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Spartan Wars for iOS and Android: Attack Guide: How to plunder and bloodbath opposing cities and achieve victory

So defending your city is certainly important, but attacking other cities is a hell of a lot more fun, and is a great way to get more resources. Your attacks can either end in victory or defeat, and the victories earn you such fun things as more resources, artifacts which you can use to work towards a second city, or even new god cards and other fun bonuses. This, of course, requires actually winning in the first place, so read on to learn how to do just that.

First, the basics, which is simply to build up the size and the power of your army. Do it as quickly as possible. Upgrade your barracks, research all of the new technologies that you can in the arms center, and train more and more troops. Once you get a second city, use both of your cities to train double the number of troops. Then, when you want to attack, send the second city’s troops to the first city, then send all of them to your destination.

But, just as important as the number of troops, is playing to your advantages against other players. Find out what the opponent’s weakness is by scouting, to find out what troops they have. Send in the following combinations: Swords against axes, axes against spears and spears against swords (this goes for horsemen and infantry). Send archers against infantry and cavalry against archers. Train battering rams at the wall in order to attack and destroy enemy defenses.

Pick your god cards wisely, and level up your god cards so that they dole out even more damage or defend your troops even more powerfully. Don’t ever fight a battle without having a god card leading the way. Also, you need to raise their morale and happiness, or their power will be rendered completely ineffectual in battle. Happiness can be raised by paying them gold, and morale can be raised by winning battles or by paying pearls.

Finally, there are a number of power ups that you can buy in the item menu with pearls as well, or by winning critical hit multipliers in the Misty Cave.