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Enchant U for iOS and Android: How to get more Noble Coins and Wicked Coins

In Enchant U for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and the Android OS, there are two different types of currency in the game. There are noble coins and wicked coins. As expected, they are earned based on if you do something noble or wicked, and each one buys a different set of clothing (each item of clothing costs either noble coins or wicked coins to buy). Read on to find out how to get more of both of them!

To get more noble coins, do one of the “noble” quests (the ones that require you to have a certain noble clothing score in order to do). Whether you choose the noble route or the wicked route for completing it, you’ll earn noble coins as a bonus at the end. However, if you choose the noble route for completing it, then you’ll earn noble coins inside the quest, too.

To get more wicked coins, likewise, do one of the “wicked” quests (the ones that require you to have a certain wicked clothing score in order to do). Whether you choose the noble route or the wicked route for completing it, you’ll earn wicked coins as a bonus at the end. However, if you choose the wicked route for completing it, then you’ll earn wicked coins inside the quest, too.

If you do choose the wicked route for a noble quest, or the noble route for a wicked quest, you can even increase your total of noble coins and wicked coins at the same exact time. In addition, each time that you collect the login bonus (once a day), you’ll either get free noble coins or get free wicked coins (except on the fifth day in a row, where you’ll get free gems).

If you don’t have a high enough noble score or wicked score to do any quests, then go to the “crushes” menu and go on dates with your boyfriend. Take either the noble route or the wicked route, depending on which coins you need more, and whether you need wicked or noble clothing items in order to do your next quest.

The complete guide to Enchant U!