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NFL Shuffle for iOS: Guide to the Gridiron Competition

One of the most fun parts about NFL Shuffle is participating in the Gridiron competition. This is a competition for rank that pits you against random players and their teams. None of the games that you play cost you energy; instead, you have to use event tickets for them. Read on to find out all of the rules, regulations, and tips and tricks on how to win at the Gridiron Competition in NFL Shuffle for the iPhone!

First of all, if you are trying to play the Gridiron and it tells you that there is an error, that means that you need to update your game, so if you want to play the Gridiron, go to the app store immediately and download the latest update to the game.

Anyways, you play these games using the event tickets that you earn throughout the game. You earn them from silver balls and from gold balls when you are playing the regular season and the versus mode games, from the silver and gold balls that you pick up. As you play the Gridiron, you also win more of them based on both your points and your drive.

Each Gridiron game, as previously stated, requires that you spend one event ticket to play. You can also play in “no huddle” mode for three event tickets, which will multiply every one of your players’ stats by x1.5. Wait for awhile before playing this (go through about half of the rookie regular season, and mentor your players accordingly to power them up) and you won’t even need the no huddle for quite awhile.

If you win a game, you earn points, and each time you pass a certain point milestone, you’ll earn a whole bunch of prizes. These will range from even more event tickets to silver and gold card packs, and even medium and high grade player cards as you advance up the ranks.

Click here to continue on to part 2 of the NFL Shuffle Gridiron guide!