Warhammer 40,000: Carnage Walkthrough [Guide]

The land of Mithra is a planet filled with danger, but that should pose no problem to you as a Space Marine. Armed with different types of weaponry and gear, you will embark on a mission unlike any other, and you will be facing countless enemies that will require superior fighting skills and even better equipment. This installment in the very popular Warhammer 40,000 series will definitely be engaging for fans of the sidescrolling hack and slash genre, and players will surely enjoy the various customizations that can be done.

Take up your arms and do your Battle Brothers proud with Warhammer 40,000: Carnage, and don’t forget to read through this guide in order to go through your quest in as brutal a way as possible.

Warhammer 40,000: Carnage is a sidescrolling platformer and hack-and-slash game wherein players take control of a Space Marine as he goes from one end of the level to another. There are enemies to destroy using either melee or range based weapons, as well as other obstacles to navigate. Players can use collected loot to purchase new weapons and gear that can be used to change your Marine’s appearance as well as boost his attributes like attack and defense. Players would also gain access to different consumable items that can have beneficial effects such as replenishing your health or dealing high damage to a large area of enemies.

The game is mainly focused towards character customization, as Carnage features hundreds of different items that may be equipped and upgraded. Players can try out which combinations suit them best in order to keep up with the tougher enemies and more challenging missions ahead.

Silver and gold are the two main currencies within the game. Silver can be used to purchase Wargear as well as upgrade them, while gold is used to buy premium items and may also be used as a substitute for the former. Silver is earned as loot from completing missions, with the rewards being greater the more stars you earn and the harder the difficulty setting. On the other hand, gold can be earned by getting a set number of stars, among others, although the best way to get this resource is by buying them outright using real money. Gold, however, is a very optional purchase as you can get through the game through regular gameplay and a little bit of grinding.

Leveling Up
As players destroy enemies, they will earn experience points. Earning XP is important as this will cause your Space Marine to level up, and will in turn increase his base attributes, health chief among them. Players will also get to have their health bar completely replenished, which is very important as health packs come very rarely and you might need a lot of health especially when facing bosses within the game.

Controls within the game are very simple. Players can move left and right, although players cannot go back to the previous screen. They can also jump, as well as attack using either ranged or melee weapons. At the top of the screen, players would also be able to access consumable items if they are available.  Lastly, players can defend against attacks and absorb less damage by using the block button. The performance and effectiveness of both offensive and defensive actions will depend on the gear that your Space Marine has currently equipped.

Players would also be able to get different types of Wargear which would boost your Marine’s natural abilities. These can range from weapons such as chainswords and boltguns, jump packs that will grant your character to do jump attacks, armor and shields that will be able to block damage, and many more. Some Wargear may also be equipped and would grant additional offensive or defensive benefits.

There are also consumable items like health packs as well as items that will give their players increased damage for a limited period of time. Most of these may be acquired as pickups during the game. For Wargear, most equipment must be purchased using either silver or gold, and these currencies may also be used to upgrade your gear, making them stronger and more effective. Players can swap as well as mix and match gear in order to see which combinations work best for them. Unused gear may then be scrapped in exchange for silver.

Players can participate in different missions, and they can win up to three stars for each stage, depending on their total score. Making combos will earn players additional points, but wounds incurred during battle will be deducted against your total score. Stars earned will allow players to earn rewards such as gold and even Wargear.

Stages, once completed, will open up new difficulty settings where in players must complete additional objectives aside from just finishing the mission. This will add new challenges for the level in addition to increased rewards, and would require players to improve their gear as well as their strategy in order to complete the required parameters.

Social Function
Warhammer 40,000: Carnage also has a social function where in players can add friends and go on Fireteam missions for mutual rewards. The game also promises a Company feature, but this is not available as of the moment. Mostly, social functions serve as ways for players to do missions cooperatively, or to participate in timed events for bigger prizes. Thus, make sure to add and invite friends once these features become available.