Bioshock Infinite Vigors [GUIDE]

Bioshock Infinite Vigors Guide

Devil’s Kiss
Murder of Crows
Bucking Bronco
Shock Jockey
Return to Sender

NOTE: All upgrades to your Vigors can be bought at the Veni Vidi Vigor vending
machines which are found throughout the game…

NOTE: There are two levels for each VIgor one is used once you click the button
and the other is usually a powerful trap which you can place anywhere by
holding the click for a bit of time.



This is the first Vigor you are going to get in the game. This is handed out to
you in the first area where a woman is giving out free samples of the Vigor.

This Vigor is used to possess machines – namely Turrets and other machines.
Possession consumes a lot of Vigor and you can decrease the amount of Vigor
it consumes by buying an upgrade – “Possession of Less” for an amount of 1653
Silver Eagles and also another upgrade – “Possession Aid” which is 50 Silver
Eagles will allow you to take control of Humans who will kill themselves after
Possession wears off. Note that only the normal enemies will kill themselves,
some other heavier enemies will not be killed.


Devil’s Kiss

You will get this Vigor in the beginning where you kill a Fireman. This Vigor
allows you to throw fire balls at your enemies or also place a fire trap on
the ground which gets activate once your enemies stand on it – just hold the
click for a bit longer to make a trap.

You can Possess someone and hit them with Fire to create your own version of

You can place a Devil’ Kiss Trap and a Murder of Crows Trap over it to create
Flaming Crows which will deal a great amount of damage…

You can make floating fire grenades by combining the two traps of Devil’s Kiss
and Bucking Bronco…


This is a Passive Vigor in the sense that it’s always activated. You get this
from the Lutece Twins at the beginning of the game and this adds a protective
layer of shield over you which will protect you from certain damage and will
break once it reaches threshold. The shield will regenerate once you stop
taking damage.

You can upgrade the shield by consuming INFUSIONs to increase it’s damage
absorbing capacity and you can use certain gear which will inmprove the
recharge delay time and rate.

Murder of Crows

You get this once you kill the leader of the Cult of Raven. This is the second
best Vigor in the game… You can use this when you are facing a large group of
enemies. Murder of Crows sends forth blood-thirsty crows which will stun your
enemies for some time and also lower their health during that time.

The two upgrades cause the enemy killed with crows to become a Crow’s Nest Trap
and the second upgrade allows the stun duration to be increased.

You can combine Murder of Crows traps with Shock Jockey Traps or Devil’s Kiss
Traps to create Lightning Birds or Flaming Birds…

Bucking Bronco

You can levitate your normal enemies in the air (everone except Handymen and
Patriots) and shooting then will cause additional damage. If the enemies have
health below 25% then they will be killed upon hitting the ground.

You can combine the Bucking Bronco Trap with the Devil’s Kiss Trap to make
floating Fire Balls which do additional damage.

Shock Jockey

This is the most useful Vigor in the game and is the best one too. Shock Jockey
is useful against all kinds of enemies who will be shocked and stunned for a
period of time depending on the kind of enemy. It is very very effective
against all enemis – especailly mechanical enemies but not so effective on

While stunned, Enemies take double damage when shot at or are hit, The Trap is
extremely useful in all situations – so make sure you are using the trap
ability. You can blanket an entire area with the Shock Traps since it has low
salt cost – so this will be perfect in areas with a lot of enemies.

You can combine this with Possession to create a walking Tesla Coil…

You can combine the trap with Murder of Crows trap to create electric crows…

You can combine this with Undertow to make extreme amounts of damage…

You can upgrade this with Gear which will allow multiple enemies to be hit or
you can buy an upgrade which will arc the shock to multiple enemies each time.


This is another useful Vigor which will make Booker ram into enemies with
great force. You can ram into or get closer to enemies who are far away and who
may not be on level ground also.

This is a useful Vigor for making Melee Kills along with the Vampire Boots
which give health when you melee kill an enemy. use Charge to get close to
enemies and resume the Melee hitting till they are killed…


Undertow is the water ability Vigor in the game. It can be used to throw
enemies around the battle field and if you are fighting outdoors you can throw
enemies off the Columbia sky to their death. This can also be used to pull
enemies close to you (which can late be upgraded to pull multiple enemies close
to you) and once they get near, you can use a weapon doing spash damage like
Shotguns or RPGs etc… or you can make Vigor Traps and pull the enemies onto
the traps which will deal great amounts of damage.

Combine this with Shock Jockey to deal massive amounts of damage…

Return to Sender

You will find this in a secret room in the Salty Oyster (refer to Walkthrough
for more details….)

This is another useful Vigor which when the button is hit will cause a field
to come ahead of you which absorbs all damage for a few seconds. If you hold
down the button then an orange field is created and all the enemy ammo which is
fired at you will be collected and once you release the button, the orange ball
is sent back to them which will deal a lot of damage.

You can upgrade this to decrease the amount of salts consumed (this ability
uses the most salts which holding the button) and also you can collect the
ammo which is shielded and is added to your own inventory.

This can be useful against heavy hitters like Patriots where you can collect
their firepower in the field and throw it back at them. So you can use this
as an excellent Defence and Offensive tool…