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Global Threat Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Global Threat is a new iPhone and iPad strategy game by Tap4fun, the company behind King’s Empire and Spartan Wars. This game puts you into a war torn version of the real world, and you get to choose your region (such as Los Angeles, Mexico City, Tokyo or many other large cities around the world), start up your own stronghold in the local area, and then try to take over as much of the surrounding area as possible. You can start unions to join wars and attempt to take on the disciples at the capital, even. Read on for some tips and tricks for Global Threat!

Start your game on the oldest server possible if you want to have an easy time, because old servers are absolutely loaded with abandoned strongholds. Abandoned strongholds are very good for farming so that you can raid tons of resources, and steal outlying resource-production areas from others. However, you won’t find too many newer players here, so if you want to have the most active alliances possible, join the newer servers.

Once you get to a certain point in the game it becomes almost useless to continue upgrading your fuel and steel buildings – and later on, your titanium, worlfram and copper buildings. Leave them at a lower level because it makes you look like you don’t have many resources, which makes you someone that other players won’t want to attack as often.

Upgrade the storage units where you store them, such as the banks and warehouses, but save your quest rewards and use them when you need to spend resources, and get resources by raiding other players and other strongholds, and other NPC-controlled strongholds such as those run by the Disciples.

It takes a very powerful Union (this game’s version of the alliance) to take power away from the disciples, but it can be done. Power up your union and fill it with as many active members as possible, and make sure that the members of your alliance are constantly upgrading their own troops and powering up. Once your alliance is powerful enough, declare war on the capital at city hall, and there’s a chance you can win and end up ruling your entire region.