Medal of Honor Guide

Medal of Honor Guide and Walkthrough

Unofficial Medal of Honor Guide and Walkthrough by Chris Boots-Faubert for

This is the walkthrough and guide for the video game Medal of Honor -- the newest game in the series that according to the PR material is intended to serve as a reboot that will re-establish the series as a competitive presence in the war-based FPS genre.

The game is based upon the Tier-1 Branch of the United States Special Operations Command (aka SOCOM), and largely deals with assignment to duties that largely fall outside -- way outside -- the normal missions that the military handles.  To put a fine point upon it, Tier-1 is sort of a combination of the US Army Rangers, Green Berets, and Seals, with a little bit of SAS, the Para Commandos, and the SRR -- but rather than following the morality of the military, it closer resembles that of the CIA.  In short these blokes do the jobs that are so far past what is colloquially called "Black Ops" that  it would not surprise me to learn that each of their mission reports includes a permanent exemption from the FOIA.

This game was created in part under the consultation of the very men who it portrays, so it appears that we can accept that it accurately depicts the reality of ultra-secret black-missions that are executed under the command of SOCOM.  I will say this -- of all of the military FPS games that have come out in the past ten years, this one feels the most realistic to me.

The game includes a challenging set of Achievements / Trophies, and I have taken special care to detail how you unlock them -- both in the lists contained in the Appendixes as well as in the appropriate areas of each section of the walkthrough.  There is certainly a level of satisfaction to be obtained in completing these, though a significant number are based upon online play... 

After spending two weeks with this game, playing it, and writing the walkthrough, I am confident in giving this title a solid score of 9 out of 10 with a buy rating.  I deducted a point for what I consider a somewhat abbreviated story-mode, but that was the only part of the game that I could find fault with!

I hope that you all find this walkthrough helpful, and enjoy your time playing as a member of Tier-1!

Note: The game is broken up into logical sections based upon who you are playing -- Rabbit, Deuce, or Dante, thus 1-X is Rabbit's missions, 2-X Deuce's, 3-X are Dante's, and 4-X are Brad "Hawk" Hawkins.  That should make the progression a little more easy to follow and will indicate for you who you are playing for a given mission.


1-1: First Steps (Prologue)

After you slot the game you are presented with a dark and foreboding screen and prompted to push the start button.  Doing so brings you to a fork in the road where you must choose your Game Mode -- either Campaign or Multiplayer.  Unless you have already cut your teeth on this game, the correct choice is Campaign, because that is where you are going to learn what you need to know and acquire the skills to be a Special Ops Operator.

Selecting Campaign begins the loading process, starting with a notice about the auto-save feature of the game.  Hit the action button to get past that, and you are presented with the Campaign Menu, where at the moment all that you can do is select a New Game, or select Tier 1 Mode to take a look at the Leaderboards for Campaign, which display the Top-11 Operators for each mission broken down by classification.

In the Tier 1 Menu you can view the Top Ranked Players for Accuracy, Longest Range Kill, Frozen Time, Completion Time, Headshots, Melee Kills, and Grenade Kills, all of which are broken down by mission.  Getting on that list is quite an accomplishment!

The Options Menu contains exactly what you would expect it to, but unlike most games it actually has settings you may want to alter, starting with inverting the X/Y axis and tweaking aim sensitivity.  One setting that you should alter before playing is audio -- access that menu and lower the bar settings for Music Volume and SFX Volume so that they are one or two points lower than Dialogue.  Doing so  will make it easier to hear what is being said in he game, an aspect that greatly assists in the process of immersion. 

Under the Extras Menu are selections for Movies and the Credits -- and while hardly anyone every actually watches the credits, in this case you might want to check it out anyway, because the folks at DICE used some images and background sound for theirs which are rather interesting.   As for the Movies -- the only one that is presently unlocked is the Prologue -- you need to play through the missions to unlock the rest.

From the Campaign Menu select New Game, and then pick your difficulty.  If you are an old hand at this type of game, you can safely select Hard, but if you are not, or you are even a bit rusty, you are better off selecting Medium.  If you are new to combat, Easy is the way to go!

After selecting the difficulty you are treated to the Prologue video, which has some intense action in it and nicely sets the tone for what is coming.   Tier 1 is a unique outfit that is as comfortable driving into a combat zone armed to the teeth as it is doing a HALO night drop armed with only a knife, an MP5, and a target.

As the Prologue movie plays out they are clearly talking about the events of 9/11 and what followed, and the dialogue offers you some clues as to what you are about to do.  When the movie transitions to the pair of armed pickups -- called Technicals -- and the next movie plays out until you are ambushed by Chechnyans.

After your partner does an amazing job of executing a tactical retreat by driving the Technical backwards though a building you find yourself outside, with the enemy approaching.  You are given the opportunity to invert your aim -- do so if that is a more comfortable configuration for you -- I kept mine as it is.  Now find some cover -- the B-Button will allow you to crouch -- and quickly get familiar with your kit.

A quick run-through of your options:

• A: the Action Button / Jump -- can be used to stand from a crouch
• B: the Crouch Button -- allows you to take cover.  Hit it again to stand.
• X: the Reload Button -- an important one to remember!
• Y: the Weapon Button -- hit this to change weapons.
• L Joystick: Movement
• L Joystick Push: Sprint
• R Joystick: Orientation
• R Joystick Push: Melee Attack with Knife
• RB: Throw a Grenade
• LB: Peak & Lean from cover
• R Trigger: Fire your weapon!
• L Trigger: Iron Site / Scope for aimed shots.
• D-Pad Up: Personal Sitrep
• D-Pad Down: Night Vision Scope On/Off
• D-Pad Right: Fire Select -- change from Full Auto to Single-Shot and back.
• D-Pad Left: Grenade Launcher -- You do not have one.

OK you got it down?  Excellent!  Now look on the screen and you can see a marker -- that is the direction of your partners location, so head for him but do it all stealthy and ninja in case the bad guys are close!


1-2: First In (Prologue)

It's not the size of your weapon

Mission Intro

You must infiltrate the Taliban-held town of Gardez and locate Tariq, a local elder who has valuable intel on high value targets and enemy positions in the surrounding area.

Mission Start

You will be contacted by the other string of your squad -- who are okay but are also on foot like you.  What I suggest you do is put your main weapon in single-shot mode now.  I am sure that you are good at this, but there is no sense in burning though your ammo when you do not need to, and ahead you are going to want to execute some precision shots anyway. 

My experience with street fighting and house-to-house combat is that the acoustics in a city can be really funky.  It is often very difficult to determine the direction of a single shot -- firing on full auto even in bursts gives any Tango in the area a better idea of where you are, so stick with precision shots, and try for either center mass or head shots, as they are more likely to bring a target down.

There are certain tactics that come naturally in this sort of environment -- for example Tangos are likely to use vehicles as cover.  That cam make hitting them difficult if you force your mind to stay inside the box, but a little creative thinking can usually work wonders here.  Ricochet wounds are nasty -- and really easy to inflict if a Tango is behind a car!  Just aim for a spot under the car that will send your bullet bouncing up at your target, and you will see how effective that can be -- the push cart ahead is a perfect example for use of this tactic.

First chance you get swap your shotgun for one of the enemies weapons.  Why would you do that considering that a shotgun is good for close-in combat?  Well, first, this is not a situation in which you actually want to get that close to the enemy, and second, the sound of the Kalishnakov -- like the sound of your own main weapon -- is very distinct and easy to recognize.  By using their weapon, you make it harder for distant Tangos to tell if you are the enemy or one of their men firing.

When using the enemy weapons, remember that at short range they have pretty good penetration levels -- when an enemy is taking cover behind a plywood barrier or a wall, sending a few rounds through that cover is the best way to convince them that elsewhere is a good place to be.

As you work your way through the next street and alley to complete your objective try to get used to the AK and learn how to do three-shot bursts without thinking about it.  That is your best tactic to keep from burning through your ammo, but as it is their weapon you should be able to resupply ammo easily from the downed Tangos.  Keep in mind that there are Yankees ahead (good guys) and try not to engage them.  Friendly fire is a bitch.

You will kick through a door and take out a Tango inside, at which point you should now have experienced all of the tactical commands.  Inside you will melee the power box to put the building dark, and then turn on your night vision goggles (D-Pad Down) so you can actually see.  Now crouch and move through the building taking out Tangos as you go.

In this sort of situation you want to follow the walls -- that provides you with at least one direction from which the enemy will not be attacking, so it allows you to concentrate your attention on the three directions they may attack from.   Since you do not have eyes in the back of your head that is a good tactic.  You may want to  switch to your sidearm now -- just double-tap Y. 

When clearing a building it is a good tactic to double-tap the head of any downed Tangos as you encounter them to be sure that they are dead.  That should become second nature to you after a while, and you would be surprised at how often that "dead" enemy is actually just wounded or playing possum!  Making sure that they are dead keeps you from having to experience nasty surprises, like a dead enemy popping up behind you and emptying his clip into you.

As you progress along the path you will encounter a squad-served weapon emplacement that you will need to flank -- but things go somewhat sideways.  You have to expect that to happen, a plan rarely every survives long on the battlefield.   When you exit the building you will encounter a group of Tangos on the street and nearby roof.  Use the cover -- there is plenty of it -- and take them out quickly, then advance in the direction they appeared from and head up the stairs for your first Buddy-Hoist experience.  Good on ya!

You are now reunited with the other string of operatives -- and you are heading for the house where the meet was supposed to go down.  There is an open question about your contact, Tariq, and whether he has turned on you; it is equally clear that meeting with Tariq is a trap.  But your leader is determined to capture Tariq alive, so you are going to have to spring the trap in order to attempt that.  Until you can get hold of him you will not know if he was part of the setup or a victim of it...

Well that was a surprise!  It is a good thing your partner has such quick reflexes! Your next destination is the Fort at Bala Hisar, where Tiraq has gone. 

To the Fort

At your first choke-point you will find a group of enemy waiting to ambush you.  Using the excellent cover here, take them out.  Your team will take the right side of the street, you take the left, and you will find four enemy along the way to take out, including one in a shed waiting to ambush your buddies.  A very satisfactory kill.

The main door to the fort is closed, but you have air support that you can call in to open that door for you -- and you do!  Inside there is an MMG emplacement you need to flank and eliminate, and a bunch of Tangos to kill.   You cannot leave cover here -- they have you in a well-laid cross-fire.  What you need to do is identify the fringe elements of the trap and take them out first, then work your way along the left side to cover, then flank the MMG.

At the rocks you will head to the left, where there is an entrance to the building with a pair of Tangos defending it -- one inside, one outside.  Taking the guy out who exits is relatively easy - the guy inside you may just want to shoot through the wall to speed things up! 

After the next buddy-hoist take out the running Tango then ease forward and take the Draganov Sniper Rifle that he was carrying.  Use that to begin taking out the enemy outside.  As you work your way closer to the main bunker and Tariq you will encounter a larger group of enemy who are inside the last building -- take them out and then take the door to the bunker for a freeze-time event in which you have a fraction of a second to take out the hostage taker before his head is concealed.  Just take a deep breath, draw a bead on his forehead and blow him away to unlock the Achievement / Trophy "Smooth Operator" for taking out a Hostage Taker with a Head Shot.  Good on ya, mate!

Now just climb in the back of the truck and the mission ends, unlocking the Achievement "First Incision" for completing the mission First In.


1-3: Breaking Bagram (Prologue)


Forward Air Controller Ninja Sniper

Mission Intro

With the enemy located, the key to defeating them begins with securing a former Soviet airbase as your Tactical Operations Center.  Alongside AFO Neptune and Tariq's local militia, you must penetrate the Taliban's defenses and seize the control tower.

Mission Start

After you arrive at the meeting point you have a chat with Tiraq, and he convinces you that he is on the level.  The enemy have retreated to the Valley of the Kings nearby, and they are there in Battalion force, with an estimated 500 plus effective.   It may help you to understand how you measure unit force, so with respect to this walkthrough, we use the following terms:

• Fireteam - 4 to 5 men, usually commanded by a either a Corporal or a  Sergeant.
• Squad or Crew(1) - 8 to 16 men, usually commanded by a Corporal or Staff Sergeant.
• Section or Patrol(1) - 8 to 12 men, usually commanded by a Corporal or Staff Sergeant.
• Platoon - 25 to 60 men, usually commanded by a Warrant or a Lieutenant.
• Company - 70 to 250 men, usually commanded by a CWO, Captain, or Major.
• Battalion - 300 to 1000 men, usually commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel.
• Regiment - 2000 to 3000 men, usually commanded by a Colonel.

(1) Can consist of 2 or more Fireteams.

There are larger units but the Taliban did not field anything bigger than a Regiment, and even that is arguable since it was not a cohesive unit, but a group of what would be considered Battalions that happened to be in the same place and placed under the command of a major officer. 

Into the Valley Rode the Four Horsemen

As the mission commences you find yourself riding as the passenger in a Technical that is driving through an active fire zone.  Ahead of you an A-10 Warthog banks to the right -- these are tank killers that fly low and slow and can provide incredible air support for small units, considering that they are constructed around a very large Gatling canon that shoots depleted uranium rounds.

You start this mission armed with an M60 -- a very good weapon with excellent penetration.  Your windscreen takes a hit, which can interfere with your view, so smash the rest of it out, and then deal with both the enemy on foot on either side, and the enemy-occupied vehicles on either side.  Eventually you will reach a heavily defended area, and you will dismount.  The Gun can be a difficult weapon to quickly master if you have never had experience with it before, so try to fire in short bursts rather than long, because reloading this beast takes a fair amount of time, and you do not want to be forced to do that when you are being shot at!

When you take over the mounted 50 caliber on the back of the truck concentrate on again firing in bursts so that it doesn't get away from you.  Just hit what you can and do not bother trying to track a target that is already moving past on either side, as that is usually a waste of time and effort.  When you finally dismount, take cover and begin working your way through the enemy ahead with your M60.

This is actually a fun level, and one you will want to replay later just for the novelty of its structure -- well that and the big 50 in the back of the Technical, which is a lot of fun to fire!

Mind that pit ahead -- there is a Tango below and he will shoot you in the back as you cross if you fail to take him out first.  As you work your way through the building ahead you will have the opportunity to play as FAC -- you need to take out the gate ahead and the APC.  Once you do that you are back in normal mode, and your next objective is to take out the mortar teams.

You will be in position to look down on that mortar crew -- switch to your M14 and take them out with some finesse, doing head shots for brownie points (grin).  A gaggle of Tangos will egress from the nearby building once you have taken out the crew, so concentrate on helping them make the journey to Allah now.

Up the stairs past the mortar is a Connex box with grenades if you need it -- and just past that (outside) you will find two more mortar teams to eliminate.  Work your way through the aircraft graveyard and take out the five members of the final crew and then  take out the snipers before moving through the wreckage ahead.  You will spot a gun emplacement in the center distance ahead and up -- take out the gunner there, and his AG.

Your next task is to clear out the warehouse ahead, and as you enter there will be a few Tangos on the catwalk above.  Take them out and then sweep through the warehouse and take out the resistance as you go.  A Technical will smash through the far wall -- be sure to quickly take out its gunner, since that 50 cal qualifies as a major threat.

Outside there are a variety of targets to aim for, some on the ground and some above on the catwalk where there is also a mounted gun.  After you take them out, work your way through the hanger, clearing away the resistance there, and then stack up to head outside, where you will find a new and significant threat -- a tower full of snipers and rocket launchers!

Taking them out is more a matter of patience and finesse with your weapon, but first you need a stable and safe place from which to shoot.  Find cover and use your M14 to begin taking out the distant enemy.  The team will move inside the nearby building where there is a sniper rifle that you can pick up if you need to -- I found that the M14 was perfectly sufficient for this engagement and did not bother changing to a new weapon.

After you take them out you stack up to enter the next building, and it is a bit of a Chinese Fire Drill in there, with  bad guys popping out of doors like it is a Scooby Doo Movie!  Just try not to shoot your own guys as you spray-n-pray with The Gun, right?  Through the next door you are treated to a quick CS of one of your buddies getting jumped -- and using his hatchet to deal with the Tango, and then you face a definite high mark on the list of situations to avoid -- a narrow set of stairs you cannot cover from below that you have to move up.  Fortunately you have already taken out all of the bad guys, so this is just a trip up a set of stairs!

When you get to the top head to the blown open side to play FAC again -- this is actually a fairly complicated task this time, as many of the targets are moving...

Calling in Hellfire Air Support

As this part of the mission progresses you will be presented with a variety of different targets that must be dealt with, from Technicals to T-55 Tanks and ground forces.  The manner in which you are meant to deal with them depends upon the type of target -- stationary targets can be locked on and hit with missiles or a large HE bomb, but moving targets must be dealt with using open sheaf runs.

To set up an open sheaf run you target the path line that you expect the target to follow by using the Right Trigger to initiate the targets, and then using the Right Joystick you set the direction or path of the attack.  This is the green line with an arrow point that appears in the targeting unit when you commit an attack. 

With moving targets you must judge where the target will be a few seconds after you order the attack in order to hit it -- this takes a bit of skill and experience, and can be tricky, but if you fail this mission section at any point it will simply reset you to the start so no worries, you can pick up the experience that you need now!

When the group of three tanks comes out of the hills, if you target the middle tank and select the GBU-24 you can take out two of the tanks with one bomb, unlocking the Achievement "The Sledgehammer."  Basically you have brief and limited control of the bomb as it is in the air, so you should be able to position it between two of the tanks for this double-kill.

Successfully completing this part of the mission ends the mission, unlocking the Achievement "Welcome to the TOC" for completing the mission Breaking Bagram, and triggering the next CS Movie.


2-1: Running With Wolves (Day 1)

Off-Road Airshow

Mission Intro

Infiltrate the rugged mountains surrounding the Shahikot Valley on stealthed-out ATV's.  You will encounter enemy outposts and villages along tjhe way to Observation Post Clementine.  It's there where you will rain down tactical airstrikes on enemy positions.

Mission Start

This is your first mission as Deuce, a Tier 1 Operator who belongs to the US Army's Delta Force.   Deuce is part of the Tier 1 unit AFO Wolfpack (along with Operators Dusty, Vegas, and Panther), and is the designated marksman of the unit; he always carries an M110 SASS, and an MP7A1 as back-up.  Although he is only present for two missions as a playable character, he is present throughout the game as NPC support, providing sniper and air support.  You will frequently hear his voice on the net, and he was also one of the voices that was featured in the game trailer that was widely posted online during the pre-release phase of the game.

This mission begins with you waiting near your ATV as your buddies roll up on their ATV's and, once you hear the abbreviated AAF for the most recent events and an outline for the plan for this mission, you jump on your ATV and head along the designated path, following your partner Dusty.   Use the Right Trigger to accelerate, and the Left Trigger to slow down and reverse.  The Left Joystick is your directional control, and holding the B-Button in turns initiates a power-slide. 

As you progress along the trail following Dusty he will use a stream bed that has water present as the main route.  You might find that turning on your night vision goggles helps you in spotting potential hazards ahead as you drive.

As you approach a bridge ahead of you a convoy of trucks appears and Dusty has you stop and remain quiet to let them pass without detecting you.  This happens just past your first checkpoint, so if you mess up you can reload to that.  After the brief stop you again proceed, until you reach a point just outside of a nearby village, where you dismount and proceed on foot, temporarily abandoning your rides.

As you set up on the bluff overlooking the village the other string, Vegas and Panther, will be approaching on foot from a different direction -- you will be made aware of a lookout on the wall, and using your silenced sniper rifle, you will take that Tango out with a solid head-shot from where you are positioned.  Once you do that, you will observe Vegas and Panther going over the wall,

With the perimeter clear it is time to enter the compound, so follow Dusty as he moves along the path and drops down, and then enters through an opening in the wall and begins to move through the compound.  You pass through a building to the corner of a wall, where you encounter a pair of guards having a chat -- Dusty tells you to pick one, and he will take the other.  You can use your sniper rifle here but why do that when you can switch to your MP5?  It is silenced, and really, why waltz in single-shot when you can rock-n-roll with full auto?

With those two down, continue to follow Dusty,   He directs you to clear the building your left while he takes the one on the right -- inside you will see a window overlooking the courtyard.  Take up a position there and use your sniper rifle to one-shot a guy on the tower in the distance, and a Tango walking a patrol on the wall to the right. 

Something goes wrong -- what is not clear -- but the Tangos become aware that you are there.  A handful burst through the gate and start firing.  Quickly and coolly put them down, then follow the first string as they advance through the courtyard and into the headquarters building.   Inside Vegas finds intel that indicates that things are a lot worse than you previously thought.

This is where you learn that the pogue in a suit in DC has implemented a plan that will be disastrous if it is implemented -- pay attention to the dialogue here, as it moves the plot forward.

A Little Barrett Fun

Follow Dusty back to your ATV and then follow him as he leads you.   Eventually you will reach an overlook above a small base across the valley -- you will stop and Panther will instruct you to take out the Tangos ahead.  For this you will use the Barrett M82/M107 50 caliber anti-material rifle that is strapped to your ATV. 

Now, this thing was really designed to be used to take out light vehicles, since it uses armor-piercing rounds that can easily punch through light armor, but at very long distances it is an excellent sniper rifle, if a bit heavy.

There is a long running myth that rifles that chamber the .50 caliber round -- like the Barrett -- are not legal for use against human targets.    This is complete and utter bullshit.   There is no law, Geneva Convention or otherwise, that says this, and even if there was, the JAG issued a ruling that states explicitly that it can be used on human targets, even if it is loaded with Raufoss Mk 211 rounds! 

Now having said that, I want to point out to you that I never saw this weapon used against human targets in the field, not once.  The reason is not some silly non-existent law, but rather a matter of logistics.   You use the right tool for the job, and the Barrett is the tool you use to take out lightly armored vehicles, radar cabins, parked aircraft, and command trailers, not people.  That is not to say you cannot use it against people -- it happens -- I was just never present when it happened.

For a long time Drill Instructors used to tell the marksmen to aim at the web belt or gear on a target rather than at soft squishy bits, but that was not because it is illegal to shoot a person with that weapon, it is because hitting equipment has the added effect of generating a shrapnel cone around the target!  Basically the bullet striking the kit can cause bits of the kit to explode in different directions, which increases the kill force of the strike while at the same time potentially killing or wounding nearby enemy combatants.  This is called being economical -- the bullets that this thing fires are not cheap, so you should get the best effect you can from firing one.

Now back to the mission...

There are two stationary targets and one moving target.  The stationary targets can be blocked, and in theory you should be able to take them out anyway because of the Barrett's excellent penetration power, but for some reason the game does not always think so...  You may obtain better results by aiming at your target, and not trying to kill him through the barricades here. 

With the moving target, you will need to lead him a little, like shooting clay pigeons, so that he and the bullet arrive at the same spot, at the same time.  Go ahead and re-load the last checkpoint if you do not feel like you mastered this shot, it will not hurt the game and complete familiarity with the weapon may help later in the game.

Now continue along and you will go on foot to the compound where the trucks are parked.  Stealth in, following Dusty's lead, and when you get to the area near the trucks you will wait for the patrolling guards to leave. 

OPTIONAL: While you are supposed to be stealthy and all, you can if you like drop a grenade in the middle of the five guys at the first truck to unlock the Achievement "Crowd Control" which you get for killing five Tangos with one grenade.  If you decide to do that now, you will have to fight the three other guys here but the rest of the compound will not react to this and, once you leave the general area of this truck, it is like it never happened.  You can always replay the mission later if you want to stick to how you would do it IRL.

Across the compound standing in a door is a Tango -- take him out when Dusty tells you to, and then cover him while he plants the first marker.

Next you will ninja through the base, letting the bad guys live where you can, and only killing when they block your route.   Dusty goes to high ground to provide over-watch while you plant the next beacon, and then partner to take out a patrol.  Now head to Dusty for a buddy-hoist and follow him along the path to the end where you will stop to wait for a patrol to pass.

While you are waiting, look around -- you see that set of plastic patio chairs there?  I have those chairs!  They are on my deck outside!  It irks me that the Taliban and the Tangos like the same patio furniture as I do.

Right, so watch the patrol and when they separate it is clear to make your way across the courtyard to the open door, inside of which you will find a lone Tango with his back to you.  Stealth-kill him to avoid a firefight, and then continue out the door and down to the truck, placing the marker when Dusty says it is clear. 

Backtrack along your previous path, taking out the new Tango that has entered the building, then ninja over to Dusty for a Buddy-Hoist and you will learn that there is more company coming thanks to Vegas, who is providing over-watch.

On the way out there is a minor dust-up and Dusty does a knife kill, but you make it out in an orderly way to the ATV's!

Once you are back at the ATV's mount-up and follow Dusty.  Along this path there will be several points where you jump your ATV through the air -- this is the only place you can easily earn the Achievement "Dropping Deuce" so you will want to do that here.  The easiest way to unlock it is to be sure that you (A) keep a little distance between Dusty and your ATV's, and (B) hit each of the two jumps at full speed, straight-on.  If you follow those two bits of advice, this should be cake!

If you take both jumps and, after a few seconds you do NOT unlock the Achievement, pause the game and re-load the previous checkpoint.  You do not want to hit your next checkpoint without unlocking this because otherwise you will have to play through the level again to get to this point.

At the bottom after the second jump you meet up with Panther and Vegas, and the mission ends, unlocking the Achievement "Develop the Situation," for completing Running with Wolves.


1-4: Dorothy's A Bitch (Day 1)

Do Fear the Reaper

Mission Intro

Push into the snow-capped peaks of the Shahikot on foot, take out Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters in close quarters battles, eliminate AAA Positions with he support of AC-130 gunship Reaper 31 all on the way to Dorothy, your final OP.

Mission Start

This is another one of the missions you play as Rabbit - and it starts with a brief CS in which you take out an not-so-innocent goat herder.  Sure, he did not have a weapon, but he did have a radio...  Follow the team up the hill, where you will encounter a patrol.  Hunker down and wait for the go-ahead, then take out two of the Tangos with one combined head shot, while your buddies take out the third. 

Ahead you will encounter another patrol above you -- wait them out and then track them to their base camp, where you will do a combined ambush to kill all seven Tangos.  After that, proceed to the objective, Point Dorothy.  On the way you observe the air cover that has the natives all stirred up, and you take on a defensive position full of enemy soldiers.

Once you clear out the final enemy, place a demo charge on the anti-aircraft gun here, get a safe distance away, and blow it.  Follow the team for a boost, then move along the trail until you encounter a convoy of trucks stopped ahead of you.  Use the laser designator to light them up for an air-run, and then enjoy the fireworks!  If you are wondering, yes, those were the trucks that we marked earlier!

While the fireworks are on, take a quick look over your left shoulder at the Hercules -- is it me or is that thing hovering in the air like ET's favorite ride? 

Ambush City

Ahead of you there is a small cut through which a fairly large patrol is moving -- while you will eventually obtain assistance from the Hercules you really need to handle the advance elements of this patrol yourself, so hunker down and let them bunch-up on the trial nearby, then take them out. 

Once you have taken out the advance elements you then engage the larger main body of the enemy troops -- but as you do you need to maintain your situational awareness here -- a few of the hostiles have pretty good pitching arms and a supply of grenades -- I am guessing that they are the first-string pitchers for Al Qaeda's baseball team...  Just kidding -- but mind the grenades anyway.

That Herc actually delivers very effective fire and will take out most of the foot mobiles save for the ones that have taken cover in the lee of that rock formation -- use your sniper rifle to help them on their way to meeting Alah, why don't you?  There should be a few left for you to mop-up -- hard to believe that any could have survived that attack, but there you have it.

As you move into the camp you get attacked -- and saved -- and then you move through a building and cave to discover that there is a camp nearby that was missed during the air recon.   You call in a Herc attack but there is only time for one pass -- so make sure that you get it right, right?  Take out the guards in the camp below then follow the team to the cut -- if you get lost or separated and cannot figure out which way to go, remember that up on the D-Pad is your SitRep Button -- that will show you where your bud's are, and thus where you need to be!

When you reach the bluff above you need to use the designator to become FAC and take out the targets below.  You do not have a lot of time here -- the Herc can only make one pass -- so walk the attack through the base logically.  If you do this properly you will unlock the Achievement "Fear the Reaper" BEFORE you get the message that the Hercules is going to fire its final rounds.  If you get that message and fail to take out the rest of the base below, you will fail the mission.

Targeting Hints: You are not really targeting the people, but rather the base, so make sure that you give priority to the fixed fun positions below, as well as the anti-aircraft gun, and the net-covered shelters.  Really you only need to hit the three guns and the three shelters to officially take out the base, but hey, sending rounds into the groups of Tangos is part of the fun for this mission, right?  So enjoy!

Once the base is destroyed, follow your bud into the cave and cover his back, and as you work your way out of the other end of the cave everything goes to hell all at once!

You need to support the other element of your team -- including the Herc -- which means running forward and picking up that RPG launcher, and then taking out the clusters of Tangos on the other side of the valley from you!  Be quick -- if you are slow you will fail this part of the mission, which means cause the Herc to be destroyed.  We cannot have that, now can we?

Pick up the RPG and target the pile of anti-aircraft ammunition stacked up near the hooch across from you.  It makes a really nice primary explosion, followed by some spectacular secondary boom-booms!  Don't you just love your job? 

Saving the Herc ends the mission and unlocks the Achievement "Unexpected Guests" for completing Dorthy's a Bitch.


3-1: Belly of The Beast (Day 1)

Taking out the Little Sweetheart

Mission Intro

Inserted into the Shahikot in heavy lift helicopters, you and your platoon must fight your way to the high ground and eliminate the enemy's firing positions.  It's what you do, you're Rangers!

Mission Start

The mission begins with a CS of the events at Central Command that presents an abbreviated AAR, with cut-aways to the pogue back in DC who is calling the shots.  It is not really clear who that rear echelon mother is, but it turns out that this guy is more deadly to our troops than the enemy!  For whatever reason the pogue really wants to commit the US Special Forces that have been prepping in the area but have yet to be activated -- perhaps he has a point, but ordering an attack on what ends up being a Yankee convoy is not the best way to go about getting your way.  I am just saying...

After the first CS you get a second one that depicts the Rangers being deployed into the field, complete with a fair bit of background net chatter that will fill in the plot a bit.   As they depart from the transports and begin to establish perimeter security their departing transports get blown out of the sky, and they come under attack.  Clearly the enemy was a lot closer than your briefing suggested!

The Arroyos

You are working your way up a series of arroyos -- the word arroyo is Spanish for creek, but in this case it means a dry creek bed.  Desert arroyos are lower-lying areas or channels in the land that become creeks or even raging rivers -- when there is water present -- but most of the time they are rocky cuts  in the desert.  Obviously this is  a perfect area for the Tangos to set up in -- lots of good cover with all the exposed rocks and boulders, but soft sand to dive down into when you start shooting at them.

The Tangos do a lot of blind firing to keep you pinned down -- and they are surprisingly good at this sort of shooting.  Obviously you want to target the exposed bits of their bodies when they are firing, but do not be tempted into standing up or stepping away from your cover -- yes that makes them easier to target, but it also makes YOU easier to target as well!

As you clear away the nearer enemies your squad will move forward to do a little RBF-- bear in mind that this leap-frogging does not mean that all of the enemy are dead, just the closest, so you are still under fire from the further away Tangos so don't start diddy-bopping around.   Move from cover to cover, and maximize the protection that the cover provides you.  There is no rush here, take your time, and try not to get too excited and let off long bursts into the rocks, since all you are doing is killing rocks and wasting ammunition! 

Short controlled bursts are best, using the site for elevation when you are shooting uphill, and for droppage when shooting at considerable distances.  With a little hands-on experience you will get the hang of this weapon -- it is a different feel and style with a scope than with iron sights, and it does take some adjustment in how you aim it but you should quickly get the hang of it!

The Village

Once you and your squad take out the last of the Tangos in the arroyo you are ordered to meet up with the rest of the squad in the village -- on the way there you will trigger a checkpoint save just before a blocked bridge -- move up the ramp on the left and past the destroyed tank to the the next ramp, whereupon you will enter the village for some more RBF and immediately be attacked.

Your back-up weapon is a very nice semi-auto shotgun, and this is a good place to pull that out and get familiar with it, since the distances to the enemy are just about optimal for it.  The shotgun has pretty good penetration levels with the corner edges of the sod buildings, so do not be afraid to take out the Tangos by shooting through the corners.

Do not be surprised when you shoot a Tango with the shotgun and end up blowing off limbs -- that is about what you would expect with a 12 gauge combat load!  You will be called on to take a door -- have the shotgun ready and, as soon as you kick open the door, cut loose with a single shot at about waist level to take out the two occupants of the building quickly.

Next you are tasked with moving through the upper village...  As you clear the nearby buildings you will spot a trio of Tangos behind flimsy cover ahead and above you -- the shotgun will make short work of them!  When you are using the shotgun try to remember to reload after each engagement rather than waiting to reload when the weapon is empty -- it takes a lot less time to pop in a few shells than to reload all seven, and standing there loading your shotgun while you are under fire is not fun.  Once you get into the habit of topping-off the load it will be second nature for you, and you will rarely find yourself without a nice shell to share with the Tangos.

Next you will be ordered to help clear a hut -- inside of which is a grenade supply if you need to restock yours -- as well as a fair pile of shells that the locals can use to manufacture IED's.  You will not be able to use your weapons for a bit after entering the hut -- exit the other door and move up to join your squad at the pile of rocks to complete the objective. 

The Little Sweetie

NOTE: If you want to unlock the optional Achievement for this mission you must take out the DShK in  less than 2 minutes.   I do not think that you can restart from the last checkpoint if you mess up or get killed and still get this Achievement -- if you fail to unlock it I am pretty sure that you have to restart the mission from the beginning...  I know that it sounds like taking out the emplacement in less than 2 minutes is almost impossible, but it is not. 

The timer starts when you are crouched by the wall and the request is radioed in for CAS -- when your Sargent gives your position as 150 mikes south of the target, the fire control coordinator declares that you are too far inside the Danger-Close circle for prosecution of an unmarked target.  That means you have to mark the target -- in this case with Red Phosphorous -- so again, the timer starts when the Sgt. tells you to lay down cover fire so that they can advance and mark the DShK.

If you are not familiar with the DShK -- and really unless you are a fan of antique and archaic field weapons there is no reason why you should be -- you are in for a treat of sorts.  The 1938 DShK is a Soviet-made large caliber anti-aircraft weapon, it is crew-served, and it fires a 12.7mmx108mm cartridge from a belt-feed. 

When it is used as an anti-aircraft weapon it is mounted on gimbals or a tripod,  but in the Middle East captured DShK were often converted for use against infantry as a heavy machine gun.  In that case it is usually mounted on a pair of metal wheels, and has a heavy piece of plate steel welded on the front as armor to protect the operators.

It gets its names from the initials of the original designer and the bloke who refined its loading system, but the Russian soldiers who crewed it usually called it the Dushka -- which while it is obviously a play on the proper name, literally translates as "Little Sweetie," or "Little Sweetheart." 

The Achievement we are about to unlock is called "Manic Suppression" -- and you will unlock it if you suppress the DShK in under 2-minutes.  I do not believe that the timer includes the battle from first shot to when the killing blow is delivered after you pop smoke on it, rather I think that the timer only covers the period of time used in suppressing the operators between the start of the fight and when you gather with the rest of your unit prior to calling in the strike.  Either way though, your best approach is to try to get from the first shot to the huddling phase as quick as you can!

You should not have too much trouble unlocking this Achievement -- I did it in the first try, but simply working my way towards the cover that is just past the last building on the right, killing the crew of the DShK then killing anyone who ran up to crew it, while killing or supressing the Tangos on the roof to your right. 

Once the Sgt. gets within throwing range, he will pop red smoke on the DShK, and then your rally point will appear on the situational display if you hit up on the D-Pad.  Just retreat to the cover there, and the airstrike will commence, after which the Achievement will unlock.

If you fail to complete this in under 2-minutes, I do not think you can simply reload the last checkpoint to try again -- I read on one of the boards that you cannot, rather you have to replay the entire mission, and that being the case, it would be an idea to try to get this in your first run-through, right?


After you call in the airstrike on the DShK you will be ordered to work your way through the rest of the village to the path on the other side -- before you set out to do that, make sure that you pause to reload your M60, as you likely used up a fair bit of the box you have loaded now.  Once you have reloaded that, follow your squad, and you will drop down to the lower level and approach the path, where you will be attacked by Tangos above you in the rocks.

Go ahead and take them out quickly and cleanly with your M60, then work your way along the arroyo here.  As you approach a destroyed tank you will be engaged by a pair of Tangos who like to throw grenades.  Unfortunately your squad tends to get in the way at this point, making it a bit more of a challenge to take these two out, since you do not want to shoot your buddies.  There is nothing worse than hearing one of your squaddies screaming -- in a near panic -- for you to "Check your fire!"

As you pass the tank a new group of Tangos will appear in the rocks above you to the left and right -- take them out and then follow your squaddies, using the cover that is present in the form of yet another destroyed Russian tank.  Yes, this was an area that the Russians had some bad luck in back in the day, but then, this is what history often refers to as Russia's Vietnam...

After the tank you engage another pair of Tangos then get a checkpoint save, and then move a good ways forward where you jump over a fallen-tree to complete the current objective and obtain a checkpoint save. 

LZ Betty

Your next objective is to secure the LZ -- on your way down the path be sure that you reload your M60, then follow your squad on-the-run to the hut at the end of the trail, where one of your squaddies will start to open the door, setting off a booby-trap that shakes you up pretty good as you were in the line of effect for the explosion.  One of your squaddies drags you to cover, and eventually you recover, and get back on your feet to join the fight.

There are a lot of enemy attacking in waves, and they are good shots.  Cover your squad as they retreat to the left where there is a nearby hut.  Do not diddy-bop where you are, as the enemy is setting up a mortar that you cannot see, and if you stay where you are for too long, you will be a primary DT for their attack and be  killed when they open up with the mortar.  Once your squaddies are in the hut, make a run to join them there!

Inside the hut you are shooting through the open windows -- try to concentrate on the RPG Tangos, because if one of them gets off a well-aimed shot that will cost you most of the wall of the hut you are in!  The RPG shots can easily peel away your cover and eventually the Tangos will jump in the nearby Technical and ram the building with it even if the RPG Tangos do not blow holes in it -- so when they get into the truck try to take it out quickly. 

If the truck hits the building you will be ejected out of the back -- and chances are by now the enemy has encircled your position, so you will be defending on all sides!   Your best tactic in this situation is to find a wall or rock to press your back against and just John Wayne it.  You need to hold out until you get air support -- but by now you are all running low on ammo, so be careful with your shooting and make every shot count!

Just when it looks grim and your squad is nearly completely out of ammo the cavalry arrives -- literally!    A pair of Apache Gunships comes cruising in and light up the LZ just in the nick of time!

At this point you should get the Objective Completed notice, and the gunships will finish off the Tangos in the hills, while the music plays in the background and you hear the net chatter -- the CS begins and you unlock the Achievement "Full Battle Rattle" for completing Belly of the Beast!


4-1: Gunfighters (Day 1)

Team Rocket Attack

Mission Intro

You're the front seater of an AH-64D Apache on mission with your companion aircraft, Gunfighter 11.  Together you will go "switches hot" on Taliban mortar teams, Al Qaeda RPG gunners and AA positions with the Apache's deadly arsenal of high-tech weaponry.

Mission Start

The CS from the previous mission segues from its end to the beginning of the new mission with you sitting in the gunner (front) seat of one of the Gunships, as you are now playing as Captain Brad "Hawk" Hawkins.  This is not a CS -- you are actually in control of the weapons for the Apache you are riding in!  Below you on the ground will be Tangos and Technicals you can -- and should -- shoot!

As you fly along you will see Technicals below to shoot, and eventually you will approach three different mortar sites that you need to take out.  You cannot miss the mortar sites -- you go to a gray-and-white camera mode, and spend a bit of time listening to the net chatter as you get authority to engage -- after which you can use your Hellfire Missiles by locking onto the target with LB for the required amount of time. 

After you take out the final mortar you will see a group of Technicals rip along the road and over a ridge -- I was not able to hit them with my weapons before they were out of sight...  And then you switch back into flying mode.  As you approach the village you will see the trucks -- if you actually listen to your radio traffic your spotter instructs you to take out the trucks with the canon, not your rockets -- I suspect that the idea behind that is to not take out the bridge unless you have to.

Optional Achievement:  There is an Achievement associated with this part of the mission -- if you take out 30 of the buildings using your rockets (RB -- Right Bumper) you will unlock "It takes a village... Out!" in the process.   If you read the chat boards on the official MOH site you will notice that a lot of gamers say that it is not very likely that you will get 30 buildings in one play-through, and that you will have to replay the mission on order to unlock this one -- but that has not been my experience. 

I suspect that the reason why most gamers have trouble unlocking this the first time through is that they are not actually destroying the buildings!  One hit with a rocket does not destroy the building -- it takes two -- but a good guide to go by is simple: if you see partial walls standing and the building is not smoking, you have not taken it out.

If you do not destroy all 30 buildings on your first play through no worries mate!  The count is cumulative -- so you can play through again and take out some more buildings, and then unlock this.  But you do not have to -- you can get it in one pass -- just watch the video for this section and you will see how I did it using methodical firing and tighter aim.

Back on Task

After you unlock the Achievement and swing around to the other side of the now smoking and destroyed village you will come under attack by rockets -- there are three Tangos on the hill a little to your right and in front of you who are shooting at you!  The thing is that hit you just took has partially blinded you, so you cannot see them very well...  What you want to do is start firing your canon NOW, through the smoke, ahead and a little to the right, so you take out the first guy before he can fire again.  By that time your vision has cleared a bit and you can see the other two and walk the fire into them.

If you are going to die on this mission, this is likely where it will happen.  But you do not have to die here -- just do a little spray-n-pray and then targeted shooting and you should be okay.

After you finish off the survivors in the village you will do some nap-of-the-earth flying and take out some more mortar emplacements as well as some anti-aircraft emplacements and an ammo dump at a small camp on a mountain top.

Using a combination of rockets, canon, and Hellfire, you will easily engage and destroy these bad guys, but try to remember that only the Hellfire will take out the bunkers and fixed gun emplacements -- the cannon is only good for the Technicals, the tents and ammo dump, and of course the Tangos.  The final target near the camp is an anti-aircraft emplacement -- and as this is the second place that you are likely to die in this mission if you are not quick about engaging the enemy!  Your best strategy here is to use your rockets in controlled, well-aimed two-shot burst-mode, which will allow you to suppress and then destroy the AA gun.  I know, technically that should have taken a Hellfire, but there you have it.

Once you take out the AA the mission ends, unlocking the Achievement "Bad Guy Jamboree" for completing Gunfighters.  As mentioned above, if you did not unlock "It takes a village... Out!" this time through, you may want to replay the mission immediately to get that out of the way, otherwise watch the CS of the end of this mission and then the beginning of the next... 

The checkpoint save is really oddly placed here so to be safe if you are playing through to rack up a building count, go ahead and play past the CS before reloading the mission, but really if you took your time and worked the rockets you should have unlocked that one already.


2-2: Friends From Afar (Day 1)

An exercise in efficiency - 1 shot, 1 kill

Mission Intro

The previous night's airstrikes were a success, now you and Dusty move higher up the mountains to hunt dug-in Al Qaeda fighters.  Conceal your movement and watch your noise discipline, or the hunter will become the hunted.

Mission Start

First, I have to say that this is my favorite mission in the game -- for reasons that will become obvious in a few moments...

This is the second -- and final -- mission as Deuce, who is without question a very capable operator.  The mission starts with you as the spotter for a sniper team, taking out the gunner on an AA emplacement.  You know, it is normal for us to feel good about seeing a shot like that made, but were you paying attention to the terrain we were flying over?  Do you have any idea what a bitch it must have been to get that gun up there and assembled, let alone hauling up all of the ammo for it?!  Almost makes me feel bad for the Tangos. Almost. 

When you resume control you are the sniper, and there are some Tangos across the valley that need killing.  This is an intense example of positioned sniping, not really realistic but damn good for  a video game!  You will take out three tourists doing their laundry and a sniper who is starting to scope in on your position, then pull out to the left for another four targets of opportunity.  I must confess this area is a target-rich environment! 

Optional Achievement: If you are not aware, as usual there is an Achievement associated with this mission -- in this case you need to target each of the main body parts with a single shot: head, torso, arms, legs.  Now I know it does not make a lot of sense to shoot at an arm or a leg when you are prosecuting targets but you can still set those up as kill-shots and earn this Achievement! 

When shooting the leg, target a crouching Tango so that you send your shot through the upper leg and into the lower torso, which is almost a center-mass shot so it should kill.  For the arm, target a Tango standing in profile so that you send the round through his upper arm, side, lung-heart-lung, and out the other side for a definite kill.  I don't have to explain the head or chest, since those are our usual points of aim anyway, though to be honest going for a head-shot at this range is kind of ballsy!

To the right is a mortar team setting up -- you may want to be efficient at taking them out because if they spot your location they could make things awful uncomfortable for you!  As you take out this team you should unlock the Achievement "Like a surgeon" for hitting the four body parts -- good on ya mate!

Back on Task

Take out a final sniper to reach your objective, and then you will see some automatic weapons fire flashes from across the valley and high up on the hill.  Before you can really do anything about that though, someone sets off one of your tripwires -- you are not alone on this hill mate! 

The incursion is in front of you -- and you will hold your position and defend until they trip your last trap, after which you will follow your partner to higher ground and defend.  The enemy has grenades and knows how to use them, so be efficient in taking them out quickly.  I used the sniper rifle simply because it is faster and kills quicker than your back-up weapon, even though it fires in burst-mode.

After you take out the skirmish line you move up to search the bodies for intel -- and you learn that these are tourists, not locals.  Dusty spots a blood trail and you follow it to a wounded insurgent -- and wait for his buddies to show up and help him.  This is your classic ambush firefight, and you should use whatever weapon you are most comfortable with, but do not forget that double-tapping Y will arm your pistol!  If you have yet to unlock the pistol kills Achievement this might be a good time to do that.

After the fight you will move to an over-watch position above another camp, and Dusty has you snipe all four targets, after which he marks the camp with smoke for a fast mover delivery, and you continue up the hill.  While you are working your way up you overhear radio chatter that paints a fairly grim picture -- for the enemy that is. 

Assist the Rangers

As you approach the ridge line you will see a large group of enemy below, trying to take out a small group of friendlies.  The friendlies are high, the Tangos low -- so after you deploy your sniper rifle and get comfie start taking out the bad guys!  It will really help in spotting and targeting if you turn on the heat mode for your scope, as that will highlight the targets as white ghosts in your scope, making it a lot easier to see them.  Bear in mind that you are about a mile from the targets, which means there is a two-heartbeat delay from when you fire to when the bullet actually arrives.  This means that you must lead any moving targets, and that stationary targets are probably a better bet.

You should give priority to the RPG Tangos as they present a greater threat to the friendlies, and it would be an idea to prosecute the targets from the rear forward so as not to make them aware that there is a sniper team operating to their six. 

Basically you need to keep the friendlies alive for a certain amount of time and then they will retreat up the ridge line, working the retreat as an RBF drawing out more enemy that you can shoot, but their retreat signals the end of this mission, and the unlocking of the Achievements "Friends from Afar" for competing the mission and "Have a Good One" for completing Deuce's final mission.

This mission closes with a brief CS that serves as a sort of AAR...


1-5: Compromised (Day 1)

The M-60 in Concert

Mission Intro

In the southern end of the Shahikot, Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters take the bait and walk into your irons as you draw them closer with tactical fallback maneuvers.

Mission Start

This is Rabbit's fifth mission -- and it begins with a brief CS that should reveal that you are the unit that Deuce was supporting in the last mission.  Also, your situation is not so good -- you have a large group of insurgents in pursuit as you make a strategic retreat through some pretty rough terrain.  The brief CS that opens this mission (or transitions it if you are continuing from the previous mission) has you taking shelter behind a fallen tree.  The enemy is not far away at all, but you may find that using your scoped rifle is a bit more effective at taking them out than using your assault rifle if only because the scope allows you to spot the enemy in the distance easier.

Eventually enough time will pass -- or you will kill a sufficient number of attackers -- and you will be prompted to fall-back to the smoke marker.  Just follow the path that the rest of the team is on behind you until you reach the next rally point, where you can once again take shelter -- this time in some ruins that are backed by boulders -- and defend your position as best you can. 

Eventually your ride out of here will arrive -- a large utility helicopter -- and you will be directed to proceed to the LZ, which as you see when you arrive happens to be previously occupied by Tangos!  But the crew of the chopper do a pretty good job of making the LZ safe, at least from Tangos.  Sadly the wind is a bit too brisk to permit the chopper to sit down here and pick you up, and once your Sargent realizes this, he does a wave-off and orders the chopper to the next LZ site on the map.  That means that you need to re-position, so follow the team!

After the chopper flies off proceed ahead to the ruined hut and out its back door, dropping down into a wash and running in the direction of the chopper where you will find another ruined hut.  Pause here to pull out your target designator and target the hut you just left a few moments ago to take out the now grouped-up enemy who are occupying it.

Once air support delivers its load your Sargent realizes that it was not enough, and pops smoke to call in a heavier bomb, and you immediately continue your retreat towards the alternate LZ by doing a buddy-hoist up the rock ledge behind the ruins -- and just in time too!  A nice large bomb drops very close to the hut you were just in, leaving you stunned and bleeding from your ears, but still alive thanks to your buddy.

Fun with the M60 & a Bit of its History

Unfortunately as a result of pulling you up he dislocated his shoulder, which means he cannot carry and use his M60 at the moment, so you -- yes you! -- Rabbit, are tasked with carrying and using that very lethal weapon!  You are probably expecting to read that there is a miss-able achievement associated with this mission -- and there is!  Not only that, but it relates to this fine high-caliber weapon that you have now acquired for your shooting pleasure!  The Achievement is called "Feeding the Pig" and to unlock it you need to perform 15-kills with the M60 (that being the Pig) before that part of the mission ends. 

An Introduction to the M60 Machine Gun:  The M60 was first widely introduced to active military use in the US Army and Marine Corps in 1957, where it was designated the USMG 7.62-M60 by NATO, and simply the M60 by the Army and Marine Corps.    Development of this weapon began in the late 1940's, when it was envisioned as a crew-served weapon as part of the squad-level TOE.   Its development, design, and engineering are actually based upon a mixture of two German crew-served machine guns from World War II: the air-cooled Maschinengewehr 34 (MG34), and its sister, the Maschinengewehr 42 (MG42).   While it was intended to replace the Model M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), the final design ended up filling several critical roles in squad strategy for modern warfare.

The primary features that made the MG34 and MG42 unique were their air-cooled quick-change barrels and a belt feed mechanism that made use of what is called disintegrating belts -- ammunition belts that are created by using a special mill machine that connects the rounds using small lightweight metal clamps that disintegrate (fall apart) as the spent casing is ejected, thus removing the need for a second Assistant Gunner (AG) for the weapon. 

Prior to the introduction of this new style of belt this class of machine gun used either drums or cloth belts, making it necessary to have two AG's -- one to load and feed fresh belts, and another to hold and clear the spent belts, and clear the frequent jams.  In addition to being faster to load, the disintegrating belts did not have the moisture weaknesses of the cloth belts, and thus was less prone to snagging or jamming in the weapon.

Bear in mind that the M60 was first widely deployed during the period when tactics for the DMZ separating North and South Korea were in the process of being defined, and this weapon played an important role in the establishment of the basic tactics of squad-based patrol security still in use today. 

In a nutshell, the M60 is a squad-served weapon: every member of the patrol or squad usually carries a pair of ammo belts and a spare barrel for it, in addition to their regular load, while the M60 Gunner and his AG carry a heavier load of ammo and redundant service kits and tool for it.  That pretty much completes your introduction to the M60!

Back on Task

From your position outside of the village prior to dropping down among the rocks you can easily pick off the first ten kills that you need for the Feeding the Pig Achievement -- after which simply drop down and head to the partial wall nearby, and then aim around that to the right and put a two-round burst through the wall on the right-side of the door to the nearest hut to kill the Tango hiding there.  Then aim at the center of the car hut on the right at about waist-high, and fire off a two-round burst to kill the Tango hiding there and thereby unlock the Achievement.  Good on ya!  Now that was easy!

With that little bit of side-work out of the way, and confident in your new understanding of the vaunted M60, that Swiss Army Knife of he squad support weapons, you can now move forward with a new-found swagger and the certain sureness that you have mastered the weapon, fully grok its penetration power, and are a warrior to be feared by the insurgent tourists and the local Taliban as well.  Okay, maybe that is all in your head, sure, but that and some Megadeath on your iPod and you will feel every bit the modern video game warrior!

 Now that you do not need to worry about counting coup, go ahead and work your way through the village with your buddies, taking out targets of opportunity of which there are plenty, until you are told in no uncertain terms to retreat forward to the bird.  Yeah, I know, when you are moving forward that is not really falling back, but look at it like this: it is a strategic advancing retreat.  Yeah.

Well the Bird Bird Bird, The Bird is the Word

On the other end of the village along the edge of the cliff is where the bird has laid down its loading gate and is waiting for you.  You are ordered to man the MMG mounted on the read of the hatch on the bird -- so do that now!

As you fright from the back of the bird no matter how well you do with the MMG the bird will eventually take a hit from an RPG, damaging one of the engines and force the bird to abandon the LZ with only half of the squad on board.  That is how this particular mission is supposed to conclude.

When you report back to AHQ and provide your AAR to the CO you learn that you will be sent back into the LZ because -- and this is simple enough to easily grasp -- you do not leave men behind!  As the CS fades you unlock the Achievement "Cliffhanger..." for completing Compromised.


1-6: Neptune's Net (Day 2)

Masters of the Ninja Art

Mission Intro

Two of Neptune's team members are left on the mountain.  You ignore the order to return to base and reinsert at night on top of Takur Ghar to get your men back.

Mission Start

You are once again playing as Rabbit -- and as you learned after giving your AAR the CO wants us to go back in and retrieve the rest of our squad -- or their bodies if they are already dead -- from the previous DZ.  I don't know about you but personally I think that those idiots should have been right behind us getting on the bird, and as far as that goes, the stick jockey flying the bird had no business putting it in hover mode until they were on board anyway!

As you arrive at the DZ your ride is targeted by insurgents on the ground, and as you are taking fire Mother jumps out, whereas you end up falling out! 

On the ground you are hurt but not dying; nearby is a large force of insurgents and the bird is taking serious damage.  It is not going to make it back to base, I am sad to say.  Those things are not cheap either, I hope this is not going to come out of our pay!

During the fall we lost our weapons save for our combat knife.  We have our radio and comm set, but it is not working as well as it usually does, and our partner is nowhere in sight.  First thing you should do is take cover and crouch down so that you make less noise as you move.   We are going to need to acquire some kit, which means a few ninja kills are the order of the day!

Speaking of ninja kills -- there is an optional Achievement we can unlock in this mission called "The Scalpel" that you get for completing 20 knife-kills.  You should already have four or five so really we only need around 15 or 16 to unlock this...  So what are you waiting for?!  Let's go stab some insurgents!

Make Like a Ninja

First turn on your NVG's  (Night Vision Goggles); they took some damage in the fall but they are still better than trying to spot targets in the dark!  Because they are so spotty the best way to use them is to scope out the area ahead, then turn off the NVG's until you reach the next logical pause spot, and turn them on again to scope out the area ahead.  Rinse and repeat to make your way along the path without failing to spot a Tango.

Be aware that that optional for this one is called "The Quiet Professional" and is awarded for taking out 13 enemies without any being alerted.  That is a little hard because you cannot make mistakes, but it is doable.

Hit the SitRep button to locate our first checkpoint marker and then follow the path in that direction, being all Ninja Indian silent.  As you round one of the bends you will notice that the path appears to end.  Well, it does not end -- turn around and look to the right side and you will see that a narrow tunnel leads to a guard post, with a Tango standing below with his back to you.  Stealth up to him, hold the Right Trigger and push the Right Joystick (RT RJ) to stealth-kill this guy, then take his weapon.

Yes, in theory you could have just used your silenced pistol -- it has infinite ammo after all -- but then you would not be racking up any knife-kills towards the Achievement, so this way is better.

Set your pistol as the active weapon so you do not accidentally pop off a non-silenced round, then proceed up the trail, checking with your NVG's as you move from cover to cover.  As you round the bend ahead if you are not using the NVG's you may miss the Tango standing on the left by the trees -- but he is there.  Sneak up on him and stealth-kill him now.

Because you only have one weapon in addition to your sidearm you can pick up that AK but of you do your ammo will be split between the two.  It is your call...  As you follow the path you will notice a pair of Tangos ahead -- while it would be nice to kack them both silently, that is not going to be easy, so this is one of the times when you may want to quickly dispatch them with your silenced pistol -- or if you are like me, you can stealth-kill the bloke on the right and then stab the one on the left three or four times, causing him to fall down the cliff.

Obviously you only get stealth-kill credit for the first one, but the point is that you DO get that credit for the first one.  Now follow the cliff face to the left of where they were standing and you will receive a call from Mother telling you that a patrol is coming and that you should NOT engage them.  Just take cover and wait until they come down the cut, stand around for a bit, and then head back up.  You will see the hand torch one is carrying before you actually see them, and as long as you stay still and do not play silly-buggers they will not see you.

You may be tempted to stealth-kill the tail-end Tango and, well, you might get away with that, but probably not.  If you are detected you end up having to fight a half-dozen Tangos who, had you not been detected, might have ended up being stealth-kill statistics for you...  It is, as I say, your call.

After the patrol leaves you need to be very stealthy as you proceed.  To your immediate left and above you is a pair of Tangos, and to the left ahead is another above where the trail turns left.  You cannot stealth-kill both of a pair of course, because one will hear and see what you have done to the other...  And yell.  Once they yell the other pair of Tangos will start shooting, which will raise the alarm with the pair that is further down the path and that you cannot see from where you are at the moment.  Nice situation, eh?

The easiest way to handle this is to quickly take out the first pair by double-tapping both in the head so that they cannot raise the alarm.  Do the same to the second pair, then using your NVG's take out the final pair from above the trail.  Once you do that you get another radio contact with Mother.

You will reach a steep slope ahead that you have no choice but to slide down -- and when you get to the bottom you discover that you have slid right into a group of Tango's!  Before you can do more than clench your butt cheeks Mother steps out of the shadows and kacks them all.  Thank you Mother!

Now you have your own weapon back, as well as the AK or G3 depending, and Mother is back in the lead position!  Ahead there is a camp and a large group of tourists -- this will get a little messy but if you are smart about who you shoot first, you can shorten the nasty a bit.

The simple way to do this is to take cover at the first place Mother stops after he heads above and to the right to act as over-watch.  A single Tango patrols up the path past you on the right -- when he passes stealth-kill him and then quickly take cover as another is about to patrol up from the left side of the zone, but when he reaches the path as long as he does not see you he will turn to his left and head in the direction of the fire.

As soon as he does that, head back up the path that the one you just stealth-killed was on and ninja along until you see a Tango by a rock ahead on the path.  Stealth-kill him.  While you are setting up for this kill Mother has probably taken out two or three of the Tangos on the other side of the camp.  Eventually they are going to find one of these bodies, and then the shit will hit the proverbial fan, so what you really want to be doing is taking them out as fast as you can to make the opposing force smaller once they do go on alert!

From where you are now you should have an easy head-shot at the bloke patrolling the nearby arch -- so go ahead and take him out, which should leave between three and four targets depending upon how well Mother has done on his side, so after you take out the guy on the arch use your SitRep button to get an idea of where Mother is, and where the Tangos are.  That way when they alarm, you know which direction to shoot in :)

Eventually a body gets found -- whether that is before or after you take out another Tango is really the only question -- but once Mother calls for you to go loud, just kill the remaining Tangos quickly, then follow mother as you begin the search for your missing buddies.

The Search for Preacher and Voodoo

This starts with a Buddy-Hoist followed by a snow-slide down the hill and a short crawl along the creek bed to safety under the bridge.  Mother tells you not to shoot -- to let them pass -- so you do, and then you start following them, as Mother thinks they might lead you to the missing men.

The path splits ahead -- mother takes the upper path to the right, you take the lower path to the left, and as you follow that around, you will encounter two guards.  You kill the one on the bridge, Mother takes out the other, and then you continue along the path to the bridge and climb up, heading to your right to hook up with Mother again, who is squatting very close to a pair of Tangos.  He tells you to pick one -- you do -- and now there are two less Tangos in the world!

Mother sprints off up the path -- so follow him -- and you will take out another trio of Tangos as you make your way along the path.  You will split again, with Mother taking the high path and you crawling through a narrow tunnel and come out into a trap!  An entire large patrol of Tangos is waiting for you -- Mother tells you that they are not going to shoot you -- that they want you as a prisoner... 

When Mother starts firing immediately turn off your NVG's and run along the path past the enemy until you have good cover, then turn around and start picking off the ones you can see.  Work your way carefully around the side of the hill taking out Tangos as they enter your sights.  The enemy starts popping parachute flairs and panic-firing -- so make use of that and aggressively prosecute any targets you can acquire.

If you use the crest of the hill as your cover you basically have the high-ground.  Mother is at the rocks below and to your right -- which while it is not a great shooting position will cause the enemy to expose themselves on the slope to get a shot at him, which allows you to take them out like it was a shooting gallery!

Once you take out the final target Mother will call Clear -- and then tell you to follow him.  Do that and try to stay close to him as you head up the hill, where you can see the downed helicopter in the distance.  Mother makes radio contact, then you do a Buddy-Hoist for a checkpoint save, then continue up the mountain. 

Mother finds a hut, and inside are bodies that show the definite handiwork of Voodoo -- notice the hatchet sticking out of one of the bodies necks?  Mother grabs the hatchet and then you are attacked.  You are for all intents and purposes screwed.  You are downed, and Mother grabs you and starts dragging you out -- you need to use your pistol to take out the pursuing Tangos as he drags you through a hole -- and then stops to check your damage.

You are trapped and there is no other way out so you jump off the cliff right into the hands of the enemy.  Oh man.

The mission ends with a fade to black and you unlock the Achievements "S.E.R.E." for completing Neptune's Net, and "Never Quit" for finishing all of Rabbit's missions. 

The mission-end CS cuts in now, showing the CO back at the base talking to that rear echelon pogue -- the pogue wants him to pull the plug on you, on your buddies, on the whole operation -- but you know all officers are not chicken shit!  There are some good ones -- and this is one of them.  The tech cuts the satellite link and the CO gives the go-ahead order, the rescue mission is a go!


3-2: Rescue The Rescuers (Day 2)

More than one use for a minigun

Mission Intro

The TOC has lost contact with Neptune and Wolfpack is three mountains away.  With time running out, there is only one option -- send in the ORF.  You once again step into the boots of Ranger SPC Dante Adams and are inserted on top of Takur Ghar to gind Neptune.

Mission Start

The mission begins in the bird, with the Rangers getting ready to dismount.  The bird takes some hits, and then so do your men!  The bird lands hard -- well, maybe crashes softly is more accurate -- and although you are shaken you are mostly okay.  You are ordered to man the minigun mounted on the side of the bird, so do that, concentrating your fire on the RPG Tangos as they present a much greater threat to the crashed bird than the others do at the moment.

The optional Achievement for this Mission is called "Timber!" and to unlock it all you have to do is chop down 5 trees with the minigun.  You can easily do that while defending the bird so don't be tempted to just get that out of the way first -- that will allow you to get hit if you do.

After you take enough enemy out with the mini you will get knocked on your ass -- that is the signal that you are done using the mini and it is time to be infantry again!  Grab your socks and your... Err... Right -- exit the bird and start picking-off bad guys.  I suggest switching your weapon to single-shot mode if only because you will want to conserve ammo.

Once you have taken out all of the loose tourists your team leader will call in some fast movers of the F-16 variety to provide a little clean-up on that fixed MMG ahead that, no matter how carefully you place your shots you are not going to be able to shut down on your own. 

Once you get the radio contact from the fast mover move to the CAS position and mark the target for them and they will take out the bunker.  Continue along the path until you encounter a second bunker with an MMG -- taking out the loose change along the way.

You need to be careful here as the enemy will flank your position and set you up in a cross-fire if you are not.  Like before move to the CAS marker and light-up the bunker, then retreat to a safe firing position and continue to defend.

Once the F-16 drops in, you will advance with your team, and the FNG -- Hernandez -- will do something really stupid because that is what FNG's do, and nearly gets himself dead.  Now you have another problem you have to deal with -- a spider hole that is not empty and a wounded team member.

The Cave

After the leader pops a frag in, you might want to arm your shotgun as it is good for this type of fighting.  The spider hole turns out to be a mine or a cave -- and as you work your way in, the enemy retreats.  Take them out as best you can and carefully move from cover to cover.

As you progress you will reach a section that is pitch black, so you will need to use your NVG's.  Of course you know that the reason it is pitch black is so that you use your NVG's so that the enemy can pop a flar out and blind you, right?  Well, right, but we all have to do our part in this -- so work your way forward until you must rip your NVG's off, then start killing bad guys.

Now at this point you will actually get rushed by a sizable group -- and this is where your shotgun will come in handy, because it allows you the luxury of crowd control.  Just point it in the general direction of the bad guys and you can rip chunks out of their bodies with it!

Cave Bug Warning

At this point the mission can get a little bugged. 

Your buddy will tell you to follow him, and the checkpoint marker will center on him, but he will just crouch there in the middle of the cave and never move forward.  The mechanism that will move him is a pair of enemy that are supposed to spawn in the cave ahead -- but the thing is you have to trigger that spawn.  How you do that is you move up the wooden ramp and trigger the spawn by walking along the right side.  If you stay too far to the left side, the spawn is not triggered, and once you pass that spot you cannot come back and trigger it.

If that happens, you will have to reload the last checkpoint.  You cannot go forward on your own because when you get to the exit an invisible wall prevents you from using it, because you never killed the enemy that are supposed to be in the way, causing your buddy to advance!  If you do go ahead to the exit, you cannot go back to your buddy because you cannot climb the small drop you went down to get to the exit.  All I can say is embrace the suck, reload the checkpoint, re-fight the flare battle, and this time be sure that you properly trigger the spawn.

End of Bug

Now that you triggered it your buddy moves forward and you engage the pair, then he leads the way into the cave!  Stay with Patterson and he will give you a running commentary on the path, what you are hearing, you know, descriptive stuff -- because when he is not doing his bit in the Army National Guard he is a tour guide at Universal Studios and he just cannot stop the narrative, it comes naturally to him!

At the exit you hook up with Preacher and Voodoo -- hey!  Those are the blokes you came to rescue!  So it is good news and bad news -- they are okay but Rabbit and Mother are dead.

On the ground outside of the cave is a sniper rifle -- you may want to swap your shotgun for that now, as it may be a little more useful to you.  Follow the team do the camp and take out the bad guys.  Remember you have that nice sniper rifle so there is no reason I can think of to get closer to the enemy before you kill them, is there?

There are a lot of very easy melon shots here, and with the sniper and your  regular scoped carbine you should find this a breeze to work through.  You know as I was moving forward I found another one of the plastic patio chairs from my deck laying here.  I wondered what happened to those!

By the way you have like 16 grenades on you - and your carbine has an under-barrel grenade launcher...  I am just saying you have plenty of options here, you do not have to be pinned down if you decide you do not want to be :)

As you move towards the next camp you will see that there is a larger force waiting here.  I do not know about you but I was surprised at how many of them there were, and the fact that I heard some Russian being yelled.  Watch the area to the left of the main fly tent -- there are a pair of snipers up there who will let you get past and then open up on you.

Once you take them out you can try to flank their buddies by going to their position and shooting right.    If you fail to do that more will simply take up that position and fire down on you so you should do it.  After you take out the last group head for the hoist location -- but before you use it restock grenades and maybe swap the PKM here for your sniper rifle which is probably out of ammo anyway.

After the hoist your buddy finds Rabbit's luck rabbit foot -- not a good sign right?  Follow the team down the path here and when you get below take cover as you get attacked.  Did you grab the PKM?  Bet you are glad you did eh?  Well?  Use it!

On the ground on the ridge to the left is a sniper rifle that offers you ten chances to reach out and touch someone in a way they will not like.  After that get your PKM back and start working your way to the checkpoint marker!  Once you get close enough it will trigger an exchange of ideas that focuses upon the nearby Predator Drone...

Another Cave

After the drone takes out the bunker you move up to discover yet another cave...  And in you go!  At the back of the cave is a door -- you stack up at the door and kick it in -- and discover that Rabbit is NOT dead after all!  Excellent! 

While this CS plays out you unlock the Achievements "Eight Heroes Aboard" for completing Rescue the Rescuers, "Rangers Lead the Way" for completing Dante's Missions, "The Battle is Won..." for finishing the game, and "...But the War Rages On" if you played through on Hard difficulty.

As you carry him out your POV changes to his POV, and you hear the team calling for dust-off.  You are hurt pretty bad, and the dust-off is taking a long time.  Mother is there -- hey, Mother survived!  Cool! 

As you sit slowly bleeding to death the dust-off still has not come.  You are in and out of consciousness, but you can tell by the expressions on your buddies that this does not look good.  And then you face to black.

The last thing that we see is Rabbit's body on the floor of the dust-off.  Yeah, I said body. In the distance out the rear of the bird we see the base taking some air strikes, then the screen fades to black and you get the epilogue to the story.  Bummer about Rabbit, eh?

After the epilogue we get a peak at what might be the opening of the first mission for the sequel for this and then the credits roll.

Wrapping Things Up

The story mode of the game is now over -- unless you want to replay the game in Tier 1 Mode, which from what I gather is pretty intense...  You do have to play through once all the way in order to unlock the Tier 1 Mode though. 

You very likely have a few Achievements left from story mode that are still locked.  If your game ran like mine, that will probably include "Crowd Control" for killing 5 enemies with one grenade, "The Scalpel" for 20 knife kills, and "The Quiet Professional" for taking out 13 enemies without an alarm in Neptune's Net. 

All things being equal that is not really a bad missed-Achievement list if you stop and think about it, and fortunately if unlocking Achievements is important to you, these ones are pretty easy to go back and unlock. 

Chances are you played some multi-player in between story mode sessions, so you likely have a few Achievements unlocked from that -- those are beyond the scope of this walkthrough however, as is the Multi-Player Mode, though I do touch upon it in the next section.

While I think that the story mode here was shorter than I would have liked, all in all I rather enjoyed this game.  It did not have the same heart-thumping build-ups that were common in MW2, and it lacked the over-the-top language of Rogue Warrior, but there is certainly a place in my gaming world for a game like this, and I will be playing through it again in Tier 1 mode eventually.

I hope that you enjoyed this walkthrough and that you found it to be useful -- I know I enjoyed writing it!


Multi-Player Mode

You cannot make a modern military-based First-Person Shooter today that does not have a major online element, and considering that PVP is the coin of the realm, it should be no surprise to the average gamer that PVP is what the online mode is about.  In fact the other P in that PVP is the opposing forces in the game -- the insurgents and the Taliban.  That fact alone -- that some players will play as what are arguably the bad guys in this conflict -- has generated incredible controversy in the months leading up to the release of the game.

Government officials from all of the major Western powers -- including the US and the UK -- spoke out against the game.  The United States Military has blacklisted the game from sales at its on-base stores, including third-party stores like Game Stop that have stores on some bases.   That this bad publicity probably added an extra 30 percent to the sales of the game is very likely.

The inclusion of a guide to the online side of the game is beyond the scope of this walkthrough, but I thought I would mention here that if you are the sort of gamer who prefers to stick with the story mode, and does not go online much to game, retaining that approach with this title would be a mistake.  You should at the very least give each of the four online modes a try -- after all they represent a very significant part of the entertainment potential for this title.


AP-A: Appendix Alpha -- Glossary of Terms

Some of the terms that I use in this WT are common shorthand that I pretty much use without thinking about it  -- if you encounter that and do not know what it means, you will find the definition here.

AAR: After-Action Report

AG: Assistant Gunner

Airmobile: Helicopter-borne infantry

AK-47: Soviet-manufactured Kalashnikov semi-automatic and fully automatic combat assault rifle, chambered for 7.62-mm ammunition.

Blooper: the M-79 grenade launcher. A 40-millimeter, shotgun-like weapon that shoots spin-armed grenades.

Carbine: a short-barreled, lightweight automatic or semiautomatic rifle

CAS: Close Air Support

Choke-point: A narrow area like a door, alley, or narrow spot in a trail where action may be forced.

Connex: A watertight metal container used to store weapons supplies; resupply case.

Diddy-Bopping: Walking carelessly.

DT's: Defensive Targets

FAC: Forward Air Controller; a person who coordinates air strikes and/or designates targets using laser illumination.

Fast Mover: An A-10 Warthog

Gun / The Gun: M60

Gunship: Armed helicopter

Hammer & Anvil: The tactic of surrounding a target and then using another unit or element to drive them out and into your prepared fire lines.

Hercules: A C-130.

Jody: The civilian puke back home screwing your girlfriend, driving your car, watching your TV, and smacking your kid around.

Local: Native Enemy Soldier.

LZ: Landing Zone -- usually a small area secured temporarily for the landing of helicopters.

MMG: Mounted Machine Gun.

Net: Radio frequency; Communication Network.

Open Sheaf: A term used for calling in artillery/air support with the rounds spread along a line.

Pogue: Rear echelon support personnel (derogatory).  Orig. Irish, literal translation: Ass Cheek.
RBF: Reconnaissance by Fire.

Tango: Enemy Unit / Target.

Technical:  Pickup truck with improvised light armor and an MMG.

TOE: Table of Organization and Equipment.

Tourist: Non-local Insurgent.

Yankee: Friendly Forces / Units/ Soldiers.


AP-B: Appendix Baker -- XBox 360 Achievements

Our Medal of Honor unofficial XBox 360 Achievement List with Notes, laid out in an eminently logical, sensible, and profoundly useful structure that compliments both your intelligence as a reader in selecting THIS Walkthrough as your unofficial Medal of Honor (2010) Walkthrough -- you handsome devil, poit!

Notes: The vast majority of these Achievements are very obvious in the manner by which you unlock them, but some not so much...  The important thing is that they are listed in the order by which you will in all likelihood unlock them, and the ones that do need explaining are explained.  Wil Wheaton would be proud of me.

Part One: Story Mode

(01) Smooth Operator (10GP): Killed Hostage Taker with a Head Shot
This is optional/missable -- when you kick in the door a Tango will grab the hostage and the game will switch to slow-mo mode -- at that point you want to put your crosshair on the Tango's forehead and pop a round into it, killing him and unlocking the Achievement.

(02) First Incision (15GP): Completed First In
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(03) Welcome to the TOC (15GP): Completed Breaking Bagram
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(04) Right in the Grape... (15GP): Got 7 headshots in a row
This should unlock as part of regular play -- there are loads of areas where you will get lots of head shots in a row.

(05) Pistol Pete Showdown (15GP): Killed 30 Enemies with the Pistol
When you begin moving through the ville in Breaking Bagram double-tap Y to switch to your pistol, then use it until this unlocks.

(06) The Sledgehammer (10GP): Destroyed 2 Vehicles with One 2000 lb Bomb
The opportunity to unlock this presents when you are functioning as FAC and making Open Sheaf attacks against Technicals and tanks.  Just switch to the 2000 pound guided bomb, place the aim at a spot between two of the advancing tanks and then guide it down between them to unlock this.

(07) Dropping Deuce (10 GP): ATV Jump
This should automatically unlock as part of the story because you have to make the two big jumps towards the end of the mission -- however if you stay too close to your buddy and you end up hitting him in the air, or you are not going at full throttle when you take the jumps it may not unlock.  If it does not unlock after a few seconds, stop and reload the last checkpoint and do the jumps again until it does unlock.

(08) Crowd Control (15GP): Killed 5 enemies with a single hand grenade
This one probably will not come naturally as there are not many places in the game where 6 or more enemies group together conveniently.  In Running with Wolves when you approach the first truck in the compound if you stand on the stairs and let the grenade cook a bit, you will easily unlock this.  Just toss the grenade with the two patrolling enemy join the three already standing by the truck.

(09) Develop the Situation (15GP): Completed Running with Wolves...
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(10) Fear the Reaper (10GP): Destroyed AQ Camp with AC-130
What it means by "The Camp" is the three gun emplacements and the three tents/bunkers.  Just make sure that you target those in addition to the troops and it will unlock in the first run-through.

(11) Unexpected Guests (15GP): Completed Dorothy's a Bitch
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(12) Manic Suppression (20GP): Defeated the DShK in under two minutes
You may have trouble unlocking this at Hard or higher difficulty.  If you do the best fix is to replay the mission at a lower difficulty.

(13) Full Battle Rattle (15GP): Completed Belly of the Beast
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(14) Bad Guy Jamboree (15GP): Completed Gunfighters
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(15) It Takes A Village...Out (10GP): Destroyed 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village
This WILL unlock in a single play-through.  It is NOT awarded for taking out all of the buildings in the village, because there are more than 30 total in it.  Destroying a building requires two (2) hits, one to take out the roof and two walls, and a second to take out the remaining two walls.  You may need to replay this mission several times in order to rack up a count of 30.

(16) Like a Surgeon (10GP): Sniped every body part
This should unlock on its own really, because there are enough targets in the area so that you should naturally hit the different body parts, but if you do not, and to be sure that you unlock it, go ahead and aim for each part.

(17) Friends From Afar (15GP): Completed Friends From Afar
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(18) Have a Good One (15GP): Finished all of Deuce's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(19) Feeding the Pig (15GP): Killed 15 Enemies with the M60
After your buddy pulls his arm out of the socket pulling you up to the ledge he hands The Gun to you -- all you need to do is hang back and make sure that you kill at least 15 enemy with it.

(20) Cliffhanger... (15GP): Completed Compromised
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(21) The Quiet Professional (15GP): Eliminated 13 enemies without alerting anyone
If you are having trouble with this one finish the mission and then come back later and try it at an easier difficulty.  To unlock it you need to do what it says -- kill 13 enemies without raising an alarm.

(22) The Scalpel (15GP): Achieved 20 total knife kills
This is unlikely to unlock in a single play-through.  To get it you will have to replay some of the missions in order to pad the count.  Remember that kills do NOT count until and only AFTER you hit a save point.  Until you see the "Saving" icon the kills are not officially added to the count, so do not restart or exit until you do.

(23) S.E.R.E. (15GP): Completed Neptune's Net
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(24) Timber! (10GP): Chopped down 5 trees with the Minigun
While using the minigun simply chop down (shoot) five trees with it.

(25) Never Quit (15GP): Finished all of Rabbit's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(26) Eight Heroes Aboard (15GP): Completed Rescue the Rescuers
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(27) Rangers Lead the Way (15GP): Finished all of Dante's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(28) The Battle is Won... (50GP): Finished the game on Easy, Normal or Hard
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(29) ...But the War Rages On. (75GP): Finished the game on Hard
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(30) Conspicuous Gallantry (100GP): Finished every level in the game on Tier 1 Mode under par time
Just like it sounds -- complete a play-through in Medium or Hard to unlock Tier 1 Mode, then play through again in Tier 1 Mode and complete each mission in less time than the par time for each.

-- First In (25m)
-- Breaking Bagram (30m)
-- Running With Wolves (20m)
-- Dorothy's A Bitch (17m)
-- Belly of The Beast (25m)
-- Gunfighters (20m)
-- Friends From Afar (15m)
-- Compromised (12m)
-- Neptune's Net (15m)
-- Rescue The Rescuers (28m)

To increase your speed try not to rely on your teammates for the distance shots -- do those yourself, using a scoped weapon in single-shot mode.  Go for head shots or center mass shots -- killing shots in other words.  Wounding them just means you will have to shoot again.  If you do not absolutely have to engage an enemy to get past them than do not -- your priority here is speed, not body count.


Part Two: Online Multi-Player and PvP Mode W00t!

(31) Assault Training (15GP): Play Team Assault
(32) First rotation (15GP): Play online for 15 minutes
(33) Heavy Fire Support (15GP): Fire 1000 bullets in a round (awarded at end of round)
(34) Boot camp (15GP): Play once as each class (min 2 min)
(35) Mission Training (15GP): Play Combat Mission
(36) Raid Training (15GP): Play Objective Raid
(37) Secure Training (15GP): Play Sector Control
(38) Tour of Duty (15GP): Play online for 2 hours
(39) Enlisted (15GP): Reach level 2 in any class
(40) Veteran (15GP): Reach level 4 in any class
(41) Triple Canopy (15GP): Reach level 8 in one class
(42) Mission Specialist (20GP): Play two hours of Combat Mission
(43) Assault Specialist (20GP): Play two hours of Team Assault
(44) Secure Specialist (20GP): Play two hours of Sector Control
(45) Raid Specialist (20GP): Play two hours of Objective Raid
(46) Forward Spotter (20GP): Deploy a missile strike support action (awarded at end of round)
(47) Fire Controller (30GP): Use each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round)
(48) Quartermaster (30GP): Get 1000 support points
(49) Tier 1 (35GP): Reach top level in one class
(50) High Achiever (40GP): Be top 3 on the scoreboard ten times


AP-C: Appendix Charlie -- PS3 Trophies

There are a total of 38 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies,  2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum for a grand total of 51 trophies!  Enjoy!

Part One: Story Mode

(01) Smooth Operator (Silver): Killed Hostage Taker with a Head Shot
This is optional/missable -- when you kick in the door a Tango will grab the hostage and the game will switch to slow-mo mode -- at that point you want to put your crosshair on the Tango's forehead and pop a round into it, killing him and unlocking the Achievement.

(02) First Incision (Bronze): Completed First In
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(03) Welcome to the TOC (Bronze): Completed Breaking Bagram
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(04) Right in the Grape... (Bronze): Got 7 headshots in a row
This should unlock as part of regular play -- there are loads of areas where you will get lots of head shots in a row.

(05) Pistol Pete Showdown (Bronze): Killed 30 Enemies with the Pistol
When you begin moving through the ville in Breaking Bagram double-tap Y to switch to your pistol, then use it until this unlocks.

(06) The Sledgehammer (Bronze): Destroyed 2 Vehicles with One 2000 lb Bomb
The opportunity to unlock this presents when you are functioning as FAC and making Open Sheaf attacks against Technicals and tanks.  Just switch to the 2000 pound guided bomb, place the aim at a spot between two of the advancing tanks and then guide it down between them to unlock this.

(07) Dropping Deuce (Bronze): ATV Jump
This should automatically unlock as part of the story because you have to make the two big jumps towards the end of the mission -- however if you stay too close to your buddy and you end up hitting him in the air, or you are not going at full throttle when you take the jumps it may not unlock.  If it does not unlock after a few seconds, stop and reload the last checkpoint and do the jumps again until it does unlock.

(08) Crowd Control (Bronze): Killed 5 enemies with a single hand grenade
This one probably will not come naturally as there are not many places in the game where 6 or more enemies group together conveniently.  In Running with Wolves when you approach the first truck in the compound if you stand on the stairs and let the grenade cook a bit, you will easily unlock this.  Just toss the grenade with the two patrolling enemy join the three already standing by the truck.

(09) Develop the Situation (Bronze): Completed Running with Wolves...
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(10) Fear the Reaper (Silver): Destroyed AQ Camp with AC-130
What it means by "The Camp" is the three gun emplacements and the three tents/bunkers.  Just make sure that you target those in addition to the troops and it will unlock in the first run-through.

(11) Unexpected Guests (Bronze): Completed Dorothy's a Bitch
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(12) Manic Suppression (Silver): Defeated the DShK in under two minutes
You may have trouble unlocking this at Hard or higher difficulty.  If you do the best fix is to replay the mission at a lower difficulty.

(13) Full Battle Rattle (Bronze): Completed Belly of the Beast
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(14) Bad Guy Jamboree (Bronze): Completed Gunfighters
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(15) It Takes A Village...Out (10GP): Destroyed 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village
This WILL unlock in a single play-through.  It is NOT awarded for taking out all of the buildings in the village, because there are more than 30 total in it.  Destroying a building requires two (2) hits, one to take out the roof and two walls, and a second to take out the remaining two walls.  You may need to replay this mission several times in order to rack up a count of 30.

(16) Like a Surgeon (Silver): Sniped every body part
This should unlock on its own really, because there are enough targets in the area so that you should naturally hit the different body parts, but if you do not, and to be sure that you unlock it, go ahead and aim for each part.

(17) Friends From Afar (Bronze): Completed Friends From Afar
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(18) Have a Good One (Bronze): Finished all of Deuce's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(19) Feeding the Pig (Bronze): Killed 15 Enemies with the M60
After your buddy pulls his arm out of the socket pulling you up to the ledge he hands The Gun to you -- all you need to do is hang back and make sure that you kill at least 15 enemy with it.

(20) Cliffhanger... (Bronze): Completed Compromised
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(21) The Quiet Professional (Silver): Eliminated 13 enemies without alerting anyone
If you are having trouble with this one finish the mission and then come back later and try it at an easier difficulty.  To unlock it you need to do what it says -- kill 13 enemies without raising an alarm.

(22) The Scalpel (Bronze): Achieved 20 total knife kills
This is unlikely to unlock in a single play-through.  To get it you will have to replay some of the missions in order to pad the count.  Remember that kills do NOT count until and only AFTER you hit a save point.  Until you see the "Saving" icon the kills are not officially added to the count, so do not restart or exit until you do.

(23) S.E.R.E. (Bronze): Completed Neptune's Net
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(24) Timber! (Silver): Chopped down 5 trees with the Minigun
While using the minigun simply chop down (shoot) five trees with it.

(25) Never Quit (Bronze): Finished all of Rabbit's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(26) Eight Heroes Aboard (Bronze): Completed Rescue the Rescuers
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(27) Rangers Lead the Way (Bronze): Finished all of Dante's missions
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(28) The Battle is Won... (Bronze): Finished the game on Easy, Normal or Hard
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(29) ...But the War Rages On. (Silver): Finished the game on Hard
Cannot miss this -- it is part of the story-mode.

(30) Conspicuous Gallantry (Gold): Finished every level in the game on Tier 1 Mode under par time
Just like it sounds -- complete a play-through in Medium or Hard to unlock Tier 1 Mode, then play through again in Tier 1 Mode and complete each mission in less time than the par time for each.

-- First In (25m)
-- Breaking Bagram (30m)
-- Running With Wolves (20m)
-- Dorothy's A Bitch (17m)
-- Belly of The Beast (25m)
-- Gunfighters (20m)
-- Friends From Afar (15m)
-- Compromised (12m)
-- Neptune's Net (15m)
-- Rescue The Rescuers (28m)

To increase your speed try not to rely on your teammates for the distance shots -- do those yourself, using a scoped weapon in single-shot mode.  Go for head shots or center mass shots -- killing shots in other words.  Wounding them just means you will have to shoot again.  If you do not absolutely have to engage an enemy to get past them than do not -- your priority here is speed, not body count.


Part Two: Online Multi-Player and PvP Mode W00t!

(31) Assault Training (Bronze): Play Team Assault
(32) First rotation (Bronze): Play online for 15 minutes
(33) Heavy Fire Support (Bronze): Fire 1000 bullets in a round (awarded at end of round)
(34) Boot camp (Bronze): Play once as each class (min 2 min)
(35) Mission Training (Bronze): Play Combat Mission
(36) Raid Training (Bronze): Play Objective Raid
(37) Secure Training (Bronze): Play Sector Control
(38) Tour of Duty (Bronze): Play online for 2 hours
(39) Enlisted (Bronze): Reach level 2 in any class
(40) Veteran (Bronze): Reach level 4 in any class
(41) Triple Canopy (Bronze): Reach level 8 in one class
(42) Mission Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Combat Mission
(43) Assault Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Team Assault
(44) Secure Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Sector Control
(45) Raid Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Objective Raid
(46) Forward Spotter (Bronze): Deploy a missile strike support action (awarded at end of round)
(47) Fire Controller (Silver): Use each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round)
(48) Quartermaster (Silver): Get 1000 support points
(49) Tier 1 (Silver): Reach top level in one class
(50) High Achiever (Gold): Be top 3 on the scoreboard ten times
(51) Medal of Honor Tier 1 (Platinum) -- Unlock all of the other trophies.