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Dead Ahead FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Dead Ahead beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide!

You earn coins, which are the game’s currency, for playing a round in the game. The amount of coins that you earn depends on how far you go, how long you last, how many zombies you kill, your maximum combo and your maximum speed (how fast you accelerate – can be gauged using the speedometer in the upper right corner of the screen). What stage you play determines how many coins you earn, as well.

As you complete objectives, your rank increases, which will allow you to unlock new bikes to buy, new weapons to buy, and new stages to play in. You start off at rank one, and each rank has three objectives that you must complete before you increase to rank 2. As you rank up, the challenge get tougher and tougher, but the toughest ones are the multiples of 5, because when you hit a multiple of 5, you unlock an entirely new stage to play.

Each objective must be completed in one single round (such as killing 20 zombies in one round) – they can’t be spread out over round. You can knock out each objective one at a time in one round apiece, though. Not only do you rank up when you complete the three objectives, but you earn a large quantity of bonus coins, as well.

There are also daily challenges, which usually involve killing a certain number of total zombies. These will earn you bonus coins, though not quite as much as the daily challenges. You get one daily challenge per day. Once you complete a daily challenge, you have to wait until the next day for a new one, and if you don’t complete it before the day is up, you won’t earn anything for that day.

Every thousand meters or so in the game, you’ll come across a zombie boss. Regular zombies will chase you and give up eventually, and take only one shot to kill. Zombie bosses, however, are huge, dumb-looking zombies who take MANY shots to kill, and will run after you, jumping over any obstacle in their way, and slamming the ground. You can’t accelerate away from them, because they match your speed. When they pound the ground, though, you’ll accelerate away from them, and if you hit a zombie or a roadblock and slow down all at once, they’ll run ahead of you.

Click here to continue on to part three of the Dead Ahead beginner’s guide!