Destiny Guide: How to earn Ascendant Shards and Energy Fast

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Ascendant Shards and Ascendant Energy are required to upgrade Legendary and Exotic gear. They are incredibly difficult to obtain but they are required if you need to reach level 30.

Here’s the best way to get to get them fast. But bear in mind, you need to be over level 27 and have decent gear so that you will be able to hold your own while facing strong enemies.

1) Do the daily story on level 28 hard.

2) Do the nightfall weekly stike.

3) Do the weekly heroic strike.

4) Do the vault of glass raid.

5) Try to get all the chests while farming for upgrade materials.

6) Purchase legendary gear using vanguard and crucible marks and dismantle them.

7) Dismantle legendary gear that you do not need earned via engrams.

8) Always do missions on level 28 to increase chance of legendary drops.

9) Hope the RNG works in your favour.

These are the things you can do to earn a decent amount of ascendant shards per week.

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