Tekken Card Tournament Walkthrough [Guide]

Tekken Card Tournament is a collectible card game that lets players simulate the fighting action of Tekken without having to do all those button mashing combos manually. By collecting and playing cards on your deck, you will be able to string together attacks that will decimate your opponents, bringing to life the essence of this beloved fighting franchise to a whole new audience. Who is the best Tekken fighter in the world? Play the game and find out.

Tekken Card Tournament allows players to collect cards that feature attacks from their favorite Tekken characters. They must then face off one on one against both player and computer controlled opponents in order to earn gold and credits, as well as credibility as one of the top Tekken masters. Along the way, players can improve their decks by purchasing new cards and well as evolving them in order to become much more competitive in battle.

Currently, Tekken Card Tournament features eight character from the series, and players are free to choose as to which character they would like to play as. At the start of the game, players will be provided with a free deck of cards for their initial chosen character, but they can choose to play as other characters once they have built a deck for that particular fighter. Details for each player are detailed below, with strengths and other abilities added in.

-          Kazuya has very strong attacks and has a good mix of special abilities. He is known to be one of the best fighters in the selection, especially when weakened.

-          Paul is one of the strongest players in the game, although most of his abilities can also harm him in one way or another. Paul is a great character if you want to just keep on the offensive.

-          Law has attacks that perform decent damage, but he is most dangerous when it comes to combos and with countering and parrying attacks of opponents.

-          Panda has good attacks that are boosted by special abilities. Her cards also often have the Protection boost, making her a good balance between offense and defense.

-          Yoshimitsu is a fast player whose specialty is the ability to conceal his cards. This is his unique feature, as cards at play are often always shown on the screen.

-          Xiayu is a fast player that is meant for players that love to do combos. Xiaoyu has cards that allows her to draw multiple cards at once, although her attacks tend to be weak.

-          Lili is a player that is great for advanced players as she has cards that can nullify or weaken players’ attacks. Her strength relies on the deck of the other player, however, so playing Lily is a high risk but high reward tactic.

-          Nina is one of the best all around players with moderate stats and abilities all around. She is a great character to play for both beginners and experts alike.

There are two types of currency at play within Tekken Card Tournament, namely coins and credits. Coins are the basic currency of the game, and can be used to purchase booster packs as well as individual cards. Coins must also be used to evolve cards into more powerful ones. In turn, credits can also be used to purchase cards, albeit rarer and more powerful ones, and can also be used to refill stamina. Both coins and credits can be earned as rewards for winning battles, completing quests, or reaching certain achievements, although the latter is awarded much less frequently. Coins and credits can also be purchased using real life currency.

Game Modes
There are three game modes within Tekken Card Tournament. Arcade mode lets you fight against computer controlled opponents with three levels of difficulty. At first, only Easy Mode is accessible, with Medium and Hard mode to be unlocked once you’ve reached a certain level. Next is PvP Mode, where players can search for other players to battle with online. Lastly, Championship Mode is where players can also do battle with each other in a week long campaign. Whoever wins the most points during the period will get huge rewards in the form of coins or other special items.

Stamina serves as the energy within the game. Stamina allows you to fight and collect rewards, although while you can still fight in both Arcade Mode and PvP Mode even without Stamina, you will earn no XP or other rewards even if you win the battle. You are not allowed to fight in Championship Mode if you do not have Stamina. This resource regenerates at a rate of one every thirty minutes, although you can also spend credits to refill it instantly.

Leveling Up
Going into battles will earn players XP. This will in turn fill up the XP bar found on top of the screen. If this bar fills up, the player will level up, and this will earn players rewards in the form of coins or other special items. Reaching a certain level will also unlock certain modes and functions within the game. The higher your level, however, the more XP you would require to reach the next level.

Cards serve as the player’s main artillery in the game. Players can collect and arrange their decks, which are specific for each character, in many ways, and the way by which they arrange their decks is one of the main factors that will determine their success.

All cards have certain attack points that will deal that number of damage to the opponent when it hits successfully. Cards have different names and drawings, although the actual attacks during combat are predetermined, and are limited to punch and kick attacks.

In addition, some cards have different effects based on certain scenarios, and can be triggered either before or after the attack. These scenarios can be based on current health, current actions, or number of cards already drawn. Being able to balance these out is extremely essential in order to pull off good offensive or defensive strategies.

Cards can be won as rewards, or can be bought individually or through booster packs in the market. Players need exactly fifteen cards to complete a deck, plus one optional Power Card that will boost health permanently as well as possible various other specifics specific to the card or character.

In combat, each turn lasts for ten seconds, where players will have to select one of three movements. Focus will allow the player to draw a random card from his deck, but will leave him susceptible to attacks, which will remove one existing card from his deck. Block will nullify the first two attacks by an opponent, but the player will not be able to defend himself from subsequent attacks during the turn. Lastly, strike will activate all cards on the screen for an all out attack at the enemy. Players can only have a maximum of five cards on the screen at a time. It should also be pointed out that a player’s card can appear more than twice on the screen even if there is only one instance of that card in the player’s deck.

Thus, success in Tekken Card Tournament relies on the strength of your cards, being able to successfully predict and counter the opponent’s moves, as well as a little bit of luck. It is also very important to be able to master the special abilities of your cards, as they require certain scenarios to be met so that they could be activated. In addition, some cards will also compensate high attack stats with detrimental effects such as sapping you of health, as well as other negative effects, so they must be aware of those consequences before putting them in play. Otherwise, it would be probably better to just leave them off your active deck.

The market is where players can purchase additional cards for their characters. They can purchase booster packs, which contain random cards, as well as individual cards. These items can be purchased using either coins or credits, and excess or unused cards can also be sold off for coins as well. it is important to note that buying individual cards is much more expensive than buying booster packs, but booster packs do not guarantee that you will be getting a card that you want, or even a card featuring a character that you are playing.

Evolving Cards
In order to become more competitive, players can evolve cards in order to make them stronger. Each base card can be evolved twice, improving their stats and effects. Evolving cards will require a specific number of the same cards, and players will also have to pay a certain amount to make the conversion complete. This is a great way to not only improve cards, but also remove excess or duplicate cards from your collection. However, it should also be noted that while evolving improves the positive effects of your cards, it may worsen negative conditions as well, so make sure that you read the statistics of the resulting card before completing the evolution process.

Daily Bonus
Tekken Card Tournament awards players who consistently play the game. Daily bonuses in the form of coins or credits will be given to players for each day that players log in, so make sure to play everyday in order to avail of these rewards.

Tekken Card Tournament also has a rewards system where players are awarded with coins or credits once they reach a certain milestone. These include fighting using the same character a certain number of times, collecting a specific number of cards for a specific character, and winning battles a certain number of times, among others. Players can reach these objectives over and over again, although the limit is set higher each and every time.