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How to play Lords & Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iOS, part 2: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

In part 1 of the Lords and Knight’s beginner’s walkthrough, we told you that you could train soldiers in the arsenal. Spearmen, of course, come first, but the key to unlocking the stronger and more advanced troops is in your library. Start doing all of the research which pertains to unlocking new soldiers, and upgrade the library when you run out of research to do. You can also do research here which allows you to upgrade the farm as high as level 30.

Soldiers who are currently stationed at your castle can be left there to defend when you get attacked, or they can be sent out on jobs via the tavern. Go there and you’ll see a list of jobs that you’re able to do, which have varying requirements on what kind and how many troops that you need to send out, but will also bring you back resources as a reward. Upgrade the tavern to expand the job list.

Soldiers can also be sent out on both attacking raids and spy missions. To send them on either one, hit the map button and tap on a castle, and hit either Spy or Attack. Spy will allow you to send a batch of soldiers over acting as secret agents, and as long as they have enough copper to do so, they will bring you back info on enemy strengths and defenses, resources, and other good stuff that you need to plan your attack. Hit attack, and you can chose which and how many troops to send over to an enemy location. Send more than enough to beat the enemy, just to be on the safe side.

Library research is required in order to unlock soldiers that currently can’t be trained. Look next to the soldier’s name in order to see what research you need to do to open them up to join your ranks.

While soldiers are working or fighting, they can’t defend your castle, so upgrade your fortifications to defend yourself. Each fortification upgrade will add 50 defense points to your city (except for the first upgrade which adds 40) so you start off with 10 defense but by level 10, you are up to 500 defense, which makes a HUGE difference in winning or losing battles.

More on fighting, and advanced resources (copper, silver, gold) and more in part 3 of the Lords and Knights beginning tutorial.