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Rivals at War for iOS and Android: How to get more bronze, silver, and elite cards

In Rivals at War, there are four different tiers of cards. The standard cards are the ones that you begin with, but they’re also the weakest and the least effective in all cases (except, of course, for uniform cards, which don’t affect your war performance one way or the other). The higher tier player cards will increase your team’s ratings massively, while the higher tier tactics cards will greatly strengthen you in war, while the high tier tour of duty cards will add more of them to your soldiers’ repertoire. Read on for tips on how to get more of all of them!

You can get more bronze cards of all types from the bronze card packs, which can be purchased with 600 coins apiece. You’ll mostly still earn standard cards through that particular pack, but about a third of your cards will be bronze. With this, and all of the card packs, it doesn’t matter which of the packs you pick in the pack select screen as it is totally random either way. There is no chance for elite cards with this pack.

Silver packs will earn you bronze cards at a minimum, but many of the cards you earn will be silver. They will earn you silver soldiers, tours, skill perks, uniforms, patches, skill editions, and tactics. They even have a small chance of earning elite cards for you.

The “soldiers” pack will earn you silver soldiers, at minimum, with a good chance of elite soldiers in that pack. The elite tactics, elite skills, elite tours and elite soldiers packs will earn you nothing but elite versions of all of those cards.

Premium cards can also be one for doing other things, such as winning a regular campaign or a veteran campaign (or placing high in each of these campaigns, even if you do not win). You can also use the free bucks that you earn from the campaigns and the daily bonuses and put them to use in earning more cards.