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The Drowning Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

The Drowning is a new first person shooter game for the iPhone and iPad, which is also on it’s way to Android in the very near future. The Drowning features console quality graphics, along with innovative control schemes, but the main point is the shooting – your goal is to kill monsters made of oil, and other assorted bad guys, as well as to defend your various bases from them. You play attack and defense rounds, and depending on your score for each round you’ll get a grade between 1 and 5 stars. Read on for the WriterParty tips and tricks guide for The Drowning!

The main control scheme uses a mode where you tap to go where you want, and tap with two fingers at a time to target enemies (with the target appearing right in between the two places that you tap. The other control scheme is more traditional FPS-like, with a simulated joystick and single tap aiming and shooting, but the alternative control scheme makes it MUCH easier to aim as well as to shoot on the run.

You have three main types of currency in the game – Black, Gas and Flares. Black helps you craft new weapons, gas gets you from one location to the other and flares earn you more rewards at the end of the round. You can get those same rewards at the end of the round without having to spend flares, though – if you get a 5-star score, you’ll earn the max amount of rewards. Aim for the heads of the oil zombies every time in order to earn the rewards. You get one reward per star that you earn – all that the flares do is fill in the blanks when you get less than five stars.

To get more crafting parts, play the rounds that are the easiest for you to score in as often as possible. In addition, each level has its own set of crafting parts that you can earn at the end of the round, so the more you play the same level the more likely you are to earn more crafting parts.

You need poison in order to chase after the Chlorine Alpha and other monsters. When you fight them, in order to beat them before they escape, find them and then aim ONLY at them, ignoring all of the other oil zombies and focusing solely on the main boss.

Remember that even in the gesture based control mode, you can still swipe from side to side in order to look around. This especially helps in the defense mode, because in defense mode you have three different points of entry that you have to concentrate on.

In the offensive mode, a good strategy is to tap all the way across the stage, then immediately hit the 180 button in order to look backwards at the monsters chasing you. Fire on them as you are moving. Once you kill them all, tap back across the stage, hit the 180 button and do the same thing to the new monsters that are chasing you.