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Guide to Rivals at War for iOS and Android, part 2: More tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Back in part 1 of the Rivals at War tips and tricks guide we discussed some of the most basic, yet most helpful tips, such as how to get free energy whenever you run out, or good ways to spend your coins. But in actually playing the card battles, there are some other things that you should know in order to maximize the effectiveness of your rounds of battle.

One of these things is when to play the regular campaign, and when to pay the veteran campaign. Both of these can reward you handsomely, but depending on what experience level you are at, it becomes much more difficult to win, or much easier. The regular campaign will match you and your competitors up by what rank (experience level) you’re at, making this the better round to play when you are lower in levels.

However, the veteran’s campaign will match you and your opponent up completely randomly. This means that no matter what level that you are at, you could play against a weak, low level player or a strong, high level player, so of course, the higher your level, the more of a chance that you have of victory, and you don’t have to try and artificially hold back your experience level in order to succeed at this one.

Use your stat boost cards judiciously. Try to avoid using them on regular, standard cards, and wait until you have more powerful cards so that you can make them even more powerful. Using them on bronze player cards is good, but using them on silver and gold cards is even better.

To win easily at the regular campaign, if you have just started playing the game you should spend your early time watching videos so that you can earn enough coins to buy multiple bronze card packs. Then, once you have two or three (at least) bronze soldiers, start playing the regular campaign for easy wins. Win bucks easily this way, and use the bucks to buy silver card packs, so that you can add silver players and consolidate your power.