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Dead Ahead (iOS app): How to get more Coins

Dead Ahead is a zombie shooting side-scrolling endless runner game with some cool retro 16 bit style visuals. Your goal is to ride as far as you can through the apocalyptic zombie wasteland, kill as many zombies and zombie bosses as you can, and upgrade your motorcycles and weaponry so you can do it all over again, except even further. Coins are the only currency in the game, and while you earn quite a few coins as you go, you simply don’t quite earn enough most of the time. If you want to earn more, though, then read on!

The single fastest way to earn coins in the game is to complete the three mission objectives as quickly as possible. You have three at a time, and while each individual one won’t earn you a bonus, you’ll earn hundreds or thousands of coins (depending on your rank) when you finish all three of them, with the number increasing with every set of three.

Also, complete the daily objectives before the day is done. The daily objective is one single objective, and if you pause the game while you are playing you will be able to see it on the pause menu. Once you beat it, you will unlock another objective the next day. If you don’t, the new objective still shows up the next day and the old one will be gone for good.

Of course, your performance in each round determines how many coins you will earn for each round. Get more coins in each round by going a longer distance, lasting a longer amount of time, killing more zombies, and racking up the highest zombie killing combo that you can. All of these factors combine to determine the amount of coins that you earn. So improve your weaponry and your motorcycles in order to earn more coins by going farther and killing more zombies.

Of course, you can also buy more coins in the app store. To do this, hit the plus sign next to your coins counter, and you can spend anywhere between 1 dollar and 10 dollars on various coin packages.