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Celtic Tribes for iOS: How to get more bronze, silver and magic potions

Xyrality’s third game series is much like its last two (Lords & Knights and Crazy Tribes) in that you have three different forms of “premium currency” to collect, all of which have important uses in the game. Bronze is needed in order to spy on other enemy villages – without enough bronze, the spy mission will fail. Silver is needed to outright take over an enemy village. Potions can buy you goodies such as being able to construct more than 2 upgrades at a time on buildings. Here’s how to get more of all three of these.

To get more bronze, you have to trade for it in the marketplace. Your barter items will be your three main resources (wood, clay and ore), and you’ll start off trading at a ratio of 6 of your other resources for 1 bronze. You’ll also need troops to carry this out. Upgrade the marketplace both to improve your ratios, and to unlock the ability to train horse-drawn carts and ox carts, which will MAJORLY speed up how quickly you can trade for bronze.

Silver is traded for in the same way, but in the chief’s house, rather than in the marketplace. The initial ratio will be 95 resources for 1 silver, although this improves in your favor by 5 every time you upgrade the chief’s house. Just like above, you’ll need a good deal of ox carts, horse carts or troops to do your trades, but even moreso than above. Troops just won’t cut it unless you have MASSIVE amounts of them available.

If you are in a tribe, trade with your tribe members. You can trade bronze for silver, or silver for bronze, or combinations of resources for whatever you need, and these are trades that you can’t pull off in the marketplace or the chief house. You can also pool resources with members of your tribe for raids or for conquering other villages if you need to.

There is only one way to get more magic potions, however, and that is to buy them through the app store as a “freemium” purchase. Go to your profile to do this, and select a package. This will cost anywhere between 99 cents and 50 dollars depending on how many magic potions you want to buy. The more you spend, the bigger the discount.