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Ninja Wrath (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Ninja Wrath is a new beat-em-up for the iPhone and iPod Touch that, in the days of sixteen bit systems, would have been referred to as a “Final Fight Clone”. Not only is it an experience that fans of that style of game will relish, but its speed and jumping attacks take it to a different level. You play a ninja who is fighting endless hordes of ninjas and samurai, for seemingly no reason whatsoever, but it makes for a fun and very difficult game. Stuck? Read on for some tips and tricks for Ninja Wrath!

The plain old ninjas should easily be killed by simply tapping on the attack button over and over, which will allow you to unleash combo attacks on them. To make the biggest combo possible, group about three or four of them together and tap the attack button over and over, to hit all of them with the same combo attack. Make sure to collect every single coin that drops, because they won’t automatically be collected.

Flying ninjas and other flying enemies are a little bit tougher. You have a few options here. Your best bets are to jump and then unleash a midair combo, or to swipe upward for a dash attack, which uses chakra. Or, jump up and swipe back down for a downward slash. If you need to kill them quickly, though, let the ground ninjas hit you (and you hit them) until you get the ninja magic, and then unleash it on all of the flyers at once.

The ninja magic, previously mentioned, is an attack that will automatically do massive damage to all enemy ninjas. The button at the top center of the screen unleashes it, but you have to fill it up first, by getting hit or by hitting other ninjas.

To beat the bosses and other tough characters, slow down your game and don’t try to win as quickly. Wait for them to come at you (or wait for another similar weak time), then do a left or right dash attack straight through them, avoiding them and damaging them at the same time. Stop frequently for a super quick partial chakra recharge (done by holding the attack button). Alternatively, simply buy massive amounts of shuriken and shoot them over and over to finish them off quicker. Buy (or win) one of the special rings if it will give you an advantage, such as avoiding poison or being strong against an element.

When upgrading your weapon, stop the bar just before you get to the center red line, not right in it. The bar slips a bit right as you stop, so if you stop it before the center red line, it will end up slipping to just in the line.