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NFL Shuffle for iOS: How to get more experience points and energy

In NFL Shuffle for the iPhone and other iOS devices, there are two types of experience points. There are those that you get that increase your team’s overall level, and there are those that each of your individual players get that causes their speed, power and other stats to increase. Likewise, there are also two different types of energy. You have versus energy which enables you to play against other players’ teams, and season mode which allows you to progress through the league, working your way through each division until you finally make the playoffs. Read on to find out how to get more of both types of energy and both types of experience!

To get more team experience, simply play more versus games and more season games. Each season or versus game that you play provides a small reward in experience points, and it’s the same whether you win or lose, and it’s also the same whether you play against a new team or against a team which you have already played against.

Individual players can be leveled up by using two methods. Any player who participates in a season or versus game gains experience points at the end of each half (in season mode) or at the end of each game (in versus mode), and if you go into overtime, your players gain additional experience points for that as well. Your players will gradually get stronger as they earn more experience points.

Of course, you can use mentoring to strengthen players MUCH more quickly than you can in the games. You’ll have to sacrifice between one and six other player cards that aren’t in your current lineup in order to mentor a player, but their strength will increase MASSIVELY, especially if you sacrifice six different cards.

To get more energy, you can either wait for it to come back once you use it up, or you can use 100 gold to buy more versus energy or to buy more season energy. Alternatively, if you gain an experience level, you will get an instant refill of experience points.