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How to play Bread Kittens for iOS: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Usually, games that are based off of strange internet memes don’t really do very well, but Bread Kittens, which is ENTIRELY based off of goody 4chanesque caturday memes, is a pretty friggin’ good game. Picture a game sort of like Monster Galaxy, but with nothing but cats, and you have the right idea. You catch cats by “breading” them, equip them with various forms of bread to increase their stats (no, I’m not joking, this is a real game), and try to catch as many cats of as many different breeds as possible.

The game starts off with you battling a few other cats in the early Peris stage, with the ginger cat giving you instructions. The ginger is your first cat breed, and is one of the “common” breeds, which is the lowest rarity. Rare cats include the uncommon, rare, very rare and unique breeds, all of which you can see the full list of by hitting the Kitten Dojo button (the button with your three current cars).

You can have up to three cats in your party, but you’ll doubtlessly catch more than three cats. The way to decide who you want in your party should be to check out the base statistics on your kittens. Tap one of them and you’ll see their attack, health and speed all ranked in stars, as well as their overall hit points. Sometimes a more common cat will have better base statistics than a rarer cat, so you can’t just look at rarity to choose your cats.

Anyways, before you even catch another cat you have to actually battle, so tap on one of the battlegrounds in whatever level you’re in at the time (let’s use Peris, just for argument’s sake) and you’ll go and battle another kitten. Your attack bar will be on the bottom of the screen, and the timer will stop in either the bronze, silver or gold, depending on when you hit the screen to stop the bar. You want to try and stop it in the gold, because your “rating” for a stage will be based upon the attacks that you execute. All golds will get you three stars, bronze one star, and silver two star.

More on the details of battling in the next segment of the Bread Kittens beginner’s walkthrough.