Resident Evil 4 HD Walkthrough

Resident Evil 4 HD Walkthrough

Zombies are so 2004. Resident Evil 4 changed the landscape of action-gaming and the world’s biggest survival horror franchise in one fell swoop. The story starts simple, with Leon Kennedy returning from his zombie-smashing escapades in Raccoon City and being promoted from rookie cop to full-fledged Secret Service action hero. Fight through hordes of horrors with an evil plot to destroy the good ‘ol U.S. of A. while saving the girl, and purchasing a plethora of weapons and items as the game progresses. Not for the feint of heart, Resident Evil 4 delights in it’s gameplay, atmosphere, and ridiculous dialogue — all staples of the Resident Evil franchise.

Read on, stranger, we’ve got some nice tips for you. Looking for more on Resident Evil 4 HD? Check out our achievements, trophies, and cheats.

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  • Chapter 6
    • Part 1 – Saddler
    • Part 2 – Escape the Island

  • Chapter 1

    Chapter 1-1

    Part 1 – The Village

    1. After the opening cut scene, follow the overgrown trail in front of you to the dilapidated two-story house and activate a small cut scene. Afterwards continue to the front door and move around the corner to the left to activate another cut scene.
    2. Following the cut scene, use a combination of well-aimed gunfire to hit the enemy in the head until he is put down for good and activate another cut scene. Afterwards, move up the staircase at the back of the house and collect the handgun ammo.
    3. Jump through the second-story window and move left along the now unblocked trail. When you are a safe distance from the enemies, turn around and take them out before they reach you, then pick up the ammo in the nearby shack and save your progress.
    4. Break open the boxes with your knife to collect the health, then continue up the trail to shoot the crow on the post and collect the hand grenade. Help out the dog on your right and stick to the trail as you move forward to avoid into a bear trap.
    5. When you see the explosives strung between the trees, continue following the trail to move between without setting them off. Take out the enemy who comes running down towards you and continue moving up the path ahead.
    6. Pick up the herbs and Ptas. in the shack to your left, then continue down the trail and move towards the rope bridge ahead. Eliminate the enemies in your way and cross the bridge, then move around the corner to your left and take out the enemy in the shack in front of you.
    7. Pick up the ammo in the shack and continue down the trail, then open the door to reach the next area and activate the cut scene. Afterwards continue forward and activate your binoculars, then zoom in to take in the layout ahead and move down the path directly to the left.
    8. It is imperative that you do nothing to draw attention to yourself as you move through this area until you can reach the inside of a building. Avoid chickens and run in between buildings before you are spotted.
    9. Move forward along the wall to the left when the coast is clear to approach the woman by the hay pile. Eliminate her before she has a chance to turn around, then jump through the window to your right in preparation for the battle to come.
    10. At a distance, keep your gun focused on the front entrance and use head shots to quickly eliminate enemies as they break through the door. You can also shoot them through the holes they create in the wood to keep them at bay and kick them to save ammo.
    11. Continue fighting off the hoards of zombies until you have activated two cut scenes.
    12. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: It Begins With a Ring (Bronze): Ring the mysterious bell. What happens after that, is up to you.
    13. Before moving on, check the surrounding houses and woodpiles for ammo, herbs, ptas. and other supplies. You should specifically check the house to the left of the tower for the shot gun on the second floor, then jump out the window nearby it to move along the rooftop and pick up the Spinel.
    14. When you are fully stocked on supplies, use your map to locate the next destination and move through the indicated door to enter the farm area.

    Part 2 – The Farm

      1. Once you arrive in the new area, save your progress in the first shack to your left, then exit the building and jump over the picket fence in front of you. Pick up the information on the blue medallions and use your knife to destroy the one hanging from the tree, then pick up the nearby golden egg after scaring away the chicken.
      2. Take out the alerted enemy by the barn, and any others that appear around you, then shoot the medallion in the window above that was above him. Move through the barn to reach the opposite end of the grounds, then take out any enemies in the vicinity to clear the area.
      3. Destroy the medallion hanging from the tree to right of the shack, then move back through the barn and head towards the well directly to your right. Take out the log holding the lid up and shoot down the pearl pendant to collect it.
      4. Turn around and move to the far right side of the farm house, then look directly up underneath its roof and shoot the blue medallion. Enter the house and open the containers and cabinets to find the Spinel and ptas. on the ground floor, then climb the ladder to take out the remaining enemy.
      5. Pick up the ammo in the cabinet and shoot the medallion hanging in the window behind you. Jump out the window by the cabinet, then move along the scaffolding and drop down when you reach the far end by the ladder.
      6. Enter the nearby shack to pick up the Spinel, then move back into the open and shoot the medallion attached to the windmill blade and above the large doors beside it. Return the ladder to reach the scaffolding and drop down over the left side into the next area ahead.
      7. Follow the path to the next set of double doors and open them to finish the first part of the farm area.

      Part 3 – The House

        1. Move down the steps ahead of you until the cut scene activates, then press the indicated button rapidly to outrun the boulder. Just before you reach the end of your sprint, be prepared to hit a new set of buttons in order to execute a dodging action.
        2. Head down the tunnel ahead and shoot the Spinels off the ceiling above to collect them, then exit the corridor and disable the explosives in the shack to the left. Eliminate the enemy throwing dynamite and pick up the Spinel, then move around to the window on front of the next closest building.
        3. Shoot the enemy holding dynamite through the window so that it goes off in his hand and kills everything else around him, then jump into the building and collect any supplies around. Exit through the window and head towards the larger house ahead, then pick up the shotgun ammo on its right side.
        4. Kick open the front door of the house to enter it, then pick up the supplies in the first floor room and save your game at the typewriter. Move forward through the hallway and disable the next two explosives ahead to safely enter the room in front of you.
        5. Push aside the bookcase against the wall to reveal the next area, then move to the back of the room and open the wardrobe to complete the chapter.

        Chapter 1-2

        Part 1 – The Canyon

        1. During the cut scene, tap the indicated buttons to dodge the enemy’s axe. Afterwards, pick up the ammo and exit the room to activate another short cut scene, then continue through the hall to acquire the rifle ammo and save your game.
        2. Exit the building and move around towards the back of the small house to meet up with the stranger. Sell your spinels, the pearl necklace and any other supplies you are willing to part with, then use the money to upgrade your weapons and purchase additional items as well. An especially useful tool is that attache case that allows for you to carry more items in your inventory.
        3. When you’re finished, continue moving around the house to pick up the herb in the barrel, then go back the way you came and move towards the double doors to activate a short cut scene. Afterwards, open the double doors to enter the next area.
        4. Turn right and equip the shot gun if you haven’t already, then eliminate any of the enemies that come around the bridge in your direction. Take out the enemies with dynamite first to cause other threats in their vicinity to explode, then move forward along the scaffolding when the first wave is out of your way.
        5. Continue taking out the enemies around you and make your first available left to enter the building, then pick up the ammo on the shelf and move through the next door ahead. Eliminate the enemies in the room and the ones through the window outside, then pick up the ammo in the area.
        6. Climb out the window on the right wall and move up the ladder leaning against the building, then move along the walkway on the roof and collect the right half of the emblem from the treasure chest.
        7. Jump off the edge near the ladder and turn around, then move right along the ledge of the canyon and move towards the first building ahead. Post up near the side of the canyon with your back to the building and use your shotgun to fend off the invading hoard, then move back out in the open towards the ledge and take out the enemy with dynamite on the roof above.
        8. Climb up the ladder that leads to the roof and take out the enemy on the next platform above, then climb the nearby ladder to reach it. Collect the shotgun ammo from the barrel and jump back to the roof, then return to the ground below and cross the rope bridge on your right.
        9. Follow the path uphill and eliminate the enemies at the top, then collect the emblem from the treasure chest and the supplies from the barrels. Jump down the wooden platforms beside you to reach the ground below and enter the key items section of your inventory.
        10. Combine the two pieces of the emblem to create the hexagonal emblem, then approach the double doors on your right and use it to open them.

        Part 2 – The Flooded Building

        1. Move forward and make a left into the tented area to collect the ptas. from the barrels, then return to the main trail and pick up the green herbs from the barrel to the right of the next door.
        2. Enter the building and pick up any nearby supplies, then exit the room through the door on the right and take out the enemies in the corridor ahead. When you reach the end of the hall, jump through a window on your right and crouch behind the red container to avoid the dynamite.
        3. Pop up in between the dynamite being thrown to take out one of the enemies holding explosives. Continue in this way until the area ahead is cleared, then snake your way around the boxes and avoid the bear traps on the ground around you.
        4. Pick up the ammo in the barrel and the Spinel within the furnace at the back right corner, then enter the door on the wall beside you and collect the supplies within. Exit through the next door ahead and eliminate the enemy on the other side, then approach the ladder to leave this area.

        Part 3 – The Mansion

        1. Move directly to the left of the well and close the lid to safely acquire the pocket watch, then move into the next building ahead to pick up more supplies. Continue up the path ahead, using your handgun to disable the booby traps, move up the stairs to enter the house.
        2. Interact with the door that has the blue circle on it and turn the rotating piece until it matches the two x-shaped symbols on either side of it. Once the door is opened, enter the room and pick up the insignia key from the box on the cabinet ahead.
        3. Collect the chief’s notes from the bed, the ammo from the desk drawer and the ptas. from the wardrobe, then exit the room through the next door ahead to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

        Chapter 1-3

        Part 1 – The Village

        1. Pick up the health from the cabinet beneath the painting, then head downstairs and move into the dining room. Check the painting of the lake above the fireplace, then collect supplies from the cabinets and oven in the adjoining rooms.
        2. Save your game, then exit the mansion and eliminate the enemies that come at you from the road around the corner. You will need to unload several clips into the enemy carrying the chainsaw to put him down for good.
        3. Follow the road ahead and eliminate the enemies you see upon approaching the next cottage on your left. Enter the aforementioned building to collect the herb, then continue down the path to eliminate the next wave of enemies ahead.
        4. Interact with the double doors ahead to remove the bar and exit the area.
        5. Use your shotgun to knock down the first wave of enemies blocking your path ahead, then take a right to run through the center of town and reach the building marked with a red symbol on the door. Interact with the door and use the key from your inventory to open it.

        Part 2 – The Underground Tunnels

        1. Pick up the supplies in the surrounding area and save your game, then move through the next door ahead. Collect the items in the barrel and the overhead lantern, then open the door in the floor and jump down through it.
        2. Move forward through the corridor and collect the Spinel from the ceiling in the next open room you come to. Continue into the next tunnel system to meet up with the stranger, then buy more upgrades and useful items.
        3. Open the next door ahead and continue through the tunnel, then climb the ladder to reach the next area.

        Part 3 – The Cemetary

        1. Follow the path to activate a short cut scene, then move directly to your right as soon as you enter the cemetery grounds to eliminate the approaching enemies and destroy the blue medallion hanging in the tree past the fence.
        2. Continue following the path uphill and turn left when the barricade beside you separates for the first time, then destroy the next blue medallion above. One you have destroyed this medallion, look beyond to the next medallion at the opposite end of the graveyard and move forward to destroy it as well.
        3. Turn around and return to the trail, then follow it uphill and eliminate the enemies you encounter at the top. Destroy the blue medallion in the tree to the left of the church, then approach the front doors and interact with them to activate a cut scene.
        4. Afterwards, follow the trail that splits off to the left and goes behind the church, then take out the enemies you encounters to reach the back area. Look up and to the left, then destroy the medallion hanging from underneath the church’s roof.
        5. Move to the statue and spin the dial so that the Z-shaped symbol, the M-shaped symbol and the U-shaped symbol are the only ones glowing green, then collect the Catseye and move back towards the original trail.
        6. Take a left down the walled-in pathway to move away from the church and activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move along the scaffolding ahead to take out the enemies in your path and jump across the gap in the boards.
        7. Destroy the next blue medallion ahead, then enter the building to the left of to pick up the church closure file. Ignore the box on the table as it contains a snake that will spring forward and attack you.
        8. Exit the building and turn right towards the gap you previously jumped over, then destroy the medallion below and continue in the opposite direction to next gap ahead. Aim down towards the right side of the scaffolding in front of you and destroy the final blue medallion, then jump the gap.
        9. Continue along the scaffolding and eliminate the next enemies ahead, then enter the door to leave the area.

        Part 4 – The Docks

        1. Search the area and shoot the birds for various supplies and ammo, then move towards the next exit and take the metal door on the right. Jump down the ledge ahead and pick up the ammo scattered around the area, then approach the stranger to restock your supplies, acquire the Punisher, upgrade your weapons and purchase the rocket launcher if possible.
        2. Save your game and exit this area, then move through the wooden doors ahead on the right. Collect additional supplies in the building to the right and continue up the trail, then tap the indicated buttons to sprint and doge away from the rolling boulder.
        3. Move onto the dock and eliminate the enemies ahead, with the help of the exploding booby trap. Continue forward and pick up the ammo in the next building, then eliminate the enemy on the stairs that lead into the water and draw the next one into the exploding booby trap to clear the path.
        4. Head down the steps to enter the water, then make a left to pick up the hand grenade in the distance. Turn around and continue in the previous direction along the left wall, then take out the enemy on the next set of steps to the right and draw the ones up ahead into the boob trap in front of you.
        5. Run forward through the water to avoid the swarming enemies, then make a left up the incline to return to land and take down the next enemy ahead. Move up the trail in front of you and enter the double doors to leave the area.

        Part 5 – The Lake

        1. Follow the trail forward up the hill and towards the edge of the cliff to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, turn around and go back to make your next available left down the trail towards a shack in the distance.
        2. Enter the buildings as you move along the trail to collect supplies and save your game, then get on the motorboat when you reach the docks. Use your map to guide yourself in the direction of the next destination and activate the cut scene.

        BOSS: DEL LAGO

        1. After the cut scene, aim your harpoon towards the monster pulling the boat along and hurl them into its backside. Direct hits will be indicated by a spray of blood.
        2. Return to controlling the boat whenever the monster pulls you towards an obstacle or dead end to avoid the impact or the impending attack it will make when circling around. During these moments, you will have a clearer shot at hitting it with the harpoon from alongside the monster.
        3. If the boat suddenly goes motionless, watch for the arrows that appear at the sides of the screens and shift your gaze in the indicated direction to find the monster’s next origin of attack. Throw as many harpoons as possible into it’s open mouth and face before it reaches you to cause the most damage.
        4. When knocked into the water, tap the indicated button as quickly as possible to get back inside the boat before the monster moves beneath you for the kill. You should start hitting this button the moment you see Leon go flying into the air.
        5. Continue drawing as much blood as possible with multiple spear throws until the cut scene activates, then tap the indicated button to cut the rope around Leon’s leg and complete the chapter.
        6. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Do Not Shoot the Water! (Bronze): Summon the master of the lake. Don’t rock the boat.

        Chapter 2

        Chapter 2-1

        Part 1 – The Waterfall

        1. After the cut scene, pick up the supplies around the room and the letter off the bed, then save your game.
        2. Exit the room and move along the path lit by torches, then open the double doors ahead and continue forward along the trail to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, eliminate the approaching enemies before they get too close and walk up the steps ahead.
        3. Jump the two gaps to cross the dam, then move back down onto land and run forward along the river. Keep moving forward along the trail to pick up the hand grenade, then turn around jump across the bridge on your right.
        4. Make a right up the path and climb down the rope when you reach the ledge, then move forward and slightly left through the opening in the fence and climb the ladder directly to the right. Knife the enemy on the platform and collect the ammo, then jump back down to the ground.
        5. Move right and continue forward to the end of the area, then turn towards the crate hanging over the water. Shoot the chain that it crate is suspended from to drop it into the river, then use it as a platform for jumping across to the dock ahead.
        6. Move up the dock and climb the next ladder slightly to your left, then collect the herb and shoot the chain suspending the crate to your when it swings closest to you. Jump back down to the dock and shoot down the amber ring that’s on top of the wooden post in front of the waterfall to collect it.
        7. Turn around and walk towards the fence to the right of the dock, then aim at the chain suspending the crate to your right and fire when it swings closest to you. Return to the opposite end of the dock and use the two crates you released as jumping points to reach the next area.
        8. Move past the ladder on your right to pick up the ammo, then climb to the platform above and throw the switch to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, jump back across the crates to return to the dock and eliminate the enemies standing in your way. Keep pushing forward as you shoot at them to avoid being attack from behind.
        9. Move into the opening you revealed behind the waterfall, then follow the tunnel to pick up the round insignia and activate the cut scene. Afterwards, move forward through the next door ahead to leave the area.

        Part 2 – The Arena

        1. Collect the supplies ahead and get into the boat at the end of the dock to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, visit the stranger to buy and upgrade items, then save your game before leaving the room via the ladder.
        2. Pick up the supplies ahead and move into the clearing to your left surrounded by wooden pikes to activate the cut scene.


        1. At the beginning of the battle, move into the buildings behind as a means of momentary cover and to collect various supplies, then run out past the monster to collect more items along the walls of the arena.
        2. When you are sufficiently stocked, switch to your current most powerful longer-ranged weapon and move to the opposite end of where the monster is currently located. Keeping your distance as much as possible, begin opening fire on the boss’ head area.
        3. If you saved the dog from the bear trap at the very beginning of the game, a cut scene will activate shorty after your first round of gun fire. Afterwards, take advantage of the monster being distracted to move in closer with the shotgun and deal out some more damage.
        4. When the boss returns his focus on you, run away to maintain distance and switch back to a longer range weapon. If the monster suddenly charges or swings a tree in your direction, be prepared to tap the indicated buttons to dodge out of the way or move on your own if the weapon is question is a rock. If he happens to grab you, wiggle the joystick furiously until you can break free and if he picks
        5. Use the small shacks near the wall for cover as long as you when the monster stomps towards you to pound the ground, but other than that run sideways from him whenever he stops nearby you to evade this attacks.
        6. After the monster has taken a sufficient amount of hits, he will fall to his knees and another creature will burst out of his back. When this happens move in as close as you can with the shot gun and open fire on this second creature to cause the maximum amount of damage until the boss rises back to his feet. You will know you are making contact with the smaller creature by the spurts of yellow goo.
        7. Continue evading and weakening the monster so that you can open fire on the creature bursting from its back until the cut scene activates and the boss is defeated.
        8. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: A Rock and a Hard Place (Bronze): Outmaneuver the rampaging beast, El Gigante.
        9. Exit via the gate that has opened and move through the next door ahead to leave the area.

        Part 3 – The Church

        1. Use the scaffolding to reach the cemetery and immediately kill the wolves waiting for you nearby. If one of them lunges on you, shake it off with the joystick and refill your health before firing back at them as they rise to their feet.
        2. Move to the front double doors of the church and use the insignia to unlock it, then open the doors to enter the church. Move directly right when you are inside, then make a left to pick up the flash grenade.
        3. Return to the main aisle of the church and pick up the ptas. on the altar, then move into the hallway opposite of where you acquired the grenade to climb up the ladder. Move forward along the upper walkway and turn right when you are between the two banners, then jump to the chandelier across from you.
        4. When the chandelier swings all the way forward, jump across to the next ledge and make a right. Continue to the end of this walkway to pick up the supplies from the barrels, then turn around and move to the next control panel on your left.
        5. Activate the panel and turn each of the single-colored lights so that the patterns on them are in the same place that they are in the multi-colored light. When the three lights outside lights correspond with the center light, combine them to open the barred door.
        6. Make a right and move around the walkway to reach the cell door, then open it to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, collect the items within the barrels around you, then exit the room and move along the walkway to the ladder.
        7. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Secure the Ballistics (Bronze): Rescue the president’s daughter, Ashley. Afterwards, the real fun begins.
        8. Jump to the ground below and catch Ashley so that she can follow you, then move towards the exit to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

        Chapter 2-2

        Part 1 – The Cemetary

        1. Scavenge the barrels around you for supplies, then unlock the door at the top of steps to leave the alley and activate the cut scene. Afterwards, move towards the entrance to the cemetery and shoot the explosive barrels in the cart ahead of you.
        2. Once cart has rolled over the enemies ahead, finish off the remaining stragglers and move forward up the path. Enter the next building on your left to collect supplies, then continue down the trail to exit the cemetery.
        3. If you have the ammunition and health to back it up, you can re-enter the church before moving on and eliminate the enemies carrying crossbows to collect ptas. from their downed bodies. This is unnecessary as far as gameplay goes, but it will reward you with extra currency for the next time you see the stranger.
        4. Climb down the ladder in the crypt beyond the cemetery’s exit to leave the area.

        Part 2 – The Underground Tunnels

        1. Open the door ahead, then move past the stranger and into the tunnel to reach the next open cave area. Shoot down the elegant headdress embedded in the ceiling and collect it as additional money for your upcoming visit to the merchant , then turn around and return to the previous room.
        2. Approach the stranger to purchase weapons, health items and upgrades that will better help you protect Ashley in future situations. The shotgun should be leveled-up as much as possible in all areas, then use your remaining money on the other weapons towards either their capacity or firepower upgrades. Another good exchange would be to sell your Punisher and buy the Red9 with its optional stock.
        3. After the exchange, return to the previous cave room and collect the ammo on the wall, then move forward into the next tunnel and follow it forward. Approach the ladder and climb back to surface level within the building above.
        4. Shoot out the lantern hanging above to collect the Spinel, then exit this room and save your progress on the nearby typewriter.

        Part 3 – The Village

        1. Use the map to re-familiarize yourself with the location of your current objective, then run directly to the right and take the road that leads to the farm you visited earlier. Watch for bear traps laid out in your path, so that you slow your pace to make sure both you and Ashley evade them safely.
        2. Continue moving forward up the road, stopping only to kill or at least knock down enemies ahead of you, and open the double doors that lead to the farm. Do not turn around to take out enemies approaching from behind as it will waste your ammo and distract you from reaching the doors quickly.
        3. Move forward along the trail running through the farm, enter the first building on the left to collect herbs, acquire a document about Sera and save your game. Afterwards, tell Ashley to stay put she and exit the shack by yourself, then eliminate the enemies in the barn and the outside area behind it.
        4. Approach the entrance to the farmhouse, by the dirt trails, and eliminate enemies who come towards you and the ones standing on the scaffolding above. If Ashley is carried off at any point during this, return to shack and take out her captors legs first before executing a finishing headshot as he lays on the ground.
        5. Once the area surrounding the farmhouse is cleared, move inside of it and call for Ashley, then search the ground floor for supplies before climbing to the second story above. Be wary of the bear trap that’s been positioned in front of the ladder that leads upstairs.
        6. Climb out the window on the left and follow the scaffolding to the area where a bonfire is burning, then take out any enemies prowling around below. Jump down over the edge of the scaffolding , then collect supplies from the nearby shed and use your handgun to disable a path through the field of bear traps.
        7. Move forward towards the large set of wooden double doors, then use a piggyback maneuver to hoist Ashley up over the other side. Once the doors are unlocked, move through them to reach the next area.
        8. Approach the merchant ahead and purchase upgrades for your most powerful weapons to prepare for the upcoming battle. Afterwards, activate two separate cut-scenes in crossing the bridge to leave this area.

        Part 4 – The Barricaded House

        1. Pick up the ammo and supplies on the ground floor, then switch to your most powerful weapon and mix any remaining multi-colored herbs in your inventory. After your preparation approach the corner with two windows and face it to keep- an eye on both openings at once.
        2. Wait until the first enemy breaks through, then open fire on anything that approaches through that window. Allow them to get close enough for a guaranteed headshot that will put them down without wasting anymore ammo.
        3. The primary enemy to focus on at any time are the ones who have creatures bursting from their heads. They have the longest reach and cause the most damage, so aim for the protruding creatures above all else to stay alive.
        4. With partial-replenishing health items, such as unmixed green herbs or brown eggs, do not use them until your life is at least drained to about the halfway mark. For fully-replenishing health items, such as first aid sprays or golden eggs, wait until your health bar is less than a quarter full.
        5. After at least two bookcases have been knocked down, move to the corner by the foot of the staircase and take out any enemy that enters the room. When you have depleted your shotgun, switch to the TMP and use it to fend off enemies until there is a long enough pause in the action to pick up the items that they have dropped.
        6. After you have acquired a sufficient amount of backup ammo for the shot gun, utilize it strategically in clearing out all remaining enemies that occupy the room. Afterwards, use this opportunity to push each of the three bookcases across the windows to delay the next onslaught.
        7. Try to save your teammate from being restrained as often and as safely as possible so that you don’t have to keep an eye on all possible entry points. You will also need to follow him upstairs after the battle reaches a certain point, so try to keep an eye on him throughout to make sure you aren’t abandoned.
        8. After you join your companion on the second floor, collect the supplies and ammo as quickly as possible in the surrounding area. You can now point your shotgun or TMP at the top of the stairs and angle it for consistent headshots, then fire away to fend off enemies until the cut scene activates and the chapter is complete. You can also use grenades to clear out large quantities of enemies that have clustered together during this time.

        Chapter 2-3

        Part 1 – The Camp

        1. Check both floors of the house for any supplies still lying around, then exit through the front door and make a left around the corner towards the back of the barricaded house. Pick up the ammo in the nearby woodpile and approach the stranger ahead, then purchase upgrades for as many weapons as you can by starting with the lowest level ones first.
        2. After the exchange, enter the nearby shack and take the document on Two Routes, then save your game and exit the building. Move left into the entryway of the enormous fortified wall, then interact with the lever ahead and choose to open the “left gate”.
        3. Leave the room and move through the gate you just opened, then enter the door at the end of the corridor to reach the next area and activate a short cut scene. Afterwards, tell Ashley to stay put then move forward and shoot the exploding barrels in the cart to clear out the first wave of enemies ahead.
        4. Pick off the remaining enemies in the area and move to the entrance of the opening ahead on the right, then call Ashley over and follow the corridor in front of you to find the herb in the barrel on the right. Climb up the ladder you come to on the left and eliminate any nearby enemies, then move across the walkway to the next platform ahead and tell Ashley to hide in the container.
        5. Take the route beside the container and eliminate any enemies in your path as you reach the next platform, then take out the remaining ones on the walkway to your left. Jump down off the ledge by the ladder you just passed to reach the mine tracks area, then collect the surrounding ammo and supplies before heading back up to the scaffolding.
        6. Move along the next walkway ahead, then jump down by the ladder on your left to reach the clearing below and activate the cut scene. Afterwards, equip the TMP or shotgun if possible and run forward towards the chainsaw-wielding enemy ahead, then use a well placed to drop her to the ground.
        7. Run to the right along the edge of the clearing and open fire on the next enemy you encounter, then continue this circular path to take down each of the enemies in the area individually. It is important that you stay on the move and keep the run button held down at all times. This will help you avoid being cornered and give you the opportunity to make speedy escapes when chainsaws or torches are swung in your direction.
        8. Once all of the enemies in the clearing have been eliminated, pick up the Camp Key and the ruby that have been dropped, then call Ashley over. Open the door within the clearing by using the Camp Key, then move along the pathway to the right and get Ashley to hide in the next container ahead.
        9. Collect any supplies in the area, then use your shotgun or TMP to eliminate the large crowd of enemies that comes rushing through the large entranceway marked by torches. Move back up the pathway that was used to reach this area if you need to put some distance and sandbags between the swarming attacks.
        10. Once the wave of enemies has been eliminated, move through the large entryway and clear out any remaining threats, then move to the far end of the area and call Ashley over. Collect the nearby supplies, then approach the red doors and open them to reach the next area.

        Part 2 – The Gondolas

        1. Cross the bridge ahead and move down the path to the right just before reaching the doors in front of you, then enter the next building on your left to acquire supplies and save your game. Afterwards, exit the building and move up the stairs on your left to approach the stranger, then purchase health items and upgrade your current weaponry.
        2. Move back down the stairs and pick up the handgun ammo on the right side of the building you entered previously, then return to area between the doors and the bridge. Take the trail opposite of the one you just used and follow the pathway up the steps, then pick up the supplies in the far right corner.
        3. Move to the opposite side of the room and approach the gondolas’ access point, then tap the indicated button to get on one. As you ride the down the mountain, keep watch on the gondolas moving in the opposite direction to your right and take aim at the first enemy you see occupying one.
        4. When you have a clear shot, fire on the enemy riding the gondola before he can throw his weapon at you, then quickly shift your aim to the tower coming up on the left and eliminate another one above. It wont take much more than a direct hit to send these enemies tumbling over the edge to the ground below so don’t waste too much time worrying about accuracy.
        5. Aim your gun back to the right and quickly take out the three enemies riding the next gondola towards you, then eliminate the ones in the gondola behind that. Return focus back towards the left and eliminate the enemy on the ledge, then aim to the right one last time to finish off any remaining gondola passengers.
        6. When you get off at the next station, move around to the opposite side of the area and enter the control room via the door across from the staircase. Search the lockers for supplies, then exit the room and move down the stairs in front of you.
        7. After moving down the first flight of steps, tell Ashley to stay put and cross the scaffolding ahead to enter the cave. Take out the enemies past the sand bags in front you, then jump over the barricade and collect the supplies scattered around the area.
        8. Climb the ladder at the back of the room and move forward down the corridor to eliminate the enemy ahead, then open the treasure chest to pick up the Yellow Catseye. Exit the cave and return to Ashely, then get her to follow you down the next set of stairs and approach the merchant around the corner.
        9. Upgrade your weapons and purchase health items, then pick up the ammo on the nearby crates and save the game. Afterwards, continue along the trail and open the doors ahead to reach the next area.

        Part 3 – The Barn

        1. Follow the trail towards the dilapidated barn and approach the front doors to activate the cut scene, then tap the indicated buttons to dodge the enemy’s attacks and activate another cut scene.


        1. As the creature approaches you, unload as many shotgun rounds into its head before it gets within striking distance, then move directly to your right and pick up the herb. You may have to dodge an attack from behind first, but run to the opposite corner of the barn as soon as you can and turn around.
        2. Unload several more rounds into the creature, then move to your left and pick up the ammo in the corner. Run towards the ladder directly across from you and climb to the second floor, then collect the herbs and ammo on the landing.
        3. Move at a running pace as you search around the upper landing, while keeping a distance from the edge to avoid being attacked. When you have acquired all the available supplies, equip a hand grenade and run to the opposite side of the room from where the creature is currently positioned.
        4. Chuck the hand grenade towards the creature to cause significant damage, then jump back down to the ground floor and equip your most powerful weapon. Continue firing on the boss then running past him when he gets to close until the cut scene is activated.
        5. After the cut scene, the boss will now be swinging on the rafters above to move around the barn into attack positions. Once this happens, begin running back and forth across the length of the area to stay out of his reach.
        6. Whenever you reach a wall, turn around and open fire on the creature high above. As soon as he begins moving downward in your direction, run back to the opposite wall across from you and turn around to shoot at him again.
        7. Continue the previous step until the boss drops to the ground and the cut scene is activated. Afterwards, approach the creature’s body to pick up the supplies and false eye, then jump through the hole in the wall beside you.
        8. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: A Bloodline Severed (Bronze): Defeat the village chief in battle.

        Part 4 – The Castle Grounds

        1. Exit the area by using the trail you came in on, then approach the stranger to upgrade your weapons and purchase health. Save your game, then move up the stairs ahead and ride a gondola back up towards the mountain.
        2. When you get off at the next station, exit the room and follow the trail back to the large doors by the bridge. Approach these doors and use the false eye to open them, then pick up the ammo to your right when you reach the other side and move forward up the trail to activate a cut scene.
        3. Afterwards, open fire on the truck immediately to cause it to lose control, while backing up slowly to avoid being crushed in the aftermath. Once the downed vehicle has come to a halt, move around it to continue up the trail.
        4. Make a left at the top of the hill to collect supplies, then continue forward up the pathway to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

        Chapter 3

        Chapter 3-1

        Part 1 – Outside the Castle

        1. Move through the castle gates ahead and collect supplies from the barrels around ground floor area, then move around the far corner of the building to the right of where you entered and open the crate on the left. Do not smash open the other crate beside it as there is a snake inside that will bite you.
        2. Turn around and move to the back of the building, then open the treasure chest to acquire the ptas. Return to the front of the building and enter it to approach the stranger, then purchase upgrades, health, and the new attache case or weapons such as the Mine Thrower or Blacktail. For the areas the come, it is most advisable to pick up the semi-automatic rife with a scope to go with it.
        3. When you’re finished, approach the nearby table to take the herb and save your game, then exit the building and move up steps ahead. Enter the red door past the top of the stairs to reach a new area, then follow the walkway around to the crate and pick up the ammo.
        4. Use a long-ranged weapon to pick off the enemies patrolling on the level above, then move up the stairs ahead on your right to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, wait for all three catapults to fire ,then run forward by hugging the wall on your left.
        5. Move quickly through the entryway ahead in the left corner, then head down the steps to enter the cannon room. You can’t activate the cannon at this point, so for now just break open the barrels against the wall to pick up supplies.
        6. Exit the room and move back up the steps towards the entrance, then run down the pathway to your left and move up the steps around the corner. Tell Ashley to stay put then you reach the top of the stairs, then wait for the catapults to fire before running out into the open.
        7. Move directly to your right across the small bridge and head towards the open window of the building beside you. The enemy inside will be wearing a bulletproof mask, so eliminate him by firing through the window into his legs and chest.
        8. Jump through the window and collect the supplies within the building, then wait for the catapults to fire and call Ashley over to you. Tell her to stay put again, then exit through the same window and aim your weapon at the red barrel on the ledge above.
        9. Shoot the barrel to destroy the enemies working the catapult above, then shift your view slightly to the right. Aim your long-ranged weapon at the red barrel poking out to the left of the large double doors in the distance, then blow it up to take out another catapult.
        10. Turn right and move along the side of the building, then turn right again just as you reach the corner. Blow up the red barrel on the ledge above to eliminate another catapult, then move to opposite side of the building to open the treasure chest and pick up the Gold Bangle.
        11. Return to the open area, then turn left and move forward across the rightmost bridge. Stop at the slotted openings in the walls just before reaching the steps and turn left.
        12. Use a long-range weapon to eliminate the enemy operating the catapult to the right of large red doors, then continue up the steps. Operate the crank on your right and tap the indicated button repeatedly to raise the cannon.
        13. Approach the cannon to fire it and destroy the large red doors, then call Ashley over to you and move through the opening you’ve just created. Approach the stranger on your right to purchase weapons, upgrades and health, then enter the red door on your left to activate a cut scene.

        Part 2 – The Sword Rooms

        1. After the cut scene, search the room for supplies and take the platinum sword off the wall, then climb the stairs and equip a powerful close-range weapon. Turn left and take down the enemies nearby until a cut scene activates, then move yourself and Ashley into the far corner by the cabinet.
        2. Turn around and take out the approaching enemies before they can get to close to you. Be sure to wait until all of the enemies have been eliminated before moving on, as some take a few moments in climbing the stairs to reach you.
        3. If you should run out of ammo during this battle, either pick up what’s been dropped by fallen enemies or switch to an automatic weapon. When the room has been cleared, search the upper floor for supplies and pick up the golden sword.
        4. Check the plate that you just removed the golden sword from and put the platinum sword in its place, then move downstairs and eliminate the remaining enemy.
        5. Check the gold plate you removed the platinum sword from and put the gold sword in its place to reveal the red door upstairs, then move through it to reach the next area.

        Part 3 – The Armory

        1. Move forward to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, tell Ashley to stay put and move through the smaller door in the area, then make a right into the next hallway. Wait by the red barrel in the corner until a sufficient number of enemies are closing in on you, then run past them and back out into the open.
        2. Turn around and quickly shoot the red barrel to blow up the majority of enemies in the area, then move back down the hall and take out any that remain in the room to your left. Once the room is clear, call Ashley back over to you and search around for supplies.
        3. Exit the room through the other door and take out the archer on the ledge above, then move forward through the archway and use explosives or close-range weaponry to kill the shielded enemies. Approach the next door ahead and tell Ashley to stay put before passing through it.
        4. Search the room to pick up supplies and the Castle Gate Key, then run past the enemies that appear and open the door you entered from. Slowly back out the doorway and shoot the red barrel when the enemies are nearly upon you, then eliminate whoever managed to survive the explosion and call Ashley back over to you.
        5. Return to the large red doors that you saw after the last cut scene, then use the Castle Gate Key to open them and reach the next area.

        Part 4 – Castle Interior

        1. Move forward to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, climb the steps in front of you and collect supplies from the clay pots when you reach the top.
        2. Move towards the carpeted hallway ahead to activate a small cut scene, then save your game and enter the door directly to your right. Once inside, collect the supplies to your left and continue forward up the carpeting.
        3. Break open the clay pot to your left and check the painting to your right for additional supplies, then continue into the next hallway ahead. Take the document off the wall and pick up items from the nearby barrels, then move into the room with the dragons and acquire the Prison Key from the painting on the right.
        4. Return to the previous door you entered through and make a right into the hallway just before it. Use the Prison Key to unlock the sturdy door and tell Ashley to stay put, then enter the prison.
        5. Move down the steps and approach the creature behind bars to activate a short cut scene. Afterwards, open the barred door and move towards the lever to cause the imprisoned creature to escape.
        6. Run out of the small cell and take cover behind one of the columns in the prison’s main area, then wait for the creature to move a fair distance away from the lever and run towards it. Pull the lever to shut off the dragon fire, then run as quickly as you can back up the stairs to activate a cut scene.
        7. Afterwards, move back down the stairs and approach the bell furthest from the creature. Use your knife to ring it and run out of the way just as the creature comes charging towards you. If timed right the enemy will miss you and get his claws momentarily stuck in the wall.
        8. Use this opportunity to attack the creature’s backside until he frees himself, then repeat the assault by using the remaining bell. Once both bells are destroyed, you’ll need keep your distance from the creature and use quite movements until he loses track of your whereabouts, then move against a wall and fire one round at him to incite the charging attack you need.
        9. Continue this assault until the creature is defeated, then climb the steps to exit the prison and return with Ashley to the area previously guarded by dragon fire. Take out any enemy standing in your way, starting with the archers and ones who are wielding dynamite, then move through the dragon hallway and open the next set of doors ahead.
          1. Part 5 – Ceremonial Rooms

            1. As soon you arrive in this room, run directly to the left and take out the first enemy in your path as quickly as possible. Now move forward along the side of the room and cut across the middle to collect supplies from the clay pots and kill the enemy in red.
            2. Continue across the middle of the room to reach the opposite wall, then turn left and move down the stairs. Turn left again and use your grenades or close-ranged weapons to clear a path through the enemies and reach the next door ahead.
            3. Move into the next room and search around for supplies, then stand with Ashley on one of the yellow platforms by the back wall. Tell her to stay put so it remains weighed down, then go stand on the other yellow platform to raise the box in the previous room.
            4. Exit the room with Ashley and either run past the enemies standing in your way or shoot them enough so that they fall over. Return to the upper level and check the box that was raised, then choose Ashley to crank it while you protect her from approaching enemies.
            5. After the stairs dropped down, run up them and approach the chandelier to activate a short cut scene. Afterwards, move to the painting on your left and use a piggyback maneuver to hoist Ashley up by the crank.
            6. Break open the clay pots to acquire ammo, then move to the uppermost area at the back of this room keep watch over Ashley as she cranks. If an enemy moves along the upper level in her direction, equip a long-ranged weapon and take him out. If an enemy is moving towards you, equip a close range weapon and eliminate him as well.
            7. Always make sure that there is no immediate threat to Ashley before turning attention back to protecting yourself. Keep watch over the doorways that stand beside the cranks and the bridge that connects for enemy movement.
            8. Once you have held off the invading enemies long enough for Ashley to turn the cranks on both sides of the room, run over to wear she’s now standing and execute a catch. Run towards the two platforms that Ashley raised at the back of the room and jump across them to reach the other side, then open the door ahead.
            9. Search the jars, hanging statues, cabinets and display cases in the large room for various supplies and ammo, then approach the stranger and purchase upgrades, weapons and health items for upcoming battles.
            10. After the exchange, you can opt to play the gun game by moving through the blue door marked with pistols to the left of the stranger. To begin the game, talk with the man behind the counter and select the weapon-type, then choose the specific firearm and move through the blue double doors ahead.
            11. Approach the bell on the table in front of the gaming area and activate it to begin the challenge. Hit the targets that pop up in front of you before they fall back down on their own. You will be given one reload period per match and if you manage to hit every single target, the man at the counter will award you with a prize.
            12. Save your game in the larger room before continuing down the hallway, then follow the corridor forward to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

            Chapter 3-2

            Part 1 – Castle Sewers

            1. Turn around and enter the door to your left, then search the room for supplies and jump down through the opening in the back. Move forward down the corridor and go through the hole in the wall to your right, then pick up the herbs across from you and exit back into the hallway.
            2. Continue down the corridor and eliminate the invisible enemies that appear in front of you, then drop down by the next ladder ahead and cross the flooded area. Pick up any supplies you can find, then climb the ladder to reach the next ledge above.
            3. Enter the door to your left and move into the open area, then eliminate the enemies that appear and search the for prison cells for various supplies. Move through the hallway by the previous door you used and enter the last cell on your left.
            4. Pass through the holes in the wall to reach the other side of the corridor, then enter the next door nearby. Search the room for the supplies and pick up the butterfly lamp in the treasure chest, then turn the valve to drain the water.
            5. Return to the open room with four prison cells, fighting off invisible enemies along the way, then drop down by the next ladder ahead and kick open the barred door in front of you. Move up the stairs and collect the supplies to your right, then enter the door at the top of the stairs behind you and approach the bridge guarded by swinging guillotines.
            6. Move across the bridge slowly to get as close to the first guillotine as possible without touching it, then wait for it to pass in front of you and run forward before it comes back. Approach the gap ahead to bring up the jump indicator, then wait for the guillotine to swing in front of you and press the required button.
            7. Approach the next two guillotines ahead as closely as possible, then run forward when they pass directly in front of you to get across safely. Pick up the velvet blue to your right, then turn around and open the door.
            8. Climb up the ladder ahead and collect the supplies to your left, then open the nearby door to activate a cut scene.

            Part 2 – The Ceremonial Temple

            1. Move right along the upper floor and turn left at the last opening, then equip a grenade and toss it down on the group of chanting enemies. Finish off the survivors below, then jump on the chandelier in front of you to reach the opposite side of the second floor.
            2. Collect the supplies to your left, then turn around and jump onto the last chandelier on your right. Jump across to the next ledge and pick up the elegant mask on your left, then turn around and activate the switch ahead to open the barred doors.
            3. Jump down near the ladder at the end of the walkway, then pick up the Illuminados Pendant by the altar. Move up the stairs to the left of the altar, then approach the stranger to purchase upgrades, weapons and health.
            4. Go back downstairs to save your game, then return to the room where you just did business with the stranger and open the red doors nearby to reach the next area.

            Part 3 – The Gallery

            1. Search the two adjoining rooms for supplies, then open the green door and move quickly towards the left wall to avoid the archers. Eliminate any enemy that approaches and smash the clay jars for supplies.
            2. Move down the carpeted steps to your right, then quickly run up the ones to your left and turn towards the balcony the archers are using as cover. Equip a long range weapon and take out the two archers above, then search the area for any remaining supplies and open the door to the left of the balcony.
            3. Collect the supplies in the barrels, then move up the stairs and eliminate the enemies at the top. Move through the next door to your left and cross to the opposite side of the upper floor, then turn left at the ironclad door to drop down over the ledge and activate a short cut scene.
            4. Afterwards, take out the enemies approach from your right and move into the open doorway ahead. Collect the supplies in the next room, then move up the stairs and chase after the masked enemy in red.
            5. Open the green door and take out the shielded enemy, then move down the stairs and exit the room to activate a short cut scene. Afterwards, run straight forward and jump through the broken window to evade the machine gun fire.
            6. Continue running towards the back of the area and move left when you reach the far wall to stay out of the machine gun’s sights. Locate the masked enemy in the nearby vicinity and eliminate him to collect the Gallery Key.
            7. Return to the upper level and use the Gallery Key to open the door where you first encountered the archers. Search the area for supplies, then approach the control panel in the center of the room to operate it.
            8. Spin the four paintings around so that there are a total of six victims being displayed on the wall. After the passageway slides away, open the next door ahead to activate a cut scene.
            9. Afterwards, equip an automatic weapon and mow down the enemies approaching in front of you to unleash the archers. Move behind one of the nearby columns to avoid the arrows coming from ahead and equip a close-range weapon.
            10. Take out the two archers on the staircases beside you, then equip a long-range weapon and eliminate the remaining archers positioned across the room on the second floor. If you are having trouble hitting your mark, aim for the lanterns above the archers heads to douse them in fire.
            11. When you have cleared the room, a painting will slide up in front of you to reveal a pair of enemies with rocket launchers. Run forward against the opposite wall to stay out of sight from the rocket launchers, then turn around and eliminate any remaining enemies on the staircases above.
            12. After the rocket launchers have receded, search both floor thoroughly for supplies before approaching the large painting at the end of the upper level. Press the red button beside the door on your right to raise up the treasure chest, then take a few steps towards to make the rocket launchers re-appear.
            13. Quickly turn and run towards the two enemies so that their rockets fly over your head, then wait for the painting to drop back down before approaching the treasure chest again. Move to the wall that’s on the right, when your back is to the painting, then open the door and smash the clay jar to press the button beneath it.
            14. Exit the room and immediately move right to avoid the explosives thrown at you, then take out the enemies by the treasure chest and cross the bridge. Open the chest to acquire the Goat Ornament, then enter the white door next to the button you pressed earlier.

            Part 4 – The Castle Garden

            1. Save your progress, then move forward up the hall and collect the ammo in the next room. Open the door with a gate pattern on it and move up the steps, then shoot down the Spinel above the next room ahead collect it.
            2. Open the door in front of you and follow the walkway around to reach the fountain, then pick up the Velvet Blue in the water and search the nearby barrels for other supplies. Approach the large black doors ahead and open them, then move to your right and follow the walkway all the way to the staircase at the end.
            3. After the cut scene, move down into the garden area and open the gated entrance. Collect the supplies on the left and approach the fork ahead, then take the rightmost path and eliminate any wolves that come your way.
            4. Make another right by kicking down the door and move forward, then turn left ahead and eliminate the wolf that breaks out of its cage. Collect the nearby supplies and continue around the corner, then make your last available left and pick up the first aid spray.
            5. Move back the way you came and make the first right before the wolf cage, then follow the path under a bridge and eliminate another wolf. Make your next left after rounding the corner ahead and follow the pathway to pick up the red gem.
            6. Move back the way you came to reach the previous path, then make two lefts to head down the next trail beside you. Follow the path to find three imprisoned wolves that you can eliminates on your right.
            7. Continue forward past the wolf cage and make your next left to cross the bridge, then make a right at the bottom to find the fountain and pick up the Moonstone. Return to the bridge and eliminate the wolves that appear, then make a right at the bottom of the steps and pick up the ammo in the chest.
            8. Move across the bridge and jump down to the right when you reach the middle, then head towards the opposite side of the statue base in front of you and turn left. Make your next two rights to cut across a zig-zagging pathway and move in the direction the fire ahead.
            9. Make a right at the torch to cross the bridge, then pick up the Moonstone from the fountain and drop down over the ledge behind the statue. Exit the maze through the gate in front of you and climb back up the steps to your right.
            10. Approach the next door ahead and open it by combining the two pieces of Moonstone to complete the chapter.

            Chapter 3-3

            Part 1 – Living Quarters

            1. Search the two adding rooms for supplies and a document, then approach the stranger to purchase weapons upgrades and health items. Afterwards, save your game in the other room and open the ornate door that’s nearby.
            2. Move forward down the hall and search the dining room for supplies, then enter the hallway next to the table in back and collect the ammo before opening the door. Once you’re in the next room, search the area for supplies but beware of the two small crates near the dining room table as one of them contains a snake.
            3. Kick down the locked door, then return to the dining room and approach the bell on your right to ring it. Equip a long-range weapon and aim it at the painting that is now on the wall across from you, then shoot the wine bottle in the top left corner to open the nearby door.
            4. Enter the room you’ve just unblocked and approach the treasure chest to activate a short cut scene. Before you enter this area, it is crucial that you are stocked with a substantial amount of shotgun ammo and health items.
            5. After the cut scene, equip a powerful close range weapon and walk slowly around the perimeter of the cage so as not to alert the imprisoned creature right away. If you do need to open fire on enemies surrounding the outside of the cage, reserve your shots for archers and be sure to retreat from your current location as quickly as possible.
            6. Keep the podium in the center of cage between you and the creature at all times by moving in a continuous circle around it and changing direction when necessary. When the imprisoned monster does go into a flurry of slashes, keep an eye on his location and movements to position yourself in a safe area of the enclosure.
            7. If you are able to evade the creatures violent outbursts, move up behind him as he recovers and open fire on his vulnerable backside. Continue this mixture of evasion and assault until the creature drops to ground in defeat, then collect the hourglass from the treasure chest and eliminate the remaining enemies on the outside of the cage.
            8. When the room has been cleared, kick one of the locked doors several times until you are able to break it down and head towards the hallway with the food painting. Pick up the ammo and return to the cage room, then enter the door in the corner across from you to reach the next area.

            Part 2 – The Museum

            1. Move forward to overlook the next room below, then collect the ammo nearby and toss a flashing grenade into the midst of the enemies beneath you. Once they are stunned, switch to a long range weapon and take them out one by one.
            2. When the room is clear, jump down to the floor below and take out the enemies behind the bars. Throw the switch located besides the barred door to raise the platform, then climb up the ladder and takes out the approaching enemies before crossing the bridge you’ve created.
            3. Move across the bridge and shoot the lantern above to douse the shielded enemies in fire, then make a left down the stairs and collect the supplies around you. Eliminate the archer across the way and jump down into the room below, then collect the large surplus of supplies and the bazooka, if possible.
            4. Move up the stairs and take out approaching enemies, then kick open the locked door and cross the bridge again. Open the door in front of you and climb the steps, then collect the supplies in the hallway before approaching the stranger to buy weapons, upgrades and health items. Unless you have a huge amount of money saved up, the XL attache case should not be considered a necessity.
            5. Save your game, then enter the door to your left to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

            Chapter 3-4

            Part 1 – Restraint Room

            1. Search the upper floor for supplies, making sure to find the ptas. behind the painting of Saddler, then move through the door that brings you back to the stranger. Purchase upgrades and health items, then save your game and return to the previous area.
            2. Move down the steps that lead to the platform above the center of the room, then equip a long-ranged weapon and use it to carefully shoot the ends off of the three metal restraints holding Ashley to wall. If you move from top to bottom, Ashley will lean more towards the left when one restraint remains, so aim towards the opposite end to avoid hitting her.
            3. After the cut scene, keep your long ranged weapon pointed at Ashley and take out the enemies who move near her or pick her up. If you are using a scope, keep it zoomed in at about the halfway point to maintain accuracy and a viewpoint that allows you to stop enemies before they can get close enough to snatch her up. Since she will be ducking the entire time, aim high when it doubt to avoid accidentally shooting her during the rescue.
            4. After a few moments, Ashley will get to her feet and try to escape through a nearby door. This will unleash faster and more resilient enemies, but do not move from your perch since Ashley will immediately return to her previous location.
            5. Zoom in a little closer this time to make sure that each of your shots hits its fatal mark to put the enemy down right away. While protecting Ashley should your top priority, at this point you will also need to eliminate the enemy in red moving back and forth across the area. Once he is dead, Ashley will take the key from his body and exit the room.

            Part 2 – Ashley

            1. You will now take on the role of Ashley, who suffers from the disadvantage of being completely unarmed. After the change in character occurs, move forward to search the room for supplies and save your game.
            2. Afterwards, make your way down the hallway ahead and move left behind the stone containers when you reach the next room. Wait a few moments to draw the nearby enemy over to you, then run around the opposite side of the container and continue across the room.
            3. Grab the herbs on the table, then pick up the lantern on your right to chuck it at the pursuing enemy and douse him in flames. Crawl beneath the table running through the room and operate the crank against the wall.
            4. Tap the indicated button to turn the crank as quickly as possible. If an enemy approaches, move into the corner beside you and throw a lantern at him.
            5. Continue turning the crank until the bars across the passageway ahead recede, then crawl under the table and continue forward into the next room. Pick up the lantern on your right to knock down the enemy waiting nearby, then search the area for supplies and crawl beneath the tables in the corner.
            6. Use the lantern to take down the enemy for good, then turn both of the cranks by the next barred passageway to unblock it. Move into the next area ahead and open the blue door on your left, then enter the room to search it thoroughly for supplies and documents.
            7. Exit the room and move down the hallway ahead, then enter the door on the left and pick up the herbs in the far corner of the next room. Push the bookcase against the wall aside and press the switch behind it, then crawl under the table by the door and press the switch in front of you.
            8. Move into the next area and take the stone tablet from above the fireplace, then press the switch nearby and move back towards the previous bookcase. Press the switch again, then move beneath the blue gate to reach the next room ahead and check it for supplies.
            9. Exit through the door and move down the hallway, picking up the Spinel off the chair to your right. When you reach the open room decorated with suits of armor, approach the podium and shift the tiles around until you have formed a family crest.
            10. Use the stone tablet to complete the entire picture, then move through the doorway that opens and take the Salazar Family insignia from the knight above the fireplace. Open the chest that turns towards you to acquire Serpent Ornament, then turn around and move behind the right side of the table.
            11. When all the suits of armor have entered the room, make a run for the exit and return to the hall on your left. Approach the suit of armor at the end of the corridor to activate a cut scene, then tap the indicated buttons to dodge the axe.
            12. Move around the corner towards the next suit of armor to activate another cut scene, then tap the indicated buttons to dodge the axe swing. Continue down the hall and open the door ahead, then move beneath the gates to reach the door in the far right corner.
            13. Approach the door to activate a cut scene, then tap the indicated buttons to dodge the axe swing and move into the next room. Enter the room directly ahead and move left to activate the dais below with the Family Insignia, then turn the wheel to reveal the ladder behind the wall and climb up it.
            14. Collect the ptas to the right, then move the opposite way down the corridor and open the door at the end of the hall to complete the chapter.

            Chapter 4

            Chapter 4-1

            Part 1 -The Lava Room

            1. Turn around and move through the door with the circle cut into it, then save your game and check both sides of the first room for supplies. Move onto the small platform connected by the gears and get on it to reach the other side of the area, then enter the door ahead to activate a cut scene.
            2. Afterwards, move right to put the dragon statue in motion and equip a long-range weapon. Standing at the top of the steps, aim at the enemy sitting behind the dragon’s head and take him to make the treasure chest appear below.
            3. Move down the steps and open the treasure chest to pick up the ptas, then turn around move to the ledge at the stop of the next set of stairs. Stand at the end of the ledge and jump into the cage when the opening rotates in front of you, then repeat this action to cross over onto the next walkway.
            4. Eliminate the enemies ahead and move forward up the walkway to drop down two more dragon statues. Take cover behind the wall on the right and eliminate the enemies who drop down behind you until they stop appearing, then move back up to the ledge near the cage.
            5. Turn around and aim at the enemy behind the dragon head coming towards you on the left, then take him out and collect the pendant from the chest that appears. Move back towards the remaining statue and take cover on either side, then move out all the way to the far end to get the dragon’s attention.
            6. Once the dragon turns towards you and spews fire, move to the middle of the platform and take out the enemy behind its head. After the stairs rise up in front of you, move forward to collect the Lion Ornament from the large chest and go back the way you came to exit the area.

            Part 2 -Castle Booby Traps

            1. Return to Ashley and move with her into the room on the right, then get on the tram to ride it to the next area. Collect the supplies from the pots beside you and enter through the next door ahead, then approach the artwork on the right and use the Lion, the Goat and the Serpent Ornaments to complete the picture.
            2. Save your game, then move into the hall you just unblocked and head up the stairs to the right. Collect the supplies from behind the painting and within the pot on your way to the balcony, then shoot down the purple gem embedded in the wall across the way.
            3. Move back to the floor below to pick up the purple gem, then enter through the gold door in the hall you unblocked. Get on the tram in front of you to reach the next area, then pick up supplies from the pots and painting before entering the door ahead.
            4. Move through the corridor directly in front of you, then shoot down the gems on the statues in the room with billowing curtains. Head back through the previous corridor and enter the door on the left that’s just before the longer hallway.
            5. Purchase weapons, upgrades and health items from the stranger and save your game, then play the shooting challenge if you wish.
            6. Exit the room and move down the hall to your right, then search the room for supplies and enter the door ahead. Move to the large statue at the end of the hall and pick up the ammo, then turn left and head through the corridor guarded by the suits of armor.
            7. Press the indicated buttons as you move through this hall to avoid the occasional attack from the suits of armor. Tell Ashley to stay put when you reach the next large statue, then enter the circular room ahead and search the perimeter for supplies.
            8. Pick up the Holy Grail from the center of the room to unleash the armored knights, then equip a powerful close-range weapon and use it to fire upon the enemies until you can destroy the creature living within them. Stay on the move and at a distance to keep ahead of the slow-paced knights, then defeat a second wave that appears to open the blocked door.
            9. Return to Ashley and move back into the room with the door that leads to the stranger, then enter the gold door on the other side of the area and tell Ashley to stay put on one of the orange floor panels.
            10. Move the statues onto two of the other floor panels, then stand on the remaining one to open the door and enter into the next room to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, shoot out the four red lights on the ceiling to stop its ascent and open up an exit.
            11. Leave the room and follow the hallway into the next area to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, equip a long range weapon and use it to take out the two enemies driving the drill ahead before they reach Ashley.
            12. Search the area to pick up the supplies and the Holy Grail, then kick open the locked door and return to the room with the billowing curtains. Take out the enemies and place the two grails in the statues of the king and queen to open the door nearby, then enter through it.

            Part 3 -The Towers

            1. Pick up the supplies from the nearby pots, being careful of the one containing a snake on the right, then move up the hall ahead and continue collecting from the cabinets. Enter through the next doorway and move forward to activate a cut scene.
            2. Afterwards, use an automatic weapon to fend off the attacking insect enemies and collect the items they leave behind. When the area is clear, open fire on the hive hanging from the ceiling above until you bring the whole thing crashing down.
            3. Collect the eyes scattered about the floor, then pull the lever on the opposite end from which you entered to drop the bridge and shoot out the chains supporting it.
            4. Cross the bridge to enter the next room, then purchase goods from the stranger and save your game. Move through the next door at the end of the hall and head towards the bell tower to activate a cut scene.
            5. Afterwards run towards the bell tower and turn left at the front entrance, then move up the stairs and eliminate the enemies ahead. Run across the back of the bell tower and enter the door around the right corner, then look through the gears ahead to shoot out the yellow block and move up the ladder to your right.
            6. Shoot out the next block in the gears ahead and the one above as well, then climb up the next ladder. Collect the supplies along the walkway and throw the lever to raise the bars on the door below, then jump down at each level by the ladders to reach the ground floor and take out the various enemies.
            7. Exit the bell tower and equip a close-range weapon, then cross the bridge to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, take out the shielded warriors ahead to unleash more enemies and equip a hand grenade.
            8. Throw the grenade at the enemies approaching from behind and equip a close-range or automatic weapon, then take out the threats ahead while backing up to maintain a safe distance. Collect the dropped items and enter the next set of large door.
            9. Collect the herb to the right and enter the hallway on the opposite side of the room to eliminate the enemies within. Move through the hallway to reach the top of the room and ring the bell across from you to draw in one of the clawed enemies and separate them.
            10. Move back to the bottom floor and use tactics from before to get the clawed enemy stuck in the wall, then attack their vulnerable backs. Return to the top of the room and execute the same maneuver on the other clawed enemy.
            11. Continue alternating between the two enemies until one of them is defeated, then use the bells in the room to take out the remaining one. You can also walk around quietly at a distance from these enemies and fire at their backs when they turn from you.
            12. After the two clawed enemies are eliminated, move through the doorway at the top of the room and pick up the gems off the busts, then continue up the stairs and enter the door to activate a cut scene.
            13. Part 4 -The Pit

              1. Tap the indicated buttons to save yourself from falling and continue the cut scene. Afterwards, search the area for supplies, purchase goods from the stranger and save your game.
              2. Climb up the ladder nearby and move forward through the sewers collecting supplies from the drain pipes. Enter the door at the end of the tunnel and continue forward, then follow the arrow to move through the next door ahead and take the supplies off the table.
              3. Kick open the next door ahead and enter the tunnels, then make a right and your next available left. Enter the next room and collect the supplies in the area, then kick open the next door ahead and dodge the enemy before he can strike you.
              4. Make a left and continue dodging the enemy’s attacks, then enter the room ahead and collect supplies in the control area. Move towards the back left corner of the area and flip the lever to return power to the elevator, then turn around and approach the shutter to start the process of opening it.


              1. Equip and automatic weapon and immediately open fire on the boss, then dodge his attack when he comes too close and run towards the opposite end of the room. Approach one of the nitro glycerine tanks and knock it over, then wait for the boss to approach so that he becomes covered in ice.
              2. Open fire on the boss as he writhes around after being hit with the icy blast, then dodge another attack and move backwards around the corners of the narrow corridors. Continue dodging the attacks and firing at the boss, using grenades to further slow him down, until the shuttered door open.
              3. Move through the open shutter and down the tunnel, then knock over the next tank ahead to make the boss vulnerable for another assault. Continue up the corridor as he recovers and kick open the next door ahead, then knock over another tank to continue your attacks until the boss is defeated.
              4. Collect the jewel to activate the cut scene, then exit the room and follow the arrows to locate the elevator and complete the chapter.
              5. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: A Terrifying Assassin (Silver): Turn the tables on Verdugo, the right hand of Salazar.

              Chapter 4-2

              Part 1 -The Mine

              1. Search the area for supplies and purchase goods from the stranger, then save your game and exit the room. You can also play the gun challenges nearby if you so choose.
              2. Move through the tunnel and eliminate the enemies ahead, then collect the nearby supplies and continue down the corridor. When you reach the open cave area, take out the enemies to your right and climbing up the ladder ahead, then jump to the ground below and move right.
              3. Eliminate the enemies ahead, then turn around and move forward to pull the lever that operates the trolley. After the cut scene, move around the area to collect supplies and take out any remaining enemies on the ground floor.
              4. Move up the steps and follow the incline to take out another pair of enemies, then collect the ptas in the area to the left and activate the circuit breaker ahead. Jump back down to ground floor and equip a close-range weapon.
              5. After the chainsaw enemy appears, use your weapon to knock him down and continue the assault before can he get up to eliminate him. Now, take out the enemies that drop down nearby and pull the lever that operates the trolley again.
              6. Take the dynamite from the cart that just descended and approach the boulder to the left of the shaft leading out of this area, then place the dynamite on it and walk away. Eliminate any enemies and collect supplies in the area you’ve just cleared, then exit through the door ahead.

              Part 2 -The Furnace

              1. Search the surrounding area for supplies and approach the exit to unleash the pair of enormous trolls, then equip your most powerful weapon and back away from them in a circular motion around the room.
              2. Lead the trolls over to the ladder until they are almost within striking distance, then climb up and use the zip-line to reach the control lever. When one of the trolls moves towards you by crossing over the circular panel in the center of the room, throw the switch to open the door he’s standing on and drop him in the lava.
              3. You can now approach the other troll and back away from him until he pounds the ground, then use the opportunity to move in close and fire upon his head. When the creature emerges from his back, focus your gunfire on it to cause further damage.
              4. Repeat the previous assault until the troll is defeated or use the ladder and zip line again to drop him in the lava, then exit the room. If you are having trouble avoiding the advancing trolls, use your stun grenades to keep them at bay and make them more vulnerable.

              Part 3 -The Caverns

              1. Move forward through the tunnel and collect the supplies in the part of the open area you come to, then fend off the flying enemies ahead. Move uphill along the edge of the cliffs and continue taking out enemies, then make a right when you reach the top.
              2. Continue along the ledge and make your next left to collect supplies, then press the switch and and exit the area. Make a left to continue along the ledge and continue taking out enemies, then around the rock bridge to reach the next door.
              3. Turn around at the door and eliminate any approaching enemies, then take the path to your right to enter the next room and press the switch. Return to the door, taking out enemies as you go, and move through it by pressing the switch.
              4. Approach the smashing column and wait for it to begin rising, then run forward and climb onto the ledge above. Move forward and drop to the ground below, then wait for the column to rise and run beneath it.
              5. Drop down again and activate the lever to your left, then move forward beneath another set of columns and enter the next open area. Take the Royal Insignia off the podium at the back of the cave, then combine the treasures in your inventory to create the royal crown and complete the chapter.

              Chapter 4-3

              Part 1 -The Ruins

              1. Search the area for supplies and documents, then enter the nearby shack to purchase goods from the stranger and save your game.
              2. Move around the back of the shack and along the pathway to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move through the area ahead with various columns scattered about and take out the enemies nearby.
              3. Search both sides of this are for supplies and continue forward to exit, then climb the ladder in front of you and use a grenade or long range weapon to take out the enemies below. Jump down and move towards the bonfire, then collect the supplies around and in the ruins beside you.
              4. Move onto the trail to the right of the building and follow it around to the opposite side, then jump through the hole in the wall and collect supplies. Turn the crank at the end of the room to open the door in the floor, then jump down by the ladder you’ve revealed to exit the area.

              Part 2 -The Burial Room

              1. Move forward past the gold statue and enter the tunnel, then continue forward and collect and supplies you find on the walls. Move down the stairs to your left upon entering the next open room and eliminate nearby enemies, then activate the bear traps in the path ahead and pick up the gem to the left of the stairs behind you before moving into the ruins.
              2. Make your first available right down the steps and into the burial chamber, then push away the coffin lid to pick up the Staff of Royalty before exiting the room. Follow the pathway around to the opposite side of the room and deactivate the bear traps around the corner ahead, then continue ahead.
              3. Use the steps by the opposite side of the room to eliminate the enemy standing near the top, then search the area for supplies and move back down the steps. Use a long-range weapon to eliminate the enemies in the windows above the ladder in front of you, then approach the base of this room.
              4. Move to the right side of the rounded room ahead and open the door, then eliminate the chainsaw enemy within by using a close-range weapon that you’ll need to continue firing even after knocking him to the ground. Afterwards, search the area for supplies and climb the staircase to enter the room above.
              5. Search the area for supplies then focus your gun or knife on the window by the ladder and fend off the enemies that begin purring in. The ladder can be knocked over at any point to take out ones in the process of climbing towards you.
              6. Pick up the Mine Key on the pedestal nearby, then take out a second wave of enemies climbing in through the windows and move back downstairs. Exit the rounded room and make a right up the steps, then enter the door at the top to enter another tunnel.

              Part 3 -The Mine Carts

              1. Move forward through the tunnel and open the door you come to at the end, picking up supplies along the way. Move slightly forward when you are inside the room to activate the spiked ceiling, then shoot out the red lights embedded in it to halt the mechanism.
              2. Open the nearby coffin for supplies and exit the room, then move left down the pathway and collect more items when you reach the clearing. Enter the next door ahead and drop into the first cart past the ledge, then jump into the next cart and turn left.
              3. Shoot the switch on the ledge above to put the mine carts in motion, then jump back into the previous car and focus your weapon towards the front. Use an automatic weapon to eliminate the enemies that jump down into the carts by starting with the closest ones first and shooting the weapons from their hands whenever possible.
              4. Move across the carts in between attacks to collect dropped items and continue facing forward to dodge any low-hanging obstacles across the shaft ahead. When the carts are eventually stopped, use a close-range weapon to clear out any enemies that drop in and shoot the switch just up ahead on the left to continue the ride.
              5. Continue using either an automatic weapon or grenades to clear out enemies that drop into the carts. Wait until your speed has increased in a rounding downhill motion and tap the indicated buttons to leap from the cart as it goes over the hole in the tracks, then continue tapping to climb up onto the next ledge.
              6. Move forward to open the next door and search the room for supplies, then pick up the Stone of Sacrifice from the middle of the area and exit through the pathway that’s been uncovered to climb the ladder ahead.
              7. When you reach the surface, approach the door to the right of the bonfire and use the sacrifice to open it, then operate the elevator to complete the chapter.

              Chapter 4-4

              Part 1 -Salazar’s Statue

              1. Head forward and save your game, then continue down the hall and move down the steps to activate the cut scene. Make a left at the bottom to activate another cut scene, then turn around and take out the enemies that have appeared on the steps to the right.
              2. Continue to the top of the steps and collect supplies, then climb up the nearby ladder and eliminate another enemy. Approach the ledge by the statue and continue taking out the enemies coming towards you, then jump onto the hand when in drops down and across to the next platform.
              3. Flip the switch to your right and jump across to the statue’s other hand when it drops down, then eliminate the enemies on the ledge across from you. Jump to the next area when the hand moves down again and take out any remaining enemies, then drop down by the ladder and flip the switch.
              4. Eliminate the enemies that appear in the area, then climb back up the ladder and get onto the statue’s hand again. Jump across to the ledge when the hand rises all the way up, then move around to the back of the statue and flip the switch.
              5. Return to the hand and move across to the opposite one, taking out enemies as you go, then jump to the next ledge when it rises all the way up and flip the switch. Return to the ground floor and cross the bridge you’ve raised to activate the cut scene.
              6. Afterwards, tap the buttons to escape the statue in pursuit and open the door at the end. Continue tapping the indicated buttons to jump across the gap in the bridge and pull yourself up on the ledge, then enter the wooden doors ahead to activate the cut scene.

              Part 2 -Salazar’s Tower

              1. Tap the indicated buttons to dodge the knife, then search the room for supplies and move up the stairs against the wall to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, continue running forward and quickly take your next left to avoid the barrel rolling towards you.
              2. Take out the enemies coming towards you on the scaffolding to your right, then follow it around to other side of the room to eliminate more enemies and collect supplies. Climb up the ladder at the end of the walkway and activate the switch on your right to send a barrel down onto the approaching enemies.
              3. Continue pulling the lever to eliminate the enemies below, then take out the enemy throwing dynamite from the balcony and move up the stairs behind you to collect the herb. Head back down the steps and make a right, then move beneath the scaffolding and pick up more supplies.
              4. Move onto the platform in the middle of the scaffolding and push the large crates over the edge, then press the button to make the lift ascend and take out the archers around you before eliminating the enemies that drop down near you.
              5. When the lift reaches the top of its ascent, move across the wooden bridge and exit the area by going around the corner to the right. Follow the walkway around, collecting supplies as you go, and jump across the gap ahead.
              6. Continue following the walkway behind the lift and make a right just before reaching the elevator ahead, then drop down to find the bracelet in the chest and climb back up onto the ledge above.
              7. Operate the next elevator ahead to ascend to the level above, then make a left and climb the stairs to collect items, buy supplies from the stranger and save your game before entering the double doors. If possible, equip the rocket launcher or mine thrower to aid you in defeating the boss ahead.

              Part 3 -Salazar

              1. After the cut scene, use an automatic weapon to open fire on the creature’s eye until Salazar emerges. Equip the rocket launcher or mine thrower if you have it and fire it into Salazar’s exposed body. If you do not have these weapons, use your rifle or shotgun if the range has been upgraded sufficiently.
              2. Continue dodging the tentacles and opening fire on Salazar until the next cut scene activates. Afterwards, jump down into the pit below and search the area for supplies before moving on to the next area.
              3. Collect additional supplies from the other upper areas via the ladders before entering the next door ahead, then continue picking up items on the castle’s roof and move forward to rappelling point. Use the rope to rappel down the side of the tower, then be careful in smashing the barrels ahead as one of them contains a snake.
              4. Enter the elevator and use it to descend to the next floor below, then move forward through the dungeon to collect supplies, do business with the stranger and complete the chapter by moving through the door to your left.
              5. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: The Castellan Falls (Bronze): Defeat Salazar, and make your escape from the castle.

              Chapter 5

              Chapter 5-1

              Part 1 – Island Cliffs

              1. After the cut scene, move forward along the edge of the cliff and jump down when you reach the end. Move left into the cave and jump over the obstacle, then continue left along the cliff edge before reaching the wooden bridge.
              2. When you reach the edge of the walkway, climb up on the two ledges to the left and collect the supplies. Jump back down to the cliff edge and move back to the wooden bridge, then cross it and continue forward until you see the spotlight.
              3. After the cut scene, shoot out the spotlight and jump across the gap in front of you. Approach the crates ahead to pick up the ammo, then move slightly right to unleash the enemies with mini-guns and clear the room in front of you of lesser threats by firing through the window.
              4. Hide behind the wall when the enemy with mini-gun enters the room ahead and wait until there’s a puss in his firing, then move over to the window and shoot him several times before he attacks again. Continue in this way until he is eliminated, then move back around the edge of the structure to the left and take out other enemies you encounter.
              5. Head towards the stairs where Ashley was taken and continue eliminating enemies, then search the room opposite of the next door ahead for supplies before approaching it. Activate the lasers on the right side of the door and return to the room where you just gathered supplies, then around back and climb the ladder.
              6. Operate the mirror emitting the red laser and rotate it so that it bounces off of the mirror to the left, then jump down over the front of the building and climb up the ladder in the room where you dispatched of the mini-gun enemy.
              7. Rotate the next mirror so that the red beam bounces hits the switch to the right of the door to open it. Return to the ground and move back towards the open doorway to exit the area.

              Part 2 – Island Caves

              1. Jump over the barricade ahead and pick up the ammo, then move through the corridor ahead and tap the indicated buttons to avoid the falling rock. Continue forward down the tunnel and take out the enemies, then climb the ladder and eliminate the enemy behind the barricade.
              2. Turn around and jump across the gap along the cliff edge ahead, then jump through the window to your right and take out the enemies that approach. Collect any surrounding supplies and move to the explosive barrel, then shoot it to create a hole in the wall and pass through the opening.
              3. Climb onto the ledge ahead to pick up the Golden Lynx, then jump back down and move through the rooms to locate the area with the spotlight and enemies on the cliffs above. Shoot the red barrel by the enemies and take out any survivors, then eliminate the ones on the ground and move uphill through the tunnel on your left.
              4. Take out the enemies in your path and collect the ammo in the room at the end of the path, then turn around and eliminate more approaching enemies. Move back downhill and make a left around the corner, then follow the path through another wave of enemies and shoot the exploding barrels ahead to clear the area.
              5. Press the switch to open the next door and exit the area, then follow the path to do business with the stranger and save your game.

              Part 3 – Island Labs

              1. Continue down the tunnel and eliminate the enemies ahead, then enter the last door on your left and search the room for supplies. Continue down the hall ahead and open the door with the circular window, then take out the enemies within and pick up more supplies in the area.
              2. Move to the back of the room by the sink and take a left, then approach the metal oven door ahead and run in the opposite direction when it explodes to avoid the flaming enemies. Exit through the next door ahead and follow the hallway around to take out the large enemy in your path with head shots, then move down the steps to your left and take out more enemies.
              3. Search the area for supplies, then climb back up the stairs and enter the next door on your left to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, exit the room through the door ahead and find the stranger to do business with him. Be sure to purchase the tactical vest if possible and also play the shooting gallery game if you so choose.
              4. From the stranger’s table turn around and move through the hall ahead to find the shutter door, then eliminate the two enemies within when it opens and pass through through it. Search the area for supplies and take out any remaining enemies, then open the next set of double doors ahead and move left.
              5. Collect the various items and save your game, then return to the previous room and move up the stairs. Move forward when you reach the top and make a left, then enter the double doors at the end of the hall and head through the door in front of you.
              6. Approach the glass window in the next room to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, enter the room beside you and operate the door’s security system. Turn the colored panels to form a moving line between the white arrows on the top and bottom of the screen.
              7. Afterwards, move through the doorway that opened and collect the Freezer Key Card from the dead body sitting in the back corner behind the surgical bed. Exit the room and run past the enemy ahead by going left, then re-enter the double doors at the back of the next room.

              Part 4 – The Freezer / Waste Disposal Area

              1. Move forward through the hallway and run past the next enemy ahead, then kick down the grated double doors ahead and enter the room. Use the key card to open the freezer door ahead and move through the door on the right when you’re inside.
              2. Use the re-writer on the card you’re carrying to change it to the Waste Disposal Keycard, then turn off the cryogenic device on your right and turn around. Re-enter the previous room and move right, then follow the path around the corner and enter the door to the left.
              3. Open the valved door on your left to acquire the infrared scope, then equip it to your rifle and exit the inventory to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, turn around aim your rifle on the exit area to await the first enemy that approaches.
              4. Eliminate the enemy that comes through the doorway by firing at the hot red points on his chest, then exit the freezer after the door is unlocked and move right around the corner, checking for supplies as you go. Eliminate the next enemy ahead and move to the door in the red-lit area , then use your keycard to open it and enter the next room.
              5. Move forward down the hall and enter the door on your right, then check the room for supplies and operate the crane controls by the window. Move the crane over each of the enemies, then use it to pick them up and drop them into the pit to the right.
              6. When the remaining enemies retreat from the area, exit the crane controls and take them out as they enter the room. Move through the door the enemies came from and jump down by the ladder, then check the area for supplies and head through the next door ahead.

              Part 5 – Rescuing Ashley

              1. Move up the stairs into the next room and search the area for supplies, then exit through the door ahead and head down the hallway to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, equip a close-range weapon and use head shots to eliminate the two large enemies.
              2. Turn around and enter the room on the right, then move down the hall and open the door at the end. Eliminate the surrounding enemies and move down the stairs ahead, then search the area for supplies and move through the door in the corner.
              3. Enter the door at the opposite end of the hall and save your game, then exit the room and move into the door on your right. Move into the next room ahead to activate a cut scene.
              4. Afterwards, use your rifle to eliminate the approaching enemy by shooting out the areas on his front and take out his legs to hit the one on his back. Pick up the dropped keycard and enter the room ahead, then search it for supplies and jump through the large broken window nearby.
              5. Destroy the display cases and turn the valve on the right wall to collect supplies, then exit through the door in the corner and open the next one in front of you. Move forward along the walkway and do business with the stranger, then operate the elevator ahead to ascend to the next level above.
              6. Move right around the corner and enter the next room to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, return to the elevator and use it to descend back to the level below.
              7. Move back through the previous rooms to return to Ashley’s holding cell and eliminate the enemies as you go up the first set of stairs. Use the keycard to open Ashley’s cell, then move through it to activate the cut scene and complete the chapter.

              Chapter 5-2

              Part 1 – Waste Disposal Escape

              1. Approach the bars to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, pick up the paper airplane and read the note.
              2. Exit the room and eliminate the enemies around the corner, then continue through the hall to open the next door ahead and take out another wave in the control area. Eliminate the enemy who presses the security button, then press it yourself to re-open the door.
              3. Eliminate the enemies who run in through the opened door and exit the room, then move through the next door ahead and approach the pit to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, flip the switch to your right and the one on the opposite side.
              4. Move towards the bars in the corner of the room and use your rifle to take out the risen enemy, then flip the switch by the bars to open them and exit the room. With the help of Ashley, push the red container over the edge to create a bridge that you can now cross over.
              5. Collect supplies in the area and turn towards the opening on the left, then use your rifle to eliminate the approaching enemy and cross the walkway to the next room. With the help of Ashley, push the red container forward to uncover the doorway and enter through it.
              6. Open the door to the left and move forward to eliminate the enemies ahead, then open the doors to your right and climb the steps. Jump down with Ashley at the ledge in front of the lava pit, then enter the control room after the enemies appear.
              7. Choose Ashley to operate the switch, then equip a close-range weapon and move to the back of the control room to eliminate enemies as they approach until she is able to break through the wall. Afterwards, clear out the remaining enemies and exit through the hole that’s been created.
              8. Move forward down the hall and enter the door on your right, then check the room for supplies and return to the previous hall. Eliminate the enemy ahead with your rifle and continue down the corridor, then take another creature ahead and make your next left.
              9. Enter the room at the end of the hall and press the switch to partly open the shutter, then exit and make a left down the hall. Flip the next switch on your right and send Ashley beneath the shutter, then continue forward after she opens the door.
              10. Move through the door on the right to collect supplies, do business with the stranger and save your game. Exit the room and approach the double doors ahead, then flip the switches with Ashley when six of the lights pop on and enter the next area ahead.
              11. Part 2 – The Truck

                1. Search the area for supplies and climb onto the truck bed to get Ashley to start driving forward, then equip a close-range or automatic weapon and face the back. Open fire on the enemies chasing the truck before they can reach you, then disable the truck that appears shortly after by shooting the grill.
                2. Continue eliminating the enemies, then shoot the enemy truck after it starts pursuing you again until it runs into the low hanging beam. When your truck stops, jump off the bed and climb the ladder to your left.
                3. Move across the walkway and eliminate the enemies ahead, then move left around the corner and take out the enemies moving across the catwalks on either side. Take out the enemies attacking the truck below, then flip the switch under the red light and collect the supplies in the area.
                4. Jump down by one of the ladders and get on the truck bed as the elevator begins to rise. When Ashley begins driving the truck again, aim your gun towards the front and take out the enemies on the walkways above, then turn around to eliminate any that jump down beside you.
                5. After Ashley breaks through the door ahead, open fire on the truck coming towards you to safely break through the next wall and enter the next area. Move through the door ahead and search the room for supplies, then do business with the stranger and save your game before moving through the door to the left to complete the chapter.

                Chapter 5-3

                Part 1 – Knife Fight

                1. Move forward up the steps and pick up the plans off the table, then move through the door to the left to activate the cut scene. Afterwards, continue down the hall and make your first left down the stairs.
                2. Enter the door on the left and take out the enemies in the next area, then move around the corner and take out the next ones down the corridor. Move up the stairs in the corner and take out the enemies ahead to enter the next room.
                3. Check the room for supplies and move back down the stairs, then enter the room on the right and pick up more items. Exit the room and enter the door ahead on the right, then move through the hall into the next area ahead.
                4. Get on the elevator to the right and use it to reach the level above, then move forward to activate the cut scene and tap the indicated buttons to dodge the overhead attack. Continue tapping the indicated buttons during the knife fight each time Krauser takes a swing at you until Ada shows up.
                5. Part 2 – Laser Room

                  1. Afterwards, move forward and go down the stairs to open the next door. Pass through the automatic door ahead to enter the laser room, then approach the first spotlit section to activate the first pattern.
                  2. When the two vertical lasers separate and the horizontal one rises, move forward to pass through the section safely and approach the next pattern ahead. Wait until all of the lasers have turned vertically and pass through the opening created, then approach the next pattern ahead.
                  3. As the next field of lasers comes towards you, tap the indicated buttons to jump through it safely and continue forward. When you are between the laser points on both sides of the wall, tap the indicated buttons once to back away safely and then again to duck under them as they go by.
                  4. Approach the door in front of you and activate the console to the left of it, then move slowly towards the lasers moving at you and press indicated buttons when they are close to run up the wall as an evasive maneuver.

                  Part 3 – Underground Caverns

                  1. Move through the door after it unlocks and approach the chair in front of you to pick up the emerald, then turn around and shoot down the Elegant Headdress above to collect it. Return to the chair and sit in it to activate a cut scene.
                  2. Move around into the room behind the chair and operate the elevator to descend to the level below, then move down the stairs ahead on your left and pick up the supplies beneath them. Continue down the tunnel ahead and pick up the document to the left of the stranger, then enter the room behind him to pick up supplies and return to business.
                  3. Save your game and continue forward through the caverns, the enter the door ahead and enter the next room on the left to collect more supplies. Continue forward down the cavern through the fire-lit room and into the next area to activate two cut scenes.

                  BOSS: : “IT”

                  1. Equip a close-range weapon and open fire on the creature immediately, then tap the indicated buttons to shake off its attack and continue firing until it jumps away. Turn around and shoot the green button by the door to open it, then turn around again to dodge the enemy’s attack and pick up the herb.
                  2. If the creature drops down again, open fire while backing away until it retreats. Move down the opposite end of the walkway and collect the ammo on your right, then approach the next doorway behind you and shoot the green button to open it.
                  3. Press the button in the next room and run back towards the door you opened first, then open fire on the enemy again before passing through that doorway. Follow the walkway around to the left and press another button, then turn around when the timer starts and enter through the door on the wall to the left.
                  4. Exit the area before time runs out to escape the falling rig, then pick up the ammo on the right before continuing forward and shoot the green light above the door on the left. Move along the walkway to encounter the creature again, then open fire on it and move in the opposite direction of the door you just opened.
                  5. Take a right down the next corridor and fire upon the creature when it drops down, then turn around and press the button behind you. Continue firing on the creature until it retreats and move through the doorway you opened previously, then press the other button and turn around.
                  6. When the timer starts, move forward down the corridor ahead and duck the creatures attacks from above. Move down the walkway opposite of the first button you pressed and open the door on the wall to escape the falling rig.
                  7. Press the button on the right and fire upon the creature while backing away until it retreats. Move towards the opening created by the creature and turn around just before it, then enter the narrow corridor to pass by the large red door and follow the walkway to the barred gate.
                  8. Destroy the green light to open the door ahead and return through the narrow corridor, then make a right and press the next button ahead. Move back through the narrow corridor when the timer starts and open the large red door on the wall to escape the falling rig, then jump towards the hook in front of you to activate a cut scene.
                  9. After the cut scene, pick up the ammo nearby and move forward up the tunnel to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move around the rock formation behind you and draw the creature near the red barrel.
                  10. Move forward to put the red barrel between you and the creature, then blow it up when it gets nearby it and open the barred door beside you. Run through the next tunnel ahead and turn around when you pass the red barrel, then blow it up when the creature moves near it.
                  11. Turn around and flip the switch to open the next gated door ahead, then run back out into the open and use a close-range weapon or grenades to continue attacking the creature until its dead. You may need to run around the rock formation or run into the tunnel again and drop the gate behind you as a means of keeping a distance during this assault.

                  Part 4 – The Ruins

                  1. Move through the gate that opens after the creature’s death and enter the door on the right, then go through the tunnel ahead and up the steps to the left. Climb the ladder to the right and the one in front of you after that, then enter the door in the corner ahead and move to the ledge on your left.
                  2. Aim at the red barrels below and shoot them take out the group of enemies, then take out any survivors and jump down. Collect supplies in the area and move into the tent, then jump down through the hole in the ground and move forward along the mine tracks.
                  3. Make your first right and collect the Blue Stone of Treason, then combine it with the Lynx and continue forward down the tracks. Do business with the stranger ahead and save your game, then climb up the ladder nearby and collect supplies in the area.
                  4. Move forward through the next door by the torches and continue along the walkway ahead, then jump down at the ledge ahead and move between the ruins to your left to activate a cut scene.

                  BOSS: KRAUSER

                  1. Move forward behind the wall to your right and up the steps ahead, then open the door at the top and search the area for supplies. Face the door you just moved through and wait for Krauser to break through, then use your knife to slash at him and dodge his attacks until he retreats.
                  2. Climb the ladder and collect supplies, then jump back down into the previous room and move through the barred door to exit. Hide behind one of the walls beside you to dodge Krauser’s gunfire and equip a close-range weapon.
                  3. Fire upon Krauser when he pauses his attacks and dodge the knife strikes until he retreats, then move down the first set of steps ahead and make a right. Hide behind the columns on the next walkway while firing at Krauser on top of the building above with your rifle, then equip a close-range weapon when he moves to ground level.
                  4. Shoot Krauser repeatedly and dodge his attacks until he retreats, then move forward between the columns and jump through the window ahead. Collect supplies in the room and climb the ladder, then jump down at the opening in the wall and move left.
                  5. Go down the steps ahead and make a left, then climb the stairs to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, aim upwards at Krauser when he jumps onto the ledge above and open fire with an automatic weapon.
                  6. When Krauser returns to the ground, attack him with a knife until he retreats back to the ledge above. Tap the indicated buttons to respond to the boss and dodge his follow up attacks while contuing to fire upon him.
                  7. Slash at Krauser when he return to the ground until he retreats for good, then approach the statue that was raised and push it forward from the right side. When you’ve moved it past the wall on the right, get around behind it and push it forward onto the floor panel ahead.
                  8. Move right and flip the switch on the wall, then move down the stairway to your left and make a right when you reach the far wall ahead. Make your next available right and follow the pathway to the next gate, then slash at Krauser who’s hiding around the corner to the left and dodge his attacks until he retreats.
                  9. Flip the switch to open the gate and pass through the opening, then jump down over the ledge and shoot the explosive creatures on the left. Move through the hole you’ve created and go left around the corner, then shoot explosive creature and continue forward.
                  10. Shoot the enemy on the right and continue forward, then take out the explosive creatures in the next corridor and move through it activate a cut scene. Tap the indicated buttons to respond to Krauser, then back away and shoot at the explosive creatures that appear.
                  11. Enter the doorway ahead on the left and move up the staircase, then climb the ladder and head left across the bridge. Pick up the supplies nearby, then move back across the bridge and collect the items on the wooden ledge to activate a cut scene.
                  12. Afterwards, dodge Krauser as he drops down and move in close to attack with a close-range weapon or your knife. Continue this attack while dodging to defeat him, then pick up the piece of the Holy Beast and jump down by the ladder.
                  13. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: The Ties That Bind (Bronze): Defeat Krauser, your former partner, in battle.
                  14. Move through the entryway behind you and jump off the ledge ahead, then place all the pieces you’ve acquired on the wall to your right and move through the door that’s uncovered before the timer runs out to complete the chapter.

                  Chapter 5-4

                  Part 1 – Island Camp

                  1. Move forward to activate two cut scenes. Afterwards, head through the camp and collect any supplies in the tent to the left to wait until the mini-gun is eliminated by the helicopter.
                  2. Move back out into the open and take the path to the left of the steps, then eliminate the enemies on the ground and above. Retreat from the area when the helicopter pilot gives the order and take out any enemies that survived the attack.
                  3. Take out the enemy in the tower across the way and move down the nearby steps, then move behind the barricades to the right and turns around to eliminate approaching threats. Head back out into the open and turn right, then eliminate any enemies ahead and move forward.
                  4. Go up the ladder to the left and wait until the helicopter destroys the next area, then jump back down and break open the locked door ahead. Enter the next area and move right into the tunnel beneath the bridge, then fend off the approaching enemies from both sides until the helicopter takes out the mini-gun.
                  5. Continue through the tunnel and climb up the next ladder ahead, then enter the room to collect supplies and move down the stairs to cross the bridge. Climb up the ladder on your right to collect herbs and jump back down to the previous area, then move back across the bridge and open the door within the room.
                  6. Exit through the door to unleash another mini-gun enemy, then re-enter the room behind you to evade his gunfire. Fend off the approaching enemies and exit through the previous doorway again, then run across the pathway ahead and climb the two sets of stairs.
                  7. Equip a long-range weapon and approach the ledge by the zip line, then take out the mini-gun enemy below. Use the zip line to reach the next area and jump down by the enemy’s body, then hit the switch beside you and down again.
                  8. Jump down by the ladder to your right and search the area for supplies, then climb back up and move forward into the next area to have the door shut behind you. Duck into the tunnel to your left to avoid the mini-guns, then climb the ladder and take out the enemies moving in from both sides.
                  9. Wait until the mini-guns stop firing, then move down the metal walkway to the right and make another right into the next available tunnel. Follow the corridor around to sneak up behind the mini-gun enemy and eliminate him, then wait until the helicopter takes out the other threats.
                  10. Move up the steps to the right and kick open the door ahead, then flip the switch and turn around. Move forward and jump down to the right when you can by the metal walkway, then eliminate the nearby enemies and collect supplies.
                  11. Climb up the ladder in the corner and move along the walkway to flip the next switch, taking out enemies as you go. Wait until the helicopter destroys the next area and jump back to the ground, then move left through the double doors.
                  12. Part 2 – The Prison

                    1. Move up the stairs ahead to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, checking the smoking ruins for supplies before moving to the right of the two nearest torches towards the ones in the distance.
                    2. Enter the door ahead and continue forward, then jump down by the ladder and move into the next room to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move through the door ahead and make a right.
                    3. Enter the door on your left and search the area for supplies, then exit the room and move down the hall past the jail cells while picking up more items. Use your rifle with the infrared scope to take out the enemies ahead, then move to the left of the next staircase to climb on top of it.
                    4. Enter the door nearby and move down the steps, then go down the hallway ahead and up the steps to the right. Take out the enemies behind the barricades, blowing up the red barrel to help the elimination process, and duck back into the tunnel to the right when the mini-gun appears.
                    5. Creep back up the steps every so often to take shots at the mini-gun enemy until he is eliminate, then search the area for supplies and move into the back right corner from where you entered. Try to open the door in the hallway to activate the cut scene, then turn around and fend off the approaching enemies with a close-range weapon.
                    6. Use the red barrels in the area to help in clearing the area, then pick up the emergency keycard and climb the ladder in the room to the right of the steps you entered from. Use the keycard on the lock ahead, then move through the entry to your left and collect supplies in the room ahead to the right.
                    7. Exit the room and drop down the ledge ahead, then move left and around the corner and press the button on the console. Search the area for supplies and move back to the ladder you previously dropped down by, then head left along the walkway and enter the next room.
                    8. Press the button on the console and collect supplies in the area, then exit the room and move back down the walkway. Drop down by the ladder on your right and move into the hallway in the far left corner to pass through doorways you’ve just opened, then move down the stairs to your right and open the door.
                    9. Collect supplies and eliminate the enemies that approach, then move down the hall and enter the door on the left to activate a cut scene.
                    10. Move through the door on your left to do business with the stranger and save your game, then continue forward into the next room ahead and move down the steps. Eliminate the enemies in the hallway to your right and make another right after that, then enter the next room ahead and move up the steps.
                    11. Afterwards use the ramp at the back of the room to reach the floor above and move across the walkways to reach control room. Collect supplies and move back down the ramp to return to the previous hallway through the door at the bottom of the steps, then move left through the corridor to enter the room at the opposite end and activate a cut scene.

                    Chapter 6

                    Part 1 – Saddler

                    1. Move out of the room and head up the steps to the right, then collect supplies in the room at the top and exit through the nearby door. Do business with the stranger and save the game, then move down the stairs nearby and approach the lift to activate the cut scene.

                    BOSS: SADDLER

                    1. Equip a powerful close-range weapon and open fire on the green vulnerable part of one of Saddler’s legs to temporarily disable him, then move towards his eyeball and tap the indicated button to execute a knife attack.
                    2. Move around behind Saddler towards the opposite end of the area and turn around after passing by the red barrel, then wait for the boss to come towards you and blow it up. Move in to execute another knife attack, then continue backing away down the platform and fire at the creature’s legs again.
                    3. Execute another knife attack, then climb onto the smaller raised platform behind you and flip the switch when Saddler is almost within striking distance. After the crane crashes into him, jump off the platform and perform another knife attack.
                    4. Move forward past Saddler and head up the ramp on you’re left, then tap the indicated buttons to clear the jump and pull yourself up. Climb onto the platform to your right and wait for Saddler to move within striking striking distance, then flip the switch to hit him with the crane again.
                    5. Jump down off the platform to execute another knife attack, then move to the opposite end of the area and turn around. Disable Saddler again by shooting the red barrel when he comes towards you and execute another knife attack to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, run past the creature and pick up the rocket launcher.
                    6. Equip the rocket launcher and move back to the opposite end of the platform where you operated the previous crane, then turn around and fire it into Saddler’s to destroy him for good.

                    Part 2 – Escape the Island

                    1. Return to the elevator, then use it to reach the level below and activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move forward through the tunnel and jump down at the ladder ahead.
                    2. Catch Ashley and continue forward, then make a left when you reach the open area to activate the jet ski with the keys you received and drive it forward. Move through the tunnel to your right, then through the tunnel to the left.
                    3. Steer the jet ski to the right through the next tunnel, then ramp off the ledges to the waterway below to activate a cut scene. Afterwards accelerate forward and dodge the rocks falling to the right, then take the next ramp on your left and the one on your right after that.
                    4. Move right and left around the rock formation, then steer left around the falling debris and keep right until you reach the exit to complete the game.
                    5. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: We’re Going Home (Bronze): Defeat Saddler in battle, and escape from the nightmare.