Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time Walkthrough/FAQ [Guide]

This guide will walk you through all aspects of Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time. We hope you learn to love the game series as much as we do and that this walkthrough helps you along the way!

       -and- Blitz Knight Stunt Present:

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 / / __/ /_/ / / / / | /| / / /   / /| | /  |/ /\__ \/ __/ / /_/ /
 / /_/ / _, _/ /_/ /| |/ |/ / /___/ ___ |/ /|  /___/ / /___/ _, _/
 \____/_/ |_|\____/ |__/|__/_____/_/  |_/_/ |_//____/_____/_/ |_|  
 W A Y F A Y E R    O F    T I M E         

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
 Platform:   Sony PSP
 Version:   1.00
 Last Updated:   09/19/2012

 Email:   FAQs @ bkstunt .com
 Web Site:
 Facebook Page:

 This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New.
 If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look
 strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.
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O==<                          Table of Contents                           >==O

 Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


 - Introduction......................................................[WoT-INT]
 - Controls..........................................................[WoT-CON]
 - Story/Characters..................................................[WoT-STR]
 - Game Basics / Tips................................................[WoT-GBT]


 Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End.................................[WoT-CH1]

 Mission 01 ...............................................[WoT-M01]
 Mission 02 ...............................................[WoT-M02]
 Mission 03 ...............................................[WoT-M03]

 Chapter 2: Military Days............................................[WoT-CH2]

 Mission 04.................................................[WoT-M04]
 Mission 05.................................................[WoT-M05]
 Sidequest 01...............................................[WoT-S01]
 Mission 06.................................................[WoT-M06]
 Mission 07.................................................[WoT-M07]
 Mission 08.................................................[WoT-M08]
 Mission 09.................................................[WoT-M09]
 Mission 10.................................................[WoT-M10]

 Chapter 3: The Search for Truth.....................................[WoT-CH3]

 Mission 11.................................................[WoT-M11]
 Mission 12.................................................[WoT-M12]
 Mission 13.................................................[WoT-M13]
 Mission 14.................................................[WoT-M14]
 Mission 15.................................................[WoT-M15]
 Mission 16.................................................[WoT-M16]
 Mission 17.................................................[WoT-M17]
 Mission 18.................................................[WoT-M18]
 Mission 19.................................................[WoT-M19]
 Mission 20.................................................[WoT-M20]
 Sidequest 02...............................................[WoT-S02]
 Mission 21.................................................[WoT-M21]
 Mission 22.................................................[WoT-M22]
 Mission 23.................................................[WoT-M23]
 Sidequest 03...............................................[WoT-S03]
 Mission 24.................................................[WoT-M24]
 Mission 25.................................................[WoT-M25]
 Mission 26.................................................[WoT-M26]
 Mission 27.................................................[WoT-M27]
 Sidequest 04...............................................[WoT-S04]
 Mission 28.................................................[WoT-M28]

 Chapter 4: To Kill an Angel.........................................[WoT-CH4]

 Mission 29.................................................[WoT-M29]
 Mission 30.................................................[WoT-M30]
 Mission 31.................................................[WoT-M31]
 Mission 32.................................................[WoT-M32]
 Mission 33.................................................[WoT-M33]
 Mission 34.................................................[WoT-M34]
 Mission 35.................................................[WoT-M35]
 Mission 36.................................................[WoT-M36]
 Mission 37.................................................[WoT-M37]
 Mission 38.................................................[WoT-M38]

 Chapter 5: For the Future!..........................................[WoT-CH5]

 Mission 39.................................................[WoT-M39]
 Mission 40.................................................[WoT-M40]
 Mission 41.................................................[WoT-M41]
 Mission 42.................................................[WoT-M42]
 Mission 43.................................................[WoT-M43]
 Mission 44.................................................[WoT-M44]
 Mission 45.................................................[WoT-M45]
 Sidequest 05...............................................[WoT-S05]
 Mission 46.................................................[WoT-M46]
 Mission 47.................................................[WoT-M47]
 Mission 48.................................................[WoT-M48]
 Mission 49.................................................[WoT-M49]
 Mission 50.................................................[WoT-M50]
 Mission 51.................................................[WoT-M51]
 Mission 52.................................................[WoT-M52]
 Mission 53.................................................[WoT-M53]
 Mission 54.................................................[WoT-M54]
 Mission 55.................................................[WoT-M55]
 Mission 56.................................................[WoT-M56]
 Mission 57.................................................[WoT-M57]

 - Possible Endings..................................................[WoT-END]


 - Familiar Creation FAQ.............................................[WoT-FAM]
 - Vacation FAQ......................................................[WoT-VAC]
 - Arena Guide.......................................................[WoT-ARN]


 - Version History...................................................[WoT-HIS]
 - Credits...........................................................[WoT-CRE]

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O==<                             Introduction                             >==O

 Hello everyone, Bkstunt here with a walkthrough for Growlanser: Wayfayer
of Time. This game is actually Growlanser IV, brought over to the US for the
first time by Atlus on July 31st, 2012. It was originally developed on the PS2
by Career Soft in 2003 and released by Atlus in Japan.

 I learned of Growlanser in mid-2004, shortly before localization legend
Working Designs released Growlanser Generations in America. For those who
don't know, Growlanser Generations included both Growlanser 2 and Growlanser
3 for the PS2 and came out in 2004 in the US. I bought it and absolutely fell
in love with the series. I must have beat Growlanser 2 at least 6-7 times (I
liked 2 more than 3).

 Since I've started writing guides in late 2010, this is the first Growlanser
game that's come out, so given my absolute adoration of Growlanser 2 I HAD to
write for it!

 As with all of my guides, please feel free to CONTRIBUTE. Know something I
don't? Shoot me an email! It may very well help EVERYONE out!

I hope you enjoy the guide!

 ~ Bkstunt


Want to talk about some games!? Maybe throw out some ideas for what YOU want
to see me write about next? I made a facebook account for just that reason!

You can 'Like' me at:


I also have a website you can visit to see what other guides I've written,
as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that will
go up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!).


So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime.


First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is,
and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing just
a few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give me
these games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe one

Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating to
help me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below:


Paypal ID:

Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com

Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallest
amount will be appreciated.


ALTERNATELY, if you shop at (who doesn't?!) you can ALSO help me
out by shopping through me! It doesn't cost you a SINGLE CENT either, which
is kick-ass. All you do is visit my webpage's donation page below:


Once you are there, you can click on the AMAZON link at the top and shop as
normal. 4% of what you buy will then be sent to me.

Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Or
just send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day!

~ Bk

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O==<                               Controls                               >==O

     /¯  L   /                                                   \   R  ¯\
   /   ¯¯¯ /       ___________________________________________     \ ¯¯¯   \
  /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     |                                           |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
 /     .--.      |                                           |      .--.     \
(      |UP|      |                                           |     ( /\ )     )
|       \/       |                                           |      '--'      |
|  .--.    .--.  |                                           |  .--.    .--.  |
|  |LT >  < RT|  |                                           | ( [] )  ( () ) |
|  '--'    '--'  |                                           |  '--'    '--'  |
|       /\       |                                           |      .--.      |
|      |DN|      |                                           |     ( >< )     |
|      '--'      |                                           |      '--'      |
|                |                                           |                |
|      .--.      |                                           |                |
(     ( AG )     |                                           |                )
 \     '--'       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                /
 \_________    __    _    _    ___  _ ___   _   _    __   __     _________/
  \\      \   (PS)  (-)  (+)  |¯¯¯_| |¯¯¯  (!) (~)  (SL) (ST)   /
   ''======\___¯¯    ¯    ¯                 ¯   ¯    ¯¯   ¯¯___/

 |   UP = UP            |   /\ = TRIANGLE    |
 |   DN = DOWN          |   [] = SQUARE      |
 |   LT = LEFT          |   () = CIRCLE      |
 |   RT = RIGHT         |   >< = CROSS       |
 |                      |                    |
 |    L = L BUTTON      |    R = R BUTTON    |
 |                      |                    |
 |   AG = ANALOG        |   SL = SELECT      |
 |   PS = PS / HOME     |   ST = START       |
 |                      |                    |
 |    + = VOLUME UP     |    ! = DISPLAY     |
 |    - = VOLUME DOWN   |    ~ = VOLUME      |


 |                                                                        |
 | Directional Buttons/Analog Stick: Move Cursor                          |
 |                                                                        |
 | X Button: Confirm                                                      |
 |                                                                        |
 | Circle Button: Cancel                                                  |
 |                                                                        |
 | L: Switch Characters                                                   |
 |                                                                        |
 | R: Switch Characters                                                   |
 |                                                                        |
 | PS Button (HOME Button): Exit screen                                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |   o Pushing L Button, R Button, SELECT, and START Buttons at the       |
 |     same time will result in a soft reset.                             |
 |                                                                        |
 |   o Skip dialogue by pressing the L and R Buttons at the same time.    |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |


 |                                                                        |
 | Directional Buttons/Analog Stick: Move Character/cursor, fast          |
 |                                   forward list                         |
 |                                                                        |
 | X Button: Check, talk, confirm                                         |
 |                                                                        |
 | Circle Button: Cancel, walk fast (Circle Button + Directional Button)  |
 |                                                                        |
 | Triangle Button: Open/close command menu                               |
 |                                                                        |
 | Square Button: Walk slow (when moving with Analog Stick)               |
 |                                                                        |
 | START Button: Display Familiar notes                                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |   o Use the Analog Stick to move faster.                               |
 |                                                                        |
 |   o Use the Directional Buttons to move at walking speed.              |
 |     Hold the Circle Button to move faster.                             |
 |                                                                        |


 |                                                                        |
 | Directional Buttons/Analog Stick: Move cursor, move battle location    |
 |                                   during event battles                 |
 |                                                                        |
 | X Button: Confirm                                                      |
 |                                                                        |
 | Circle Button: Cancel/skip spell effects                               |
 |                                                                        |
 | Triangle Button: Display command menu                                  |
 |                                                                        |
 | Square Button: Toggle radan ON/OFF                                     |
 |                                                                        |
 | START Button: All characters attack except main character              |
 |                                                                        |

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O==<                           Story/Characters                           >==O

 _______________________(  The World of Growlanser  )_________________________

 Two thousand years ago, civilization across the world suddenly met a swift
and destructive end. Even now, no one can say what happened... and the people
of modern times live far more simply than what fragments of history turn up
from ancient ruins.

 People today gather water from rivers, collect firewood from forests,
hunt for food with bows and traps, and fish with nets and spears. It's an
uncomplicated lifestyle in which people survive by the sweat from their
own brows.

 There are occasional whispers of things like "magic" or "the Angels who
punished mankind," but surely these can only be myths and legends created to
explain a forgotten past. After all, there are far more important things to
worry about than fairy tales and ancient history.

 Dulkheim, a militarized nation in the western part of the continent of
Noyeval, was the first country in recorded history to implement democracy.
They are currently at war with the Iglesias Kingdom to the north, and a third
party - the kingdom of Valkania - is looking to enter the fray at any moment.

 It's in this political tumult that a group of mercenaries comes to the
continent in the hopes of finding substantial reward...

(  Marquelay Kingdom  )_______________________________________________________

 The kingdom of Marquelay is a small country located to the south. Its
warm climate is attractive to many visitors, as well as many invaders from
neighboring countries. The peace is maintained by a "peace-preservation fee"
 - a tax - and by its alliance with the neighboring kingdom of Valkania.

(  Valkania Kingdom  )________________________________________________________

 Valkania, located to the east, has the most vibrant culture of all Noyeval's
countries. They also have the most formidable army. The Royal Guard, a trio of
knights answering directly to the King, is the pride of the nation. Known
throughout the continent, they are a match for a thousand soldiers. In times
of emergency, they take command of the army on the King's behalf. Currently,
Valkania holds a neutral position in the war, watching the chaos unfold from
a safe distance.

(  Iglesias Kingdom  )________________________________________________________

 Iglesias, in the north of Voyeval, invaded Dulkheim in search of fertile
lands to alleviate their difficulties. However, Dulkheim had grown accustomed
to war over the years, and they launched an overwhelming counterattack.

(  Dulkheim  )________________________________________________________________

 As the only democratic nation in Noyeval, Dulkheim is highly sensitive to
change and is tightly unified for the sake of national defense. Since the
elected President controls both the military and other elected officials,
Dulkheim is seen as a thoroughly militarized nation.

 ______________________________(  Characters  )_______________________________

 o Crevanille (Main Character)

 One of the Ruin Children. He was raised in the mercenary squad.

 o Familiars

 Human-like fairies who serve the main character. They have different
 personalities and skills depending on the type.

 - Type D-YN

 Height: 6.5"

 - Type D-PT

 Height: 6.5"

 - Type D-RM

 Height: 6.4"

 - Type D-MD

 Height: 6.5"

 o Remus

 Saved by the main character when he was found collapsed in the
 forest. Since then, they travel everywhere together.


 Age: 15
 Height: 5'3"
 Likes: Reading
 Hates: Making trouble for others
 Ring Weapon: Bow

 o Frayne

 Seems to have something to do with the main character's past,
 but she has lost all memory except her name.


 Age: 16
 Height: 5'1"
 Likes: Observing things, spending time doing nothing
 Hates: Fighting
 Ring Weapon: Orb

 o Eliza

 Part of the Mayfield family, a line of Iglesian nobility.
 She means well, but she is sometimes naive.


 Age: 18
 Height: 5'2"
 Likes: Relaxing, drinking tea
 Hates: Being ordered around
 Ring Weapon: Spear

 o Hien

 A great swordsman known throughout the continent. His skills and
 teachings are sought by the militaries of many nations. Now his life
 is in danger for some reason.


 Age: 45
 Height: 6'
 Likes: Training
 Hates: Nothing
 Ring Weapon: Sword

 o Vallery

 Tries to play things cool, but he is quite passionate. He meets the
 main character and embarks on a tumultuous journey.


 Age: 19
 Height: 5'10"
 Likes: Training, bettering himself
 Hates: Lies, lack of preparation
 Ring Weapon: Throwing sword

 o Regina

 A member of Alten Schwart, a mercenary group led by her father. She
 talks tough from being surrounded by coarce mercenaries, but she takes
 care of her friends.


 Age: 20
 Height: 5'4"
 Likes: Physical activity
 Hates: Staying still
 Ring Weapon: Boomerang

 o Leona

 A girl from the Pesac tribe. She comes from another world, and was
 flung into this one because of a mysterious incident...


 Age: ?
 Height: 4'10"
 Likes: Eating, sleeping
 Hates: Difficult subjects

 o Magnus

 Searches day in and day out for information about a certain man.
 He is an excellent swordsman and does bodyguard work, as well.


 Age: 23
 Height: 5'11"
 Likes: Training
 Hates: Cowardice
 Ring Weapon: Sword

 o Meline

 A girl who meets the main character in a harbor town. She is selfish
 and always speaks her mind.


 Age: ?
 Height: 4'9"
 Likes: ???
 Hates: ???
 Ring Weapon: Sickle

 o Cynthia

 Meline's twin sister. She is the only one who can control Meline.
 She doesn't speak very much.


 Age: ?
 Height: 4'9"
 Likes: ???
 Hates: ???
 Ring Weapon: Knife

 o Tricia

 A soldier for Dulkheim. She tries to be a mentor to the main character.


 Age: 16
 Height: 5'3"
 Likes: Spells
 Hates: Inequality
 Ring Weapon: Wand

 o Pamela

 In the same mercenary group as the main character. She travels around
 to various ruins to finish the work of her former leader.


 Age: 27
 Height: 5'5"
 Likes: Blending tea
 Hates: Giving up

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O==<                         Game Basics and Tips                         >==O

 This section will cover the game basics (much of this section is found in
the game's instruction manual, but some of it is guide-specific). Not ALL of
the manual will be in here, but the following information is definitely good
to know.

(  Game Flow  )_______________________________________________________________

 Growlanser is not only a strategy-RPG but also has dating simulation elements
to it. You will have complete control over what Crevanille says and does and
with the amount of characters you'll interact with and the amount of dialog in
the game is just downright impressive. Battles can literally take place
without warning at any time, so it's best to be prepared at any time. However,
the VAST majority of party-members character development and special events
happen in the game's vacation days. For the most party, you will be partaking
in battles, advancing the plot with (plenty of) dialog and talking, and later
in the game going on vacations and occasionally taking the initiative to help
our your party members with personal character quests.

 There is no "set" flow to the game, but as you play your character will
constantly receive fore-sights and visions of what is happening as well as
war updates. These changes can limit the areas you can visit as they
constantly change who controls what pieces of land.

 The most single important piece of information I can leave you with is that
your familiar will learn the "Event Memo" skill which allows you to have her
tell you what is going on in the world and what you should be doing.

(  Install Data  )____________________________________________________________

 BEFORE starting a new game, you will have the option to install the game's
data to your memory card. You need at least 340MB of free space to do so.

 Installing the game data shortens loading times in the game!

(  Character Status  )________________________________________________________

 Like any good RPG, you will have stats for each character:

 STR  -  Affects weaopn attack, rate of HP growth, armor STR

 DEX  -  Affects movement range, spell charge time, his, and evasion

 INT  -  Affects rate of MP growth, and strength of spells

 ATK  -  Affects strength of weapon attacks

 DEF  -  Affects amount of damage received from enemy attacks

 MOV  -  Affects movement speed during battle

 ATW  -  Shows how long it takes before you can attack again. The lower
 the number, the shorter the time

(  Status Conditions  )_______________________________________________________

 There are multiple status effects that can affect characters during battle.
Negative status effects (the ones YOU have to worry about!) are listed here.

 -= Negative effects that remain after battle. =-


 (Icon looks like a half-purple person)

 Field: -5HP/10 steps (to 1 HP)

 Battle: -5HP every so often (to 0 HP)

 Heal: Remedy, Antidote, Panacea

 Auto-heal?: NO


 (Icon looks like a full purple person)

 Field: -25HP/10 steps (to 1 HP)

 Battle: -25HP every so often (to 0 HP)

 Heal: Remedy, Antidote, Panacea

 Auto-heal?: NO


 (Icon looks like a yellow shocked person)

 Field: Cannot use spells or skills

 Battle: Cannot act

 Heal: Remedy, Antidote, Panacea

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon looks like a statue)

 Field: Cannot use spells or skills

 Battle: Cannot act

 Heal: Remedy, Antidote, Panacea

 Auto-heal?: YES

 -= Negative effects that vanish after battle. =-


 (Icon has a halo; no real icon in the game)

 Battle: Cannot act

 Heal: Raise, Nectar

 Auto-heal?: NO


 (Icon has 'ZZZ')

 Battle: Cannot act

 Heal: Raise, Nectar, Remedy

 Auto-heal?: When taking damage


 (Icon has a red word bubble with a red X)

 Battle: Cannot use spells

 Heal: Remedy

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon has a sword with a down arrow)

 Battle: ATK down (effect up to 3 times)

 Heal: Attack

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon has a shield with a down arrow)

 Battle: DEF down (effect up to 3 times)

 Heal: Protect

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon has red sparkles with a down arrow)

 Battle: Spell def. down (effect up to 3 times)

 Heal: Resist

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon is a circular arrow with a down arrow)

 Battle: Take double the time to act

 Heal: Cycle Up

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon is ???)

 Battle: Cannot move

 Heal: Remedy

 Auto-heal?: YES

 o KO

 (Icon shows stars)

 Battle: Cannot move

 Heal: Remedy, Analepticum

 Auto-heal?: YES


 (Icon looks like a skull)

 Battle: Die after a certain time

 Heal: Defeat the caster

 Auto-heal?: NO

(  Understanding Battle  )____________________________________________________

 Here we will go over the basics of battle and what to expect...


 Enemies are constantly moving around on the field map. When you get
 close and they notice you, you will go into battle. If you press the
 TRIANGLE button during battle, you can change orders in the command menu.

 (-NOTE-) BEFORE you hand out commands in each batle, note that you can
 press the SQUARE button to view the map.


 During battle, a character whose yellow Attack Wait (ATW) gauge becomes
 0 can act. Also, one spell level will be charged every time the Charge
 Time (CT) gauge becomes 0.

 Since ATW is SO important, let's look at it a little more in-depth:

 EVERY ACTION YOU TAKE has a cost. And by "cost" I mean that you must wait
a specific amount of time before or after you use an action. This time is
known as "Attack Wait" (ATW). ATW is different for every action you take, but
functions differently based on what you do.

 For example, you can stand next to an enemy and use ATTACK and right away
your character will attack. AFTER the attack you will have to WAIT for awhile
before attacking again. Alternately, you can start to cast a spell but you
will have to WAIT BEFORE it goes off. Different spells have different wait

 ATW is SO important that it has its own bar on the battle HUD. It is under
the MP bar (which is under the HP bar). Here you can monitor how much time
you have to between attacks and for spells and adjust your strategy
accordingly. Also note:

 - ATTACKS put up a YELLOW bar on the ATW Bar.

 - SPELLS put up a GREEN bar on the ATW Bar.

 |        |__________
 | Char.  |          | <-- HP
 | Picture|——————————|
 |        |__________| <-- MP
 |--Yellow Bar--|              |

 This is important as other actions NOT taken by your player can affect the
ATW bar. For example, if you get HIT by an enemy a small amount of yellow ATW
is added. If you character was casting a spell, you COULD have two colors on
your bar:

 |        |__________
 | Char.  |          | <-- HP
 | Picture|——————————|
 |        |__________| <-- MP
 |--Green Bar--|-Y-|           |

 In THIS case, your yellow portion must run out before your green portion
(your spell charge time) resumes.

 Everything you do has some sort of ATW to it. Items cost ATW to use. You also
can't MOVE until any ATW time you have built up is gone.


 A brief exlplination of commands you can use in battle:

 - Attack: Use a character's weapon to attack. Attack ranges vary
 by character.

 - Items: Use an item from your inventory. Some SPELLSTONES can be used
 as items.

 (-NOTE-) Items do NOT have ranges like weapons and spells do. You can
 use them no matter how far away the target unit is.

 - Equipment: You can change spellstones and armor during battle. You
 CANNOT change rings during battle.

 - Move: Move a character to an area. Move the cursor to a location and
 press the X button twice for your character to start moving there.
 If you push the X button once, the cursor will become a waypoint
 for that unit. You can place up to three waypoints. When you press
 the X button twice, that location will be the final destination.

 - Spells: Use a spell. Choose a spell and a charge level. Once it has
 charged, select either "Invoke", "Assist", "Wait", or "Stop".

 - Skills: Use a skill you have obtained. Skills can only be used a certain
 number of times. This number will replenish when you stay at
 inns, etc.

 - Defend: Guard yourself to lessen damage dealt from enemies. That
 character will continue to defend until you give him another
 action from the command menu.

 - Auto: This coomand directs a character to continually attack a target
 with his equipped weapon. This will continue until you change the
 action from the command menut or the battle ends. The main
 character cannot use this command.

 (-NOTE-) Press the START button during battle to direct all party members
 (other than the main character) to auto-attack enemies.

(  Battle Bonus  )____________________________________________________________

 During certain battle events, a timer will show up on the screen, counting
 down from 50. You will earn a bonus that depends on the amount left on the
 timer when the battle ends. The speed in which this counter decreases will
 vary based on the difficulty of the battle.

 (-NOTE-) The missions in this guide will show you what MY PERSONAL time was
 on the counter. Do your best to do better than me!

(  Battle Results  )__________________________________________________________

 Regular battles end once all the enemies have been defeated, or if all
 party members die. In battles with specific victory and defeat conditions,
 once either have been met, the battle will end. In these battles, there are
 three outcomes you can achieve:


 You have met all the victory conditions with a good amount of time left
 on the bonus timer. This outcome will grant you the most experience points.


 You have met all conditions for victory, and you have more than 0 left
 on the bonus time counter. You will get more experience points from these.


 You have met the bare minimum requirements for victory. This does not end
 the game, but you will not get many experience points, either.

(  Ability Points  )__________________________________________________________

 When you win a battle or finish a mission, you will obtain experience points
and money (RIL) on the battle results screen. The amount of points and money
you receive will vary based on the Ability Points you gained. If it is a
mission, you will also obtain a time bonus.

(  Level Up  )________________________________________________________________

 Earning experience points will cause your player to level up and increase
his stats. You may get more ring slots when defeating an enemy, or the level
on a skill, spell, or knack may increase.

 (-NOTE-) Despite what the manual says, you can level up your ring slot or
 gain a level on a skill, spell, or knack stone WITHOUT leveling up
 as well.

(  Ring Weapons  )____________________________________________________________

 Combine your ring weapons with spellstones for winning combinations.


 Ring weapons are special rings that change into various weapons when the
 wearer wishes. Rings may be obtained by defeating enemies or by finding
 them in treasure boxes.


 Rings have the power to increase the stats of whoever equips them.
 The higher a ring's quality, the better the stat increase and leves of


 Rings have three slots to put spellstones into, and equipping these
 will allow you to obtain skills, spells, and knacks to use in battle.
 Obtained skills will level up as you defeat enemies in battle.


 Each ring has three slots, and each has a number and a color. This
 number is the slot level, and you can equip spellstones that are the
 same level (or lower) in that slot. This number may increase by defeating

 (-NOTE-) Late on in the game you will get items that can INCREASE slot
 levels (Fairy Tears) and CHANGE the color of rings (Lethe Drops).
 These help you make sure you are using rings with good STATS and
 not just good slots.


 To learn skills, spells, and knacks, you must have and equip knack
 learning spellstones, and you must obtain "knack points." Only the
 character who deals the last blow to an enemy can learn the knack. If
 it is a joint spell, it will go to each member.

 (-NOTE-) The manual isn't TOO clear on this, but each enemy has "ARP"
 associated with them. You can see their ARP by selecting attack
 and cycling through the enemies. And, as the manual states, to
 learn SKILLS (not just knacks, but all learnable skills), you
 must have the skill-learner finish off that enemy!

 This helps you strategize WHO should do the killing, especially
 if you are trying to learn and master certain skills!


 Spellstones have a variety of effects once equipped to a ring weapon.
 Each spellstone has a level and one of three colors, influencing the ring
 when equipped. Also, by equipping on the ring, you can acquire the skills,
 spells, and knacks associated with the spellstone. Use them efficiently
 with the following things in mind:

 1) If the color of the spellstone doesn't match up to the color of the
 ring slot, the knack points you can acquire will only be 3/4 of
 normal. Match the colors up as best as possible.

 2) When you equip a knack spellstone, you can use the knack learnable
 from that spellstone. If the knack level is above 1, you can then use
 the knack without having that specific spellstone equipped. However,
 doing so will only gain 1/20 of the knack points.

 3) If you equip several spellstones with the same knack, you can acquire
 that knack that many times faster.

(  Spells  )__________________________________________________________________

 Having strong spells is useful during your adventures. Their usage differs
slightly between battle and on the field.


 You can learn spells by equipping spell-type spellstones. Also, you
 can level up spells by defeating enemies in battle.

 - In the field:

 You do not need to select a spell level in the field like you do during
 battle. Also, you can use "lasting" support spells such as "Protect" and

 getting the most out of your party! I will OFTEN point
 out WHEN TO BUFF UP before a mission.

 Lucky you!

 - During battles:

 Here you must choose the type of spell and the level you want. There are
 also special spells that can be used such as joint and lasting spells.


 When using a spell in battle, the spellcasting time will be displayed in
 the CT (charge time) gauge. Each time the gauge fills, the spell charges
 up one level. Once the spell has charged to the desired level, the
 activation window will appear.


 When casting spells in battle, the level of the spell determines the
 spell's effect. The higher the level, the stronger the attack. Higher
 level spells take more time to cast, however.


 Here are the basic steps to using spells. In addition to what is mentioned
 below, there are also joint spells and lasting spells, which are used a
 little differently.

 1) Choose Spell and Spell Level

 Fairly self-explanitory. The lower the level, the less impact; the
 higher the level, the more impact, and the longer charge time.

 2) Charging

 When you choose a spell level, it will begin to charge and you can
 watch it in the CT gauge. Be careful, however, as you'll be completely
 defenseless while casting. If you're hit, you'll receive lots of damage.

 (-NOTE-) If you want to cancel spellcasting, open the command menu with the
 TRIANGLE button. If you want to use the spell at its current level,
 choose "Invoke". If you want to do something else, choose "Stop".
 And if you would like to continue charging the spell, choose

 3) Finish Charging

 Once the spell has completely charged, the activation window will
 appear. If you choose to activate the spell now, you can target any of
 your enemies or allies. If you choose to stop, the spell's charge will
 be canceled and you can do something else. Select "Wait" to keep the
 spell at it's current charge until you want to use it later; press the
 TRIANGLE button to bring up the menu.


 When you obtain skills and abilities, you will be able to use
 special spells. These are very powerful.


 If you acquire the knack "Permanence," you can make a spell last for
 a certain amount of time in a certain spot. If enemies step onto that
 spot, they will receive damage. You cannot select a place that is
 occupied by another character or object.


 If you obtain the skill "Synchronize," you can join two spells together
 for greater effect. It should be noted that not all spells can be combined.

 1) Choose Joint Spell with two or more characters.

 With two or more character who have obtained "Synchronize," select
 a spell which can be combined. Then choose the spell level that each
 character will use and start charging. Using "Wind Edge" will widen
 the range of any spell.

 2) When all charges are complete, choose "Assist".

 When each character's charge is finished, choose "Assist". Once
 chosen, select the target. If the spell has a wide range, choose
 the area it will be used on with the Directional Buttons or the
 Analog Stick.


 There are many Joint Spells. Try a variety of combinations to see what
 works. They can range from attacks to creating healing spells that cover
 a wide range.

 Wind Edge + Sand Shot

 --> Thunderbolt

 Fire Arrow + Ice Barrage

 --> Soul Force        

(  Missions  )________________________________________________________________

 This guide will go through EVERY mission in the game, one by one (with very
few exceptions), highlighting your objectives and giving you some solid
strategies to go by.

 HOWEVER, the strategies I use are by no means the only way to beat any
particular mission. Use them as suggestions more than instructions. Given how
much freedom the game gives you, you will likely find all sorts of ways to
pass the game's many missions.

 As a bonus, I will include what I PERSONALLY GOT on each mission's bonus time
and what bonus EXP and RIL I received. Note that these are my personal gains
and you should NOT expect to get them. I also list what ITEMS I received and,
when you obtain the skill THIEVERY, what items I stole. I know for a fact
though that item drops are EXTREMELY RANDOM! You will NOT get what I get.

 So, when you're playing through your missions do your best to do better
than me! Since I often don't get a chance to BUFF UP before certain missions,
you should be able to beat me!

      __      __                 ___       _____            
      \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
       \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                 Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End                  >==O

 After starting the game and naming the main character (who I will refer to
with his default name: Crevanille), you'll see a scene where Crevanille will
be following Regina. Since Crevanille is taking his time, Regina will turn
around and ask the following: "Do you really hate shopping with me that
much?", giving you choices to pick (Get used to having choices and my format
to handling them!).

 1. I'm happy to come along.
 2. No, not really.
 3. A mule's lot is hard.
 4. Shopping bores me.

 Choose [1] for now (we're being nice) and soon she will say "I'm your
sister, so it's your job to do the heavy lifting!"

 1. My "sister's"?
 2. *sigh*

 Choose [1] again here for a frank explanation of your relationship. You'll
get a re-cap of Crevanille's past as well. When Regina says "Do you remember
those days?" you'll have another choice:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choose [2] here to hear more of what happened when you were young. Sounds
like "Dad" thinks very highly of us! Wow! Regina breaks up the ego-trip with
another statement you can respond to: "But now? However special you were
supposed to be, you turned out to be such a normal guy..."

 1. Hey, I'm not normal!
 2. I'm sure  you're right.
 3. Sorry about that...
 4. .......

 Here, pick [2] (we're modest!) and soon Regina will cut the chat and continue
to the left. Follow her but be sure to pick up the shining green dot on the
ground for a [_GREEN STONE_]. Further to the left Regina will rush to a man
laying on the ground. After seeing if he's ok, she'll turn and tell you
"Crevanille... let's go back to camp".

 1. Sure
 2. What about the shopping?
 3. I knew this would end badly.

 Go ahead and agree (pick [1]) to advance the story and hear about the young
boy they saved in the forest named Remus. Damn bandits! Given their close age,
Crevanille will be tasked with looking after Remus.

 Six months pass...

 Back at camp, a LARGE man named Bauer will come ask Crevanille "Huh? Is Remus
not with you today?"

 1. I asked him to do something.
 2. What do you mean?

 Pick [1] here and Bauer will advise Remus is starting to come around from the
loss of his father and take an interest in the group, borrowing books on
medicine from Pamela. Bauer will comment "I asked him about it and he said,
"I'm still not allowed to fight, so I want to at least help cure everyone
else's wounds."

 1. So he told me.
 2. I didn't know that.
 3. ......

 Pick [1] here and Bauer will comment that you're nice and head off. Remus
will come back now with water, giving you another set of choices.

 1. Nice work, Remus.
 2. *nod*
 3. ......

 Choose [1] again and Remus will be glad. He'll then join you, following
behind you. Head south a bit and a mercenary will ask Remus if he's learned
how to use his ring weapon yet. Remus will try and fail. You then have another
option here once a mercenary asks you to demonstrate:

 1. *show him*
 2. *don't show him*

 Be a good guy and pick [1]. You'll get to see Crevanille's sword and the
mercenary will mention ring weapons were developed by some nation and work
on one's desire of self-preservation, which may be why Remus is having a
hard time using one.

 From here you're free. Talk to the girl just north of you for a [_GREEN
STONE_] (talk to her twice!). Now talk to the girl to the east (Pamela!)
to get a [_VULNERARY_]. Regina will show up now and mention Bauer is talking
to Dad about our next job (giving you a choice):

 1. Do they know where?
 2. Too bad our furlough's over.
 3. At least we won't be bored.

 Choose [1] here and she'll tell you to ask Dad for more details. Remus will
than state she's kind and pretty, giving you some options:

 1. Are you kidding?
 2. Her father scares me.
 3. Yes, she is.

 Here choose [3] (may as well) and Remus will be jealous you grew up as her
brother. You can head to the east now. Talk to the SOUTHERN man with the green
bandana for a [_RED STONE_]. Now head north towards Dad and some dialog will
start (and you'll finally learn "Dad" is Dixon!). You'll learn we're off to
Lamplast Island to help out the islanders stave off an invasion. At the end
you have a small choice box to answer:

 1. Got it.
 2. .....

 Choose [1] here if you're intent not to be a silent protagonist. Remus will
than ask Dixon if he can fight and Dixon will say OK to his passion. He'll
also ask Crevanille to act as Remus's bodyguard.

 1. Yes, sir.
 2. What!?
 3. I hate to be kept from the front.

 Choose [1] here and soon you'll be on a ship to the island. You'll get a
quick re-cap of what's happening there, as no nation owns the island and with
their new-found gold they became a quick target!

 Once you regain control, pick up the blue sparkle to the east for a [_BLUE
STONE_]. Go talk to Remus now to pick him up. Regina will point out the INN
nearby and mention we can use it for free. As you head east two soldiers will
be arguing about "spells". You can talk to them to hear that the enemy has a
weapon which kills all who've seen it, and it attacks from a distance. Remus
will then ask Crevanille his thoughts on spells and whether they exist:

 1. I never though about it.
 2. I used to think so.
 3. Are you implying they might not!?

 Choose [1] here. Dixon will come out and talk about the matter a bit before
telling everyone he needs to talk to them about the operation.

 You can also go press X at the INN to REST or SAVE YOUR GAME. After you're
done, follow Dixon to the east. You'll be told that the mercenary group joined
the fray and will get to see the rumored weapon...

 A few days later...

 You have control right away. You can talk to Regina here (slightly to your
north) for a free [_VULNERARY_]. Head north and you'll get a chance to see
the weapon everyone's been talking about! Looks like a (very feeble) flame
thrower! Some mercenaries will run but Dixon will recognize it for what it is
and will advise fire arrows to the barrels! Smart!

 With the weapon taken care of, Dixon will leave the rest to us. Remus will
manage to call upon his ring weapon and produce a bow! Good Remus! Regina will
see that he's somewhat hesitant and will offer tips to him AND Crevanille,
acting as a tutorial which you can choose to view (which I would HIGHLY
recommend on your first time!).

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choose [1] to review the tutorial or [2] to skip it. To keep it brief in
the actual walkthrough, here's her points:

 - Select attack to attack. If a target is out of range, you'll MOVE there.

 - Select MOVE to move without attacking. You can setup waypoints along the
 way! Handy for avoiding things. If you DO meet an enemy, you will ATTACK.

 __  ____           _                ____ ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ <  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/_/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M01 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Crevanille dies.
 Remus dies.
 Regina dies.

 Kill all enemies; get low on HP with Remus.

 Kill all enemies; do not let Remus get low on HP.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Choose to have Crevanille attack the left soldier.

 Remus will be ambushed, but will kill his attacker. At this point you will
gain control over Remus as well. Go ahead and have him attack the advancing
left soldier as well.

 You'll learn a number of tips from Regina now:

 - Watch your HP at the bottom of the screen.

 - Lose all your HP and you die! Use items to refill it.

 - You must WAIT between actions. The bar under your portrait is the WAIT
 GAUGE. Once the yellow portion vanishes you may act again. Remus gets a
 quick attack in just to show you this.

 - Different attacks and different people will fill the wait gauge by
 different amounts!

 After a short time, a NEW ENEMY ARCHER will pop out from the left. This
will let Regina explain that you can press TRIANGLE to bring up the command
menu and give new order.

 Use this chance to bring up the command menu and order Remus to attack
the newly-arrived archer. Keep Crevanille on the soldier. Regina will take out
the HIGH LEVEL commander in the meantime. As you can see, with Regina here we
have NO chance of losing.

 Keep Crevanille between the enemy and Remus and kill off the two soldiers
who will eventually make it to you. Regina will take care of the long-range
archer while Remus will kill the close archer. Once the enemy is down to TWO
units, a soldier will retreat but Regina and Remus can take him out easily.



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle you'll undoubtedly see Crevanille and Remus LEVEL UP!
Sweet! Dixon will come in from above and make sure everyone is ok.

 Once you regain control, go down to Remus and talk to him after he's dropped
his head, giving you some dialog options:

 1. You okay?
 2. You did great.
 3. That was an embarrassment.

 Pick [2] here and Remus will join you. After that go talk to Dixon and Remus
will ask for the rest of the day off and be granted it. Later, you'll see a
scene where Remus is out at night, thinking over what he just went through...

 Here, talk to Dixon who will go up and give Remus some advice to help him
get through this (you can try to get PAST Dixon, but he'll still be the one
to go talk to Remus). Once he's done he'll come tell Crevanille that Remus is
hardy and may pass us in strength! You'll be given a chance to save your game
here as well.

 You'll now be in a war-meeting with the mercenary group. They'll talk about
the occupying force having a tactician named Alec who is likely using old
technology from the ruins.

 You'll have control for a bit and can talk to people but soon a peddler
will arrive and give Dixon news about Alec. He was apparently an officer in
the Dulkheim military. Also, a new flame thrower is arriving tomorrow that
has an even LONGER range. Bauer will ask if you have any ideas here:

 1. Let's destroy it en route.
 2. Let's steal it for ourselves.
 3. Let's sneak in and destroy it.

 [777 : Note to self : Try other options!]

 Choose [2] here and Dixon will agree.  He'll plan a large diversion to
occupy the generals and will ask you and Remus to steal the cargo transport:

 1. I'll do it.
 2. I'd rather not...

 Choose [1] here to go along with the plan. Santos will come in and announce
it is time to eat! Before going off, note you can go talk to the PEDDLER to
shop at your first shop:

 ________________________(   Mercenary Camp Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Clothes              1 STR 30 RIL
 Heavy Clothes        4 STR 80 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ Although there's not anything here that is a MUST, you CAN afford ONE
 purchase of HEAVY CLOTHES if you wish, which is a good purchase for

 After you're done, head south with the others. The night will pass and you'll
arrive at the ambush position. Mortis will mention to you that the Head Guard
has a whistle, so we must get it away from him. He'll be to the south, securing
our escape route.

 Instead of actually ambushing the enemy, we will be spotted instead, starting
the next mission!

 __  ____           _                ____ ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M02 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Transport escapes.
 Cravanille dies.
 Remus dies.


 [777 : Note to self : CLEAR here? Maybe try not picking up whistle?]

 Kill all enemies; pick up whistle.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Start off the battle by IMMEDIATELY having Remus target the caravan leader!
The leader will keep going north, but Remus can bring him down by himself!
That said, sick Crevanille on the closest guard. You COULD sick him on the
caravan leader but he's put to better use on the soldiers.

 Once the leader is dead, have Crevanille MOVE towards the shining SPARKLE
where the leader died. That is the WHISTLE. Have Remus kill the remaining

 Once you do, ENEMY REINFORCEMENTS from the north will arrive! Two soldiers
and ALEC! Have Remus start firing at them right away. Have Crevanille stay
his ground until the soldiers get in range, then attack the soldiers and
finish them off. You will be able to take on Alec 2 vs 1 soon, and should
easily finish him off. He can hit for 6-8 damage on a Crevanille with Heavy
Clothes, but you should be able to easily out-live him.


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Antidote Herb, Random Ring Weapon

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Back at camp everyone will be pleased with Crevanille and Remus. Taking
out Alec was more than could have been hoped for! Soon a scene will take
place showing Bauer in a rather large battle. Despite it being too easy,
he will retreat with a bad feeling in his gut. This turns out to be too true,
as after an enemy soldier reveals they dug up something else, an explosion
and bright light come in from the east.

 Wha!? An... angel? Back at camp, talk to whomever you wish and soon you'll
be running toward the harbor. Here, advance west and watch the scenes that
take place until everyone evacuates.

 After fleeing, Crevanille and company will dock in Marquelia, the capital of
the kingdom of Marquelay. Here you'll hear of the fate of some other ships
before Dixon quiets everyone and makes an announcement: he is DISBANDING the
mercenary group! He then gives everyone a choice: go do something else or
re-join Bauer as he leads the new mercenary group...

 Here you can talk to Bauer who will tell you he'd still be a mercenary even
if someone else was leading the group, giving you questions:

 1. You like fighting that much?
 2. Is fighting all you know?
 3. Why not try something else?

 Choose [3] here for kicks. You can also ask Regina what she is doing, even
though anyone could guess she's following her dad. She will ask us what we are
doing though:

 1. I'll come with you.
 2. I'm going on my own.
 3. That is the question.

 I like to choose [3] here so I can talk to Dixon (you have to anyways and 3
is a non-choice choice). Go talk to Dixon now who will say that there's
something he must do and he'd like our help:

 1. Me?
 2. Of course.
 3. I'd rather not...

 [777 : Note to self : Obviously a big choice... try NOT going with Dixon]

 Choose [1] here to ask Dixon why and learn that he can't do what he is
planning without you! Bauer will interrupt to announce his decision and
become the leader, as well as keep the name Alten Schwart. Dixon also advises
that for work, Dulkheim is currently at war with Iglesias and he recommends
siding with Dulkheim! Dixon will ask you to meet with him at the INN tonight
to talk about it further and will walk off.

 Remus will come ask what if you're going with the boss:

 1. That's the plan.
 2. I'm going to decline.
 3. I got nothing better to do.

 Choose [1] here to confirm that (if you wish). Remus will join you to look
around the city.

 Go up the stairs, but before heading north go to the west end of the port.
Look at the barrel by the old man for a [_VULNERARY_]. Head north now and
Remus will tell you a detail about his dad and Marquelia. To the northwest
is the castle, but we can't go there. To the north is a stall. The man
standing by it will say he doesn't know you two and will mention drifters
in the harbor:

 1. That would be us.
 2. That's not us.
 3. .......

 Pick [1] (Don't think this matters) and soon a noblewoman named ELIZA will
show up looking for an item. Porak will advise that he will deliver it later
and will even let you try a free apple. After the conversation, note that you
can buy items here from Porak's shop:

 _________________________(   Porak's Item Shop   )___________________________

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ Get some items if you wish! Nothing major here.

 From here you can go talk to a LOT of people behind doors to the north, but
head east a screen when you're ready. Head to the south where you'll see a
single door, but check the barrel nearby for a [_LIFE APPLE_].

 Up north you can find an armor shop:

 ________________________(   Marquelia Armor Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Clothes              1 STR  30 RIL
 Heavy Clothes        4 STR  80 RIL
 Soft Leather         7 STR 170 RIL

 ~ You likely can't afford the Soft Leather yet, so don't bother with
 anything here.

 The INN is nearby. The EXIT to town is to the right, but if you're following
Dixon you want to head to the INN.

 Head to the INN and go up the stairs on the left. Dixon will be here. Talk
to him and he'll start his explanation by asking if you saw anything in the

 1. I saw something.
 2. I didn't see anything.
 3. ......

 Go for [1] if you're the honest type. Dixon will explain that it was an
ANGEL and that the explosions were his work, and will go to explain that they
once destroyed civilization before. He'll go on to state some unbelievable
stuff about Crevanille, and at the end will state that you must go with him:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Again, choose [1] to follow Dixon. Remus will ask to join as well. Dixon
will agree and state our destination is Dulkheim, and he's charted a boat to
take us there.

 We are free to move around now. You can talk to Pamela here for some dialog:

 1. What did he tell you?
 2. ......

 Choose [1] to hear about what she knew a bit. After that all that is left to
us is to go back downstairs and choose to rest for the night...

 The next morning head towards the dock. The mercenary group will meet up
and part ways. Head to the dock and you'll get a quick overview of the land
and continent as a whole before arriving in Trockmere, in Dulkheim.

 Head north and you'll get drawn into the mercenary group conversation.
Afterward you'll be given a chance to check out the town. Before you do so,
you can talk to Bauer for some dialog:

 1. When were you here last?
 2. What's it like?

 Pick any choice: it really doesn't matter. Time to look around! The stall
right next to you is the General Store:

 ______________________(   Trockmere General Store   )________________________

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ Get some items if you wish! Nothing major here.

 Head east now and you'll run into a swordsman named Magus. He'll ask for your
names next:

 1. I'm Crevanille.
 2. I have no name.
 3. My name is Remus.

 Go ahead and pick [1] (or something else if you're trying to be funny). He'll
than ask if you know a man named Otter, with oddly narrow eyes. He'll judge
you to be mercenaries and will state that we can feel free to say hello later,
giving us more dialog choices:

 1. All right.
 2. I don't think so.
 3. Sideburned guys aren't my type.
 4. .......

 I'd recommend choosing [1]. After parting ways, you can check out the Armor
Shop to the north:

 ________________________(   Trockmere Armor Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Clothes              1 STR  30 RIL
 Heavy Clothes        4 STR  80 RIL
 Soft Leather         7 STR 170 RIL

 ~ Same inventory as the last shop + still not enough money = pass.

 From here we can head up the steps below us. The INN is up here and to the
left you can go west a screen, but it is blocked off by a Dulkheim soldier.
Instead head up and around the walkway to a new screen. Here head south and
Remus will notice the town is built BELOW sea level, explaining the whole
"Dry Sea" name.

 Continue down the path and open the door at the end to reach the green
sparkle for a [_GREEN STONE_]. Head back to the first screen now and take
the east path on the lower level down to the other part of town.

 Here head down the stairs to the main open area. Here there are some barrels
on the north wall. Check them out for a [_ANALEPTICUM_]. Once you have it, go
back south and listen to the important-looking people talk. Hmm, sounds like
peace treaties... Head back towards the docks to see the Royal Guard talking
to Dixon. You'll get the chance to introduce yourself here:

 1. I am called Crevanille.
 2. And I'm Crevanille.
 3. .......

 Choose [1] or [2] (I think 2 is more... normal) to formally meet Diana
Silverneil. Dixon will leave with Diana shortly, leaving another response

 1. I'm surprised he knows a Royal Guard.
 2. He was invited to work for Valkania?
 3. Not really.

 Choose [1] here (if you wish) and head towards the far western exit (the one
blocked off earlier). You'll meet Hobson here, who tells you the boss left
already (What!?). Anyway, Hobson is going to be a sailor here instead of going
on, leaving you with dialog options:

 1. It suits you.
 2. It doesn't suit you.
 3. You sure you'll be okay?

 I chose [1] here, although I don't think it matters. Hobson will remind us
about the MONSTER on the loose and will even recommend we go save our game at
the INN (which really means you should!).

 Now we can check out the area around Trockmere and get into random fights!
Whee! This is your chance to beat up on some enemies!


Lv4 Giant Bat
Lv2 Lesser Scorpion

 After getting into your 1st fight, Remus will give you some tips:

 - Press START to have everyone besides the Main Character attack.

 - (After the fight ends) Active Role Points (ARP) are added as bonuses
 to things such as EXP at the end of battle.

 - To escape a battle, head to the edge of the screen or where enemies can't
 be seen to fully escape.

 Head north a screen to find a shining object surrounded by scorpions. Take
them out for a [_VULNERARY_] (Note: This MAY be an antidote herb or some other
random object... in fact, it MAY not be there at all). Head north a screen or
take this time to head south and earn experience by fighting bats and

 (-NOTE-) There is a WHITE SPARKLE on the lower screen as well that, again,
 may or may not be there and gives random items.

 (-NOTE-) I HIGHLY recommend fighting monsters for awhile. Monsters here show
 up randomly. Fight on the first screen and the lower one and go
 between them killing everything you find!

 I HIGHLY recommend doing this until you are both LEVEL 6 and can
 afford the Soft Leather armor for each of you.

 Head north a screen from the start once you're ready and follow the road up.
You'll find the MONSTER here, which sparks some reaction:

 1. To battle!
 2. Don't worry, Remus.
 3. I... suggest we run (grayed out).

 Choose [2] or [3] here, it really doesn't matter as you're about to fight.
As soon as you make your choice you'll be fighting the next mission!

 __  ____           _                ____ _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / //_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ /__/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M03 \
 o Victory Conditions: Defeat the unknown creature.

 o Defeat Conditions: Cravanille dies.
 Remus dies.

 Complete the fight. Stay alive.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Complete REQ? It ISN't not getting
 hit/loosing health...]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 OK, truth time, this battle is HARD. If you're level 6 like I recommended
earlier this isn't that tough though. Sick both Crevanille and Remus on the
beast and soon you'll learn that it is level 17 and our attacks just aren't

 Not to worry, after the monster takes a swipe at you Regina will have time
to come down a screen and help out. She'll take out the monster in a single
ability called "Multi-Shot", ending the battle.



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, Remus will ask what the heck that thing could have been:

 1. A creature from another world.
 2. A never-before-seen life form.
 3. Some kind of mutated animal.
 4. How should I know (grayed out).

 Since we have no idea, take your pick (I choose [1], personally). Afterward
Regina will tell you to hurry onward, but BEFORE you go TALK to Regina and
you will learn about her skill, called a LIMIT ABILITY. She will teach you
two your OWN Limit Abilities as well:


 Iron Wall: When getting hit by multiple attacks, attacks 3-5 will have
 their damage halved. (3 attacks total.)

 Requirements: Activates if attacked three times in a row (area attacks
 included) between NPCs and the PC.


 Multi-Shot: Attacks a random enemy within range 4 times. Attack damage
 is halved.

 Requirements: Activates when attacking with an HP total less than 20%.

 Head north and meet up with Mortis. He'll say goodbye to us here, as he's
headed to his hometown of Klasdahl to be a farmer! You can ask him a question

 1. It sounds great.
 2. Sounds boring to me (grayed out).
 3. Are you tired of fighting?

 Choose what you will here. After he leaves Remus will reflect on all the
people leaving:

 1. We'll see him again.
 2. Better that than dead.
 3. Everyone has their own path.

 Choose what you wish again (I chose [3] here). You can't follow Mortis, so
head south and Regina will come up and head onwards. Follow her upward towards

 Up here the new mercenary group will take off. Bauer will tell you to look
after Remus for him:

 1. I won't!
 2. I'm not his babysitter.
 3. .......

 Be nice and choose [1] here. Pamela will make it known that she's not coming
with us either, as she says good luck:

 1. You're not coming with us?
 2. Yeah.

 I choose [1] here to learn she's got her own task to perform and is traveling
with Bauer for safety. Ah, good to know. Follow Dixon once everyone leaves.
You'll be at the camp shortly. Here Remus will go get firewood while Dixon asks
you to come see him.

 Follow him north and talk to him by the door, where you'll get some choices:

 1. The door?
 2. I wonder what's inside...
 3. ......

 Choose [1] here and Dixon will explain these are some ruins and no one alive
can enter the door with today's current technology. This is, of course,
connected to the Angel we both saw. Dixon comes to the conclusion that if we
aren't even as advanced as our ancestors were, we won't stand a chance:

 1. That's that, then.
 2. How can we survive?
 3. ....

 Choose [2] here to continue on where Dixon will once again say we are the
key before he asks us to enter the Ruins of Hope:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choose [1] even though supposedly no one can enter and Dixon will give us
a [_TOPAZ_]. Soon it will start to rain and a scene will take place.

 Kick back and watch the scene until you have a choice to make:

 1. *open your eyes*
 2. *ignore the voice*
 3. *get up on your own*
 4. Thank you...

 Go ahead and choose [4] here and you'll wake up. Remus will be nearby and
will comment on  your wounds disappearing. Once he's done you can ask:

 1. Did anyone else survive?
 2. .......

 Pick [1] here to hear the unhappy news. Wow... just, wow...

 After the rain stops you will bring Remus back up to speed. He'll wonder
what the boss was trying to tell us:

 1. We'll find out inside the ruins.
 2. It was the way to defeat Angels.
 3. It was about ancient technology.

 Go ahead and pick [1] here (although I'm sure you could pick whatever). From
here enter the ruins, which open right up for you! Inside you'll see the paths
are color-coded: Black, Red, Green and Yellow. Given the emphasis on the color
YELLOW of the TOPAZ we got earlier, follow the yellow paths. You'll kill a few
Giant Bat's along the way but soon you'll be on a new screen.

 Here you can SAVE with the light on the right. Once you do though, Remus
will actually ask what you were doing:

 1. You don't see this thing?
 2. You can't see the light?
 3. It doesn't concern you.

 Be a nice guy and choose [1] or [2]. Remus will guess it's the same as you
and Dixon being able to see the Angel. He'll then try the door here and it
won't budge, but once you try it'll swing wide open, leading him to ask if
you used a spell:

 1. I didn't do anything.
 2. You were too weak.
 3. I, uh, unlocked it.
 4. .......

 Tell the truth with [1] and enter the room. To the north you can grab the
floating egg-like object leading to Remus asking why you're just staring at
your hand:

 1. You don't see the eggy-looking thing?
 2. Stop joking around.
 3. It's none of your concern.

 Choose [1] here again (this is getting a little tiring) and then go examine
the console in the middle. This will make the next door unlock. Head back in
there and Crevanille will fall down to the ground and bleed out of his back.
Before Remus can do anything, two guard members will come in and apprehend
both of us.

 The next screen will show Crevanille being interrogated. The guard will
ask if you went in to steal the pendant:

 1. What about the egg?
 2. I didn't steal anything.
 3. .....

 Choose what you want here [I choose [2] here) and the guard will be
interrupted by a dressed-up man who will ask you to tell him what you told
the guard:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choose [1] here (no reason not to) and the man will show that he knows far
more than the guard by telling you the egg was a [_FAMILIAR EGG_] and will
give it to you, but will insist on taking the medallion. The man will than
ask you to join their army:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Even if you WANT to say 'NO', it won't really matter. You can say no, which
will result in the man telling you he only wants you to join to explore ruins
which are under the army's guard anyways, but if you say no TWICE you will
basically be told Remus's safety depends on you joining and then you'll join

 __      __                 ___       _____            
 \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                           Chapter 2: Military Days                   >==O

 You'll be at a recruit graduation ceremony next. Well, that was fast. After
a speech by the mysterious man and a VIP being pointed out an announcer will
state that we will be learning SPELLS as Dulkheim has been researching them
here, leading Remus to wonder if he can learn them:

 1. It's possible.
 2. There's no way.
 3. If you try hard...
 4. They'll be useful to defeat Angels.

 Choose [1] here and you'll have to get up and take your very own SPELLSTONE
now. Go talk to the teacher to see your choices:

 o Fire Imbuing
 o Wind Imbuing
 o Ice Imbuing
 o Stone Imbuing

 Choose what you wish here (I chose Wind Imbuing). You'll also get the
[_SPELLSTONE PRIMER_]. This book basically tells you the keys to using
Spellstones. I know this is covered up above but basically:

 - Equip Spellstones in ring slots but only if the ring slot is a higher
 level than the stone.

 - Equip unlearned Spellstones to learn them by acquiring Ability Points.

 - Beat enemies to gain Ability Points.

 - No ability can be above Lv 5.




 - Match Spellstones up with the ring slot's color to get more points to use.

 - When an ability's Lv is higher than 1, it can be kept once the stone is

 Remus will go choose his ability (he chose Ice Imbuing in my game) and will
express his desire to go explore more ruins, leading to some more choices:

 1. So, how about this fort?
 2. I miss the boss.
 3. What's our next move?

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [3]) but Remus will mention that the
bosses house is nearby and wonders if we should let his family know about
what happened to him:

 1. You should write a letter.
 2. Let's ask for time off to do that.
 3. There's no need.

 Pick [2] here (which I think is the best choice) and Remus will agree but
add that he may just send a letter anyway. You'll then meet Tricia, who is a
supervisor here. She's going to show us around, but her first tip is that we
need to salute everyone you meet, even her:

 1. *shrug*
 2. *salute*
 3. *leave this to Remus*

 As much as I don't like it, I chose [2] here just to be nice. Thankfully she
was just kidding! Ceremony sucks after all!

 1. That'll be nice.
 2. You're sure it's okay?
 3. ......

 Choose [1] here (man was I relieved!) but Tricia will state to just have fun
with spells while we're here. Since we're mercenaries she assumes we'll have
no problem and will mention she's never been in combat before, but will be
there with you soon enough:

 1. So you say!
 2. It's not a contest.
 3. .....

 Say what you wish here (I picked [2]) and then she'll show us around.
Apparently we are "Team Black":

 1. There's nothing here.
 2. Team "Black"?
 3. You're not staying here?

 Choose [3] here to learn that Tricia is on a different team. It looks like
we're "Team Black 4" and she is on "Team Orange 4". She'll leave soon after.

 A black scene will then explain Crevanille and Remus have trained for three
months, learning how to use spells. Quite handy. Crevanille will wake up and
Remus will be at the door. Before heading out, check the desk to get your
Familiar Egg back and a [_REGULATION BOOK_]. You can also check the map here
and SAVE if you wish (which I recommend). Talk to Remus now to have him follow
you. Note that you can EQUIP your SPELLSTONES now.

 Head down the hall and through the southern door. Here you'll meet a man
dressed in black named Brytir who asks if you're used to your accomodations

 1. I am.
 2. Not yet.
 3. .......

 Choose what you will ([1] here) and Remus will note that you two are similar
somehow. After that choose "Yes" to be seated. You'll soon be told that we're
going to do a mock spell battle. Good practice! Remus isn't sure though:

 1. Already with the pessimism?
 2. Just believe in yourself.
 3. I'll handle the fighting.
 4. I can do it without you.

 Be nice and pick [2] and then you're free. Now, before our battle we can
go check out the shop here. The shop is the man in the booth to the lower

 ________________________(   Fort Leinfaltz Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Heavy Clothes        4 STR  80 RIL
 Soft Leather         7 STR 170 RIL
 Fur Coat            11 STR 290 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 1W Fire Protection          75 RIL
 1W Wind Protection          75 RIL
 1W Ice Protection           75 RIL
 1W Earth Protection         75 RIL
 1W Regeneartion +1          80 RIL
 1W Sonic Blade              80 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ You're first chance to buy spellstones, but there's no MUST buy here.

 Bryntir is hanging out by the shop as well. Note that he's only hanging out
here if you change a screen and come back (like, go to your room and come

 1. *salute*
 2. *don't salute*

 As much as I hate it, Bryntir is happy with a salute so choose [1]. He'll
than ask what you want:

 1. I was only reporting in.
 2. Just saying hello.
 3. To talk to you, buddy!
 4. Who wants to know?
 5. N-Nothing...
 6. .....

 Choice [2] seems to be the best here. He'll than kinda awkwardly ask if you
have any memories of when you were younger:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choosing NO makes the conversation end with "that's only natural", but
choosing yes gives you specific memory choices:

 1. About Dixon.
 2. About Regina.
 3. About the brigade.

 Any choice here gives you a "that seem natural response as well" and with
that Bryntir will leave. Wierd....

 Once you're ready, head out the south exit to the training ground. Here
Abram will start the exercise once you're ready. Note that you can pretty
much pick where you want to stand before saying you're ready, and you get to
see the teams as well! Read up on the battle ahead to see where you should

 Once you're ready Remus will comment on the teams:

 1. Looks like.
 2. We got this.

 Choose [2] to give him some confidence. Abram will go over the point system
here as well:

 Abram is worth 10 points.
 SENIOR Officers are worth 5 points.
 Other Soldiers are worth 1 point.

 __  ____           _                ____  __ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \/ // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / / // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ /__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/  /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M04 \
 o Victory Conditions: 1 Team Remains.

 o Defeat Conditions: None.

 Complete the battle.

 Come in FIRST.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Given the POINT SYSTEM in this battle there is a VERY specific thing we must
do if we want to win and we want to get the MISSION COMPLETE flag: KILL SENIOR

 Now these officers are a bit too tough for us to kill quickly, so that being
said there is a trick to this battle: the officers will ALWAYS start out by
Major Abram. Now, Major Abram is SO strong NO ONE in this fight has a chance
to kill him. He can NEARLY kill an officer in a single hit.

 That's where we come in. Once Abram strikes an officer, we MUST be ready to
finish him off. To do that, I recommend starting the fight standing to the
RIGHT of the officers. From here, have BOTH party members charge magic and
wait for Abram to get an officer down to LOW HP. Then USE your magic. If that
doesn't kill them off (it should), you can easily ATTACK from there with
either party member to kill them off.

 This should give you the 10 points you need to win, but even if Abram DOES
manage to kill one officer we can still win. We realistically need 8 points
to win, so that is an officer and THREE soldiers, who you can likely kill
with one magic burst and one shot of Remus's bow.

 Follow that key to victory and you should score Mission Complete. Due to
the random nature of the battle, it may take more than one try.

 Once you do get Mission Complete, you will get a special prize from the
Major as well: a  [_SECRET BOOK_] that can give you 100 Ability Points and
can sell for a TON of money.



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, Abram will stress the point that the royal guard is above
even him, so we best keep training. Bryntir will come out afterwards and call
the seniors pathetic. Remus will comment on Bryntir after that:

 1. Yeah.
 2. Not really...
 3. We'll have to work hard.
 4. You'll have to work hard.

 Choose [3] here to keep Remus happy. He'll then mention he has to head to
the administration office, giving more dialog choices:

 1. Looks like.
 2. What did you do...?
 3. You'd better say you're sorry.
 4. Is it about our time off?

 Choose [4] here (or anything else, actually) to find out it's about our time
off. Looks like we'll get to go soon! Yea! You can talk to Bryntir afterward
for a slight scolding no matter HOW good you did.

 After that head back inside to see Tricia. She'll offer you some tips here
(my choices were based on the Mission Complete status on the last fight):

 1. Let's hear them anyway.
 2. There's no need.

 She'll give some pretty basic tips and will invite you to talk about spells
anytime you wish (she is REALLY into spells after all):

 1. If I have any, I will.
 2. That won't be necessary.
 3. That makes me hope I don't.

 Choose [1] here (be nice!) and you'll regain control. You can talk to her
afterward to get her to ask where Remus is:

 1. He's not always with me.
 2. At the administrative offices.
 3. I have no idea.

 Pick [2] here to be truthful. If you walk slightly to the right the two
soldiers at the table seem to be practicing knocking signals. You can choose
to talk to them if you wish:

 1. *talk to them*
 2. *watch silently*

 Watching is boring, so pick [1] to chat with them a little bit. Tricia is
a little embarrassed and says she'd come up with a special code if it was
private like that:

 1. Such as...?
 2. There's no need.

 Pick [1] here to go into further detail. She'll advise adjusting how the
code is deciphered to make it more private:

 1. We could try that.
 2. How much should we shift it?

 Pick [1] here and she'll be happy. She'll shift the code by FOUR to make
a secret code between Tricia and Crevanille and will knock out "Thanks" for

(-NOTE-) If you got the SECRET BOOK earlier, there is MERIT in selling it
 if you wish. It will likely fund you for awhile given it's selling
 price. It's up to you.

 From here just go back to the BLACK 4 team room. Remus will be in shortly
and will announce that we have a new member before someone comes in through
the door and asks who the team leader is:

 1. That's me.
 2. Who are you?
 3. ........

 Choose [1] to respond and meet Vallery. He's been assigned to our squad as
he is a ruin child. He'll then go on to explain what ruin children are (which
is literally what it sounds like: children found in stasis in the ruins).
Remus and Vallery will talk about Crevanille's blood lose in the ruins,
calling it "wings of blood" and will state Crevanille has a lot in connection
with the Angels:

 1. I'm the key.
 2. I'll be fighting them.
 3. I'm an Angel.
 4. I'll become an Angel.
 5. I don't care.
 6. ......

 Choose [1] here to confuse Vallery. He'll state you'll have to explain it all
to him someday, sensing it's a long story. Once you have control, go talk to
Vallery who will notice your FAMILIAR EGG is about to hatch. He'll ask to hatch
it with you and Remus. Remus will than ask if you know what a DOLLHOUSE is:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Choose [2] to learn that you need to head to the SPELL RESEARCH LAB to get
one. Head back out to the training grounds and go knock on the door to the
upper left. The researcher will give you a [_DOLLHOUSE_] and a [_DOLLHOUSE

 Head back to your room and Vallery will tell you to put the dollhouse on the
desk. Head over to the EMPTY desk and USE the dollhouse from your menu (NOW
is a good time to save, by the way!). USE the egg to put it in the dollhouse
and tell Vallery you're ready to begin.


 There are FOUR types of fairies you can obtain.

 From everything I've read and learned, which FAIRY you choose doesn't REALLY
matter: you can train each of them later. That said, personality and looks are
the biggest choices here.

 The four fairy types are found in your instruction booklet (which I'd
recommend checking out to see what they look like!):

 o Type D-YN - "Cool and composed"

 This type comes off as reserved to me, but capable at the same. You
 can likely expect a higher starting INT and MAG from this type.

 o Type D-PT - "Cheerfull and talkative"

 This type seems to be the most inclined to fighting! A good melee-lovers
 choice. You can likely expect high STR and TLK here.

 o Type D-RM - "Petite and ditsy"

 This type seems to be a good all-around fairy. She looks exactly like the
 Growlanser 3 fairy too. Average stats.

 o Type D-MD - "Serious, skilled, and serene"

 This type is the new type for the PSP version of the game. Thinks of
 fairys as tools for humans to use. Also seems to have average stats.
 Perhaps a bit low on the INT.

 Now let's start with the fairy-making!

 To start off with, we'll have to choose the CONCENTRAION

 - Make it thick.           (+Muscle)
 - Use a balanced amount.   (+Muscle, Intelligence, Witchcraft)
 - Make it thin.            (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)

 NEXT, we must regulate the TEMPATURE of the fluid:

 - Heat it to 50 degrees.
 - Heat it to 40 degrees.
 - Leave it at room temperature.

 NEXT, we must add in a MASTER RECOGNITION ITEM so the fairy and
 Crevanille synch to each other:

 - A strand of hair.        (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)
 - Part of a fingernail.    (+Muscle, Witchcraft, Positive)
 - A drop of blood.         (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)

 LASTLY, we can add in a stone to alter abilities:

 - Add a Red Stone.         (+Positive)
 - Add a Blue Stone.
 - Add a Green Stone.       (+Affinity)
 - Don't add any stone.

 (-NOTE-) You can add MULTIPLE stones here.

 After you're done, you'll be asked some questions by Vallery:


 "Of course, a cute girl would be best, right?"

 1. You know it!
 2. Eh, girls are problematic.
 3. Only if she's good in battle.
 4. I really don't care.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get asked question 2.
 [2]: Get type D-MD
 [3]: Get asked question 3.
 [4]: Randomly get a fairy.


 "What's your favorite type of girl?"

 1. Cheerfull and talkative.
 2. Cool and composed.
 3. Petite and ditsy.
 4. Serious, skilled, and serene.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get type D-PT
 [2]: Get type D-YN
 [3]: Get type D-RM
 [4]: Get type D-MD


 "What sort are you hoping to get?"

 1. One with strong physical attacks.
 2. One with a strong physical defense.
 3. One with strong spells.
 4. One with a strong spell defense.
 5. One with strong conversation skills.
 6. Don't care, as long as she's useful.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get type D-PT
 [2]: Get type D-PT
 [3]: Get type D-YN
 [4]: Get type D-YN
 [5]: Get type D-RM
 [6]: Get type D-MD

 Vallery will advise we've done all we can do. It will likely be born
before dawn and everyone will get some sleep.

 Everyone but Crevanille that is. You'll be in control in the middle of the
night, and can exit to the common room (you don't HAVE to exit... in fact,
I'd recommend just checking your egg out and going to bed). Here you'll
meet Bryntir again, who will say you should be in bed:

 1. I'll go back at once.
 2. So, what're you doing out?
 3. ......

 Choose [1] if you don't want to piss him off and go back to bed.

 Once you go to bed you'll get a nifty scene showing Crevanille being
awakened by his new familiar! Once you have control again you can say

 1. Huh? Who are you?
 2. Did you wake me?
 3. Ugh... I was sleeping!
 4. Are you a familiar?

 Choose what you will (only [3] gets a bad response!) and Remus and
Vallery will walk in and suggest you give her a name. You have the
following to select from:

 - Pitti
 - Yuni
 - Raimy

 I like Raimy the best (Growlanser 3, I believe) so that's what I chose.
You'll see her stats afterwards. Below I'll put what stats I got and what
choices I made. Note that ALL my choices for the TYPE of fairy were
deliberate. The skills you get seem to be VERY random, but you can try what
I did and see what you get. Feel free to try multiple times since you have
that save file!

 TRY 1:  D-RM                             TRY 2:  D-PT

 NORMAL                                   THICK
 40 DEG                                   50 DEG
 Fingernail                               Fingernail
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 2                                    STR 3
 INT 1 high                               INT 1 low
 MAG 2                                    MAG 1
 CHA 2                                    CHA 1 low
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2
 DEX 1 low                                DEX 1 low
 OUT 2                                    OUT 2 very high
 FRD 2                                    FRD 2 low

 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)           Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)             Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

 TRY 3:  D-RM                             TRY 4:  D-YN

 THIN                                     THIN
 Room Temp                                Room Temp
 Blood                                    Blood
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 1 low                                STR 1
 INT 2                                    INT 2
 MAG 3                                    MAG 3
 CHA 2 low                                CHA 1
 TLK 2                                    TLK 1
 DEX 1 low                                DEX 2 low
 OUT 1                                    OUT 1
 FRD 2 low                                FRD 2 low

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                       Learned ENEMY SCAN
 Learned GABBING                          Learned GUARD SPELL
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)            Learned GABBING
 Learned TREASURE SCOUT (Mastered)        Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)           Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)             Learned Foresight (Mastered)

 TRY 5:  D-MD                             TRY 6:  D-PT

 NORMAL                                   NORMAL
 40 DEG                                   50 DEG
 Hair                                     Fingernail
 All Stones (Greenx2, Redx2, Bluex1)      Green Stone x3

 STR 1 low                                STR 3
 INT 3                                    INT 1 low
 MAG 2 high                               MAG 1 high
 CHA 1                                    CHA 1 low
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2 high
 DEX 2 low                                DEX 1 low
 OUT 2                                    OUT 2
 FRD 2 low                                FRD 2

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                        Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned GABBING                           Learned Foresight (Mastered)
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

 TRY 7:  D-YN                             TRY 8:  D-MD

 NORMAL                                   NORMAL
 40 DEG                                   40 DEG
 Fingernail                               Fingernail
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 2                                    STR 2 high
 INT 2                                    INT 1 high
 MAG 3                                    MAG 2
 CHA 1 high                               CHA 1
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2 low
 DEX 1                                    DEX 2
 OUT 1                                    OUT 2
 FRD 2                                    FRD 2

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                       Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned GABBING                          Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

 Remus will ask if you think Angels are Familiars afterward, given who can
see them and all:

 1. You could be right....
 2. No, I doubt it.

 Chose what you wish here. Vallery will also ask you if the Angel you saw was
the one from the legends (as if we could know that!):

 1. It may have been...
 2. We need to defeat those Angels.
 3. We need to explore the ruins.

 Pick [1] here and Remus will stress the importance of exploring the ruins.
Vallery will be interested and would like to help:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Obviously you want to pick [1] here. Remus will mention we should depart
soon which obviously makes Vallery wonder where we're going:

 1. To do some training.
 2. ... To war!
 3. Nowhere, really. We're on furlough.
 4. To a village to the east.

 Pick [4] here if you're truthful. This will make Vallery a bit concerned:

 1. You don't have to come.
 2. It'll be a bonding experience!
 3. Are you okay with this?
 4. Stay behind and keep watch, then.
 5. Rules are rules. You're coming!

 Pick [2] here and Vallery will agree, joining your party!

 Head to the common room and you'll learn the shop is now selling KNACKSTONES
in their inventory:

 ________________________(   Fort Leinfaltz Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Heavy Clothes        4 STR  80 RIL
 Soft Leather         7 STR 170 RIL
 Fur Coat            11 STR 290 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 1W Fire Protection          75 RIL
 1W Wind Protection          75 RIL
 1W Ice Protection           75 RIL
 1W Earth Protection         75 RIL
 1W Regeneartion +1          80 RIL
 1W Sonic Blade              80 RIL
 2G Fire Imbuing            150 RIL
 2G Wind Imbuing            150 RIL
 2R Thunder Imbuing         120 RIL
 2G Ice Imbuing             150 RIL
 2G Stone Imbuing           150 RIL
 2R Luck Up +1              200 RIL
 2Y ATW Reduction +1        150 RIL
 2Y Ring Slot Up            160 RIL
 3R Stun                    350 RIL
 3Y MOV Up +1               370 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ Check out the ABILITIES you can use. Obviously the more abilities
 you can start mastering right now, the better. I recommend you at
 least equip one on each Crevanille and Remus.

 Before heading off you can show Tricia you're new familiar. She'll comment
that it sort of reminds her of you:

 1. Yeah.
 2. Not really...
 3. ......

 Choose [1] here and head outside. Bryntir here will complement your fairy and
leave. The fairy decides you two are similar but Vallery just doesn't see it:

 1. We're similar.
 2. We're nothing alike.
 3. I don't know...
 4. ....

 I picked [3] here, but I'm sure it doesn't matter TOO much. Now we can
FINALLY head out the east exit and FIGHT on our own once more!

(-NOTE-) The path to the village is VERY straight-forward. I would recommend
 fighting between the village and the Fort until you can equip all
 three party members with ability-granting SPELLSTONES. You'll likely
 be pushing level 10 by that time, but it will help you a TON!


 LV 4 Giant Bat
 LV 6 Snake
 LV 7 Worm
 LV 2 Scorpion

(-NOTE-) There is a random treasure found in the first screen out of the
 Fort. It's in the NORTHEAST corner. I say random because it shows
 up randomly as a sparkle on the ground. It's usally something minor,
 like 15 RIL or a minor item.

 The area out here leads to Ribocca Village, and is VERY straight-forward.
You'll encounter new LV 6 Snake and LV 7 Work enemies out here, but it won't
take you long to reach the village.

 Once you do, Vallery will stop and ask you what you're here for:

 1. Dixon's Home.
 2. Personal business.
 3. You'll find out.

 Answer [1] here and Remus will explain who Dixon was. You can also check
out the stall just to your north for some new items:

 ________________________(   Ribocca Village Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Fur Coat            11 STR 290 RIL
 Leather Jacket      23 STR 460 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ The LEATHER JACKET is a good DEF upgrade, if you want to spring for it.
 It is a VERY GOOD choice for Crevanille at the VERY least.

 After shopping, let's head to Dixon's house which is the house just to the
left of the stall (the one with the garden). Head over there and Remus will
introduce himself while she lets us in to stay the night.

 During the night we'll see two scenes. The first is a VERY touching one
between Remus and Dixon's wife (aww!) and the second is a tad more important.
You'll see a scene between President Deringer and BG Ludwig. They'll of course
start to scheme with each-other. I'll let you guess what this can mean....

 In the morning Vallery will ask Crevanille why he looks so worried:

 1. I had a weird dream...
 2. Don't worry about it.
 3. My familiar can explain it.

 Choose [3] here to learn about one of your familiar's powers: FORESIGHT (If
you noticed during my trials with making familiars earlier, EVERY ONE of them

 Talk to Dixon's wife to ask about memento's Dixon may have had. She'll
mention a letter and will look for it, asking you to come back later (our cue
to explore the town some more).

 Head outside and to the left some men will be gathered around each other.
Head over there and they'll mention needing a HAULD FRUIT and head off. Talk
to the one that remains and he'll ask if you're from Fort Leinfaltz. Say 'YES'
to him and he'll ask to speak to you.

 Go speak to him and he'll mention one of the purposes of this village and
will mention that a monster has been spotted nearby:

 1. Can you get to the point?
 2. So, you want us to investigate?
 3. So, you want us to kill it?

 Go ahead and pick [3] here to hurry him up and then agree to take it out.
From here, head west into the forest. Out here there are pretty much the same
enemies as before with a new LV 8 Scorpion to be found at times. Before heading
north to our next BIG fight, go ahead and level up to around level 9/10 at
least and save in the village.

(-NOTE-) There is another RANDOM TREASURE in this first screen, in the
 middle of the area. Just FYI.

 Head north to meet the guys from before. They'll mention the Hauld Fruit is
here that they need for a sick kid, but due to monsters they are too scared to
continue. Agree to help.

 A TIMER will start counting down now. Ignore it and make a BEELINE for the
NORTHWEST CORNER of the map. You MAY get in a few MINOR fights before you
encounter the SAME MONSTER Regina killed before, leading to the next

 __  ____           _                ____  ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \/ ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / /___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ /___/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/_____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M05 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All allies defeated.


 [777 : Note to self : Try letting a villager die!]

 Kill all monsters. Let no villagers die.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Well, so we're facing the same monster as before! Luckily we are quite a bit
stronger. You'll notice though, that we CANNOT use magic. If you took my advice
earlier Crevanille should be level 10+ and have a Leather Jacket on. You can
march him right up to the monster and be OK.

 In the meantime you should note that we are NOT ALONE in this fight. There
are several other monsters spread around the screen. This isn't really a
problem in and of itself as all the monsters are rather weak, and with the
exception of the LV 10 Timber Wolf nearby all the other monsters are easy.

 HOWEVER, the men from earlier will COME BACK and appear in the SOUTHEAST.
They have NO fighting power and in fact will be targetted by two lower-level
monsters down there while they do nothing but run...

 So as for a strategy, I would recommend sending REMUS down to the southern
portion of the screen and let him mop up monsters down there as soon as the
fight starts. Crevanille can keep the MONSTER busy (it's named Garuga) while
Vallery can take take out the Wolf (with Remus, as long as you're fast) and
begin to help Crevanille.

 With this strategy the goal is to keep the villagers safe, so keep that
your priority and you'll be OK.



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight the men will get the fruit they came for and will head off,
thanking you. Remus will then question what that creature was:

 1. A monster.
 2. We've fought one before.
 3. This is my first time seeing one.

 Choose [2] as Regina saved our ass from this thing once before and the party
will mention this isn't the place to discuss this. Head back to the village
now and talk to the man you agreed to help. He'll reward you with a
skillstone: [_PARRY_]. Head back to Dixon's house and his wife will come to
the door with the letter. Go ahead and take it to see what it says. It's still
pretty vague. No return address even!

 Thankfully, Dixon's wife (who I'm amazed STILL hasn't got a name yet)
advised that a merchant named Porak from Marquelay always delivered the
letters. Hey, we met him! It's a LONG ways away though.

 Head for the exit and you'll run into none other than Pamela! She'll stop
and say 'Hi!' and wonder if you're running errands for the boss:

 1. They're both dead.
 2. ......

 Oh my.... well, you may as well break the news and choose [1]. Remus will
tell her what happened and she'll apologize this job fell to us:

 1. Don't let it bother you.
 2. It was pretty unpleasant.

 Choose [1] again and Pamela will ask if you're still going to take on the
Angels like the boss wanted:

 1. We'll do what the boss wanted.
 2. .......

 Chose [1] again (if that's how you feel) and Pamela will tell you she came
to see Dixon's Wife as well and we'll undoubtedly meet again.

 Head back towards the fort and on the way you'll see a scene at the village.
QUICK! Run over there and view the scene (talk to everyone you can). View the
scenes that occur afterward (including two memorable ones from Crevanille and
Remus) and once you regain control head back to the base...

 Once you arrive Remus will have a moment, due to his recent loss:

 1. It'll be okay.
 2. We need to focus.
 3. We should report it.

 Choose [1] and head inside the fort.

(-NOTE-) Go knock at the NORTHWEST door and the researcher will give your
 fairy a birthday present: [_FAIRY COSTUME H_].

 Let us report in before the FORT gets wiped out! Head up the stairs to the
right and enter the last door up here (BG Ludwig's office). He'll wonder what
you want:

 1. There was a monster at Ribocca.
 2. Ribocca was annihilated.

 [2] is the more appropriate choice here. He'll get a concerned look on his
face and will say he'll send an investigation team to investigate it (NOT the
response you'd expect). After he dismisses you head towards the door and he'll
stop you and ask about your familiar. He'll than ask if you're bitter about
your conscription:

 1. No, I'm not.
 2. ...Just glad to serve.
 3. I miss my mercenary days.
 4. I do have less freedom now...

 This is a pretty personal question, so choose how you will (I chose [4]).
After his response head down to the common area and Tricia will call you over
and comment on the explosion at Ribocca:

 1. I wasn't hurt.
 2. Yeah...

 Choose [1] to make her realize OTHER people were hurt. When she says that
she's sorry you have some more choices:

 1. I don't mind.
 2. ......
 3. *thank her in knocking code*

 I chose [3] here, but you may not have the option if you didn't talk to her
a lot earlier ([1] is a good choice too). She'll be glad (and a little
embarassed) if you knock and will comment that she doesn't feel like she's
been here longer than us:

 1. It doesn't really come through, no.
 2. I've just been lucky.

 Choose [2] here and afterward head to your room. The party will talk about
the Angels and look for comparisons:

 1. It was a male Angel before.
 2. There's more than one Angel.
 3. I don't know what they're thinking.

 Pick [1] or [2] here to share your insight and Vallery will comment that we
should take a rest (our cue to rest on the bed). Do so and watch the scene
that comes...

 Once you wake up you'll get a message to go see Major Abram (once again
ruining Vallery's chance of training!). Head over to his office and you'll
learn Valkania is after Dr. Lichtmann... a good target for a country with
no Ruin Children. We're to head south to Saudrick and escort Dr. Lichtmann
back to the fort.

 Oh, and if we encounter and fight Valkania, we CANNOT use spells.... Great...

 Head south out of the fort.


 LV 9 Scissor Head
 LV 8 Scorpion
 LV 7 Worm
 LV 10 Timber Wolf

 Our journey southward opens up a lot of new areas for us. You'll get to fight
a lot of level 7-10 enemies here: a GOOD place to level up to level 12 or so.
This area south intersects with the path to Trockmere, but we're headed more
west. Level up to 12 or so and follow the path south to Saudrick when you're

 Once you enter town pay attention to the kids singing at the entrance:

 "The cowardly gatekeeper quickly runs away~"
 "If you want the treasure, then defeat him~"

 Likely words to live by, no doubt.

 The general store is nearby, to the west:

 _______________________(   Saudrick General Store   )________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Leather Jacket      23 STR  460 RIL
 Studded Leather     20 STR  800 RIL
 Hard Leather        26 STR 1360 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL

 ~ The HARD LEATHER is EXPENSIVE but wow is it worth it. If you can fight
 monsters outside long enough to buy three of these you are preparred for
 what is to come.

 Now head NORTH to the top of the town. Here you should find a man in green
who wants to hire you (it's like we're a mercenary again!). He wants you to
escort him and his pack animals to Trockmere.

 Since this is a side-quest you can say "YES" or "NO", but I'd recommend
doing it as you'll be rewarded at the end.

 _____ _     __                           __     ____ ___
 / ___/(_)___/ /__  ____ ___  _____  _____/ /_   / __ <  /
 \__ \/ / __  / _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/  / / / / /
 ___/ / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_   / /_/ / /  
 /____/_/\__,_/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/____/\__/   \____/_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-S01 \
 o Victory Conditions: XXX

 o Defeat Conditions: XXX



 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This ESCORT MISSION isn't really hard. Basically, the man will travel on
the road with his FIVE pack animals. You will naturally run into enemies as
you go along, and you must protect the animals from them. With two RANGED
party members like Remus and Vallery I don't think you'll have a hard time.
The first few screens are the hardest as the enemies here are tough, but as
you get closer to Trockmere it'll get EASIER!

 o Stay IN FRONT OF the mercheant.


 o Take out the closest enemies first.

 Once you get to Trockmere, talk to the man for a [_LIFE APPLE_]. Nice! 



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 From here (here being TROCKMERE, if you did the sidequest...), feel free to
talk to Magnus, down the stairs from the inn. He'll ask if we've met before:

 1. Who're you?
 2. You're that wanderer.
 3. No, we haven't.
 4. Those sideburns...

 Pick [2] here as he reintroduces himself more or less and advises he's still
looking for that Otter fellow. Of course he asks if you know anything:

 1. Have you tried the dump?
 2. We don't know anything.
 3. We need more to go on.

 I picked [3] here as a name isn't much to go on, but that's all Magnus gots.

 Oh, by the way, Trockmere has new items at it's armor shop:

 ________________________(   Trockmere Armor Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Leather Jacket      23 STR  460 RIL
 Studded Leather     20 STR  800 RIL
 Hard Leather        26 STR 1360 RIL
 Buff Coat           31 STR 1780 RIL

 ~ Expensive stuff! The Hard Leather and Buff Coat are worth it if you can
 afford it!

 Anyway, our destiny lies in Saudrick. Head back there and enter the INN at
the end of the town (the aar west side of the screen). Once you enter, grab
the sparkle on the ground (free money!) and ask the innkeeper for Dr.
Lichtmann. While he's gone Vallery will ask you what kind of guy you think
he is:

 1. Old and wrinkly
 2. Mmm... Rugged and strong.
 3. Meh, boring.
 4. Snobby and intellectual.
 5. Timid and nerdy.

 Well, you can pick whichever you think.... I went with [1] personally. Soon
the innkeeper will come back and mention the Dr. is gone! Are we too late!
Maybe those guys with the sack!? Save up and head out!

 Once you go outside your familiar will tell you about FAMILIAR RECONNOITER
MODE. You can control your familiar and pursue the culprits this way. Press
the SQUARE button to end scout mode.

 Since we're about to enter another MISSION, this scounting will only help
us. The purpose of this is to NOT get spotted and trap the THUGS inside the
city. By scounting you can tell:

 o The THUGS are carrying the Dr. down the SOUTH street.

 o The NORTH street is mostly UNGUARDED, with a single guard at the gate.

 Once you're ready to start the mission, end scouting mode and run up the
north streets until you are spotted...

 __  ____           _                ____  _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \/ ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / / __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/\____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M06 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.
 Enemy carrying Lumis escapes.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Clear? Perhaps a civilian can die?]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 If you followed the SCOUTING tips before the mission you are in good shape
for this fight. You're in ESPECIALLY good shape if you are level 10+ as the
enemies here are mostly level 8.

 Kill the northern thug first and seal up the exit.

 Your familiar will then take this chance to introduce the BONUS METER during
the fight. Basically, you get BETTER REWARDS depending on how fast you win the

 Once the first guard is dead the other four will storm towards the town
entrance. They stagger in, so you can gang up on each one of them as they
come. You could also sick Remus on the furthest gang members. Can't really
go wrong. Just be sure to take out everyone and you'll be good.

 BONUS: +28



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Dr. Lumis will get out of the bag and thank you. With a
thug still alive we have someone to question! Apparently a masked man told
these guys to take Dr. Lumis to the forest outside town. Remus will ask
what we should do:

 1. Let's check out that area.
 2. Not much we can do...

 You can select [1] if you wish, but Dr. Lumis will shoot you down. Once the
thugs are given over to the guards Dr. Lumis will ask if any of you are Ruin
Children and upon learning that you and Vallery are he asks if you'll help
him in the nearby ruins:

 1. Go to the ruins.
 2. Head back to the fort.

 Since I'm in no rush to go back to the fort, pick [1]. Dr. Lumis will join
our group and let us know the ruins are up north! Heal up and save and then
head out!

(-NOTE-) I HIGHLY recommend learning the skill DECOY (from the PARRY
 skillstone) and the skill FIERCE STRIKE (from the STUN skillstone)
 as well as getting to around level 15 BEFORE going back to the fort.
 Now, that isn't for awhile, but you'll know when its about to come.

 Once you leave the city head STRAIGHT NORTH. The path to the ruins is very
linear, so you can't get lost. Once you get there the door will open up and
like a little school-boy Dr. Lumis will run inside. Remus will comment on

 1. Well, this is his dream job.
 2. I can understand that.
 3. He's being selfish.
 4. Ugh, seems troublesome.

 Pick [1] here and follow Remus inside. Remus will convince the doctor to
stick with the group. Once you have control open the center door and an alarm
will go off! Gah! It seems like we're in trouble!

 __  ____           _                ____  _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \/__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / /  / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ /  / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/  /_/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M07 \
 o Victory Conditions: All Guardians defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Companion dies.
 All party members die.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Clear?]

 Kill all guardians; seal all doors.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Fret not, we can get through this!

 First of all let me say that the GUARDIANS here will keep RESPAWNING until
you shut the doors that they came out of. To do that, we have to make our way
to the flashing ORANGE light in each wing. BEFORE we do that though, there is
TREASURE to find. Pause and check out the map. See the treasure boxes? There
is one in each wing.

 Now that we know those two things here's what we do: send ONE party member to
each wing and go STRAIGHT for the TREASURE. IGNORE the enemies. Once you have
the treasure (which, for me, was a SOUL CRUSHER in the top box, 244 RIL in the
right box and a CHEMIST'S ART in the left box) head STRAIGHT for the light and
pull the switch ASAP.

 Once you have done that KILL the enemy in your wing. In the meantime the
doctor will hang out by the entrance and cast support magic. Once you've
killed each of the guardians this mission will be over!

 BONUS: +29


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Soul Crusher, 244 Ril, Chemist's Art

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight head to the right side and check out the center module.
Dr. Lumis will use it to make some stairs appear at the top. The left module
is broken, by the way. Go ahead and head up the stairs.


LV 11 Executioner
LV 12 Puppet
LV 14 Floorkeep

 Up here you'll get to fight some monstes in the open. But first, do you
remember that children's song we heard earlier? This one?:

 "The cowardly gatekeeper quickly runs away~"
 "If you want the treasure, then defeat him~"

 Yeah, there are FLOORKEEPERS here that we need to kill that drop a KEY when
we kill them. The first one on this 2nd Floor is to the northeast. Thanks to
the walls here you can sneak around the place counterclockwise and reach him
easily. Once you do go all-out on him and he'll drop a SMALL KEY.

 Once he's dead kill everything else on the floor. Note that the PUPPET
enemies regenerate HP (15 HP at a time). Once everything is dead open the
middle chest for a [_LIFE APPLE_]. Head up the stairs to the right to reach
the 3rd Floor.

 Up here the FLOORKEEPER is in the middle of the floor. He's surrounded by
Executioner enemies. Approach from the south and nail him for another SMALL
KEY. Kill everything else on the floor and open the middle chest for some
[_NECTAR_]. Once you're done, head up to the 4th floor using the stairs on
the left.

 Up here the FLOORKEEPER can be found to the far right. Use one of the outer
walkways to reach him. The outer walkway below you, to be specific. Once you
have him dead kill everything else on the floor as usual. In the middle of
the room you can find a SAVE POINT. Be SURE to use it, as a MISSION is
coming up soon, then open the chest behind it for a [_CRITICAL STRIKE_]
spellstone. Nice! Take the stairs to the far right to continue.

 Once you head into the room a bit, the next mission will start:

 __  ____           _                ____  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \( __ )
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / / __  |
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M08 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Companion dies.
 All party members die.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Clear?]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 As SOON as the battle starts, start casting/charging MAGIC. Use any kind of
MAGIC you want EXCEPT EARTH MAGIC! This is important! Pick LEVEL ONE and start

 The reason we are charging magic is because, as Lumis will soon point out,
there are WILL 'O WISP enemies here. They are far away and are weak to magic,
PLUS they are the most dangerous enemies here by FAR as they can cast magic
and severely hurt our party.

 Devote TWO party members (Crevanille and Remus, or whoever isn't using
earth magic) to charge level one spells and cast one level one spell on each
Will 'O Wisp. This will kill each one off (yes, one level one spell should do
the trick). Lumis will help out with healing spells. The wisps MAY manage to
get off a single spell, but that should be it.

 After killing all four of them focus on the remaining enemies and you'll
have this fight in the bag. Crevanille should focus on the forward melee while
the ranged attackers do their thing.

 BONUS: +13


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring, Ring Slot UP, Random Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight head to the far left and you'll get to view a series of
kick-ass cutscenes. Enjoy! They are well done, no?

 At the end of the scenes, the girl you saved (or that Lumis saved, since he
saved ALL of us) will awaken and hug Crevanille:

 1. Hi there.
 2. Are you okay?
 3. ...Who are you?
 4. Let go of me.

 Pick [1] or [2] here (I went with [2]). The girl will have a hard time
remembering anything, but will at least remember her name: Frayne. After
explaining to her what happened here and hearing her reaction Remus will kind
of lose control, leading to some more choices:

 1. I'm sorry, Frayne, he went too far.
 2. Please forgive our manners...
 3. Why support the Angels?
 4. .....

 Pick [2] here and Vallery will explain things a little better. Sounds like
Frayne has no better ideas than what we started with. The team will decide
that we should make the fort our next visit and the topic of escorting Frayne
will come up:

 1. I'll take her back.
 2. Take good care of her.
 3. Let Remus take her.
 4. Lumis should do it (grayed out).

 [777 : Note to self : Friendship impact here?]

 This is a "personal preferrence" choice, but no matter what you pick Vallery
will remind you of your mission and will try to be the escort.

 HOWEVER, Frayne is having none of it! She pretty much demands to be with
Crevanille no matter what, just so she knows somebody, even saying that she'd
rather just go alone if it came to it:

 1. Frayne, you need to trust me.
 2. Let's leave her be (grayed out).
 3. Come up with something, Vallery.

 Here go ahead and choose [1] to make this work.

 We'll now be on our own and need to head back to the fort.

(-NOTE-) BEFORE heading back, note that you can REPEAT SIDEQUEST 01 again
 at this point. Doing so will net you a [_GALE APPLE_], a stat
 increasing item, so it's recommended to do so.

 As you head north towards the fort, you'll see a little scene between a man
named Christopher and a young woman. Seems like this Christopher is a real
Casaanova. Hmm...

 Once you arrive at the fort, Lumis will excuse himself. Remust thinks aloud
that he seems like the type of man that would only have research on his mind:

 1. Agreed.
 2. Probably.
 3. I don't know...
 4. I imagine he'd sleep first.
 5. Talk about another topic.

 Choose what you wish here ([1] for me) and head into the base. Go attempt
to talk to Major Abram about the mission only to find him coming from the
BG's room and telling you he's been briefed already. He'll then tell you to
never speak of what happened in the ruins to anyone, even him:

 1. Understood.
 2. Why not?

 Go ahead and choose [1], as [2] sound like a dumb response. After being
dismissed, Remus will head off to the room while your fairy asks what you're
going to do:

 1. Go to bed, I guess.
 2. I feel like a walk.
 3. Pfft, I'm not tired.

 Choose what you will here, but there's nothing to see around the base. In
the end, head back to your room and once you try to sleep Vallery will return.
He'll tell you how some "Chris" guy tried to hit on Frayne. After that, head
to bed.

 During the night you'll see a scene between the BG and President Deringer
once again, involving the future of the country...

 The next morning you'll learn Lumis is your new instructor and Ludwig has
been promoted, meaning we're about to have a party. Cool. Crevanille has the
day off though. Once you're free go talk to Tricia, who has to patrol the
forest to the east:

 1. Yeah, just slack off.
 2. Don't let your guard down.
 3. Just hurry and go.

 Pick [2] here to be nice and she'll mention if anything happens she'll just
call you:

 1. Don't push your luck.
 2. I'll come whenever you need me.

 Pick [2] again to be friendly. Before you go she'll knock a message to you:

 1. Send back *be careful*.
 2. Send nothing.

 Choose [1] here and she'll be happy. Remus is hanging out in a hallway while
Vallery is training. Head outside and to the researcher door where you'll be
stopped and the researchers will ask you to help them. Say "YES" to be able to
go see Frayne:

 1. What did they do to you?
 2. Have you remembered anything?
 3. How are you?
 4. ......

 Choose [2] or [3] here (I picked [3]) and she'll advise she still hasn't
remembered anything. She'll remember you though, which makes her ask WHO you

 1. I'm Crevanille!
 2. I've never  met you before.
 3. Someone you met in a dream.
 4. *smile vaguely*
 5. ........

 Pick [3] here and she'll go on about her fears, possible friends and family
and what if she can't remember anything:

 1. I'm searching for that, too.
 2. Your fear is only temporary.
 3. You have to push through.
 4. I promise I'll help you.
 5. *leave silently*

 Pick [4] here to make her happy. Soon our chat will end as Frayne is taken
away, but at least she'll go away happy.

 Head back to your room and SAVE, then take a rest. During your nap, you'll
see that Tricia is in trouble. MORE monsters!? Sheesh! After waking up, we'll
have to rush off and save her!

 Head east out of the fort and soon you'll hear a knock. Head further east
and you'll find Tricia, who will wonder how you found her...

 1. Just stay quiet.
 2. Mmm, it's rescue time!
 3. We heard your code.

 Pick [3] here and the fight will be on.

 __  ____           _                ____  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / __ \/ __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / / / / /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ /\__, /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   \____//____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M09 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Crevanille dies.
 Tricia dies.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Clear?]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Now THIS fight is definitely a test of your abilities, as it is pretty much
just Crevanille against TWO monsters! Grah! This is why I recommended getting
to Level 15 and getting those skills (Decoy/Fierce Strike) before returning
to the fort earlier!

 Start out using DECOY to draw the monsters to you (The one closest to Tricia
may very well ignore this) and then use a FIERCE STRIKE on the closest
monster. At Level 15, Crevanille may very well kill it in one hit!

 In the meantime, Tricia will likely be attacked by the other monster. Their
hits DEVESTATE her and will kill her in three hits easily, but thankfully she
actually has a VERY DECENT block rate (I was impressed, anyways).

 Nonetheless, the plan is to get to the second monster ASAP and use another
FIERCE STRIKE on it as well and you will again likely slay it in one hit,
saving Tricia!

 BONUS: +19


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle talk to Tricia:

 1. I'm just glad you're safe.
 2. You knew enough to send your code.
 3. You should be watching MY back.

 Go ahead and pick [1] or [2] here (I went with [2]). She will of course be
very thankful and will mention needing to take her injured teammates back to
the fort:

 1. We'll get them together.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and after the screen comes back we'll be back at the fort.

 Nothing to do here for now, so head back to your room and take a rest. You'll
get to see another scene, this one involving that Christopher fellow. You'll
get to see who he's related to.

 After being woken up by a guard, head out to the main room and talk to Dr.
Lumis. You'll get to ask him who's talking to the general (pick any option)
and Lumis will feel uneasy about them being so close:

 1. They seem thick as thieves.
 2. They're not that close.
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and he'll share more of his thoughts:

 1. I agree.
 2. I disagree.
 3. I don't understand.

 This is a personal choice, really, but I picked [1]. I don't like it! Lumis
will share some of Dulkheim's history with you and what Ludwig's into, telling
you not to repeat it:

 1. ....
 2. Of course.
 3. Say no more.

 Go with [2] or [3] here ([2] for me) and Lumis will be off to entertain the
President. You'll see a new character approach Ludwig named Vester, getting
a little scene if you walk towards Ludwig. After that Vester will leave for
the training grounds. Go after him.

 Run up to him and talk to him, and as soon as you get his portrait up on
the screen I'm POSITIVE you'll remember who he is....

 1. Who are you?
 2. Do you remember me?
 3. Why did you kill my boss?

 Pick what you wish here ([3] seems right to me) and he'll rationalize away
what he did:

 1. *draw your weapon*
 2. *stay calm*

 As much as I'd like choice [1] here, pick [2].

 [777 : Note to self : Try 1!]

 After his parting insult you'll see the President leave. From here, you can
go talk to Tricia past the east gate. She'll thank you properly:

 1. It was nothing.
 2. Just be careful from now on.
 3. Call me anytime you need me.

 Pick [3] here and then go talk to Vallery, who will head back inside. Head
back inside yourself and make to go to your room as a messenger from Saurick
rushes in. Listen to his conversation with Abrams. Sounds like trouble to me.
Afterwards you can talk to Lumis for some conversation:

 1. It can't be helped...
 2. Can you teach me about ruins?
 3. *nod*

 Pick [2] here to learn a little something about Frayne. Looks like you two
have something in common. After that head back to your room where Remus will
greet you:

 1. Yeah.
 2. Lumis said something interesting...
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here to share before a messenger arrives announcing the bandit
plans. We're to stay here and guard the fort. Wonderful. THAT can't go wrong!
Everyone will then go to sleep, leaving you up.

 From here, you can head out to the main area. Here Tricia will ask if you're
going to Saudrick too:

 1. Yes.
 2. No.

 Pick [2] here to make her a little sad that you're splitting up:

 1. Orders are orders.
 2. Are you sad?
 3. ......

 Pick [2] again and she'll make some excuse. After that you should go back
to your room and SAVE, then rest on the bed.

 You'll soon be woken up by a loud noise. After getting up view the dialog
and soon you'll be in control of Crevanille and Remus. Head outside to see
what is going on.

 Here you'll see Muntzer inside the base. Ha! Lumis will have it figured out
in no time, of course, but it's far too late. Get ready!

 __  ____           _                _______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  / __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M10 \
 o Victory Conditions: Hold out for long enough.
 Defeat Muntzer.

 o Defeat Conditions: Muntzer reaches the lab.
 Lumis dies.
 All party members die.


 [777 : Note to self : Mission Clear?]

 Hold out for long enough.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is one of those fights where you DO NOT have the upper hand. As good
as Abram is, he is no Muntzer. Muntzer can wipe the floor with EVERYONE on the
map right now, make no mistake about it.

 For the first part of the fight, have Creavanille sling spells at the two
Level 15 soldiers and have Remus either do the same or fire at them from afar.
Sooner or later Muntzer will not only demonstrate that he knows spells but
also that he is a badass by slaughtering the Colonel.

 THIS makes everyone go into a panic as they realize they are done for.

 Thankfully Lumis is here to provide guidance. He has the two right soldiers
leave to send flares and pigeons for backup while he has the two left soldiers
head into the lab and barricade it from the inside.

 Once the soldiers get in the lab, this fight boils down to HOLDING OUT, as
you are NOT going to kill Muntzer. A timer will appear and start to count
down, representing the time he have to hold out for. At this point. send
Crevanille to the left and have him stand IN FRONT OF the lab door. From here
feel free to sling a few spells. Remus should continue shootint at Muntzer
after the other two soldiers are dead to slow him down.

 Once Muntzer gets close to Crevanille, DEFEND! You will survive a hit this
way. After that, quickly use three vulnaries and DEFEND again! After surviving
the first hit the door will likely be barricaded, but Muntzer will still hang
around, talking about a second mission. After a short time passes though
(after the second hit), an enemy soldier will show up and talk about them
being done, which makes Muntzer sound the retreat and leave!

 BONUS: +06


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Bryntir will come back, but no one will see Vallery. Lumis
will put 2 and 2 together again and conclude they went after him to the ast!
Quick, give chase!

 Head east two screens to the bridge and you'll catch up to them. Try to cross
it to see a scene. Bah! Lumis will arrive now and will comment on your fairy
losing mana and that you need to put her in the dollhouse pronto! Head back to
the fort to see a scene summarizing what just happened as well as the rise of
monster attacks on Dulkheim citizens.

 After the scene, a researcher will give us back out fairy, saying she took
a month to recover. Yikes! Remus will comment:

 1. Yes, I am.
 2. Not really.
 3. .....

 Be nice and pick [1] here. The group will then talk about the monster
attacks and whether Valkania is causing them:

 1. I think so.
 2. I don't think so.
 3. .....

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [2] as there's just no proof). Attempt
to go outside now and your familiar will ask if there's a way she can get

 1. What do you mean?
 2. I'll look into it.
 3. I don't know.
 4. .....

 Choose [1] here and she'll tell you she's worried about exhausting her mana
like last time. From here, go head to the research lab where your familiar
will ask the man there the same question. He'll advised that it is done over
time through the dollhouse but he has heard of a rare tool that gives fairys
strength faster:

 1. What does it look like?
 2. I'm not interested.

 Choose [1] here to learn about the RESONATOR. Apparently these things come
in matching sets too. They are commonly found in ruins, but the Dulkheim ruins
have been pretty much picked dry. He'll invite your fairy in to show her what
they look like as well. Neat.

 After that we don't have anything else to do, so go back to the room and
rest up. You'll see a scene between the President and Ludwig which reveals
some nasty truths and also that a peace treaty will be happening at Trockmere.
Interesting. And so the plot thickens...

 Head out to the main area afterwards and Lumis will find you and tell you
what you already know, which lets you respond to it:

 1. It's pretty offensive.
 2. The men here can keep their heads.
 3. ......

 Choose what you will here (I picked [1]) and Lumis will get around go asking
you to head to Trockmere to guard the peace talks. From here, go ahead and
make your way to Trockmere. You'll meet Tricia here, who is excited:

 1. We're guarding Valkania, though.
 2. It sure is.
 3. .......

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [1] again) and then feel free to rest up
and save at the nearby inn. Head to the Peace building next to find Ludwig,
who will send for you tomorrow. Remus will comment on his trust:

 1. Yes.
 2. I don't like it.
 3. Let's have some fun.
 4. .....

 Pick what you wish here ([1] again for me) and follow Alfonse. You'll see
him talk to Magnus and afterward you can talk to him and he'll introduce

 1. That's Dulkheim technology for you.
 2. It's very dangerous.
 3. How would you invade it?

 Pick [1] here (although [3] seems funny as heck) and Alfonse will explain
how similar Trockmere is to a fortress. Say "SURE" afterwards and head back
to the INN (or in that direction) to run into Magnus. He'll recognize you
right away this time and thinks you share a destiny:

 1. Do you know the Royal Guard?
 2. I wish I could unshare it.
 3. It's just a coincidence.

 Pick [1] here again to hear how Magnus knows Alfonse. Sounds interesting.
He'll leave to go gather info on Otter once more. Head towards the inn once
more to be interrupted once again by a pair of twins: Meline and Cynthia
They'll argue about something until Meline notices you looking at her:

 1. Sorry
 2. Huh?
 3. I wasn't looking at you.

 Pick [1] here to make Meline happy before she says some VERY mean things!
They'll leave afterward so head to the inn and go to your bedroom and rest.
You'll see a vision of what is going on at the research labs in Valkania in
the meantime.

 Once you wake up something big will be going on. Exit your room and Remus
will state no messenger has come. Sounds like trouble. 

 Head out into town and to the peace building, then down to the levee wall.
Down here you'll see a HUGE monster and Alfonse trying to fight it off. He's
having a hard time though and on top of all that he notices an angel up in the
sky! You'll soon learn that the two angels names are Akyel and Uriel as well.
Interesting. Keep watching the scenes as all hell breaks loose.

 Crevanille will wake up four days later. Remus will come in and ask how we
are feeling:

 1. Yeah, thanks.
 2. My head hurts.
 3. My whole body hurts.
 4. What happened while I was out?

 Choose [4] here to learn that we're needed at the fort as war has started:

 1. What caused that?
 2. No!
 3. ......

 Choose [1] here to learn Dulkheim investigators say the monster that
destoryed the levee was under Valkania's control. Damn. And Crevanille, who
saw Alfonse fighting it, was out cold. Leave the inn and head down to the
lower part of the city to see it flooded. Remus will lament how fragile humans
are while Raimy points out it seems the Royal Guard was fighting the monster:

 1. That must be right.
 2. It was just an accident.
 3. The Royal Guard were pretending (grayed out).
 4. They were deceived by their own country.
 5. Someone's playing both sides.
 6. ......

 Pick [5] here to have Remus wonder who it could be:

 1. It sure is.
 2. I don't think so.
 3. One country can have many motivations.

 Pick [3] here. Afterward go ahead and make your way back to the fort. Once
you get there you can talk to Tricia in the training grounds:

 1. Sorry I worried you.
 2. I'm okay.
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and head into the facility. Lumis will welcome you back and
will tell you to rest once more. Head to your room and rest up (and save/train
your familiar if you wish). After resting, head to the main room and take your
seat. Teams will be divied out to officers and Remus will be reassigned! Aww!

 Soon Lumis will tell you to head to Trockmere and meet Cargill at the inn.
Grrr... Lumis will tell us to tell no one:

 1. Understood
 2. I don't like this.
 3. ......

 Pick what you wish here and head back to your room to rest again. Before you
do Remus will come to say goodbye:

 1. It's all right, Remus.
 2. That's not important!
 3. ....

 Pick [1] here and then he'll wish to reminisce tonight:

 1. Okay...
 2. No. The past is over.
 3. .....

 Choose [1] here again to have Remus start off with when you found him in the

 1. It was quite a surprise.
 2. You saved me from a shopping trip.
 3. We couldn't go shopping thanks to you.
 4. It was tough, carrying you back.
 5. We should've left you there.

 Choose [1] here to be nice. Thankfully he doesn't go through EVERYTHING we
did together. At the end he'll state he is the way he is because of you:

 1. I could say the same for you.
 2. You've really grown up.
 3. Yup, it's all me.
 4. You should thank me.

 Here pick [1] or [2] ([1] is what I picked) and Remus will head off to bed.
Poor guy. Head to bed yourself and you'll see a scene with the leaders of
Dulkheim as they discuss their tactics.

 Once you wake up your fairy will tell you Remus has left and not to forget
the dollhouse! Go interact with the dollhouse and DON'T use it, then choose
to take it. Head out to the common area and go talk to Tricia. You two are
likely to be seperated soon:

 1. That never actually mattered to me.
 2. It'll be lonely without you.
 3. We'll be equals when next we meet.
 4. This won't be the last time.

 Pick [2] here and say your goodbyes.

 Time to head on over to Trockmere, all by ourself.

 Once you get there, your fairy will give you some dialog choices:

 1. It's a busy little town (grayed out).
 2. It used to be a nice place.
 3. It's sad to look at...
 4. We need to meet this Cargill.
 5. I'm tired. I'm going to the inn.
 6. .......

 Pick what you wish here and head to the inn. Talk to the soldier in the
door who will take you to see Captain Cargill. Once you meet him you'll
have some dialog choices:

 1. I'm sorry, sir.
 2. It's not my fault!
 3. Why are we coming one at a time?
 4. ......

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [3]) and soon the Captain will INSIST that
you drink some water. Try as you might, you need to to continue, so interact
with the water on the table and you'll fall over...

 __      __                 ___       _____            
 \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                   Chapter 3: The Search for Truth                    >==O

 After a scene between Ludwig and Cargill, you'll wake up in a prison:

 1. Robert...?
 2. Good morning.
 3. Where are we?
 4. .....

 Choose what you wish and you'll see a scene between Elena and Raoul (remember
them?). Choose "What's going on here?" when you can to learn something of what
is going on here. Choose "They kidnapped Vallery" when you can.

 When you have freedom, go talk to everyone. You can talk to Elena through the
wall as well, and check the door, but that's it. Talk to Robert multiple times
unil he tells you which cot is yours (third from the door) then use it to go
to sleep. Another scene between the two lovers and you'll be able to save.

 After that you'll see Bauer working for Lumis guarding the rear cities. Good.
Back in prison a month will have passed (Choose what you wish once you hear
that, but "That went by fast" sure is funny). And it looks like Raoul is gone
for the time being... shoot.

 With Raoul gone you can go knock on the wall opposite Elena:

 1. The truth is...
 2. *pretend to be Raoul*
 3. .....

 Choose [2] here to keep her hopes up. Next:

 1. I'm tired.
 2. Are you all right?
 3. Do you remember our promise?
 4. *send nothing*

 Now pick [3] and she'll decide to test your memory from earlier:

 1. The vacation.
 2. The move.
 3. The dinner.
 4. My present.

 Pick [2] here (as you'll remember) and the chat will be over. You can talk
to her again if you wish and pick any option. Head back to sleep once you're

 Next you'll see a scene with how the war's been going, then a scene with
Lumis and Bauer. I'm not sure Lumis is so innocent anymore but Bauer is still
a pretty nice guy at least.

 And now we're back in prison. It looks like it's down to Robert and
Crevanille as well. Go talk to Robert and pick any option to hear his last

 After that, go talk to Elena:

 1. We can hang in there.
 2. I can't go on anymore.
 3. I want to see you.
 4. Raoul is gone.

 Pick [3] here to keep her going and she'll leave. Head back to your bed
yourself and rest...

 Soon you'll hear an explosion and after that REMUS will come in and open
the door! Wha!?:

 1. Thank you...
 2. Why are you here...?
 3. That explostion just now...
 4. You have to save the others!
 5. .......

 Go ahead and choose what you wish (I picked [4]) and Remus will give you
your stuff. Excellent. Note that we're at half health and 1/3rd MP as well.
After you've changed you'll be equipped with exactly what you had before
being locked up. Go ahead and save here.

 Head upwards and you'll see the girls escape but soon another random
prisoner will be stopped and killed. Damn! Looks like they are being
utterly ruthless here! You'll see the lab prisoners, including Frayne, being
taken out a door on the left as well:

 1. What's going on?
 2. We have to save them, too.
 3. Let's escape while we can.
 4. I'm ready to die.

 Pick [2] here and we'll have our first new mission in a LONG while!

 __  ____           _                ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  <  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / // /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / // /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_//_/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M11 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Frayne is taken away.
 Crevanille dies.
 Remus dies.


 [777 : Note to self : Mayber the other two prisoners die?]

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is a fun mission.

 First and foremost, your NUMBER ONE priority is to KILL the enemies leading
Frayne and the other two prisoners away! Sick Remus and Crevanille on the
Frayne guard right away, and assuming your Remus doesn't keep missing like
mine did (grr...) you'll wipe him out quickly EVEN WITH the captain casting
level one heal spells.

 Once you have Frayne's guard dead she will join your party and can
immediately be used. She knows a wide array of spells, so I recommend using
her in that capacity. Keep attacking the guards until they round the corner
and then use Frayne and Crevanille's spells to take them down. Once you
rescue the other two prisoners they will start automatically helping with
spells of their own.

 With those three prisoner guards dead have Crevanille head down and fight
up the south hallway with Remus. Frayne may very well run out of MP before
the fight is over by the way, as TWO NEW GUARDS come out of a room near the
entrance. The archer may attack the northern hallway where the prisoners
are (Watch their HP levels), but the prisoners and Frayne can take care of
them (have Remus cast a spell up there or cure as needed).

 Crevanille should be able to finish off the rest of the soldiers (use the
skill Fierce Strike!) with Remus and the help the prisoners will give you
(don't be surprised if they polish off an enemy!).

 BONUS: +19


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring, Vulnerary, Knack LV +1, Wisdom Armor +1,
 Secret Vulnerary.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight the prisoners will leave, except Frayne who asks if she
can come with you:

 1. Right.
 2. She can do as she pleases.
 3. We have no other choice, I guess.
 4. No.

 We could use help, so pick [1]. After you gain control, go grab the
dollhouse from the lab to be re-united with your familiar and then go rest
using the beds to the far right. To the north of the beds grab the sparkle
on the shelf for the [_FAMILIAR COSTUME F_].

 Exit the right exit and go out to the road. You'll see some higher-level
monsters. Take them out and Remus will explain that it is the norm now, not
just for Dulkheim but for Valkania as well. Go east a screen and Remus will
tell us we're heading to Trockmere, as he has ships waiting there for us and
we're no longer staying in this country. Wow, Remus sure is the badass right
about now!

(-NOTE-) The GEL enemies are STRONG against physical attacks, but VERY
 weak against magic!

(-NOTE-) The IMP enemies can STEAL your items. Be sure to kill them to get
 your items back...

 Area Enemies:

 LV 14 Gel
 LV 17 Gargua
 LV 13 Poison Lizard
 LV 14 Imp
 LV 10 Timber Wolf

 Head for Trockmere and feel free to save/heal at the inn, then head to
the docks. Here you'll get to say HI to Hobson again (reply as you wish)
and you'll see the boat is ready for three people. However, MANY more want

 1. They come with us.
 2. We can't all go.
 3. It's your decision.

 Here pick [1] and let the prisoners go with you. Soon Elena will show up
and will ask you what happened with Raoul:

 1. *tell her the truth*
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here; we can't lie forever... She will thank you for the
encouragement and start to walk away:

 1. *watch her go*
 2. *call out to her*

 Pick [2] here to learn she'll stay in Dulkheim and she'll be OK.

 Success! Elena's fate has been changed!

 You may be wondering what in the world that message means, but your familiar
will explain it to you, and promises to tell you later what WOULD have happened
to her!

 After boarding the boat you'll see several scenes: one with the Death Wings,
another re-capping the state of the war, and a third showing Lumis leading a
surprise attack with his low amount of troops.

 Once you regain control, you'll see Frayne feeling bad and heading below
deck. Try and follow her and you'll get a chance to talk to Remus:

 1. What's our bearing?
 2. Are you okay?
 3. ........

 Choose [2] here and he'll say you're the one who doesn't look so well:

 1. We'll keep our promise to Dixon.
 2. I don't feel great...
 3. I'm fine!
 4. Heh....

 Choose [1] here and Crevanille will fall down from exhaustion. Good ol'
Remus. After you rest you'll see another scene updating you on the war going
on. You'll see a scene with Silverniel and another with a much younger Dixon
as well.

 Once that's done, Crevanille will wake up in a strange room, with a strange
girl coming in to wake him (the observant among you will recognize her from
WAY earlier though):

 1. Who are you?
 2. Where am I?
 3. The others...?
 4. .....

 Pick [3] here and you'll learn the girl is Eliza Mayfield and you are now in
Marquelay. Once she leaves you'll have control again. You can use the desk
nearby to do anything in the dollhouse (including checking out what would
have happened to Elena) as well as save.

 Leave the room and check the nearby doors if you wish (no one is here right
now), and once you go to the stairs a butler named Levan will come up to
meet you:

 1. Hi, I'm Crevanille.
 2. Where's Eliza?
 3. Where are you going?
 4. .....

 Choose [1] to introduce yourself and he'll head off. You can go see him
tending to someone upstairs if you wish, otherwise head downstairs to see

 1. Yeah...
 2. Thank you, Remus.
 3. Where is everyone.
 4. What's going on?

 Choose [2] here and he'll explian what happened. Eliza pretty much saved
us all:

 1. What about the others?
 2. Were we the only...?
 3. .....

 Choose whatever here (I picked [1]) and you'll learn only the four of you
survived. Damn. Remus will join you, so head to the left to meet up with
Frayne and Eliza:

 1. I'm all right now.
 2. I'll sleep more later.
 3. I'll rest if I'm tired.

 Pick [1] here and after talking with Eliza we'll have to come up with some
sort of plan for the future:

 1. We should accept her offer.
 2. We'll leave once Carnos is better.
 3. A new wind will blow tomorrow...(grayed out).
 4. To the ruins, like Dixon wanted.
 5. It's up to you, Remus.

 Here there are a number of choices you could pick, given that Carnos is still
bed-ridden. I just chose [1]. Frayne will speak up afterwards:

 1. No one's chasing you here.
 2. You can come with us.
 3. Do whatever you want.
 4. .....

 Pick [2] here to make her happy. After that Christopher will come in and
(eventually) break some bad news to Eliza. He'll go to comfort her and tells
you to take a walk around the city.

 Head out of the manor with Remus and Frayne to the map. The city is just to
the left. You'll see a scene between Meline and Cynthia. Remus will reflect on
our return for a bit:

 1. We were destined to return.
 2. That's all it is.
 3. It's because of the currents.
 4. ......

 Pick [1] here (if you want) and Remus will remind you of the merchant and
ask you what his name was (It was "Porak"). The armor shop nearby has some new
stuff in it, as you would expect:

 _______________________(   Marquelay Armor Store   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Hard Leather        26 STR  1360 RIL
 Buff Coat           31 STR  1780 RIL
 Battle Jacket       59 STR  2240 RIL
 Leather Guard       97 STR  3180 RIL
 Protector Robe      42 STR  2100 RIL

 ~ A bunch of new and frankly expensive choices. Only buy if you've been
 grinding or something.

 Head west afterward and you can talk to Meline here. She'll mention the
destruction at Trockmere was boring:

 1. How dare you!
 2. *ignore her*

 Pick [2] here and she'll throw a fruit at you! Ha! Dodge it and some more
dialog will pop up when she doesn't know what the problem is:

 1. Apologize. Now.
 2. That's not the problem.
 3. .....

 Here picking [1] gives you more dialog while [2] and [3] have her storm
off so pick [1].

 1. To the fruit.
 2. To the shopkeeper.
 3. To me.
 4. Think about it.

 Here choose [4] (although I picked [1] once and it was hilarious) and no
matter what she hate's you and storms off. However the shopkeeper will end
up giving you some [_TROPICAL FRUIT_]. Very nice! You can use it right away
too. Head east a screen where Meline is and give it to her (the shopkeeper
wanted her to have it!) and she won't know what to say:

 1. It's more than you deserve.
 2. Aren't you going to thank us?

 Pick [1] here and she won't understand your actions:

 1. That's right.
 2. No.

 Pick [1] again and they'll share the fruit until Cynthia comes and takes
Meline away. Gah, what a spoiled kid (I agree with Remus).

 Head west a screen past the grocer to the item shop. Unfortunately, Porak
is out right now, but the shop is open and upgraded if you want items:

 _________________________(   Porak's Item Shop   )___________________________

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL

 ~ First time you can buy some of these items, like Nectar. I bought 3 Nectar
 here, but you don't HAVE to...

 After that, head for the docks. A worker will come up and announce that
Dulkheim battleships are incoming, making Frayne wonder if they are coming
after us:

 1. That's very possible.
 2. I doubt the entire army would chase us.
 3. Marquelay is Valkania's income source.
 4. We need to engage them.
 5. This has nothing to do with us.

 Choice [2] seems the most logical choice to me. A timer will start counting,
so immediately go to the menu and use ATTACK UP on at least Crevanille and
Remus, then run down the RIGHT side of the screen. Mission time!

 __  ____           _                ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  /__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / /__/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / // __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_//____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M12 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated besides Marler.

 o Defeat Conditions: 3 or more soldiers invade.
 All party members die.

 Survive past BONUS countdown. Don't kill all enemies.

 Destroy 2+ planks, defeat all enemies BEFORE BONUS counts down.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is a pretty difficult mission.

 First of all, we are COMPLETELY outgunned. And to top that off, the enemy
will CONSTANTLY be getting re-inforcements from their ships!

 HOWEVER, we can STOP the flow of re-inforcements by destroying the planks
near the ships! To do that we must get near them first though.

 To start out, have Frayne start charging some magic (level 2 or higher;
although 2 is a good shot here) and send Remus down the RIGHT port while
sending Crevanille down the next one (one from the right). Make them MOVE
manually there and only attack enemies when you get near them. HOPEFULLY
you have FIERCE STRIKE still, and if you do use it right before you'd run
into an enemy and attack them to kill them off faster: We NEED to get to
those planks ASAP.

 A little ways into the fight re-inforcements for US will show up:

 1. You're pretty late.
 2. Just start helping!
 3. I'm a little busy here.
 4. ......

 Pick whatever you want and they will assist with quite a few fighters and
an archer. They will show up near the left and will do a superb job of
guarding the city entrance and giving THOSE soldiers something to do. Have
Frayne help them though, by targetting the LV 16 enemy before he can do TOO
much harm as well as keeping them healthy. Crevanille and Remus should have
those two planks cut down quickly.

 After that send Crevanille down the next port and just start having Remus
sniping people while Frayne blasts them away. From here you WILL likely kill
all of the enemies (besides Marler, don't bother with him) and Marler will
sound the retreat, giving YOU a MISSION COMPLETE!

 BONUS: +11


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring, MP Cost Down.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, Christopher will show up stating how it'd be over a lot
sooner if he was there:

 1. You're really late.
 2. Uh-huh. Sure.
 3. ... Interesting timing.
 4. ......

 Pick [2] and he'll leave while General Baker thanks you and asks you to
come to the castle later! Cool. Head to the inn and rest up/save and then
head over to the castle.

 Once you get there the guards will let you in. Head in and make your way
to the princess, who will not only thank you, but give you LAND to the east
as well. Wow. Remus will mention Eliza and the princess will ask if you are
here guests:

 1. Mmm-hmm.
 2. We're not exactly her guests.
 3. ......

 Choose [2] here and Remus will tell a short version of our story. The
princess is happy and the General will have Valkania help them out so it
sounds good.

 Once you have control you can go talk to the princess:

 1. There's no need to thank us.
 2. Why do you hide your face?
 3. About that land....

 Pick [1] here and then she'll awkwardly ask what kind of man Remus is:

 1. I don't understand the question.
 2. He's my subordinate.
 3. He's a friend from my mercenary days.

 Choose [3] here and she'll drop it. You can ask her any of the first set
of questions afterward. Once you leave everyone will join you. Make your way
back to the land right in front of Eliza's place to find her there where
she'll tell you what she heard:

 1. That's right!
 2. It was nothing.
 3. We'll be neighbors!
 4. ......

 Choose what you wish here ([1] for me) and the other girl will come over
and introduce herself as Sydney. She'll start to talk about our land until
a man comes over and asks if this is our land:

 1. Yes, it's ours.
 2. No, sorry.
 3. Who are you?
 4. .....

 Pick [1] or [3] here to have Gordran introduce himself. Select "I see what
you're getting at." when you can. Sydney will pull you aside and tell you what
a good opportunity this is:

 1. It sounds interesting.
 2. I trust your judgement.
 3. Seems like our only choice.
 4. I'll pass. 

 [777 : Note to self : Try something other than 1?]

 Pick [1] here and she'll head off to take care of it. Remus and Frayne will
want to offer to hire her:

 1. Sounds good to me.
 2. If you two think so, I agree.
 3. I'm against it.

 Pick [2] here and Remus will go talk to her.

 Once you have control, you can go talk to Sydney to hear she accepted the
job. Pick "I'm glad you accepted" when you can. She'll tell you about the
museum and will then ask you to name your city:


 After picking that, go talk to Remus nearby. He'll ask if we're going to
settle here:

 1. I plan to live here.
 2. I wasn't planning on it.
 3. ......

 Choose what you wish here (I picked [1]) and head up to Eliza's place.
Talk to Frayne here, who will ask your thoughts:

 1. No strong feelings, really.
 2. It's a great idea!
 3. I can't believe it.

 Pick [2] here and Frayne will be happy. She'll tell us Eliza is waiting to
speak with us. Head inside and talk to her:

 1. You called for us?
 2. Was there something you needed?
 3. What do you want?
 4. .....

 Pick [1] or [2] here and she'll eventually ask you to escort her to her
hometown of Fandelcia:

 1. You're with us, kid.
 2. Eh, you're on your own.
 3. I can't decide this myself.

 Pick [1] here and everyone will agree. Eliza will even say it's ok to visit
ruins on the way back. Nice!

 Oh, you can also go visit Carnos now. He'll be conscience and can talk. In
fact, he'll ask you for a favor: deliver a letter for him to his girlfriend
who works in a spell research facility in Dulkheim. He'll want you to give it
to her, giving you [_CARNOS'S LETTER_]. Your familiar will comment on how
Tricia must be worried. Pick "She's worried for sure" here.

 Time to go shopping with Eliza. Head out towards Marquelay and you'll see
a scene with a cook. Ok... head into the city and go to Porak's shop. You'll
see a girl trying to sell accessories. After listening to them talk to her:

 1. I think so.
 2. I don't think so.
 3. So, there's a man named Gordran...

 Pick [3] here and she'll run off. Talk to Porak now and after a bit of talk
you'll get a [_GUILD INSIGNIA_]. You'll be able to buy spellstones now that
you have this medal!

 Talk to Porak again to ask about Dixon's letter. He'll state he has a man in
Ordinale who we'll need to talk to. Tell Eliza "Good idea!" when you can, then
"For Free?".

 After that, you can buy spellstones from Porak:

 ________________________(   Porak's Spellstones   )__________________________

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 1W Fire Protection          75 RIL       2R Thunder Imbuing          120 RIL
 1W Wind Protection          75 RIL       2G Ice Imbuing              150 RIL
 1W Thunder Protection       75 RIL       2G Stone Imbuing            150 RIL
 1W Ice Protection           75 RIL       2R Luck Up +1               200 RIL
 1W Earth Protection         75 RIL       2Y ATW Reduction +1         150 RIL
 1W Holy Protection          75 RIL       2Y Skill Effect +1          150 RIL
 1W Mind Protection          75 RIL       2Y Skill Lv +1              150 RIL
 1W Regeneartion +1          80 RIL       2Y Ring Slot Up             160 RIL
 1W Sonic Blade              80 RIL       2Y Soul Crusher             150 RIL
 1W Enemy Magnet             70 RIL       2R Ambush Guard             150 RIL
 1W Posion Attack            80 RIL       3R Stun                     350 RIL
 2G Fire Imbuing            150 RIL       3Y MOV Up +1                370 RIL
 2G Wind Imbuing            150 RIL       3G Chemist's Art            350 RIL

 ~ A LOT of choices here. Not many new abilities to get, but more EFFECT
 stones to choose from. As always, I recomment always learning SOME ability
 while fighting. Chemist's Art is GREAT for everyone, as is STUN for their
 CURE and FIERCE STRIKE abilities.

 Once your done, your familiar will remind you to have Porak handle Carnos's
letter. Go into your inventory and use the item near Porak and since you know
Eliza he'll take care of it.

 Head back towards the exit and you'll see Christopher leave the inn with a
girl, causing Eliza to start chewing him out:

 1. "Eliza, I love you"?
 2. "Too"?
 3. We need to get back.
 4. .......

 Choose what you wish here (I picked [2]) and head back to your land. You'll
formally meet the merchent here. Head back to Eliza's place and your familiar
will tell Remus of the girl that looked like him with Chris (hmm, wonder who
THAT is...) and he'll run off. Now that we have Frayne, head to the inn in the
town to see Remus:

 1. What happened?
 2. We were worried, damn it!
 3. We're leaving for Iglesias.

 Choose [1] here to learn Remus actually has an older sister. Huh. Well, he'll
join us now. Now that we have our group, time to head to Ordinale. Head to the
road map and head east.

(-NOTE-) This first screen has a northern section with a ton of enemies taht
 randomly has a sparkle treasure in it. I found some nectar here,
 so it's worth checking out.

 Area Enemies:

LV 14 Gel
LV 14 Imp
LV 16 Viper
LV 17 Bear
LV 17 Garuga

 When you get to a fork, head northeast to Ordinale/the cave. The path to
Sunsail is blocked off for now, meaning the west is a dead end. Into the
cave you'll find some old mining tunnels!

 Area Enemies:

LV 18 Gremlin
LV 19 Zombie
LV 19 Skeleton
LV 18 Will-o-wisp
LV 19 Diamond Wolf

 In this first screen of the mine area, there are not only enemies but TWO
exits. One to the north, one to the east. Take the EAST one first to fight
some more enemies but find a chest with [_823 RIL_] in it. Head back to the
first screen now and take the north screen.

 On this screen there's no treasure to find: just make your way north and
head to the next screen (you CAN go south, but it just shows you the treasure
we found earlier). On this next screen, head SOUTH at the fork to the previous
screen to find a treasure with a [_SPELL DOUBLING +1_] spellstone in it! Nice!

 Head north now and you'll see we have exits to the north and east. Go ahead
and head north first. Stick to the west path to find a guarded dead end with
a [_BUFF COAT_] in it. That's the only thing up here, actually, as the other
path is a dead end. Head back and take the east path now. Once you do, head
east to find another chest with a [_SECRET VULNERARY_] in it. Follow the west
path now to make your way out of the mine.

 You'll pass the checkpoint here easily with Eliza. Head up to the city and
feel free to save/heal up at the inn. You'll meet Santos here as well! In
fact you can meet Ned as well out on the street.

 To the far right is the Ordinale branch of Porak's shop:

 _______________________(   Porak's Ordinale Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 2G Fire Imbuing            150 RIL       2Y Soul Crusher             150 RIL
 2G Wind Imbuing            150 RIL       2R Ambush Guard             150 RIL
 2R Thunder Imbuing         120 RIL       2R Wisdom Blade +1          180 RIL
 2G Ice Imbuing             150 RIL       2R Wisdom Armor +1          180 RIL
 2G Stone Imbuing           150 RIL       2G MP Cost Down             150 RIL
 2G Holy Imbuing            120 RIL       3R Stun                     350 RIL
 2G Mind Imbuing            120 RIL       3Y MOV Up +1                370 RIL
 2R Luck Up +1              200 RIL       3G Chemist's Art            350 RIL
 2Y Skill Effect +1         150 RIL       3G Meditation +1            350 RIL
 2Y Skill Lv +1             150 RIL       3R Magic Shield             350 RIL
 2Y Ring Slot Up            160 RIL       3Y Critical Strike          350 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL

 ~ Some VERY nice choices here. Check out Meditation +1 and Magic Shield! You
 can learn multiple moves with these, but watch out for magic shield's 0 MP
 effect! Holy and Mind Imbuing are great as well!

 The man next to the mercheant is the one that is supposed to take us to
Dixon's connection, but he can't right now.... he can in a week though, after
a confrence. Bah!

 Head up now through the main archway. The armor store is up here but it is
closed down. Head to the west now to the "peculiar mansion" Eliza mentioned
to learn who's it is.

 1. Who do you mean?
 2. The general we met in Trockmere.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here and soon Christopher will appear (uncanny timing). We'll get
to head in and meet Alfonse again as well. Christopher will ask if you think
they are similar:

 1. He certainly is.
 2. Your faces are similar.
 3. Your personalities are similar.
 4. Your speech is similar.
 5. ....

 Pick what you want here (I picked [2] here) and after talking about her
plans with Alfonse, Eliza will storm out. Remus will bring up Frayne's family
for some reason at this point:

 1. You don't remember your parents?
 2. What a cold heart you have.
 3. Remus!
 4. .....

 Pick [1] here to learn she can't remember that that. Once Christopher leads
everyone off, go talk to Alfonse, who will wonder how you're here when you
were with Dulkheim:

 1. It's like this...
 2. I don't need to answer that.
 3. .....

 Choose [1] here and Alfonse will ask if you'd consider declining Eliza's
request to escort her:

 1. I'll do it.
 2. I couldn't do that.
 3. I'll have to think on it.

 Go ahead and pick [3] here to remain non-decisive. Exit the room and you'll
see a scene with Eliza and another with Ludwig and Captain Marler. After that
another scene with Tricia. Good stuff!

(-NOTE-) Be sure to equip ELIZA with some spellstones!

 OK, before we leave let's visit one last hidden shop. Go down to the item
shop on the main screen and up the alley. Go up the stairs you find yourself
on and find the person hidden behind the building. This is the NICHE shop.
Talk to the person and exit the shop to get a [_GL CHIPS CARD FOLDER_] for
free. Here's the items you can buy:

 ________________________(   Ordinale Niche Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Niche   -$-
 GL Chips Set 1              15 RIL
 Fairy Tear                1000 RIL

 ~ Use the chip sets like potions. Also, note what the Fairy Tear does.

 Time to leave and head DOWN the stairs outside the city.

 Area Enemies:

 LV 17 Bear
 LV 17 Garuga
 LV 16 Viper
 LV 18 Gremlin
 LV 16-18 Thug
 LV 19 Diamond Wolf
 LV 20 Stowe

(-NOTE-) Getting your party up to level 17-20 is a good idea here.

 Head north until you get to a sign. One path points to Rebrant and another
to Klasdahl. The Rebrant path is actually a dead end right now (if you head
over there, soldiers will bar your way eventually telling you a terrible
monster is further ahead).

 Head north and follow the screens until you see a lake on your right. Right
about now you should put up your ATTACK UP / PROTECTION spells (whatever you
can) as you're about to be ambushed. However the game doesn't view this as
a mission, but since you're about to face a LOT of enemies let me give you a
heads up:

 First, you'll face SIX thugs to the north. Common foes: nothing to be too
concerned about, but you SHOULD break out the FIERCE STRIKES nonetheless.
After a little ways into the battle, five MORE thugs will show up from the

 Let Christopher handle the southern thugs while you polish off the northern
ones. Chris can not only hold his own but he may downright kill them all off
with counterattacks if nothing else! Overall not a hard fight, but watch your
HP and go heal up afterwards at the city.

(-NOTE-) Repeated trips around this screen will let you fight more THUGS,
 mainly six at a time!

 Keep following the path and soon you'll reach a wide screen with another
town sign. Here head to the left and you'll meet Dame Silverniel again.
She'll talk to Christopher a bit and then you:

 1. Dixon is dead.
 2. .....

 Choose [2] here to tell her what happened and she'll be sad. She'll warn
you of bounty hunters as well and head south to Aida Bridge, where Valkania
is fighting currently.

 After that, head west into 

 The tree is impressive, no? Head south to meet Mortis! Choose whatever you
wish here and he'll learn about the boss. He'll ask you to stop by after
finishing your escorting job as well!

 After that check the barrel to your north for a [_RING SLOT UP_] stone.
To the west is a lady running the general goods store:

 _______________________(   Klasdahl General Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Battle Jacket       59 STR  2240 RIL
 Woven Jacket        68 STR  3200 RIL
 Chain Jacket        78 STR  4750 RIL
 Protector Robe      42 STR  2100 RIL
 Fairy Robe          51 STR  3280 RIL
 Apron Dress         86 STR  4450 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 2R Attack Range Up         150 RIL
 2Y ATW Reducation +1       150 RIL
 3R Stun                    350 RIL
 3G Meditation +1           350 RIL
 3R Magic Shield            350 RIL
 3Y Critical Strike         350 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL

 ~ Lots of the armor here is an upgrade! Buy a few pieces if you can!

 After that, go find the inn to the left and enter. In here you'll meet a
cute little girl named Latika. Talk to her after she appears to see a scene
between her and her adoptive daddy: Muntzer. Cute.

 Save and heal up, then exit the village and head northeast towards Riesel.
As you leave the screen a woman will run up and talk to Christopher for
awhile. Man, what a charmer!

 Head north and as you're about to leave the screen Christopher will stop.
Pick "We'll wait for you to fix them." once you can but even with your
patience Chris will be left behind.

 Head north and you'll meet Muntzer again:

 1. We met at Fort Leinfaltz.
 2. What have you done to Vallery?
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here to have him remember (and assume a combat stance) and then:

 1. I'm not in that army anymore.
 2. I have nothing to say to you.
 3. .....

 Since we know what he's capable of, pick [1] here before being interrupted
by more bounty hunters. Muntzer will QUICKLY finish off three of them but
they'll have a hostage:

 1. She must've been trailing us.
 2. We have to save her.
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and the bandits will threaten her life. Urg... we're in a
tight spot here. It gets worse though: the bandits will have Munntzer turn
on us to save the girl....

 __  ____           _                ________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  /__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / /_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / /___/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_//____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M13 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Hostage dies.
 Muntzer defeated.

 Kill all enemies.

 [777 : Note to self : Hmm.... Mission Complete?]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This mission is fairly unique. And not very hard at all.

 For starters, Muntzer isn't out to ACTUALLY kill you. Once he gets near
you, he will tell you to hide behind the rocks to the left, to get out of the
thug's view. Since you're reading a guide you may as well start doing that
from the start.

 He WILL strike at you as you go, but you should be able to endure it.

 Once everyone gets behind the rocks, start casting ATTACK UP / CURE / OTHER
offensive magic spells and HOLD them (well, you can cure and buff, but wait
on the attack). Soon the thugs will come up.

 You'll see a scene now where Diana and Chris save the girl.

 NOW we can take out all the thugs. Unleash your pent up magic and watch
Muntzer do his thing. As you are behind the rock, I recommend only having
Crevanille and Remus attack while Frayne and Eliza sling spells.

 The battle will be done before you know it!

 BONUS: +22


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight you'll talk to Muntzer, Diana and Chris. Seems like we were
very lucky. Muntzer will thanks us as well:

 1. I'm glad she's safe, too.
 2. You could have warned us....

 Pick [1] here and soon the two royal guard members will go their own way.

 With Chris back in tow, head onward. You may encounter more bounty hunters
but you can easily handle them. Soon you'll encouter some "2,000 year old
dreams"... er, I mean RUINS.

 Once you have control, go examine the wavy thing to make "Girl with a tail"
run away! Ha! After that, go examine the blue sparkle for a [_BLUE RESONATOR_],
one of the items we need to make our fairy stronger.

 Continue on and soon you'll be in Riesel.

 Here you'll see a few scenes with Muntzer. Once you are free, go up to him
and talk:

 1. How's Vallery?
 2. About those spellstones you took...
 3. .....

 Keep talking to him and go through all the options. It's good he can
assure us of Vallery's safety though. Go heal up and save at the inn and
when you come out you'll see Muntzer has an item for Christopher (medicine,
no doubt!). He'll leave after that. Go talk to Christopher now and he'll
ask you to go gather people up for him. Go talk to all your party members
and head out on the ship.

 You'll see a forebodeing scene with Vester in the meantime.

 Out on the sea, your familiar will ask if we're ok...

 1. Yeah, I'm fine.
 2. Forget me. Are you okay?

 Pick [2] here. You'll have another set of choices now about your foresight:

 1. Yeah, he saw us.
 2. ......

 Pick [1] now. So much remains a mystery....

 We're in Igelsia now, and it's cold! Say goodbye to Christopher and head
to the west. Eliza and Remus will talk about the army a bit before going on.
You're out in the open now. To the right is the entrance to the ruins; go
check it out if you wish. Otherwise the road to Fandelcia isn't that far

 Area Enemies:

 LV20 Stowe
 LV20 Werecat
 LV20 Kester

(-NOTE-) The WERECAT enemy can STEAL items...

 Once you find Fandelcia, go ahead and enter. Check out the snowman near the
entrance for a [_VITO'S NOSTRUM_]. Enter the inn here and talk to the kid near
the counter. Say "Yes, I want to hear this." when he asks and he'll tell you
about a rock he hid near the Mayfield Mansion.

 From here you can exit and head up the left stairs to the top of the city.
There is an armor shop up here if you wish:

 _______________________(   Fandelcia Armor Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Chain Jacket        78 STR  4750 RIL
 Metal Jacket        89 STR  5800 RIL
 Mirage Guard       140 STR  8600 RIL
 Fairy Robe          51 STR  3280 RIL
 Earth Robe          63 STR  5500 RIL
 Dancing Dress      108 STR  8450 RIL

 ~ LOTS of new items here, but very spendy. I know that *I* couldn't afford
 anything here....

 Once you're done here, head up a screen using the stairs to the northwest.
To the left you'll find the "Goods" shop:

 _______________________(   Fandelcia Goods Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 2G Fire Imbuing            150 RIL       2Y ATW Reduction +1         150 RIL
 2G Wind Imbuing            150 RIL       2Y Skill Lv +1              150 RIL
 2R Thunder Imbuing         120 RIL       2Y Ring Slot Up             160 RIL
 2G Ice Imbuing             150 RIL       2Y Soul Crusher             150 RIL
 2G Stone Imbuing           150 RIL       2R Ambush Guard             150 RIL
 2G Holy Imbuing            120 RIL       2G MP Cost Down             150 RIL
 2G Mind Imbuing            120 RIL       3R Stun                     350 RIL
 2R Wisdom Blade +1         180 RIL       3Y MOV Up +1                370 RIL
 2R Wisdom Armor +1         180 RIL       3G Chemist's Art            350 RIL
 2R Attack Range Up         150 RIL       3G Revival Art              350 RIL
 2Y Skill Effect +1         150 RIL       3G Meditation +1            350 RIL
 2R Luck Up +1              200 RIL       3R Magic Shield             350 RIL
 3Y Critical Strike          350 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL

 ~ Mostly the same stuff, but note the REVIVAL ART spellstone here. Another
 great dual-spell stone!

 After buying whatever you feel like, check the BIG box to your left for a
[_CRYSTAL_]. After that head up to see a scene where Dulkheim has taken
Eliza's mansion:

 1. Stay calm, it'll be all right.
 2. I'm sorry...
 3. This makes sense, though.
 4. ....

 Pick [1] here to calm her down and she'll head off to go try and learn about
her parents. Frayne will go with her. Soon Lumis will show up and you'll learn
where Remus got his information from. Bauer will show up out of Eliza's mansion
as well so they'll all go inside to talk. Bauer will finally learn about the

 1. Thanks, Bauer.
 2. I did almost die a couple times.
 3. I'm invincible!
 4. .....

 Pick [1] here to be nice and soon you'll hear another explosion in the
distance (those are getting common!). Apparently an angel attacked both armies
in the distance. The group will see the angel as well (and explain it to
Bauer) before Crevanille passes out and sees a scene.

 Once you wake up, Remus will tell you a day has passed before Bauer comes

 1. Sorry for worrying everyone.
 2. Thanks for looking after me.
 3. No time to chat. Let's go.
 4. .....

 Choose what you wish here (I picked [2]) and then you can talk to Bauer
again and once more he'll ask you to join his mercenary group:

 1. We're with you.
 2. I'm sorry, Bauer, we can't.
 3. Your call, Remus.

 [777 : Note to self : Obviously a big choice... try joining Bauer.]

 Pick [2] here and head over to the inn to meet back up with Eliza and
Frayne. Frayne will mention the dream she had when she collapsed:

 1. I saw the same thing.
 2. It was just a dream.
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here to share but Eliza will mention we should be heading back
as she couldn't find her father (but he knows where Eliza is). Try to leave
the city and Eliza will stop to pity herself, making Frayne run off in the

 Follow Frayne and talk to her on the stairs:

 1. What's the meaning of this?
 2. You should apologize to Eiza.
 3. We just want you to be ok.

 Choose [3] here to show support. Your familiar will comment on her lack
of memories:

 1. Look to the future, not the past.
 2. You can talk to people about this.
 3. Don't worry about this so much.

 Choose [2] here and return to the group. Time to head to the ruins.

(-NOTE-) You may be attacked by FIVE Werecat's by the ruins. USE powerful
 skills like FIERCE STRIKE to thin their numbers or you'll likely
 find some of your items stolen!


 LV21 Vampire Bat
 LV22 Lizardman
 LV21 Ghoul
 LV21 Bone Golem
 LV20 Kester
 LV22 Orion

 Now that you are in the ruins, go ahead and use "Owlvision". On the left
wall, you can read some text:

 The truth is there, but unseen to thine eyes
 Six crystals will illuminate the way
 To show you where the path to freedom lies
 And guide the worthy back to light of day

 Sound like our guide out of here. OK, we need SIX crystals and we have one
already (the one we found by the mansion... if you don't have it, scroll back
up, find it in the text and go get it!). From the starting area you can find a
block to the lower right to put in a crystal (may as well), and then two paths
to the north: a drop off to the left and some stairs to the right. You can get
in some good battles here too (TIP: use MAGIC on ORION).

 Take the right set of stairs and once you get down there, head up the left
side. You'll find a chest a short way in (likely guarded) with [_CRYSTAL x5_]
in it. Very nice!

 Head back up and take the drop to the right. Here, to the left, put in a
crystal. Head north and fall into the hole. Head north to find some stairs
from there. To the north a tiny ways is a chest with a [_MOV Up +2_] in it.
Equip it for the two new knacks if you wish (Crevanille is a good choice).
From here, head into the maze and north until you have to go either left and
up a bit or right. Go right and around the corner by a hole is another crystal

 After putting that crystal in, head back to the stairs and go up. Hug the
north wall and head to the right, all the way to the end, then fall south
into the hole. You'll end up in a new section where you can go south and put
another crystal in! Go north after that and fall into the hole. The stairs
you find lead back to the previous room, but instead head to the left and
down the stairs you find.

 Here go to the right and you'll find another wall to put a crystal in. In
the northwest corner of this room you can find a [_THIEVERY SCROLL_] in a
chest. Head back up the stairs to the south now and follow the west wall
until you see the last crystal slot. Put it in and then you can walk across
the glass walkway to the east. Follow it up the stairs to a SAVE POINT,
which would be good to use right about now. Heal up too!

 The group will then find themselves in front of a sealed door:

 1. Is there a key, maybe....?
 2. Er, some kind of mechanism?
 3. Let's force it, yeah!!!
 4. We should give up...
 5. .....

 Pick what you wish here (just not 4, eh?) and the group (well... Remus) will
start to force the door open. Go ahead and help him. Soon you'll see a scene
with the cat-girl again and.... and we're in trouble...

 __  ____           _                _____ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  / // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / /__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/  /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M14 \
 o Victory Conditions: All Guardians defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 Complete mission with negative time counter.

 Complete mission with positive time counter.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This mission is all about one thing, and the key to beating it is this:
MAGIC VARIETY. Do you have it?

 Let's hope you do, as this mission is ALL about having magic variety.

 Basically, we need to beat the giant guardian thing, but it has two colored
orbs protecting it that we must defeat first. These orbs are RESISTANT to
physical damage, but vulnerable to magic:

 RED ORB (Fire)

 As you would suspect, using FIRE on the BLUE orb is GREAT. Using ice on it
will just end up healing it though. So what you want to do is sling some
spells at the orbs to defeat them. Note that the guardian will move around
as you do so and the orbs will CHANGE color when he pops back up out of the
hole, meaning you can get away with not having ALL magic types (but it does
help immensely).

 Once you have the orbs down, go all out on the main guardian. Use FIERCE
ATTACK when it's near and spells when its out of range. During the fight it
will attack with area attacks and individual attacks, but if you're level
20 +, you won't even have to pause to heal before you defeat him!

 BONUS: +32

 CLEAR BONUS: 1300 RIL   200 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight the group will dash out of the place (follow them, you aren't
missing anything). Once you're safely outside and the chat is done, pick up
the red sparkle to the north for the [_RED RESONATOR_]. Your familiar will
keep this one (you SHOULD have a matching set now) and will tell you to talk
to Carnos once you can.

 You'll be on the world map again. Follow the screens to end up outside of
Riesel. Well, we know where we are at least! Head on in and heal up and save
at the inn. The town's general store has some new items as well:

 ________________________(   Riesel General Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Metal Jacket        89 STR   5800 RIL
 Dragoon Jacket     104 STR  12200 RIL
 Mirage Guard       140 STR   8600 RIL
 Earth Robe          63 STR   5500 RIL
 Sage's Robe         75 STR   9800 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 3G Magic Lv +1             380 RIL
 3R Knack Lv +1             380 RIL
 3R Stun                    350 RIL
 3G Revival Art             350 RIL
 3G Nightmare               350 RIL
 3G Meditation +1           350 RIL
 3Y MOV Up +1               370 RIL
 3R Magic Shield            350 RIL
 3Y Critical Strike         350 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Vulnerary                   8 RIL
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL

 ~ New (and expensive) armor and new spellstones! You can now learn to put
 stuff to sleep! Nice!

 After healing up time to head south! Head all the way back to the forked
road before Klasdahl where you'll find a man near the signpost who will ask
you to tell someone a message in Klasdahl for him:

 1. Sure, I'll do it.
 2. No, I'm busy.

 Pick [1] here and head into Klasdahl but before moving open up your menu
and BUFF ALL YOUR CHARACTERS. Continue into the town and you'll see a scene.
Time to get ready for some payback!

 __  ____           _                _________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  / ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / /___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / /___/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/_____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M15 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: The old swordsman dies.
 All party members die.

 Let Mortis die; complete fight.

 Protect everyone; complete fight.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 We have quite a few targets to fight here.

 Right away have someone (ideally Frayne) put PROTECT on Mortis. He's going
to be taking a lot of punishment. You should heal him occasionally throughout
the fight.

 Have the other members start to sweep around counter-clockwise and using
FIERCE ATTACK on the enemies to cut them down faster. Remus should focus on
the group of mages when he gets in range. Hein and Mortis will take most of
the attack from the left side in the meantime. There is also a dedicated
healer among the enemy, to the left of Cargill, but he'll spend most of his
time healing the enemy Mortis is fighting. Have Frayne (or maybe even Eliza
at times) cast offensive magic to keep him busy and pick off anyone with low

 Once you get close to Cargill, he'll make an idle threat:

 1. I choose "none of the above."
 2. I'll make you pay for everything.
 3. *glare threateningly*
 4. I surrender. Take me back to prison.

 Of course you want to pick 1-3 here. Keep up the attack and don't forget to
use THIEVERY on Cargill if you can. Keep Mortis healed and pick off the far
enemies (the archer on the left/the healer) with magic from Frayne and Eliza
(or Remus, if he can get closer) and gang up on Cargill and you'll be fine.

 BONUS: +17

 CLEAR BONUS: 1850 RIL   295 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring x2, Wisdom Apple.

(-NOTE-) DISPEL Spellstone stolen from Captain Cargill

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, if you protected Mortis, you'll get the following:

 Success! Mortis's fate has been changed!

 Eliza will go get a room at the inn and Remus will start to treat Heim in
there. Eliza will comment that he MUST be important:

 1. I didn't give it any thought.
 2. I didn't know about that...
 3. Agreed.
 4. .......

 Choose [3] here and once you regain control talk to the little girl in the
inn to see another scene with Muntzer. After that, head into the room to see
Hein. Once you talk to him he'll mention your fairy:

 1. Fairy? What fairy?
 2. You're not delusional.
 3. She's called a "Familiar."
 4. ....

 Pick [2] here to comfort him somewhat (although 1 sounds funny) and soon
you'll have a visitor: Silverneil! A touching scene ensues. Watch it and once
she leaves everyone will go off to do their own thing. Talk to Remus who will
stay behind to look after Hein.

 Head outside and talk to Frayne out by the center waterfall. She'll get into
her view on angels:

 1. It's certainly not popular.
 2. Still thinking about them, huh?
 3. It's how I see them, too.

 [777 Note to self: friendship values here?]

 Choose what you wish here (I picked [2] just to stay semi-neutral) and after
that you can talk to Mortis to the right (assuming he's still alive) and he'll
ask if you know Hein. Say "No" to learn he taught the Royal Guard... quite

 Eliza is north of Murtis. She'll be worry about her parents before accusing
you of eavesdropping:

 1. Things'll get better.
 2. How are you coping?
 3. ....

 Pick 1 or 2 here ([2] for me) and she'll apologize for being emotional:

 1. *pat her head*
 2. *nod*
 3. *gasp*
 4. *snarl*
 5. ......

 Pick [2] again (the others are just silly!) and she'll want to be alone.
Go talk to Diana to the left now. She'll apologize for the display earlier:

 1. No need to apologize.
 2. Hmph, all right.
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and she'll comment on how strong you are:

 1. I'm not strong.
 2. Your memories can give you strength.

 Pick either choice here (I picked [2]) and then head back to the inn. Remus
will comment he was about to come get us (the three ladies will come in as
well) and you'll see a scene with Hein, who will accompany us.

 Before leaving the inn, talk to Latika (the little girl) again, who will
mention her Dad's birthday is coming up and wants you to help with a present:

 1. Sure, let's go!
 2. Let's invite Silverneil, too.
 3. Sorry, I'm busy.

 Pick either 1-2 (I chose [2] as hey, the more the merrier) and then exit
the inn. Latika will run ahead and go to Diana. Talk to her:

 1. Come along. It'll be fun!
 2. ....

 Pick [1] here to get her to come along. After a short walk to the general
store talk to Diana to have Latika ask what to get:

 1. Let's get him an accessory.
 2. He'll love anything you pick out.
 3. What do you think, Dame Silverneil?

 Choose what you wish here (I picked [3]) and Diana will help. Soon Latika
will pick something out. Tell her "It's Perfect" and she'll get it. She'll
even have it engraved. How cute! Diana will comment on how nice it is to be
a kid:

 1. Would you rather be a kid again?
 2. How were you as a child?
 3. ......

 Pick [2] here to learn a bit about her (not much) and soon the trip will be
over. Return to the inn to meet up with the group again. Time to head back
home. The return is uneventful. You'll of course stop by the city of Ordinale
to heal up. Check the bags by the entrance for a [_DANDY BOOK_]. The armor
shop guy is finally back in town too:

 ________________________(   Ordinale Armor Shop   )__________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Dragoon Jacket     104 STR  12200 RIL
 Mirage Guard       140 STR   8600 RIL
 Dragon Guard       159 STR  15700 RIL
 Sage's Robe         75 STR   9800 RIL
 Mysterious Dress   125 STR  14900 RIL

 ~ More new, very expensive items...

 Now, remember the clear who was going to show us where Dixon's letters came
from? Head to the general store and talk to the southern guy. He'll offer to
take you now, so say "Yes". He'll tell you to meet at the boulder in the
northern forest.

 Head north and once you reach said boulder the clerk will appear and show
you the way to the person you're looking for: head EAST behind the boulder.
The path to the village is straight-forward so go onward and you'll find a
ruined village. The party will note the giant holes here too! Move to the
back of the village by the only intact building and check the bucket by its
corner for a [_FAIRY TEAR_]. Head inside now.

 You'll meet a woman here who will lighten up once she deduces that Frayne
is a Ruin Child:

 1. So, these mysteroius letters...
 2. Dixon was getting letters from here.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] to state your business and she'll state the chief sent them and he
died a month ago. She'll state her name is Maggie and invite you in. Say "So,
it all started when..." when you can and Crevanille will tell her your story.
After that they'll wonder why "that man" burned a certain book:

 1. Maybe he already had the knowledge.
 2. Perhaps it contained his secrets.
 3. I guess it didn't interest him.
 4. I don't get it, either.

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [4]...) and then Maggie will ask if you
have any more questions. Ask about "That Man" (or anything, I suspect...)
and you'll learn about another thing Dixon was searching for: the ANGELS
LETTER. Your familiar will pick up on that and ask if we're looking for it
in the ruins now:

 1. That's right.
 2. This'll be a pain (grayed out).
 3. I don't really want to (grayed out).
 4. Mmm-hmm.
 5. .......

 Choose what you wish here (whatever you CAN, I suppose, but [1] here for me)
and soon Maggie will take your fairy and teach it how to TRANSGATE.

 After that, go talk to everyone than Maggie to overhear her teaching. At the
end, go up to the bed and rest. In the morning Maggie will wish you off. Start
to leave and you'll run into... wait.. her!

 1. I'm so glad you're alive.
 2. Phew, false alarm!
 3. *touch her to see if she's a ghost*

 Choose [1] here and Magnus will say hello to you too (and his master). Maggie
will come out as well upon hearing Pamela:

 1. Report?
 2. You two know each other?

 Pick [1] here to learn that she's been investigating ruins and is also a
ruin child! Wow! She'll be heading off to Dulkheim to go looking for even
more ruins:

 1. Good luck, you guys.
 2. Take it easy, Pamela.

 Choose either option and everyone will head out, leaving us in control
again. Head back to the map and the girls will wonder what to do when we
get back:

 1. Rest, first of all.
 2. Ruin investigation.
 3. Let's worry about that later.

 Choose [2] here and the group will decide to investigate Marquelay's own
ruins. Sounds like a plan. From here, head all the way back to the boulder
screen and you'll run into Meline and Cythia again. Meline will remember
you but can't remember your name:

 1. Crevanille.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] to remind her of your name and Cynthia will hurry her along
despite her protests. Ha! Return through the mines and make your way to
Eliza's villa. Right before it your familiar will set up a HOME BASE for her
TRANSGATE ability, but advises it'll be a few days before you see it...

 Head up to your land and you'll see it has been RADICALLY changed. Talk to
Sydney and look around. You can't go see the museum yet. Head up to Eliza's
and talk to Kate and Carnos to the left. Kate is here thanks to our letter
and will give us [_PROOF OF FRIENDSHIP x5_] so we can learn JOINT spells:

 Spells that can be Synchronized:

 o Fire Arrow
 o Ice Barrage
 o Sand Shot
 o Wind Edge

 Conditions for Synchronization:

 o Both casters use above spells at LV1 or higher.
 o Both casters know Synchronize.


 o Joint spell activation LV will be the average of the two casters (total
 spell LV divided by 2).

 Kate will then mention that WIND EDGE turns spells into area attacks and
will continue her spell research here. Now remember our resonators? Talk to
Carnos and then enter your inventory and USE a resonator (any one) to get
him to talk about how they work...

 Enter Eliza's place afterwards and Levan will come greet you. Eliza will
notice no one else is here though and Levan will say their money is drying up
so he let them go (explains why he was learning to cook). Sydney will come in
afterwards and the group will decide to take the next day off:

 "Where will you spend tomorrow?"

 1. Boomtown.
 2. Marquelia.

 [777 Note to self: Try Marquelia.]

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [1]) and everyone will head off.

 You can talk to Levan and make him feel better (or not) as well:

 1. Yes, you should have waited.
 2. No, you're not at fault.
 3. .......

 Choose [2] here to make him feel better and head up to your room to save
and train your familiar.

(-NOTE-) You can learn FRIEND RATING and PSYCH EVAL by training (or at least
 I did). I didn't notice any particular stat raise when I learned them
 so it MAY be based on the amount of training sessions. Just in case,
 here are my fairy's current stats:

 STR: 1 (high)
 INT: 5 (low)
 MAG: 5
 CHA: 3
 TLK: 3
 DEX: 2 (low)
 OUT: 3
 FRD: 3 (low)

 Once you're done, head to bed. At some point your familiar will ask if you
like hot or cold places better now that you've been to both:

 1. Hot places.
 2. Cold places.
 3. I don't really like either.

 Choose what you wish (I doubt it matters). The next morning Levan will
mention Eliza still hasn't left her room. You can head up to it (its on the
third floor, last door) to check up on her:

 1. I just wanted to chat.
 2. I want to talk face to face.
 3. Nothing in particular.

 Choose 1 or 2 here and she'll let you in ([2] is funnier, I think). She'll
ask if its about Levan:

 1. Yes, it is.
 2. What do you think about what happened?
 3. He had to do it, Eliza.
 4. No, it's about something else.

 Pick [1] here to get to the point (she'll kick you out if you choose 4):

 1. Did you want to be the one to do it?
 2. We were gone. He didn't have time to wait.
 3. If he'd asked, would you have said yes?
 4. ......

 Choose [3] here and she'll feel better and thank you for putting up with her.

 V A C A T I O N   1

 OKAY, today is your FIRST day of VACATION. We can only do so much on a single
day of vacation, as each person we talk to makes time pass. PLUS we don't have
many people in our part to talk to. We can talk to:

 - Remus
 - Frayne
 - Hein

 However, we can only talk to two of them!

 You can also take them to visit the ART exhibit as well as the new accessory
store. Taking the men to visit these two places is a bit awkward, though.
They... don't respone to it well and will just kinda... leave awkwardly.

 You can do whatever you wish here, but on the first day I ended up talking
to Hein:

 Talk to Hein, who will ask why you take up the sword:

 1. I fight... for peace!
 2. To protect myself.
 3. To protect those I care about.
 4. It looks really, really cool.

 Choose what you wish here (1 and 3 are the honorable answers, I picked [3]
and he really liked it).

 And taking Frayne to the Art Exhibit:

 1. You should try painting yourself.
 2. Yeah, painting must be hard.
 3. Bah, anyone can paint a picture.

 Choose [1] here to show interest in her and afterwards she'll ask what she
should paint first:

 1. Just paint anything.
 2. Something that means a lot to you.
 3. Something ordinary.
 4. You're really going to paint?

 Pick [2] here and she'll head off.

 At the end of your first day of vacation head back up to bed. If you talked
to Frayne about painting, she'll knock at your door and talk to you before
going to sleep.

 The next day you can once again do what you wish, with the time once again
running short. On the second day I ended up:

 Talking to Frayne:

 1. What was it?
 2. It was like the prison?
 3. *let her continue*

 Pick [1] here and invite her to join your party. I ended up going with her
to the accessory shop, which didn't last long.

 After that I ended up talking to Remus (no invite), and after that I talked
to Hein once again:

 1. Pah, I need no friends.
 2. You're right. Thank you, Hien.

 Choosing [2] here will of course be the best.

 After all of that your vacation will finally be over.

 V A C A T I O N   1   E N D !

 The next morning leave your room and the party will all join you.
Time to head to Marquelay for permission to enter the ruins! You'll see
the transgate formed near your city, but we need more to use it!

 Head into the city. The armor shop has been updated, by the way:

 _______________________(   Marquelay Armor Store   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Dragoon Jacket     104 STR  12200 RIL
 Mirage Guard       140 STR   8600 RIL
 Dragon Guard       159 STR  15700 RIL
 Sage's Robe         75 STR   9800 RIL
 Mysterious Dress   125 STR  14900 RIL

 Now we need to see the princess, but she's not at the castle like you'd
think. Head to the inn and talk to the guard inside who will take you to her.
It seems the troops from Valkania are taking over! Hmm, eventually the
princess will ask you for help in taking back the castle:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 [777 Note to self: Try NO.]

 Say "Yes" and Hien will agree. Our push against Valkania is hastened by a
messenger reporting they are taking the castle's treasure is being carted off
by the soldiers! Yikes! The princess will wish us good luck!

(-NOTE-) The upcoming mission requires spells. Make sure you have at least
 THREE members who can cast them.

 Hein will accompany the General to the castle to take it back while OUR
party needs to chase down the soldiers taking the treasure! Head out to the
wilds and soon you'll catch up to them (BUFF UP before leaving the FIRST

 __  ____           _                ________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  / ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M16 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies and transport animals defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: 4 or more transport animals escape.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Most likely let 1-3 animals escape.]

 Kill ALL animals.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Quick! We have to stop those animals!

 At the start of the battle the troops, and animals, will carry on.
The THREE bottom troops (2 soldiers and an archer) will stop to fight you

 Here, sick ELIZA and CREVANILLE on the two melee characters with FIERCE
STRIKE to take them out quickly while you have Remus do the same with the
archer. Have Frayne start casting spells on the transport animal that is

 Once the soldiers are dead, have the other three join in on casting spells
(or, in my case, I had Remus who can't use magic due to a spellstone attacking
the CAPTAIN with the rest of his fierce strikes). You'll be able to kill ALL
of the Transport Animals with all the spellcasting (or you SHOULD be able to:
this is a good measure of where you SHOULD be) but before you finish them ALL
of, the rearguard will come down and attack you (you can still finish them off
in the meantime).

 Once the animals are dead, wipe up the rest of the soldiers and you are
home free!

 BONUS: +07

 CLEAR BONUS: 2100 RIL   355 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring, Attack Range UP EX, Earth Aura.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 General Baker will show up after the fight to help (more great timing!) and
will have the treasure taken back. They are ready to storm the castle as well:

 1. Yes, of course.
 2. I guess there's no other choice (grayed out).
 3. I'm a little leery of this... (grayed out).
 4. Mmm-hmm.
 5. No (grayed out).

 Answer [1] here and he'll tell you to meet up at the harbor when you're
ready, which is great as that gives us time to heal up at the inn and save.
Head to the harbor and tell Baker "Let's do this" when you're ready.

 Baker will explain that there are secret passages to the castle and we'll
need to split into two teams of two. The first team will of course have
Crevanille in it, and I HIGHLY recommend you take a strong caster like Frayne
with you.

(-NOTE-) You WILL be figting with Crevanille and whoever you pick ALONE for a
 period of time... be ready!

 As you're walking through the abandoned tunnels, Frayne (or whoever you have
with you, I suspect) will wonder about the others:

 1. I'm sure they're fine.
 2. I'm worried about them.

 Pick [1] here and your team mate will continue while your familiar tells you
to be careful, as she has a really bad feeling:

 1. I'll be careful.
 2. Is this another Familiar ability?
 3. Don't say things like that!
 4. ......

 Choose 1 or 2 here (I picked [2]) and soon you'll be in the castle. Frayne
will point out where our reinforcements will come from. Take this time to
BUFF up Crevanille and get ready for battle!

 __  ____           _                ________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  /__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / /  / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / /  / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/  /_/    
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M17 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Let a hostage die?.]

 Kill all enemies; no hostages die.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Two against... ugh, this isn't even close to fair.

 But we're bad ass and they aren't, so let's do this. Have Crevanille dish
out some Fierce Strike love with his buffed up self and the enemy will start
to home in on him (hope you put ATTACK UP and PROTECT on him!).

 As much as Frayne would like to help, you must have her take down the two
archers who are on their way for help. It shouldn't be hard and Crevanille
can easily protect her on the left staircase. You will be able to take out
a few soldiers with your Fierce Strike (although the ??? enemy will take TWO

 Once the archers are dead, they WILL get reinforcements: Captain Simmons
will appear with a HEALER and a WIZARD. Thankfully, we'll get OUR back up
as well! Sick Remus on the healer (who may take two attacks to fell) and
have Eliza use a Fierce Strike on the mage to kill him quickly.

 It is at THIS time that Captain Simmons gives the order to take out the
hostages! He'll go for the left middle room while any remaining soldiers
that Crevanille didn't take out will go for other rooms. Have Remus and
Frayne clear out any remaining soldiers while you sick ELIZA on Simmons.
Crevanille should clear out anything in front of him and then attack Simmons
as well (Have him STEAL as well).

 With this strategy you SHOULD be able to keep all hostages safe and take
out everyone with ease.

(-NOTE-) Magic Range Up EX can be STOLEN from Captain Simmons.

 BONUS: +17

 CLEAR BONUS: 2250 RIL   365 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring x3, Random Ring x4.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle Hein and the others will come in from the front (they took
out THOSE enemies) and everyone will gather up. However, a rogue soldier will
appear and take a swipe at Crevanille:

 1. *kill him*
 2. *dodge the attack*
 3. *do nothing*

 Choose [2] here and Crevanille will dodge while Hein slices the attacker
up samurai-style. Your familiar will reason that she must've been stronger
due to the resonators:

 Success! The Familiar's fate has been changed!

 Sweet! Another fate changed!

 After that, the group will obtain permission (and a search warrant) from
the princess to investigate the ruins. Alicia will wonder about the angels:

 1. Angels caused the disaster 2,000 years ago.
 2. I need to learn what the Angels want.
 3. We need a way to defeat the Angels.
 4. I want to solve the Angel contradiction...

 Choose what you will here (I picked [4], given how strange the angels are
based on the visions...). As you leave the team will decide to rest before
they head out. Go talk to Sydney and she'll ask you where you'd like to
take your Furlough:

 1. Marquelia
 2. Boomtown

 Again, your choice but I'll be doing "Marquelia". Head up to your room and
feel free to save and use your dollhouse (you can view your familiars sad, sad
fate if you wish). Rest on the bed next. You'll see a scene about how the king
of Valkania is reacting to the Marquelia incident... uh-oh. Alphonse will talk
to his brother about it as well. The plot thickens even MORE.

 Next morning you'll be on vacation again.

 V A C A T I O N   2

 Vacation time again. This time we can talk to the following people:

 - Eliza
 - Remus
 - Hein
 - Frayne

 AND we can talk to THREE people before the day ends.

 If you talk to ELIZA, you will end up chatting.

 If you talk to REMUS, you will end up chatting.

 If you talk to HEIN, you will end up chatting.

 If you talk to FRAYNE, she will bring up the children nearby, saying that
she relates to them:

 1. Getting used to things around here?
 2. Just keep adjusting.

 Pick [1] here to show interest and she'll mention a game she used to play,
asking if you'd like to try it out:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Pick "Yes" of course and she'll explain hide and seek and invite the
childen to play as well. Of course, we are "it".

 Here's their hiding spots:

 Frayne: Hiding behind the WHITE TABLE, to the left and north of the
 Fruit Shop (out of view).

 BLONDE Kid: Hiding south of the MAIN GATE, out of view).

 GRAY Kid: Down by the docks, behind the FAR RIGHT column (out of view).

 Once you've found them all, Frayne will ask if you had fun:

 1. You can't hide for beans.
 2. Yeah, I did!
 3. No, not really...

 Choose [2] here to make her happy.

 You can also talk to FRAYNE again to here about her paintings and how she
wants to tour an art museum with you.

 After talking to three people the day will be over.

 Upon returning to the villa, you'll be asked if you wish to spend day two
in Marquelia or Boomtown:


 Talk to Hein who will ask if you prefer a long sword or a short sword:

 1. Longer is always better.
 2. Short sword! Short sword!
 3. I, er, don't know.

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [1]) and Hein will go on about the pros
and cons of different types of weapons.

 If you talk to ELIZA, you'll just end up chatting.

 If you talk to REMUS, you will end up chatting.

 If you talk to FRAYNE, you'll end up chatting.


 Talk to ELIZA in the villa and she'll ask if you want to hear an idea. Say
"Yes" to hear her out. She'll mention selling the dining room table:

 1. What about when that money's gone?
 2. Brilliant!

 Choose [1] here to point out that the solution is temporary and she'll
mention other furniture. Yikes! Levan will point that out too and will ask
to step out for awhile.

 Taking REMUS to the...

 Accessory shop results in Mel commenting on his girlish face:

 1. Don't be, it's true.
 2. Pah, he's a gallant warrior!

 Pick [2] to salvage this! Hah, it's all just funny though.

 Art Exhibit, he'll not say anything (he's not much into art).

 Taking HEIN to the...

 Accessory shop is STILL just weird.

 Art Exhibit and he will appreciate the art, telling you how it expresses
whoever painted it (but no dialog choices).

 Taking FRAYNE to the ART EXHIBIT (like she mentioned earlier) will end
with some dialog (as Gordran wants to see her art):

 1. Go ahead! Let him take a look.
 2. Come on. Show a little confidence!
 3. Are you going to turn him away?
 4. You're right. It still needs work.

 Pick [1] here to Gordran look and eventually ask if she'll let him have
it in the museum:

 1. You'd get your feedback, then.
 2. It's your call.
 3. You're not ready for that yet.

 Pick [1] here again and talk to her afterwards, then leave. She'll thank
you afterwards!

 From here you can go interact with ELIZA again and actually take her to
the Accessory Shop or Art Exhibit (I recommend the exhibit).


 On DAY 1 I went to Marquelia, interacted with FRAYNE twice and ELIZA once.

 On DAY 2 I went to Boomtown, interacted with ELIZA, then FRAYNE (took to
the Art Exhibit) and then took ELIZA to the Art Exhibit.

(-NOTE-) By focusing on FRAYNE, she went from "Same as all the others" to
 "A wonderful person" in my FRIEND RATING.

 V A C A T I O N   2   E N D !

 During your sleep you'll see Lord Ordinale's decision. Muntzer will be asked
to take care of it.... You'll see another scene showing Ludwig's involvement
in all of this...

 The next morning you'll have control once again. Head outside where the
group will talk about the "Angel's Letter":

 1. We'll find out the truth.
 2. We should focus on defeating them.
 3. Let's table this for now.

 Choose [1] here and Hein will leave you to go tutor the Marquelian soldiers.
We need to head to some ruins now! Head out and make your way to the start of
the mines! Now, the way we need to go is to the EAST of here, but if you wish
you can head through the mines and make a TRANSGATE at the end.

 Whatever you wish, head east from the entrance of the mines and you'll see
the guard normally there isn't! Hmm... head inside...

(-NOTE-) On the upcoming mission, it is very beneficial to use area attacks,
 so have two characters ready who can do just that (make sure you've
 learned "Sychronize" up to level 2).

 Area Enemies:

 LV 26 Larva
 LV 28 Salamander
 LV 28 Gargoyle

(-NOTE-) SALAMANDERS can do a nasty FLARE area spell. Yikes!

 You have two choices from the start: go forward or to the right. And to be
VERY CLEAR, there are POOLS of GREEN and BLUE liquid that hurt when you walk
in them!

 Let's start down the dead-end path, so head forwards. There's a bridge down
here to the left and some stairs below it. The stairs lead to nothins, so
take the bridge and grab the chest after it for a [_STUN GUARD_]. From here
you can go down some stairs to the LEFT or to the NORTH. Go north and once
you can go south quickly. It's a dead-end, but there's a switch here that
you can use to stop the 1F mechanisms (no more ouchy floors, in other words).

 Head back and take the left stairs for another chest with a [_ALL UP +1_]
in it. Ok, we're done with this portion, head back up to the start of the
ruins now. If you're down any amount of HP or MP, I suggest going back and
healing/saving now, by the way.

 Head down the right side and down here you can go right or left. Head right
past the enemies to find a chest with a [_SACRED ELIXIR_] in it. Head left
to continue. In this new room you can head southeast if you wish, but it is
a dead end (commonly guarded by monsters with an empty treasure chest). To
the northeast are some more stairs. Go down these and kill whatever enemies
you find to reach another switch to stop more mechanisms! Head back up and
to the west down some more stairs to continue.

 Head south and take out some more enemies and then try to go down the next
set of stairs to continue. You'll pass out again and see a unique scene of a
hospital? After that everyone will be ok and you'll go down the stairs to
see another scene... with Bryntir? Huh? Eliza will wonder what is going on
when he treatens your life:

 1. He's someone we used to know...
 2. Our friend here has joined the enemy.
 3. ....

 Choose [1] here and you have control again. We need to stop them, so take
this time now and buff up. Head forward when you're ready to fight:

 __  ____           _                _______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  ( __ )
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / __  |
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_/\____/    
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M18 \
 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: ????.]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 With you not backing down, Bryntir will turn the floor mechanism on and
it will start to hurt you.

 Okay, my strategy here is to get Crevanille up towards Bryntir as fast as
possible... on his own. He'll be taking a lot of damage at one point, so be
ready. Just have him attack the nearest melee person and he'll get there

 Now, with Eliza and Frayne start to cast Wind Edge and (insert spell) Fire
Arrow. Do it at level 2 and you can take down an entire groups HP. Focus on
the right side with all the casters and the top healer. Remus should be able
to finish off the healer with some spells from here.

 From here, the casters will do their thing and hit you with magic as well.
The healer will also put up buffs and maybe even heal if you let him. Once
you start taking damage, you should switch Remus to healing as those casters
can take off 100 HP in a hurry (keep above 100 at all times).

 Once Crevanille gets near the enemy, Bryntir will turn the floor off and
order everyone to attack. You should have the casters dead by now and Eliza
and Frayne can area damage the gaggle of soldiers that rush you while
Crevanille attacks (PIERCE STRIKE is the best here, but use FIERCE if you
don't have it). Remus should focus on healing Crevanille if the spell threat
is gone (but still keep everyone's HP up).

 Have Crevanille STEAL from Bryntir when he can and suck up the damage while
being supported with spells. Bryntir hits HARD once he engages. 40-80 damage
hits is not uncommon, even with protection on. Keep him healed! Once you take
out everyone the mission will be over.

(-NOTE-) DANDY BOOK - or - RIL UP can be STOLEN from Bryntir.

 BONUS: +09

 CLEAR BONUS: 2750 RIL   410 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring x3, Random Ring, Dispel, Time Rune,
 Dandy Book (possible drop by Bryntir on defeat), Magic LV +3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Remus will wonder what's further in:

 1. We'll see when we get there.
 2. They've probably taken everything.
 3. It would be Angel-related, I'd think.
 4. .....

 Choose what you wish (I picked [3]) and save at the save point after healing
up then head down the stairs. Check out the room down here. Note the golems
hanging around, the big purple lines and the door at the end. The door is
locked, of course (it'd be too easy otherwise!).

(-NOTE-) I didn't try, but I'd imagine you can go heal up in town right now,
 which may make the next mission SO much easier.

 Head back to the start of the room and note the big device in the corner.
This device here controls the purple lines. You can light them up vertically
or horizontally to make them impassable (try it out). After that, buff up and
hit the switch on the left.

 __  ____           _                _______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     <  / __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    / / /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / /\__, /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /_//____/    
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M19 \

 o Victory Conditions: Cut off the power while the door is open.

 o Defeat Conditions: Become unable to switch the gravitational field.
 Only one party member remains.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Maybe DON'T kill all guardians.]

 Reach door.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Well, this should be fun.

 The entire goal of this mission is to GET TO THE DOOR while the alarm is
still going off. To stop us are four higher-level guardians coming down each
side and a constant stream of exploding balls as well. The balls keep dropping
in the corners of the room and can EXPLODE at will, damaging you for 100+ HP
with an explosion, so make them your priority if they are around!

 OK we can do this one of two ways: with brute force or with brains.

 Brute force involves sending two members up each path and taking care of
the guardians as they come. They hit hard and can take quite a few hits,
but with a high level 20 party you can do this with ease. The benefits of
this path include not messing with switching lights and being overrun as
well as more skill points and experience. The cons include death if you just
aren't strong enough and likely a very low bonus score.

 Using your brains you can keep at least one party member by the gravity
switching device and use it to keep monsters at bay... but you'll need to
get SOMEONE to the far door! You can limit who you fight at least, and if
you can take some hits you can also get past the guardians while other
team-mates tie them up. The dangers of this path is that as you change the
gravity device, other enemies will come at you and you do NOT want to be
ganged up on by these things! Also remember that cutting yourself off from
the changing device will make you fail!

 BONUS: +03

 CLEAR BONUS: 2200 RIL   425 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring x2, Random Ring, Caster Barrier.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight head into the room and read the documents to learn what
Angels targetted in the past and what humans did to prevent it. Eliza will
question us on their current patterns:

 1. No, the pattern's different.
 2. They're after miltary bases.
 3. Yes, mostly spell-research labs.
 4. They're after military personnel.
 5. I have no idea.

 Pick [3] here to share what you know (Remember your military days!) and
everyone will agree. Frayne will deduce this is related to their current
objectives as well:

 1. This is a big clue.
 2. What do we do now?
 3. .....

 Choose [1] here and then Remus will search for spell research labs nearby,
finding one near Lake Aida just inside Dulkheim and another in "Kaufman". The
party will think about how hard it'd be to break through the war's border when
a certain someone drops in....

 W O W !

 Despite all the questions that need asked, she'll just state that we are
the ones who can save mankind:

 1. Yeah, pretty much.
 2. You really think so...? (grayed out).
 3. Angels aren't all that bad.
 4. What will you do, Regina?
 5. ......

 Ask what you wish or can (I picked [4] here) and Regina will leave and tell
you to be careful of Bryntir. Hmmm...

 After that, grab the sparkle to the left for a [_CRYPTIC DOCUMENT_]. There's
a safe here as well with three dials, but we don't know the combo yet!

(-NOTE-) After progressing through the game, I learned that you get an
 ANCIENT BOOK by completing the first 4 VS 4 Free Battle in the
 Arena. That book gives you the code "643" which you can use on this
 safe for a [_LIFE STONE_]. I also hear you can use the code without
 knowing it by having the book, so if you wish give it a try!

 Exit the ruins now and you'll see a scene between Alphonse and Muntzer, as
well as some scenes about how the war is going. So much going on!

 Head back to your town now and you'll meet a man named Deilgne on a bench.
He can see and hear your fairy, and has come back to the country to help as
a doctor. From here, head up to your bed and rest (you can use the doll house
as well).  You'll see some more scenes here as well! Man, Alphonse is a beast!

 The next morning the castle will send someone to come get you, as the
princess wants to see us. Head to the castle to learn of what happened with
Valkania and Ordinale officially and of the new alliance. Our goal now is to
head to Lake Aida, going through Sunsail village. As you leave the castle,
you'll get an update on the war.

 BEFORE we go off to Sunsail, we can take our THIRD VACATION at this time.
Simply return to Eliza's place and say "Yes" to taking a Furlough. She'll
mention that your city is hosting a play as well...

(-NOTE-) I took my first vacation day in Boomtown.

 V A C A T I O N   3

 Vacation time again. Rise and shine!

 Head downstairs and talk to Eliza. She'll give you an idea about how to
make money and ask your ideas on it:

 1. I don't see why not.
 2. Maybe if you try really hard.
 3. I don't think that will work...
 4. I really don't know.

 Pick [1] here and she'll be happy... until Sydney points out how bad of an
idea it is, which will eventually make her freak out:

 1. Eliza, that was too much.
 2. Sydney's right, Eliza.
 3. You're right, Eliza.
 4. .....

 Pick [1] again and she'll head off to think.

 Now that we're out on our vacation, we can talk and interact with the
following people:

 - Hein
 - Remus
 - Frayne
 - Eliza (Second Day)

 Of SPECIAL note this time is the new THEATER showing the famous play
GROWLANSER! You can take people to this like the art exhibit, and you can
also go alone to spend time with your fairy.


 REMUS enjoys the play with you.

 YOUR FAIRY (go by yourself) will have a comment for you at the end of the
 show, based on the fairy in the play:

 1. Er, why do you ask?
 2. Best day of my life!
 3. I felt dead inside.

 Of course choose [2] here to make her REALLY happy.

 HEIN will take note of the actors training:

 1. That sounds complicated.
 2. That's just skill.
 3. That's like martial arts.

 Choose [3] here to make him happy. After the play he'll say it was a fun
diversion and we should do it again sometime.

(-NOTE-) HEIN's Frienship rating went from "A normal person" to "Better than
 average" after taking him to the theater.

 FRAYNE will enjoy the play and thank you for taking her.

 Also, if you have urged on FRAYNE'S ART, you can see her exhibit today. At
the end, Gordran will ask Frayne to paint the sea sometime (exlcuding the
overdone Marquelia Port):

 1. Let's go find a good spot together!
 2. Need a hand with anything?
 3. You don't really need to bother.

 Choose [1] here to make her happy. Note you don't go off and do this now...

 DAY ONE is over. We can either head to Boomtown again or Marquelia.
Boomtown is pretty much the same activities with one exception/event with
Eliza while Marquelia has mostly chatting with one important event with

 After the FIRST day of vacation, after you go to bed, your fairy will go
off somewhere (NOTE that this only happens if you spend the theater time
ALONE with your fairy!). You can FOLLOW her if you wish. If you do you'll
see a scene between her and Sydney...

 From here the game REFUSES to let you sneak off with your knowledge. Go
talk to Sydney:

 1. So, about that egg.
 2. Are you HIDING things from me?
 3. .......

 After that you can make a decision on her (and your) involvement with the

 1. If you do this, you can't slack off!
 2. Can't Sydney take care of it?
 3. I can help, too!

 OK, on to day two.


 Talking to ELIZA will end up with you two chatting.

 Talking to HEIN will end up with you two chatting.

 Talking to FRAYNE will end up with you two chatting.

 Talk to REMUS and your fairy will mention his sister. He'll ask you to
tell him if we ever see her:

 1. Is it that important to you?
 2. What's your sister like?
 3. Forget about it.

 Well, [2] is the only non-jerk answer here and he'll soon leave to go
look for his sister some more. Chris will come over after that and ask what
we should ask him about:

 1. We should ask if he likes men.
 2. I want to tell him about his sister.
 3. ........

 Well, I imagine you don't need help here, but pick [2] to start to unravel
the "mystery". Chris will ask you to meet him at the castle. Head out! Once
you get there the princess will ask everyone to leave (after some humor), and
soon you'll get a choice...

 1. Why the rush?
 2. I have an idea.
 3. Raimy, help me out (*insert fairy name*).

 Pick [2] here for a list of ideas:

 1. The incident in front of the inn...
 2. The incident in the ruins.
 3. The name "Alice"...
 4. The girl resembling Remus...
 5. The shop clerk...

 Then pick [4] to confirm your guess and you'll see they look almost EXACTLY
alike! Sheesh! I'm... really glad I don't have anyone that looks that much
like me. All present agree that we should try to learn Remus's dad's name and
talk again sometime.


(-NOTE-) Pretty sure this event only happens if you go to Boomtown twice
 in a row.

 Head downstairs and talk to Eliza. She'll come up with an idea to open a
business like Gordran and will join up with you. Go talk to Gordran and
Sydney after that and Eliza will apoligize while Sydney suggests talking to
Mel since she has no capital. Head over to Mel and talk to her and she'll
share what she knows.

 V A C A T I O N   3   E N D !

 OK, time to  head to Sunsail! You remember where that is, right? To the
left of the mines? Follow the path and soon you'll hear a scream from Sunsail!
Head in and before moving INTO the city cast all the buffs you wish on your

 Move into the city to see some dialog and VALLERY! There is some dialog here:

 1. You should join us.
 2. We're happy you're safe.
 3. What are you doing!?
 4. ......

 Pick [2] here and he'll chat a bit before the fight starts. You will also
have to decide what to tell the guards:

 1. Stand your ground!
 2. Charge!
 3. Fall back to the village entrance!

 Choose [1] here to keep them safe while still letting enemies focus on them.
2 will let them figh while 3 gets them to you faster. I chose 1 since I was
planning on healing them. Once you're done the fight will start!

 __  ____           _                ___   ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \ / __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ // / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __// /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M20 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Over 3 guards die.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Maybe let some guards die?]

 Defeat all enemies; don't let any guards die.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Ah, Vallery. I guess it has to be like this...

 Taking care of the soldiers in front of you should take no time at all.
Have Remus focus on enemies moving AWAY from the group while Eliza and
Crevanille use Fierce Strike to tear apart the group in front of you.
Frayne can start focusing oncasting spells on distant enemies, preferrably
the archers who can cast spells as well.

 Once that is done use THIEVERY on Vallery and send Crevanille to duel with
him (you should be FAR more stronger than he is... a much easier fight than
against Bryntir anyways). Have Eliza start to help out Frayne and heal from
time to time. Remus can keep attacking as long as he has the range. Once
Crevanille is done I'd put him on magic attack as well.

 Keep the guards healed above 70+ HP at all times if you can and focus on
KILLING OFF enemies as soon as possible and you'll have this fight in the

(-NOTE-) You can steal MAGIC DRAIN EX from Vallery.

 BONUS: +19

 CLEAR BONUS: 3000 RIL   490 EXP


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Be sure to rest up after the fight. There's also a general store in the
town that you should check out:

 ________________________(   Sunsail General Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Crimson Jacket     119 STR  17000 RIL
 Ebony Armor        199 STR  20000 RIL
 Holy Rome           87 STR  16700 RIL
 Royal Dress        144 STR  19500 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-
 4G Fire Aura               700 RIL       5Y Skill Lv +2             1500 RIL
 4G Wind Aura               700 RIL       5G Magic Lv +2             1500 RIL
 4G Thunder Aura            700 RIL       5R Knack Lv +2             1700 RIL
 4G Ice Aura                700 RIL       5R Skilled's Ordeal        1500 RIL
 4G Earth Aura              700 RIL       5G Luck Up +2              1500 RIL
 4G Holy Aura               700 RIL       5Y Magic Barrier           1500 RIL
 4G Mind Aura               700 RIL       5G Destructive Light       1500 RIL
 4G Magic Range Up          700 RIL       5G Protective Light        1500 RIL
 4G Assassin Strike         750 RIL       5G Patience Light          1700 RIL
 4G Vampire                 750 RIL       5Y Seal Dash               1500 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Henlouda                   20 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL
 Fairy Tear               1000 RIL
 Time Rune                2000 RIL

 ~ LOTS of new armor and spellstones. Expect to go broke here! Of note are
 all the new skills you can learn via spellstones! Make them your priority!

 After shopping, go talk to the Well Lady to the south. That's all we can do
here, so head outside and continue north. Let your fairy create a transgate
outside Sunsail as well!

 Area Enemies:

 LV29 Evil Mage
 LV28 Hellhound
 LV28 Armored Crab
 LV29 Maneater

(-NOTE-) It's a good time to level up to around level 30 using the screens
 between Sunsail and the bridge up north.

(-NOTE-) Try and get a "MAGIC LEVEL +3" from the EVIL MAGE enemy so you can
 learn CYCLE UP. We can BUFF ourselves with it too!

 Travel north and soon you'll reach... people! Talk to the man on the right
with the speech bubble to learn he's a mercheant without a place to sell. Go
ahead and recommend Boomtown to him. He'll also have his own fairy, which
brings up some dialog:

 1. Raimy, you've been quiet.
 2. Raimy, you're just now saying hi?
 3. Raimy, you look nervous.

 Go ahead and choose what you wish (I picked [1] ) and after talking to his
fairy he'll agree to go. He WILL ask you to escort him though:

 _____ _     __                           __     ____ ___
 / ___/(_)___/ /__  ____ ___  _____  _____/ /_   / __ \__ \
 \__ \/ / __  / _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/  / / / /_/ /
 ___/ / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_   / /_/ / __/
 /____/_/\__,_/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/____/\__/   \____/____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-S02 \
 o Victory Conditions: Escort Payton to Boomtown.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.
 Payton is left behind on the map.
 Payton dies.
 Leader leaves Payton alone too long.


 [777 Note to self: Maybe let him get hit once?]

 Escort Payton to Sunsail alive.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Another ESCORT mission. Fun.

 This one is quite a bit harder than the last one, but the thought is the
same: protect Payton at all costs. Some tips:

 o Stay IN FRONT OF the merchent.


 o Take out the closest enemies first.

 o DO NOT, under ANY MEANS exit the screen BEFORE Payton!

 o Take out ALL ENEMIES even if you CAN pass them. You don't want them
 becoming enemies from behind or something if you do run into one later.

 Once you get to Sunsail, Payton will head for the transgate and will stand
near it once he gets there. Go talk to him and he'll thanks you for your help
by giving you a [_HEALING SKILLS_] spellstone.


 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Healing Skills

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Now that we're done with that, head back to where you met the merchent and
go north. Report to General Baker and he'll let you through.

 We'll be up against all sorts of Valkania soldiers as we go north. They are
all pretty generic though, and all around level 23. Healer, Archer, Caster,
Soldier, etc... Take out the mages first and work your way north to a screen
with a split in the path. We want to head west.

(-NOTE-) You can head NORTH to make a group of Valkanian Soldier appear EVERY
 TIME you try! Good for grinding, if you wish.

 Be sure to BUFF UP before heading west, as we're about to get into a fight!
Be sure to use RESIST as well!

 __  ____           _                ___  ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \<  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ // /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __// /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/_/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M21 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: End with a party member dead?]

 Defeat all enemies; don't let any allies die.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight is a lot harder than I expected.

 The MAIN reason this fight can give you trouble is the MASSIVE AMOUNT of
casters in this fight. FIVE casters to the north, a healer up there, and a
healer to the left. Yikes!

 At the start of the fight, have Eliza and Crevanille take out the melee group
in front of you! Pierce Strike them when they are huddled up and if you can
use thievery on the captain. Remus should focus on taking out the archer to
the north (the one within range) and then the healer to the lower southwest.

 Frayne can harass the healer up north or keep everyone healed. Once the
group has cleared the southern portion of the screen, I would recommend using
your party to cast TWO sets of BLIZZARD. Doing this, you can take out all
three casters to the northwest without giving the healer a chance to cast
high heal or something like that. From there killing off the last three
casters should be a breeze.

 The RESIST you casted earlier will help a TON in this fight, but don't
neglect keeping your HP up either.

(-NOTE-) You can steal STR Growth UP from the Captain.

 BONUS: +05

 CLEAR BONUS: 3150 RIL   520 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring x2, Random Ring, 800 RIL, Ril UP.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, I STRONGLY recommend heading back to Sunsail and resting at
the end before coming back to the bridge. You'll have to refight some soldiers
at the bridge, but it is NOTHING compared to what you just did and you'll be
able to rest and save!

 Once you've done that, head past the bridge and continue on. This first
screen is FULL of Dulkheim soldiers. Figures. The path may lead south, but
we want to head to the northwest corner and head north to a new screen. This
new screen leads to the lake and the ruins...


 LV30 Spirit
 LV30 Mutant Gel
 LV30 Orionolf
 LV30 Spectre

 As you enter, a small room will be in front of you:

 1. *examine the door*
 2. *examine the hole in the floor*

 Choose both to see that a crystal goes in the floor before you can open the
door. There's a lot of these door on this first floor, as well as some slides
but we can't really do anything down here. Head north and go up the stairs.

 Up here, head to the right and fall down the hole to the right of the door.
Once you are down below you will be on a ledge, and you can go south to get to
the sparkle for an [_ENERGY CRYSTAL_]. As you may guess, this thing powers the
doors. We need a bunch of them though, so save this one for now.

 Make your way up to the second floor and the SAVE POINT. Save and heal up,
then go ahead and buff yourself (Resist being the most important buff, with
Attack Up). Head up the stairs once you're ready for the next mission:

 __  ____           _                ___  ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \|__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ /__/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __// __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M22 \

 o Victory Conditions: Defeat Fayrelis.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 Defeat Fayrelis, have negative time.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Have positive time?]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight is fairly unique.

 For starters, we only HAVE to kill Fayrelis (the big guy in the middle).
HOWEVER, by killing the nodes circling the room we can get ENERGY CRYSTALS,
which we need for all the loot in the ruins!

 We need NINE Energy Crystals to get ALL of the loot in the ruins (which
is the main reason my bonus is negative). Remember that you already have one,
so we need EIGHT from this battle.

 To HURT the nodes, we must HURT Fayrelis. Once we have, you can hurt the
nodes (also, I wouldn't bother casting magic on them until their barrier
spell goes down).

 One easy way to get through this fight is to have someone like Remus
constantly attacking Fayrelis. Frayne can charge up level 5 cures to waste
time and heal while Eliza and Crevanille take out the nodes. Start with the
node to the upperleft and work your way counterclockwise.

 Eventually you will have to WAIT for new nodes to get spit out by Fayrelis,
but DO NOT attack them until they hit the wall as you won't get an energy
crystal otherwise! This leaves time for Crevanille and Eliza to wait around,
so just defend or buff in the meantime (or heal).

 I'm sure while you are carrying out this plan you'll notice how Fayrelis
heals itself with the nodes using THUNDERBOLT to heal him! You need to LET
him be healed until you have about SEVEN Energy Crystals, the wait for ONE
node to be out and fully functional then take him down (alternately you can
get all of your energy crystals and then take him down).

 This is because it is HARD to outdamage the healing TWO nodes can do, but
you can easily outdamage one node. And, once you kill Fayrelis, you will kill
every node as well and get Energy Crystals from any nodes that are operational!

 Don't forget to use Thievery on Fayrelis before you kill him!

(-NOTE-) You can steal Lightning Power (or Wind Aura) from Fayrelis.

 BONUS: -07

 CLEAR BONUS: 3350 RIL   560 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Unidentified Ring, Dispel.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight you should have EIGHT or more ENERGY CRYSTALS. The door to
the north will also be open now, by the way. Let's start getting our loot
right now by using two crystals on the upper doors here to the left and the
right. The left door has a [_SPELL DOUBLING +2_] knackstone in it and the
right door has a [_LETHE DROP_] in it. Be sure to read what THAT does!

 Now head north to the door we fought so valiantly for! There's a bed here
we can rest on. Go ahead and rest and you'll get a summary of how the war is

 After resting, check the cable for a [_SMALL SPELLCANNON_] and a
[_SPELLCANNON MANUAL_]. Go check out the sparkle on the bookcase now and
you'll get another [_CRYPTIC DOCUMENT_].

 Head down to the second floor of the ruins. Down here open all the doors
you can for a [_DANDY BOOK_], a [_SECRET BOOK_], an [_ELIXIR VITAE_],and
finally a HOLE to drop down to the first floor.

 This drop leads you to a chest with an [_ALSIOV'S BELL_]. Go down the slide
and open all the other doors down here for an [_AMBROSIA_], a [_BALANCE

(-NOTE-) If you are falling behind learning skills, knacks and spells from
 stones, spend some time fighting the Dulkheim army in the screens
 before the ruins. Notably, you can head west and south and make 5
 army members pop out every time. You won't get overleveled but you
 will catch up on ARP!!!

 Now we need to head back to Aida Bridge. On the screen before you enter, be
sure to buff again, then enter for another mission.

 __  ____           _                ___  _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \|__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ / /_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __/___/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M23 \

 o Victory Conditions: Evacuate at least one party member to the
 bottom-right of the map.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die without anyone escaping
 the map.

 Evacuate at least one person.

 Evacuate everyone.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Our GOAL in this fight is to make it to the escape point.

 To do that, have Crevanille and Eliza plow ahead (be sure to use Thievery
on the Captains) while Frayne and Remus start moving. You can throw a spell
or two with them if you want, but you shouldn't dilly-dally too long.

 During the fight, Tricia will come out as reinforcements from the upper left
corner. Once she does she'll see you and you can pick one of these options:

 1. *send via knock code: "Glad you're okay."*
 2. *send via knock code: "Don't want to fight."*
 3. *send nothing and keep fighting*

 Send [1] and Tricia will send you back a message. "Why did you betray us?":

 1. *send back "The army betrayed us."*
 2. *send back "I'm doing what's right."*
 3. *send no reply*

 Send back [1] and she'll stay out of the fight. Continue on with your passing
into Valkania's land.

 It should be noted that you CAN NOT EVER kill off everyone in this fight.
There will ALWAYS be at least one Dulkheim and Valkania soldier on the field,
no matter what you do. Keep having your melee units clear the way and have
Remus snipe any casters if they remain once he get's to the middle of the

 Just move everyone to the escape point with Crevanille and Eliza leading the
way/using knacks when you can and you'll have this easy. If you absolutely
NEED to (most likely with Frayne), stop and use a Secret Vulnerary.

(-NOTE-) You can steal Gale Apple / Magic Drain EX from Captain Marler.

(-NOTE-) You can steal Time Rune / Seal Pierce Strike from Captain Simmons.

 BONUS: +07

 CLEAR BONUS: 3600 RIL   600 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, you'll see news about how Dulkheim is doing. Ludwig moving
up in the world, surprise surprise!

 Head back up to your town. Since you've been gone, the WESTWARD area has been
developed. There is now a restraunt, inn and clinic over there! However, the
MOST IMPORTANT THING to take note of is Payton has set up shops. You can buy
a WIDE variety of SPELLSTONES. Levels 1-6. Be SURE to head over there and see
what you've missed up to now!

 Head into the villa and tell Sydney you're ready for your next Furlough.

(-NOTE-) I am once again starting this vactaion in Boomtown.

 V A C A T I O N   4

 Another vacation! Yea!

 Head downstairs and talk to Eliza:

(-NOTE-) You COULD have done this in the last vacation as well.

 Head downstairs and talk to Eliza. She'll come up with an idea to open a
business like Gordran and will join up with you. Go talk to Gordran and
Sydney after that and Eliza will apoligize while Sydney suggests talking to
Mel since she has no capital. Head over to Mel and talk to her and she'll
share what she knows.

(-NOTE-) The following can take place if you talked to Alice in Marquelia
 about her and Remus being related...

 Talk to REMUS to have your fairy bring up how Remus was found knocked out
in the forest. She'll eventually get his dad's name out of him: Renish! He'll
be rather confused afterwards though.

 Talk to HEIN to talk about the dirty tricks people do to defeat you:

 1. Hm. That's interesting, actually.
 2. Sounds awfully dirty.
 3. I'll be sure to watch out.

 Pick [1] here to discuss it a bit more.

 Taking REMUS to the restraunt will have him commenting on the food and
manners. He will enjoy it though.

 Taking HEIN to the restraunt will have him looking for chopsticks! He will
enjoy it though.

 Taking FRAYNE to the restraunt will have her chatting a bit and she will
enjoy it.

(-NOTE-) Talking to and then taking HEIN out to dinner made him go up to
 "Comrade in Arms" on the friendship rating.

 You can also go to the THERAPY sessions now in the INN on the west side of
the city. It costs 1,000 RIL and gives you the following options to adjust
your personality:

 - I'd like to be tougher.
 - If only I were more humble...
 - I don't want to be such a know-it-all.
 - I don't want to be such a pushover.
 - I should be more cunning.
 - I think I would like to be more emotional.
 - I tend to be a little intrusive.
 - I want to be a less of a skirt-chasing womanizer (SiC).
 - I'd like to be more interested in men.
 - I want to be a less of a trouser-chasing manizer (SiC).

[777 Note to self: Do more research into what all this does?]


(-NOTE-) The following is available if you ask Remus what his Dad's name is:

 Head over to the fruit stand and talk to Chris. He'll ask if you have Remus's
Dad's name and since you do go ahead and follow him into the throne room.

 In here you'll learn what you already knew, but you'll learn why Alice isn't
exactly THRILLED by this news either. After the long explination you'll get a
dialog choice:

 1. I won't let Remus die.
 2. Let's get Remus out of the country.

 Pick [1] here and she'll ask you NOT To tell Remus! Not that you can...

(-NOTE-) Talking to Sydney will  end your day, but since I'm pretty darn sure
 you can only talk to her during the sunset, right before the day ends
 anyways, it doesn't really matter.

 If you go to the port you can talk to SYDNEY who will give you some dialog
choices once you do:

 1. I was looking for you.
 2. What are you doing?

 Choose what you will (I picked [1]) and the topic will change to sunsets
and your feelings on them:

 1. They're dazzling.
 2. Not really.

 Pick [1] to be interesting and after some more talking you'll have one
more set of dialog:

 1. Let's go back to the villa.
 2. Are you going to stay out here?

 Pick [2] if you don't want to head back now (who would!?) and she'll thank
you for reminding her of the time:

 1. You should be more careful.
 2. Guess I'll have to get you next time, too.

 Talking to all other party members will result in a chat that they enjoy
and 1/3rd of your day being used up!


(-NOTE-) Talking to Eliza will kill your entire day! I've tested this and
 you CAN do this with her LAST and still get in two activities with
 other party members during the day!

 Talk to Eliza again, who will still be thinking of a way to make money.
She's pretty exasperated though:

 1. You'll find something eventually.
 2. There's always manual labor.
 3. .......

 Pick [2] here and she'll moan about how that's degrading. Soon, Mr. Levan
will appear and ask to take some more leave. She'll let him but will ask us
to spy on him with her! Gah!

 Follow Levan as he heads to town. You'll trail him to the house by the
harbor. Go up to it and examine the door to learn he is tutoring! Eliza
will walk to the left a bit. Follow her and she'll turn around and announce
she'll have no more pride and will work to help out!:

 1. That's the spirit.
 2. I'll do what I can to help.
 3. We'll see how long this lasts.

 Choose [2] here to show her you're here for you and you'll head back to
 the villa.

(-NOTE-) Doing this with Eliza made her go to "Might be reliable?" on my
 friendship rating!

(-NOTE-) THIS topic only comes up AFTER the "Dirty Tricks" topic.

 You can talk to HIEN again to learn about how he learned about the sword
and his way of training:

 1. That's a... unique way to learn.
 2. Your dedication is impressive.
 3. How pointless.

 Pick [1] here to get an explination and then you can invite him to a number
of places as usual.

 After resting on the last night, if you've helped out Eliza during this
vacation period, you'll get a visit from her at night. She'll tell you she
has decided to open an odd-jobs shop, and will help out whoever she can.

(-NOTE-) For MY Vacation, I ended up talking with Eliza and Mel, getting
 Remus's Dad's name (and taking him to lunch) and taking Frayne to
 the museum on the first day.

 On the second day, I went and chatted with Chris and Alicia in
 Marquelay, then talked to two party members to end the day (Frayne
 and Remus).

 I would recommend either doing the Eliza path or the Remus path.
 Your choice, but they require different cities and you can't do both
 (in one go, anyways).

 V A C A T I O N   4   E N D !

 The next morning head out to your city and talk to Gordran. He'll  mention
the next upcoming feature: a BATTLE ARENA! Oooo, I can't wait.

 Next, go talk to MEL and she'll act all depressed. Your fairy will ask her
why and next thing you know you'll have [_MEL'S FLIER x9_] and will be tasked
with handing them out in nearby cities to people who will be interested in
Mel's shop! Geez!

 _____ _     __                           __     ____ _____
 / ___/(_)___/ /__  ____ ___  _____  _____/ /_   / __ \__  /
 \__ \/ / __  / _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/  / / / //_ <
 ___/ / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_   / /_/ /__/ /
 /____/_/\__,_/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/____/\__/   \____/____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-S03 \
 o Victory Conditions: ???

 o Defeat Conditions: ???



 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

[777 Note to self: Be sure to see this sidequest through!]


 2 girls at entrance to Marquelay

 Girl running fruit stand in Marquelay

 Girl at entrance to Ordinale

 Girl north of Inn in Sunsail

 Woman near exit of Trockmere

 Girl in Trockmere square

 [777 Note to self: COME BACK TO THIS!]



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 OK, our next stop should be MAGGIE in the Ruined Village. We have that
spellcannon, after all, and she's just the person to show it to. Head
outside and use the transgate to head to Ordinale.

(-NOTE-) The NICHE SHOP has GL Chips Set 2 & 3 in now! Go stock up on them
 and start using them to heal yourself and collect those cards!

 Head north past Ordinale and on the first screen you'll meed some Ordinale
troops who will ask for your help. Say "Yes" to get another mission once you
go north a screen.

 And, of course, before going north be sure to BUFF UP!

 __  ____           _                ___  __ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \/ // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ / // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __/__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/ /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M24 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: More than 5 of the 14 healers die.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Have some healers die?]

 Evacuate all healers (let none die). Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Now THIS fight is fun. Fun if you're powerful enough to take out these
enemies easily. As a LEVEL CHECK, I was at level 33 for this fight and had NO
problems whatsoever with this fight (meaning I didn't have to even worry about
healing my party members and could easily take out any enemy in this battle in
at least 2 attacks; sometimes with 1!).

 Our goal in this fight is to make sure the FOURTEEN healers make it from the
bottom of the map to the top of the map. As the victory conditions state, we
HAVE to get nine of them there meaning up to five can die... but we really
don't want ANY to die (ideally). To help us, the Ordinale Captain will assist
in the fighting (which is nice as he has a decent attack and can soak up quite
a few hits). The mages, though, will NOT be helping out as they will be
focused on moving through the map (they even SAY they won't help but in
actuality they WILL heal up units once they get close to the exit point,
usually with heal 1).

 Our plan for this fight is fairly simple: complete annihilation of the enemy.
To do this, start by having Frayne and Eliza focus on casting. I would
personally start with a level 3 Blizzard to take out the two northern casters
in one blow and then focus on each of them casting a level 2 spell (I used
Fire Arrow). Two level 2 spells can take out anyone on the map (or one level
4 spell) and you'll do it faster than a level 4 spell. Once the enemies have
thinned out I would recommend switching to level 4 spells, possibly having one
caster focus on level 4 spells and one on level 2 spells so you can heal
quickly if needed.

 From there, Crevanille should charge forward and wipe out the frontguard
with the captain while Remus picks on the two soldiers coming to help in the
distance. After securing your beginning area, Crevanille should continue his
march forward slaying enemies while Remus supports him with his range.

 Now, what makes this fight FUN is the fact that the enemy gets a LOT of
reinforcements throughout the fight. A lot! However, they ONLY come out of
the left treeline, so you can easily have Crevanille camp the northern
section and be nearby when reinforcements come while you have Remus sweep
the lower area. My party was powerful enough to kill off ALL the enemies at
one point and despite that reinforcements WILL keep coming. However, with
enough slaughtering the enemy WILL stop coming and you will get a mission
complete (provided everyone survives, of course).

 BONUS: +03

 CLEAR BONUS: 3900 RIL   665 EXP


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, head back to town and rest/save/heal up. Then head onward
past the screen you fought on to be at the pond/rock screen. Here you'll
remember to head behind the rock to the east to a new screen leading of
course to the ruined village.

 Here go talk to Maggie and then go to your INVENTORY and use the spellcannon.
You'll start up a conversation and will need to select "YES" at one point.
After that, go sleep in the bed like she suggested. 

 During the night you'll wake up restless and the party will suggest a walk
outside> Maggie will caution you that "weird things" happen at night though.
Head outside and in the northern building you can find a ghostly man, but when
you try and talk to him he'll just look at you sadly and disappear.

(-NOTE-) If anyone else knows anything else to do out here let me know!

 Head back inside and go to bed to see two new story advancements, one with
what Regina is up to and another with what Ludwig is up to. Next morning, go
talk to Maggie who will decide to go live in Eliza's mansion. One more guest!
Remus will bring up how lucky we are to know Eliza:

 1. I agree.
 2. I guess...
 3. .....

 [1] will of course make Eliza happy (she's RIGHT THERE, man!). After all of
that you will be asked a question by your fairy:

 1. Let's go to the castle.
 2. I want to return to the villa.
 3. I'll leave it to everyone else.

 [777 Note to self: Check if this matters?]

 I feel like heading to the castle so I picked [1] here. Head outside and go
to where you met the ghost to find [_THE USE OF SPELLS_] key item. Now leave
and head back to Ordinale and then onto Marquelia Castle.

 The princess will be waiting for you. Head in and talk to her and with
Christopher's help they'll have found "Kaufman", to the far east of Ordinale!
Alphonse is fighting in that area as well, so we'll have to be careful.

 Save up and head back to Ordinale. Exit and then when you can head east
towards "Rebrant". Before heading east out of the next screen, buff up and
get ready for a mission. Enter and you'll see a scene with the cat-girl
falling down near you and a cute still photo. But don't stare too long, she
is in danger!

 __  ____           _                ___   ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \ / ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ //___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __/____/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/_____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M25 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: The girl with the tail dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Unsure....]

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight really isn't anything special. No enemy reinforcements or really
any surprises, just a straight up fight.

 The titan has a lot of HP, as you may guess, but you are more than a match
for it at this point. Sick Crevenalle on it and slow its advance. Remus should
use Sabotage or Fierce Strike to take out the floating enemies (Sabotage is
preferred when they are casting) while Eliza helps Crevanille out. Frayne can
help with magic but don't target the Valbug as it nulls magic (which I learned
the hard way with Wind Edge and Fire Arrow being ineffective; I actually had
her using Fierce Strike and taking out the Valbug that way!).

 In the end this is a tame fight that you can easily win with physical
firepower and is a good indicator of how far along you've come.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 1850 RIL from the Sechs Ulk.

(-NOTE-) You can steal CASTER BARRIER from the Valbug.

 BONUS: +08

 CLEAR BONUS: 3700 RIL   705 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Skill Effect +2, Random Ring.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight go inspect the girl... You'll get some options here:

 1. *check if her ears are real*
 2. *check if her tail is real*
 3. Why was she being chased...?
 4. Is this really that important (grayed out)?

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [1]) and soon some soldiers will arrive to
check on you. They'll end up taking her to a hospital in Ordinale so we can


 LV32 Welker
 LV33 Troll
 LV33 Jenoune
 LV32 Rover

 Afterwards, head right into a huge area and kill more Trolls if you wish,
then left once more. You'll be at the (severely undermanned) Ordinale camp.
We will be in another Mission soon, so buff up and then go talk to Alfonse
in the northeast corner and he'll ask you to help him defeat Valkania by
occupying the hill:

 1. So, what do we do?
 2. We're the bait, aren't we?
 3. .....

 Choose what you wish here ([2] for me) and then select "I understand". You
will need to pick "I'm ready to go" after that to have Alfonse leave.

 Before the fight, we'll have some time to burn. We can talk to people in
the meantime, but we can only talk to TWO teammates...

 Talk to Frayne to get some dialog about our bond:

 1. It's true.
 2. Sounds like your imagination.
 3. ......

 Of course, [1] is the nice pick.

 Talk to Eliza to learn her sense of sureness:

 1. We'll have you to thank if we win.
 2. Our victory will be because of me!
 3. We'll work together and pull through.

 Choose [1] here to make her happy.

 [777 Note to self: Be sure to get Remus dialog]

 After talking to your two teammates, the enemy will show up:

 __  ____           _                ___   _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \ / ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ // __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __// /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M26 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Two or more flag bases destroyed.
 All party members die.

 Complete battle, letting up to one flag fall.

 ??? [777 Note to self: PRETTY damn sure this is "Don't let ANY flags
 get destroyed.]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Time to play King of the Hill!

 OK, first an important note: EACH flag has its own HP BAR and you CANNOT
heal them (they are flags, what did you expect!). So, in order to complete
this fight we can't let the flags get hit or take much damage! THAT means
that MAGIC and RANGED users are our main concern in this fight, as they can
damage the flags from range!

 From the start of the fight, the ??? Captain and some soldiers will head
south, splitting off from the main group. Their goal is to head south and come
up that path up there. The 2nd Lt will stay in his corner and attempt to lead
his remaining troops westward.

 Send Crevanille to meet him (and steal from him) while you have Remus take
out the archers, which are our biggest threat from the start of the battle.
Our NEXT biggest threat is actually the 2nd Lt himself. He is rather adept
at magic and will often heal units or cast offensive magic...

 There is another reason to focus on the 2nd Lt as well... during the battle
the ENEMY will recieve reinforcements from the southwest: 2 MAGIC USERS and
2 soldiers! The magic users are of course a big threat and should be dealed
with, but once you take out the 2nd LT, he will order EVERY UNIT to retreat
and will head off himself. The remaining units will try to leave up through
the northeast (or, if close to a flag, will try to damage it), giving you
time to kill them.

 So, to recap, kill off archers with Remus, use Crevanille to plug up the
northeast corner / start to kill the 2nd Lt, and with Frayne and Eliza I
would be casting magic. Focus on the archers, then the 2nd LT, then the
magic casters when they come and THEN the 2nd LT again (if you still need

 I personally pulled Eliza off magic casting and had her plug up the southern
path, but I did it WAY too late, costing me that southern flag (plus, I didn't
buff up when I should have), so don't make that mistake and send her down a
lot sooner than I did.

(-NOTE-) You can steal Fire Resist Down from 2nd Lt. Norman.

 BONUS: +09

 CLEAR BONUS: 4150 RIL   740 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, Blizzard Power, Magic Drain EX.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, Alfonse will appear from the southwest and state that
although some escaped they took them to the brink of annihilation:

 1. I feel the same way.
 2. It was Lietenant Norman.
 3. ......

 Choose [2] to share your info and Alfonse will thank you. Time to continue
on, to the northeast. On this screen Alfonse will be to the north holding the
lines. You can head up that way, but it's a dead end (it is a GREAT place to
grind AP though, as there are once again re-spawning enemies at the very

 Soon you will see Kaufman Waterfall, although it is in the distance. The
party will stop and discuss if for a bit but after that continue east.
Head north now and to the northeast corner to get to the waterfall. Your
fairy will set up a transgate here now, making this a good time to head
back for supplies and to save/heal.

 Head back to the waterfall and before heading inside BUFF UP (be SURE to
put Cycle Up on everyone and MAGIC SHELL on Frayne, if you have it). We are
about to fight another mission! Head inside and once you get through the
door an alarm will go off. Time to fight!

 __  ____           _                ___  _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \/__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ /  / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __/  / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/ /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M27 \

 o Victory Conditions: All Guardians defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Shutter door closes.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Try NOT getting all chests?] 

 Destroy all enemies, gather all treasure chests.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 THIS fight is yet another classic "good clear time" vs. "treasure!".

 Our stated goal here is to kill all guardians, but our REAL goal is to get
all of the treasure (well, I'm going to make it our goal.. I mean you don't
HAVE to do it...).

 First of all, we need to send people after the treasure chests ASAP, as they
will start to DISAPPEAR as the mission progresses. They also disappear in a
certain order:

 - southwest
 - southeast
 - northwest
 - northeast
 - west
 - east

 The plan? Well, send ELIZA to the southwest one and CREVANILLE to the
southeast one. In the meantime, start having FRAYNE and REMUS cast HOLY 3.
Frayne should be able to kill off the dark vortex guys in one HOLY 3 cast
and should focus on killing all of them off first as they can cast some
nasty magic (like the annoying cycle down). Remus SHOULD be able to kill off
any SKELETON with a cast of HOLY 3. If he can't, its a good measure of your
current strength.

 Have Frayne focus on the dark vortex guys while Remus takes care of the two
side skeletons. Once those two side skeletones are dead, Eliza and Crevanille
can just WALK to the treasure without stopping to fight (you should have them
walking from the start, but you know what I mean!). Once Remus is done, have
him use FIERCE STRIKE on the two close guardians, who will stay where they
are until the skeletons die. One of your two treasure-runners MAY be held up
by them, but can help kill them with Fierce Strikes of their own.

 Continue having Frayne kill off the dark vortex guys and then helping on
the skeletons while Eliza and Crev continue to get all the treasures unabated
from the left and right sides respectively. Once there are only the three
guardians left, sick Remus on them and let Frayne cast whatever while your
other two party members help out only when all the treasure is gone. Once
you kill them, the mission will be over!

 List of treasure:

 o Elixir Vitae
 o Soul Scroll
 o Theriaca
 o Seal Circle Strike
 o Interceptor
 o Balance Breaker EX

 BONUS: +06

 CLEAR BONUS: 4550 RIL   785 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Once the fight is over, the party will gather to wherever CREVANILLE is,
as usual, but the TIMER to shut the door will STILL BE ACTIVE (assuming you
didn't hit it during the fight). Also, if you have ANY TREASURE LEFT UNCLAIMED
go ahead and GRAB IT, but be sure to STOP the timer before the door shuts!

 Head down and you'll make a VERY surprising discovery:

 1. Maybe the Angels revolted.
 2. It's like fighting fire with fire.
 3. It doesn't make sense (grayed out).

 Take your pick here (I picked [1], but think [2] is a smarter choice in
hindsight). After the chat, grab the glowing object for an [_ENERGY PACK_].
Now go check out the far left console. You'll learn what it does and given
an option to turn it on.

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Go ahead and pick "Yes" here and Remus will shut you down. Next pick up the
piece of paper to the left for the [_SHUTDOWN ORDERS_] and to learn the place
was turned down to avoid having the angels find it.

 Next we'll be quizzed on what we know up to now:

 1st Question:

 1. To create Angels.
 2. To make weapons to fight Angels.

 Pick [2] here.

 2nd Question:

 1. To hide it from the Angels.
 2. The products are defective.
 3. Angels destroyed the power.

 Pick [1] here.

 3rd Question:

 1. It'll explode!
 2. The Angels will find it.
 3. The Angels here will wake up.

 Pick [2] here.

 Well, that's all we can do in these ruins. Head back to your city now.
Once you are there, head to the left area to see a scene with a dad and
his daughter. He will ask you to find his other daughters and tell them to
come back home:

 _____ _     __                           __     ____  __ __
 / ___/(_)___/ /__  ____ ___  _____  _____/ /_   / __ \/ // /
 \__ \/ / __  / _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/  / / / / // /_
 ___/ / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_   / /_/ /__  __/
 /____/_/\__,_/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/____/\__/   \____/  /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-S04 \
 o Victory Conditions: ???

 o Defeat Conditions: ???



 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Time to find some kids for one of the WORST PARENTS in the world! He has
four kids in total and has one of them is home already, leaving us three kids
to find:

 1st Child:

 Head to Marquelia, to the screen with the statue (the castle entrance).
Now, head down the south street and watch the south side for the TOP of
her head, by an umbrella. She'll shout 'yikes!' when you speak to her and
run to the west. Go talk to her again and she'll challenge you to a set of

 "Marquelia is the name of which nation's capital?"

 1. Maruelay
 2. Valkania
 3. Dulkheim

 Pick [1].

 "Speaking of Crevanille's and Remus's mercenary days... Name one of
 their comrades."

 1. Hobson
 2. Momson
 3. Robston

 Pick [1].

 "Remus entered his first battle at Lamplast Island. Who was the commander
 who led the opposing force?"

 1. Dranguss
 2. Raoul
 3. Alec

 Pick [3].

 "In the northern village of Riesel, what did Christopher receive from

 1. Medicine for Christopher
 2. Money for carousing
 3. Secrets about his brother

 Pick [1].

 "Quick! What is my father's name?"

 1. Ustmen
 2. Osman
 3. Unmas

 Pick [3].

 2nd Child:

 Head to Sunsail. You'll find him to the left of the Inn, hiding by the
building. You have to get behind the wood pile by walking clockwise around

 Once you have talked to him, he'll come out and will challenge you to what
is essentially a shoving match!


 Even thought the game says to hit the CIRCLE button, hit the 'X' button!

 All you need to do is JAM ON IT to win. Jam on it quickly! Focus on quick
button presses over bashing the button and you should be able to do this
before the timer runs out!

 Once you win, he'll head back home.

 3rd Child:

 Head north of Sunsail to the fortress where you will find General Baker. Now,
look to the left and look behind the door? See the little body? Yep, that's
a boy, go talk to him to get him to come out.

 Like the other little troblemakers, he'll make you duel him before he heads
back. He will do a "mock battle" with you. Basically, he will TRY to exit the
screen to either the south OR west, and you have to stop him! You can easily
stop him by standing between him and when he encounters resistance he will
end up moving back and forth a bit and then stopping, then trying to beeline
for the screen again.

 Try out a "duel" with him to see what I'm talking about and you'll quickly
catch on: just stay between him and the edges of the screen and you're gold.

 Head back to your town now and go check in on the dad. Now that all four
kids are back, he'll thank you and give you the [_JADE_] Key Item as thanks.
He'll also go to work to open up his business.


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After that, you can go visit the newly opened Boomtown Armor Store:

 ________________________(   Boomtown Armor Store   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-
 Crimson Jacket     119 STR  17000 RIL
 Chaos Jacket       136 STR  23000 RIL
 Ebony Armor        199 STR  20000 RIL
 Aura Plate         222 STR  28700 RIL
 Holy Robe           87 STR  16700 RIL
 Protection Mantle  132 STR  21600 RIL
 Royal Dress        144 STR  19500 RIL
 Star Dress         164 STR  27800 RIL
 Rainbow Ribbon      72 STR  27300 RIL
 Expel Robes        165 STR  28450 RIL

 ~ GOOD upgrades here, but expensive.

(-IMPORTANT NOTE-) I HIGHTLY reccommend taking time out to level up and learn
 some skills! Notably, SABOTAGE and DASH... go teach Crev
 and Eliza DASH for sure. You should also DEFINITELY know
 CYCLE UP with a few characters as well.

 Once your done, head to your villa. You'll meet LEONA here, who will go
on about wanting to help you and, um... something about a "master"! Ha!

 1. Are you sure you can help us?
 2. Welcome aboard!
 3. I don't know about this...

 Pick [2] here and Leona will join the party! Head inside and you'll learn
that you can change party members via the bulletin board (we can't put
Leona in yet, though).

 Head forward and talk to Kate, who will lament the spell knowledge lost in
the attack on Maggie's village and will head upstairs. Now, I know you're
thinking of giving her that book we found, but first head around to the back
of the first floor and visit Maggie's lab. Give her the ENERGY PACK and she'll
be very happy and tell you to go rest and she'll visit you tonight with her

 Now, head upstairs to the third floor and to the middle door on the east.
This is Kate's room. Go in and give her THE USE OF SPELLS. She'll look
through it and you'll earn up learning new JOINT SPELLS:

 Cure + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Cure)

 Heal + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Heal)

 Remedy + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Remedy)

 Be sure to talk to her afterwards and she'll ask you to bring her someone
familiar with wind spells. Well, my Crevanille has mastered Wind Edge, which

 Holy (Holy) + Wind (Wind Edge)

 --> Area Holy Spell (Holy Cross)

 Mind (Death) + Wind (Wind Edge)

 --> Area Mind Spell (Death Cloud)

 Mind (MP Drain) + Wind (Wind Edge)

 --> Area Mind Spell (Inhale)

 Talk to Kate again and she'll ask you to find her "Test Spellstone" that
Carnos lost SOMEWHERE in Marquelia...

 The test spellstone can be found by heading to Marquelia and going to the
ARMOR SHOP. Once you are in front of it, head SOUTH to load a new screen and
be in that little annoying area. Here you will find a sparkle in the flowers
that of course has the [_TEST SPELLSTONE_].

 Go give it to Kate to learn even MORE JOINT SPELLS:

 Sleep + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Sleep)

 Silence + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Silence)

 Cycle Down + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Cycle Down)

 Bind + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Bind)

 Rust + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Rust)

 Atrophy + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Atrophy)

 Fear + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Fear)

 [777 Note to Self: Look into ELENA'S RESEARCH MATERIAL,
 Should be in Dulkheim somewhere....]

 OK, after all of that head to your room. You'll see a scene with Leona
before you can head in (she now resides in the middle room on the west on
your floor, just FYI). You can likely train up your familiar quite a bit
too! Be sure to SAVE as well, the rest on the bed.

 You'll get a recap of the war effors going on. It seems Ludwig did it
after all and is in a prime position now! Impressive! Of course, the current
president is none too happy with that...

 In the morning, head down to Maggies lab. Hein will be back with you now,
by the way. Maggie will explain the spell cannon a bit but not enough:

 1. Well, it might be because...
 2. You'd better explain, Maggie.

 Pick what you will (I picked [2] here, as I have no ideas!) and she'll do
some explaining. However, this thing is useless without an angel to fire it
at, no? This brings up how to find the angels:

 1. I don't know, either.
 2. We'll have to go find them.
 3. Can we lure them out?
 4. .....

 [777 Note to self: do other choices matter here?]

 Pick [3] here as we learned about luring them in the last ruins. From here,
Maggie will announce her intention of firing the gun personally and will learn
of the area above the waterfall and will tell us she will follow us.

 Go ahead and take Eliza, as she is likely MUCH stronger than the other two
party members if you've been buffing them up like I've been reccommending.
Next, warp over to Kaufman Waterfall and take Maggie to the overlook. She
will stay to set up and will tell you to go activate the place (and to get
out FAST).

 Before you leave the WATERFALL screen, buff up (consider giving Frayne
"Magic Shell" if she has a low HP amount)! Once you do, you'll see a
scene between Bryntir, Regina and Maggie. Maggie will end up bringing the
Angel down, but it will land near the waterfall, leading to a mission when
you enter the next screen:

 __  ____           _                ___   ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \ ( __ )
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ // __  |
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __// /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M28 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: The Angel escapes.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Mission Clear?] 

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Time to face an Angel!

 First of all, a note: the enemies in this fight ARE, of course, hostile to
our PARTY, but they are also hostile to EACH OTHER AND THE ANGEL! That's
right, they will ATTACK the Angel. Now, they aren't the smartest, and will
sometimes try and cast HOLY on the Angel (which is NULLED or can heal it even)
but hey, they will help!

 That being said, there is a LOT of enemies here. However, there is a nice
gap between them and the angel. If you took my advise earlier you can EASILY
put DASH on Crev and Eliza and ZOOM down to the angel, maybe killing an enemy
or two along the way.

 Remus can kill the Dark Knight that is dangerously close to our starting
position and then I would have him take out the Welkers, as they have a
tendency to cast HOLY and that really doesn't help anyone. Frayne should
begin to cast HOLY 3 and take out the Dark Messengers with it (it'll take
more than one round of casting) and take on healing duties.

 Once you close in with the angel, focus on using up your FIERCE STRIKES
and, every now and again, SABOTAGE as the angel is DEFINITELY a CASTER.
She can also regen 35 HP every now and again and RESISTS magic, but you
SHOULD be doing 40-50 damage with your fierce attacks.

 Keep it up and she'll drop, leaving you with wiping out the rest of the
monsters. You MAY have to use a NECTAR or two as some of the enemies CAN
connect with the DEATH spell, but that's your only real concern. Just keep
your HP up and those big hits coming and you'll come out on top.

(-NOTE-) You can steal ALVISS'S MEMORY from the Angel.

 BONUS: +20

 CLEAR BONUS: 4350 RIL   810 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x5.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Afterwards you'll have a talk with Regina and learn a thing or two:

 1. We just defeated a replica?
 2. Didn't we just beat an Angel?
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and learn the truth about the facility. Well... damn. The whole
"one angel left" thing is kinda shakey though, as Frayne will point out:

 1. *explain about the female Angel*
 2. *let Frayne explain*
 3. *let your Familiar explain*

 Pick [1] here to tell the party the truth then you'll see a rare animated
cutscene followed by a visit from the REAL Angel Akyel. Destruction seems
imminent until Crev and Frayne sprout their wings and Akyel "lets us off this
time". Regina is gone as well, but Maggie is ok and heads back to the lab.

 Head back to town and heal/save, then enter the villa. You'll talk to the
rest of your teammates about what happened and they'll wonder about the

 1. I see them around any Angel.
 2. I only see them around a real Angel.
 3. I only see them around replicas.
 4. Angels have nothing to do with this.

 Pick [3] here and soon the subject will change to Frayne's memory:

 1. *change the subject*
 2. *watch what happens*

 [777: See what 2 does!]

 Pick [1] here to pick a subject:

 1. About the first ruin I entered...
 2. Maybe because we're Ruin Children?
 3. What about that Angel's Letter?

 [777: Try other options?]

 Pick [3] here and the group will discuss the first ruin Crevanille visited!
We never DID fully explore it, after all... Soon we'll have another dialog

 1. To the ruins where Dixon took us!
 2. Let's at least rest first...

 Pick what you will but you'll need to rest regardless. Head up to your room
and sleep to see some scenes about Ludwig, Tricia and Regina. All very

 __      __                 ___       _____            
 \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                     Chapter 4: To Kill an Angel                      >==O

 The next morning, head downstairs and Hein will ask about how to get into

 1. We'll sneak across the border.
 2. Ideas, people?

 Well, we've done 1 already, so I picked [2]. Looks like the bridge is our
only way! Sheesh! You'll have to pick a team. I'm personally still going
with my over-powered "original" team.

 Head up towards SUNSAIL (or use your transgate) and a Marquelia soldier
will stop you, stating that Valkania soldiers have taken over Sunsail...

 Well, I guess we better stop them. Buff up and enter the town. You'll of
course be in another fight, but you'll also see why they want this town so

 __  ____           _                ___  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__ \/ __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \    __/ / /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   / __/\__, /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M29 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Perhaps let one of your "reinforcements" die?] 

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is a fairly standard fight compared to our last few fights...

 Simply do what you do best: kill away. I'd send Crev forward to stop the
advance of foes (Circle Strike is good here) while the rest of the crew
spends their time using spells (Fire Arrow 2 is good) to kill off the FOUR
casters at the back of the village.

 Now, I know your Crevanille is likely a BEAST of a man, but you'll be
facing the foes in front of you AS WELL AS two more melee foes who appear
out of the doorway in the dug-in section of town. Have Eliza quit casting
at some point to add in a pierce strike or two to take down the front lines.

 However, after the enemy has been reinforced so will you by three Marquelia
soldiers. You should have the enemy down to almost nothing by this time
though. Finish off the rest of the rabble to complete the mission. 

(-NOTE-) You can steal 2300 RIL from the Valkania Captain.

 BONUS: +23

 CLEAR BONUS: 4800 RIL   850 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3, Bloody Blade EX.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight we'll regain control. Check the boxes to the south of the
stairs for some [_AMBROSIA_]. Then feel free to save/heal up. We of course
want to check out these new ruins!

 Head inside the ruins. You'll need to clear the first floor out as some
more Valkania soldiers are hanging around, but then you can investigate.
You'll find all the doors are locked (or sealed mysteriously), but there
is a sphere in the middle of the room. Interact with it and accept its


 (Face Buttons) symbols will be displayed on the screen. Use either the
 analog stick or directional buttons in the corresponding direction while
 also pressing Triangle, Square, Circle or 'X'.

 Basically, use the analog symbol to face whatever direction the symbol is
facing and then PRESS the correct symbol. Shouldn't be too hard for any of
you life-long PlayStation players, as these symbols are like... well...
y'know! After doing this for awhile, I personally found the DIRECTIONAL
buttons to be superior to the analog symbol, but give both a try and see
what you like.

 You HAVE to do it PERFECTLY for THREE [_RUIN KEYS_]. If you don't, just reset
since we saved not long ago. There are THREE LEVELS of these ruins as well,
each with a sphere and the above mini game, meaning to get ALL the treasures
we need to play THREE perfect games for NINE Ruin Keys.

 1st Floor Treasure:

 Wisdom Apple
 Secret Book
 2340 RIL

 2nd Floor Treasure:

 Magic Scroll
 Dandy Book

 3rd Floor Treasure:

 Vito's Nostrum
 Gale Apple
 Reflex Scroll

 You will also be able to get to a CRYSTAL in each floor, which tells you to
smash it for assistance. Not being one to turn down free assistance, I smashed
them all.

 [777: What do the crystals do?]

 On the THIRD floor, be sure to save and BUFF UP. As you can guess, once you
go downstairs you'll be in another mission:

 __  ____           _                _____ ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  // __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M30 \

 o Victory Conditions: Destroy the Center Core.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Maybe beat it with party members dead?] 

 Defeat the Center Core.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 A giant machine... great.

 This fight is actually pretty easy. The five generators around the room send
"Spell Energy" to the core, which uses it to cast powerful magic on you.

 Our goal here is to take out the energy generators and THEN pummel the core
until it dies. Send Crev and Eliza to go Fierce Strike the two close ones (one
fierce strike and one normal hit will do it) and then send them up to the core
where they can charge up some magic (fire arrow does good enough) and send it
at the far generator.

 Remus should focus on the two far side generators. My Remus could NEARLY kill
them off in one Fierce Strike, but not quite so I had Frayne do a level 1 Fire
Arrow to kill them off. A normal Remus attack with the party magic can do in
the final FAR generator.

 From there it's a matter of laying into the core. Using BERSERK with
Crevanille is frickin' AMAZING. 300+ damage, just watch the damage you take!
You may want to use your remaining Fierce Strikes though. Eliza should do
the same and have Remus unload. Magic isn't great against the center core,
so either have Frayne heal/cast whatever or add in some Fierce Strikes if
you've taught her! You should be able to take it down quickly...

(-NOTE-) You can steal ALL UP +2 from the Center Core.

 BONUS: +37

 CLEAR BONUS: 4900 RIL   870 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x1.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, go check out the northeast room, where the paper is. Your
familiar will psyche you out here! Ha. Next, go visit the north room. One of
the eastern boxes will ACTUALLY say "An empty box, cunningly disguised as a
box that might hold something." Hahaha!

 Oh my, that's funny. Ok, go to the west room now and examine the sparkle on
the bookcase for a [_CRYPTIC DOCUMENT_]. Next go check the desk to learn of
blueprints for a LARGE Spellcannon:

 1. It could destroy mountains.
 2. This is what we need for the Angels.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here and you'll get the [_SPELLCANNON PLANS_]. Something to give
to Maggie. Head out of the ruins (which now have monsters in them!) and once
you leave you'll see what's going on between Marquelia and Valkania.

 Heal up and save. Go talk to the Marquelia soldier outside of town who will
tell you Lord Ordinale is surrounded. Quick, head north (buffing up first!):

 __  ____           _                ________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  <  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/_/    
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M31 \

 o Victory Conditions: More than 1 person proceeds to the next map and no
 party members remain on the current map.

 No more than 1 person returns to the previous map and
 no party members remain on the current map.

 o Defeat Conditions: No one proceeds to the next map and all party
 members die.

 Get every party member to the next map; have negative time.

 Get every party member to the next map; have positive time.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Here is another mission where the goal is to get to another screen (which,
as you can tell by my bonus time, I'm not very good at the whole "Hurry Up!"

 Regardless, our first big obsticale is the mass of enemy units in the center.
It's counter-productive to sit and cast spells in a "Move it" mission, but
it sure makes easy work to cast 2 Blizzards on that mass of foes. Alterantely,
have Remus and Frayne sit back and cast while Crev and Eliza use DASH and get
up the screen to help. It's a GOOD IDEA to take care of the casters as fast
as you can as well.

 Once you've thinned out the enemy numbers, the Ordinale Army will march
onwards and start to leave the screen. However, Valkania reinforcements will
CONSTANTLY come from the north. Leave someone like Crevanille to occupy the
sole reinforcement while the other party members leave, then make Crev
manually leave as well.

 BONUS: -09

 CLEAR BONUS: 5450 RIL   875 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x1, DEX Growth UP.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 On the next screen, once you head north you'll face another "Get to the
next screen" mission, but you DO have time to buff up at the start of this
screen. May as well!

 __  ____           _                ________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  /__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ <__/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M32 \

 o Victory Conditions: More than 1 person proceeds to the next map and no
 party members remain on the current map.

 No more than 1 person returns to the previous map and
 no party members remain on the current map.

 o Defeat Conditions: No one proceeds to the next map and all party
 members die.

 Get every party member to the next map; have negative time.

 Get every party member to the next map; have positive time.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This mission is much like the other one, but you have even less troops and
a MUCH more deadlier foe in Vallery.

 Send Crev and Eliza up to hold the line as the Ordinale soldiers will have
trouble doing it. Circle Strike and Pierce Strike are absolutely godly here.
Frayne and Remus should use magic and take care of the HEALER and CASTERS to
the north. Take the healer out and then a caster ASAP so they can't use a
joint spell. That will help a TON. The Ordinale healer we have will help in
the healing department.

 Use thievery on Vallery and multi-hit spells whenever you can to clear the
map out. Vallery will of course leave once you do enough damage. The archers
to the west and on the hill are more of nuisance material than any "must kill"
targets. I took out one and sent everyone to the next screen. The enemy DOES
get reinforcements which will likely stop your advance at the northern choke
point until you kill them, but this should be TOO hard.

(-NOTE-) You can steal MAGIC SHIELD EX from Vallery.

 BONUS: +13

 CLEAR BONUS: 5550 RIL   885 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Soon you'll be at another screen... the one with the fortress. Here, we
will see Alfonse surrounded alright, with only TWO soldiers and facing
Muntzer. How appropriate! However we can turn the tide! Take this time to
BUFF UP and then head towards the enemy to start the next mission:

 __  ____           _                __________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  /__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ < /_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ /__/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M33 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Alfonse dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Let Alfonse's allies die? Negative time?] 

 Defeat everyone!

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is a fun fight. For starters, Alfonse is MORE than a match for Muntzer,
so you don't REALLY need to worry about him. Maybe a HEAL 2 late in the fight
just to be sure...

 The REAL people in trouble here are Alfonse's soldiers. They are outnumbered
and outpowered and will fall quickly if you don't have someone like Frayne
feeding them Cure 2's. Without those soldiers, Alfonse will be in even more

 Let Frayne take over healing and have Remus use FIERCE STRIKE / ranged
attacks on the HEALER, then the TWO CASTERS. From there, have Crevanille
and Eliza take care of the two heavy soldiers blocking their path (who will
initially head to the bridge but will soon engage our party). Once those
two are dead, send Crevanille up to the bridge to help out and clear the
rest of the melee fighters while you send Eliza BACK to our starting area.
Why? Well, enemy reinforcements will appear out of the northwest wood areas
over here.

 Once Remus is done with the magic types, have him help kill the melee
characters with Crevanille (gotta love that range!) and then help out with
either killing reinforcements or using magic to help kill the northern
archers. Frayne can concentrate on those archers too when everyone is safe
HP-wise but ALFONSE will help too with Pierce Strikes as well.

 With your support, Alfonse will overcome Muntzer and he'll end up being
taken away by Diana with Alfonse feeling pretty crappy. Poor guy. Finish off
the rest of the Valkania troops and this mission will be over.

 BONUS: +18

 CLEAR BONUS: 5850 RIL   960 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Thorned Power, Miraculous Light.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, you should of course talk to Alfonse:

 1. I'm sorry.
 2. You seem in pain.
 3. I'm glad you're safe.
 4. ......

 Go ahead and choose what you wish (I picked [2]) and Alfonse will thank
you. Now, let's head back to our town (to show the plans to Maggie).

 Once you leave, you'll see a scene where (depending on your actions) will
show Muntzer. If you've followed the guide, you'll see that Latika's gift
downright saved him!

 Success! Muntzer's fate has been changed!

 Head back to town and rest/heal up. Now, go give the SPELLCANNON PLANS to
Maggie, who will thank you. Also, while you're here, you can go on another

 V A C A T I O N   5

 Another vacation!

 Head downstairs and talk to Sydney. She will mention that the EGG is
close to hatching! She'll let us know when it does. This DOES take away
1/3rd of our time.

 You'll see a lot of REPEAT options from VACATION FOUR here, but that's
because I just can't find every option until I replay the game multiple
times. So pick your town and choices and, if info isn't here, check out the
vacations section for further help.

 If you DO talk to Sydney about the egg, you'll get the following event:

 During the night, your familiar should wake you and tell you the birdie
is hatching. Once you can, choose to follow her. Head downstairs and you'll
learn the bird is only looking at her:

 1. Maybe you've been imprinted onto her?
 2. This seems dangerous.
 3. Raimy is like her mother!

 Pick [1] here and Raimy will soon name it "Pipi" due to the noises it makes:

 1. Simple, but effective.
 2. That's clever, I like it.
 3. Shmeh.

 Choose what you wish, 1 or 2 are good.


(-NOTE-) You can do the ELIZA stuff that I found about last vacation here,
 which is still available if  

 If you take your vacation in BOOMTOWN, you can find a CHEF in your main
square , who asks to work at the restraunt and serve fine Marquelian cuisine:

 1. You're hired!
 2. You're not what I'm looking for.

 Pick [1] and MARQUELIAN CUISINE will be added to the restraunt. (You can
even use it right away, which is frankly amazing!)

 Now that MAGGIE is at the villa, you can go hang out with her on vacation:

 1. Want to go out sometime?
 2. I came to see you.

 You can pick to take her to:

 Mel's Store: Where she will wish she had Mel's business sense.

 Art Display: She'll appreciate the art and head off.

 Theater: She'll appreciate the acoustics.

 Restraunt: She'll eat WAY too much!  

 Take REMUS to eat some new Marquelian cuisine to get a conversation about
him, his dad, and cooking:

 1. I prefer the quiet.
 2. I like eating with people.
 3. The food's what really matters.

 Pick [2] here to make him happy.

(-NOTE-) I got REMUS up to "An admirable person" by taking him out for
 Marquelian cuisine.

 Take FRAYNE to the art museum again to have her, um.. stare at you and then
comment on the time she takes for her paintings:

 1. Yes, you have been selfish.
 2. There's nothing wrong with that.
 3. Just keep doing your best.

 Pick [2] here to make her happy.

(-NOTE-) I got FRAYNE up to "Soul Mate" on the friendship chart by just doing
 ANYTHING with her on the first day...


(-NOTE-) You can do the REMUS stuff I mentioned from last vacation if you
 didn't do it before.

 Talk to LEONA to have a nice chat.

 Talk to Frayne to have a nice chat.

 Talk to HEIN to talk about the dirty tricks people do to defeat you:

 1. Hm. That's interesting, actually.
 2. Sounds awfully dirty.
 3. I'll be sure to watch out.

 Pick [1] here to discuss it a bit more.

 Talk to REMUS to see a scene with him and ALICE! He'll confront her and
even though she won't say much she'll give him her name. You'll get some
dialog after the scene:

 1. You should do what you want.
 2. That's very kind of you.
 3. Try not to do too much.
 4. Do you think fate can be changed?

 Pick [4] here and he'll wonder what's gotten into you.

 (-NOTE-) Talking to Sydney will end your day, but since I'm pretty darn sure
 you can only talk to her during the sunset, right before the day ends
 anyways, it doesn't really matter.

 If you go to the port you can talk to SYDNEY who will give you some dialog
choices once you do:

 1. I was looking for you.
 2. What are you doing?

 Pick [1] here and the topic will change to sunsets and your feelings on them:

 1. They're dazzling.
 2. Not really.

 Pick [1] to be interesting and after some more talking you'll have one
more set of dialog:

 1. Let's go back to the villa.
 2. Are you going to stay out here?

 Pick [1] once more and she'll thank you for reminding her of the time:

 1. You should be more careful.
 2. Guess I'll have to get you next time, too.

 Pick [2] here and she'll blush, then head back with you. 

(-NOTE-) For MY Vacation, I ended up going to BOOMTOWN on Day 1, talking to
 Sydney, taking Frayne to the Museum, and then doing the Eliza event
 (where she trails Levan).

 On my second day I once again went to Boomtown and took Remus out
 for Marquelian cuisine as well as Frayne, and Eliza to the accessory
 shop (not a very exciting day!).

 V A C A T I O N   5   E N D !

 Ok, now we really need to head to Dulkheim! After your second day of
vacation, you'll see more of what's going on in Dulkheim... looks like Ludwig
and the present are about to have at it...

(-NOTE-) You can now use the ARENA now! It costs quite a bit of money to go
 through, and many of the easier classes are rather boring, but it's
 there now! Check out the Arena guide for help and tips if you need

 OK, time for us to get to Dulkhiem. Head back to sunsail and make your way
to Aida Bridge. As you would imagine, we'll have a fight when we get there,
so buff up BEFORE you enter that screen!

 __  ____           _                _____ __ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  // // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ /__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/  /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M34 \

 o Victory Conditions: Marler defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Enemy reinforcements arrive.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: Let the timer run out?]

 Defeat everyone before the timer.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Ooo, a challenging fight! The Dulkheim troops under Captain Marler have
already set up a nice defensive position, and we have to take it from them!

 Just as a warning, the two mages at the other side of the bridge WILL cast
a powerful LIGHTNING spell that travels down the length of the bridge! It's
quite powerful!

 First of all everyone should throw up MAGIC DEF UP and then I'd only send
CREVANILLE and ELIZA up the bridge. Put DASH on them before you head up and
have them skip the first set of archers and FIERCE STRIKE the second set.

 Have Remus take care of the first set of archers and have Frayne build up
a level 4 Fire Arrow to cast it on one of the twins (you may or may not need
more from there).

 Once you break the twins, Captain Marler will mention that they'll need to
stop you. Make sure Eliza and Crevenille get up there about the same time as
you'll be taking a lot of hits. However, with that many enemies gathered up
skills like CIRCLE STRIKE, and spells like BLIZZARD are GREAT!

 Have Remus follow up his small chore with healing duties or doing blizzard
with Frayne while the other two take on the mass of melee soldiers. Don't
forget to steal from Marler!

(-NOTE-) You can steal SPELL BARRIER from Capt. Marler.

 BONUS: +08

 CLEAR BONUS: 6100 RIL   900 EXP


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Alfonse will show up and tell you to pursue them. Heal up
and move past the bridge.

 If you need to heal, head to those RUINS by Lake Aida. Remember, they have
a bed in them where you can heal up at! You can save here as well!

 Now that that is done, head south. South of the big horizontal screen is a
big vertical screen, but be sure to BUFF UP before you head south at the end
of this screen as another mission is coming up!

 __  ____           _                _____ ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  // ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ /___/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/_____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M35 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: No idea!] 

 Defeat everyone!

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is a fun fight. No real surprises here. Marler is nearby, but
unless you are Superman you aren't going to reach him. Marler and the
mage are headed away anyways.

(-NOTE-) You CAN kill Marler with enough magic, and if you do you will get
 a high level ring (I got "Ruzar Prince", 9R 9Y 6R, 20HP 20MP 10ATK

 Go ahead and put up MAGIC DEF on everyone and DASH on Crevanille. Have
Crevanille rush out to the mass of melee and PIERCE STRIKE them (you should
be able to get four at a time!).

 Have Eliza Fierce Strike the two melee soldiers by the gate while Remus
uses Fierce Strike on the magicians to the south. Frayne should charge up
Level 2 Fire Arrows to take out the magicians to the west.

 After the Captain has left, Alfonse will show up! How's THAT for our
reinforcements! It's at this point that he will announce that killing off
35 troops should make them withdraw so we can have the area.

 From here, kill off any remaing soldiers while more enemy reinforcements
trickle in from the west and south. Since they are trickling in, it will be
easy to handle them!

 Once you have 35 kills, Bauer will come out and tell whoever is left to
get to the fort as the Captain is safe! He will of course recognize you
although Alfonse is AWFULLY tempted to fight the man who took down the
leader of the Death Wing Brigade:

 1. I say let them go.
 2. You're not going anywhere!
 3. .....

 Choose [1] here and let your old buddy go.

 BONUS: +07

 CLEAR BONUS: 6400 RIL   915 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: LUCK UP +3, Vito's Nostrum, DUPLICATE STONE, Analepticum,
 Secret Vulnerary, Nectar.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Alfonse will recommend heading to Trockmere to rest up and
to setup a Transgate, but as soon as you leave he'll collapse! Thankfully
Chris will show up to help him...

 I would recommmend heading north to the ruins again to heal up and save.

 After that, head south towards Trockmere but before you go through the
south screen, BUFF UP. We're about to fight another mission! Once you take
the plunge you will see an animated cutscene! Oh, pretty!

 Mission time!

 __  ____           _                _____ _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  // ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M36 \

 o Victory Conditions: Meline or Cynthia defeated.
 Magnus and Pamela escape.

 o Defeat Conditions: Magnus dies.
 Pamela dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: No idea!] 

 Defeat everyone!

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Once you start the battle, Magnus will tell you he plans to reach Trockmere:

 1. Leave this to us.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here to let them know you're here for them.

 Now, these beasts are pretty handy with magic and will often cast level 1
version of hit-all spells (earthquake, etc). They also regen over time,
recovering 55 HP. They SEEM to be very resistant to magic as well, so I would
recommend using physical attacks throughout this fight!

 Do your normal MAGIC DEF UP routine and give Crevanille and Eliza dash. Send
Crevanille to the north above Pamela right away and draw some of those monsters
away! Use Frayne and Eliza Fierce Strikes to kill the nearby monster while
having Remus work on the lower one.

 After that, have Eliza help Crev and Remus hit whatever he can. Frayne should,
after helping to kill the first monster, focus on HEALING Magnus and Pamela!
Number ONE priority. If they don't need healing, cast protect on them! Heck,
cast resist too! Make SURE they don't die.

 Once you get near Meline, she'll mention she doesn't want to fight you,
asking you to leave Pamela:

 1. Uh, no, thanks.
 2. You think this a game!?
 3. Sure, why not?

 Choose [1] here although it really won't stop anything. She seems to be
Vester's man through and through!

 [777 Note to Self: Try choosing 3?]

 Cynthia will make a note of you knowing Meline, but the fight is still on!
As Magnus gets close to Trockmere, Meline will summon more monsters! Have
Eliza and Crev focus on one of the sisters (I really don't think it matters)
and Magnus and Remus will take care of any new monsters while Frayne heals!

 Soon you will take out one of the sisters and the battle will be won!

(-NOTE-) You can steal a MEDITATION +3 from Cynthia. Meline has nothing,

 BONUS: +34

 CLEAR BONUS: 6500 RIL   920 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight,  head to the road intersection and you'll set up another
Transgate! Yes! Head to Trockmere now to check in on Pamela and Magnus on
the bridge.

 Pamela will mention that she feels like she should know who Vester is:

 1. He killed Dixon.
 2. He's spreading spells.
 3. No, not really.

 Pick [1] here to remind her and learn what else Vester has done.


 After that, head to the inn and rest up. You'll see a scene about Vallery
now as well...

(-NOTE-) If you've been flirting/talking to Frayne during vacations, head to
 the port in Trockmere. She will ask to paint here for a bit, so say
 "Yes" to let her.

 You'll get some dialog here too:

 1. It's all thanks to me!
 2. She pulled it all together herself.
 3. I offered a bit of a hand.

 I'd pick [2] here. Soon Frayne will be done!

 There are new items in the stores here as well:

 ________________________(   Trockmere Armor Shop   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Duel Guard          225 STR   37830 RIL
 Wind Mantle         148 STR   29080 RIL
 Saint's Dress       181 STR   37345 RIL
 Crescent Suit       132 STR   29585 RIL
 Premium Ribbon       80 STR   37102 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-

 7R All Up +2              5335 RIL       7Y ATW Reduction +3        4850 RIL
 7Y Regeneration +3        4850 RIL       7Y Theriaca                5335 RIL
 7R Mage Slaughter         4850 RIL       7R Overlord's Curse        4850 RIL
 7R Armor Killer           4850 RIL       7R Seal Circle Strike      4850 RIL
 7Y Sorcery Secrets        4850 RIL       7R Seal Pierce Strike      4850 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Sacred Elixir            1940 RIL
 Ambrosia                 3395 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Panacea                    43 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL
 Fairy Tear               1000 RIL
 Lethe Drop               1746 RIL
 Star Shard                776 RIL
 Alsiov's Bell            3395 RIL
 Time Rune                2000 RIL

 ~ LOTS of new stuff. Be sure to get the new spellstones if nothing else.
 Also note the Lethe Drops that are now common!

 Head down to the flooded section of town to meet Elena (if you changed
her fate earlier in the game, of course).

 1. Pretty good.
 2. A lot has been happening...
 3. Not bad. And for you?

 Soon you'll be asked what you've been up to:

 1. Fighting to defeat the Angels.
 2. We're fighting for Marquelay.
 3. We're fighting for peace.
 4. Fighting. We have no choice.

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [3]) and she'll compare herself to us,
coming to the decision that she will fight too:

 1. I like the sound of that!
 2. Oh, about Kate...
 3. Is that a challenge? You're on!
 4. You want to come with us?

 Pick [2] here to obtain [_ELENA'S REPORT_] and she will go. Brave girl!

 With the Transgate so nearby, head back to the villa and have Kate
examine it. As you can guess, that means new joint spells:

 Attack Up + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Attack)

 Protect + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Protect)

 Resist + Wind Edge

 --> Area Mind Spell (High Resist)

 Cycle Up + Wind Edge

 --> Area Physical Spell (High Cycle Up)

 She will also ask us to break into Fort Leinfaltz and search for
documents regarding the BLAST spell in its research lab. Fun!

 Ok, now let's go help Vallery out! Save/heal up and than use the
transgate to head to Ordinale. Head up a screen and you'll see him in

 Take this time to buff up and head north to help him out!

 __  ____           _                __________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  /__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ <  / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/ /_/      
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M37 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Vallery dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777 Note to self: No idea!] 

 Defeat everyone, make sure Vallery survives!

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight is ALL ABOUT making sure Vallery survives!

 Have Eliza and Crev rush towards the melee units in front of you (of course
have everyone use MAGIC DEF UP but I'd also put DASH on Crev and Eliza). Try
to get in some Circle Strikes if you can, otherwise do some Pierce Strikes to
at least open up a hole in the middle.

 Frayne should start casting LV 2 spells to take out the northern casters,
keeping a CLOSE EYE on Vallery's HP. Once you can, have Crev. dash past the
first set of foes (you'll have to manually move him) and have Remus and Eliza
clean up.

 Crevanille can go assist Vallery much faster this way. Remus and Eliza
should assist with spells (you can have Eliza assist in the melee department
if you wish). Be sure to keep Vallery healed and kill the northern casters
with spells and you've got this.

(-NOTE-) You can steal a THUNDER RESIST DOWN from the Valkanian Captain.

 BONUS: +19

 CLEAR BONUS: 5100 RIL   620 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, Duplicate Stone.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle talk to Vallery, who will tell you there's nowhere else
for him to go to:

 1. Join with us.
 2. ......
 3. Go wherever you want.

 Pick [1] here and aferwards you'll see:

 Success! Vallery's fate has been changed!


(-NOTE-) After the fight, you'll of course be able to use VALLERY in your
 party once more! Yeah. He also comes at a "A Dependable Friend"

 And, uh... for some reason Leona was at a "Let's Play Together"
 friend-rating... I'm really NOT sure what I did there to make
 her happy...

 Now that THAT is done, go back to the villa and heal up/save and head back
to Trockmere once you can. Before heading to any ruins, head south of
Trockmere to the PRISON.

 Defeat the guards in front for a [_PRISON KEY_] and enter. Defeat some
more guards and Frayne will run off. Run after her and soon she'll start to
spout off some forgetten memories!

 Watch the scenes until you have control again, then rest up. You'll see a
dream of your younger self with someone else... seems you hid Frayne's diary
once upon a time! Ha!

 1. Where was that place?
 2. I wouldn't think about it.
 3. Could that diary still be there?

 Pick [1] here for literally NO help. We'll have to remember this.

 After that heal up / save at Trockmere again and head north of Trockmere to
the place we had the Alfonse battle at. This time head west. Once you get to
the next screen head up and enter the ruins.

 You'll see a short scene of Alfonse falling back, with both Dulkheim and
Valkania advancing! Heh...

 In the ruins, Frayne will ask about your secrets:

 1. It seems so.
 2. Secrets? What secrets?
 3. You mean "our" secrets.

 Pick [3] here and continue.

 Since I *KNOW* you don't remember, head RIGHT on the first screen. Kill
whatever low level enemy is here and to the south you'll see the door from
your dream. Open it to get [_FRAYNE'S DIARY_]! Nice!

 1. I'm really sorry I hid it...
 2. Uh, aren't you happy we found it!?

 Pick [1] here and she'll be not only thankful but happy as well. After that
nead NORTH and then on the third screen haed LEFT. We're following the YELLOW
panes after all!

 Now you can SAVE if you wish. Head inside and go to the back room. Examine
the tube thing to the north and chant "Uriel" once you are able. You will soon
be granted the [_INTERDICTION ROD_] and the [_RESEARCH REPORT_]. You'll be
able to have Frayne read you a bunch of explinatory material as well!

 You'll then be visited by... Bryntir? Watch the scenes but BEFORE you head
out of the ruins, be sure to buff!

 Go ahead and watch the scenes that follow. Soon you'll face the angel Akyel:

 __  ____           _                _____ ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  /( __ )
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ __  |
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____/\____/     
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M38 \

 o Victory Conditions: Angel Akyel defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Angel Akyel escapes.
 Bryntir dies.
 All party members die.

 Defeat Akyel, have negative time.

 ??? [777: Have positive time, most likely.]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight IS rather tough, but I believe you are perpared.

 First of all, we NEED Bryntir to STRIKE Akyel. That's the only way the
barrier will fall and we can hurt him! Heck, we're lucky that we just got
him grounded!

 However, Akyel is no fool. He will try to flee RIGHT AWAY. That means that
we must STOP HIM from fleeing! He will try to get to the bottom of the
screen. Put DASH on Eliza and Crevanille and get them IN FRONT OF Akyel ASAP!
I actually only put that together at the last minute (which frankly explains
by negative battle time! Ooops!).

 In the meantime, Remus should work on buffing up Bryntir (Protect, ATK UP,
CYCLE UP, etc) while Frayne keeps everyone healed. Akyel hits HARD. He will
OFTEN use Circle Strike if you surround him, and HIS Circle Strike has an
added knockbak as well. If he's not doing that he is moving south! He also
heals every so often for 55 HP. And lastly he COUNTERS. A LOT. For very high

 Once Bryntir hits him though, his barrier will drop! At this point you
should have Eliza, Crevanille and Remus all Fierce Attack with Frayne casting
Cure 2's like crazy (I use Cure 2 because it is SO darn fast!). I would aslo
highly recommend that before attacking with anyone you have over 200 HP, as
you don't want one of those counter attacks to KILL you!

 Once you fell the Angel, you will recieve [_AKYEL'S MEMORY GEM_] as well
as the [_RIGHT HALF_]. Congrats, you've done it!

(-NOTE-) You can steal a INTELLIGENCE GROWTH UP EX from Akyel.

 BONUS: -02

 CLEAR BONUS: 7000 RIL   985 EXP


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight Bryntir will collapse and tell Crevanille that stopping
summoning spells is left up to him. You'll gain [_BRYNTIR'S PENDANT_] here
as well before he drops one last bombshell on you. 


 __      __                 ___       _____            
 \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                      Chapter 5: For the Future!                      >==O

 Soon you'll see that Valkania has developed its own spellcannon... and how
they use it! Yikes!

 With Bryntir buried, the group will hear the spellcannon:

 1. We need to figure this out.
 2. Let's examine Akyel's gem.
 3. We should head back.

 Choose [2] here. Once you have control, examine the red sparkle on the
ground for the [_INTERDICTION ROD_]. Exit to the south and then to the east
and you'll see another scene between Ludwig and Cargill.

 From here, head to Trockmere to heal up and save.

 At Trockmere you'll run into Pamela on the bridge again. The group will
tell her what happened:

 1. We still have a problem.
 2. We sacrificed much to do it.
 3. It was nothing.

 Choose [1] here and she'll assess the situation:

 1. Any idea what that's about?
 2. You don't seem surprised.

 Choose [1] again and she'll say the documents we gave her helped. Magnus
is at Aida bridge right now trying to talk to Diana as well. Interesting.
Heal up and save, then head north to the junction.

 Here you will see a woman being attacked!

 1. Let's go save her!
 2. Forget about her.
 3. I hope she gets eaten alive!

 If you're a decent person, you'll pick [1], leading to a new mission!

 __  ____           _                _____ ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     |__  // __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \     /_ </ /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /   ___/ /\__, /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/   /____//____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M39 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Woman dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: Have negative time?.]

 Kill all monsters, woman survives.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Compared to the last fight, this one is cake. It's pretty much your team
verseus two trolls after all. No big deal. Put Dash on Crevanille and Eliza
while Frayne (or whoever) uses FIRE and Remus attacks.

 You'll have them dead in NO time.

 BONUS: +36

 CLEAR BONUS: 1000 RIL   300 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Afterwards, talk to the "woman" and you'll see why I put that in quotations.


 1. *close your eyes*
 2. ... What's your name?
 3. *avert your eyes*
 4. *shudder*
 5. *stare in fascination*

 Pick what you want here (I picked [4]) and, well... you can't unsee that!
He will mention that they are trying to evade Vester after all:

 1. Magnus, look in a mirror!
 2. I'm gonna be sick...
 3. *stare in rapturous passion* (grayed out)
 4. ....

 Choose what you wish again ([2] for me) and Magnus will state he's off to
see Diana dressed like that:

 1. He'll be fine on his own.
 2. He... might need some help.

 Pick [2] here and head north with Magnus. He'll stop you on the next screen
and say he can't have too many people:

 1. I'll go with you.
 2. May I escort you, my lady? (grayed out)
 3. *sit and watch*

 Pick [1] here and you'll head off with Magnus. Soon you'll meet up with
Silverneil who will take GREAT offense on how Magnus is dressed...

 1. Dame Silverneil, please calm down.
 2. Magnus, nice knowing you.
 3. Don't hurt her! (grayed out)

 Choose [1] here and she'll calm down. After hearing the situation, she will
grant us safe passage, asking us how we put up with him:

 1. He's just an acquaintance.
 2. He's never boring.
 3. I hang out with all kinds of weirdos.
 4. Who is this, and where's my lady!?

 Choose [2] here and she'll agree. She'll also say that we should part:

 1. You're right. Let's not be friends.
 2. I don't want to fight you.

 Pick [2] here and she'll make a cold comment and leave. Magnus thinks she
likes you though! Heh!

 Once you are re-united with your party, head back to Trockmere and talk
to Pamela. She'll make a comment about how Magnus dressed up:

 1. I kind of liked you that way.
 2. So, that was Pamela's idea?
 3. You're weird.

 Pick what you wish (I picked [2]) and they'll head off to Valkania.

 Heal up and save again.

 With all that done, head back to the villa. Once you do you will report
what happened to all of the other party members. After that, head over to
Maggie and use the 'Akyel's Memory Gem' near her to hand it to her. She will
mention that she needs some sort of "Projection Device" in order to actually
VIEW the memories, while Remus reminds us that it is likely at Fort Leinfaltz
when Lumis last had it.

 To Fort Leinfaltz! Head to the home transgate and teleport over to
Trockmere. There will be new enemies in the area, by the way!


 LV 39 Valbug
 LV 40 Werepanther
 LV 39 Sting Balloon
 LV 40 Dayum

 As you head north from the transgate,  you'll see Vester in Marquelia,
convincing Alice to let him teach their magic users summoning spells...
You will also see Tricia leaving you a message on a specific tree!

 Continue north to the junction screen and head WEST now. Continue heading
west at this new screen and instead of being stopped by Dulkheim soldiers
like you would have in the past, you can now move on to the next screen.

 As you continue, you will reach another junction in the road. This is one
we saw a lot near the beginning of the game, but you may not remember it that
well. Head SOUTH towards Saudrick first.

 Once you get near Saudrick, your fairy will ask if you wish to set up a
Transgate. Go ahead and do so to get another easy warp point! Sweet!
Saudrick has an upgraded store here as well:

 _______________________(   Saudrick General Store   )________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Duel Guard          225 STR   37830 RIL
 Wind Mantle         148 STR   29080 RIL
 Saint's Dress       181 STR   37345 RIL
 Crescent Suit       132 STR   29585 RIL
 Premium Ribbon       80 STR   37102 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-

 7G Vampire EX             5335 RIL       8Y Meditation +3           8730 RIL
 7R Thorned Power          5044 RIL       8Y MP Cost Down EX         8730 RIL
 8R Expert's Ordeal        8730 RIL       8R Magic Shield EX         8730 RIL
 8Y Petrify Attack         9700 RIL       8Y Luck Up +3              9700 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Sacred Elixir            1940 RIL
 Ambrosia                 3395 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Panacea                    43 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL
 Fairy Tear               1000 RIL
 Lethe Drop               1746 RIL
 Star Shard                776 RIL
 Alsiov's Bell            3395 RIL
 Time Rune                2000 RIL

 ~ Some new spellstones can be bought here (if you didn't get them as drops
 along the way that is). This shop is mostly just a re-hash of previous
 shops though.

 While you are in Saudrick, head to the Inn. Here you will find a chef. Talk
to him and he'll state he has nowhere to work and cook his Dulkheim Cuisine:

 1. Come work for us in Boomtown!
 2. Good luck with that.

 Pick [1] to hire him on! 

 After that you can talk to the man in green once more at the top of the
city for another job (just select "All right, we'll help."). This sidequest
is EXACTLY THE SAME as it was before, just with higher level monsters, so I
will not be covering it. Doing it, however, will net you a [_RUBY_] as a
reward at the end though.

 OK, on to Fort Leinfaltz. Head north of the road junction and soon you'll
be at the fort. First things first, go to the tree you saw Tricia carving on
and inspect it (the first tree out of the right gate):

 1. It's Tricia's code.
 2. Meh. It's probably nothing.

 Pick [1] here and after that pick "*leave a reply*"  to get some choices:

 1. "We'll always be friends."
 2. "I hope you're safe, too."
 3. "Don't forget we're enemies."

 Pick [1] again and your fairy will agree.

 From here, head to the spell research room. The [_PROJECTOR_] will be on the
back table, to the left. You can also find the [_BLAST RESEARCH_] by examining
the RIGHT bookcase. Be sure to examine the lab coats for another goody: the
[_FAMILIAR COSTUME E_]. That's all we're getting here. Before you leave your
fairy will note that she detects people outside and to get ready. That means
it is time to BUFF UP!

 __  ____           _                __ __  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / / __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/ /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/  \____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M40 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Have negative time?.]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 A fairly easy fight. Sure, we're surrounded, but we've fought much
tougher battles before now.

 Start out by having everyone use MAGIC DEF UP. After that, have Crevanille
and Eliza use a very specific strategy: MANUALLY move them towards the melee
units. Note that THREE units come up from below and THREE come from the right.
This means you can send Crevanille south, stopping BEFORE he would engage the
enemy, and have him use a CIRCLE STRIKE KNACK to hit all three of them! You
can do the same with the right units and Eliza.

 Frayne should charge up some simple LV 2 spells to kill the southern healer
before he can heal ANYONE (which shouldn't be hard) while Remus can focus on
picking off the archers to the right or helping out with the melee attackers.
After a few circle strikes you will take down the melee attacks and from
there you can focus on the captain (send SOMEONE down with DASH to the magic
user area and wipe them out with Frayne and Remus casting spells).

 In the end this is a rather easy fight that should pose no problems for you.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 5800 RIL from Captain Marler.

 BONUS: +36

 CLEAR BONUS: 7250 RIL   1000 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, 2750 RIL, Time Rune.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Time to get out of here. Head south and you'll see a scene with Lumis and
another with Meline and Cynthia. Interesting. From here, head back to either
Saudrick or Trockmere and save and heal up.

 Now, wherever you're at you have a transgate nearby. This may sound weird,
but BUFF UP then use the transgate and go to the home gate. Once you do, you
will see MELINE in trouble. Time to help her out:

 __  ____           _                __ __ ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // /<  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/ /_/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M41 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Have negative time?.]

 Kill all enemies, save Meline.

 Meline dies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This is an entertaining fight.

 Our first and foremost concern should be the LICH enemies. They are in the
habit of casting CYCLE DOWN which is annoying as all get out. At least you are
buffed coming into this. A HOLY 2 should do each of them in and I'd recommend
setting Frayne and Remus to that task immediately. After that, have them --
and this is important -- spend their time casting ICE BARRAGE on the Peteite
Dragons while making sure MELINE is staying healed. The Death Wing Leader can
put a HURTING on her like no one's business!

 In the meantime, Crevanille and Eliza should put on Dash and get to work
slicing their way to Meline. The giants are going to be a BIG pain obviously,
so use Fierce Strike on them. If Frayne or Remus have nothing to do have them
cast Holy of Fire Arrow to help out.

 When you get near Meline, she will comment on you coming for her:

 1. Naturally.
 2. I was fine with your death.

 Go ahead and pick [1] and continue the fight.

 The Undead Knights should be taken out next. Use MELLE ATTACKS on them as
they often nullify spells. By now, Meline has likely made her way NORTH like
she'll try to do every time. You should try and get a party member between
the Death Wing Leader and her to ensure she doesn't die and then unload on
him. Be sure to steal as well!

 The leader will often use PIERCE ATTACK, so try to space your melee units
out. Frayne and Remus can just heal and cast Fire Arrow. Soon he will go
down, epecially if you have a beefy Crevanille and use BERSERK.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 5800 RIL / DANDY BOOK from the Death Wing Brigade

 BONUS: +21

 CLEAR BONUS: 8000 RIL   1050 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, 3750 RIL, Vito's Nostrum.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle go talk to Meline. She'll explain her usefullness is at
an end and will eventually ask you to take her in:

 1. How could I say no to you?
 2. No. I don't trust you.

 Obviously choose [1] if you want her in your party. Afterwards, she will
collapse. The party will take her to her room and she'll wake up, wondering
what she is doing in a bed:

 1. Are you okay?
 2. *pat her head*
 3. ......

 Choose [1] here and you'll learn there's something really wrong with her
head. Frayne will also come in and note that Maggie is currently gone. Ugh.

 Exit the room and head down a level. Here, enter Kate's room and give her
the 'BLAST RESEARCH' report we got from the fort. With it and some time, she
can create the BLAST spellstone.

 With Maggie out, it's time to take our next vacation. Sydney is waiting for
you downstairs to start it.

 V A C A T I O N   6

(-NOTE-) BEFORE you go on vacation, if you've done the Eliza string of
 quests involving her doing jobs for money, Levan will come up and
 tell her she has a job in Marquelia tomorrow. Just FYI. This event
 will take ONE WHOLE DAY.

(-NOTE-) Your vacations are now THREE days long.


 You can talk to Sydney to learn about the bird and how it may have trouble
migrating. It will also look up to you:

 1. *gently pat her head*
 2. *stare at her creepily*
 3. *caress her soft, supple feathers*

 Well, [1] is the only non creepy choice. Sydney will be concerned about
food still though.

 You can head up to MELINE'S room to check on her. She'll be a little uppity

 1. How are you feeling?
 2. You don't need to be rude.
 3. I can't rely on you.

 Choose [1] here and she'll want to be left alone. Once you leave, your
fairy will wonder if we can cheer her up. Head down to the bottom floor and
talk to Levan (this happens automatically) for a [_TROPICAL FRUIT_], like
the one we shared with Meline before.

 Head back up to her room and use it (it's a KEY ITEM) near her:

 1. Let's have some together.
 2. It's all for you.

 Pick [1] here and Meline will share that she's lost her taste. She'll also
share how different things have been and the dreams:

 1. *encourage her*
 2. *hold her hand*
 3. *pat her head*

 Pick [2] and she'll blush. Hmm, what a predicament...

 To talk with LEONA, head up to her room.

 Here you'll see a scene of Eliza coming by with catnip! Heh. As funny as it
is (and as much as Leona seems to like it) she's upset that people are treating
her like a pet and asks if that's what we think of her as:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Pick [2] here and she'll be happy and head out. Your fairy will ask you to
talk to everyone about this as well:

 1. Yes
 2. No

 Pick [1] and your fairy will gather everyone up. Leona will come to but
Frayne will start in on the cat stuff:

 1. Stop it, Frayne.
 2. Don't treat her like that.
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and your familiar will explain everything. The party will
soon understand:

 1. Well, Leona...?
 2. Leona is one of us.
 3. What do you think, Raimy?

 Pick [2] again and soon everyone will leave to go shopping. Leona will come
back and talk about how she's going to call you "Master" from now on.  Yeah...

 On a SECOND day, you can talk to Leona outside the villa by a flower. You
will learn that a young boy called MERRICK in Ordinale sold Levan that flower,
and that it is likely Leona's bigger brother.

 Take VALLERY to the Art Museum to have him comment on if you need refined
tastse to enjoy art:

 1. Yeah.
 2. Not really.

 Pick [2] here. He'll give the place a try since he doesn't want you to
think of him as a 'meathead'. Your familiar will make him question you on
this choice of wording:

 1. It's fitting.
 2. It wasn't fitting.

 Pick [2] again and he'll be glad.

 Take VALLERY to the Theater and afterwards he'll say it confused him:

 1. I understood it.
 2. It was kind of confusing.

 Chose [2] here to make him feel better.

 Talk to FRAYNE to have her thank you for being there for her in the
past. She'll talk about starting over without her memories:

 1. It's not too late for that.
 2. You can always start fresh.
 3. What'll you do from here?

 Pick [1] here and she'll point out what she doesn't have:

 1. Fill in the blanks with new memories.
 2. You've got us.
 3. Just be happy with the way things are.

 Pick [2] here and she'll be happy. From here you can take her somewhere if
you wish.

 On a SECOND day, you can talk to Frayne about her painting the legendary
Sylm, another request she got it:

 1. It's up to you.
 2. A Sylm, huh? I'll go find you one!
 3. Probably best to turn it down.

 Choose [2] here and we'll need to find a Sylm at some point.

(-NOTE-) At the END of any day that you talked to Sydney, your familiar will
 head out for the night. Follow her and watch the scenes that follow.
 The next morning you'll see a funny scene when you get near Sydney!


 If you're doing the Eliza job, she'll come get you in the morning and
ask if you remember where Levan was tutoring. Select "Yes" (just as a recap
its the first house near the pier).

 Head to the house and you'll learn that their pet PIG is missing! After
the owner explains, Eliza will ask for your take on all this:

 1. It's a pignapping!
 2. She escaped.
 3. I bet she ate her...

 Pick [1] here and Eliza will agree and head off to the entrance to question
people. She'll also explain how we're doing this. First of all, there is a
TIME LIMIT. She advises we should question a lot of people.

 There are of course a LOT of people we can talk to but the people I would
recommend talking to are:

 The man up on the ledge.

 The man by the inn.

 The fisherman by the pier.

 The old man by the pier.

 The left soldier by the castle.

 The fruit stand girl.

 After doing all that, Eliza will ask if you've figured it out yet:

 1. It's the fisherman.
 2. It's the old man.
 3. It's the man outside the inn.
 4. It's... No, I got nothin'.

 Pick [3] and she'll agree, as "never having seen a pig" is pretty suspicious
if it takes walks every day! After that, pick "We should check the inn". Head
to the inn and talk to the inn keeper. Eliza will convince him to check the
man's room for the pig and shortly after he'll come out and confirm it. Head
back out and confront the man. In the end you have a decision to make:

 1. We can overlook this, I think...
 2. We're taking you in!

 Choose [1] if you're feeling nice and report back to the client. Watch the
cute scenes with Eliza afterwards and how she pays you back (mmm-hmm!):

 1. This is more than enough.
 2. Hurry up with that.

 Pick [1] if you like the payment and soon you'll head home.

(-NOTE-) Doing this made Eliza go from "Might be reliable?" to "Bound by
 destiny" on my friend radar!

 Talking to ELIZA outside of the job will result in a good chat.

 Talking to REMUS after the Alice incident will result in a good chat.

 Talking to LEONA will result in a good chat.

 Talk to Hein for some of the previous conversations I never chose to have:

 Talk to HEIN to talk about the dirty tricks people do to defeat you:

 1. Hm. That's interesting, actually.
 2. Sounds awfully dirty.
 3. I'll be sure to watch out.

 Pick [1] here to discuss it a bit more.

(-NOTE-) THIS topic only comes up AFTER the "Dirty Tricks" topic.

 You can talk to HIEN again to learn about how he learned about the sword
and his way of training:

 1. That's a... unique way to learn.
 2. Your dedication is impressive.
 3. How pointless.

 Pick [1] here to get an explination and then you can invite him to a number
of places as usual.

 Talk to Vallery who will wonder what he will do as he won't "always be
together with us".

 1. You'll figure it out.
 2. You're our friend.
 3. It's your choice.

 Pick [2] here and he'll wander off, upset about his betrayals.

 That night, he will come to your room and ask you what you are fighting for:

 1. World peace.
 2. Justice.
 3. Just because.
 4. I'm protecting others.

 Pick [4] here and he'll head off.

 On the LAST DAY of vacation, your familiar will wake you up as there is a
strange noise downstairs. Say "Yeah, we better" to go investigate it. You
will find Meline talking to someone by the door (note that this only happens
if you talk to Meline during your vacation):

 1. What's going on here!?
 2. Everyone go to sleep!
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and she'll run off.

 You can also talk to Maggie while you're down here:

 1. You got back late. I was worried.
 2. I thought you were a thief.

 Pick [1] here to learn she was at the village for quite awhile and how much
she is tied to the place:

 1. Aren't you lonely?
 2. .....

 Pick [1] again and she'll explain herself. After all of that head to bed
as you can't give her the projector and Meline will be in her room.

(-NOTE-) For MY vacation, I chose to go to MARQUELIA with Eliza on the first
 day and do her job. That took all day...

 For my second day I spent time with Leona (the pet event), then with
 Meline (the fruit event), and finally with Frayne (for the memory

 For my third day I talked with Leona (the flower event), Frayne
 (the Sylm event) and Sydney (the familiar bird food event).

 V A C A T I O N   6   E N D !

 After the vacation is over, you'll see a scene of Tricia seeing your
message. It's even got it's own special art! Cool!

 After you have control, go visit Maggie and give her the PROJECTOR. You
will need to wait a day before she has it ready though. In the meantime let's
get some personal stuff done:

(-NOTE-) I believe I messed up earlier in the guide, as I went to the INN
 in SUNSAIL and talked to the man on the left and got a pretty
 important item: the [_URIEL'S MEMORY GEM_] as well as the [_ANGEL'S
 LETTER_]. I recommend being sure you go pick it up. You can do it
 while doing the D-RM quest as well, if you have it. Anyways, since
 Maggie is fixing the projector I DO NOT THINK I messed anything up
 for y'all.  

(-NOTE-) The stuff below is OPTIONAL! Only do it if you care about the
 people involved!


 Head to Ordinale. Talk to the item shop guy and the option "Information on
 Merrick" will show up. He'll end up telling you that Merrick is at the
 abandoned village (where Maggie used to live).

 Head there and enjoy the reunion. Merrick will end up collapsing and needs
 the bulb that was stolen from him in Ordinale. We have to go get it and come
 back. Our only real clue is the man had silver hair. The man you want is to
 the left of the inn and will be surprised Leona talks:

 1. She learns quickly.
 2. It's not going well.
 3. You shut your yap!

 Pick [3] of course and he'll give back the [_OBRION BULB_]. With it in
 hand, head back to the abandoned village. Use the bulb when you are near
 Merrick and Leona will take care of him:

 Success! Merrick's fate has been changed!

 During the night, Leona will ask if you like her:

 1. Yes, I really do.
 2. I haven't thought about it.

 Pick [1] here and she'll give you the proof of your bond. Ameowzing!
 (Sorry, I couldn't help it). The next morning, Merrick will tell you about
 ACORNS, which you can find RIGHT OUTSIDE of the ruined village. Basically,
 to CONTINUE getting LEONA to like you, give her acorns after missions and
 when she does something good.


 Head to SUNSAIL and talk to the man in the INN about birds. Ask him what
 they eat and how to raise them for some good info! We'll have info to tell
 Sydney now.


 After that optional stuff, head back to your villa and sleep. You'll see a
scene with Vester and during the night Meline will come in:

 1. What are you talking about?
 2. Uh, are you okay, Meline?
 3. *hold her hands*

 Pick [3] here and soon she'll fall down. After that, someone will break into
the villa! Your party will soon join you while Levan looks after Meline.
Before going downstairs, BUFF UP and get ready for a fight!

 __  ____           _                __ __ ___
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // /|__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /___/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/ __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/ /____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M42 \

 o Victory Conditions: Regina defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Maggie dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: Have negative time? Just defeat Regina?]

 Kill all enemies, defeat Regina.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 An interesting fight! It seems Regina has no more use for us!

 Well, this fight isn't THAT hard with a well prepared team. The most
annoying part of it is, once again, those damn LICH enemies who LOVE to
cast HIGH CYCLE DOWN. Have Remus and Frayne Holy 2 them, but even with
Cycle UP we will likely have most of the party slowed! You can dedicate
Frayne to hurrying everyone up for the rest of the fight though.

 Have Crevanille Fierce Attack his way to the Titan / Regina. Take note that
Regina's goal is to GET TO MAGGIE and she will take her time! You should use
DASH and Fierce Strike your way to her. Eliza (or Leona, in my case, as I've
now changed out party members) should head south and take out THAT enemy and
play mop up with the Undead Knight while Crevanille chases Regina down.

 Remus is actually a VERY useful spell caster in this fight. Use MAGIC UP and
HOLY 2 to take big chunks out of the Titan, which will help Crevanille reach
Regina in time. Frayne can help as well. Be sure to steal from Regina as well
when you have the chance.

 Overall an easy fight.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 3750 RIL from the Titan.

(-NOTE-) You can steal a DANDY BOOK from Regina.

 BONUS: +24

 CLEAR BONUS: 8800 RIL   1100 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, 3750 RIL, Wisdom Appel, Lucky Symbol.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, Regina will do a little explaining and HOLY CRAP LOOK

 You've taken too long though and Regine will annouce that "she is back under
my control":

 1. Who are you!?
 2. You're not Regina, are you?
 3. Let's remove what's controlling her!
 4. Tch, y-you monster... (grayed out).
 5. ......

 Pick what you wish here ([1] for me) and the thing will tell you what it
did to Regina. Makes a lot of sense now, huh? Maggie will warn you about
taking pity on it and tell you to gather everyone together.

 Once everyone is together, Maggie will play Akyel's memory gem. You will
get QUITE the history lesson here and a lot of stuff will make sense now.
About time, huh? Afterwards, your party will join you.

 Now, before you do ANYTHING, go to the projector and BROWSE the info it
has. Specifically the Access Psyche portion to teach Raimy (or your familiar)
a thing or two:



 You can also use the URIEL'S MEMORY on the device, through the menu. Very
easy to do, but much shorter than Akyel's. Afterwards the group will talk
about what they must do:

 1. We have to kill all summoners.
 2. We have to stop all spell usage.
 3. We'll erase both summoners and spells.
 4. I don't know what to do... (grayed out).

 Pick [3] here and the party will agree. Frayne will be hesitant about
this though:

 1. A small sacrifice to save the world.
 2. It'll hurt, but we don't have a choice.
 3. I'm really hesitant about this...

 Choose what you wish (I picked [3]) and Remus will end up talking to
Maggie about what to do next. The group will then decide destroying the
spellcannon is a good first step. Maggie will work on making us a spell
device as well.

 Once you have control, give Maggie the ANGEL'S LETTER. She'll work on
translating it. Try to leave and Eliza will ask you to go see Meline:

 1. Yes, of course.
 2. We're kinda busy here.

 Pick [1], of course! Head up to Meline's room and you'll see the doctor
is kinda stumped by her condition. Eck...

 With all of that done, head to your room and save/rest up. Soon you'll be
at the summoning ritual that your familiar told you of. You will of course
have to explain your intrusion:

 1. Monsters will invade from another world!
 2. Angels were killing summoners to save us!
 3. They're causing more monsters to appear!
 4. They doomed the Angels' future!

 Pick [3] here as its the most fitting (I don't think it matters what you
choose) and Vester will be annoyed:

 1. You'll pay for Dixon's death!
 2. What do you want, Vester?
 3. It's time to end this!
 4. *stare angrily*

 Pick [1] here and then Vester will escape. The party will fill in Alicia
on what's going on. Chris will be here as well:

 1. We have to do this, no matter what.
 2. It would be easier with your help.
 3. I guess it may be impossible...

 Pick [2] here and Alicia and Christopher will agree to help.

 Head outside to find it is now morning. On your way back to the villa be
sure to BUFF UP before leaving town. Why? Well, you'll see Pamela and Magnus
being attacked outside. Magnus will ask for assistance as well:

 1. We got this.
 2. ......
 3. I wish you luck!

 Pick [1] to help and get ready for a mission!

 __  ____           _                __ __ _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // /|__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_ /_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/__/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/ /____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M43 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Magnus dies.
 Pamela dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: Have negative time?]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight is significantly tougher than previous fights.

 The MAIN reason why it is so hard is because Magnus and Pamela are SO damn
squishy. The Death Wing leader IS exceedingly strong, to be fair. He can put
up 200+ damage per attack while the undead knights surrounding him can do 100+
if the mood strikes them, making Magnus's position a VERY precarious one.

 Start out the fight with Frayne and Crev. casting Holy on the Lich enemies.
Have Remus casting HEAL as Magnus is GOING to need it. Frayne AND Remus should
be on HEAL duty, but can also throw out some Ice Barrages here and there to
take out the Petite Dragons.

 While the healing is taken care of (use HEAL with Frayne, not Cure), put
Dash on Crevanille and Leona and have them go take out the close Undead
Knights. When one is dead (gang up on one), send Crevanille north to help
out Magnus and have Leona kill the other lower one. Pamela will be WELL out
of harm's way by the time this happens, and if Leona finishes keep her NEAR

 As Pamela retreats, the Death Wing Leader will call out his reinforcements:
THREE Lesser Demons! There is one near the villa and two near where Pamela
will show up! Oooo, how dirty! When they appear, dedicate Frayne to healing
and use REMUS Fierce Strikes and Leona to take them out.

 Keep Pamela and Magnus healed at all times and with all this knowledge you
just learned, you'll be OK.

(-NOTE-) You can steal a Vito's Nostrum from the Death Wing Leader.

 BONUS: +28

 CLEAR BONUS: 9000 RIL   1150 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x2, Vito's Nostrum.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, they'll thank you for helping them out again:

 1. Just doing the right thing.
 2. We won't help you again.
 3. Anything for Pamela!

 Pick [1] here and they'll say they ran all the way from Valkania:

 1. That's crazy. Why?
 2. Why not join up with us?

 Here pick [2] and she'll agree. She'll mostly want to see Maggie, but asks
to stay wherever you are:

 1. Sounds good to me.
 2. ....

 Pick [1] and now you have Pamela at your place! Nice!

 Watch the scenes that follow as Pamela and Maggie talk about Meline. Quite
revealing stuff, actually. Everything just get's more complicated! Soon you'll
be in Meline's room while Meline admits what happened:

 1. "Spy"? What do you mean?
 2. I can't believe it.

 Pick [1] here and she'll ask if you're upset:

 1. I'm just so angry!
 2. No, I'm not.

 Pick [2] here and she'll have a fit as you get close. Pamela will wonder what
you have that could be affecting her. Go into your inventory and hand her the

(-NOTE-) I'm FAIRLY sure this is what you need to do. If not, let me know!

 Afterwards, you'll be told to wait in the hall. Out here the party will
discuss Vester and what he did to Meline:

 1. Poor Meline.
 2. I'll never forgive Vester.
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and after some time Pamela and Maggie will come out. Pamela
will ask you if you remember the outer gate spell explination:

 1. Yes, fully.
 2. Well, uh...

 Pick whatever you remember (I admit, I had to pick [2]) and they'll explain
that if you can close the gate, Meline MAY return to how she was before:

 1. How can we close the gate?
 2. I don't know about this...

 Pick [1] here and they'll tell you that the familiar skill "Access Psyche"
has the ability and will ask your familiar if she has it. Now, are you up
to it?

 1. Of course.
 2. I'll do my best.
 3. Not quite yet.

 Pick 1 or 2 and Maggie will ask you to come see her before you continue.
Head down to the lab and she'll give you the [_CROSS STONE_], an item that
is important to Meline and Cynthia. Head back up to Meline's room and tell
Pamela that you are "Ready". Some explinations will take place, and soon
you'll be in Meline's Psyche.

 Follow Meline as she picks flowers, completely oblivous of the ruins:

 1. I don't think so.
 2. She doesn't want to...
 3. Never mind that. Let's follow.

 Pick [1] here and follow her into her house. Soon you need to talk to her:

 1. Stop this.
 2. Let's go home, Meline.
 3. I'm Crevanille.

 Pick [2] here and afterwards use the RIGHT HALF to make Meline's "parents"
show their true form: Vester clones! We'll have to fight here!

 This fight is done in a MISSION format, but isn't very big or complicated
at all. It's basically you versues two Vester Illusions. You should be able
to win easily, but I would at least recommend putting DODGE on one of the
enemies while attacking the other.

 Afterwards, watch the scene and soon Meline will be telling you to give it
all back (can't blame her):

 1. Calm down.
 2. I can't.
 3. It was Vester's doing.

 Pick [3] here and she'll of course be reluctant since she knows "nobody":

 1. You have a new home now.
 2. There are people waiting for you.
 3. Do you consider me "nobody"?

 Pick [3] again and after that, head over to her and use the CROSS STONE
item. She'll learn Maggie and Pamela are alive:

 1. That's right.
 2. I'm one of them, too.

 Pick [2] here and she'll agree to go back, to thank Maggie:

 1. That's a good idea.
 2. What about me?

 Pick [1] now and soon you'll be on the verge of waking up. Meline will
want you to wait:

 1. I'll be waiting for you.
 2. *smile*

 Chose what you wish (I picked [1]) and soon you'll be back in reality.
Frayne will ask if you did it:

 1. Obviously.
 2. We did.

 Pick [2] (be nice!) and Meline will soon wake up. Everything will be okay
until Crevanille collapses. Yikes! You'll learn that all the ruin children's
angelic essences will be in Crevanille. Soon everyone will leave but Meline,
who's wondering if you're in pain:

 1. It's excruciating...
 2. I'm okay now.
 3. Don't worry about me.

 Pick [2] here and soon she'll thank you for saving her:

 1. It was my pleasure.
 2. You're welcome.
 3. Enough with that nonsense.

 Pick [1] here and you'll rest up soon. You'll also get an update on the
war and what Vester is up to.

 After you wake up, your familiar will tell you to hurry downstairs as a
messenger has shown up. Maggie will give you a [_SPELL DETECTOR_] as you
come downstairs as well. Go ahead and use it to learn the spellcannon is
at Fort Baltrick and Maggie will tell you you need the Spell Nullifier, so be
on the lookout for more info.

 After that, Magnus will come ask to join us. You can ask him about this
Otter guy now:

 1. Why are you after him?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] and you'll learn Otter beat him once, killing a ward of his and
ALMOST killing Magnus. Will you have him:

 1. I welcome a man of your skill!
 2. We don't need you.

 Pick [1] again to earn MAGNUS as a party member!

 You can also talk to Pamela, in Maggies lab for some new dialog. She'll
be amazed that you saved Meline:

 1. We saved her with your help.
 2. It was nothing.
 3. She was just so darned cute!

 Pick [1] here and after that talk to Kate nearby. She'll let you know that
with Pamela's help, the blast spellstone is ready and she will give you the
[_MATERIA MASTER_]. We can learn blast now, along with some new combo's!

 Fire (Fire Arrow) + Physical (Blast)

 --> Area Physical Spell (Meteor)

 Ice (Ice Barrage) + Physical (Blast)

 --> Area Lightning Spell (Thunder Storm)

 Earth (Sand Shot) + Physical (Blast)

 --> Area Earth Spell (Earthquake)

 Wind (Wind Edge) + Physical (Blast)

 --> Area Wind Spell (Tornado)

 When you're ready, save up and head to the castle. In short, Alice and
Chris will ask you to take out the spellcannon to not only save Alphonse but
Ordinale as well:

 1. Let's blow something up, yeah!
 2. Uhhh, sounds kinda dangerous...
 3. Where's the fort again?

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [3]) and you'll learn Fort Baltrick is
north of Kaufman Waterfall. I suppose we have our next mission.

 Head to Kaufman Waterfall and head north. It's a rather long journey with
an assortment of monsters and soldiers you've all fought before, but it is
VERY linear along the way. You'l know you've arrived when the road has a
split in it with a sign. Head EAST first to Rebrant and your familiar will
set up a TRANSGATE! Yes!

 We may as well visit Rebrant now. The first screen doesn't have much to it,
but there is in inn (Save/Heal now). Also, by the archer, you can check the
boxes for an [_ELIXIER VITAE_]. The second screen has an item and armor shop
in it for you:

 _______________________(   Rebrant General Store   )_________________________

 -$-   Armor   -$-

 Brave Guard         249 STR   47320 RIL
 Enhanced Garg       167 STR   39130 RIL
 Mermaid Dress       201 STR   47138 RIL
 Adaptive Suit       143 STR   38766 RIL
 Infinity Ribbon      88 STR   46501 RIL

 -$-   Spellstones   -$-

 7G Vampire EX             5335 RIL       8R Alviss's Memory         8190 RIL
 7R Thorned Power          5044 RIL       8G Fire Resist Down        8190 RIL
 8R Expert's Ordeal        8730 RIL       8G Wind Resist Down        8190 RIL
 8Y Petrify Attack         9700 RIL       8G Thunder Resist Down     8190 RIL
 8Y Meditation +3          8730 RIL       8G Ice Resist Down         8190 RIL
 8Y MP Cost Down EX        8730 RIL       8G Earth Resist Down       8190 RIL
 8R Magic Shield EX        8730 RIL       8G Holy Resist Down        8190 RIL
 8Y Luck Up +3             9700 RIL       8G Mind Resist Down        8190 RIL
 8R Balance Breaker EX     8645 RIL       8G Phys Resist Down        8190 RIL
 8R Interceptor            8645 RIL       8G ARP Up                 10010 RIL

 -$-   Goods   -$-
 Secret Vulnerary          200 RIL
 Sacred Elixir            1940 RIL
 Ambrosia                 3395 RIL
 Antidote Herb               6 RIL
 Analepticum                14 RIL
 Panacea                    43 RIL
 Nectar                    350 RIL
 Fairy Tear               1000 RIL
 Lethe Drop               1746 RIL
 Star Shard                776 RIL
 Alsiov's Bell            3395 RIL
 Time Rune                2000 RIL

 ~ New spellstones and new armor. Very expensive though!

 That's really all there is to do in town. The east side of town is blocked
due to Marquelian troops holding off Valkania.

 Time to do what we came here for. Exit the city and head for Mt. Baltrick.
You'll see Ordinale soldiers stalling at the front of the fort. Head past
them and take out the five guards at the front of the fort (Yes, I am aware
this is in a mission format, but I do not consider something so easy a
mission). Now, before going into the fort, BUFF UP and get ready for a REAL

 __  ____           _                __ __  __ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / / // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/    /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M44 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Don't Save Alfonse?]

 Kill all enemies, Save Alfonse.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This fight isn't HARD in as much as it is VERY peculiar. We have a CHANCE
to save ALFONSE in this fight, but we must do things properly!

 Alfonse will be fighting Vester as you enter. Put up your Magic DEF like
usual and after that have Crevanille and Leona kill the first soldier. From
here, have Leona kill the two archers (easy) while Crevanille Dashes and
heads to Alfonse. In the meantime, Frayne and Remus should be casting on the
healers and taking them out. You MAY be tempted to try out blast, but a level
2 Fire Arrow is much better!

 Now, when your FAMILIAR COMMENTS on the dark power Alfonse is up against
and if there's anything we can do about it, IMMEDIATELY have Crevanille stop
what he's doing and use an ITEM. You want to use the Key Item "Right Half" in
battle here. Once you've done that, continue on like normal. Note that Vester
will STILL own Alfonse, but that's ok.

 After Crevanille deals with the captain and Simmons and Leona kills the
archers, send them after the other melle units while Frayne and Remus mop up
the magic users. It's all clean-up from here.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 4700 RIL from Captain Simmons.

 BONUS: +22

 CLEAR BONUS: 10000 RIL   1175 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, you'll learn that Alfonse NARROWLY avoided death. He will
be more focused on you getting over to the cannon and stopping it though.

 Success! Alfonse's fate has been changed!

 Save / heal up in the fort and take the west exit when you're ready.

 We'll be TIMED on our ascent up the summit, by the way. There's only three
screens, but they are filled with enemies. We have 74 time bars to get to the
top, but if you get into a fight the bar will keep running.

 On the way up there is treasure to get though. Don't worry, we have time to
get ALL of the treasure and make it up easily! TRY to skip fights if you can,
but don't worry too much if you get into a fight. Whatever time you have left
will be how much time you have for the upcoming mission, so no dilly-dallying!

 On the FIRST screen, hug the bottom and go down and left. You'll need to get
in a fight here, but afterwards you can grab a [_NEURAL SCROLL_]. Now, head up
to the middle section and go UP. There's a left and right path here. Go right
to the next screen for a chest with a [_BLESSING BELL_]. Head back. Now, take
the middle path to the second screen, avoiding a fight if you can.

 On the second screen, the LOWER path is long as HELL, with a fight and a
switch-back, and the chest at the end only has [_8630 RIL_]. If you are
worried about time at all, THIS is the one to switch. Head up to the third
screen when you're ready.

 On the third screen the lower path is a little long and has a forced fight
on it, but the chest you can get has a [_TIME INCENSE_] in it. The upper path
has no enemies and, to the right, a [_LIFE SCROLL_]. Grab them both (if you
wish) and continue up the middle path. BEFORE you get to the next screen, BUFF
up. You'll be fighting a mission soon:

 __  ____           _                __ __  ______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / / ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/___/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/ /_____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M45 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: The spellcannon is fired.
 Crevanille dies.

 ??? [777: No idea???]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This battle isn't as nearly hard as it seems, and that's due to one rule:

 Destroy the SUMMONER, destroy the SUMMONED BEAST.

 Out number one goal here is to take out all of the summoners. Start out by
putting MAGIC DEF UP on everyone (it's handy) and DASH on Crevanille and
Leona. Have Crevanille take the south path and take out the two summoners
there and Leona can have the north path.

 In the meantime, Frayne and Remus should be casting and focus on the TWO
FURTHEST summoners. Each one of these summoners has one of the middle beasts,
so by taking them out you stop the spells they are likely casting. The third
beast is controlled by the furthest southern summoner.

 The CURRENT summoners are attempting to summon more summoned beasts, by the
way. Keep killing them off and soon there will only be you guys and Regina

 Right before you take out the last summoner, your familiar will ask if
you are all right or not:

 1. ...I'm fine.
 2. Eyesight... blurring..

 Pick [1] here (though I doubt it matters) and keep going.

 Once all the summoners are dead and you get near Regina you will get some

 1. You have to stop this!
 2. I won't let this happen.
 3. Regina, I'll save you!
 4. .....

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [2] here) and attack. Don't forget to
steal, but with Leona and Crevanille attacking and the other two casting
HOLY on her (I reccommend Holy 3), she will go down easy.

(-NOTE-) You can steal a LUCKY SYMBOL from Regina.

 BONUS: +19

 CLEAR BONUS: 11000 RIL   1230 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Elixir Vitae, Vito's Nostrum.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, interact with the spellcannon to obtain the [_SPELLCANNON
DRIVE_]. Crevanille will then destroy it. Hurrah!

 Regina will then come back to her normal self and beg you to finish her off
before it comes back. Your familiar will remind you about the access psyche

 1. I... I don't...
 2. Use Access Psyche right now.
 3. No, this is a bad idea.

 Pick [2] here and we'll enter Regina's psyche.

 You will see several memories that are too strongly under the parasties
control as your familiar takes you further and further back. Soon you'll
have control though. Approach Regina and talk to her:

 1. These two are fakes.
 2. Believe in me, Regina.
 3. *attack the fakes*

 Pick [2] here and Crevanille will take them out. She'll ask where her
parents are:

 1. They're not here.
 2. We're inside your mind.
 3. None of this is real!

 Pick [2] again and she'll wonder why you're here:

 1. I'll explain later.
 2. I'm here to save you.
 3. I came to free you.

 Pick [2] here yet again and Regina will understand. You succeeded in making
contact with Regina's consciousness! From here we have to free those other
memories. More dialog here:

 1. You need only believe in yourself!
 2. Don't be fooled by these illusions.
 3. This is your true reality...

 Pick [1] here and Regina will drive Vester out of this memory. Onto the
Remus memory. Your familiar will remind you to hurry, so go interact with
Regina and Crevanille will take Remus' blow. She'll wonder what's going on:

 1. You died.
 2. Your mind's being controlled.
 3. Hrm...

 Pick [1] here and Regina will attack the parasite. Afterwards Regina will
wake up and thank you!

 Success! Regina's fate has been changed!

 Not only that, but Regina will join our party! Woohoo!

 Head back down to the fort and Chris will announce he's stepping out to
the front lines:

 1. You have my support.
 2. 'Bout time you did something!
 3. ....

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [1]) and Chris will be off. Take this time
to heal / save and then it's time to head back to the Villa. Once you get
there, Meline will greet you and ask you to be part of the team:

 1. We'll be unbeatable.
 2. Hmmm...
 3. I don't know about this.

 Pick [1] here and Meine will join the party! Yea!

 From here you can start another vacation if you wish.

 BEFORE I did that, I took the time to try out the arena some more (since I
wasn't broke anymore). You can do the 4 vs. 4 Battle Arena and get an "Ancient
Book" which gives you the CODE to the SAFE in the ruins east of the mines.

 Head over there and enter "643" to open the safe for a [_LIFE STONE_].

 With your two new items, head over to Maggie. Show her the "Ancient Book":

 1. I won it at the arena.
 2. Is it rare?
 3. What's a homunculus?

 Pick what you wish here (I picked [1]) and Maggie will talk about homunculii
and their ethical implications:

 1. Nothing bad will happen.
 2. Wh-What? Horribleness?
 3. I don't care.

 Pick [1] here and after that show her the LIFE STONE. She'll comment on its
rareness and ask if you'd like to make a homunculus machine or not. Pick "YES"
to have one made.

 [777: PRETTY sure this is for familiar and Regina endings, but check in on
 this later!]

 Talk to Maggie who will comment on saving Regina:

 1. I'm glad we were successful.
 2. Yup, yup... it was all me.
 3. It's really thanks to Raimy.

 Pick [3] here. Also be sure to give Maggie the SPELLCANNON DRIVE.

 Vacation time!

 V A C A T I O N   7

(-NOTE-) BEFORE you go on vacation, if you've done the Eliza string of
 quests involving her doing jobs for money, Levan will come up and
 tell her she has another client. Eliza will ask you to come hear
 the details with her.

 That night, you'll meet a man from Trockmere looking for his possibly
 deceased wife. Eliza will ask if you'll help her:

 1. Take the job. We'll find her.
 2. Sorry. We can't right now.

 Pick [1] if you wish to help. He'll tell you her name: Catalina Kohl,
 and that she had long blonde hair. A journalist named Sworv was
 looking into her too in Trockmere. The man will mention he's staying
 at the inn in Marquelia as well.

(-NOTE-) This vacation is FOUR days long.


 As you approach the door, the game will stop and Meline will walk by
towards the stairs. Follow her and talk to her outside her door. Say "Yes"
when she asks to spend time with you.

 Your familiar will ask Meline why she calls you an older brother all the

 1. Call me whatever.
 2. Oh, knock it off.
 3. I'm happy to have a little sister.

 Pick [3] here and soon you'll be having a meal with her. Your familiar
will ask if she really made all of the food:

 1. Did you REALLY do this yourself?
 2. Mmm, looks scrumptious.

 Pick [2] here and you'll get a unique artwork screen:

 1. *open your mouth*
 2. *eat if on your own*

 Pick [1] here and she'll ask how it tastes:

 1. Heavenly!
 2. Bland.

 Pick [1] of course and she'll have some herself:

 1. I'll let you eat.
 2. Is it good?
 3. *chuckle*

 Pick [3] here and she'll be happy. She'll thank you once again:

 1. Say it again! More, more!
 2. I'll thank YOU to stop saying it.
 3. *pat her head*

 1 and 3 are good choices (I picked [3]) and she'll be happy for the rest of
the day!

 On a SECOND day, take Meline out. After taking her to the Are Museum
(although I suspect and have read you can take her anywhere), she will ask
if you are tired:

 1. Not at all.
 2. Yeah, I couldn't sleep.
 3. Did you want to do something?

 Pick [1] here and she'll be worried you could vanish:

 1. You worry too much.
 2. I'm not going anywhere.
 3. *pat her head*

 Pick [3] here (or [2] I suppose) and soon more dialog choices:

 1. Don't talk that way.
 2. I've never thought of you like that.
 3. Hahaha...

 Here pick [1] and she'll go off happy.

 If you talk to LEONA, she will tell you to give her an order, as females
must obey their male mates:

 1. What are your strengths?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] and she'll say hunting. Not really what we need, but:

 1. *don't request anything*
 2. *make a request*

 Pick [2] to make her happy. Your familiar will wonder what we wanted:

 1. I didn't give it much thought.
 2. I sent her to fight monsters.
 3. I wanted something for dinner.

 Pick [3] here and she'll soon come back with caterpillars!

 1. I'm not hungry, thank you.
 2. I, uh, don't like caterpillars.
 3. Are you nuts? No way!
 4. No, thanks.
 5. Bugs aren't food!
 6. I'll try anything once!

 Pick [6] here, as bad as it may seem. Afterwards you'll be able to give
her an acorn. Go ahead and do so and your familiar will return with the
doctor! Hahaha! Good stuff.

(-NOTE-) That night, Leona visited me and stated she talked to Deligne who
 taught her about human love. She'll say she loves you:

 1. I love you, too.
 2. Oh, dear... I'm not, uh...

 Pick [1] if you want her. She'll then want a hug:

 1. *hug her*
 2. I won't go that far.

 And that will be that.

 Talk to Regina and ask her out on a date. Take her to the Accessory shop
for a unique conversation about the LOVERS OAK item. Apparently it was a
popular accessory for keeping two people together. At the end onf the
conversation, say "Yes" to Regina about finding it.

 Talk to MAGNUS and he'll ask if you're enjoying the vacation:

 1. Sure am.
 2. What are you doing?
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and Magnus will tell you what Hien said about his fight
with Cargill:

 1. He was making you feel better.
 2. He was right.
 3. I don't know.

 Pick [2] again and he'll wonder how he can fight him again:

 1. Let's wait till they target Hien.
 2. Let's spring a trap!
 3. You should give up.

 Pick [2] once more and he'll think about using Hien as bait before leaving.

 Once you have done that, you can talk to Hien and select "It has to do with
Magnus...". After that say "We need you to be bait". He will agree to be the

 If you take HIEN out to Dulkheim cuisine, he'll say that the key to
well-being is exercise and eating:

 1. You're not so young, anymore.
 2. That's good.

 Pick [2] and he'll compare you to a sword. Sounds like Hien alright...

 Talk to PAMELA in the lab and she'll ask you to join her for tea (ONLY if
you've been to the Marquelia port with her):

 1. Tea would be great.
 2. Sorry, I'm busy.

 Pick [1] here and Pamela will make tea for you and Maggie. You'll get a
unique art scene here as well. She'll ask you how it is:

 1. It has a pleasing aroma.
 2. I'm not a tea person.
 3. As long as it's drinkable...

 Pick [1] here and she'll talk about throwing her old tea set away:

 1. Some things do stick with you.
 2. I don't think that's true.

 Pick [1] here. After the tea, your familiar will wonder if you can find the
tea set for Pamela.


 On the last day of my vacation, Pamela will be at the villa entrance and
will ask if you can go with her:

 1. I'd love to!
 2. What about your research?

 Pick [1] here and you'll head to Marqueila port:

 1. Have you been busy lately?
 2. Yeah, I love it outdoors.

 Pick [2] here and she'll remember this is where the mercenary party parted

 1. I wish we could go back.
 2. That's all in the past now.

 Pick [1] here and soon you'll discuss your journey:

 1. But you meet new people.
 2. I know. I get lonely sometimes.

 Pick [1] once again and she'll head off.

 Talk to Vallery who will wonder what he will do as he won't "always be
together with us".

 1. You'll figure it out.
 2. You're our friend.
 3. It's your choice.

 Pick [2] here and he'll wander off, upset about his betrayals.

 That night, he will come to your room and ask you what you are fighting for:

 1. World peace.
 2. Justice.
 3. Just because.
 4. I'm protecting others.

 Pick [4] here and he'll head off.

 On a SECOND day in Marquelia, a kid will come up and tell you and vallery
that an evil man named Vallery killed his dad! Oh... Vallery will of course
feel horrible:

 1. Just forget about it.
 2. You were following orders.
 3. There's got to be another way.

 Choose [3] here and he'll think the only way to appease the boy is for YOU
to take his head. Wow...

(-NOTE-) For MY vacation, I ended up...

 On the FIRST day I talked to Meline and did the food event, then
 I went to Marquelia and did the port event with Pamelea and followed
 that up with talking to Vallery for the first time (the "What should
 I do?" event).

 On my SECOND day, I went to Marquelia again. I talked with Vallery
 again for the dead dad event. I then talked to Magnus for the first
 Cargill talk and then I talked to Hein for the "About Magnus" talk.

 On my THIRD day I stayed at Boomtown. I talked to Meline and took
 her to the Art Museum for a conversation afterwards (although you
 can actually take her anywhere...), then I took Regina to the
 accessory shop for the "Lover's Oak" event. After that I talked to
 Leona for the "Caterpillar" event. Good stuff!

 On my FOURTH day I had tea with Pamela. After that I talked to Magnus
 and let him know Hien was OK with him being bait. Then, I talked to
 Hien for the "Dirty Tricks" event (yes, I'm THAT far behind on Hien's

 V A C A T I O N   7   E N D !

 Well, after THAT vacation, we have quite a few things we can do...

 But first, a messenger from Marquelay will tell us Dulkheim is advancing
near Sunsail. Pick out your party members and everyone else will leave with

(-NOTE-) Since you need certain party members for some of this, note that
 you can head north of Sunsail and change out party members if you

 Before we head off there, there's a few things we can do with the new
people we have and with the vacation over:

 Before doing anything, you'll see a scene with Latika waning to talk to
you as well...


 Visit Doctor Deligne. He'll learn Regina's heart is no more. He will talk
to us about heart transplants and will ask if we want to look for a new heart.
Say "YES" here to do so. Regina will say she is blood type "O" and weights
120 pounds (after saying that isn't a question she'd like to answer!).

 After that go talk to Maggie, who now sounds like an attractive Frankenstien!
Say "Yes" when your familiar mentions Deligne. Of course you want to mimic
what you know about Regina: Blood Type O and -20% and +30%. Tell her you are
sure afterwards.

 Go talk to Deligne now and you'll soon have to decide FOR Regina if she's
ready or not (kinda wierd...):

 1. Let's do it.
 2. Wait.

 Pick [1] to go ahead. It'll be night now and Regina will come make you
promise that she won't be alone:

 1. You shouldn't worry.
 2. I promise.

 Pick [2] here and... she'll spend the night with you. Interesting. You
little tramp, you!

 In the morning you'll be in the hospital. Deligne will leave for the
operation. Spend the time talking to your party and always say that things
will be fine.

 Soon you'll wake up the next day and Regina will come meet you. Your
familiar will say you did your best to help:

 1. Be quiet, Raimy.
 2. Of course!
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and you'll be done with this little outing...


 Go talk to the fisherman in Marquelia Harbor. He'll send some fish to
Boomtown for your bird. She'll express her thanks:

 1. You and Pipi won't always be together.
 2. You'd succeed with or without me.
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and you'll get some fish!


 Head to Trockmere, where she will ask to be in the lead (first in the
party's formation). You can find Sworv on the wall of the city, looking off
to the right. He will recognize Crevanille:

 1. We met here before.
 2. I don't think so...

 Pick [1] here and Eliza will tell the man what they're looking for. After
that, go talk to the man by the barrels at the port. He'll mention that
people washed up in Marquelia.

 Head back to the villa and talk to Levan, who will mention a lady being
cared for in town. Now, head to Marquelia and knock at the left door. After
that the party will go talk to Conrad. You'll get some dialog here:

 1. You love her, don't you?
 2. What are you really afraid of?

 Pick [1] here and soon the two lovebirds will be re-united. Eliza will
wonder if she'll have someone like that:

 1. You've always got me.
 2. You'll find him someday.

 Pick [1] here and soon the job will be done. Congrats!


 Head to Ordinale and go talk to the man in GREEN by the armor shop about
the LOVERS OAK. Ask him "Who bought the last of it?". He'll say a man with
blonde hair and a green cloak.

 Head down the stairs and the man is just there on the left. Talk to him
and tell him "I need it!". He'll say that he wants some Sunset Quartz more.

[777: Need to talk to the fisherman in Marquelia with Leona? Tried, and it
 is not working... Hmm... Maybe need to do the Sydney conversation...]


 Head to Ordinale. Try to enter the inn to talk to Santos. Ask him "Have you
seen Pamela's tea set?". Tell him she's doing well afterwards.

 Go talk to Ned in town now and ask him the same thing. He'll mention talking
to Josef. Josef is up by the niche shop. Go talk to him and mention the tea
set when you can. He will end up giving you a [_PORCELAIN TEA SET_]. Ah, so
THAT is who had it!

 Go give it to Pamela and it will be tea time again!

 1. The tea set makes all the difference.
 2. Tastes the same to me.

 Pick [1] here and they'll talk about how Crevanille got it:

 1. Clearly, some things DO stick with you!
 2. It came back because it liked you.

 Pick [1] here and she'll mention having the old troops back together:

 1. That sounds fun.
 2. That sounds loud and obnoxious.

 Pick [1] again and soon tea time will be over. 


 Head to Klasdahl (via Ordinale route, I got there and also set up a Transgate
which I have NO idea how I didn't have it before) and talk to the farmer about
a Sylm. He'll say that he's seen them to the north. Talk to him again to learn

 Head to RIESEL now and talk to the man by the inn. Since he's having rotten
luck he'll let you have some [_MASYLUME LEAVES_]. Note that you NEED Frayne in
the party to do this.

 With the leaves in hand, head south to the bridge screen. The Sylm will
appear and Frayne will draw it. How cute! That's that!


 Since we saw that scene, head to Klasdahl and talk to Latika. You'll see
another scene showing that Silverniel actually respects you! Wow.

 You can also hire a COOK in the INN to come cook for you! Valkanian Cuisine!

 While you're here, we can do a sidequest. Talk to the lady by the entrance
named Trava and agree to go with her. Meet outside and say "Yes! I'll show
you my love!" to start.

 _____ _     __                           __     ____  ______
 / ___/(_)___/ /__  ____ ___  _____  _____/ /_   / __ \/ ____/
 \__ \/ / __  / _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/  / / / /___ \  
 ___/ / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_   / /_/ /___/ /  
 /____/_/\__,_/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/____/\__/   \____/_____/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-S05 \
 o Victory Conditions: ???

 o Defeat Conditions: ???



 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Well, Trava is a little wierd, no?

 Anways, we have 24 time bars to get this done in. Basically, we are heading
nort to RIESEL, acquiring one CRIMSON GEM on each screen along the way (each
screen except that ruins screen...). Along the way, monsters will be drawn
TOWARDS the gems, so get there first and fight if you must (you don't HAVE to
fight, but we have time).

 The first screen will have the gem right at the start, in the middle of
the road. Grab it and move on.

 The second screen has the gem to the left, in the grass.

 The third screen has the gem right under the bridge. Hard to avoid a fight
this way though.

 The fourth screen has the gem right at the exit. Right before the ruins.

 The fifth screen has the gem right near the entrance to Riesel.

 Once you have them all, head in to town and talk to Trava. She'll be
impressed and in the end will ask to come work for you. And just like that
we have an items vendor.

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: An item vendor for Boomtown.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 After that little diversion, it's time to help Hien out. Get your party
ready and heal / save. Now, head to the Trockmere warp point. We're going
to trap the enemy.

 Head north and around the road junction screen BUFF UP. Keep heading north
to see a scene with Dulkheim healers curing their front line units. Here you
can scout the map with your familiar, but if you get near the magic users the
fight will start!

 This is primarily useful for seeing the soldiers and how they patrol. Of
course at this point you're probalby pretty powerful, huh? Still, the goal
is to get as close to the captain as you can. Mission time!

 __  ____           _                __ __  _____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / / ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/ /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/  \____/     
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M46 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: No idea. Have negative time?]

 Kill all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This battle is pretty straightforward, with one hitch: you must kill
the Captain as soon as possible!

 If you got close to the captain, simply bum-rush him with Leona and
Crevanille. Remus can help clear the way.

 If you did NOT, don't worry! You can still kill him easily! Just have
EVERYONE focus on damaging him with spell damage. Be sure and use MAGIC UP
as well!

 From there, go on a MAGE KILLING RAMPAGE! Prioritize taking out the soft,
squishy mages to avoid them healing and protecting people. And cycled down
and all that crap. Leona and Crevanille will have it EASY doing this (If
you are far away, put DASH on. Heck, put Dash on anyways!). As you kill,
soon enemy reinforcements, led by BAUER, will appear from the right.

 An important thing to notice about the reinforcements is that they are
grouped together SO closely. Circle Strike and Pierce Attack will do wonders

 Keep killing and soon you'll have this battle beat. Don't forget to try
stealing from Bauer (I did...). He will end up fleeing though, so at least
you don't have to fight to the death. *Whew....

 BONUS: +16

 CLEAR BONUS: 11000 RIL   1175 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Wisdom Apple, Random Ring x4.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the enemy has retreated, we'll get a war update. Looks like Christopher
is in trouble at Fort Baltrick. Only one thing to do: stop Silverneil.

 To do so, heal up / save and warp to Rebrant. Now, from here, head into the
city. If you try to go to Baltrick, you will be in a never-ending fight with
Valkania from the west and south. Seriously, never-ending.

 At the start of the city, BUFF UP. Head in a bit to start the next mission:

 __  ____           _                __ _______
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // /__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_ / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __// /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/  /_/     
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M47 \

 o Victory Conditions: Silverneil defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: No idea. Have negative time?]

 Defeat Dame Silverneil.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 The objective here is SILVERNEIL. Not kill everyone, SILVERNEIL.

 This should make your goal pretty easy. Ignore the side troops and send
Crevanille and Leona after the two guards guarding Silverneil (with Dash,
of course). Remus may even take one of them out before they reach her!

 Once you get to her, I'd recommend using Berserk with Frayne healing. You
should take her out in no time! Don't forget to steal an item as well!

(-NOTE-) You can steal a LUCKY SYMBOL from Silverneil.

 BONUS: +40

 CLEAR BONUS: 12000 RIL   1200 EXP


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, save and heal up at the Inn.

 As you leave the city, Christopher will come and thank you.

 Head towards home and you'll see a couple of scenes. The first will be the
King of Valkania deciding to surrender before things get worse! Wow... who
knew beating Silverneil could do that! The second is Ludwig learning the news.
He'll have a chat with Cargill about not becoming a king as well.

 Take a rest and in the night you'll see a scene with Vester displaying his
power. Truely terrifying...

 In the morning, you'll have a Marquelay soldier telling you to visit the
castle. Go ahead and go. You'll see a scene with Diana and Chris here. Go
talk to Chris and he'll ask you to talk to Diana:

 1. Why not you?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] here and he'll leave her to us because he can't make her smile.
Huh. Go talk to her and she'll ask why you're here:

 1. Christopher told me to come.
 2. Because you're here.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here and you'll have some more dialog:

 1. Nothing?
 2. I can't leave you alone.
 3. *walk away*

 Pick [2] again and she'll lament her circumstances:

 1. Don't give in to despair.
 2. That's not true.

 Pick [2] yet again (man!) and she'll wonder how you can look at her:

 1. You fulfilled your duty splendidly.
 2. You're not horrible.

 Pick [2] once more and you'll see a unique animated cutscene. Awww...

 Head into the throne room now and Christopher will tell you they are going
to ask Dulkheim to surrender! Ha!

 1. Sounds like a good idea.
 2. Surrender, baby, yeeeaaahhhhh!
 3. I doubt they'll accept.
 4. They'd never go a long with it.
 5. .....

 Pick what you wish ([3] for me) and you'll soon learn Marquelia is changing
the way its government runs. Oh wow.

 1. Give me all the details.
 2. Uh, give me the short version.

 Pick [1] here and they'll tell your their plan. Sounds quite good, actually.
You can talk to Chris afterwards for more details. As you go to leave, Chris
will ask you to NOT take any offensive actions, as they are trying to hear
back from Dulkheim and Iglesias before doing anything. Makes sense.

 Head outside the castle and talk to Diana. She'll finally smile.

 1. You finally smiled.
 2. There's your inner strength.

 Pick [1] here. She'll ask to speak to us soon:

 1. I look forward to it.
 2. No, I can't agree to that.

 Pick [1] here of course.

 With us needing to behave ourselves, may as well take a vacation:

 V A C A T I O N   8

(-NOTE-) If you want to do the Regina or Sydney endings, I believe you need
 the "SUNSET QUARTZ" item. I also believe it may be too late for me
 to get it...

(-NOTE-) This vacation is FOUR days long.


(-NOTE-) The night you take a day off in Boomtown, Silverneil will ask you
 to come to the Arena via Levan...

 Talk to ELIZA to have a client show up. It's Sworv! He'll ask you to take
a letter to his friend Cronkite. He thinks he's in Reisel, but isn't sure.
He'll also explain his reasons. Choose "Let's take the job" when you can.
You'll get [_SWORV'S LETTER_] here as well.

(-NOTE-) This DIANA event takes up the whole day! You can do other things
 first, though, so do this LAST!

 Head to the arena to meet SILVERNEIL (BUFF before you talk to her). She'll
ask if you have time to fight:

 1. I have some time.
 2. Not right now.

 Choose [1] here and she'll take you to the arena and ask you to accept her

 1. I accept your challenge.
 2. I see no reason for us to fight.

 Pick [1] here and you'll be in a fight. Not much to say here: it's a one on
one fight. Use DODGE UP and attack with Fierce Strike! After a few strikes
doing 1200+ damage you'll get some dialog:

 1. Do you wish to stop?
 2. Don't hold back.

 Choose [2] here and resume fighting. Another 600+ damage should do the
trick and ensure victory. Talk to her afterwards:

 1. That was close.
 2. It was a good fight.

 Pick [2] here and you'll get a cool, unique scene:

 1. I'm really not amazing.
 2. That's why I'm the best.

 Pick [1] here and she'll share her feelings and thoughts before taking off,
happy and smiling...

 Talk to HIEN to get a new conversation (After the "blade cuts flesh"
conversation, that is). He will ask you what you think of spells:

 1. They're useful.
 2. They can be frightening...
 3. They are what they are.

 Pick [1] here and you can go elsewehre with Hein if you wish.

 If you talk to HIEN a SECOND day, he will mention a dream he had of
someone special, but he doesn't know who it is...

 If you take VALLERY to the new Valkanian Cuisine, he'll ask what you
think of Sir Muntzer:

 1. I think he's sincere.
 2. I think he's a treacherous villain.
 3. Sir who?

 Pick [1] here and he'll think about fate a bit before finishing the meal.


(-NOTE-) This event will take an ENTIRE day and can only be done if you
 choose MARQUELIA as a vacation spot.

 Talk to Sydney to learn that Pipi is learning how to fly (This of course
only happens with D-RM and if you've done this string of quests up to now).
Your familiar will offer to help:

 1. You better just watch.
 2. That's a good idea.
 3. No way to know for sure.

 Pick [2] here and you'll head out to Marquelia. Soon Pipi will get the
hang of it and will take off to its flock:

 1. This day was inevitable, you know.
 2. You should have been prepared.
 3. You were an amazing mother!

 Pick [3] here and she'll be both happy with you and sad about Pipi. Back at
home she'll ask you how she did:

 1. I've never seen a happier bird!
 2. No way to know for sure.
 3. It got the short straw with you.

 Despite how funny 3 is, pick [1] to make your familiar happy. 

 After the "I want Vallery dead" event, you can knock on that right door to
talk to the kid who said it. He'll ask if Vallery is dead yet:

 1. I beat him.
 2. Do you really want him dead?

 Pick [2] here and he won't care:

 1. Then I'd be a killer.
 2. How would Vallery's friends feel?

 Pick [2] again and he'll think about it:

 1. Revenge accomplishes nothing:
 2. Your dad wouldn't want that.

 Bring it home and pick [2] here. He will want an apology though. Vallery
will come over and say he's heard and will need to think about it.

 Talk to VALLERY on a SECOND day and he'll talk about the heartbreak he's

 1. You should isolate yourself.
 2. You should apologize.

 Be nice and pick [2] here and he'll ask you to come with him as he
apologizes. Go knock on the right door and Vallery will apologize. The boy
will ask you if you are friends:

 1. We are friends.
 2. He just works with me.

 Pick [1] here and the boy will be happy he's fighting to end war. In the
end he will also give you [_ROVAL'S ARMOR_]. Your familiar will compare us
to Vallery as well:

 1. We still must fight.
 2. We fight until the day war is ended.

 Pick [2] here and this event will be done.

(-NOTE-) Talking to Sydney will end your day, but since I'm pretty darn sure
 you can only talk to her during the sunset, right before the day ends
 anyways, it doesn't really matter.

 If you go to the port you can talk to SYDNEY who will give you some dialog
choices once you do:

 1. I was looking for you.
 2. What are you doing?

 Pick [1] here and the topic will change to sunsets and your feelings on them:

 1. They're dazzling.
 2. Not really.

 Pick [1] to be interesting and after some more talking you'll have one
more set of dialog:

 1. Let's go back to the villa.
 2. Are you going to stay out here?

 Pick [1] once more and she'll thank you for reminding her of the time:

 1. You should be more careful.
 2. Guess I'll have to get you next time, too.

 Pick [2] here and she'll blush, then head back with you. 

(-NOTE-) If you did the "Apology" event with Vallery, he'll come to your
 room at night. He will tell you his new goal is to end war with
 you and will ask if you meant it when you said you were friends:

 1. Of course.
 2. No, it was for the child.

 Pick [1] here of course and he'll "officially" be one of us.

(-NOTE-) For MY vacation, I ended up...

 For day ONE, I took the job with Eliza, then I talked to Hein (the
 "cutting self" event) and finally fought Diana at the Arena. All of
 this is at Boomtown, of course.

 For day TWO I took the whole day to do the bird event with D-RM.
 This was at Marquelia.

 For day THREE, I went to Marquelia and did the "little boy" event
 with Vallery. I then did the "Alice" event with Remus and finally
 talked to Hien again (the "Spell" event).

 For day FOUR, I made sure to talk to Remus at the Villa, then went
 to Marquelia again where I did the "Apology" event with Vallery.
 Then I did a Hein event to hear about his dream and finally talked
 to Sydney to end the vacation period.

 V A C A T I O N   8   E N D !

 After the vacation you'll get a few scenes seeing how Dulkhiem and Valkania
are taking the news from Ordinale-Marquelise.

 In the morning, a messenger from the palace will show up. Head over to the
castle and you'll learn Dulkheim did not comply. Naturally. They are willing
to give up summoning spells if YOU return to them though and promise you will
not be harmed.

 [777: Obviously an important choice, try not staying with Marquelia?]

 Head back to the villa to talk it over. Everyone will gather up to hear this.
The group will talk about it a bit and soon you'll get to talk to everyone:

 - ELIZA will NOT go.

 - MAGNUS will NOT go.

 - HEIN will NOT go.

 - LEONA will NOT go.

 - MELIEN will AGREE to go.

 - VALLERY will AGREE to go.

 - REGINA will AGREE to go.

 - REMUS will AGREE to go.

 - FRAYNE will AGREE to go.

 - MAGGIE will AGREE to go.

 - PAMELA will AGREE to go.

 And that is everyone's feelings in a nutshell. Go rest afterwards,
leaving everyone in the dining room.

 In the morning go talk to Alice and tell her you are staying with
Marquelia. They will thank you of course.

 [777: Obviously an important choice, try not staying with Marquelia?]

 After that tough decision is made and you rest up again, you'll see a
scene showing Tricia and some soldiers talking about attacking north of
Sunsail. Ah, Tricia is a summoner now... Yikes...

 Before we head there, there's some stuff we can do:


 Once you've done the "Alice" event in Marquelia on vacation and talked to
him in the villa, you can do this one. Head over to the palace and talk to
Alice, who is outside the throne room:

 1. It concerns Remus.
 2. Nothing, really.

 Pick [1] here and follow her into the audience chamber. She'll send everyone
away as well. Then, she will finally show herself to Remus:

 1. We kept silent for your benefit.
 2. I'm very sorry, Remus.

 Pick [1] again and she'll share why they've been avoiding contact with him.
He will consider leaving...

 1. You should leave the country.
 2. You should do as you please.
 3. Perhaps you shouldn't.

 Pick [3] here and they'll reconcile, no longer fearing the oracle.

 Success! Remus's fate has been changed!

 Good stuff! Remus will go talk to Alice. Try to leave and he'll return:

 1. Aren't you staying here?
 2. What took you so long?

 Be nice and pick [1]. He'll state that traveling with us is the life for him:

 1. Welcome back.
 2. But, you're a prince.

 Pick [1] here to get him back along with a [_FENRIR GARB_]. Very nice!

 Before the game will let us go further, we must deal with this Sunsail
thing. Get your party ready and heal / save and head to Sunsail. Be sure
to BUFF UP before teleporting:

 __  ____           _                __ __  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / ( __ )
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ __  |
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/ /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/  \____/       
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M48 \

 o Victory Conditions: Crevanille goes near Tricia.

 Tricia "defeated," then all enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Tricia dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: No idea. Have negative time?]

 Defeat all enemies, fake-kill Tricia.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 The objective here is to GET CLOSE to Tricia. Quite a unique objective, no?
Of course, CLOSE is a relative term. In fact, if you can get Crevanille to
the bridge, the following will take place:

 During the battle, Tricia will send you a knock code to "Kill her because
she is a summoner". We can send back a code:

 1. *send back "We can cancel contracts."*
 2. *send back "I don't want to kill you."*
 3. *send no reply and keep fighting*

 Here you want to send [1] of course. VERY important! She will then ask us
to pretend to kill here:

 1. We have to.
 2. I don't know.

 This will actually CHANGE the VICTORY CONDITIONS!

 From here, simply kill EVERYTHING on the screen and Tricia will fake being
killed herself. Once everythign is dead, you've done it.

 BONUS: +35

 CLEAR BONUS: 12500 RIL   1230 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle Tricia will get up. The party will then head back to the
villa and Crevanille will annul her contract. She will wonder what it's like
for Crevanille though...

 1. It's fine.
 2. Just need a little rest.
 3. Don't worry about me.

 Pick [1] here and you'll get some more dialog:

 1. That's right.
 2. ....

 Pick [1] again. You'll learn that Lumis and Ludwig are the last summoners
that Dulkheim has. Nice. Next you'll have to talk to Tricia about her future:

 1. Join us. It'll be fun!
 2. You don't want to fight?
 3. Just stay here.

 Pick [1] here and she will get a room, but will think about joining. Soon
Crevanille will pass out. You'll wake up soon though, but Frayne will be

 1. It's a risk I have to take.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and you'll learn that a pendent you were wearing is broke:

 1. You mean Bryntir's?
 2. Pendant what now?
 3. I have no pendant...

 Pick [1] again and Pamela will tell you she found something in it and will
give you the [_RUINS MAP_]. Interesting. New ruins!

 Now that all of THAT is done, we can do some more personal stuff, if you
wish of course...


 Head to Riesel and Eliza will mention going to the inn. Head there and
talk to the man on the left. He'll mention the organization is Ausgleich
and is making a move in Fandelcia. Follow the man and talk to Maria. You'll
learn that Eliza's father is going to attempt a resistance but is in danger!

 Head behind the village and talk to the Captain. He'll take you when you're
ready, so let's go right away! Once you get there Cronkite will laeve. Head
to the city and your familiar will set up a spell gate! Hurrah!

 Head to the inn now and talk to the innkeeper. You'll meet Eliza's mother
and will learn her dad's under siege at the mansion. Cronkite will come in
and tell us the army won't move without Lumis' say so and we will stay the
night at the inn. During the night Eliza will come talk to you:

 1. You don't have to think about that.
 2. Don't worry. You've got me here.
 3. Worrying is useless.

 Pick [2] here and she'll soon be blushing telling you she knows how she
feels about you now.

 The next morning Eliza will leave upon hearing there are no more troops at
the mansion RIGHT before Cronkite shows up to announce a suppresion force
has arrived... arg...

 Head up the stairs to the mansion, but be sure to BUFF first. You will
arrive and a fight will take place...

 Now I KNOW this is a mission, but since it's so optional and late in the
game let's briefly go over this:

 You must kill EVERYONE. You must NOT let Eliza or her dad die (or all your
party members, but that's not really a surprise). Some good points:

 o Have FRAYNE dedicated to healing Eliza's dad.

 o Have ELIZA use Circle Strike when needed.

 o Have CREVANILLE take out Cargill.

 o You can steal a TIME INCENSE from Cargill.

 Soon the battle will be over. Head over to the Inn and talk to Eliza when
you can. Quite a bit of dialog here, but soon:

 Success! Lord Mayfield's fate has been changed!

 Sweet! You will also geet a [_LIGHT DRESS_] as well. Double sweet!


 To get to the ruins we are after, go WEST of the lake that is NORTH of
Klasdahl. Once you get near the lake, your fairy will point out the way as

 On this new screen, make your way to the south however you car and then to
the west. Enter the doors you find. In the ruins your familiar will tell you
to watch your step! The ruins are surprisingly linear, but soon you'll come to
a screen where a giant cannon does away with an enemy. Time for a mission!

 __  ____           _                __ __  ____
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / // / / __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   / // /_/ /_/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  /__  __/\__, /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/     /_/  /____/       
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M49 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: No idea. Have negative time?]

 Defeat enemies, have positive time.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Like most missions, taking out the enemies isn't the hard part here.

 No sir, getting the THREE TREASURE CHESTS is the hard part.

 You see, each cannon thing is powered by a power source. Destroy that and
it can't fire. But it is connected to a TREASURE CHEST. If you destroy the
cannon or the power supply BEFORE opening up the chest, the chest will be
lost forever.

 So, you must therefore RUN AROUND the cannon and walk to the chests if you
wish to get them. To get in our way are guardians and, of course, the cannon's
line of fire. That thing will not only take out 200-300 chunks of HP from y ou
but will also heal the guardians!

 To get a decent bonus time, put dash on Crevanille and Leona and have one
of them stop for the first treasure while the other continues on. For me,
Crevanille paved the way all the way to treasure three, taking hits and
being awesome until he grabbed the third treasure. Leona went behind him
with Remus destroyed the cannons after grabbing the treasures.

 Frayne is best used casting HOLY on the guardians to help Crevanille be
speedy. And healing of course. Always with the healing!


 1st Chest: 300 RIL

 2nd Chest: ARP UP

 3rd Chest: Elixir Vitae

 BONUS: +15

 CLEAR BONUS:  5000 RIL   500 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x5, Vito's Nostrum.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Heal up and save. The next room will take us to another mission!

 __  ____           _                __________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/ __ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \/ / / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____/\____/        
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M50 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 Destroy all enemies, nab treasure.

 ??? [777: No idea. Kill enemy generators first?]

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 The mission is very similar to the previous mission, but except for THREE
smaller cannons we have ONE HUGE ASS ONE! On top of all that, enemy generators
will spawn guardians. There are also large sections of the ground on this
screen that hurt when you stay on them.

 Like previous cannons, this one also has a treasure chest attached to it.

 The plan here is to put Dash on Crevanille and send him up and around the
large cannon. You'll need to go counter-clockwise. Have him reach the chest
as soon as he can for a [_DISPRESSON_].

 In the meantime, Leona, Frayne and Remus should focus on the guardians with
one thing in mind: DO NOT KILL THEM. Simply take their HP down to low levels.

 Once Crevanille has the goods, have him take out the generator (Berserk
does wonders). It will not only stop the cannon from charging, but will also
destroy ALL ENEMY GENERATORS. From there you can take out the guardians
without the genereators making more!

 Oh, and one note, if you find yourself near the cannon and it is charging
energy in a ring around it, MOVE / DEFEND! It is about to hit you for
500-600 damage! Yikes!

 BONUS: +29

 CLEAR BONUS:  12500 RIL   1250 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3, Vito's Nostrum x2.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle continue on to the study area. Here, go check the table in
the back and you'll see that SOMEONE has compiled a lot of info about Angelic

 1. Bryntir did the research for us.
 2. *continue reading silently*

 Go ahead and pick [1] here and your familiar will tell you to take it to
Pamela. Yea, yea! You have now obtained [_BRYNTIR'S REPORT_].

 Head back to the villa and save/heal up. Head over to Pamela and show her
the report. She'll look it over and thank you:

 1. You have Bryntir to thank.
 2. You're welcome!
 3. .....

 Pick [1] here and she'll say they need an anti-astral wave barrier and will
ask you if there's anything like that. Here, show her the INTERDICTION ROD.
She'll learn how Bryntir used it and will ask for a night for her and Maggie
to work on modifying it.

 Go up to your room and rest up. Head back downstairs and talk to Pamela in
the morning for the [_MODIFIED INTROD_]. THIS rod does the opposite of the
original rod and strengthens our astral power, making canceling contracts
easier. It will also give your familiar more power:

 1. Thank you, you two.
 2. I'm counting on you, Raimy!
 3. .....

 Pick 1 or 2 here (I picked [2]) and head to the villa entrance. Seems that
Magnus will head off to Marquelay port to find him, but Hien will be worried:

 1. It could be a ruse.
 2. Yeah, what do you mean?
 3. Huh? There's no danger.

 Pick [1] here and we'll need to head to the port.

 Before we head off though, a messenger from the castle will let us know
that Dulkheim is preparing to attack at Fort Eizenvant, which is west of
Fort Baltrick.

 Ok, before we head there let us go help Magnus. He'll need it! Before
you enter the port screen, buff up:

 __  ____           _                _________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____<  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \ / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ // /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____//_/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M51 \

 o Victory Conditions: Cargill defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: Magnus dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: Perhaps don't let Magnus kill Cargill?]

 Defeat all enemies, let Magnus kill Cargill.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This mission is pretty fun. Keeping Magnus alive is our top priority at
the start, as he is surrounded and those Captains have the ability to hit
THREE times. Yikes. Dedicate Frayne to healing and remedy duties for him.

 While Frayne is keeping Magnus upright, Crevanille, Leona and Remus can
begin the slaughter. However, I would STRONGLY recommend letting Magnus be
the one to approach Cargill. Before he does, keep Leona back by Frayne.

 Once you get close to Cargill, two soldiers will appear out of the boat and
two will appear from the city. Have Remus take out the boat soldiers and Leona
take out the city ones. Crevanille and Frayne can help out with healing.

 Once Magnus takes out Cargill, it will all be over.

(-NOTE-) You can steal 5800 RIL from Cargill.

 BONUS: +19

 CLEAR BONUS:  10000 RIL   1000 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x4, Lucky Symbol.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, Magnus will understand what Hien was trying to tell him
and will thank you!

 Success! Magnus's fate has been changed!

 Ok, time to get back to business. Go heal / save and teleport over to
Rebrant. Make your way to Fort Baltrick and head west. It's a pretty linear
path, but soon you'll be to another bridge. On the left side, you can even
set up a transgate. Continue heading west and soon you'll meet up with

 He'll tell you what's going on and that President Ludwig is at the fort:

 1. We'll help you take the fort!
 2. They won't give up easily.
 3. ....

 Pick [1] here. We have to get at Ludwig!

 Head south and to the west you'll see some soldiers. Buff up here and head
past them. You'll see an empty fort with no guards... huh, yeah right! Head
inwards and you'll be surrounded! Gah, Bauer again.

 __  ____           _                _________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/__ \
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \ __/ /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ // __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____//____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M52 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 This mission isn't TOO hard. Bauer is the biggest threat by far.

 Send Crevanille to deal with Bauer's group. Circle Strike helps a ton.
Leona should head south and deal with the CLOSE threat. Frayne and Remus can
(should) team up and take out the SQUISHY targets: mages and archers. You
will be able to wipe them out quickly with your buffed-up selves and can
then focus on the northern threat.

 Be sure to steal from Bauer and wipe out the rest of the enemies and this
fight will be yours.

(-NOTE-) You can steal Time Incense from Bauer.

 BONUS: +41

 CLEAR BONUS:  13000 RIL   1300 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x6, 3750 RIL, Vito's Nostrom x2.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Try to enter the fort and Chris will show up. He'll mention some army that
is following that he thinks is a rumor but, uh... yeah, it's not a rumor...

 Let Chris deal with the forces tailing us and buff up then enter the fort.
Inside you'll see Bauer, and Lumis:

 1. Why speak of such things?
 2. Summoning spells are dangerous!
 3. We just want to stop summoning!

 Pick [2] here to try and warn him. He'll think you need to kill him, but
even after hearing that we don't need to he'll still state that he's going
to fight us... 


 __  ____           _                ___________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \  /_ <
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ /___/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____//____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M53 \

 o Victory Conditions: All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Take down Lumis.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Now, even though the objectivs say "All enemies defeated", you don't REALLY
have to take out all enemies. You just need to take out Lumis. He'll actually
surrender for everyone once you do.

 But first you have to go through Bauer. Sick Remus, Leona and Crevanille on
the front Melee units and you'll likely roll over them (Don't forget to Steal
from Bauer). Have Frayne pop some MAGIC UPS and Fire Arrow 3 and take out all
of the casters. EASY.

 Once the melee units are dead, have Leona work on the archers. Remus and
Frayne should team up on spells to help Leona, as Crevanille can handle
Lumis by himself. Don't forget to steal on Lumis too! Kill off as many archers
as you can while you're at it!

 Once you take Lumis out, he'll comment on how powerful we've become:

 1. Surrender.
 2. I'll annul your summoning power.

 Go ahead and pick [2] here and he'll agree to let you and will surrender,
stopping the fight and making all the enemies that are alive (if any)
surrender as well.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal an Elixir Vitae from Bauer.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal 8500 RIL from Lumis.

 BONUS: +32

 CLEAR BONUS:  13500 RIL   1325 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x4, Blessing Bell.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the fight, Lumis will get annulled and will state it looks like
Marquelay is about to win. He's against their plan for a federation though:

 1. What's wrong with that?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] here and he'll bring up Marquelay's power:

 1. There will be checks and balances.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and he'll wonder if anyone can be that impartial:

 1. I can do it.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] again and soon Lumis will talk about himself getting into politics
as well. Good stuff.

 Ok, now Ludwig is up above. Be sure to use the rest area and heal up. We're
unable to save here for some reason. Bah! Buff up and head up the stairs...

 You'll see a scene with Alfonse and Diana coming to help out Christopher.
That is, of course, if you followed the guide and changed their fates! Looks
like our flank is safe!

 Soon you'll be in front of Ludwig, who will change into a flying form! Ugh!

 __  ____           _                ________ __
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/ // /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \/ // /_
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ /__  __/
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____/  /_/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M54 \

 o Victory Conditions: Ludwig defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Defeat Ludwig.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 A defenitive fight!

 Ludwig's form sure is monstrous, but this fight isn't TOO bad.

 Start out by putting MAGIC DEF UP on everyone. Very important! Frayne should
take out the casters while Crevanille heads right up the stairs and fights
those soldiers (use Pierce Strike!). Leona and Remus can handle the other
two Captains on the sides.

 With everyone dead, it's just us and Ludwig. I STRONGLY recommend having
Crevanille go Berserk on Ludwig. He's just... an absolute beast. Leona can
help with Thievery (something I forgot to do!) and Fierce Strike. Remus can
auto-attack and likely will negate Ludwig's 100+ HP recovery all by himself.
Frayne should focus on healing, especially with Crevanille going Berserk.

 For his part, Ludwig will summon floating eyes that cast ENERGY RAIN every
now and again, but with MAGIC DEF UP on it doesn't hurt THAT much. He will
also cause poison areas around the battlefield that hurt as you stand in them,
so be sure to move if he does that. He also attacks with tendrills as you get
closer. And, cool enough, he also has a unique quote / reply to each character
that attacks him! Heh!

 BONUS: +33

 CLEAR BONUS:  14000 RIL   1400 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x4.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 Once you take Ludwig out, he will perish and you will obtain a special item:
the [_LEFT HALF_]. Head back downstairs and talk to Lumis:

 1. He fought to the end.
 2. We couldn't save him.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here and he'll mention how Dulkheim will fall into chaos:

 1. You can take that role.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and he'll say he'll try his best. Feel free to heal up and
save now. Exit the fort to check in on Alfonse and Diana, who will have just
driven off the enemy:

 1. Thanks.
 2. We won because of you.
 3. ....

 Pick [2] here and they'll be happy.

 From here, head back to the villa. Go talk to Pamela who will hear the war
is coming to an end:

 1. I'm really tired.
 2. There's still lots to do.
 3. .....

 Pick [2] here. After that, show her the LEFT HALF and she'll take a look
at both of the halves you've found, giving you the [_SEALING MEDALLION_] as
a result.

 Try to go up to your room and Tricia will be here, offering to join you:

 1. Don't worry about it.
 2. You'll be a great addition!
 3. I'm gonna work you hard!

 Heheh, 3 is funny! I picked [2] though, I can't be that mean! Go rest up
and save now.

 The next morning, a messenger from the castle will arrive. Follow him and
talk to Alice, who will state Dulkheim has surrendered:

 1. We did it for Marquelay.
 2. We did it for the world.
 3. Don't forget Chris's part.
 4. ....

 Pick what you wish here (I chose [3]), and Baker will try to rush her off:

 1. What about Dulkheim's spellcannon?
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and you'll learn it was being made in Mt. Eizenvant. He'll
state it's a high-angle summon cannon:

 1. Why's it so special?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] to learn it summons monsters where it is fired. Yikes! After you
leave the castle, Remus will mention we should have one last vacation before
we head out.

 Go talk to Sydney and tell her where you wish to go on vacation.

 This part is VERY IMPORTANT! Who you spend time with here changes the ending
you will receive! Make your decisions wisely!


 Talk to (Familiar)?

 1. Yes.
 2. No.

 Pick [1] here and she'll wonder what's the matter:

 1. It's nothing.
 2. I wanted to talk.

 Pick [2] here and she'll wonder if it's her you want to talk to:

 1. To someone else, actually.
 2. Of course, silly!

 Pick [2] again and your familiar will FINALLY tell you how she feels about

 1. I don't feel the same way...
 2. I love you, too, Raimy.

 Pick [2] here and she'll want to spend the day together with you tomorrow

 1. Yes.
 2. No.

 Pick [1] here to agree.

 The next morning, Remus will come up and ask to come along, but your familiar
will stop him. She'll then have us go eat. After that, she'll suggest the art

 1. I didn't expect you to say that.
 2. Good choice!

 Pick [2] here and she'll take you to museum. She'll look sad here:

 1. Is the painting too hard for you?
 2. This painting has vast artistic merit.

 Pick [1] here and she'll snap out of it. Afterwards she'll say she just
doesn't really get art. They'll go on a walk next, and Pipi will visit!

 1. Looks like she's saying hello.
 2. Looks like she's saying goodbye.

 Pick [2] here and soon you'll be holding your familiar like we used to
hold Pipi. Awww!


 Talk to (Familiar)?

 1. Yes.
 2. No.

 Pick [2] here and go to Leona's room (middle door, second floor). She will
tell you how her people and humans are different, but will want to help you:

 1. *walk away*
 2. *embrace her*

 Pick [2] here and she'll profess her love for you:

 1. You're number one with me, too.
 2. Do you love me as much as I love you?

 Pick what you wish (I picked [2]) and the night will end.

 In the morning, Leona will ask about your familiar:

 1. I'll go get her.
 2. I'd rather be alone with you today.
 3. She's probably still sleeping.

 Pick [2] here and head downstairs and Remus will try to stop you. Leona
will have him go occupy your familiar though. She'll then drag you off to

 1. What's your all-time favorite?
 2. That's great!

 Pick [1] here and she'll of course say meat! Heh. Next you'll head to the
harbor where she comments on the wind. She'll ask what you like about her:

 1. I like how cute you are.
 2. I like how dependable you are.
 3. I like how ditsy you are.

 Pick what you like (I picked [1]) and she'll then take you to the well-area
in town. She'll express her desire to stay with you no matter what!


 After your date, return and the entire party will be waiting for you. They
will give you a present: a [_BRACELET_], along with a cool, unique animated
scene. Everyone will head off. Your familiar will ask if you're happy to
have such good friends:

 1. Yes.
 2. No.

 Pick [1] of course (unless you have no heart!).

 That night, Maggie and Pamela will visit you to tell you the spell nullifier
is ready. Unfortunately, its range is limited, so we need to set it up in a
good location:

 1. A good location?
 2. Where should we go?

 Pick [2] here and Pamela will say that Mt. Eizenvant is a good location. How
very conveinent, no? Pamela will need to tell us something, too:

 1. Is there a problem?
 2. ....

 Pick [1] here and you'll learn the risks the device on Crevanille, your
Familiar, and Leona. Sounds like death is possible. Are we still doing this?

 1. Yes.
 2. No.
 3. ....

 Go ahead and pick [1]. No regrets! You'll gain the [_SPELL NULLIFIER_]
after your choice. You'll then see a scene while you're sleeping: Vester
has finished the summoning cannon and is firing it!

 You'll wake up to Remus to telling you the news. Head downstairs and a
messenger will tell you the news. Eliza will be confused if it's Dulkheim
or not:

 1. It's Vester.
 2. .....

 Pick [1] here and the party will talk about what to do: go after Vester
or stop the summoning crystals.

 [777 Note to self: Try going after the crystals?]

 OK, let's go after Vester, our last big enemy left. To get to Mt. Eizenvant,
we need to teleport to Eizenvant Bridge. From there, you would think that you
need to go NORTHWEST, but the Ordinale Army won't let us pass!


 LV 49 Lich
 LV 49 Undead Knight
 LV 48 Basilisk
 LV 47 Lesser Demon
 LV 47 Lizardman Lord 

 To go around them, head south and follow the left side of the screen, around
the water. Keep trying to head north / northwest from there. It's a fairly
linear path but soon you'll be at the "Mt. Eizenvant Entrance".

 Once you're at the entrance, take the left path to find a chest with
a [_TRUE POWER UP_] in it. Head into the entrance once you're ready.

 You'll also see a scene showing Baker protecting Marquelia and Christopher
protecting Iglesias, both trying their best to help us out! 

 On this first floor is a large tile area in the center. To the right you
can find enemies, but also to the north a monument saying "Arcanum &
Meditation". This monument has a hole in it.

 [777 NOTE TO SELF: What Gem goes into this hole!?]

 From here, head south to some stairs, then on the second floor head north
up some more stairs. On the third floor head south and soon you'll be outside
once more. Grab the chest here for a [_MAGIC BARRIER EX_].

 Head all the way down to the first floor and to the left side now. There's
some more stairs here, but to their right is another monument. "Life and
Fertility". Here you can put in your JADE GEMSTONE.

 Head up the stairs and on this second floor you can find some stairs to
the far right and an exit to the outside to the south. Head to the outside
first. Out here, you can find another monument to the south. "Hope & Energy".
Here you can put in your TOPAZ GEMSTONE.


 To the north is a portion of the wall with CRACKS in it that says it can
be broken with a stron blow, but I DO NOT KNOW how to do that. I tried getting
in a fight near it but it is unselectable and Pierce Strike didn't work. If
anyone knows how to break this, let me know. There is a treasure chest on the
other side!


 Go up the stairs inside and to the north is another monument: "Faith &

 [777 NOTE TO SELF: What Gem goes into this hole!?]

 From here, you can drop down the hole to find another monument: "Wisdom &

 [777 NOTE TO SELF: What Gem goes into this hole!?]

 From this staircase though, to continue, head south out to the outside
again. Wade through the enemies and follow the path to some more stairs
heading even further up.

 Up here, you have an outside exit to the south and some stairs to the
right. North of the stairs is also a chest with a [_STUN EX_] in it. To the
south of the chest is a hole that takes you down to a pedestal that you can

 [777 NOTE TO SELF: What does this do!?]

 Head OUTSIDE first and you'll see an area with a bunch of statues. Take
out the enemies and read the sign in the middle:

 Sign the seal of eternity and tell me.
 The seal will begin on the top right
 and end on the bottom left.

 What you need to do here is clever. You need to make an eternity symbol.
That really isn't the hard part, the confusing part is that the sign is both
a START and FINISH button. Basically, read the sign, walk to the upper right
and around the east statue, then to the upper left of the west status, and
finally return to the sign and "read" it again. NOW a bridge will show up
letting you grab the chest for a [_VALKYRIE SUIT_].

 Head back inside and up the stairs. To the south up here is a SAVE POINT.
To the north you can find a transgate to take you to the bottom of the
mountain if you wish. Note that once you use it, you can warp back to the
top as well (meaning you can go save and heal up if you wish). To the east
/ southeast is another monument. "Power & Mercy". This one takes a RUBY.

(-NOTE-) I'm pretty darn sure you can get that chest if you put all the
 right gems in the monuments, but I didn't have all the gems. Let
 me know what's in there, would ya (and where the missing gems are,
 if you could!). Thanks! 

 To the north of the monument, there's some stairs heading downwards. Head
down there and to the south is a chest with an [_ELIXIR VITAE_] in it.

 Once you're ready, use the save point, buff up, and go out the EAST exit.

 Outside you'll see Lumis and Bauer beat you here. Vester, like most final
evil enemies, will spill some of his plan. Lumis will comment when you arrive:

 1. Let's fight together!
 2. Tch, Vester...

 Pick [1] here and Vester will leave the battle to Cynthia while he heads
off to the peak. Lumis will assess the situation and Cynthia will confirm

 1. Let's stop Vester's plan.
 2. Let's help Lumis.

 Pick what you wish (I picked [2]) and soon it will be mission time!

 __  ____           _                ____________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/ ____/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \/___ \  
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ /___/ /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____/_____/
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M55 \

 o Victory Conditions: Lumis stops the cannon.
 All enemies defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: The cannon explodes.
 Lumis dies.
 All party members die.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Defeat all enemies.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Our goal here is to DEFEAT the Arch-Demons first and foremost. They are
resistant to magic, by the way, randomly nulling out spells. Lumis and Bauer
will join us with Lumis making his way to the cannon and Bauer protecting him.

 For this battle, put MAGIC DEF UP on everyone and send Leona and Crevanille
down south with Dash. Have Crevanille take out the Death Wing Brigade Leader
and anyone in his way while Leona takes out the southwestern enemies.

 Have Remus stay on top and help Bauer kill the Undead Knights while Frayne
starts TRYING to take out the demons with Holy 2. Holy 2 will DAMN NEAR kill
one of them, but they MAY NULL IT. If it sticks though, you can folly up with
a Holy 1 and BAM, one dead demon!

 Sick Crevanille on the remaining monsters once you're done and head to
Cynthia. She will state that no one is standing between her and her mother
and father! How sad.

 Once you beat her, you will tell her what's going on and she'll come to
her senses.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal a Time Incense from the D. W. Brigade Leader.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal 3750 RIL from Cynthia.

 BONUS: +30

 CLEAR BONUS:  18000 RIL   1500 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x5.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, Lumis will comment that spells are still pouring in from
somewhere. Cynthia adds that it is likely Vester. Lumis will adjust the
device, but it'll still blow:

 1. What should we do?
 2. Let's take down Vester!

 Pick [2] here and a party member will comment:

 1. Let's head to the peak.
 2. With me, everyone!

 Pick [2] again and you'll have control. Head to the let and through the
archway. You can open the door here to save at the previous savepoint if
you wish (you should!) and BUFF, then exit out the south exit.

 Out here you will meet up with Vester, of course:

 1. We'll show YOU useless!
 2. This ends now.

 Pick what you wish and soon we'll be in for a fight!

 __  ____           _                ___________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/ ___/
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \/ __ \
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ / /_/ /
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____/\____/  
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M56 \

 o Victory Conditions: Vester defeated.

 o Defeat Conditions: All party members die.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Defeat Insidious Vester.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Finally, we face Vester!

 Have everyone MAGIC DEF UP and send Leona to the southern demons while
Crevanille occupies Vester. Frayne and Remus should focus on the northern
demons (once again, Holy 2 may or may not hit, but when it does it's almost
instant death!).

 When you put some damage on Vester (500-600) he'll wonder aloud why the
summon cannon hasn't exploded. Here you'll see a rare treat: an animated,
voiced cutscene showing the Royal Guards coming to help us out, saving Lumis
and Bauer in the process!

 Keep the pressure on and soon Vester will turn into a MONSTER: Insidious
Vester! THIS form really amps up his offensive abilities. For starters, he
has a HIGH counter rate and a normal attack that can reach quite far. He also
spawns energy clouds that explode once they get near you. He also has a lance
attack that targets a specific area on the groud and hits HARD a few moments

 I would recommend setting Crevanille to Berserk and letting him have at
Vester. Leona should stick around and kill any of the energy clouds that
pop up while Frayne heals Crevanille and anyone else who needs it. Remus
will pack on damage just with regular attacks.

 I also would recommend NOT trying to outrun the lance attack. You're likely
not going to, as it hits you if you're just near it as well. Just take that
time to heal up or, if you're really worried, defend.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal 7000 RIL from Vester.

 (-NOTE-) You can steal a Time Incense from Insidious Vester.

 BONUS: +33

 CLEAR BONUS:  21000 RIL   1600 EXP

 ITEMS ACQUIRED: Random Ring x3, 2900 Ril.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, Vester will start to heal:

 1. Let's use the Spell Nullifier.
 2. Let's fight again.

 Pick [1] here and watch several scenes. Soon you'll be in a VASTLY different
area and will have a dialog choice:

 1. I can't die.
 2. *stand up*

 Pick what you wish (I picked [1]) and with the help of the modified rod,
Crevanille and your familiar will drive back the darkness, which DARKNESS
Vester does NOT appreciate! The party will decide that with the spell
nullifier broken, they'll defeat Vester here and stop him from returning:

 1. We'll return home victorious!
 2. We'll defeat Vester!

 Pick [1] here and the fight is on!

 __  ____           _                ___________
 /  |/  (_)_________(_)___  ____     / ____/__  /
 / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \   /___ \   / /
 / /  / / (__  |__  ) / /_/ / / / /  ____/ /  / /  
 /_/  /_/_/____/____/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_____/  /_/   
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ WoT-M57 \

 o Victory Conditions: Defeat the darkness.

 o Defeat Conditions: Crevanille die.
 * Vester's shadow reaches the rift in space-time.
 * The rift in space-time closes.

 ??? [777: Negative time?]

 Defeat Darkness Vester.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

 Here we are at the final battle!

 First and foremost, put MAGIC DEF UP on everyone.

 After that, the only targets we have are two of Vester's hands, ripping
open the fabric of space-time. ONLY TARGET ONE OF THEM, but just have Remus
and Leona do it. Have Frayne start putting ATK UP, RESIST, and PROTECT on
everyone. Crevanille should Dash up to the left, and stop where the three
paths from the far left converge.

 The hand will counter fairly hard, dealing 200+ damage EVERY time with its
ASH attack, so be sure to heal up as well (have the attackers heal themselves
since Frayne is buffing).

 Soon enough the darkness will make Vester Clones, adding another defeat
condition to the battle:

 * Vester's shadow reaches the rift in space-time.

 With Crevanille over here though, you can take out the clones as they come
down fairly easily. The clones will, of course, respawn after being defeated,
with short pauses in between clones.

 Soon you'll have a fist defeated. Once you do, the rip will become much
smaller but, more importantly, the Darkness Face (which as you know is the
MAIN ENEMY) will now become attackable! There will also be two Dark Matter
enemies show up to the north and south.

 From here, dedicate Frayne to healing (or Cycle Up) and have Crevanille
go BERSERK on the face! Leona can take out the clones or attack a Dark
Matter (or both) while Remus does the same.

 The face and Dark Matters can use melle tendrill attacks. The face can also
use a variety of devestating moves, such as Delta Triangle (it forms an energy
triangle with the Dark Matters and hits for 400+ damage to anyone inside it)
and the entertaining Spell Cyclone, where it casts Level 5 magic on a random
party member one after another (Fire Arrow, Ice Barrage, Wind Edge, and
Sand Shot).

 Since this is the LAST fight, don't be afraid to bring out the BIG GUNS.
And by big guns, I mean the HEAL ALL HP items and DECREASE WT to 0 items.
Anything to stay alive and let Crevanille beat up on the face! Stop the
clones, beat up on the face, and stay healed and you've GOT this!

 (-NOTE-) You can't steal anything from Darkness Vester.

 BONUS: +??



 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 After the battle, head to the right where the space-time rip was and soon
you'll see a scene of it closing! Your familiar will return to their normal
form as well. When it looks like we may not make it, Crevanille will use
some Angelic Essence to try and keep it open:

 1. Just hurry and escape!
 2. Go, while I'm supporting this place!
 3. I'll bear it!

 Pick [2] here and everyone will say something and leave. Watch the scenes
afterwards and soon Crevanille will wake up, surrounded by everyone:

 1. You were waiting for us?
 2. We're fine.
 3. You're still here?

 Pick [1] here and watch the scenes. After that you'll get some more
unique scenes! Yea! Sit back and enjoy! You'll soon get a chance to save

 __      __                 ___       _____            
 \ \    / /                |   |     |_   _|               
 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                           Possible Endings                           >==O

 Here I'll list all the endings you can possibly see.

 (-NOTE-) It will likely take quite awhile to get this section complete.

 (-NOTE-) This section is ordered alphabetically by party member.


 ~ "Migrating Birds"

 You'll return from your trip of keeping peace talks and will return to
 the villa after seeing Alice and Eliza. D-RM will comment on Pipi once

 1. That's impossible.
 2. She'll come back someday.

 Pick [2] here and she'll think about all the people we've met and parted
 with and will wonder if we'll always be together:

 1. Are you worried about that?
 2. I don't know...

 Pick [1] here and she'll promise to always find her way back to you:

 1. I'll work just as hard.
 2. Eh, you worry too much.

 Go ahead and pick [1] again and she'll make sure it's a promise...


 ~ "I Love My Master!"

 After talking to Alice and meeting Elize, Crevanille will leave the
 palace while Leona says she was waiting on us:

 1. I have an acorn for you!
 2. Good girl!

 Pick [1] here and she'll be happy we're about to have a break:

 1. I'm never tired with you around.
 2. Sounds nice.

 Here pick whatever you like (I picked [1]) and she'll say we're staying
 at the villa before bringing up her old world:

 1. You want to go back?
 2. Stay with me!

 Pick [1] here again and she'll miss her home... but home is wherever YOU
 are, after all...

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O==<                             Appendices                               >==O

 Here you can find the game's supplementary info. Things like the Vacation
FAQ and Arena info are here.


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O==<                        Familiar Creation FAQ                         >==O

(  Creation  )________________________________________________________________

 There are FOUR types of fairies you can obtain.

 From everything I've read and learned, which FAIRY you choose doesn't REALLY
matter: you can train each of them later. That said, personality and looks are
the biggest choices here.

 The four fairy types are found in your instruction booklet (which I'd
recommend checking out to see what they look like!):

 o Type D-YN - "Cool and composed"

 This type comes off as reserved to me, but capable at the same. You
 can likely expect a higher starting INT and MAG from this type.

 o Type D-PT - "Cheerfull and talkative"

 This type seems to be the most inclined to fighting! A good melee-lovers
 choice. You can likely expect high STR and TLK here.

 o Type D-RM - "Petite and ditsy"

 This type seems to be a good all-around fairy. She looks exactly like the
 Growlanser 3 fairy too. Average stats.

 o Type D-MD - "Serious, skilled, and serene"

 This type is the new type for the PSP version of the game. Thinks of
 fairys as tools for humans to use. Also seems to have average stats.
 Perhaps a bit low on the INT.

 Now let's start with the fairy-making!

 To start off with, we'll have to choose the CONCENTRAION

 - Make it thick.           (+Muscle)
 - Use a balanced amount.   (+Muscle, Intelligence, Witchcraft)
 - Make it thin.            (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)

 NEXT, we must regulate the TEMPATURE of the fluid:

 - Heat it to 50 degrees.
 - Heat it to 40 degrees.
 - Leave it at room temperature.

 NEXT, we must add in a MASTER RECOGNITION ITEM so the fairy and
 Crevanille synch to each other:

 - A strand of hair.        (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)
 - Part of a fingernail.    (+Muscle, Witchcraft, Positive)
 - A drop of blood.         (+Intelligence, Witchcraft)

 LASTLY, we can add in a stone to alter abilities:

 - Add a Red Stone.         (+Positive)
 - Add a Blue Stone.
 - Add a Green Stone.       (+Affinity)
 - Don't add any stone.

 (-NOTE-) You can add MULTIPLE stones here.

 After you're done, you'll be asked some questions by Vallery:


 "Of course, a cute girl would be best, right?"

 1. You know it!
 2. Eh, girls are problematic.
 3. Only if she's good in battle.
 4. I really don't care.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get asked question 2.
 [2]: Get type D-MD
 [3]: Get asked question 3.
 [4]: Randomly get a fairy.


 "What's your favorite type of girl?"

 1. Cheerfull and talkative.
 2. Cool and composed.
 3. Petite and ditsy.
 4. Serious, skilled, and serene.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get type D-PT
 [2]: Get type D-YN
 [3]: Get type D-RM
 [4]: Get type D-MD


 "What sort are you hoping to get?"

 1. One with strong physical attacks.
 2. One with a strong physical defense.
 3. One with strong spells.
 4. One with a strong spell defense.
 5. One with strong conversation skills.
 6. Don't care, as long as she's useful.

 How you answer is important here:

 [1]: Get type D-PT
 [2]: Get type D-PT
 [3]: Get type D-YN
 [4]: Get type D-YN
 [5]: Get type D-RM
 [6]: Get type D-MD

 Vallery will advise we've done all we can do. It will likely be born
before dawn and everyone will get some sleep.

 Everyone but Crevanille that is. You'll be in control in the middle of the
night, and can exit to the common room (you don't HAVE to exit... in fact,
I'd recommend just checking your egg out and going to bed). Here you'll
meet Bryntir again, who will say you should be in bed:

 1. I'll go back at once.
 2. So, what're you doing out?
 3. ......

 Choose [1] if you don't want to piss him off and go back to bed.

 Once you go to bed you'll get a nifty scene showing Crevanille being
awakened by his new familiar! Once you have control again you can say

 1. Huh? Who are you?
 2. Did you wake me?
 3. Ugh... I was sleeping!
 4. Are you a familiar?

 Choose what you will (only [3] gets a bad response!) and Remus and
Vallery will walk in and suggest you give her a name. You have the
following to select from:

 - Pitti
 - Yuni
 - Raimy

 I like Raimy the best (Growlanser 3, I believe) so that's what I chose.
You'll see her stats afterwards. Below I'll put what stats I got and what
choices I made. Note that ALL my choices for the TYPE of fairy were
deliberate. The skills you get seem to be VERY random, but you can try what
I did and see what you get. Feel free to try multiple times since you have
that save file!

 TRY 1:  D-RM                             TRY 2:  D-PT

 NORMAL                                   THICK
 40 DEG                                   50 DEG
 Fingernail                               Fingernail
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 2                                    STR 3
 INT 1 high                               INT 1 low
 MAG 2                                    MAG 1
 CHA 2                                    CHA 1 low
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2
 DEX 1 low                                DEX 1 low
 OUT 2                                    OUT 2 very high
 FRD 2                                    FRD 2 low

 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)           Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)             Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

 TRY 3:  D-RM                             TRY 4:  D-YN

 THIN                                     THIN
 Room Temp                                Room Temp
 Blood                                    Blood
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 1 low                                STR 1
 INT 2                                    INT 2
 MAG 3                                    MAG 3
 CHA 2 low                                CHA 1
 TLK 2                                    TLK 1
 DEX 1 low                                DEX 2 low
 OUT 1                                    OUT 1
 FRD 2 low                                FRD 2 low

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                       Learned ENEMY SCAN
 Learned GABBING                          Learned GUARD SPELL
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)            Learned GABBING
 Learned TREASURE SCOUT (Mastered)        Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)           Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)             Learned Foresight (Mastered)

 TRY 5:  D-MD                             TRY 6:  D-PT

 NORMAL                                   NORMAL
 40 DEG                                   50 DEG
 Hair                                     Fingernail
 All Stones (Greenx2, Redx2, Bluex1)      Green Stone x3

 STR 1 low                                STR 3
 INT 3                                    INT 1 low
 MAG 2 high                               MAG 1 high
 CHA 1                                    CHA 1 low
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2 high
 DEX 2 low                                DEX 1 low
 OUT 2                                    OUT 2
 FRD 2 low                                FRD 2

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                        Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned GABBING                           Learned Foresight (Mastered)
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

 TRY 7:  D-YN                             TRY 8:  D-MD

 NORMAL                                   NORMAL
 40 DEG                                   40 DEG
 Fingernail                               Fingernail
 Green Stone x3                           Green Stone x3

 STR 2                                    STR 2 high
 INT 2                                    INT 1 high
 MAG 3                                    MAG 2
 CHA 1 high                               CHA 1
 TLK 2                                    TLK 2 low
 DEX 1                                    DEX 2
 OUT 1                                    OUT 2
 FRD 2                                    FRD 2

 Learned ENEMY SCAN                       Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned GABBING                          Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)
 Learned EVENT MEMO (Mastered)
 Learned RECONNOITER (Mastered)
 Learned FORESIGHT (Mastered)

(  Training  )________________________________________________________________

 This info is for when you want to train your familiar and what picking
 certain training options will do for you stat-wise. Note that you will NOT
 always loose stats when you train... that seems to be pretty random.

 o EXERCISE         o STUDY

 ++ STR             ++ INT
 ++ MAG
 + DEX              
 + OUT              + TLK
 + DEX
 - INT
 - MAG              - STR
 - TLK              - CHA
 - FRD              - OUT
 - FRD


 ++ CHA              + INT
 + CHA
 + TLK
 + DEX
 + OUT
 + FRD

 - STR
 - MAG


 Outgoingness UP (Red Stone)

 Friendship UP (Green Stone)

 Dollhouse Energy UP (Blue Stone)

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O==<                             Vacation FAQ                             >==O

 [Coming Soon!]

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O==<                             Arena Guide                              >==O

 Here's all you can expect from the Arena!

 Note that there are SEVERAL tips to help you out in your battles:

 T I P S

 - SAVE before every match!

 - HEAL UP after every match!

 - Use KNACKS to help you out! Using DODGE on the higher ranks can help!
 Using BERSERK can even help if it's the last battle!

 - Have someone BUFF YOU UP before you enter. Use THIER MP, not yours!
 If it's the 4v4, buff up before you go in!

 - Tailor your skillstones and rings for optimization! Equip rings with
 better stats and use Lethe Drops / Fairy Tears to get them where you
 want them!

 - On the harder 1 v 1 fights, STAY NEAR your entrance. You will always
 have an ATW bar to wait out, but if you stay away from the enemies door,
 you won't be AUTOMATICALLY attacked. You can cast things like Cycle UP
 and heal in the meantime as well.

 - Items like VITO'S NOSTRUM and SACRED ELIXIR are a godsend, especially in
 matches like the 2 v 2 and 4 v 4 ranks.

 A R E N A

 Once your FIFTH VACATION is over, the Arena will be open!

 The LEFT door leads to the viewing area. Not much to do over there except
talk to people.

 The RIGHT door leads to the entry area:

 - The LEFT person lets you ENTER matches.

 - The MIDDLE person explains them and keeps track of records.

 - The RIGHT person lets you rest and save.

 First, let's go through the matches and their explinations:

 o Physical Damage

 A contest of who can deal the Guardian the most damage. Each attack
 is recorded and ranked. If you manage to get 1st Place, you will receive
 a special reward!

 Note that the Guardian in this contest uses a unique anti-spell shield,
 rendering all spell attacks ineffective.

 o Spell Damage

 A contest of who can deal the Guardian the most damage. Each attack is
 recorded and ranked. If you manage to get 1st Place, you will receive
 a special reward.

 o Bronze Class

 Light competition in which you are pitted against several opponents at
 once. After each battle, you may continue or suspend. If you complete 5
 or more, you will get a prize! You will master this class by completing
 8 battles.

 o Silver Class

 Medium competition in which you are pitted against several opponents at
 once. After each battle, you may continue or suspend. If you complete 5
 or more, you will get a prize! You will master this class by completing
 8 battles.

 o Gold Class

 Heavy competition in which you are pitted against several opponents at
 once. After each battle, you may continue or suspend. If you complete 5
 or more, you will get a prize! You will master this class by completing
 8 battles.

 o Free Battle 1v1

 In addition to standard opponents, you may find yourself up against the
 shadows of former legends in this 1v1 tournament. You will advance 1
 class for every 3 battles you win. A fee is required to enter a new
 class, but winning will get you a ring related to the level of the class

 o Creature Conquest

 Be part of a 2-man team and compete against three other teams in a race
 to see who can kill the most creatures within the set time limit. The
 prizes you receive will depend on the number of creatures your team

 P H Y S I C A L   D A M A G E

 In this contest, you must score MORE than 930 damage with a SINGLE
 attack. Hard? Yes.

 You will likely (or SHOULD likely) be trying this later in the game.
 Sometime between vacation 6 and 7 should be good. I personally did th is
 and was successful before vacation 6.

 To accomplish this, I had a LV 37 Crevanille who had used TWO Blessing
 Bells, which means my starts were buffed up quite a bit. To compare:

 STR 383
 DEX 370
 INT 300
 ATK 534
 DEF 422
 MOV 322
 ATW  32


 8Y Wisdom Blade +3
 7R Thorned Power
 7Y Critical Strike EX

 I went in there and waited until RIGHT before the counter ended. You
 should cast ATK UP in that time, if you didn't have it on before hand.
 Then, right before it ended, I used the skill BERSERK.

 With Thorned Power AND Berserk you get your damage multiplied 100%.
 This SHOULD BE enough to do it, but if not the Critical will more than
 save your ass if it comes down to it (of course, that's just a CHANCE,
 but still). You COULD put another damage stone here though, and try that
 out. With this setup I hit 999 on my first try.

 That MAY have been a critical though...

 If you wish/want to send me YOUR setup and strategy, email me at my
 address above and I'll give it a look and perhaps even include it!

 After reaching 999, you will be the new champion! For a reward, you
 will learn the limit ability SWORD DANCE!

 B R O N Z E   C L A S S


 Win 5: Lv 4 Spellstone x1
 Win 6: Lv 4 Spellstone x2
 Win 7: Lv 5 Spellstone x1
 Win 8: Lv 5 Spellstone x2

 FIGHT 1:  LV 1 Vampire Glass x1, LV 2 Aero x1.

 FIGHT 2:  LV 2 Lesser Scorpion x1, LV 4 Giant Bat x1.

 FIGHT 3:  LV 5 Living Sword x1, LV 6 Snake x1.

 FIGHT 4:  LV 7 Worm x1, LV 8 Scorpion x1.

 FIGHT 5:  LV 9 Scissor Head x1, LV 10 Timber Wolf x1.

 FIGHT 6:  LV 11 Executioner x1, LV 12 Puppet x1.

 FIGHT 7:  LV 13 Poison Lizard x1, LV 14 Gel x1.

 FIGHT 8:  LV 14 Imp x1, LV 16 Viper x1, LV 17 Garuga x1.

 S I L V E R   C L A S S


 Win 5: Lv 6 Spellstone x1
 Win 6: Lv 6 Spellstone x2
 Win 7: Lv 7 Spellstone x1
 Win 8: Lv 7 Spellstone x2

 FIGHT 1:  LV 17 Bear x1, LV 18 Will-o-wisp x1.

 FIGHT 2:  LV 18 Gremlin x1, LV 19 Zombie x1.

 FIGHT 3:  LV 19 Skeleton x1, LV 19 Diamond Wolf x1.

 FIGHT 4:  LV 20 Stowe x1, LV 20 Werecat x1.

 FIGHT 5:  LV 20 Kester x1, LV 20 Grizzly x1.

 FIGHT 6:  LV 21 Vampire Bat x1, LV 21 Bone Golem x1.

 FIGHT 7:  LV 21 Ghoul x1, LV 22 Lizardman x1.

 FIGHT 8:  LV 22 Orion x1, LV 26 Larva x1, LV 27 Salamander x1.

 G O L D   C L A S S


 Win 5: Lv 7 Spellstone x1
 Win 6: Lv 7 Spellstone x2
 Win 7: Lv 8 Spellstone x1
 Win 8: Lv 8 Spellstone x2

 FIGHT 1:  LV 27 Gargoyle x1, LV 28 Hellhound x1.

 FIGHT 2:  LV 28 Armored Crab x1, LV 29 Evil Mage x1.

 FIGHT 3:  LV 29 Maneater x1, LV 30 Mutant Gel x1.

 FIGHT 4:  LV 30 Spirit x1, LV 30 Orionolf x1.

 FIGHT 5:  LV 30 Spectre x1, LV 32 Welker x1.

 FIGHT 6:  LV 32 Rover x1, LV 33 Jenoune x1.

 FIGHT 7:  LV 33 Troll x1, LV 33 Golem x1.

 FIGHT 8:  LV 34 Shadow Demon x1, LV 35 Skeleton Knight x1,
 LV 39 Sting Balloon x1.

(-NOTE-) Once you beat GOLD class, you will unlock PLATINUM class!

 P L A T I N U M   C L A S S


 Win 5: Lv 8 Spellstone x1
 Win 6: Lv 8 Spellstone x2
 Win 7: Lv 9 Spellstone x1
 Win 8: Lv 9 Spellstone x2

 FIGHT 1:  LV 39 Valbug x1, LV 40 Werepanther x1.

 FIGHT 2:  LV 40 Dayum x1, LV 42 Orthrus x1.

 FIGHT 3:  LV 42 Petite Dragon x1, LV 43 Giant x1.

 FIGHT 4:  LV 44 Demon Messenger x1, LV 44 Giant Crab x1.

 FIGHT 5:  LV 45 Demi Titan x1, LV 47 Lizardman Lord x1.

 FIGHT 6:  LV 47 Lesser Demon x1, LV 48 Basilisk x1.

 FIGHT 7:  LV 49 Lich x1, LV 49 Undead Knight x1.

 FIGHT 8:  LV 54 Mythril Golem x1, LV 55 Samael x1, LV 57 Archdemon x1.

 F R E E   B A T T L E   1 v 1

 (-NOTE-) ALL PRIZES in this tourney are RINGS. The higher up you go, the
 better the rings are. The MASTER S rings are downright GODLY, so
 keep going until they are yours!


 FIGHT 1: LV 1 Archer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 1 Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 2 Heavy Warrior x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 6 Commanding Officer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 4 Liberation Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 4 Liberation Archer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 8 Liberation Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 24 Marquelay Caster x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 24 Marquelay Healer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 25 Marquelay Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 24 Marquelay Archer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 30 Marquelay Captain x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 32 Mercenary Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 32 Mercenary Archer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 32 Mercenary Healer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 32 Mercenary Caster x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 32 Mercenary Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 36 Mercenary Captain x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 36 Mercenary Archer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 36 Mercenary Caster x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 36 Mercenary Healer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 36 Mercenary Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 40 Mercenary Captain x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 39 Swordsman x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Commanding Officer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 42 Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 42 Archer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Dulkheim Healer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 43 Dulkheim Archer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 43 Dulkheim Caster x1.

(-NOTE-) After beating this class, you will be able to play the 2v2 and
 4v4 competitions!


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Dulkheim Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 48 Dulkheim Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 43 Valkanian Archer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 42 Valkanian Caster x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 42 Valkanian Healer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 48 Valkanian Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 45 Ordinale Archer x1.


 FIGHT 1: LV 45 Ordinale Healer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 45 Ordinale Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 45 Ordinale Caster x1.   


 FIGHT 1: LV 45 Ordinale Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 49 Ordinale Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 46 Tactician x1. 


 FIGHT 1: LV 47 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like Lumis).

 FIGHT 2: LV 48 Supreme Commander x1 (Looks like General Baker).

 FIGHT 3: LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like Major Abrams).   


 FIGHT 1: LV 49 Valkanian Soldier x1 (Looks like ???).

 FIGHT 2: LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like ???).

 FIGHT 3: LV 49 Valkanian Soldier x1 (Looks like Lt. Simmons).        


 FIGHT 1: LV 50 Intelligence Director x1 (Looks like Cargill).

 FIGHT 2: LV 51 Ruin Child x1 (Looks like Bryntir).

 FIGHT 3: LV 51 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Muntzer).  


 FIGHT 1: LV 54 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Silverniel).

 FIGHT 2: LV 54 Mercenary Captain x1 (Looks like Bauer).

 FIGHT 3: LV 56 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Alfonse).  


 FIGHT 1: LV 56 D. W. Brigade Leader x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 56 Ordinale Lord x1 (Looks like Christopher).

 FIGHT 3: LV 57 Mysterious Man x1 (Looks like Vester). 

 F R E E   B A T T L E   2 v 2


 FIGHT 1: LV 1 Archer x1, LV 1 Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 2 Heavy Warrior x1, LV 6 Commanding Officer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 4 Liberation Infantry x1, LV 4 Liberation Archer x1. 

 PRIZE: Wisdom Apple


 FIGHT 1: LV 8 Liberation Soldier x1, LV 24 Marquelay Caster x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 24 Marquelay Healer x1, LV 25 Marquelay Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 24 Marquelay Archer x1, LV 30 Marquelay Captain x1. 

 PRIZE: Live Apple x5


 FIGHT 1: LV 32 Mercenary Infantry x1, LV 32 Mercenary Archer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 32 Mercenary Healer x1, LV 32 Mercenary Caster x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 32 Mercenary Swordsman x1, LV 36 Mercenary Captain x1. 

 PRIZE: Dandy Book x4, 300 RIL.


 FIGHT 1: LV 36 Mercenary Archer x1, LV 36 Mercenary Caster x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 36 Mercenary Healer x1, LV 36 Mercenary Swordsman x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 39 Swordsman x1, LV 40 Mercenary Captain x1. 

 PRIZE: Secret Book.


 FIGHT 1: LV 42 Swordsman x1, LV 43 Commanding Officer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 42 Archer x1, LV 43 Dulkheim Healer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 43 Dulkheim Archer x1, LV 43 Dulkheim Caster x1. 

 PRIZE: Lucky Symbol x3.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Dulkheim Infantry x1, LV 48 Dulkheim Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 43 Valkanian Archer x1, LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 42 Valkanian Caster x1, LV 42 Valkanian Healer x1. 

 PRIZE: Secret Book x3.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1, LV 48 Valkanian Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 45 Ordinale Archer x1, LV 45 Ordinale Healer x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 45 Ordinale Infantry x1, LV 45 Ordinale Caster x1. 

 PRIZE: Elixir Vitae x3.


 FIGHT 1: LV 45 Ordinale Infantry x1, LV 49 Ordinale Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 46 Tactician x1,
 LV 47 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like Lumis).

 FIGHT 3: LV 48 Supreme Commander x1 (Looks like General Baker),
 LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier  x1 (Looks like Major Abrams). 

 PRIZE: Time Incense x3.


 FIGHT 1: LV 49 Valkanian Soldier x1 (Looks like ???),
 LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier  x1 (Looks like ???).

 FIGHT 2: LV 49 Valkanian Soldier x1 (Looks like Simmons),
 LV 50 Intelligence Director x1 (Looks like Cargill).

 FIGHT 3: LV 51 Ruin Child x1 (Looks like Bryntir),
 LV 51 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Muntzer). 

 PRIZE: Your choice (TAKE THE Bell of Blessing!)

 (-NOTE-) While the prizes SAY "x9", you will only get one.


 FIGHT 1: LV 54 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Silverneil),
 LV 54 Mercenary Captain x1 (Looks like Bauer).

 FIGHT 2: LV 56 Ex-Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Alfonse),
 LV 56 D. W. Brigade Leader x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV  x1, LV  x1. 

 PRIZE: Your choice (TAKE THE Bell of Blessing x2!)

 F R E E   B A T T L E   4 v 4


 FIGHT 1: LV 1 Archer x1, LV 1 Swordsman x1,
 LV 2 Heavy Warrior x1, LV 6 Commanding Officer.

 FIGHT 2: LV 4 Liberation Infantry x1, LV 4  Liberation Archer x1,
 LV 8 Liberation Soldier x1, LV 24  Marquelay Caster x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 24 Marquelay Healer x1, Marquelay Archer x1,
 LV 25 Marquelay Infantry x1, LV 30 Marquelay Captain.



 FIGHT 1: LV 32 Mercenary Infantry x1, LV 32 Mercenary Healer x1,
 LV 32 Mercenary Caster x1, LV 32 Mercenary Archer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 32 Mercenary Swordsman x1, LV 36 Mercenary Archer x1,
 LV 36 Mercenary Caster x1, LV 36 Mercenary Captain x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 36 Mercenary Healer x1, LV 36 Mercenary Swordsman x1,
 LV 39 Swordsman x1, LV 40 Mercenary Captain x1.

 PRIZE: Familiar D-PT Cursor, Familiar D-YN Cursor,
 Familiar D-RM Cursor, Familiar D-MD Cursor.

 (-NOTE-) These cursors can be selected in the CONFIG menu!


 FIGHT 1: LV 42 Swordsman x1, LV 42 Archer x1,
 LV 43 Dulkheim Healer x1, LV 43 Commanding Officer x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 43 Dulkheim Arcer x1, LV 43 Dulkheim Infantry x1,
 LV 43 Dulkheim Caster x1, LV 48 Dulkheim Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 42 Valkanian Caster x1, LV 42 Valkanian Healer x1,
 LV 43 Valkanian Archer x1, LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1.

 PRIZE: Familiar Costume G.


 FIGHT 1: LV 43 Valkanian Infantry x1, LV 45 Ordinale Healer x1,
 LV 45 Ordinale Archer x1, LV 48 Valkanian Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 2: LV 45 Ordinale Infantry x 2, LV 45 Ordinale Caster x1,
 LV 49 Ordinale Soldier x1.

 FIGHT 3: LV 46 Tactician x1 (Looks like ???),
 LV 47 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like Lumis),
 LV 48 Supreme Commander x1 (Looks like General Baker),
 LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier x1 (Looks like Major Abrams).

 PRIZE: SOUND TEST (After clearing the game).


 FIGHT 1: LV 49 Valkanian Soldier (Looks like ???),
 LV 49 Valkanian Soldier (Looks like Simmons),
 LV 49 Dulkheim Soldier (Looks like ???),
 LV 50 Intelligence Diretor (Looks like Cargill).

 FIGHT 2: LV 51 Ruin Child x1 (Looks like Bryntir),
 LV 51 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Muntzer),
 LV 54 Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Silverneil),
 LV 54 Mercenary Captain x1 (Looks like Bauer).

 FIGHT 3: LV 56 Ex-Royal Guard x1 (Looks like Alfonse),
 LV 56 Ordinale Lord x1 (Looks like Christopher),
 LV 56 D. W. Brigade Leader,
 LV 57 Mysterious Man x1 (Looks like Vester).

 PRIZE: 2W M2 Amulet.

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O==<                           Version History                            >==O

 Version 0.05: August 1st-4th, 2012

 Pretty excited to have a new Growlanser game to play. So far I'm having a
blast with it! Guide is starting to shape up nicely. Still have some formatting
design choices to work out as well as content layout choices, but I'm sure I
will get all that done in time. The more I play the game and become familiar
with it, the better the guide will look (and I really haven't played the game
for VERY long at all yet...).

 Version .30: August 7th-13th, 2012

 A ways into the game, but MAN this game has so much dialog in it. Have no
idea how much is left to the game, but I feel like it's at least 1/3rd of the
way over.

 Version .40: August 14th-17th, 2012

 This game's plot just doesn't let up! ALWAYS something going on and things
are ALWAYS getting deeper and deeper. Hope you guys are enjoying it as much
as I am. Nearing level 30 and I don't know many RPGs that go above level 60,
so I must be getting near the halfway pint of the game...

 Version .60: August 18th-31st, 2012

 Taking quite awhile to do this game, but making good progress. So much
dialog and choices! It's crazy, but I'm loving every minute of it. Still a
heck of a lot to do though...

 Version .75: September 1st-7th, 2012

 Still taking me FOREVER to get this guide done, but good progress on it
again. Frankly, I blame Diablo 3 for all the delays! Grrr! Just hit some
BOMBSHELLS in the story and man am I hooked!

 Version 1.00: September 8th-19th, 2012

 FINALLY beat the game. Still missing several little things here and there
and the endings and vacation sections need some serious work, but the guide
is at a "complete" state! Hurrah!

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 \ \/\/ / A Y F A Y E R   | | | F     | |   I M E
O==<                               Credits                                >==O


 o Board for all the helpful topics and talk. Seriously guys,
 you've helped a ton! BIG help from the board and all the Growlanser

 o Previous guide writers of this game: Molivious, Yandy Kusanagi,
 the Neoseeker Wiki team, the Gamefaqs Wiki team... you guys have the same
 love for this game that I do and you all deserve thanks for your work!

 o This Japanese Wiki page:

 For info on the familiar stat increases. I, uh... don't really know
 the proper name of this page or wiki (ATWIKI ?) but this information is
 helpful nonetheless! If you translate the site, there's a bunch of helpful
 info. It may take some digging through though...

 ** MORE TO COME! **


 o Jeremy Wise from for the support.

 o Johnathan Sawyer for the controller ASCII.

YOU DON'T NEED                                       Document © Bkstunt_31 2012
A REASON                        Growlanser: Wayfayer of Time © 2011 Career Soft
TO HELP PEOPLE!                                   E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T