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How to play Spartan Wars for iOS and Android, part 2: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Back in part 1 of the Spartan Wars beginner’s guide we got into talking about resource buildings, which are the primary ways of building up your city. However, they are just one of the many components that make up the meat of the game, and that gives it the complexity that its fans so desire out of it.

The first such of these are the god cards. The god cards represent various actual gods of Greek mythology, and they can be anywhere from 1 star to 4 stars in rarity. Of course, the more rare that they are, the more powerful that they will be. You can do one of two things with each god card. The first thing that you can do is worship them, which will cause you to earn a bonus outside of battle, such as faster resource acquisition.

When you go into battle against another player, you can choose any one of the non-worshipped god cards to lead you into battle. They will earn you a battle bonus, such as doing a set amount of damage to the enemy, boosting each of your troops, or damaging each of your enemy’s troops. You can also level up each of your god cards by using faith, which you win after either plundering or being plundered by another player. Each time a god card levels up, both its combat bonus and its non-combat bonus will become more powerful (I.E. higher percentage of bonus in resources, or more damage done to enemies).

Now, onto the battles. You can train troops in two places: the wall and the barracks. The troops that you train in the barracks will have specific advantages and disadvantages. The defenses that you can train in the wall have specific advantages. This means opposing troops and defenses that they are strong against or weak against (for example, infantry is weak against archers). The one troop that can be trained in the wall, which can actually move with your attacking armies, is the battering ram, which decimates opposing defenses.

More on battles and whatnot in part 3 of the Spartan Wars beginner’s guide.