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Guide to Alien Hotel for iOS: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Alien Hotel is a new hotel building game by Tap Monkey, makers of games such as Island Zoo. This one, of course, has you building a hotel full of aliens, loading it with all different sorts of rooms for your aliens to live in, as well as decorations and other assorted rooms. You can feed them food to level them up (thus earning you more coins per alien), find spouses for your aliens, and then get your aliens to have kids. You can even crossbreed multiple aliens to get brand new ones. Read on for some tips and tricks for Alien Hotel!

With a lot of the rooms that you build in the game, it takes quite awhile before they finish getting build, and you can open them up. To make the time go by much quicker, simply set the time on your phone or tablet ahead by however much time you need to finish, and then go back to the game and “open” the room up.

For example, if something takes 2 hours to finish, set the time ahead on the phone by 2 hours, or if something takes 24 hours to finish, set the phone ahead by 1 day. After you open the room, you can go back to the settings, set the date and time back to normal and then go back to the room.

Once you do this everything will still be there. However, if you don’t open the room before setting the time back to normal, the unfinished room will be back under construction again, back at the same point in time that it was before you changed the time in the game.

The same is true for collecting coins from any room when it takes awhile to for the room to produce the coins for you to collect, or for cafes when they are producing food for you to feed the aliens. You can set the time ahead, go back to the game and collect everything that you want to collect.