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Dead Ahead (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide, part 2 – More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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Some goals in the game will involve you making a huge zombie kill combo in order to pass the objective. To make a huge zombie kill combo, first, slow down enough so that a group of zombies begins chasing you. Then, pass through a group of stationary zombies, and start jiggling your bike back and forth so that you cause the running zombies to smash into the other zombies. They will all rapidly be killed. Kill all of the leftover ones with whatever gun you’re using. Shotguns work the best for large combos because they can kill multiple zombies with just one shot.

To make it happen with the shotgun, when a zombie begins chasing you, slowly speed up gradually so that the lead zombie is running just behind you, but you aren’t running any faster than he is. Only increase your speed when you need to keep the lead zombie off your back. Wait for other zombies to pop up behind it, until at least 5 of them appear. Then blast them all at the same time with one shell from the shotgun.

Pick up every single power up that you come across, especially when you either are being chased by the boss, or you know the boss is about to show up. The quad ammo power up and the infinite ammo power up lead you to kill the boss FAR more quickly.

However, drag out the boss battle if your bike is fast enough to escape him without him getting to you. Let him run behind you for awhile and simply rack up an insane distance. When the boss is on the screen, less cars, roadblocks and stationary zombies will show up, not to mention that if you run into the area where the second boss is supposed to appear, the second boss simply won’t appear. Run the boss into cars and other objects to slow him down extra.

Since the bosses are the hardest part of the game, buy the more powerful weapons before spending your coins upgrading on bikes. Weapons will make far more of a difference simply because they will kill the boss more quickly.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the Dead Ahead tips and tricks guide!