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Iron Man 3 (iOS/Android): How to get free ISO-8 and Stark Credits

The movie isn’t even out yet, but Iron Man 3, the game, is out and it’s one of the most popular games on both the Apple App Store and Google Play. It’s an endless flyer, which is notoriously difficult to work a story into, but GameLoft has done a bang up job at it. There are two forms of currency in the game. Stark Credits are the primary currency of the game, while ISO-8 is the premium currency of the game. Read on to find out how to get more of both for free!

To get more Stark Credits, try to get as far as you can each time that you play. Generally, the farther that you get, the more Stark Credits that you’ll collect on the way. If you try to hard to concentrate on going for the Stark Credits right off the bat, then you might miss various obstacles and end up crashing into them and cutting your run short.

In addition, completing the various quests that you come across is a quick way to earn Stark Credits. You’ll earn 250 Credits apiece whenever you complete one of the quests. You have three quests at a time that you can accomplish, and each one that you finish will cause one more quest to be unlocked on the next round for you.

There are two ways to get free ISO-8. One is to gain experience levels, as you will get one free ISO-8 whenever you gain a level. In addition, every time that you complete one of the “trophies”, you’ll earn even more free ISO-8.

The second way is to do the free offers for ISO-8. To find them, go to the ISO-8 purchasing screen, which is the plus sign next to the ISO-8 icon. Tap it, and then hit the “GET FREE ISO-8” button and you’ll pull up a Tapjoy offer wall. Most of them will be free; some of them will require you to pay. Go to and you’ll find even more offers for free ISO-8, all of which will be free.