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Guide to Defense Warrior RibbitRibbit Plus for iOS: tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Defense Warrior RibbitRibbit Plus is a new defense game for the iPhone and other iOS devices, in which you have been placed into the middle of a war between the frogs and the snakes. You, of course, are the frogs, and you’ll come up against nearly endless armies of snakes, going through levels and earning a star rating depending on how you do – and of course, earning a whole bunch of coins and buying a bunch of upgrades and equipment while you’re at it. Read on for some tips and tricks for Defense Warrior RibbitRibbit Plus!

The way the leaves (lilypads) work is that if they are green, they will earn you frog food, which allows you to summon frogs, but if they are blue, they will earn mana which will allow you to use magic spells. Turn all of your lilypads to green for most of the game, except leave one or two blue ones, so that you can get a steady stream of frogs going as quickly as possible. Only much later in each round should you be adding more blue lilypads.

There will be room for more and more green lilypads depending on how many frogs you have unlocked, as well. For example, if you only have the sword frog, then the green lilypads will become redundant very quickly. However, if you have the sword frog, archer frog, and a host of other attack frogs, they will ALL be necessary for quite awhile.

Try to line the frogs up row by row, starting with the first row that a snake appears in. Line them up at the back rows first, and if you have powerful enemies coming at you, such as snakes in spear armor, then double-team those rows. Make sure to use plenty of coins between rounds to upgrade your pre-existing frogs so that they can take out enemies much more quickly.

In addition, save up your skill points and your magic skill points for those skills which cost more than one, and thus tend to be more effective. For your skill points, one of the best skills is the first one on the list (starting a level with more lilypads) which costs 3 skill points just to activate.