Lizard in Fodra
Rare Gauntlets (Haughty)
8710SP, 17420G
This is a LV6 or 7 stamp item in the Amarcian Enclave equipment shop.
Daily Medicine
1940SP, 3880G
You need to steal this item from the human enemy called Scepterista on the 10th floor, at 6% chance. I recommend using Sophie for this task since three of her A-Artes (Eagle Dive, Elegant Flash and Demolition Drive) has the chance to steal items. The best of all is that her B-Arte, Sword Assault can also steal items. A-Artes can be tricky to execute, especially if you only want to steal an item since the other moves will increase the damage and thereby kill the target quicker.
You can just spam Sword Assault. Take note that as long as the move connects, it doesn't matter if you're targeting a different enemy. Hitting all enemies in range will still have the chance to steal the item. Also, to further increase your chances, you'll need the following:
Sophie's Pilferator title (Steal probability up) – Mastering it will boost the effects
Book of Finesse (Doubles the odds of stealing items) – Acquired from the password-protected chest in Zavhert
Book of Serendipity (Doubles the odds of gaining items you haven't acquired yet) – Inside a chest in Fendel Research Laboratory
You can try and may be lucky enough to get this on a few attempts. But if you feel that you can't just seem to get it, try again later with those items and title at hand.
After surrendering the Daily Medicine, a scene will trigger. You'll also get a material called Kitty's Paw
2640SP, 5280G
This request will become available after defeating the guardian in Riot Peak, Veigue. This sword can be acquired by following the series of sub-events with Fiery Joe and his siblings. (Covered in the main walkthrough) After triggering their scenes in sequence, they'll hang out in Lhant Manor's guest room. Just talk to them there to receive this item.
Rice x12
180SP, Savory
This can be bought from Lhant shops by upgrading the store's stamp level to 2. These are also drops by Dragoons and Daggeristas in Zavhert (when you're being pursued by the guards) or the common enemies in Orlen Woods.
Fur x4
380SP, 760G
You shouldn't have problems finding these as there's a lot of monsters dropping these. Consult your map to know their locations.
Veggie Set x3
610SP, 1220G
You can have a Veggie Set created for you by the chef in Sable Izolle by bringing him onions, carrots and potatoes.
860SP, Black Blouse
Core Fragment Upper Quarry Stone
Bread x12
1140SP, 2280G
This is available from the item shop in Barona at LV2 stamp.
Blazing Crystal
1440SP, Fancy Glasses
Torchflame Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Torchflame = Harvested from No. 41 Ancient Embers inside the Strahta Desert Ruins
1760SP, Drop Bottle x1
Available in Gralesyde stores at LV2 Stamp.
Fancy Fur
2110SP, 4220G
Rare drops by Strahtemes in Mt. Zavhert, Fendel Highlands and Fendel Borderlands
Seafood Set
2480SP, Magic Carta No. 85
There's a kid in the nearby shack, outside the inn that can create a seafood set by giving him three kinds of seafood. It doesn't matter what you select (you can even select three of the same seafood) and he can make it for free.
Flameberge (Magical)
2880SP, 5760G
Steel Sword Blazing Crystal
Steel Sword = Can be bought from Gralesyde equipment shop
Blazing Crystal = Torchflame Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Torchflame = Harvested from No. 41 Ancient Embers inside the Strahta Desert Ruins
3740SP, 7480G
There are a few instances throughout the game that you'll get this. Unless you used them all, you should have at least one in your inventory at this point.
Mandarin Scarf
4700SP, 9400G
You can get this as a reward for completing the “Poison Brew” request from the Amarcian Enclave inn. You'll also get one from Kaz if you followed the series of sub-events involving the weird trio siblings, beside the Amarcian Enclave inn as well.
Stuffed Doll
5760SP, Red Savory
Puffpetal Down Balloon Cloth
Balloon Cloth = Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Later in the game, you can also collect this from Sponge Ropers in the Fendel Mountain Pass.
Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad.
Annals of the Almesera
6910SP, 13820G
Kaigar's Script Quill Pen
Kaigar's Script = Can be harvested form the same book behind the theater in the Velanik inn.
Quill Pen = Pretty Feather Pointy Fang
Pretty Feather = The best source at this point would be the Harpies in the Fendel Borderlands
Pointy Fang = From the Vampire Bats inside the Fendel Mountain Pass
Deathwing Wine
8160SP, 16320G
Anonymous Seed Venomous Needle
Anonymous Seed = These can be stolen from Filifolia Cacti and rare drops from Mandragora.
Venomous Needle = These are drops by scorpions in Strahta Desert.
Cocktail Dress (Gallant)
9500SP, 19000G
White Blouse Overgrown Crystal
White Blouse = Gralesyde Equipment shop
Overgrown Crystal = Anonymous Seed Torn Page
Anonymous Seed can be stolen from Filifolia Cacti and rare drops from Mandragora.
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
You can also win this in Trial No. 05 (LV28) Advent of the Four Symbols in the Trials of Graces menu.
2110SP, Battle Gauntlets
You can find this in the far right side of town, inside a chest past a kid named Connor. You can reach this by entering the rundown shack beside the inn.
2880SP, Elixir
You'll find a man named Scoop inside the Fendel Mountain Pass by taking the left path, past the frozen tree. Talk to him to get this item.
3740SP, All-Divide
You can find in Balthus Citadel in Fodra, by examining the event star in the boss room. You'll get it alongside Malik's costume title.
Best Princess Stories
4700SP, 9400G
There are five best princess stories that you should have found at this point:
Barona – Inside the closet in one of the rooms upstairs the inn.
Lhant – Inside the bookshelf in the Study Room.
Gralesyde – Inside the chest in Gralesyde Inn's rear exit.
Velanik – Found inside a chest in the backstage of the inn.
Zavhert – Check the residence near the turtlez merchant to the west part of the city. It is inside the drawer
Go to the backstage and talk to the playwright. After that, his request will be available in the inn. Turn the books in to complete the request and for a really amusing play. After that Malik will earn his Best Supporting Actor title.
Red Wine x3
180SP, Weak Charm
These are rare drops by Thieves in the Strahta Craglands, Desert Ruins and Desert East.
Expensive Desk
380SP, 760G
Upper Quarry Stone Fine Wood
Upper Quarry Stone = Common drops of Fire Elementals in the Strahta Desert Ruins
Fine Wood = Rare drops of Treants in Gralesyde Highroad or can be picked up as random object along the Fendel Highlands.
Crab x3
610SP, 1220G
Crab can be bought in Zavher item shop, as a LV4 Stamp item.
Salmon Pie
860SP, Platinum Guard
Pie Sheet Salmon
Silver Frames
1140SP, 2280G
This is found inside a chest in Strahta Desert North.
1440SP, Magic Carta No. 86
Pointy Fang Sharp Claw
These are common drops by Desert Bats in the Strahta Desert Ruins or rare drops by the lesser variety of bats. Sharp Claw – Common drops by Thunder Beetles in Fendel Highlands and Fendel Borderlands.
Sea Bream
1760SP, 3520G
Can be stolen from Sponge Ropers in Fendel Mountain Pass
Possessed Crystal
2110SP, Gold Glasses
Core Fragment Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Curried Cod
2480SP, 4960G
Cod Spice Set
You can buy Cods at LV3 stamp level from Zavhert shops. For the spice sets, you can get three Spice Sets by talking to the scholar to the right of the Carter in Sable Izolle. Up to this writing, I have relied only on reproducing it via mixer to complete dishes requiring this ingredient.
Beastfang Blade (Barbed)
2880SP, 5760G
Rune Dualblade Possessed Crystal
Rune Dualblade = Can be bought from the equipment shop in Yu Liberte
Possessed Crystal = Core Fragment Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Damascus Steel
3740SP, Arcane Bottle
Decaying Sword Dangerous Liquid
Both materials are dropped by the Eye of Wrath enemies found in World's Eye. This is also dropped as a loot by Polycarpus.
Secret Seed x2
4700SP, 9400G
These are dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
5760SP. 11520G
Icicle Torchflame
Torchflame = Harvested from No. 41 Ancient Embers inside the Strahta Desert Ruins
Icicle = Can be harvested from discovery No.59 Rainbow Ice Pillar in Fendel Glacier Ruins
Balloon Cloth
6910SP, 13820G
Puffpetal Down Caustic
Caustic = Venomous Needle Hazardous Liquid
Hazardous Liquid are dropped by Ropers in the Seaside Cavern or the slimes and megastars inside the Rockgagong. Later in the game, you can also collect this from Sponge Ropers in the Fendel Mountain Pass.
Venomous Needles are drops by scorpions in the Strahta Desert.
Puffpetal Down can be harvested from discovery no. 20 in South Barona Highroad.
Miso-Glazed Cod
8160SP, Eleth Bottle C
Cod Miso
Cod – Can purchased from the item shop in Zavhert by increasing its stamp level
Miso – Can be harvested from Discovery No. 66 Giant Tub in Telos Astue. Can be purchased from Telos Astue stores by increasing its stamp level.
Toxic Fluid
9500SP, Eastern Wind
Deathglow Algae Cantarella
Deathglow Algae = Harvested from discovery point of the same name in the Seaside Cavern
Cantarella = Killer Needle Secret Seed
Killer Needle = Dropped by Sickle Spiders in the Humanoid Research Center
Secret Seed = Dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
Raw Materials
2110SP, Platinum Bladerang
After leaving the town using the west gate, you'll come across a fork in the road. One leads to the Fendel Research Facility while the other leads to Mt. Zavhert. Take the one that leads to the research facility until you come across a second fork. Follow that path and you'll find a chest. Examine the chest to reveal that its a Fake or mimic then defeat it. You'll get this request item after a short scene.
Rockgagong Fur
2880SP, 5760G
You can summon the Rockgagong in the cliffs of Strahta's east desert. This is just north of the desert cottage. You have a 25% chance to steal it. Asbel, Sophie and Pascal have moves that has a chance to steal. I'll suggest using Sophie since you can just spam her B-Arte, Sword Assault. The following titles and books will also help:
Sophie's Pilferator title (Steal probability up) – Mastering it will boost the effects
Book of Finesse (Doubles the odds of stealing items) – Acquired from the password-protected chest in Zavhert
Book of Serendipity (Doubles the odds of gaining items you haven't acquired yet) – Inside a chest in Fendel Research Laboratory
Basically what you want is to steal the fur and run away as fast as you can. Take note that taking a direct hit from the rockgagong's attacks will result to an instant death. When you see it raising its arms, hold your guard and continue attacking. After getting the fur, you have to escape. Do this by running outward the battle area's blue ring until you see the escape gauge.
Steal and Run
Malik will get his Imposing Figure title after completing this request.
Strahta Ratchet
3740SP, Banana Pie
Talk to the ship captain in the Zavhert Port and select the ????? route. Defeat the monsters as part of the sub-event. You'll also obtain the request item: Strahta Ratchet afterward. Malik will earn his Barmaster Candidate title afterward.
Evidence of Espionage
4700SP, 9400G
Go to the Fendel Tower and use the maintenance elevator and go to B10. You should find the spy to the left. Talk to him to receive the necessary request item. Pascal will also earn her Patriot of Fendel title.
Third Supernova (Magical)
15840SP, 31680G
Rare Bladerang Blazing Crystal
Rare Bladerang = Sold in Zavhert as a LV7 or 8 stamp item.
Blazing Crystal = Torchflame Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Torchflame = Harvested from No. 41 Ancient Embers inside the Strahta Desert Ruins
Amarcian Enclave
190SP, Seal Charm
Mysterious Liquid Core Dust
Mysterious Liquid = Dropped by Ropers in Wallbridge Ruins, Green Slime in Seaside Cavern
Core Dust = Core dusts are random pick ups as well as common drops by Dusk Shades, Rat Spectres and Bat Spectres inside the Barona Catacombs, while Nameless Seeds are common drops by various types of Mandragoras.
Strong Bone x3
400SP, Chamomile
Strong bones are random pickups in Strahta Desert East.
640SP, 1280G
Veggie Set Milk
Veggie Set = trade a carrot, potato and onion to the chef near Sable Izolle's inn.
Milk can be harvested from the Windor Cows (Discovery #09)
Poison Brew
900SP, Mandarin Scarf
Poison Needle Mysterious Liquid
Poison Needle = Rare drops of Crimson Scorpions in Strahta Desert North or West.
Mysterious Liquid = Dropped by Ropers in Wallbridge Ruins, Green Slime in Seaside Cavern
Moon Anklet
1190SP, Mystical Allure
Found in a chest in Strahta Desert North.
Beef Stew
1500SP, 3000G
Stew Beef
Stew = Veggie Set Milk
You can get the Veggie set by trading a carrot, potato and onion to the chef near Sable Izolle's inn. Milk can be acquired from Windor Cows on the road to the port to Barona. Just reproduce it via eleth mixer.
1840SP, Lunar Anklet
Chipped Claw Scale
Core Fragment x2
2200SP, 4400G
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Seafood Stew
2590SP, Magic Carta No. 87
Stew Seafood Set
Stew = Veggie Set Milk
Veggie Set = trade a carrot, potato and onion to the chef near Sable Izolle's inn.
Milk can be harvested from the Windor Cows (Discovery #09)
Seafood Set = There's a kid in a nearby shack, outside the Velanik inn that can create a seafood set by giving him three kinds of seafood. It doesn't matter what you select (you can even select three of the same seafood) and he can make it for free.
Frenzy Rod (Untamed)
3000SP, Platinum Glasses
Rune Shotstaff Darkshine Crystal
Rune Shotstaff = Can be purchased from Sable Izolle's equipment shop, or won after the practice round of the mini-game, Shot Cube.
Darkshine Crystal = Possessed Crystal Torn Page
Possessed Crystal = Core Fragment Torn Page
Torn Page = Harvested from the Daunting Book (Discovery No. 33) in Sable Izolle
Core Fragment = Rare drops from Bat Specters in Barona Catacombs, can be stolen from Fire Elementals in Strahta Desert Ruins. Further in the game, you can also farm this from Daybreak Shades and Mammoth Specters in the Fendel Glacier Ruins.
Decaying Sword x10
3900SP, 7800G
These are dropped by Eye of Wrath in World's Eye.
Rainbow Lens
4900SP, 9800G
Fine File All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye = Crystal Seashell Clear Core
Fine File = Hazardous Liquid Busted Blade
Crystal Seashell = These are random pick ups in Region 66 in Fodra.
Clear Core = These are uncommon drops by Mammoth Specters in Fendel Glacier Ruins, Can be stolen from the Eye of Gluttony in Ghardia Shaft.
Hazardous Liquid = Common drops of Red Slimes and Mega Stars inside the Rockgagong, or rare drops by ropers in the Wallbridge Ruins.
Busted Blade = Busted Blades are dropped by Royal Guardsmen in Barona Castle or the Dune Goblins in Strahta Desert West. If you don't have enough, you can have the mixer create it at less than 20% probability.
Heavenly Ore
6000SP, Red Chamomile
Legendary Metal Damascus Steel
Damascus Steel = Decaying Sword Dangerous Liquid
Decaying Sword = Also dropped by Ruby Weapons in the Sandshroud Ruins
Dangerous Liquid = Common drops by Equitoids and Veritoids in Bathus Citadel
Decaying Sword and Dangerous Liquid: Both materials are dropped by the Eye of Wrath enemies found in World's Eye.
Legendary Metal can be harvested from the discovery point in Lambda's Cocoon.
Black Ring
7200SP, 14400G
Dragon Scale Killer Needle
Progenitor Wyvern = Fodra (Dragon Scale, Amazing Bone) or Brightpetal Lizard in Ghardia Shaft: Center.
Sickle Spider = Fodra (Killer Needle)
White Ring
8500SP, 17000G
Sharp Fang Amazing Bone
Amazing Bone = Progenitor Wyvern, Fodra. Rare drops of Brawler Bears in Untrodden Snowfield
Sharp Fang = Progenitor Lizard, Fodra or Inferno Beetle in Uncharted Sandstretch
Middy Blouse (Olden)
9900SP, Ancient Khakkara
Misty Blouse Formless Crystal
Misty Blouse is available from the Telos Astue shop
Formless Crystal = Hazardous Liquid Rare Metal
Hazardous Liquid = Common drops of Red Slimes and Mega Stars inside the Rockgagong, or rare drops by ropers in the Wallbridge Ruins. Later on, you can also farm these from the ropers in Fendel Mountain Pass.
Rare Metal = Can be harvested from the discovery inside Snowshroud Ruins
Emperor's Claw x3
2200SP, Platinum Dualblade
These are rare drops by Thunder Beetles in Fendel Highlands and Fendel Borderlands.
Research Sample
3000SP, Book of Holy Water
After talking to Poisson in the Overseer's Chamber and before activating the warp out, you'll find a marked NPC by the gate. Talk to him to activate this quest. Go back to Pascal's house and examine the floating star there to obtain the request item. This will also unlock Cheria's Only Child title. Turn it over to complete the request.
Gauss's Seal
3900SP, 7800G
Head to the Fendel Research Laboratory and take the elevator near the entrance to B5 (Fourier's room). Exit through the door to the south then go to the right. If you haven't triggered the sub-event here, you'll find a floating star. Otherwise, enter the room and examine the barrels at the back to get this seal.
Kurt's Pendant
4900SP, 9800G
Head to the boss room of the Fendel Glacier Ruins and there should be a new opening to the left. Continue following the path and loot the items until you reach a tomb. Examine the floating star for a scene. You'll get the request item afterward, as well as Malik's Unable to Die title and his Abyssal Vestments armor.
Telos Astue
Working Gear x3
200SP, Curse Charm
You can steal these from Braying Golems and Sapphire Weapons inside the Snowshroud Ruins
420SP, 840G
Strong Bone Fancy Fur
Strong Bone = Strong bones are random pickups in Strahta Desert East. Later in the game, these are common drops by Scrapper and Brawler Bears in the Untrodden Snowfield.
Fancy Fur = Rare drops by Strahtemes in Mt. Zavhert, Fendel Highlands and Fendel Borderlands
Egg x12
660SP, 1320G
If you're short at this point, just reproduce some using the mixer. It has a high production percentage anyway.
Chocolate Pudding
940SP, 1880G
Pudding Chocolate
Pudding = Milk Egg
Chocolate = can be harvested from the chocolate fountain in the Amarcian Enclave.
1240SP, 2480G
Scale Seashell
1560SP, 3120G
You can buy one in the Katz Korner shop at LV4 stamp.
Soul Orb
1910SP, Rosemary
You should have plenty of this now so you can just hand this over.
Green Scarf
2290SP, Magic Carta No. 88
This is found in a chest in the Untrodden Snowfield, beside the same chest where you can get the Rune Anklet.
2690SP, 5380G
Unless you used all of them previously, you should have at least one in your inventory as this is a rare consumable.
Strahteme Horn
3120SP, 6240G
These are common drops by Strahtemes along the Fendel Borderlands.
Heavenly Garb (Fabulous)
4060SP, 8120G
Rare Blouse Soaring Crystal
Rare Blouse = Torn Page Pretty Feather
Pretty Feather – Drops by Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West
Torn Page – Harvested from the large book in Sable Izolle
You can get the Rare Blouse by winning Trial No. 9 (LV65) Battlestars Aquatica in the Trials of Graces menu.
Fleshblood Ribbon
5100SP, Mythril Knives
Can be acquired as a ribbon after completing the request “Anonymous Seeds x3” in Sable Izolle.
Spice Set x3
This is available in any turtlez merchant by raising their stamp level. (LV7 or 8)
Masklike Object
7490SP, Red Rosemary
Bone Key Spirit Mask
Bone Key = Whirling Seashell Strong Bone
Whirling Seashell = Dropped by Granitose in the Strahta Desert or Basaltoise in the Fendel Mountain Pass, or through random pick-ups in the same areas where you can find them.
Strong bones are random pickups in Strahta Desert East.
Spirit Mask = Fine Wood Pretty Feather
Fine Wood = rare drops by Treants
Pretty Feather – Drops by Desert Eagles in Strahta Desert West
Violent Crystal
8840SP, Danzo's Gauntlets
Legendary Metal Torchflame
Legendary Metal = Harvested from Discovery No. 73 Heart of Stone in World's Eye.
Torchflame = Harvested from No. 41 Ancient Embers inside the Strahta Desert Ruins
10300SP, 20600G
Cantarella = Killer Needle Secret Seed
Killer Needle = Dropped by Sickle Spiders in the Humanoid Research Center
Secret Seed = Dropped by Elder Treants and stealable from Filifolia Sprites in Route 33 in Fodra.
Replacement Part
2290SP, 4580G
After attaching the dessir bit to the shuttle and before leaving, you can talk to Psi inside the living quarters in the basement. Examine the floating star beside the stairs going to the shuttle bay and defeat the humanoid to get its replacement part.
Drive Unit
3120SP, 6240G
This is found in B1 south of the Humanoid Research Facility. You can find it along the way while exploring it as part of the story. It's inside the first room after leaving the lift. Examine the floating star inside the room for a sub-event to get Hubert's title and you'll also get this at the same time.
Broken Brooch
4060SP, Crablettes x1
This is found in Region 66 on your way to Bathus Citadel. The floating star to trigger the sub-event related to this request item is along the road so its really impossible to miss.
Data Recorder
5100SP, 10200G
The dungeon's layout is now different from before. From the shuttle, go to the right, then enter the room to the southeast to find a red chest. Open it to get a Book of Audacity. Enter the hole then go left twice. You'll find a chest to the south containing Rare Tunic. Examine the floating star for an event. You'll obtain the request item: Data Recorder. Sophie will gain her Version 6.1 title.
Katz Korner
230SP, Magic Carta No. 89
Core Dust Nameless Seed
Core dusts are random pick ups as well as common drops by Dusk Shades, Rat Spectres and Bat Spectres inside the Barona Catacombs, while Nameless Seeds are common drops by various types of low-level Mandragoras.
Sharp Claw
480SP, 960G
Sharp Claw - Rare drop by Cave Raptors in Wallbridge Ruins
Tanned Leather
770SP, Lavender
Fur Wood Chunk
Fur = Dropped by Bears, Wooly Boars and Eagles in North, East, West Lhant Highroad and North Barona Road.
Wood Chunk = Dropped by Treants in Gralesyde Highroad.
Peach Parfait
1080SP, 2160G
Peach White Wine
Miso x2
1430SP, 2860
Miso – Can be harvested from Discovery No. 66 Giant Tub in Telos Astue. Can be purchased from Telos Astue stores by increasing its stamp level.
1800SP, Rare Tunic
Inside a chest in Snowshroud Ruins. (Check the main walkthrough for the directions)
Kitchen Knife
2210SP, 4420G
Busted Blade Working Gear
Busted Blades are dropped by Royal Guardsmen in Barona Castle or the Dune Goblins in Strahta Desert West. If you don't have enough, you can have the mixer create it at less than 20% probability.
You can steal these from Braying Golems and Sapphire Weapons inside the Snowshroud Ruins
Fly Lure
2640SP, Magic Carta No. 90
Rusted Nail Feather
Stone Clock
3100SP, 6220G
Quarry Stone Broken Gear
Quarry Stones = Dropped by water elementals in the seaside cavern
Broken Gear = These are found randomly. Try to reproduce it via eleth mixer
Seafood Curry
3600SP, Red Lavender
Seafood Curry = Seafood Set Curry
Curry = Veggie Set Spice Set
These are available from turtlez merchants by increasing their stamp level. You'll initially get three Spice Sets by talking to the scholar to the right of the Carter in Sable Izolle while you can get the Veggie set by trading a carrot, potato and onion to the chef near Sable Izolle's inn.
There's a kid in the nearby shack, outside the inn in Velanik that can create a seafood set by giving him three kinds of seafood. It doesn't matter what you select (you can even select three of the same seafood) and he can make it for free.
Baronan Blades (Cool)
4680SP, 9360G
You can buy this from Lhant's equipment shop.
Elegant Feather x3
5880SP, 11760G
This is found as random pickup item in Glacier Road. Also dropped by Tempest Harpies in Ghardia Shaft or Auger Beaks in the Uncharted Sandstretch
Winner's Trophy
2640SP, 5280G
Complete the final challenge in the Shot Cube mini-game in the Amarcian Enclave to get this request item. For the solution, check the video below.
Liquisilk Fabric
3600SP, 7200G
Check the chest behind the drained water valkines in Strahta Desert Ruins. After turning over this request, a sub-event will trigger. Hubert will earn his Modern Youth costume title.
Pearl Windthread
4680SP, 9360G
From Barona Castle's lobby, keep going right until you reach a corridor going up. Go up then left twice until you reach a corridor with two kids and another hallway going up. Go up then head left to find a new unopened chest. Open it to get the request item: Pearl Windthread. Cheria will get her Innocent Maiden costume title after the scene.
Shark Fin
5880SP, 11760G
Enter the resort area using the door to the left. Check the shark floater to the right of the pool to find the request item Shark Fin. You'll get Pascal's Scarlet Vestments after the scene.
Once you finished the game, you have the option to start New Game or continue with the Future Arc. Starting in New Game allows you to carry over some data to your new save file. Your grade will depend on how well you performed in the previous save file, such as completing requests, titles acquired, highest combos performed, number of book entries, etc.
Take note that Grades don't carry over per playthrough. If you have excess grade left, it won't be added to your total grade the next time you start new game again. The categories which you are graded are found below:
Clear Bonus
Based on the number of times you have completed the game
Skill Bonus
Number of skills you have learned during your gameplay.
Book Completion Bonus
Number of books you have completely filled during play.
Combo Bonus
Highest combo you have performed.
EX Dungeon Bonus
How far you managed to get into Zhonecage.
Unyielding Bonus
Complete the game without anyone getting KO'd.
Save the Gels Bonus
Complete the game without using any gels.
Title Bonus
Bonus based on the number of titles you have acquired.
Arte Usage Bonus
Bonus received for any artes used 9999 times during play.
Side Quest Bonus
Based on the number of sidequests completed.
Technical Bonus
Based on the number of tech bonuses you earned during gameplay.
Speed Bonus
Based on how many hours it took for you to complete the game.
Exterminator Bonus
Based on the number of Soul Orbs you acquired during gameplay.
Enhancement Bonus
Based on the number of armanents you have enhanced to their maximum level.
The list of bonuses you can purchase with your grade and their corresponding costs are found below:
Inherit Titles (30)
Inherit all titles to the adult portion of the story.
Inherit Skills (2500)
Inherit all the skills you've learned.
Inherit Gald (270)
Inherit half of your current gald.
Inherit Arte Usage (50)
Inherit the number of times you've used each arte.
Inherit Eleth Mixer (70)
Inherit the current eleth and item capacity and have access to it from the start.
Inherit Stamps (30)
Inherit all stamps you've received from all stores. Very convenient as it allows you access to each store's hidden inventory from the start!
Inherit Books (10)
Inherit the data from all your books.
Inherit Battle Items (60)
Inherit all your combat-use items. (Hourglass, All-Divide, Elixir, etc)
Inherit Shards (90)
Inherit all your unused shards.
Inherit Herb Bonuses (70)
Inherit all bonuses acquired from using herbs (Verbena, Savory, Camomile, etc)
Trade EXP for Gald (50)
Exchange all your EXP for half a gald each.
Double Experience (90)
Earn twice experience in normal battles. This is stackable with 5x Experience
5x Experience (400)
Earn five times experience in normal battles. This is stackable with 2x Experience
Half Experience (10)
Earn half experience in normal battles. Cannot be used with the other two Experience bonuses.
Double SP (200)
Earn twice the usual SP in battle.
Triple SP (1000)
Earn three times the usual SP in battle.
Mastery Bonus (20)
Earn twice the usual SP for titles you have mastered on your previous playthrough. Stackable effect with Double SP.
Double Item Drops (120)
Doubles the chance to receive dropped items from enemies.
Upgrade Eleth Mixer (50)
Increases the odds that your mixer will generate consumable items.
Dualize Discount (100)
Dualize cost -25%.
Expand Inventory (100)
Allows you to carry up to 30 of each consumable item.
Maximum Speed (50)
Increases field movement speed
Chain Capacity 1 (30)
Adds 1CC to your base capacity.
Chain Capacity 2 (250)
Adds 2CC to your base capacity.
Double Critical (30)
Doubles the critical rate for both allies and foes alike.
Double Damage (30)
Deals two times the damage to both allies and foes.
5x Damage (150)
Deals five times the damage to both allies and foes.
Double Gald (70)
Earn twice the amount of gald from normal battles.
Unlock Qualities (50)
Allows for new qualities that weren't previously possible.
Maximum Eleth 500 (100)
Increases the Eleth Mixer capacity by 500
Maximum HP 1000 (150)
Begin the game with your maximum HP boosted by 1000
Skip Childhood (10)
Start the game in the adult portion of the story.
Inherit Carta Cards (200)
Inherit all the carta cards you have collected.
It is possible to get all trophies in one playthrough although it's going to be very difficult. It is recommended to attempt getting all the trophies in New Game and purchase helpful bonuses like damage, experience, SP and gald multipliers, as well as carrying over your arte usage, titles, etc.
Some of the trophies are not complete yet as I've yet to complete the optional dungeon (Zhonecage), Future Arc and some requests as of this writing. Rest assured that I will update this guide as soon as posisble.
Like my other guides, obvious and story-related trophies won't have in-depth explanation in unlocking them. Since several trophies have the same conditions or progressions to unlock, please read the notes below:
Regarding Title trophies
Each character gets 3 trophies for learning titles. A trophy is unlocked by learning 20, 50 and 100 titles. Richard in the other hand, can only unlock 80 titles. There are several ways to unlock titles:
Story progression
Arte Usage (number of times used, two for each)
Leveling up
Character challenges
Regarding “ 60 seconds” trophies
These trophies will require you to finish major bosses within 60 seconds to unlock. This is best done in New Game after purchasing Double Critical, Double and 5x Damage. Having Double Exp, 5x EXP and Double SP will also ensure that your characters are high-leveled and has learned several skills. You can also lower the difficulty in that specific boss battle if you're having problems defeating them within 60 seconds.
Regarding “Game Clear” trophies:
You don't need to play the game in all difficulty settings. You just have to beat the last boss per difficulty setting. You can change the settings in the savepoint before facing the last boss.
Another note is that you must get these trophies before clearing Zhonecage as it will make the last boss stronger, making it more difficult to unlock these afterward.
Bronze Trophies
Title Fighter (20 Titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Asbel.
Title Holder (50 Titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Asbel.
First Flower (20 Titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Sophie.
Full Flower (50 Titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Sophie.
Entitled (20 titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Hubert.
Emboldened (50 titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Hubert.
Openhearted (20 titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Cheria.
Wholehearted (50 titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Cheria.
Training Captain (20 titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Malik.
Captain First Class (50 titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Malik.
Sobriquetian (20 titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Pascal.
Appellatrix (50 titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Pascal.
Richard the Radiant (20 Titles)
Acquired 20 different titles for Richard.
Richard the Righteous (50 Titles)
Acquired 50 different titles for Richard.
Title Master (100 Titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Asbel.
Flower Power (100 Titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Sophie.
Empowered (100 titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Hubert.
Lionhearted (100 titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Cheria.
Captain Ephinea (100 titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Malik.
Epithetologist (100 titles)
Acquired 100 different titles for Pascal.
Richard the Redeemed (80 Titles)
Acquired 80 different titles for Richard.
Childhood’s End
Completed Chapter 1.
The Lord of Lhant
Completed Chapter 2.
A Throne Reclaimed
Completed Chapter 3.
The Sands of Strahta
Completed Chapter 4.
The Infiltration of Fendel
Completed Chapter 5.
The Other Side of the Sky
Completed Chapter 6.
The Fallen Eden
Completed Chapter 7.
Game Clear: Moderate
Completed the game on the Moderate difficulty setting.
Game Clear: Hard
Completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Game Clear: Evil
Completed the game on the Evil difficulty setting.
Game Clear: Chaos
Completed the game on the Chaos difficulty setting.
Bryce in 60 Seconds
Defeated that jerk with the claw in a minute or less.
Queen Slime in 60 Seconds
Defeated the ruler of all oozes in a minute or less.
Richard in 60 Seconds
Defeated the friend who betrayed you in a minute or less.
Dispaters in 60 Seconds
Defeated the monsters Richard sicced on you in a minute or less.
Kurt in 60 Seconds
Ended your fateful battle with Kurt in a minute or less.
Silver Trophies
A Gentlemanly Triumph
Defeated a true Gentleman. Good show!
Mixer Maxed
Maxed out your Eleth Mixer by boosting its eleth capacity to 9999.
Every time you cook a dish, the eleth mixer's capacity increases. The amount it increases depends on how much the dish's cost is. As agreed and recommend in various forums (and as tested myself), the best dish for fast capacity boosting is the Miso Stew. It has a 94% HP recovery rate, provides x4 Tempering Boost and activates post-battle as long as your eleth mixer is above 50%. In case you're in the middle of dungeon-crawling and your eleth mixer goes below 50%, choose another dish that simply activates when your mixer goes below that point.
Miso Stew is created by cooking Dashi Stew Miso. Miso is one of the ingredients generated in the giant tub in Telos Astue (Discovery No.66 Giant Tub) or can be purchased from the Telos Astue shop at LV8 stamp. Dashi Stew is created by cooking Radish Egg.
Equipping the Books of Potential, Satiation and Growth will further speed up the increase of your eleth mixer's capacity while Books of Frugality, Dissolution, and Deduction will help recover some eleth to you going.
Lineage & Legacies
Completed Chapter 9. Next up: the Zhonecage! The what? Look to the skits for a hint!
Defeated the Rockgagong.
Who Were Those Guys, Again?
Defeated Veigue, Reala, and Amber.
Defeated Solomus and the Terma Ten.
One with Oblivion
Defeated Lambda Theos. Impressive!
Polycarpus in 60 Seconds
Defeated the guardian of the ruins in a minute or less.
Lambda in 60 Seconds
Defeated the materialized Lambda in a minute or less.
Fodra Queen in 60 Seconds
Defeated the Fodra Queen in a minute or less.
Gold Trophies
A Pact Fulfilled
Completed Chapter 8.
Lambda Angelus in 60 Seconds
Defeated Lambda in the final battle in a minute or less.
Platinum Trophy
True Grace
Acquired all trophies. Amazing!
This mode will allow you to tackle challenges not found in the main game. You'll be thrown against different opponents depending on your level and the reward items you win can be used in the main story. You can check out new challenges as you progress through the story.
Challenge 01:
Reward Item:
Challenge 01: Foliage Frenzy (LV4)
Reward Item: Lefty and Righty
Enemies: Filifolia Bud, Treant
Challenge 02: No More Bees, Please (LV4)
Enemies: Giant Bee, Stinger Bee
Reward Item: Grape Gel
Challenge 03: Calamity at the Academy (LV12)
Enemies: Royal Soldier, Royal Sergeant, Royal Pikeman, Cursed Bowman
Reward Item: Long Sword
Challenge 04: U-Pick Orchard of Doom (LV20)
Enemies: Applefake, Thief, Paddlista, Giant Bee
Reward Item: Apple Parfait
Challenge 05: Advent of the Four Symbols (LV28)
Enemies: Strahteme, Marbletoise, Polycarpus, Mercurius
Reward Item: Cocktail Dress
Challenge 06: Snowball Fight (LV36)
Enemies: Snow Goblin, Daybreak Shade, Blue Slime, Chirpee
Reward Item: Battle Tunic
Challenge 07: Toys in the Attic (LV44)
Reward Item:
Challenge 08: Honey, I Shrunk the Party (LV52)
Reward Item:
Challenge 09: Battlestars Aquatica (LV65)
Reward Item:
Challenge 10: Dire Wolves (LV15)
Enemies: Nova Wolf
Reward Item: Knight Armor
Challenge 11: The Three Musketeers (LV25)
Enemies: Cedric, Bryce, Victoria
Reward Item: Racy Corset
Challenge 12: Call the Exterminator (LV52)
Reward Item:
Challenge 13: The Struggle Within (LV70)
Reward Item:
Challenge 14: Head Hunter (LV75)
Reward Item:
Challenge 15: The Fake is a Lie (80)
Reward Item:
Challenge 16: Waking Nightmare (LV85)
Reward Item:
Challenge 17: Quality Slime Together (LV90)
Reward Item:
Challenge 18: Flame of the Snorkelmelon (LV95)
Reward Item:
Challenge 19: Troll with the Punches (LV100)
Reward Item:
Challenge 20: Birds of a Feather (LV110)
Reward Item:
Challenge 21: Emergency Surgery (LV120)
Reward Item:
Challenge 22: Gentlemen of Extinction (LV130)
Reward Item:
Challenge 23: Graduation Day (LV140)
Reward Item:
Challenge 24: Put up your Cakes (LV150)
Reward Item:
Challenge 25: Sisters of the North (LV160)
Reward Item:
Challenge 26: Balloon Platoon (LV4)
Reward Item:
Challenge 27: Enter the Dragons (LV175)
Reward Item: