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MLB Full Deck for iOS: How to get more Energy and Stamina

MLB Full Deck is a game where you can play through entire seasons of baseball using your favorite team, and play against your friends and completely random strangers and their teams, putting your team to the test. In order to play innings in the games during a regular season, you need energy. If you want to play games in versus mode, you need stamina for your players. Unfortunately, both of them tend to run out extremely quickly. Read on to find out how to get more energy and stamina, so you can play for longer periods of time!

The first two ways to get more energy are fairly obvious. You can wait for energy to refill simply by sitting there and waiting. It will refill whether the app is open or not, so you can always go play another game during this time, or do something else. In addition, if you gain an experience level, you will get a full energy refill.

You can get a full energy refill as well by using a Team Energy Refill from the items menu. There are two ways to get a team energy refill. One way is to buy it using Diamonds, but you also have a random chance at winning a team energy refill during regular-season games, as a reward for winning a game, although it doesn’t happen often.

Stamina is the same way as energy. The most obvious way to get more is to wait it out. Unfortunately, though, you don’t get an instant refill if you gain a level, unlike with energy.

It is easier to get the items which can restore stamina, however. The player stamina refill costs 5 diamonds, and it’s 50 diamonds for the team stamina refill. In addition, if you connect to Facebook and add friends under the Social menu (or add them without using Facebook), you can send gifts back and forth, which includes being able to send player stamina refills back and forth to each other. The more of them that you add, the more chances you have to receive free stamina refill power-ups.