Twisted Metal PS3 – Trophies Walkthrough [Guide]

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  • Blah, Blah, Blah, Gimme the Trophy
  • Old School
  • Right Place, Right Time, Tradin' Paint, The Most Dangerous Game
  • Twofer
  • 60 to 0
  • Birth Control
  • That. Just. Happened.
  • Up, Up, and Away & In your face
  • Racing? In a TM game?!
  • Remote Nuke
  • Tantric Twisted
  • Game Play Trophies
Twisted Metal (sometimes referred to as “Twisted Metal PS3″) is a vehicle combat video game developed by Eat Sleep Play and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. The series began on the PlayStation in 1995 and this is the eighth installment in the same name. It is the 162nd best-selling video game franchise, selling over 7 million copies of Twisted Metal: Black in North America alone, and at least 15 million copies total. The game was planned to be released in October 2011, but was delayed to February 14, 2012, in North America, and to March 7, 2012, in Europe.

The plot focuses on contestants trying to win Calypso’s Twisted Metal Tournament. The game passes through three segments, focusing on each of the three playable characters. The first arc features Sweet Tooth, this time a vicious serial killer who murdered his family, joining Calypso’s tournament to find his daughter, a victim that got away. The second arc focuses on Mr. Grimm, a violent criminal who feels his life would have been different if his stuntman father hadn’t died in a stunt accident. The third arc deals with Dollface, a sociopathic runway model who went to great lengths to repair her beauty after a minor disfigurement occurred to her face. Each arc tells the characters back story as well as their eventual confrontation with Calypso who grants their wishes in unpleasant, ironic fashion.

This page, you will guide you on how to get all 40 trophies in Twisted Metal PS3. We’ll be starting from the bronze trophies, down to the silver, gold, and platinum.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Gimme the Trophy

(Know your controls)

The goal is to finish the tutorial. This is probably the easiest of the trophies. Still this guide is posted to help you with any problems that you may encounter in the tutorial, hence, a written tutorial about the controls in the game. So, for instance, you forget on how to control turbo, you can easily view this guide.

1. HOW TO STEER – In order to steer, use the left analog stick. Perform this three times in order to advance to the next control.

2. HOW TO USE THE GAS – Press the Square or Box button indicated at the right side of your controller. Again, perform this three times in order to advance to the next control.

3. HOW TO TURBO – Simply double tap and hold the Square or Box button in order to perform a turbo. Do this three times to advance.

4. HOW TO BRAKE – Hold the Circle or “O” Button to brake. Do this three times to advance.

5. HOW TO REVERSE – Just pull the right stick back for you to reverse. Again, perform this three times in order to advance.

6. HOW TO REVERSE TURBO – This is basically same as a reverse but with a faster pace. So, pull back the right stick and at the same time, press the “R3″ Button.

7. HOW TO TURBO DASH – With full turbo and the Square Button pressed, flick the wireless controller forward. Perform this control three times in order to advance.

8. HOW TO JUMP – Yes, in twisted metal, most cars can jump by tapping the Buttons “L1″ and “R1″ at the same time. Again, do this three times to advance.

9. HOW TO TIGHT TURN – Press the “X” Button while steering. Perform this three times again in order to advance to the next control.

10. HOW TO SHOOT SIDEARM – Just hold the “L2″ to fire. Perform three times to advance.

11. HOW TO CYCLE MAIN WEAPON LEFT – Tap “L1″ Button to cycle weapons left. Perform this three times for you to advance.

12. HOW TO CYCLE MAIN WEAPON RIGHT – Tap “R1″ Button to cycle weapons right. Perform this three times for you to advance.

13. HOW TO USE MAIN WEAPON – Tap “R2″ Button to use your main weapon. Perform this three times in order for you to advance to the next control.

14. HOW TO USE FREEZE WEAPON – Tap your “Up” Button in order to use your freeze weapon. Do this three times in order to advance.

15. HOW TO USE SHIELD - Tap the “Right” Button for you to use your shield. Perform this three times for you to proceed.

16. HOW TO REAR FIRE – Tap your “Down” Button in order to fire backwards. Perform this three times in order for you to advance.
Note: Not all weapons rear fire.

17. HOW TO USE ALTERNATE FIRE – You first have to cycle to your special weapon first. Then, tap the “Triangle” Button to activate alternate special then tap “R2″ Button to use alternate special. Perform this three times in order to advance to the next control.

18. HOW TO DROP A MINE – Tap you “Left” Button to drop a mine. Do this three times in order to advance.

19. HOW TO CHANGE CAMERA – Simply tap the “Select” Button in order to change the camera. This is the last control. After you do this three times, wait for a little while and you’ll have your first trophy.

Here’s the video version of the tutorial:

Old School

The goal of this trophy is to play a 2,3, or 4 player split screen local game.

1. This is another one of the easy trophies in the game. First go to Multiplayer and make sure that you have your second controller. Then click Offline Split with two players. After that, choose Death Match.

2. During the setup menu, simply press “X” and leave it as is. Then, ready up both cars and it also doesn’t matter what car it is. Once it starts loading, the trophy will pop out.

To view the video version of this guide, play this below:

Right Place, Right Time, Tradin’ Paint, The Most Dangerous Game

In this entry we show you how to gain three trophies in the easiest way.

  • First is Right Place, Right Time wherein you have to kill a player less than 5 seconds after you respawn, in an online game.
  • The second is Tradin’ Paint where you have to Ram 5 players to death in a single online game.
  • Third is The Most Dangerous Game wherein you’ll have to Be The Hunted/Stay the Hunted- in ranked, unranked, or split screen local-HUNTED GAME MODE for at least 4 minutes.

Right Place, Right Time

1. Now, this first one is a bit difficult to get if you don’t know the secret on how to get this. So, first setup a Lan Game from the Multiplayer menu and set a Death Match at Sunsprings, CA at a small map, Grindhouse. Make sure you sign in your friend or the idle controller to a split screen menu while doing this.
Note: Do not pick any team matches.

2. Choose Crimson Fury or some other very fast vehicle. Now, weaken your partner to a point that’s close to dying. Put him on the most open area then have him kill you. This is the time to act quickly. When you spawn, go as fast as you can by turning the turbo and maybe even flicking your controller to ram your partner to kill him. If it’s done under five seconds, the trophy will unlock.

Tradin’ Paint

1. I highly recommend you use Juggernaut but almost any vehicle can ram another vehicle to death. Your partner or idle controller can pick Reaper. Now set the game on Death Match on Sunsprings, CA to the small map of Grindhouse.

2. What you have to do is to put Reaper in an open area and just basically Ram him to death five times. Putting him in an open area is more convenient in terms of finding him faster. Kill him as stated, and the trophy should pop out.

The Most Dangerous Game

1. Okay for this one, setup a game of Haunted. It really doesn’t matter what map you’re on. If your partner is the haunted, just kill him so that you’ll become the haunted. Afterward, all you have to do is to wait for four minutes and you’ll get the trophy.

The video version of this guide can be viewed below:


The goal is to kill two enemies with only one rat rocket.

1. Most probably, you’ll get this trophy by going into a challenge match with ten bots on SKIDROW in Diesel City. Now, what you have to do is to basically get all bots health really low and wait for two of them to get lined up. The odds are pretty good for this to happen, so don’t worry that much. Just hope that you get this in time. So, if you do see two enemies close to each other, grab the chance by launching your rocket at them, thus, killing them. If you do this successfully, you’ll earn the trophy.

To view the video version of this guide, play this below:

60 to 0

The goal is basically to kill a player full of health with only one shot.

1. It is highly recommended to use Juggernaut. To unlock Juggernaut, you’ll first have to finish the game. Then, choose any stage that Reaper is in, and also have the option to use Juggernaut at the same time. This would be easiest at the normal difficulty.

2. As you can see, Reaper is tiny compared to juggernaut. He rides a bike while juggernaut holds this enormous truck. Now, all you have to do is to run over Reaper and you’ll easily have the trophy/achievement.

The video version of this guide can be played below:

Birth Control

The goal is to defeat the semi before a single enemy is spawned in Juggernaut DM – Watkyn’s Harbor.

1. First thing is to go to story mode and then choose the easiest difficulty. After that, go to the fourth stage which is Juggernaut DM – Watkyn’s Habor.

2. Now you have to pick a vehicle. Choose Sweet Tooth and then, Sweet tooth’s main vehicle. The two vehicles after that don’t really matter because Sweet Tooth’s vehicle is the only one to use in this mission.

3. At the very start of the match, you can’t see juggernaut on your radar. This is the purpose why you choose Sweet Tooth and his main vehicle, because you can use his special ability to fly. With this, you’ll locate the juggernaut in seconds.

4. Once you’re over to the juggernaut and landed, use every single weapon you started the level with against the Semi WHILE using your turret.

5. He will drop explosives especially when you go near so, it would be best to avoid it at all costs. The possibility of dying really easily if you run over all of them is pretty high. Then, as you progress in the game, you will eventually kill the juggernaut thus, earning you a trophy.

To view the video version of the guide, play this below:

That. Just. Happened.

The goal is to get yourself killed with a freeze cheap shot in ranked DM or LMS, or in any un-ranked or offline play. The description itself is a bit confusing so, follow the guide below to get this trophy:

1. First thing that you want to do is to grab a second controller and a friend. Then go to Offline Split, next go to death match. After that, make sure you set the map to small, so that both of your guys find each other fast.

2. Now, what you have to do is freeze an enemy which is already frozen and kill yourself on that impact. So, pick Kamikaze as your vehicle since he can freeze as his special ability and unfreeze as well.

3. Have a dummy or you friend damage you really low until you’re about to die. After which, you would now want to use Kamikaze’s special.

4. Once he unleashes his special ability, the target will be frozen and then press up. This will kill you, unlocking the trophy/achievement.

To view the video version of this guide, play this below:

Up, Up, and Away & In your face

Here you will be guided on how to obtain two trophies which are:

  • Up, Up, and Away,  where you have to launch a nuke.
  • In Your Face where you have to get the statue with a nuke.

1. First go to Multiplayer, then go to Lan. After that, set the match to Nuke, and the map to Metro Square. When you finish that, pick a car. It doesn’t matter what car you choose, it could be any.

2. Once the game starts, all you have to do is go and find yourself a turret and run over it with your car. The red faces seen on your screen indicate the location of each turret.

3. Now, when you hit a turret, you will have an enemy dragged. Then find the White Nuke on your map or screen which is a truck. You will then see a green circle situated at the rear part of the truck. Enter it in order for the sacrifice to take place, thus, gaining you the trophy/achievement Up, Up, and Away.

4. When your Nuke is launched, find the enemy statue which is seen on your map or screen. Once you successfully hit it. The In Your Face trophy will unlock.

The video version of this guide can be viewed below:

Racing? In a TM game?!

The goal is to not miss any gates and win the battle in Race #2, with one player only.

1. Now, this takes place at Sunset Springs Battle #2. It would be best to pick Death Warrant and stay focused on the checkpoints, don’t draw any of your attention to the other drivers. You don’t necessarily need to finish at first place, being a part of the top four will do as long as you won’t miss any of the four checkpoints. Determination, agility, and quick thinking will win you this trophy.

To view the video version of this guide, play this below:

Remote Nuke

The goal is to kill three players with one Remote Nuke.

1. This is pretty much the same as the Twofer Trophy, most probably you can get this when you pick SKIDROW level in a challenge map with ten bots. You first have to get all of those bots health really low. Afterward, plant the bomb on somebody and wait until it’s red. Once the carrier of the bomb is in a group of enemies, detonate it by pressing “L3″ + “R3″ Button. If you kill at least three of them with a single remote bomb, you’ll have the trophy.
Note: The remote bomb is not hard to find. It is just on top of one of the roofs.

The video version of this guide can be played below:

Tantric Twisted

The goal is to reach fifty car kills in Endurance mode.

1. It is recommended to have Juggernaut before attempting this. Okay so, go to single player, then, go to challenges and set it up to One vs. One Endurance with Sunsprings, CA on Grindhouse. Also, make sure that it is on normal difficulty and set the map to small. Then start the match.

2. When you kill an enemy vehicle, they will drop two drivers. One of the drivers will give you health so, make sure that you run over that particular driver every time in order to restore your health after some damage is dealt upon you.

3. Basically, all you have to do is Ram into people as Juggernaut, fire missiles, or what ever may please you. It would probably take about thirty to forty minutes to win this trophy. Once you reach the said number of kills, you’ll earn this trophy.

To view the video version of this guide, play this below:

Game Play Trophies

Here are the routine gameplay trophy achievements which can be unlocked as you play through the game:

1. We buy gold! – Earn a gold medal on every campaign event in any difficulty mode including co-op.

2. …and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal. – Complete the Story mode on any difficulty.

3. Make up your mind – Use the garage 25 times.

4. The One That Got Away – Complete the Sweet Tooth story on any difficulty.
Note: Check out our “All Boss Fights Guide” to have a glimpse on how to achieve this.

5. Watch Me Shine! – Complete the Doll Face story on any difficulty.
Note: Check out our “All Boss Fights Guide” to have a glimpse on how to achieve this.

6. Grimm’s Dark Trip Back – Complete the Grimm story on any difficulty.
Note: Check out our “All Boss Fights Guide” to have a glimpse on how to achieve this.

7. Cookie Party – Kill 3 enemies in a single game using drop mines. Please refer to the guides for the trophies Remote Nuke and Twofer. Upon reading the said guides will give you a hint on how to do this. The idea is in general for these three trophies.

8. He’s not heavy – As Talon, pick up teammate (ranked, unranked, split screen, campaign co-op).

9. So much anger… – Discover the secret of Sophie Kane.

10. Because I care – Complete a campaign game without hitting a single pedestrian.

11. Am I not merciful? – Kill 100 flaming gunners and/or drivers in campaign mode.

12. Fire in the sky – Shoot down an enemy missile 1 time in a ranked game of NUKE.

13. Calypso – Achieve the Highest Online Rank.

14. You think this game made itself? – Watch the credits, start to finish.

15. I h8 poachers – Finish a ranked game with the most damage done and fewest kills overall.

16. Medic! - Heal a teammate.

17. Grace Under Fire – Beat Metro Square Electric Cage on HARD MODE with 5 SECONDS LEFT in your GRACE PERIOD meter. Cooperative Story is allowed.

18. All sales are final – Win at least 1 Ranked Online game per day for 30 straight days

19. Truly Twisted – Complete the Story mode on Twisted Difficulty.

20. Another Level - Win 10 Ranked games in each map. Map size does not matter.

21. A la Mode - Win 10 Ranked games in each game type.

22. TMA – Complete Story mode without dying or switching cars in the garage.

23. Point, Shoot, Kill – Kill 100 enemies with every missile during Ranked games.

24. Any car will do - Earn 50 Kills with Each Vehicle in Online Ranked Games.

25. Twisted Gold – Earn a gold medal in every campaign event and boss fight on Twisted difficulty.

26. I am Sweet Tooth – Get all Trophies.

Also check out our Boss Fight Guide which can be seen at the related section below.

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